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The OraDocs link will be provided to all the panel members

Content on OraDocs
• Candidate Resumes
- All interview Invites Candidate resumes will be uploaded on Resumes folder with Candidate email id
• Feedback Forms
- Empty Feedback form is available under Feedback Forms folder
- Feedback forms for the 2nd / 3rd round of interview ( Where ever applicable) can be accessed rom Oradocs in the
same folder
• Status Tracker
- Status tracker to be updated only by Host/Co-host/Lead Panel
• Supporting Files
- Whiteboard/Notepad/CoderPad screenshots of candidate worksheets
File saving format
- All candidate files should be saved as candidate Full Name (In case of multiple worksheets, upload a
zipped file)

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal - Restricted

OraDocs (Contd).

Feedback Forms - Instructions to save the feedback forms

• Each interview panel are requested to fill the feedback form immediately after the interview.

• The first round interview panel to save the feedback form with candidate email under Feedback Forms folder

• The next round interview panel should use the same feedback form for next round feedback update by

following the below steps

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal - Restricted

• Please select the candidate and click on Edit in Excel( desktop)

• You will receive a Pop up- Please click on Yes

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal - Restricted

• Please click on Open Oracle Content

• You can access the files on your Desktop through Oracle Content- in Download Folder

• Please Press Ctrl+S – The file will be saved with Updates

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal - Restricted

CoderPad is a platform for conducting remote interviews

It will work in any browser. The interface is very similar to a

programmer's everyday tools and allows code to be run as it is

This makes for a comfortable candidate experience and allows

the candidate to fully demonstrate their technical skills.

CoderPad can be accessed via below link using your SSO


Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal – Highly Restricted
• Click on “CreatePad” to create new coding pad
• New tab will open in the browser, you will be in the collaborative interview session
(as seen below)
• you can rename the pad with candidate name using edit option

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal -Restricted

Before Interview

• You can start the interview by clicking start option

• You can create separate pads for each interview

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal – Highly Restricted
To Start the Interview

• Click on Invite option

• Under Phone-Friendly Temporary link – choose
Generate a Short link
• The Short link can be shared with candidate via chat
option on Zoom
• The short link is valid only for 60 Min
• Candidate do not require any log in credentials
• Do not share permanent link with candidates

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal – Highly Restricted
Coding Languages

CoderPad supports various coding languages,

Interviewer/ Candidate can choose the preferred language of

coding from the dropdown

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal – Highly Restricted
After interview

Once you’ve completed the

interview, click the End Interview

This closes the session for further

editing, makes it inaccessible to
your candidate, and launches
playback mode.

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Internal – Highly Restricted

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