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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

South La Union Campus
Agoo, La Union

Subject: Advance Calculus II

Topic: Partial Derivatives, and Differentiability and the Total Differential
Professor: Dr. Delia V. Eisma
Reporter: Eduard M. Albay

Differentiation of real-valued functions of n variables is reduced to the one-
dimensional case by treating a function of n variables as a function of one variable at a time
and holding the others fixed. This leads to the concept of a partial derivative. We begin with
functions with two variables.

Definition of a Partial Derivative of a Function of Two Variables

Let f be a function of two variables, x and y. the partial derivative of f with
respect to x is that function, denoted by D1f, such that its function value at any point (x,y)
in the domain of f is given by
f ( x + ∆x, y ) − f ( x, y )
D1f(x,y) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x

if this limit exists. Similarly, the partial derivative of f with respect to y is that function
denoted by D2f, such that its function value at any point (x,y) in the domain of f is given by

f ( x, y + ∆y ) − f ( x, y )
D2f(x,y) = ∆lim
y →0 ∆y
if this limit exists.

The process of computing a partial derivative is called partial differentiation.

D1f is read as “D sub 1 of f,”. and this denotes the function that is the partial
derivative of f with respect to the first variable. D1f(x,y) is read as “D sub 1 of f of x and y,”
and this denotes the function value of D1f at the point (x,y). Other notations for D1f are f1, fx,
∂ f ∂f ( x, y )
and . Other notations for D1f(x,y) are f1(x,y), fx(x,y) and . Similarly, other
∂ x ∂x
notations for D2f are f2, fy, and ; other notations for D2f(x,y) are f2(x,y), fy(x,y) and
∂f ( x, y ) ∂z
. If z = f(x,y), we can write for D1f(x,y). A partial derivative cannot be thought
∂y ∂x
of as a ratio of ∂z and ∂x because neither of these symbols has a separate meaning. You
learned that the notation can be regarded as the quotient of two differentials when y is
a function of the single variable x, but there is no similar interpretation for .

 Example 1. Apply the definition of a partial derivative to compute D1f(x,y) and

D2f(x,y) if
f(x,y) = 3x2 – 2xy + y2.

f ( x + ∆x, y ) − f ( x, y )
D1f(x,y) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x
3( x + ∆x) − 2( x + ∆x) y + y 2 − (3 x 2 − 2 xy + y 2 )
= lim
∆x →0 ∆x
3 x 2 + 6 x∆x + 3(∆x) 2 − 2 xy − 2 y∆x + y 2 − 3 x 2 + 2 xy − y 2 )
= lim
∆x →0 ∆x

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6 x∆x + 3( ∆x) 2 − 2 y∆x
= lim
∆x →0 ∆x
= ∆lim (6 x + 3∆x − 2 y )
x →0
= 6x – 2y

f ( x, y + ∆y ) − f ( x, y )
D2f(x,y) = ∆lim
x →0 ∆y
3 x 2 − 2 x( y + ∆y ) + ( y + ∆y ) 2 − (3 x 2 − 2 xy + y 2 )
= lim
∆x →0 ∆y
3 x 2 − 2 xy − 2 x∆y + y 2 + 2 y∆y + (∆y ) 2 − 3 x 2 + 2 xy − y 2
= lim
∆x →0 ∆y
− 2 x∆y + 2 y∆y − ( ∆x 2 )
= lim
∆x →0 ∆x
= ∆lim ( −2 x + 2 y + ∆y )
x →0
= -2x + 2y

If (x0,y0) is a particular point in the domain of f, then

f ( x0 + ∆x, y 0 ) − f ( x0 , y 0 )
D1f(x0,y0) = lim (1)
∆x →0 ∆x
if this limit exists, and
f ( x0 , y 0 + ∆y ) − f ( x0 , y 0 )
D2f(x0,y0) = ∆lim (2)
x →0 ∆y
if this limit exists.

• Illustration 1. We apply formula (1) to find D1f(3,-2) for the function f of example 1.

f (3 + ∆x,−2) − f (3,−2)
D1f(3,-2) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x

3(3 + ∆x) 2 − 2(3 + ∆x)( −2) + (−2) 2 − (27 + 12 + 4)

= lim
∆x →0 ∆x

27 + 18 ∆x + 3(∆x) 2 + 12 + 4∆x + 4 − 43
= lim
∆x →0 ∆x

(18 + 3∆x + 4)
= lim
∆x →0 ∆x
= 22

Alternate formulas to (1) and (2) for D1f(x0,y0) and D2f(x0,y0) are given by

f ( x, y 0 ) − f ( x 0 , y 0 )
D1f(x0,y0) = xlim (3)
→x 0 x − x0
if the limit exists and
f ( x0 , y ) − f ( x0 , y 0 )
D2f(x0,y0) = ylim (4)
→y 0 y − y0
if this limit exists.

• Illustration 2. We apply formula 3 to find D1f(3, -2) for the function f of Example 1

f ( x,−2) − f (3,−2)
D1f(3, -2) = lim
x →3 x −3

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3 x 2 + 4 x + 4 − 43
= lim
x →3 x −3
3x + 4 x + 39
= lim
x →3 x −3
(3 x +13 )( x − 3)
= lim
x →3 x −3
= lim (3 x + 13 )
x →3
= 22

• Illustration 3. In Example 1, we showed that D1f(x,y) = 6x – 2y. Therefore,

D1f(3, -2) = 18 + 4 = 22

This result agrees with those of Illustrations 1 and 2.

Comparing the definition of a partial derivative (12.3.1) with the definition of an

ordinary derivative (2.1.3), we see that D1f(x,y) is the ordinary derivative of f if f is
considered as a function of one variable x (i.e., y is held constant, and D2f(x,y) is the
ordinary derivative of f if f is considered as a function of one variable y (and x is held
constant). So the results in example 1 can be obtained more easily by applying the
theorems for ordinary differentiation if y is considered constant when finding D2f(x,y).

 Example 2. Find fx(x,y) and fy(x,y) if f(x,y) = 3x3 – 4x2y + 3xy2 + sin xy2.

Treating f as a function of x and holding y constant we have

fx(x,y) = 9x2 – 8xy + 3y2 + y2 cos xy2

Considering f as a function of y and holding x constant we have

fx(x,y) = -4x2 + 6xy + 2xy cos xy2

Geometric interpretations of the partial derivatives of a function of two variables are

similar to those of a function of one variable. The graph of a function of f of two variables is
a surface having equation z = f(x,y). if y is held constant (say y = y0), then z = f(x,y0) is an
equation of the trace of this surface in the plane y = y0. The curve can be represented by
the two equations
y = y0 and z = f(x,y) (5)

because the curve is the intersection of these two surfaces.

Then D1f(x0,y0) is the slope of the tangent line to the curve given by (5) at the point
P0(x0,y0, f(x0,y0)) in the plane y = y0. In an analogous fashion, D2f(x0,y0) represents the slope
of the tangent line to the curve having equations

x = x0 and z = f(x,y)

at the point P0 in the plane x = x0.

 Example 3. Find the slope of the tangent line to the curve of intersection of the

z= 24 − x 2 − 2 y 2 with the plane y = 2 at the point (2,2, 3 ) .

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Solution: The required slope is the value of at the point (2,2, 3 ) .
∂z −x
∂x 2 24 − x 2 − 2 y 2

so at (2,2, 3 ) ,
∂z −2 −1
= =
∂x 2 12 2 3

When computing a partial derivative at a particular point, it is sometimes necessary to

apply formulas (1) through (4).

 Example 4. Given
 xy ( x 2 − y 2 )
 if (x,y) ≠ (0,0)
 x2 + y2
f ( x, y ) = 

 0 if (x,y) = (0,0)

show that f1(0,0) = 0 and f2(0,0) = 0.


We compute f1(0,0) from (3) with y0 = 0 and f2(0,0) from (4) with x0 = 0.

f ( x,0) − f (0,0) f (0, y ) − f (0,0)

f1(0,0) = lim f2(0,0) = lim
x →0 x −0 y →0 y −0
0 −0 0 −0
= lim = lim
x →0 x y →0 y
= lim
x →0
0 = lim
y →0
=0 =0

 Example 5. For the function of Example 4, show:

(a)f1(0,y) = -y for all y; (b) f2(x,0) = x for all x.


(a)if y ≠ 0, from (3) (b) if x ≠ 0, from (4),

f ( x, y ) − f (0, y ) f ( x, y ) − f ( x,0)
f1(0,y) = lim f2(x,0) = lim
x →0 x −0 y →0 y −0
xy ( x − y 2 )
xy ( x 2 − y 2 )
−0 −0
= x2 + y2 = x2 + y2
lim lim
x →0 x y →0 y
y( x 2 − y 2 ) x( x − y 2 )

= lim = lim
x →0 x2 + y2 y →0 x2 + y2
− y3 x3
= =
y2 x2
= -y =x

(a)because f1(0,y) = -y if y ≠ 0 and, from Example (4), f1(0,0) = 0, we can conclude that
f1(0,y) = -y for all y.
(b)because f2(x,0) = x if x ≠ 0 and, from Example 4, f2(0,0), then f2(x,0) = x for all x.

We now extend the concept of partial derivative to functions of n variables.

Definition of the Partial Derivative of a Function of n Variables

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Let P(x1, x2,…,xn) be a point in Rn, and let f be a function of the n variables x1, x2,…xn.
Then the partial derivative of f with respect to xk is that function, denoted by Dkf, such that
its function at any point P in the domain of f is given by

f ( x1 , x 2 ,..., x k + ∆x k ,..., x n ) − f ( x1 , x 2 ,..., x n )

Dkf(x1,x2,…,xn) = ∆lim
x →0
k ∆x k
if this limit exists.
In particular, if f is a function of the three variables x, y and z, then the partial
derivatives of f are given by
f ( x + ∆x, y , z ) − f ( x, y , z )
D1f(x,y,z) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x
f ( x, y + ∆y, z ) − f ( x, y , z )
D2f(x,y,z) = ∆lim
y →0 ∆y
f ( x, y, z + ∆z ) − f ( x, y , z )
D3f(x,y,z) = lim
∆z →0 ∆z
if these limits exist.

 Example 6. Given f(x,y,z) = x2y + yz2 + z3, verify that

xf1(x,y,z) + yf2(x,y,z) + zf3(x,y,z) = 3f(x,y,z).


Holding y and z constant we get Holding x and z constant we obtain

f1(x,y,z) = 2xy f2(x,y,z) = x2 + z2

Holding x and y constant, we get f3(x,y,z) = 2yz + 3z2

Therefore: xf1(x,y,z) + yf2(x,y,z) + zf3(x,y,z) = x(2xy) + y(x2 + z2) + z(2yz + 3z2)

= 2x2y + x2y +yz2 + 2yz2 + 3z3
= 3(x2y +yz2 + z3)
= 3f(x,y,z)

If f is a constant function of two variables, then in general D1f and D2f are also
functions of two variables. And if the partial derivatives of these functions exist, they are
also called second partial derivatives of f. In contrast, D1f and D2f are called first partial
derivatives of f. There are four second partial derivatives of a function of two variables. If f
is a function of the two variables x and y, the notations
∂2 f
D2(D1f) D1 2f f1 2 fxy ∂y∂ x
all denote the second partial derivative of f that is obtained by first partial differentiating f
with respect to x and then partial-differentiating the result with respect to y. This second
partial derivative is defined by
f1 ( x, y + ∆y ) − f1 ( x, y )
f1 2(x,y) = ∆lim (7)
y →0 ∆y
if this limit exists. The notations
∂2 f
D1(D1f) D1 1f f1 1 fxx ∂x 2
all denote the second partial derivative of f that is obtained by partial differentiating twice
with respect to x.
We have the definition
f1 ( x + ∆x, y ) − f1 ( x, y )
f1 1(x,y) = lim (8)
∆x →0 ∆x
if this limit exists. The other two second partial derivatives are defined in an analogous way.

f 2 ( x + ∆x, y ) − f 2 ( x, y )
f2 1(x,y) = lim (9)
∆x →0 ∆x

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f 2 ( x, y + ∆y ) − f 2 ( x, y )
f2 2(x,y) = ∆lim (10)
y →0 ∆y
if these limits exist.
The definitions of higher-order partial derivatives are similar. Again there are various
notations for a specific derivative. For example,
∂3 f ∂3 f
D1 1 2f f1 1 2 fx x y
∂y∂ x∂x ∂y∂x 2
all stand for the third partial derivative of f that is obtained by partial-differentiating twice
with respect to x and then once with respect to y. In the subscript notation, the order of
∂3 f
partial differentiation is from left to right; in the notation , the order is from right
∂y∂x∂ x
to left.

 Example 7. Given f(x,y) = ex sin y + ln xy.

∂3 f
Find (a) D1 1f(x,y); (b) D1 2f(x,y); (c)
∂x∂y 2
D1f(x,y) = ex sin y + ( y)
= ex sin y +
(a)D1 1f(x,y) = = ex sin y +
(b)D1 2f(x,y) = ex cos y
∂3 f
(c) To find we partial-differentiate twice with respect to y and then once with
∂x∂y 2
respect to x. We have, then,
∂f 1 ∂2 f 1 ∂3 f
= e x cos y + = −e x
sin y − = −e x sin y
∂y y ∂y 2 y2 ∂x∂y 2

Higher-order partial derivatives of a function of n variables have definitions that are

analogous to the definitions of higher-order partial derivatives of two variables. If f is a
function of n variables, there may be n2 second partial derivatives of f at a particular point.
That is, for a function of three variables, if all the second partial derivatives exist, there are
nine of them:
f1 1, f1 2, f1 3, f2 1, f2 2, f2 3, f3 1, f3 2, and f3 3.
 Example 8. Find D1 3 2f(x,y,z) if f(x,y,z) = sin (xy + 2z)
D1f(x,y,z) = y cos (xy + 2z)
D1 3f(x,y,z) = -2y sin (xy + 2z)
D1 3 2f(x,y,z) = -2 sin (xy + 2z) – 2xy cos (xy + 2z)

 Example 9. Given f(x,y) = x3y – y cosh xy. Find (a) fx y(x,y); (b) fy x(x,y)

Solution (a) fx(x,y) = 3x2y – y2 sinh xy

fx y(x,y) = 3x2 – 2y sinh xy – xy2 cosh xy

(b) fy(x,y) = x3 – cosh xy – xy sinh xy

fy x(x,y) = 3x2 – y sinh xy – y sinh xy – xy2 cosh xy
= 3x2 – 2y sinh xy – xy2 cosh xy

Observed in Example 9 the “mixed” partial derivatives fx y(x,y) and fy x(x,y) are equal.
So for this particular function, when finding the second partial derivative with respect to x
and y, the order of differentiation is immaterial. This condition holds for many functions.
However, the following example shows that it is not always true.

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 Example 10. Find f1 2(0,0) and f2 1(0,0) if
 2
(x − y )
( xy ) 2
 x + y2 if (x,y) ≠ (0,0)
f ( x, y ) = 

 0 if (x,y) = (0,0)


In example 5, we showed that for this function

f1(0,y) = -y for all y and
f2(x,0) = x for all x

From (7),
f 1 (0,0 + ∆y ) − f 1 (0,0)
f1 2(0,0) = ∆lim
y →0 ∆y

But from (11), f1(0,Δy) = -Δy and f1(0,0) = 0; so

− ∆y − 0
f1 2(0,0) = ∆lim
y →0 ∆y
= lim ( −1)
∆y →0

= -1
From (9),
f 2 (0 + ∆x,0) − f 2 (0,0)
f2 1(0,0) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x
From (12), f2(Δx,0) = Δx and f2(0,0) = 0. Therefore
∆x − 0
f2 1(0,0) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x
lim 1
= ∆x →0

For the function in Example 10 the mixed partial derivatives f1 2(x,y) and f2 1(x,y) are
not equal at (0,0). A set of conditions for which f1 2(x0,y0) and f2 1(x0,y0) are equal is given by
Theorem 12.3.3, which follows. The function of example 10 does not satisfy the hypothesis
of this theorem because both f1 2 and f2 1 are discontinuous at (0,0).

12.3.3 Theorem
Suppose that f is a function of two variables x and y defined on an open disk
B((x0,y0);r) and fx, fy,fxy and fyx also are defined on B. Furthermore, suppose that fxy and fyx
are continuous on B. Then
fxy(x0,y0) = fyx(x0,y0).
As a result of this therefore, if the function f of two variables has continuous partial
derivatives on some open disk, then the order of partial differentiation can be changed
without affecting the result; that is,
D1 1 2f = D1 2 1f = D2 1 1f
D1 1 2 2f = D1 2 1 2f = D1 2 2 1f = D2 1 1 2f = D2 1 2 1f = D2 2 1 1f

and so forth. In particular, assuming that all of the partial derivatives are continuous on
some open disk, we can prove that D2 1 1f = D1 1 2f by applying Theorem 12.3.3 repeatedly.
Doing this we have

D2 1 1f = D1(D2 1f) = D1(D1 2f) = D1[D2(D1f)] = D2[D1(D1f)]

= D2(D1 1f = D1 1 2f


We shall define differentiability of functions of more than one variable by means of

an equation involving the increment of a function. To motivate this definition we first obtain

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a representation for the increment of a function of a single variable that is similar to
what will appear in our definition (12.4.2) of differentiability.
Recall from Section 2.1 that f is differentiable function of x and y = f(x), then

f ′(x) = lim
∆x →0 ∆x
where Δx and Δy are increment of x and y and
Δy = f(x + Δx) – f(x)
When │Δx│is small and Δx ≠ 0, Δy/Δx differs from f ′(x) by a small number that depends on
Δx, which we shall denote by є. Thus
є= − f ' ( x) if Δx ≠ 0
where є is a function of Δx. From this equation we obtain
Δy = f ′(x) Δx + є Δx
where є is a function of Δx and є→0 as Δx→0
From the above it follows that if the function f is differentiable at x0, the increment of
f at x0, denoted by Δf(x0), is given by

lim є = 0
Δf(x0) = f ′(x0) Δx + є Δx where ∆x →0

For the functions of two or more variables an equation corresponding to this one is
used to define differentiability. And from the definition we determine criteria for a function
to be differentiable at a point. We give the details for a function of two variables and begin
by defining the increment of such a function.

Definition of an Increment of a Function of Two Variables

If f is a point of two variables x and y, then the increment of f at the point
(x0,y0), denoted by Δf(x0,y0), is given by
Δf(x0,y0) = f(x0 + Δx, y0 + Δy – f(x0,y0)

 Illustration 1. For the function defined by f(x,y) = 3x – xy2

We find the increment of f at any point (x0,y0)

Δf(x0,y0) = f(x0 + Δx, y0 + Δy – f(x0,y0)

= 3(x0 + Δx) – (x0 + Δx)( y0 + Δy)2 – (3x0 – x0y02)
= 3x 0 + 3 Δx – x0y02 – y02 Δx – 2x0y0 Δy – 2 y0 Δx Δy – x0(Δy)2 – Δx(Δy)2 –
3x0 + x0y02
= 3 Δx – y02 Δx – 2x0y0 Δy – 2 y0 Δx Δy – x0(Δy)2 – Δx (Δy)2

12.4.2 Definition of an Increment of a Function of Two Variables

If f is a function of two variables x and y and the increment of f at (x0,y0) can be
written as
Δf(x0,y0) = D1f(x0,y0) Δx + D2f(x0,y0) Δy + є1 Δx + є2 Δy

where є1 and є2 are functions of Δx and Δy such that є1 →0 and є2 →0 as (Δx, Δy)→(0,0), then
f is differentiable at (x0,y0).
 Illustration 2 We use Definition 12.4.2 to prove that the function of 1 is
differentiable at all points in R2. We must show that for all points (x0,y0) in R2 we can find an
є1 and an є2 such that
Δf(x0,y0) = D1f(x0,y0) Δx + D2f(x0,y0) Δy + є1 Δx + є2 Δy

and є1 →0 and є2 →0 as (Δx, Δy)→(0,0).

Because f(x,y) = 3x – xy2,

D1f(x0,y0) = 3 – y02 and D2f(x0,y0) = -2 x0y0

With these values and the value of Δf(x0,y0) from illustration 1,

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Δf(x0,y0) – D1f(x0,y0) Δx – D2f(x0,y0) Δy = –x0(Δy)2 – 2 y0 Δx Δy Δx (Δy)2

The right side of the above equation can be written in the following ways:

[ -2y0 Δy - (Δy)2 ] Δx + (-x0 Δy) Δy

( -2y0 Δy ) Δx + ( - Δx Δy – x0 Δy ) Δy
[ -( Δy)2 ] Δx + (-2y0 Δx – x0 Δy ) Δy
0 ∙ Δx + [ -2y0 Δx – Δx Δy – x0 Δy ]

So there are at least four possible pairs of values for є1 and є2:
є1 = –2y0Δy – (Δy)2 and є2 = –x0 Δy
є1 = –2y0 Δy and є2 = – Δx Δy –x0 Δy
є1 = – (Δy)2 and є2 = –2y0 Δx –x0 Δy
є1 = 0 and є2 = –2y0 Δx – Δx Δy – x0 Δy

For each pair,

lim є1 = 0 lim є2 = 0
( ∆x , ∆y )→( 0 , 0 ) ( ∆x , ∆y )→( 0 , 0 )

Note that it is only necessary to find one pair of values for є1 and є2.

The next theorem states that for a function of two variables, differentiability
implies continuity, just as was the case for a function of single variable.

12.4.3 Theorem
If a function of two variables is differentiable at a point, it is continuous at that

For a function f of a single variable, the existence of the derivative of f at a

number implies differentiability and, therefore, continuity at that number. However, for a
function of two variables the existence of the partial derivatives at a point does not imply
differentiability at that point.

 Example 1. Given  xy

x2 + y2 if (x,y) ≠ (0,0)
f ( x, y ) = 

 0 if (x,y) = (0,0)

prove that D1f(0,0) and D2f(0,0) exist but that f is not differentiable at (0,0).
f ( x,0) − f (0,0) f (0, y ) − f (0,0)
D1f(0,0) = lim D2f(0,0) = lim
x →0 x −0 y →0 y −0
0 −0 0 −0
= lim = lim
x →0 x y →0 y
= lim 0 x →0
= lim 0 y →0

=0 =0
Therefore both D1f(0,0) and D2f(0,0) exist.

In Example 6 of Section 12.2 we demonstrated that for this function

lim f ( x, y ) does not exist; hence f is not continuous at (0,0). Because f is not
( x , y ) →( 0 , 0 )

continuous at (0,0), then Theorem 12.4.3 is not differentiable there.

While the mere existence of the partial derivatives of a function of two variables
at a point does not guarantee differentiability at that point, there are additional conditions
required of the function that provide such a guarantee. These conditions are given in the
following theorem, whose proof appears in the supplement of this section.

12.4.4 Theorem
Let f be a function of x and y such that D1f and D2f exist on an open disk B(P0;r),
where P0 is the point (x0,y0). Then if D1f and D2f are continuous at P0, f is differentiable at P0.

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This theorem is much easier to apply than Definition 12.4.2 to prove
differentiability of a function of two variables. For instance, because the partial derivatives
of any polynomial function are also polynomials and polynomial functions are continuous
everywhere, Theorem 12.4.4 tells us that polynomial functions are differentiable

 Example 2 Use Theorem 12.4.4 to prove that the function defined by

f(x,y) = xey – y ln x is differentiable at all points in its domain.


The domain of f is the set of all points (x,y) in R2 for which x > 0. We compute the partial
D1f(x,y) = ey – D2f(x,y) = xey – ln x

Because D1f and D2f are continuous at all points in R2 for which x > 0, then from Theorem
12.4.4, f is differentiable at all points in its domain.

A function satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 12.4.4 at a point is said to be

continuously differentiable at the point. Whereas continuous differentiability at a point
is a sufficient condition to prove that a function is differentiable at a point, it is not a
necessary one. That is, it is possible for a function to be differentiable at a point even if its
partial derivatives are not continuous there
The equation in Definition 12.4.2 is

Δf(x0,y0) = D1f(x0,y0) + D2f(x0,y0) Δy + є1 Δx + є2 Δy (2)

The expression involving the first two terms on the right side of this equation is
called the principal part of Δf(x0,y0) or the total differential of f at (x0,y0).

12.4.5 Definition of the Total Differential of a Function of Two Variables

If f is a function of two variables x and y, and f is differentiable at (x,y), then the
total differential of f is the function df having function values given by

df(x,y, Δx, Δy) = D1f(x,y) Δx + D2f(x,y) Δy

Note that df is a function of the four variables x, y, Δx and Δy. If z = f(x,y), we

sometimes use dz in place of df(x,y, Δx, Δy), and write

dz = D1f(x,y) Δx + D2f(x,y) Δy (3)

If in (3) , f(x,y) = x, then z = x, D1f(x,y) = 1, and D2f(x,y) = 0; so (3) gives dz = Δx.

Because z = x, for this function dx = Δx. In a similar fashion, if we take f(x,y) = y, then z =
y, D1f(x,y) = 0, and D2f(x,y) = 1; thus (3) gives dz = Δy. Because z = y, then for this
function dy = Δy. Hence we define the differentials of the independent variables as dx = Δx
and dy = Δy. Then (3) can be written as
dz = D1f(x,y) dx + D2f(x,y) dy (4)
and at the point (x0,y0),
dz = D1f(x0,y0) dx + D2f(x0,y0) dy (5)

In (2) let Δz = Δf(x0,y0), dx = Δx and dy = Δy. Then

Δz = D1f(x0,y0) dx + D2f(x0,y0) dy + є1 dx + є2 dy

By comparing this equation and (5), observe that when dx (i.e., Δx) and dy (i.e.,
Δy) are close to zero, and because then є1 and є2 also will be close to zero, dz is an
approximation to Δz.
∂z ∂ z
Equation (4) with the notation and becomes
∂x ∂ y

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∂z ∂z
dz = dx + dy (6)
∂x ∂y

 Example 1 A closed metal container in the shape of a right-circular cylinder

has an inside height of 6 in., an onside radius of 2 in., and a thickness of 0.1 in. if the cost of
the metal is 40 cents per cubic inch, approximate by differentials the total cost of the metal
used in the manufacture of the container.

Solution If V cubic inches is the volume of the right-circular cylinder of radius r inches and
height h inches, then
V = πr 2 h

The exact volume of metal in the container is the difference between the volumes
of two right-circular cylinders for which r = 2.1, h = 6.2 and r = 2, h = 6, respectively. The
increment ΔV gives the exact volume of metal, but because only an value is wanted, we
find dV instead. From (6)

∂V ∂V
dV = dr + dh
∂r ∂h
= 2rh dr + r2 dh

With r = 2, h = 6, dr = 0.1, and dh = 0.2

dV = 2(2)(6)(0.1) + (2)2 (0.2)

= 3.2

Thus ΔV ≈ 3.2, so that the volume of metal in the container is approximately 3.2
in3. Because the cost of the metal is 40 cents per cubic inch, the number of cents in the
approximate cost of the metal is, therefore,128 ≈ 402.

Conclusion: The approximate cost of the metal is $4.02.

12.4.6 Definition of an Increment of a Function of n Variables

_ _ _ _
If f is a function of the n variables x1, x2,…xn, and P is the point ( x 1 , x 2 ,... x n ) ,
then the increment of f at P is given by

_ _ _ _ _
∆f ( P ) = f ( x1 + ∆x1 , x 2 + ∆x 2 ,..., x n + ∆x n ) − f ( P )

12.4.7 Definition of a Differentiable Function of n Variables

If f is a function of the n variables x1, x2,…xn, and the increment of f at the point
P can be written as
_ _ _ _
Δf( P ) = D1 f( P ) Δx1 + D2 f( P ) Δx2 + Dn f( P ) Δxn + є1 Δx1 + є2 Δx2 + … + єn

where є1 →0, є2 →0,…, єn →0, as (Δx1, Δx2,…Δxn) → (0,0,…0), then f is said to be

differentiable at P .

12.4.8 Definition of the Total Differential of a Function of n Variables

If f is a function of the n variables x1, x2,…xn, and differentiable at P, then the
total differential of f is the function df having function values given by

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df(P, Δx1, Δx2,…Δxn) = D1 f(P) Δx1 + D2 f(P) Δx2 + . . . + Dn f( P ) Δxn

Letting w = f(x1, x2,…xn), defining dx1 = Δx1, dx2 = Δx2, … , dxn = Δxn, and using the
notation dx 1 instead of Di f(P), we can write the equation of Definition 12.4.8 as
∂w ∂w ∂w
dw = dx 1 + dx 2 + . . . dx n (7)
∂x1 ∂x 2 ∂x n

 Example 4 Measurements of the dimensions of a box are 10cm, 12cm and

15cm, each correct to 0.02cm. (a) Approximate by differentials the greatest error if the
volume of the box is computed from these measurements. (b) Approximate the percent

(a)If V cubic centimeters is the volume of the box whose dimensions are x, y, and z
V = xyz

The exact value of the error is found from ΔV; however, we use dV as an
approximation to ΔV. From (7) for three independent variables,
∂V ∂V ∂V
dV = dx + dy + dz
∂x ∂y ∂z
= yz dx + xz dy + xy dz

From the given facts │Δx│≤ 0.02, │Δy│≤ 0.02, and │Δz│≤ 0.02. To find the
greatest error in the volume we take the greatest error in the measurements of the three
dimensions. So taking dx = 0.02, dy = 0.02, dz = 0.02, and x=10, y = 12, z = 15, we have

dV = (12)(15)(0.012) + (10)(15)(0.02) + (10)(12)(0.02)


Thus ΔV ≈ 9.

Conclusion: The greatest possible error in the calculation of the volume from
the given measurements is approximately 9 cm3.

(b)The relative error is found by dividing the error by the actual value. Therefore, the
relative error in computing the volume from the given measurements is ΔV/V ≈ dV/V.
Because dV/V = 9/1800
≈ 0.005
Conclusion: The approximate percent error is 0.05 percent.

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