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The green-eyed monster = Jealousy or envy

To burn one’s fingers = To meet with a loss when doing something for the sake of one’s principles
To end in smoke = To conclude or end without providing any practical result
To catch a Tartar = To deal with a person who is more than one’s match
A wet blanket = A person who is a spoilsport
Worth one’s salt = To be good at one’s job
To be led by the nose = To follow submissively
Against the grain = Contrary to one’s natural inclination and principles
Dog in the manger = A person who prevents others from enjoying something useless to himself
Talk shop = Talk exclusively about business or professional affairs
Stick to one’s guns = Remain faithful to one’s cause
A mare’s nest = A discovery which turns out to be worthless
To smell rat = To suspect foul dealings
To bear the brunt of = To endure the major stress of an attack
Alfa and Omega = The first and the foremost
To eat the humble pie = To act submissively and apologetically, especially in admitting an error
To be in high spirits = To be in a joyous mood
A red letter day = A very special and important day
Turn one's back on someone = to refuse to help someone
Achilles heel = weak point
A feather in one’s cap = A personal achievement of which one is proud of
To feather one’s nest = enrich oneself by taking advantage of one's position
To turn over a new leaf = To change one’s course of action completely
To talk one’s head off = To talk excessively
Get off the mark = To get started
Make or break = A very critical factor
Lose one’s marbles = Suffer a setback
Pyrrhic victory = Victory won at a great cost to the winner
Shoot the messenger = Blame the bearer of bad news
Meet one’s maker = To die
To the manner born = To be naturally at ease
Let the cat out of the bag = To reveal a secret
To hold something in leash = To restrain oneself from taking a course of action
A blessing in disguise = Something good and beneficial that is not recognized initially
Down the memory lane = Pleasant memories of the past
A chip on your shoulder = Being upset for something that has happened in
Have cold feet = To lack self-confidence
As the crow flies = The shortest and straightest possible route
Couch potato = One who spends time watching television
Feet of clay = To be weak and always commit mistakes
Powers that be = People in positions of authority
Dot the i’s and cross the t’s = Look into minute details
A drop in the bucket = A very small part of something big or whole
Babes in the wood = Inexperienced people
Throw the baby away with the bath water = Discard something valuable along with what in not
A piece of cake/ cake-walk = A task that can be accomplished very easily
Be up and running = Established and working
Not be your brother’s keeper = Not be responsible for what someone else does
A Dear John letter = A letter that ends a romantic relationship
A happy hunting ground = A place where you find what you want
Sit on the fence = Avoid making a decision or choice
Bank on = Depend on something
Be thrown together = Situation that causes people to meet and get to know each other
Stand out = Extraordinary and outstanding
To win laurels/ accolades/ a big round of applause = To win appreciation and praise for one’s
performance or achievements
To run across somebody = To meet someone you know when you are not expecting to meet them
A slap on the wrist = A very mild punishment
To give somebody a taste of one’s own medicine/ To pay back in the same coin = To retaliate
against somebody’s ill-treatment in the same way in which that person ill-treated you
Add fuel to the fire = Something that makes a bad situation worse than it is
Against the clock = To be rushed or short on time.
All bark and no bite = Someone who threatens but is not willing to engage in a fight
All Greek and Latin to me = Something meaningless and incomprehensible to oneself
All in the same boat = When everyone is facing the same challenges
At arm’s length=  to distance yourself from a person; to avoid becoming connected with something
To have an axe to grind = To have a dispute with someone
Apple of discord = A cause of disagreement among people
As high as a kite = Anything that is high up in the sky
At the drop of a hat = Willing to do something immediately
Back seat driver = People who criticize from the sidelines
Back to square one = Having to start all over again.
Back to the drawing board = When an attempt fails and it is time to start all over
Baker's dozen = Thirteen
Barking up the wrong tree = A mistake made in something you are trying to achieve
Beat a dead horse/ dead rat = To force an issue that has already ended
Beating around the bush = Avoiding the main topic or not speaking directly about the issue
Bend over backwards = Willing to do anything
Between a rock and a hard place / Between the devil and the deep sea / Between Scylla and
Charybdes = Stuck between two very bad options.
Bite off more than you can chew = To take on a task that is way too big for one’s abilities
Once in a blue moon = A rare event or occurrence
Chew someone out = To verbally scold someone
Cock and bull story = An unbelievable tale
Come hell or high water = Handling a difficult situation or obstacle with courage
Crack someone up = To make someone laugh
Cross your fingers = To hope that something happens the way you want it to happen
Cry over spilt milk = When you complain about a loss which has already occurred
Cry Wolf = Intentionally raise a false alarm
Cut to the Chase = Leave out all the unnecessary details
Dark Horse = One who was previously unknown and is now prominent
Dead Ringer = A person or thing which is completely identical and a duplication of another person
or thing
Devil's advocate = One who presents counter arguments for a position they believe in to another
Down to the wire = Something that ends at the last minute or last few seconds
Drink like a fish = To drink very heavily
Drive someone up the wall = To irritate and annoy someone very much
Dropping like flies = A large number of people either falling ill or dying
Dry run = Rehearsal
Eighty-six = A certain item that is no longer available or it could also mean to throw away
Field day = An enjoyable day or circumstance
Finding your feet = To become more comfortable in whatever you are doing
Flash in the pan = Something that shows a lot of potential or looks very promising in the beginning
but fails to deliver anything in the end
Flea market = A swap meet or place where people gather to buy and sell inexpensive goods
Flesh and blood= Living material of which people are made of or someone's family lineage
Foam at the mouth = To be enraged and show it
Fools' Gold = A worthless rock that resembles real gold
From rags to riches = To go from being very poor to being very wealthy
Get down to the brass tacks = To become serious about something
Get up on the wrong side of the bed = Someone who is having a horrible day
To get your walking papers/ get fired = Receive resignation or ousting orders
To give the slip to someone = To escape.
Go down like a lead balloon = To be received badly by the audience
Go the extra mile = Doing beyond whatever is required for the task at hand
Good samaritan = Someone who helps others when they are in need
Graveyard shift = Having working hours from about 12:00 am to 8:00 am, that time of the day
when most other people are sleeping
Gut feeling = A personal intuition you get, especially when feel something may not be right
Hat Trick: When one player scores three goals in the same game.
To lose one’s head = To be angry and overcome by emotions.
To keep one’s cool / cool like a cucumber = to be cool and composed in times of adversity
Head over heels = Very excited and joyful, especially when in love
Hell in a hand basket = Deteriorating and heading towards complete disaster
High on the hog = Living in luxury
Icing on the cake = something positive that enhances a situation that's already good.
Cake walk = An easy task
In the bag = To have something secured
In the heat of the moment = Overwhelmed by what is happening at that moment.
Sleep like a log / hog = To be in deep sleep
It's a small world = To frequently see the same people in different places unexpectedly
It’s anyone's call = A competition where the outcome is difficult to judge or predict
To have something up one’s sleeve = To have a trick or an idea which can outwit others
Keep an eye on = Carefully watch something
Keep body and soul together / to make both ends meet = To earn a sufficient amount of money
in order to keep yourself alive
To hold one’s head high = To be proud of one’s achievements
Keep your chin up = To remain joyful in a tough situation
Knee jerk reaction =A quick and automatic response
Know the ropes = To understand the details
Lend an ear = To pay full attention
Let bygones be bygones = To forget about a disagreement or argument.
Let sleeping dogs lie = To avoid restarting a conflict
Level playing field = A fair competition where no side has an unfair advantage
Like a chicken with its head cut off = To act in a frenzied manner
Like a fish out of water = To be out of place
Long in the tooth = Old people or horses
Loose cannon = Someone who is unpredictable and can cause damage if not kept in check
To give a shot in the arm = To boost something up
Make no bones about something = To state a fact or facts so that there are no doubts or objections
To lie pell-mell = Things lying in a disordered state
To run helter-skelter = To run here and there in a confused state of mind.
Method in madness = Strange or crazy actions that appear meaningless but end in a good
Mumbo-jumbo = Nonsense or meaningless speech
New kid on the block = Someone new to the group or area
Not playing with a full deck = Someone who lacks intelligence
Playing to the gallery = Performing to the whims and fancies of the masses or less-informed
Off on the wrong foot = Getting off to a bad start on a relationship
Off the hook = No longer have to deal with a tough situation
Off the record = Something said in confidence contradicting the existing official report
On pins and needles = Anxious or nervous
On the same page = When many people agree on the same thing
Out of the blue = Something that happens suddenly and unexpectedly
Out on a limb = When someone puts himself in a risky situation
Out on the town = To enjoy yourself by going out
Over my dead body = When you are absolutely against something
Over the top = Something very much in excess
Pass the buck = Avoid responsibility by giving it to someone else
Pedal to the metal = To go full speed
Peeping Tom = Someone who observes people secretly
Pick up your ears = To listen very carefully
Pig in a poke = A deal that is made without understanding the terms and conditions
Pipe down = To shut-up or be quiet
Pull the plug = To stop something
Pulling one’s leg = Teazing someone as a joke.
Put a sock in it = To tell a noisy person or a group to be quiet.
Queer the pitch = Destroy or ruin a plan.
Rain-check = An offer or deal that is declined right now but would be willingly accepted later
Raining cats and dogs = A very heavy rain and storm
Throwing a wet towel on one’s plans = To discourage someone
Rise and shine = Time to get out of bed and get ready for work or school
Rule of thumb = A rough estimate
Run out of steam = To be completely out of energy
Saved by the bell = Saved at the last possible moment
Scapegoat = Someone else who takes the blame
Scot-free = To escape and not have to pay for one’s actions
Sick as a dog = To be very sick
Sitting shotgun = Riding in the front passenger seat of a car
Sitting duck = An easy prey
Sixth sense = A paranormal sense that allows you to communicate with the dead
Smell a rat = To suspect some foul play
Smell something fishy = Detecting that something is not right and there might be a reason for it
Southpaw = Someone who is left-handed
Spitting image/ mirror image = The exact likeness or kind
Start from the scratch = To do it all over again from the beginning
Stick to your guns= to remain steadfast in your opinion even when others oppose it.
To have the ball in one’s court = It is your turn and time to make a decision
The best of both worlds = There are two good choices and you have them both
The whole nine yards = Everything or all of it
Tie the knot = To get married
To cut the Gordian knot = To finish a very difficult and dangerous task
To make long story short = To put it in a nutshell
To steal someone's thunder = To take the credit for something someone else did
To steal under someone’s nose = To steal something in the presence of its owner without his
Tongue in cheek = Humor not to be taken seriously
Turn a blind eye = Refuse to acknowledge something
Under the weather = Feeling ill or sick
Up a blind alley = Going down a course of action that leads to a bad outcome
Wag the dog = A diversion away from something of greater importance
Water under the bridge = Anything from the past that is not significant or important anymore
Wear your heart on your sleeve = To openly and freely express your emotions
When pigs fly = Something that will never ever happen
Wild and woolly = Uncultured and without laws
Wine and dine = When somebody is treated to an expensive meal
To play fast and loose = To be undependable
Too good to be true = To be almost unbelievable
To have too many irons in the fire = Trying to do too many things at the same time Tooth
and nail = Oppose something fiercely and as hard as possible Top-notch
= To be excellent or the best of the lot Touch a sore
spot/point = To mention a sensitive matter that will upset someone Touch and go =
Uncertain and in a dangerous situation Trial and error = A
way of solving a problem by trying different possible solutions until you find one that works
Trials and tribulations = A problem that tests one's courage and perseverance
Tricks of the trade = Smart, quick, or skillful way of doing something
Turn a blind eye to (something) = To ignore something troublesome and pretend not to see it
Turn over a new leaf = To make a fresh start
Turn the tide = To change what looks like defeat into victory
Twiddle ones` thumbs = Not to be busy or having nothing to work on
Get along on a shoestring = To manage with very little money
Get in touch with someone = To contact someone
Get into hot water = To get into trouble or difficulty Get
into the swing of things = To adapt to a new environment or situation Get
(something) off one's chest = To talk about something that has been bothering you Get the
runaround = To receive a series of excuses and delays To get the
hang of something = To get accustomed to Hit below
the belt = Use of unfair means to win


Buy a lemon = To purchase a vehicle t

Break a leg = A superstitious way to say “good luck”
Can't cut the mustard = Someone who is not adequate enough to compete or participate
Cast iron stomach = Some one who has no problem with eating anything or drinking anything
Close but no cigar = To be very near and almost accomplish a goal but fall short
Fuddy-duddy / flibbertigibbet = An old-fashioned and foolish type of person
Funny farm = A mental institutional facility
Get over it = To move beyond something that is bothering you
Go for broke = To gamble everything you have
Go out on a limb = Put yourself in a tough position in order to support someone or something
Hit the books = To study, especially for a test or exam
Hit the hay / hit the sack = Go to bed or go to sleep
Hit the nail on the head = Do something or say something that is perfectly correct
Hold your horses = Be patient.
Kitty-corner: Diagonally across.
Last but not least = An introductory phrase to let the audience know that the last person mentioned
is no less important than those introduced before him/her
Nest egg = Savings set aside for future use
New York minute = A minute that seems to go by quickly, especially in a fast paced environment
No dice = Not to agree
No room to swing a cat = An unusually small or confined space


Curiosity killed the cat = Being inquisitive can lead you into a dangerous situation it aw
Don't count your chickens before they hatch = Don't rely on something until your sure of it
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth = When someone gives you a gift don't be ungrateful
Don't put all your eggs in one basket = Do not put all your resources in one possibility
Elvis has left the building = The show has come to an end and it is all over
Every cloud has a silver lining = Being optimistic under the hope that the difficult times will pass
away and lead to better days
Great Minds Think Alike = Intelligent people think in the same manner
Haste Makes Waste = Quickly doing things results in a poor ending
Idle hands are the devil's tools/ empty brain is a devil’s workshop = You are more likely to get
into trouble if you have nothing to do
It takes two to tango = A conflict between two people where both of them are at fault
Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You: Don't hurt anyone that helps you.
Variety is the spice of life = The more experiences you have the more exciting life will become
When it rains, it pours = A place where if it rains it is always in excess
You are what you eat = In order to stay healthy you must eat healthy foods
You can't judge a book by its cover = Decisions should not be made primarily on appearance

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