ISO/IEC 27001 and IT Baseline Protection (IT-Grundschutz) : Amgad Mahmoud, Felix Schmidt, Gerd Siebert

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ISO/IEC 27001 and IT baseline protection (IT-Grundschutz)

AMGAD MAHMOUD, Philipps-University, Germany

FELIX SCHMIDT, Philipps-University, Germany
GERD SIEBERT, Philipps-University, Germany
ABSTRACT - ISO/IEC 27001 and BSI IT-Grundschutz were developed in (NIS regulations) [5].
different ways. But especially since 2005, due to the harmonization of BSI
IT-Grundschutz based on ISO/IEC 27001, there are many things in common. ISO/IEC 27001 allows meeting the guideline of information se-
However, there are still significant differences, too. curity management requirements that ensure three key aspects of
CCS Concepts: • Security and privacy → Formal security models. information:
Additional Key Words and Phrases: ISO/IEC 27001, IT baseline protection, • Confidentiality, which refers to the limiting information
IT-Grundschutz, ISMS, security standards access to authorized people entities or processes and prevents
it otherwise
1 INTRODUCTION • Integrity, which is property of accuracy and completeness
• Availability, which is being accessible and usable on demand
A number of different security standards exist and it is difficult
by an authorized entity[6]
to choose the right one for a particular project or to evaluate if the
right standard was chosen for a certification. These standards are These procedures help organizations keep their information as-
often long and complex texts, whose reading and understanding sets secure by offering a set of specifications codes of conduct and
takes up a lot of time. This paper provides a management overview best practice guidelines to ensure reliable information security man-
of the security standards ISO 27000 and the German IT-Grundschutz agement, for example:
standard. In particular, it explains which information and what level ISO/IEC 27001 ensures that information in all its forms is secure, as
of detail a system document according to those certain security ISMS helps protect all forms of information, whether digital paper-
standard contains. based or stored in virtual clouds through some security procedures that
consider such potential incidents [7].
2 ISO/IEC 27001
ISO/IEC 27001 is the important international standard to imple- The central point of ISO/IEC 27001 is the requirement for:
ment an ISMS. • Planning
• Implementation
2.1 Overview • Operation
Security breaches that involve the disclosure of sensitive data be- • Continuous Monitoring and Improvement
came more severe. Because the issues associated with cyber-attacks of a process-oriented ISMS that must be verified for certification
and data breaches continue to increase along with the public dis- according to this standard. The approach should be along with the
closure laws in over 100 countries around the world[1], they can Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle [8].
harm both the public image of businesses and lead to penalties
by government agencies. A practical approach should help defend ISO/IEC 27001 also increases attack-resilience through imple-
against both external attacks and threats posed from those within menting and maintaining an ISMS. It also responds to the growing
the organization, such as accidental breaches and human error[2, 3]. security threat landscape due to the ISMS constant adaptation to
changes both in the threat environment and inside the organization,
2.2 Characteristics guaranteeing that information security risks are effectively ensured
ISO/IEC 27001 is the international standard that provides the over time.
specification to keep information assets secure for an information
security management system (ISMS) for organizations to expect. 2.3 Summary
ISO/IEC 27001 is a systematic approach consisting of people, pro- Because ISO/IEC 27001 is not only entirely applicable to the IT-
cesses and technology that enables companies to get certified against sectors, as IT cannot fully secure information. Instead, it brings
the standard. This grants that information security is being strictly together Physical security, HR management, organizational issues
applied and managed by an internationally recognized organiza- and legal protection, and IT is required to secure the information.
tional standard, which helps to protect and manage the information The standard requires organizations to compare the measures they
through risk management[4]. have implemented with the Annex A controls such as Information
Security Policies as well as Human Resource Security, Cryptogra-
Implementation compliance with ISO/IEC 27001 is optional, whereas phy, access control physical and Environmental Security besides
coordination and compliance with current data protection and pri- Operations and Communications Security. They’re then expected
vacy laws are mandatory such as the General Data Protection Regu- to implement the missing controls or else provide and document a
lation GDPR and the network and information systems regulations reason that those controls are not applicable to them [9].

Philipps-University, Marburg, July 12, 2020 Amgad Mahmoud, Felix Schmidt, and Gerd Siebert

3 IT BASELINE SECURITY (IT-GRUNDSCHUTZ) Companies can rely on this, depending on the size and level of
Following the BSI IT-Grundschutz with its two essential parts their information security.
will be explained.
For the first time, the BSI Standard 200-3 bundles all risk-
3.1 Overview related work steps in the implementation of IT-Grundschutz. The
advantage for the user is a significantly reduced effort to achieve
In German-speaking countries, the IT-Grundschutz of the Bun-
the desired level of security [11].
desamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) plays an
important role for ministries and public bodies as well as for
The BSI Standard 100-4 shows a systematic way to set up
companies and other institutions. On the one hand, IT-Grundschutz
emergency management in an authority or a company to ensure
offers one possibility to effectively and efficiently deal with the
the continuity of business operations. In the event of a failure or in
IT security tasks. On the other hand, IT-Grundschutz offers the
the event of a major damage the emergency management tasks are:
possibility to prove the implementation of an Information Security
Management System (ISMS) and the implementation of specific • Increase the reliability
organizational and technical security measures (controls). • Prepare the institution for emergencies and crises
• Resume quickly the most important business processes
3.2 Characteristics • Minimize damage from emergencies or crises
• Ensure the existence of the authority or the company
In the following subsections a brief description of the character-
istics of IT-Grundschutz is given. Remark. The BSI Standard 100-4 will be replaced by the new BSI
Standard 200-4 until end of 2020 [12].
3.2.1 ISMS components. In the context of IT-Grundschutz, the pro-
cess becomes "information security management" to control infor- 3.2.3 IT-Grundschutz Compendium. Since 2017 the IT-Grundschutz
mation security in companies and authorities. Important compo- Compendium replaces the IT-Grundschutz Catalogs. The Com-
nents of an ISMS according to BSI are: pendium is now the basic publication of IT-Grundschutz. To-
gether with the BSI Standards, it forms the basis for anyone who
• BSI Standards 200-x - Series and 100-4
wants to deal with information security. The IT-Grundschutz Com-
• IT-Grundschutz Compendium
pendium defines the information security requirements that com-
The Information Security System is clearly defined by these com- panies have to meet. It focuses on the so-called IT-Grundschutz
ponents of the IT-Grundschutz. Modules. They are divided into two module layers with 10 main
3.2.2 Four BSI Standards and the Compendium. The documents of modules:
IT-Grundschutz consists mainly of the four BSI Standards and the • Process-oriented Modules
IT-Grundschutz Compendium, supplemented by tools, guide- – ISMS (Security Management)
lines and other materials.[10] The IT-Grundschutz Compendium – ORP (Organisation and Personnel)
contains the modules, measures and risks (Gefährdungen). – CON (Concepts and Approaches)
– OPS (Operation)
The BSI Standards 200-x and the BSI Standard 100-4 define – DER (Detection and Reaction)
the framework and describe the general approaches and con- • System-oriented Modules
ditions for IT-Grundschutz and contain the following informa- – APP (Applications)
tion: – SYS (IT-Systems)
• IT Management Systems for Information Security (200-1) – IND (Industrial IT)
• IT-Grundschutz Methodology (200-2) – NET (Networks and Communication)
• Risk Mangagement (200-3) – INF (Infrastructure)
• Business Continuity Management (100-4) The detailed structure of the IT Grundschutz Compendium and
The BSI Standard 200-1 defines general requirements for a its 10 main modules with currently 96 sub-modules the so called
management system for information security (ISMS). It is also "Bausteine" (as of February 2020) will be shown on the BSI website[13].
compatible with ISO/IEC Standard 27001 and takes into account Remark. Therefore, the BSI IT-Grundschutz Compendium corre-
the recommendations of other ISO/IEC Standards such as ISO/IEC sponds as equivalent to the recommendations for actions of ISO/IEC
27002. 27002 [14].

The BSI Standard 200-2 forms the basis of the proven BSI 3.3 Summary
Methodology for establishing a solid information security man- IT-Grundschutz follows the approach of using standard mea-
agement system (ISMS). It establishes three new approaches to sures (controls) for objects in information, combined with normal
implementing IT-Grundschutz. protection requirements, in order to easily achieve an appropriate
• Basic Protection level of security. The BSI standards play an important role. The
• Core Protection (if increased protection is necessary) standards are supplemented by the very extensive collection of the
• Standard Protection (if increased protection is necessary) IT-Grundschutz Compendium with essential IT security measures.

ISO/IEC 27001 and IT baseline protection (IT-Grundschutz) Philipps-University, Marburg, July 12, 2020

IT-Grundschutz provides a procedure for implementing ISO/IEC The following overview compares the two standards [20]:
27001. IT-Grundschutz is continuously being developed. Both, the
standards and the compendium are updated, the content revised and ISO/IEC 27001 BSI IT-Grundschutz
new modules added. The IT-Grundschutz Compendium is published International standard Mainly in German-language
annually in February in a new edition. speaking countries (DACH)
Less than 200 pages More than 1000 pages
Generic approach Concrete approach
4 COMPARISON Risk analysis necessary Risk analysis only if increased
The following section tries to compare the ISO/IEC 27001 and the protection level is necessary
BSI IT-Grundschutz. Both Methodologies have their origin in the Top-down methodology Bottem-up methodology
1990s and are based on former approaches to standardized an infor- Approx. 100 € fee Open access - free of charge
mation security management system. The ISO/IEC 27001 derivated Table 1. ISMS comparison
from the British Standard BS 7799 of the British Standards Insti-
tution, which used to be a national standard, comparable to the
current german BSI IT-Grundschutz [15].
[1] Global Investigative Journalism Network., 2020. – [Online; ac-
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geographical scope, which can already be seen in the title. The [2] Buckley, O. ; Nurse, J. R. C. ; Legg, P. A. ; Goldsmith, M. ; Creese, S.: Reflecting
ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally focused Standard devel- on the Ability of Enterprise Security Policy to Address Accidental Insider Threat.
In: 2014 Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust, 2014, S. 8–15
oped and published by the ISO, whereas the IT-Grundschutz is an [3] Estimating the market impact of security breach announcements on firm values.
approach addressed to the DACH region, especially Germany In: Information + Management 46 (2009), Nr. 7, S. 404 – 410
resulting from the fact, the IT-Grundschutz is developed and pub- [4] Disterer, Georg: ISO/IEC 27000, 27001 and 27002 for Information Security
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tion security management systems — Overview and vocabulary, 5. Edition. 2018
Although both standards pursue the same goal, the two approaches [7] Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 10,
differ in their scope and structure. According to the Fact, that the Special Issue. September 2017
ISO/IEC 27001 can get along with less than 200 pages, it shows the
[8] Fenz, Stefan ; Goluch, Gernot ; Ekelhart, Andreas ; Riedl, Bernhard ; Weippl,
Edgar: Information Security Fortification by Ontological Mapping of the ISO/IEC
more general scope of this concept. Whereas the IT-Grundschutz 27001 Standard. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Pacific Rim International Sympo-
needs more than 1000 pages to build an extensive concept. sium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 07), Springer, 2007, 381–388. – Vortrag:
13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 07),
Melbourne, Australia; 2007-12-17 – 2007-12-19
So the ISO/IEC 27001 gives an organization more freedom to [9] Annex A controls.
implement the approach to fit their needs best. This abstract con- Version: Jun 2020. – [Online; accessed 10-June-2020]
[10] Informationstechnik, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in d.: IT-Grundschutz-
cept leads to the fact that both companies and authorities of all sizes Kompendium. Köln : Bundesanzeiger Verlag, 2020. – ISBN 978–3–846–20906–6
can adopt ISO/IEC 27001. The more specific and comprehensive ba- [11] Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
sic IT-Grundschutz provides a large catalog of certain technical
node.html, 2020. – [Online; accessed 10-June-2020]
suggestions. This approach leaves less room for maneuver, but at [12] Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
the same time offers a good guide along which an organization can Themen/ITGrundschutz/ITGrundschutzStandards/Standard04/ITGStandard04_
node.html, 2020. – [Online; accessed 10-June-2020]
work [15–17]. [13] Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
Another difference between these two standards is the treat- pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2, 2020. – [Online; accessed 10-June-2020]
[14] BSI - IT-Grundschutz - Startseite - Zuordnungstabelle ISO zum modernisierten
ment of risk analysis. It is part of both approaches, but it is only IT-Grundschutz.
required and an essential part of the concept in ISO/IEC 27001. BSI/Grundschutz/Kompendium/Zuordnung_ISO_und_modernisierter_IT_
IT-Grundschutz recommends a risk analysis only in special cases.
Grundschutz.html, . – [Online; accessed 10-July-2020]
[15] Kersten, Heinrich ; Klett, Gerhard ; Reuter, Jürgen ; Schröder, Klaus-Werner:
This is the reason why ISO/IEC 27001 is seen as the top-down 2016. – 1 S.
method and IT-Grundschutz as the bottom-up method, which [16] Disterer, Georg: ISO/IEC 27000, 27001 and 27002 for Information Security
Management. In: Journal of Information Security 04 (2013), Nr. 02, 92–100. http:
shows how different the approach of both concepts is. // – DOI 10.4236/jis.2013.42011
[17] Benedikt Pirzer, Iryna W.: Managementsysteme für Informationssicherheit:
Marktübersicht. Vorgehensmodell. Handlungsempfehlungen / Fraunhofer Re-
One last point, which may seem minor in view of the potential search Institution AISEC. 2012. – Forschungsbericht
costs in the case of a security breach, can be important, especially for [18] BSI - IT-Grundschutz - Bezugsquellen.
small businesses and non-profit organizatigons. The ISO/IEC 27001 ITGrundschutz/ITGrundschutzAbout/bezug/bezugsquellen_node.html, . – [On-
standard itself costs around 100€ whereas the basic IT- Grund-
line; accessed 15-June-2020]
[19] ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Version: Jun 2019.
schutz is publicly available for free [18, 19]. – [Online; accessed 15-June-2020]
[20] IT-Sicherheit für den Mittelstand: Besser nach ISO/IEC 27001 oder IT-Grundschutz
den-mittelstand-besser-nach-iso-iec-27001-oder-it-grundschutz-zertifiziere, . –
[Online; accessed 15-June-2020]

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