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Chee 2 10.1 Kaowing thatthe torsional spring at Bis cf constant K and thatthe bar 4B is sigid, determine the critical losd P,. SOLUTION Let © be the angle change of bar AB. M=KO , x=LsnO@ # LO DMgr 0 M-Px =O KO-PLO =0 (k= PLIO =O te -_ , 10.2 Knowing thatthe spring at 4 is of constant & and that the bar AB is rigid, PROBLEM 10.2 determine the extical load P,. SOLUTION het © be the angde chang? of bar AB. Foz kx = kb sind DIMr0 Fhes@ - Px = 0 le kL’sin® cos® - Plsind = 0 Using sin@%O and cos #1 kKLO@-PLO =O (k= PLO = Oo Poe = KL -_ PROBLEM 103 103 Two gst AC med BC wc come shown nig zat mowing thal the spring cn ct neither tension or compression, determine the critical load P,, for the system. eee SOLUTION ge Let x be the Paternal deflection f poind C x = 4b sind Reokx= £kbL sino Joint C2 4Ty =O | FcosO- Figo @ =O Fae + Fes 42D Re -2Fig Sin @ - KL sin@ = O Fag Sin O + Egsin@- FLO EB Joimmt A? = with (Fig t FKL amo = Oo P= —FacesO * i klosO Flas oy kb Fyr0 P+ Frees = O o-o Ren 2 Gib - PROBLEM 10.4 104 Two sigh brs AC an BC re comected by ain at Cas shown. Koortng thatthe torsional spring at B is of constant X, determine the eitcal load Py ir the system, SOLUTION het © be the angle change of each ber. Me = KO DMO ke-RL FO B= Ke Ba AC DEM: O poh eHLO- ALA =O Rr Hs £ i PROBLEM 104 4045 Te ii bar AD is tae io two springs cotati cian pene in the position shown. Knowing thatthe equal an opposite loads P and P’ remain ‘horizontal, dctermine the magnitude P, ofthe critical load forthe system. rita eh » soumon : : het ye and ye be the defections of pants — B and C,” positive upward. Then = Fg = -k Roa kye : 2 8 6 Ye ‘Ye = +TER,2O ee tO) R-Fe Fe f Yo -Ye Fa and FL form a couple D let © be the ang change? Yer-X = ¥Asin® 5 Sz Dsind Pond P! Form a couple GO of amovat PS DIn-0, k(fasinoa cs - PlsmO =O p= Ke ose ket @ + © Re Hoe ECR 10 A dame consists of for Labaped members connected by four torsional Ping, coh ofcostantK.Kaowng shat equ Pat plied pots 4 end ‘Das shown, determine the eitcal value P_ of the Inads applied tothe e SOLUTION D eh Let © be the rotation af each L- shaped + mem ber. Angle change across each torsionad sprin: ct is 20 7 ws glsino ~4LO St) K(ze) Me =o Ke) aor KQ@e)- Px = - 4ke = 8K = L 10.7 The rigid 10d AB is attached to a hinge at A and to two springs, each of TEip/in, that can actin either tension or compression. Knowing that PROBLEM 10.7 ‘scauat on A= 2.08, determine the critical load. SOLUTION P Let @ be the small rotation angde B tp # HO, XHShO , xe z HHO rR t Foz kx. % 3khO Foe kt, * KhO Fs Jig DEM%=o hFos Shh - Pxe=O 4 s kR@s 7khe - 4hP =O, PeEkh Detar kK 2.0 kip/in, he 2ft = 2tin Pe F(Zojy) = 120 kips. = 10.8 Kfm= 125 kg h~ 700, andthe constant ofeach spring is k= 2.8 KN/m, PROBLEM 108 determine the range of values ofthe distanced for which the equilibrium of the rigid fod AB is stable inthe position shown. Each spring can act in cither tension or sompression. SOLUTION h¥ 700 mm. = 700x107 m Let © be the small rotation of AB wz dO Fekx = kde DIM, =o 2FA- mgh@ = 0 Rua" - mgh = O a At i ~ [GRSNG.8/ Goon 10” a ® A.B x10%) = 0,39%m = BIR mm d > 892mm for stabiddy - PROBLEM 10.9 10.9 Determine the critical load ofa round wooden dowel tht is 48-n. long and has ‘a diameter of 2) 0.375 in, ()0.5 in, Use B= 1.6 « 10° psi. SOLUTION @) erga 0.1875 in Ie de! = 970.7/07* int Ree Lo WE(ne ot )(470.7%108) = Te Ga = 6.65 tb = (ec tel & 0.25 in T= Fc* = 3.068 10°F in* =e TMEE | TC. é lots. 068m) _ Poe = a = Cait 21.0 Bb = epoe ie aad 10.10 Desermine the critical load of sec ube tht is 5.0m lng and has 100- ‘um outer diameter and a 16 mm wall thickness. Use £ = 200 GPa. 6mm SOLUTION Cot fale = SO mm = O~ bt = SO-16 = 34 mm Ie Blet- ot) = 3.854 110% mm” = 3,859 x10" m" _F2 (200 #109). 854 «10% = EGoo tore. to*) BoSmIoN = 305 kN =< 10.11. Determine (a) the critical load forthe brass strut, (8) the dimension d for PROBLEM 10.11 bic he aluminum strut wll ave the same rita oad (6 the woah of he ce) ee Be > WAY + FEE ‘aluminum strut asa percent ofthe weight of the bres SOLUTION (ay Brass strat T= f(z0¥20P = 13.333%10% mmm! = 13,388 fot mt Ree ed : B'Capeiot (3882107) = 13.06 ¥/0° N= 13.06 kN = (6) Aluminum strut p,- USh - mE (at/i2) er arene ng ats 12Peekt | (020018. CORIO MII 294, gai" et WE. ~ T*(te*10") d= BGO Mm = BRI mm = d J = 0.406 = Y0.6% =e 10.12 A compression member of 20 in, effeciv> length consists of a solid 1.0-in~ PROBLEM 10.12 ameter aluminum rod. In order to reduce the weight of the member by 25% the solid ro is replaced by a hollow rod of the cross section shown. Determine (@) the percent reduction in the critical load, (6) the val ofthe critical load forthe hollow rod. Use B= 10.6 * 10° psi 05 feel SOLUTION é © Sold A Ed Tp (HY? Bas ae = HoMow? Ae EAS- ds") = $A, - 2EA* do: td. d= dde = 0S in, Sofd wed = Te Eto)" = 0.049087 in’ ap tee. Eiliasaehfoncrree7) = 12, 837 10° Mh Hollow mod > Tye E(t") = ZLO-GY] + 0.046019 int T(lo.entet 0.046019) (b) Pet ue : = 12086215 Mb =. 12.04 kips = CO @ Ps- PL {assim — Rao dest" = 0.0625 = 6.25% ~ z BEF [ee] = PROBLEM 10.13 10.13 Two brass rods used as compression members, cach of 3m effective length, have the cross sections shown, (a) Determine the wall thickness ofthe hollow square vt for which the rods have the same crost-sectional‘area. (6) Using £ = 105 GPa, ‘determine the critical load of each rod. SOLUTION fe) Sane avea Fg - a) = be - by" i bie bi- Fde- 42) = Got= F(gor= to") = 2.0292 mmm™ TAB my bz + 4S. 047 wn t+ 4(b- (by Civeotee? Te E(t At) $10.51 410% mm" = $10.51 4167 m P.: a .z les ssorisieest 10°) sgsx0°N = S8.8KN =e Syare? I= E(B bY) > 786, 86 x10 mm = 736.85 *10" mw" _ PEL _ Wlos*lo* X7eesxlo") . re = Peete reep a caee eecrecten( aro) MEEETRRSECIEC B43 x1o°N = 84.3 KN 10.14 A column of effective length can be made by giuing together identical PROBLEM 10.14 ‘as cara he arangsmets shown, etme rat ofc! oad ting the arangemct av the cea Toad using the erangementB SOLUTION Arrangement (2) 4 x ne Te at be R. = reat © ® - Boe Arrangement (6) Tain? Ty = alas A@USY + dgt= Bb ae Pays MEE. smted" ob LE Bet he Rene 2 BM Ze aay Pee nl PEEP —_ 1048 4 comprosion nenba of im efeaicicagh g ‘oper PROBLEM 10.15 Ipods?» 102 12:7 ages shown. Vang S06 Gree Almac cence meter ae aah re SOLUTION Angte Lb IS2 x 102 « 12.7 A= 3060 mm* Tet 7.20% /08 mm Ty= 2.64 410% mm Y 7 S03 mm w= ASB many Twe angles: Ty > 2) (z20n10°)= 14,00 «10° mon T= 2[ 2eanot + eocores.s] - 4.197 «10% mp? Tein = Ty 5 9.197 10% vom? = 4,197 w/o" nt 5 Tonstien i P= ue : Gepat9 a TPO) 570 Sno Ms 370.5 ky i 410.16 A column of 26 effective length is made stm half a W16 » 40 rolledateeh PROBLEM 10.16 shape. Knowing that the centroid ofthe cross secim is located as shown, daxcenses the factor of safety ifthe allowable centric load is 2 kip. Use E= 29" Ihrer SOLUTION Fuld W 16x 40 Az LB int Tee S18 te Ty = 28.7 int HalP W 16x40. A= G18) = 5.90 int Tx = (618) ~ (5.90 8.0¢5- }.81)* = 32.57 int Ty = 2C8.9)= AS in = Dig WiEInw Wlzavio®Xi4.4s) _ F 42.5 x10 db = 42S hips. ereeeeeEEEt (Rew 1R)* Re > fe, = ZR -_ Puc BS eet ea See C oon mo 74 2 ae } Tw L 10.17 A column of 2-f effective length isto be made by welding two 9 > 0.5 in. plates to a WB x 35 as: ‘Determine the allowable centric load if factor of shown. Safety of2.3 is required, Use B= 29% 10* psi, PROBLEM 10.17 SOLUTION © Wass Tyr 177 int EyF 26 int bet 802 in @ and @ For each phate Az(O.5V40) = 4.5tn"| I, = (08a) = 20.325 in* Ty + plese (sxe BEY] = 21.758 int Toted + Ip 1274 (30.375) = 187-75 int = Iain Ty + 4264 @Yen7s8) > 206-12 in Le ae 5 2 in Pe wer. me(rinto* 187.75) = 77,010 Ab = 770 kips fee slgeee) Put EE 7 aE? 335 kips SOLUTION j 0 Fon channe? ¢ 130 x 13, Az Cc) ® a er Ie B70 #10 way Ty 0264/08 7 Arrangement (a) Ts AX3.70% (0%) = 7 4OmO* ign! Lye x[oreynoty (710 Viaa¥] = 1.0370 «/0% naon* Taney = 1.08700 406 mm = 1.0870 «107% 4 Pen > Bebe =z sect e870 10) | 227 m1 N > 227 ky Par Be. ae mI a 4 7 48 kW Arrangement (L) Kes @X. ‘y 3.70 110°) mpg Le ALo.2c4n 108 +T10\48-1229¢) = 4.911 410% sam Tain = Ty = 4.90 )0% mgt = 4.IUL KIO nt MED 1 C200 010904.) 21°) = Res SES = Gaye ee Pare FE = 1077. ag yy ea 1077 x13" N = 1077 kw oT 10.19 Knowing that P= 5.2 RN, determine the factor of saftty forthe structure PROBLEM 10.19 Shown. Use E= 200 GPa and consider only backing in the plane of the structure. SOLUTION 7 10% Toint Bt From force twiangte “3 es Fee = 25152 kN comp) \ 5 . fu. Fe . 54 ee 22-mm ameter ate Bin25° ~ gingor Sin 135° | (7 Fe = 3.1079 KN Coop) a a5 Fo 12m Menter ABs The Ht = BBY = 5.183 H10% mnt = S.1580107 mt Finer? Tele = TQoonto* (5.153 x10") _ 7,9¢564/0" N= 20686 KN . 7m) PGooniory(S.153 2107) = ; = Exe . 2.0686 Fs, = > sieve * ae Member BC: Ines B(A)t = §(B)* = 1.894 10% mt = 1.499 210" wo" Led = LQ 2% © 2.88 me - Eten | 1%(200x/07 1.499» (O%) = ae re “Tes = Tee = 7.8813xf0°N > 7.8818 kv eo Fee 2 7.8813 | Fs. FBS = esa 7 3.18 Smadfest FS. geverns. ES. = 2.27 al 10.20 Members AB and CD are 30-mmdiameter stel rods, and members BC and PROBLEM 10.20 AD ate 22-mmdiameter steel rods. When the turnbuckle is tightened, the diagonal ‘member AC is putin tension. Knowing that a factor of safety with respect to ‘buckling of 2.75 is required, determine the largest allowable tension in AC. Use B= 200 GPa and consider only bucking inthe plane ofthe structure. SOLUTION bic {BEY #25) = 4.1308 m 35m ee a AERO Fe-ME Tso r a ae The = 1 BH926 Fee : Ref 2R TO Regie O 225m Bs ae Te = 1.1888 Fig Members BC and AD? : ae EM)" E(BY'= 11,494 410% weet = WHIT «1ST wo? Leet 226m Fane r a migoorie Wyse ni0) = Hy Bscxet WN eae : 2 Facet = Bae > 1.6304x10" N That 7 3.02210" N Members AB and CD: Lge F(M8)'= HRY = 29,761 wich ma = 3.260007 mn" Wels = TiGooro\Gr7élsen Avaater Mer iel ale = 6.4069 wto* WY Lent 85m Reger Fine = Eis = 2.3299 Tay TP IOM Smaller value for Thee governs Theat = 2.77x1ON=277kN me 0 re eee toads {asa @ 1021 Each ofthe five srus consists ofan aluminum tube that has a 32-mm out et Glameter and 4mm wall thickness. Using £ ~ 70 GPa and a factor of afry of 23, Setermine the allowable load P, for each support condition shown. %) SOLUTION Cet Kdot $G2)= 16 mm C2 # Con bt ere 12mm T= FCs 6:") = 35.1958 110 mem! = 3S. 1859410" mt WET = 172070 10" 3s. 1958xto") e . ie 7 oe = 24809 N-m* 0 ® ® w 6 ep. - MEE. aie 2 = 3 a - Be , 10564 Ba Pee rpegirlge () (= (NG.0) = Zom, Pat 2642 N = ZCdKEN (2) Les @20)7 Hom, Rat 66] N = 0.661 kv @) Les GY@Ed= Lom, Ra = loser No 10.57 kw @ Le ©@@o2 L4m, Py = S342N 7 5.34 kW baba GC) Ler (i020) = 2.0m, Pag = CUR N= 2GH KY PROBLEM 10.22 Ley der dn? @ Llew/b = 20 @) lea/L = Lo len /L = 0.7 $0.22. Two columns are used to Re Wi lareto outset) = 3122 AL = 3.722 kip. 1 block weighing 3.25 kips in each ofthe suppor four ways shown. (a) Knowing that the column of Fig. (1) is made of stee! with 1V.25-in-diameter, determine the factor of safety with respect to buckling forthe Icading shown, (b) Determine the diameter ofeach ofthe other columns for which the factor of safety i the same as the factor of safety obtained in part a. Use E=29 x10" psi. SOLUTION cy T= HS): FCS = 0.119842 in* Ls Bf + % mm R= OF for one codomn. w pedwe 228. 1.025 kip. , ~ Pe Bm . ele ES? fe. He > 2.29 = wrEL wEIe Perey cs Foun * Cea Recor lo. au 20 Been Bat! (2(2) Aye Las YLo t 7B in = Ay = LAS in - Ba = 125409 = 1046 in, = g| I] C3 7 ote Pa = 1023 _A.25-mm-square aluminum strut is maintained in the position shown by a pin PROBLEM 10.23 support at and by sets of rollers at B-and C that prevent rotation of the strut in the plane ofthe figure. Knowing that Lg ~ 1.0 m, Zjc~ 1.25 m, and Ley 0.5 m, etermine the allowable load P using a fictor of safety with respec to buckling of| 2.8. Consider ooly buckling inthe plane ofthe igure and use E= 75 GPa. SOLUTION —7 Oe ebb HRSOST © 32.552>10" men = 32.552 210" m" Y ».. wet pe. Se. MED, wer earee eter me ES.” CEsyle* ~ (FS lame) iL, Portion AB Le = 0.7 Lag = (0.71(1.0) = 0.7 + Ration BCE ber OS Leet (.sMias) > 0.625 m + a Portion CD: Le = 2 ley = @oKas) = Om 1 (1s #10" )(3S. S52 * 10" Leyame 7 1.0m 2 asyUee = B.G)xio NM = 8.6) kW = 10.24 A.32-ram-square aluminum strut is maintained in the postion shown by a pin PROBLEM 10.24 support at 4 and by sets of rollers at B and C that prevent rotation of the strut in the | bel Law ake plane ofthe figure. Knowing that y= 1.4 m, determine (a) the largest values of Lyc End ey that may be used ifthe allowable load P is to be as large as possible, (b) the ‘magnitude of the corresponding allowable oad ifthe factor of safety is 2.8. Consider only buckling in the plane ofthe figure and use E=72 GPa, SOLUTION Le & bh = £GIG2 = 87,381 «10% me = 87. 381K 10" mm" Equivetent dengths : AB Let 0.7 Lae = 0.98 m Le = 0.5 Lee le= 2 beo Equating Lee: ge (XUAN 9G om = hen? B22 bag 7 8S W0.4)> 0.44 om - 10:25 Column ABC has nom edarglr css ston ands braced ne TROBLEM 10.25 plane at its midpoint C. (a) Determine the ratio Od fee whi of safeyis ERecume witty to buccng nth nye plane” (0) Using eo and Jn par a, design the crs section ofthe column $0 thatthe factor of safety wil be 2.7 when P= 1.2 kis, L~24 in, and E = 10.6 « 10* psi. SOLUTION Beckling in x2-plane? Le TL = 24 in fee I= kab? ao ¥ e+ fe. MEL. med S ZB Ls ~ 12(FS)Le* me dots 12 PGs rhe = UM RAP MATION we Te 110%) = 0.21406 in? L BockBing im ye-plane? le = 2h= Ge WB in Ts bd? ae p- f& . HET . webd | it FS 28 Le ~ CRS) LX aft ba? = 2 Pies) Ano M2748) = 0.85625 in¥ TE Io.6 *1O™ 1 a at. ode al (Oy ta” at > o.ssc2s 4 ac3 7 db = A(gat)> gd¥e O.21H06 int, d= 1.144 in, > be kde O.S7Z in. a PROBLEM 10,26 Smabler ae qevesns 7026. Ti aluminum elm ABC basa uniform rectangular cross section with b= in andd= in. The column is traced in the plane atts midpoint C and ‘artis a contric load P of magnitude 1.1 kips. Knowing that a factor of safety of 2.5 's required, determine the largest allowable length L. Use E = 10.6 % 10° pi SOLUTION Pee = (ESP = (25D 2.75 01% Mb, _ ET eee fee ies hes mR | in xz-plane: I= bab’ = a2 YAY = 9.1146 x05" in! = 18.62 in i T/T . 1 eam Le ter w/EE = 0 flesrer eee [ Bucking in y2-piane Rbdt = & ed Ye 27.9138 107% in! be 2k eo +B [UEC HAGA) 16.29 in ! RIS R1O* ” iH L= 16.29 in, = PROBLEM 10,27 41027 ‘The ifr rss br 4 has rectanulr cross ston ad is supported by Bsc takes dr, ack odo hc xe {xi through the pin, bu rotation about vertical axis is prevented by the brackets. (@) Determine the rato Bd for which the fcr of efoto he same bout the horizontal and vertical axes. () Determine the factor of safety if P = 1.8 kips, L=7 R, d= 15 in, and £~ 15 * 10° psi. SOLUTION Bucking in horizontal plane: Le= ob, Ie igdb? e.: MEL , urealt em TR Oe TF Buckting in verticnd plane? Leb, I=pbd* WET _ TEbd* Cre? TE RIE) me TERE nat wid Le 7 Pt > 84 in - Wlignio Mens Vus) uae vid Mh » 426 hips, ay 2 Be Hee ne ~ 10.28. Column 4B carries a centric load P of magnitude Te KN. Cables BC and BD PROBLEM 10.28 Git ad prevent motion of pn Bin th plane, Using Fue mul nda factor of salty of 2.3, feeting the tension in the cables, determine the ‘maximum allowable length £. Use £ = 200 GPa. SOLUTION W 250% 32.7 Tye 48.9 IOS met = 09.9 x10 ® Ty = 4.73 totmm'= 473% 1S mn? P= 72%10° N Par min = (ESP Y= 165.8210 N BuckRing in xz-plane? be = 0.7L TeELy Pen = (B7L*) aoa = ele: Gog Jo Yu. 73 10"** 7 OT ee OWT 16S33x/03 = 10.74 *ET, = RL BR. Tene 1 MO*NGE. 9 x10" eerie = 12.08 m -_ 10.29 An axial load P is applied to the 1.25-in-squere sluminum bar ABC as shown. When P= 3.8 kips, the horizontal deflection at end Cis 0.16 in, Using E= Toot (@) the eccentricity ¢ ofthe load, (6) the maximum stress in SOLUTION a . Te (-28)" = 0.20845 inY A=. 1.25* 1.5625 in be = 2L = SO in Ly = 2b = $0 in Ppt ual. w tots igoa20sss) = 81a Zen! fe x 10% E+ Baas 7 Odeeuz (0) Jone * el see(BVE)- 1] = e[sec($yonensa )-! = e[see(1.075038)- 1] = 1.1023 € e+ ee, : n = 11028 oe! (bY Mae = PCO+ Yann = (3.8x10°)(0.M51 + 0.16) = 118957 fein BBntOF , (L1S9S7Y0.029) 5.99 410% pay = SITs 2 Me 6. ‘yy 0.203895 ome I federal om eres 10.30. The line of action of the 310-KN axial load is parallel tothe geometric axis of the column 4B and intersects the x axis at xe. Using E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the eccentricity e when the deflection of the midpoint C ofthe column is 9 mam, (8) the corresponding maximum sess in the column, SOLUTION For W2S50%58 A= 7820 wm = 7420 x10" me Ey = 188 * IO med = 1828 M10" Sy = 18S¥1D* wm = 185 JOE nS Lt6.5m les 6.5m wet 1? (200x10* (18.8 x10) : 2 LEE , Wi00n0* 8-8 rtO"" - ares C5) 1s eee wo & = Bese 7 0-ssea4 Youn? €] see (AVE )- 1] = 0.67990 € tod ease s BIRT = 19.2015? mm 13.24 non a (od Mone PCE + You 7 (310 «Jo? 94 13.240") = 68ISF Nem . Me . = -310%0* 6393.5 Smes Re HS Ee Gs RSMO + pee = 478 «10% + 32.26 %f0% = 79.0410 Pa = 720MPa —e 10.31 The axial load P is applied at a point located onthe x axis a a distance € PROBLEM 10.31 ffom the geometric axis ofthe rolled-sel columa BC. When P ~ 82 kips, the horizontal deflection ofthe top of the column is 0.20 in, Using E= 29 x 10* psi, determine (a) the eoventrcity eof the load, (4) the maximum stress in the column. SOLUTION wexsr: A= 2i8in, Iy= 37bint, S= UR7in® Le 4 He N28 in Le = 2L > 225.6 in ee MEE 2 Panter.) - 708.63% 10? BP. saxo. Re 208.63n70% 0.39804 fad Yount @ [see (FE 1] = 0.80816 © e: Mee «02 * grgoate * O-B0816 WY Myo? PCO# yor) © (82> 108)(0.247 40.20) 7 36.693 «10? Lbvin = 0.247 in = Me . Py M , S2xiot , 69910 19 ayy10%pss : : EABHIO? 2 12.44 10% psi A y aS VAT = 1244 ksi oe 1032. An axial load P is applied tothe 32-mm-diameter stec rod AB as shown. For PROBLEM 10.32 P=37KN and e~ 1.2 mum, determine (a) the detiction at the midpoint C of the rod, (0) the maximum stress in the rod. Use £ =200 GPa. SOLUTION T= BG) = F(R) = S197 10% met = S147 «1077 mn le= Lt ham ~ BYEZ _ 1 Qoor10Xs.47 410") _ 2 R . Gay = 70.856 x10" N * BHI = 0.52440 70,$56%10> — 88172 = ().3817)C.2) e [see (Z/E) 1] = May (bY Mace POF Your) = (37% 105 (124 1.658) Clo") = 105.75 Nem As Bdt= E(x) = B04. 25 muh = BO. RTH me 5 C= 1G MO m ? - 37x 10% (los. 75 Mig nto). < Gas By Me - 3710%_ Hees = 78.9x10% Pa Aa 804.25 lO SLATE IO = 78.4 MPa 1033 The line of action ofthe axial load P of magnitude 270 KN is parallel to the eee geometric axis ofthe column 4B and interacts the.x axis at e= 14 min. Using E = 200 Ga, determin (0 the deletion ofthe midpint C ofthe column, 0) the ‘maximum siress inthe column, SOLUTION W200%S2 A= GeGO mn* = G6COxISS we % 17.8 *10* amt = 17. BH 1O"S wn” = VTS x 10% mm? = 17S OS mt Sy = Le 72m le = 2Rm P, = EEL , at(goow10" (17.8016) baal Te (iz) = 677,771 N Zo» to” fe “Grrtpmo> 7 0-87836 Yona * ef sec(HYE)-1] = o.sz64s e = (Oa2cusXiy)= 1.57 mm —e (ed Mange PCOt You ) = (RIOWO™ C14 4 S710) = IOV Nem : ~ Bloxios , 6904 __ 4 ea Gun Ba Me Reet ZIM + SIO = 80.0410 Pa > 20.0 MPa c o co Can A (ee 4 1 410.33 The line of action of the axial load P of magnitude 270 kN is paraltel to the ee geometric axis ofthe column 4B and intersects the x axis at e= 14 mm. Using E = 200 GPs, determine (a) the deflection ofthe midpoint C of the column, (6) the ‘maximum sess in the column. 1034 Soive Prob, 10.33 ifthe load Pi apliedparall the geomet axis ofan AB 0 that intersect thx eis re St mam Ome wa of he SOLUTION W 200452 A= 6660 mm = 6660x/0" m* > D-B 10% mm = 17.8110"* mY Sy = 17S ¥ 10% mm = 175 «1 m> Li 22m le 2A Mm ae = (200% 10K 17.8 x10 ) R> AA Mae 677.77 «108 N = Rloxte?_ 9 3483 b7.7Ixi® © bd Re (2) you ef sec(EJE)- 1] = oszewe Ce) Mae PCE + Yau) =(270x10*K21 + 17.86 (lot) = 10356 Nem ee fe M1. ZJox)o* 356 | «jo* Pa = 6 f+ Free Ze + EE = 99.7108 = 99.7 Ma (0.82642¥21) = 17.36 mm —t 10.35 An axa load P i applied a point D that is 0.25 in. Som the geometric axis PROBLEM 10.35 fie sgare dunner BC." ‘Petermine (a) the load P fir ‘which the horizontal deflection of end € is 0.50 in., (6) the ‘stress in the cotumn. Use E = 10.1 «10% si, baer ere SOLUTION T= deh = £QasMi2s¥ A=(.75)* = 3.0625 } 0.78157 in? ce BCs) + 0.875 on L+25 ft = 80% le = 2L = GO im. 2 MEX , 0.110%) (0.78157) « on Re? RE Teoye = A164) hips. (HE) = Yet2, GE): sce * Sf Z avccos 028 — me] = [F oncom tie Pe O.GIYH Pep = 13.29 kips 2 (BY Mena = PCE 4 Yuen) = 13-40. 95+0.50) = 4.9675 kip-in. (4.4675 X0.875) EET 15.50. ksi ~ 7 an rds eee o mao co 10.36 A bress pipe having the cross section shown has an axial load P applied $ PROBLEM 10.36 we tom he peso tne. Using E= 120 GPa, determine (2) the lad Pfc which aaa atcaion ate midpoint Cts S mm, (te coesponding maxims ne Str inthe col | - SOLUTION 120 mm a fee Cot tds CO mm Cyt O- Es St mm CMM ete Te F(Co 04) © 2.500510 mm" = 8.5005 115% wo* aii Le 28m Le = 2.8m —_ TEL , W(120n10*)(B.S00s4t5*) Par Hee - war he = S28.axJo' NM > §28.8 kW jE e @) your e[sec(BYE)-'1— sec(EyE) = Jet z suciet Bisset [SZ poet ene eve (3 JE) Jone i -[é mat fae] eee ae - DF - gE. [2 ances ote Y= ongyee P= OnHddYY Poe © 235 KN Cb) Mie 7 PCO+ Yon) = (235% 10°)C5+5 lo) = 2350 Nem Az w(ch-c2)= m(Go* $4") 2.1488 (OF mm” = RINBB xO m™ ~ By Me - 235x1o* (g350Keoxs*) - tm, = Smet RT Zien t iS socs cio 144.6x10%Pa = 149.6 MPa, 10.36- brass pipe having the cos section sbown hasan axial loud P applied 5 fete ‘um from its geometric ais. Using # = 120 GPa, determine (a) the load P for which the horizontal deflection atthe midpoint Cis 5 mm, (6) the corresponding ue stress inthe column. ay 1037 Solve Prob, 10:36, assuming that the xl load Pi applied 10 mm fro the i ‘Beomeri ais ofthe column. 120 mm | SOLUTION tat for Fd, = CO mm Git Cor be SH om = 6mm T = B(M- 2") = 3.5005 x10 mm" = 3, 5005 «10"* m? L- 23 m le 28m 8 .m TW? (120 10" (3. 5008 v10) ill Por? ERT - Ei Ga0ntor Xo. soosuie™) nee = S28.8x10°N = 528.8 kN (@) Youn® €] see EYE 11 see(EVB) = T S -fi2 2 fe co E)* me ELF wecerghee ] = [ ¥ areas <4 er see] = 0.28610 P= 0.28670 = ISLC KN =e (bY Mama = PCC+ Youn) (ISL 6 »108 Yi04 S10") = 2274 Nem A= 1(ct~c)= 1(60*~ 547) = 2.1888 x [0% mm = 2.988 x1? m* Ginn 2 B+ US. JSiErIOr, 4 G27 AGoreD - Jon sulo" Pax 102.5 MPa ood oo mo (code ooo: @ (b) PROBLE! 10.38. An ava! load P is aplied a a point located onthe x axis ata distance e= 12 eae zum om the geometric axis ofthe W310 = 60 rolled-stecl column BC. Assuming that = 3.5 mand using 6 ~ 200 GPa, determine (a) the load P for which the horizontal deflection at end C is 1S mam, (2) the corresponding maximum stress in the column. SOLUTION W3lox60 TS40 ram* = 7840 x10 wn* 18.3*10 mm* = 18.3 x10 m* 180 ¥ JO mm © 1BO*IO mm® Le 8.5m ler 2L = P= WET 1(200x1 LY = 787.2%(08N = 737.2 kW yout e[see(EVE)-1] — sec(R¥E)= YeS cos (BE)= 2 ‘ 2 eee £-(2 orcess oe |] : [ F orceos GB = 0.49957 P= 0.49957 Ry = 368.28 kN = Monn = P(O+ yuu) = (268.2810? X12 415) = 1744 Nom i Mc, By, 3¢682e.fot, aay. < Sue FE - AS * Tsa0xtoe * Taonto® * los.By toe fa = 108.8 MPa =m 10.38 An sl loa Pi spo st pin aed th x nt ian = 12 PROBLEM 10.39 the geometric axis ofthe W310 x 60 rolled-stee! column BC. Assuming oa 15'S rand using 200 GPa, determine () the load P fo which the tal deflection at end Cis 15 mm, (6) the corresponding maximum stress in the 10.39 Solve Prob. 10.38, assuming that L is 4.5 m. SOLUTION W3loxco A= 7590 mm = 7590x105 m* y= 18.34/08 mm? = 18,3*/0"% m* St 180% 1M mam? = 180 #10" we Le 4Sm Le = {Ls Om WEE. _ 1(200%109)(18.3%/0*) ae oy = 495.96 »lo°N = 4495.96 kV yous efse(HB)-1] aE): Het? GE) gre 2 £ < [Fareess gSze] = [Forest] + o.4m57 @) Pe 0:49957 Pee = 222.74 kN = Mia Ped a = (222.74 J03 M124 Is IO) = GOIS Nem ye ON: < (b) Cae? Es ke = 4M. RAMU, BOIS, = 62.8 10% Pe me ee E Sy "TIO Wo~ * THO MG © OME" U ao o Go eal a. 1 c Cede tee: ios] OQ aed Oo 4040 The ine of action of an ail and P is paral othe geomet ms of the PROBLEM 10.40 column AB and intersects the x axis at x= 1.2 in, Using E = 29 * 10* psi. determi (@) the load P for which the horizontal deflection ofthe midpoint C of the column is 0.8 in, () the corresponding maximum stress in the column, SOLUTION WiaxSo A=14.Tin®, Ty 56.3 in", Sy = 13.9 int L224 ft 288 in Le = 288 in® Ret wer -u Sete i s.2) = 194.28 x10 A : = 144.28 hips you = @[ see( EYE )- 1} sec (BB) > gt Esse Esleewes ste] =| = 0.34849 P= 0.34844 Re = 67.7 kips —e Mane 7 P (+ yom) eee 13.4 kip in £ + BS4 . 6.7 Es ie Pee: 42 $12 1.3 ksi = 13.9) PROBLEM 10.41 1041 The stot bar AB has a fin. square cross section and is held by pins that are a fixed distance apart and ae located ata distance e=0,08in from the rant ot a, Kang tat np oh in wig ca 000i twih the bar and thatthe froin te bar is 2ro, determine the ineease in tepals mak cant ih poi Cf d-801n, Use SERS pad thecal of hermal expen @='65 107. SOLUTION [" A= GX) 0.148625 int Te R@= 1.6479S10% int de EDs (amiotXnewrasers?) = HTT Abi tn tg 2 HEL. Tet) - as70 #700 CHevtate P using the secant Pormudan pur ds e [secG/E)- 17 sec FYE = LE: ees (14 BY! = cos” (14 22h = cos’'(0.75) = 0.72273 £-1 [4 (ord)? =o. 2170 Pr o.aito Re = 1960.2 db Thermal anadysi ef () Simple approximation by ignoring eccerteceity. Total clongetion = olltaTy- Eb = 0 zi fear See 156002 a + ae dL * Fad” Gu@.nocrsWesvioxy ~ 20°F @) Analysis with iiclusion of eccentnictty. Tube chengation Ff cortroid ania = at (AT) ~ EF = 2e HI To cobevlote SL, differentiate eg, (10.26) BY =e (.p tan cos px - pain px) Mox-o | deep te B= ef& » HE centroid emis is 20 tHE) aun(O-72278) = 286.8 «10° in. nie alan) = Eb 4 2e Bh. ee 286. 8%10% 286.8% 10% : 65° AT? epg t BE 58 Ce F SB.I4 5S = 64a Fr mm feat: o PROBLEM 10.42 5 1a Teste bar AB asa in sue sos sein an ld by is that are a fixed distance apart and are located ata distance =. ‘geometric axis of the bar. wig erp he se ent well-e-0.03i0. ‘with the bar and tha the force in the bar is zero, determi i ‘tom perature for which the bar wl just make contact with point ¢ifd=0.0t in. Use E=29 > 10° ps. and the coefficient of thermal expansion = 6.5 » 104)"F. 10.42. For the ber of Prob. 10.41, determine the required distance d for which the a thr wil jst make Contact wth pot C when he temperature inseases by 120. ain A= MA) = 0.140625 int Tek) = bes79s x10" EL > @¢elot\.GrSto") = 47791 Hbein® ie ie BEL, MGI ~ p70 th, Cohevdate P Fron thermal analysis. To abtan au approximate value, neghect the effect of eccentrety in the thermal anafers. Tote? efongetion = fh (AT) - Pr = 0 Pe EAAAT) = (29x lot Wo.tocas\(E.Sxio° 20) = 3181 Ab. Caleudate the deflection using the secant formula = you = @| seelEVE)- 1] = ©.031] sec $/HEE)- 11 = (0.08)[ sec (1.08197) - 1] = (0.03)(0.94883) = 0.0285 im, For an improved thermal analysis inchuding eccentee ty, see solvtion of Prob. 10.41. 1043 _A.3.5-mlong steel tube having the cross section and properties shown is used. eee ‘as ecolumn, For the grade of stee! used 0 =250 MPa and £=200 GPa. Knowing Aa to yO wip permanent tao r determine the allowable load P so ecco eis (2) 13 mum, 0) 7.5 mm. Llp GleSnce te ncer ttey st oped Be ln ato theses, ie zim i[- Fie 1024 wdecennine 7). it SOLUTION stn ad A= 3400 x10 mi* R= 48.3 110% m : be pS ec areomat Ul Let Sm Sago = 72.46 Ace 8 ct BZ. 63.5 mm Se = UGS) = 0.40824 Dsing Fig 10.24 with — be/e > 72.46 ane ec/r'> 0.40829 PIA = 14.75 MPa = 144.75x10° Po. P= (144.75 « 10% (3400 x10) = -49210* V Daing factor oP safely Py? AFRO = iganso"N = 189 KW me ec _ (7.SX63.5) . (2) @ = 7S mm $6 = CENGSS) = 0.20415 Using Fig. 10.24 with — Le/r> 72.46 and ec/P* = 0.20415 P/A = 175.2 MPR = 17522 x1o* Pa. P= (175. 2 «108 3400 ¥ 10") F596 x10" N Using Factor of sPety Pan * Siglo. agri = TKN =e m ea oa a 1043 A 3.5-m-long steel tube having the cross section and properties shown is used. PROBLEM 10.44 asa column. For the grade of steel used d= 250 MPa and f= 200 GPa. Knowing 127mm that a factor of safety of 2.6 with respect to permanent deformation is required, determine the allowable load P when the eccentricity eis (a) 1S mm, (b) 7.5 rim (Clint: Since the factor of safety must be applied to the load P, not tothe stress, use Fig. 10.26 to determine P)). 10.44. Solve Prob, 10.43, assuming that the length of the stel tube is increased 10 Sm. | SOLUTION A= 3400 ¥10% we n= A838 x10> m an be . 5 eer ‘A> 3400 man? Les Sm *ag.geret = 103,52 Peter C= TR 263.5 mm ce, (1568.5) , @ |= [Sum Se - CEESS) - o.y0829 Dsing Fig. 10.24 with 48 = 103.52 and SE = 0,4ORRA gives E+ 112.75 Mpa = 1275x108 Pa Pe Using ) e Using Pe sing (112.78 * 10% )(8400*/0%) = 383x10>N factor of safety Py = S888! = wu7eto*N = INT KN we > 7S mm $5 = LESS) = 6 20415 Fig. 10.24 gives E+ 133.2 MPa = 138.2 */0* Pa (133.2 1053400 x10"* ) = 453 4108 Factor of catety — Pars A886 2 rym N 2 ITH RY me 4104S An axial load P is applied to the W10 x 30 rolled-stee coluran BC that is free atts top C and fxed a its base B. Knowing thatthe eccentricity ofthe load is e = 1.5 in. and that forthe grade of sel used o, = 36 ksi and E=29 x 10° psi., ‘determine (a) the magnitude of P ofthe allowable load when a factor of saisty of 4 ‘with respect fo permanent deformation is required, (8) the ratio ofthe load foun in rato ihe mau ofthe allowable ets loa fore coh, (See it of 1083. PROBLEM 10.45 SOLUTION Wiox 30 Ax 8.84 in® Wr 137 in SEBS 2 2a0Sin — Ty= 16.7 in! L= 25 fts Fin le= ZL = 180 in le, 180 . I a ee gen es 182. 131-39 e e¢ ~ (9,SK2.40S) = 0.7737 re Gay bs Using Fig 10.24 Ee 10.47 ksi Pr (10.47 8.84) = F26 kes 2S », fa) Using Factor of safety Pur= Be = 38.6 Kips a. @ TMEL , W(29000)(16.79 3 P» Dies EG FS kip Using Factor of safety Puy = HRS 2 6LS kips (b) wotio = = 0.628 -_ A aT eatialae 10.48 An axial load P is applied to the W1O x 30 rolled-stel column BC that 7 atts top C and fixed at its base B. Knowing tha the eccentricity ofthe load is ¢ (0.5 in, and that forthe grade of stcel used 0; = 36 ksi and E = 29 10 psi ‘determine (a) the magnitude of P of the allowable loud when a factor of safety of 2.4 ‘with respect fo permanent deformation is required, (8) the ratio ofthe loed found in Dare he magnitude oft allowse centri lad othe column (Seen of Prob, 10.43. 10.46. Solve Prob, 10.45, assuming that the length ofthe column is reduced to 5.0. SOLUTION Wiox30 A= 8.84in T= 16.7in® y= SP iw ce bee SBE 22.905 in Ls 6.0 Ft = Coin Le 2L = 120 in ik. 120. v es ec. re” Veing Fig 12.24 Be 90 kes P+U4.20X2.84) = 131.7 kip @ Vsing factor of safety Pur + BE2 2 54.9 kips = e> HE: HGrpeeK.2) 382 lips Using Sache of safety Rar $8R = 198.3 ips SAT = 0.897 « to) vatio = ewe 7 PROBLEM 10.47 sec (HVE) cos ( EYE.) + 0.39075 &- [F Quteass)]* Pan 7 he he —— oss (AS “1 ) 2 Gy Jenga ee OP a5 O.SSHIB. ‘2 2249.7 in 1047 A.SS-ip aia loud P is aplid 1 9 WS 24 rolledstee column BC that Se ee eee eee ‘Knowing that the eoventricity of the load is ¢ = 0.25 in., determine the permissible length Z if the allowable stress in the ‘column is 14 ksi. Use B~ 29 x 10° psi. SOLUTION Dota: Pr SS hips, OF O.8S in E = 29x10% psi = 29000 ksi W8"24: Az 7.08 in bp? 6.495 in c= Be ozs, Te 1280 Grae 2 V4 kes Sun? Elie GHEY AGa 1: & SS acc (ZIE) @2sKERS) BYE = scass = 0.55418 TET 2 2 WEI. o.sss w(anvoe¥ins) = S278 «10> in® = 2b Le H4.8in > 4.57 Ft = Vy #61 in, (aie eal O48 A 26-kip axial load P is applied toa W6 x 12 rolled-stcel column BC that is PROBLEM 10.48 fre ats top C and fed a ts base 2. Knowing thatthe eccentricity ofthe load is = 0.25 in., determine the largest permissible length Z if the allowable stress inthe column is 14 kal, Use = 29 * 108 psi. SOLUTION Data: Ps 26 kis, © = 0.25 in E> 290% psi = 27000 ksi WGEHIRE A= 3.55 int lop = 4.000 in es B= 2000 in, Tyr Za int, YY 0.9/8 in Conan 1 esi Gaur El 1+ SS see(SVE)] "ae ASme = £5 sec( HVE) see (FE) e (82 y= ean es = 1.53635 7. 0.65089 HE = 0.86204 2 ae . g- [2@.86204)] 0.30117 2 -BRL. Wer Fee = aon? * Lee Lee © Saul mt ET _ 0.30117 Ht (ag000Y.99) = 9.913 10° in® Le = 94.56 in = 2b L= 49.78 in, = 41S FE =< 1049 Axial loads of magnitude P = 84 KN are applied parallel tothe geometric xis, f= W200 225 alltel column 9 and inter the x ai a daanoe «om its geometric axis. Knowing that = 75 MPa and £=200 GPa, ee agent enable eng when hes mm, O)e= 12 mm SOLUTION Dete? Pe 84x N F+200%/0" Pa W 200 «22.5 At 2860 mm" = 2860% 0% m* bp = 1OR mm = Bz St mm YF ARS mm Ty = 142 10% mm = 142 1S et Cut + Sing = 7S MPa > 75 x/0% Pa. auf] fF) AGae | = 9 $8 se<(HE) (HE) 2 (AS -1) (a) €2 Sm — sec( GE) && a ous WISHO) | 3.0297 Ge EYE = 1.2344 > [2 (.2a04 ay = 0.61787 =f: west a . 2 0.61257 TEL _ 0.61757 0*(200%10" Mrwavicr) _ 2 i - = eunie® = 20.61 m Le 4S4 me Le le = 454m ~« QRt0 x15) (25*10%) (e) er itm — see( F/R) = qed [Sere Nowe) = 20238 cos (HJE)= ocr9zie EE = ocseveas 2fZ ie & = [Z(o.cscae)]” © orryes es eee ee OLNTNGE Le* 2, OMS TET _ 0.17966 720010" 42x10) 2 Ne aoa SB fe Bx 10S ae Les 24tm Le be = 24lm = mo Sst PROBLEM 10.50, 10.50. Axial Joeds of magnitude P ~ $80 kN are applied parallel othe geametrc tis of « W250» 80 roled-steel column 4B and intersect the x axis a a stance ¢ ffom ils geometric axis. Knowing tat allowable stress og ~ 75 MPa and E = 200 (Gps, determine the largest permissible length Z wien () e~ 5 mam, (6) €= 10 mum. SOLUTION y= 93-1 «10% mm" W3.| x1O% wn" Curt Saw = TS MPa + 75x10 Pa Gur Bll + £8 sec(HE)| ASee | = $8 see(HE) seeGYE) = E(48=-") : EL = -165.0)8_| (loza0 vis*)Osx10°) (eo) eS mm — sec(FYE)= tts | erg - cos (EYE) = 0.47805 TYE = 1.07804 B= [Soren] = ores po. WEL, Pon * oavio1 ~~ Tet Date? P= 580¥10"N E* 200%10" Pa, W 50x80 A=10200 wm = 1200x106 m* bp 255 mm 2 ET IRTS mam YF CEO mm 2134 mes . rt (200» Plone. . Los oauel = 2.47101 woo» 1o* }(48. | w/o" dL eeaate P $86 10" Le = 8.3) m Le be = 8.31 m E. (65% __F U0200xioV(75 2108) es tonm sec (Ee) * aims $sorioe cos (EYE): 0.4461 EVE = 0.32980 E .(20s2100) |’ = o.omoss o-Ps BEL oe = oowons = “Te* a _ o.0nyos2 MEX 0.04038 (200 +10t)(us. 110%) Lt Soe TEL | cowoR Toe P 580 * 10> le = 254m Le be = 254m 1.056% CAGE me 10.51 A 12-kip axial load is applied with an cocentricity e~ 0.375 in. to the circular PROBLEM 10.51 steel rod BC that is fre at its top C and fixed at its base B. Knowing thatthe stook rte ec , (o.37sX4d) eee eae is Sma Ait) of rods available for use have diameters increments of in ftom 15. 103.0 in, determine te lightest od thet maybe uscd f= 15 ksi. Use E=29 > 10" psi souuTioN 2 E = 24x10 psi = 29000 kai d= chiameber (in) Az%at TeE Q's BO crkd evoare en L= 4OFt = 48 in be = 2b = 96 in Pan eos. nat = 5244s dt kip i * ld ze Bete - ¢ Pe IR hips [1+ 88 see(HEY] Use 2.125 in, Sug = NFO Ks? < 1S ksi | 10.51 A [2-kip ail load is applied with an eccentricity ¢= 0.375 in, tothe circular PROBLEM 10.52 Steel rod BC that fre a its top Cand fixed at ts base B. Knowing thatthe stock Strode wasabe forse have diameters in nrements of in fom 15in. 103.0 in, determine the Hightest rod that may be used if = 15 ksi. Use E=29 x 10" psi. 1052 SolveProb. 1051, assuming thatthe 12-kip axial Joed wil be applied tothe rod with an coventicity em 4d SOLUTION E = 24% 10% psi # 24000 ksi A= chiameter (in) Ar Rat Ie BG) = Fd" ced ert = AFP =e 4B in Le = ZL = 1 iw = MED m7? (2q000\(nal*) . fee Te? ELGieelind”) sana d n we ge et Pri kips ie 2. GAGS) yo 4 = ederneatties C Same EL 1+ SE see(EE)| = EL + +0 se(H1E)] | Cin | AGoY | Ree Geis) | Saale] Use d 22.625 ine iN? aas | sae | 3207 | 2.75 Sng = 18.27 ksi < IS kev | 3.0 7.068 | 123.48 9.39 nl 25 |4.909 | $9.55 | 15.28 ieee 26m | 5.412 72.38 13.27 o (an 40.33. An axial lod of magninide P = 220 kN is applied ts point located on the x rom the geometric axis of the wide-flange column BC. ae a og Ga, cone the igtest W200 shape thal maybe wd if = SOLUTION Pz 220xJ8N Le hbm Le=2L > 36m Rat TH , Tees agen) = 1S2.3xlo"T, er bmm C2 ec, ebe. Son EL 1 + SE see(HVE)] Shape | A(Io*?) | be lwm)| (lon) Belen} FE |e. (ra W200 x41.7/ 5310 | 166 | 9.01 4iz | 1372 10,2984] 56.5 woo «zec] 3390 | 138 | 3.30 | 31.2 | S026 )0.4079| 17-4 Wi00 ¥ 22.5} 2860 102 V4 2.3 fF2ie.3]° oe rs Use W200%26.6 “P Cage NY MPa Paom Eanes 410.53. An axial load of magnitude P ~ 220 kN is applied at a point located on the axis ata distance ¢= 6 mm from the geometric axis of the wide-flange column BC. Knowing tat =200 Ga, conte ligt W200 supe hat may be wed If = 120 MPa. 10.54 Solve Prob, 10.53, assuming that the magnitude ofthe axial load is P = 345 KN. souvtioN Pe 245r10° N Le hBm L L286m pee MER - MGW E iszano'L » ec . ghe > G mm v7 25S Snow > Ef aes see(F7E,)] \ Shape __ | ALio%H} beCrom Ly (iS mt) vy Gor Real] FE | GracCPed W 200x417 ssio| 16 | act | 42 | 1372 |0,2984) 92.0 W 200 * 26.6) 3390 133 3.30 SZ 502.6 |0.4094| 2538 n W 200% 359) 4580 | os | 764 | Ho. | Ed Jo.2974] [ons | : W 200% 31.3] ooo 134 4tO B20 | 624.4 10.3926] 172.6 Use W200% 35.7 =< Sing = 107.5 MPa iit mo — 10,55 Axial loads of magnitude P= 175 KN are applied toa point located on the x PROBLEM 105 tats ata distance e= 12 mum from the geometric axis of the W250 x 44.8 rolled-stee ‘column 4B. Knowing that 0,- 250 MPa and_E= 200 GPa, determine the factor of Safety with respect to yield. (Hin: Since the factor of safety must be applied tothe Toad P, not to the stresses, use Fig. 10.24 to determine P) SOLUTION For W 250% 44.8 Az S720 mm" , 35.1 maa Le = 3800 mm Le/p = 108.26 = be Be ez Rm = 0.72077 Dsing Fig 10.24 woth Le/rs 108.26 and $& + 0.72077 R/A = 90.87 MPa = 90.37*/0° N/m" Pee ARA > (g720«to"*(40.87*)08) = S1TxIO*N > S17 kw rs.7 B42 = gas ~ 10.55. Axial loads of magnitude P = 175 kN are applied to point located on the PROBLEM 10.56 Mista distanoe e= 12 mm fom the geometric ats ofthe W250 = 44.8 rolled-stee! Sinan AB. Knowing that c= 250 MPa and E~ 200 GPa, determine te factor of Salty wit respect 10 yield. (fit: Sige the foctr of safety must be applied to the fond P, not to the stresses, use Fig, 1024 to determine Py) 10.56. Solve Prob. 10.55, assuming that e™ 16 mm and P = 155 KN. SOLUTION For W250*49.8 A= S720 mm, Wy = 35.1 mm Le = 3800 mm le/v = 108.26 ce ee Ee Hmm 216 mm ec . lucyrs) . 2c = Ue) + 0.40108 Using Fig 10.24 with Le/n = 108.26 and FE 2 0.96103 R/A = BIT MPa BLT N/m™ B= ACR AAY= (S720 m0 *)C 81. 17#10%) = HEH Oe N= 464 kw eee eet ps: & = #4 + 300 =< La ee (Vee) © Ld ct sepepereyy 10.57 Using allowable stress design, determine te allowable cent load for a 7 column of 63-m efetve length thats made from the following rolled steel shape: (@) W250 49:1, (6) W250 ~ 80. Use y= 250 MPa and £= 200 GPa. SOLUTION : c= 22 ar ~10* 4 Steed a+ PE area) = 25.604 A (a) W250%44.1 = G2s0 x1D* m* ” 44.2 «107 wm BS an pa WE | _m*(200 104) i Sau * razaae)® 7 G92! 58.4 n10° Pa. Pay = AGy = (6250x10M58.4x10%) = 368m10* N = 368 kN = (bh) W250 x 80 A= 10200% 10" m* Vacn? 65.0010" mm L & nt Be + ok & ee 0.79877 fs. + § + 2(0.79577)-$(0.71577)* = 1.90208 - & Léry+] . 250*/0* in “J. - Gu = Se [1-3 y] = BRA L1- ge.tssmr¥'] + 99. 82ns0t Pun = A Gm = ([0200%}0°*)(89.82"10°) = FGI N= FIC KN =m 10.58 A W8 > 31 rolled-stcel shape is used to form a column of 2-f effective PROBLEM 10.58 length. ‘Using allowable stess design, determine the allowable centric Toe ifthe {eld srength of the grade of tel used fs (2) 0, = 36 kal, (9) = 30 kak, Use B= 29 10° psi. SOLUTION Steef: E = 29000 ksi W331 At DIZ in® Torin = 2.02 in Le 2) fH = 252 in lef 124.75 , (a) 6 = 36 ksi cf = = [ae 00) _ 126,10 Lene C the = 0.99882 0 Rs. = §+4(0.23982) - $(0.98982)° 1.q1cen Gur Sel) HT] «Shea [)- aG-rensa'] = 2.50 bs Pus Gul = (459X913) = 87.6 kips at (b) G * SO kee C, + faa aaeee = 107,00 Left > Ce Sa = ao 7a. ksi Part Sad = (4.59)0213) = 826 kips ane 1059 _A sel pipe having the cons scion shown i used as acohumn. Using PROBLEM 10.9 Allowable stress sig, deerme the allowable cetec load i the efeive length of theenluma is () 1BR,@) 26. Use oy = 36 kai and B= 29 » 1" ps = SOLUTION : GGQ-b + 212m t=0s8in 5.0816 in® zr 47 E(R-G2") = 20,627 in? Weare ceceeaneenn Steel: E+ 24000 ksi CPPS of EGO! = ae.10 (a) Les 18 FEY 216 im le/r = 106.68 < Ce isle « 0.84601 ps2 £4 G@secor)-F.e4eo!" = 14082 Gee SELEY] + cde Li eee] =r si Pur = Ga A= (12M 036) = GLO Kips = (b) Le = 26 FH 312 iw Lire 154,097 > Co me, mi (ageoe) 28 ksi Sau = Taz Cine” (92 X'57.077)* Mn Pu = Sw A = (6.2a)(s. 0316) = 31.6 kips ~ 10.60 A column is made from half of a W360 * 216 roled-stee! shape, with the PROBLEM 10.60 ‘geometric properties as shown. Using allowable stress design, determine the ETlowable centric load ifthe effective length ofthe column is (2) 4.0 m, (4) 6.5 m. : Use oj = 345 MPa and E = 200 GPa. a : SOLUTION A= 19.8% 10 mat p> fees 1,=280x 108mnt ‘Aces = 43,406 mm = 43.406 HO"? T= 1420 10? mt Zi A= 13.8410? m Stet C7 AEE. [zmoono") - jo6.97 Bas io® @) be=4om Ee iss = Ge ipl = 0.86144 Rs. = $+ F(o.8crna)-gosenay? = 1.1098 Gu = Se [1 ¢ge)"] = SECT sGacreay’] = 13.61 10" Pa Pa = Co A = (113,61 1O®)(13.8 110) = 1S6BxlO>N > IS6CZ“N —e tb) her 6S PT I > Co 2 RE, T@oonto%) xo Pa Su > Tarmy 7 Gao = ese nlon Te Pur = Ge = (U5. 845x108 )(13.8 x10) = 633uj2N = 633kN —e \ yu ao mm red ered fe ina (Gen) [Econ a oe PROBLEM 10.61 SOLUTION 1061 _A3.5-m effective length column is made of sawn lumber with a 114 * 140- ‘mum eross section. Knowing tht for the grade of wcod used the adjusted allowable Stress for compression parallel tothe grain g: = 7.6 MPa and E™= 10 GPa, determine the maximum allowable centic load for the column. C708, 65 76 MP Ker 0.8 E=10000 MPa 18460 mm* = 1S%OxI10% m* HY e107" wm LA = 3.5/1 x108* = 30.70 = Ke _ (0.310000) - 31927 MPa Se - oer Ste = Yat = “Gatoy® ot Ge = 14 Ge/S 1.41873 | Seg, uv meni @xo.8) 0. 88673 v se = 0.S28475 u-Jfor-V = 0.37408 6. Cp = (260(0.37408) = 2.84 MPa Par = GA = (284 xl0*)is%6oxlo% ) = 45.4x107N = 45.4 kW = 410.62. saw umber column wih a 7.5 = 5.51, cross section has a 18-Aefetive PROBLEM 10.62 dength. Knowing that for the grade of wood used the aijsted allowable sess fot ‘compression parallel to the grin is a= 1220 psi and that E= 1.3% 10* psi, hie = 40.33 << 55 fee 201N-TE eduminum alloy Gut = 30.7 - 0.23(L/r d= 30,7 - (.23%40.83) = 21.42 kei Per 2 Ow A = (24a MS4375) = NES kips -_ 10.64 A compression member as the cross section shown and an effective length of PROBLEM 10.64 15S m. Koowing thatthe aluminum ally used is 6061-76, determine the allowable circ oad 109.0 E 2 aoe SOLUTION 10mm ae Tp 2 ROALISY + Coortis (wes = 2.7875 nlf om a oes Tun tA (AM70)S = 257.25 +108 mes F “ Ty = 2Tat Ta = 5.78225 +108 mm lyr al zUisXtool] « GMA = 2 S042S * 10% mm! A = 2lloo\(is) 4 (FMI) = 2630 mm” > ESO HIE m* ee cet eeeeeet REET mm = LES * IO mm be 2 LSS m lees 52.01 < 66 (606I-TE aetumnon ) Gun = 189~ 0.868 (U/r) = 139~ (0.8b2%52.01) = 87.78 MPa P= Suc A > (87.7810 (3cR0%/0%) > 31/08 N = 317 kw ~ c focal (eed ad eel fire ee xe) oer) eee 1 10.65 A column of 6.4-m effective length i obtained by comecing four 89 = 89 * eee {9.Semm steel angles with acing bars as shown. Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric lead for the column Use. op = 345 MPa and f= 200 ore Pay SOLUTION Steed: C= PRE = fT) - 106.47 fl tial 84x B19.5 am oonghe = es 1600 mmm ian a Tyr 819 10% mm d= (00 =x = THR mm T= 4 (Ads Ly) = 4[Qcoortay + 11908] = 39.996 10% mu G4H00 mm™ = GYOOK1O™ m* 19.053 mm > 77.053%I0>m aor er * 80.958 Ses Fs. > $+ $(0.83208)-¢(0.gazesy = 1.9067 Se [r- GEY) - BagL1- 4@.e22087] = 7.198 bei a > ir + (IZ NSVI7.0075) = 242 kips ~ 10.69 A rectangular column witha 4.4-m effective PROBLEM 10.69 Ieacd wood Keogh geo word ed the ase lobe ses fr compesion pro the gin = 8.3 MPa and tak E~10 GPa, determine the maximum allowable centric load for the eotamn. }-—— 215mm ——+} 4 SOLUTION {uomm Glued Laminated cofomn C= 0.9 , Keg 20.418 \ 6. = 8.3 MPa E = 10000 MPa A= IG)QHOY = 30240 mm” = BO2YO LC m* A= NYO mm 2 ONO m Le HH L/d = 31.429 = Ke& ~ (0.u18)(10000) . . was Gaye 4.2318 MPa Ge /0z = 0.50986 2 Lt Gel/& _ 150M, - Sele . u an = Sea + oases ve 0.5661 Cpe u-so*=v = o4cgor Cas Ge p= (830.4680!) = 3.8845 MPa Pur = Ga A= (5.83452 10% (30240 10%) = ISIN = IAS KN me PROBLEM 10.66 10.66 A column of 21-8 effective length is obtained by conneting two C10 » 20 : steel channels with lacing bas as shown. Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric load for the column. Use 0; = 36ksi and £ = 29 > 10" psi, SOLUTION | Clo%20 A 2 7 i 5 ly= 2. ae uae > 2.80 in For the eodumn > QXE.88)= 11.76 in® Te = 78.9) = i 8 int ly = 2(2.81+ Cs.ead(z.seayt] = lod tl inY : baa = 2.975 in Les a1 Ft = asain CEE" [ERED ~ vxe.10 i elt yr * O.671ES ES. = ¥ + ZOcwes)-g(o.cres)* = \-8807 - & Lage : Su * BL RCT] eral 1 HO erIef] = Moe Pa = SaA = (82K 0.76) = 174.3 kips _ 10.67 A compression member of 2.3-m effective length is obtained by bolting PROBLEM 10.67 together two 127 * 76 = 12.7-mm steel anges as shown. Using allowable stress dfs, detemine te allowable conc laad rthe calimn. Use oj = 250 MPa and = 200 GPa, 125.66 jp em Stet: C2 /RE - (rae Lia7 #16 127 wm Table gives AZ 2420 met, ye Wt, Ter 3.93 110% mt = LOC xlof mt, X= hOmm, Gq: For cofomn aged = QU1.06 «108) = 2.12% 10% men! La: GL 2.124 10% mm" = 21210 m!? edo ou 4BYO * 107% m* r fe: BBESS = 20.98 1107 m ee ae = loato < CG fe = O.B74ss es. > £+ 3 (0.874s5)-d(.87058) = 1.4110 Gu = Ses lt - AY] = HOH T-4 mss] = 80.74 10° Pa. ane Pa = Sa A = (8.74x10¢ (4840 %J0%) = 34) «lo? N= 39) kv a n 10.70 An aluminum structural tube is reinforced by riveting two plates to it PROBLEM 10.70 ‘shown for use as a column of 1.7-m effective length. Knowing that all material is, ‘aluminum alloy 2014-16, determine the maximum allowable centric load. oan emo 4 ia ae ota] s bot 6484344 B+ ES = Elm bi = 34 mm het 84544 B 70 mm ‘Sémm i he = SY mm A= bho~ behs = (62)(70)- (a4 XS) = 2.504 +108 mm* * 2504x157 m* can EEE aa T= albhe beh?) = A leaner - ancony'] 1.32602 ~ 10% mm rk ee bo] = [erorceny*= ncaa] = 1.21387 «10% mm’ + Tove rey cee -[SBEe = 22.013 mm 22018067 m LENT Begley + 77.23 > SS for aluminum alfey ZOMM- TS _ BI2xto® _ 372 »to8 _ au = AGE > AGAR = 62.37 MPa Pay = Sa A = (62.37 «104 (2.504% 103) = 156.2%IN = 1S6.2kN =e faa) ci 10.71 \280-4N centric load is applied to the column shown, that i fice at its top A PROBLEM 1021 1a7h 28 cnt tan ly SOUT ee tesa ogre prrpemer pt 1204 soLuTION | le = 2L = (20.20) = 0.60 m aap A= bt re ae ore = & , LL, o6o¥® , 20785 v Be b QOW-TE aluminum abloy Assume # < SS Say = 2I2- LSBSKLMP) = 212- (ses V(2.0785 7b? = (2iz- 3224) pa =[2i2~ 2884 ]Gi0) Pe Rat SyA = [21@ib? - 3.2946] (lot) = 280x/0° ZIAb*~ 3.2Mb ~ 20x =O B= 2201 + VGN GMa yase = 44.9x107* YAY L. 2.0785 g.0785_ Li, Roms. Ronis 76.26 < SS Answer! b= A4.G 810% mF YY. mn = 10.72 A \6-kip centric load must be supported by an aluminum columa as shown, PROBLEM 10.72 sing the aluminum alloy 601-T6, detrninete aniaos nc babe Tom ® QTE = LbY = ER8S4 e 6O61-T aluminum efey. Assume E < GG Siu = 20.2-0.126(LIm) = 20,2-(0,126) $2:354 + 70.2 - LEE ,; Pan = Gy A = (20.2~ ABH 24) = vou iszab ke; 40.4 bY NH b= 16 tb = Mme + Missy WKH AGE) - @X90.45 ee | 8! be ae : as = 73.09 > ce Assumption not ver fied, & + lose, | Sooo bt fee Assume > 66 ee ezssne = 18 NT BT sy Pat = Cay A = CBT AB) = 26.2846" © 16 kups é VatSap = 0.888 in. Ex BIS 70.56 > 66 Assomption veritied bt 0.884 in, _ alee 1 = m aes Aap aiden oat ai on 107% Anta ute fm oe ener acy ae 1 Ror eck fg rani ep ofa 6 Tightest tube that can be used. 10 SOLUTION L =, P= 125x107 VA= 4S mm ret-t AzT(nt-nt) I=F(wt-n) 80-m outer vz VI/A ‘inner For 2014-TC eluminum alloy Guy = 212 - 1LSes (La) MPa of be ss Suu = S224122 Po OF bi > SS airy Paw > Sad Cabcudate Pa For each thickness. it v: A I r Life Car Past yee mame wn 10M andl M ww C39 1583 L404 24.78 15.5¢ 65.16 103.1 > 4 36 2240 1901 28,82 78.08 0) 134.2 12 33 2941 2,284 «22,90 80.65 $7.20 168.2 1S 30 8534 2584 27.04 83.20 $3.74 139.9 Since Pay must be greeter than 120k, vse = 4 mm = PROBLEM 10.74 Lda = 63.76 Gee (Se * 2 Le Gale Tt Ge/6.) Checked Cy 2 Le getSs - /( TE Gal Results. of similar trials are summavi Assumed Cyo| Gust (psi) 10.74 A 18-kip cenric load is applied to rectangular sawn lumber column of 22-A effzxivelengih. Using san lunber for which the adjusted allowable ste fo ‘compression parallel tothe grain is ge 1050 psi and knowing that £= 10 « 10° psi determine the smallest cross section that can be used for the column if = 2d. SOLUTION Sawn Domber c= 0.8 Ket 0.3 1oSo psi E = 10x10 psi Az 2d* L= aatt = 264 las St Assumed Cp = 0.5 Gn O.Cp = (10S0)O.5) = $25 psi fe = 26ud* "VR pose. age = Id in = Pe soa\ons - Peay jot : See = (aye (L/ay= aye 187-7 pi 0.7028 Gel = 0.5601 eel in the table below. Alin] L/ed_|Ge(psi)| Gee /Se | Checked Col ACe Os Sas 0.56 | 583 0.535 | 561.75 0.8343 | S¢/.0 4.19 | 63.76] 737.4 | 0.7028] 0.Sé01| 0.060! 3.41 | 67.48| 658.8] 0.6275] 0.5169) ~0.0481) 4,00] 66.00} 688.7] 0.6559] 0.5337 | = 0.0018) 4.005] 65.92] G90.4 | 0.6575] 0.5846) Answer d= 4.01 in, feed ieee ao c 10.77 A column of 5.6-m effective length must carry a centric load of 2750 KN. PROBLEM 10.77 ‘Knowing that o; = 250 MPa and £.~ 200 GPa, use allowable stress design to select the wide-lange shape of 360-mmn nominal depth that should be used. SOLUTION 5 xtot 8 . : ats. (27800109) = 18.3310" m = 18330 mm Tele T> 4saPle , (a2 R250» 1 MSC )* We F* (200n10" ) p< HEL = 88,9 10%m" = 88,4410" mm” Try W360 «216 A= 27600 mnt = 27600x 10% m* ok. ¥ 283» 10% mm" ok LOL mm = 1011S im + [SEE . oe io") & Zso xO 14as.66 le 2 5 : left = tes GBS + SENS < qe a 0.44128 F.s.2 $4 $(o.94i23)-g(o.wvias)® = neaiy Sau = BEL AGEY] = 22H Y1-Eo.aviay] = tesa vot Par = GA = (123.9 «10° 27600 *15* ) = 3420107 M = 3420 kN BYZO kN > 2750 kN Use W360 % 216 ~ 10.78. A column of46-m effective length must cary a centric Ind of 525 KN. PROBLEM 10.78 ‘Knowing that y= 343 Mla and E= 200 GPa, use allowable stress design to select, the wide-lange shape of 200-ram nominal dep that should be used. SOLUTION SA ree *1o® yok . A > eat = SSB S2Sx10*) = R.SYxI0* m= SHO mm meer Ps Tau > pti - - Megas nies (He) 2 0.89 x10 mt + 10,89 #10! mnt Tey W 200% 46.1 = S860'mm*, I, S.3* 108 mm, We Sled 41S? mm aw fax (z5qx10") o ih > eee BAS woe erie = Lele. te * gin = 90.02 < CG te 0.84154 = G4 F(o.sts4)- glo.adsyy = 1.9077 : &hi- ay] - BYS*IO8 | | - 4o.suisy)] = 116.8 «10% Pa 2 = Sa A = (116.8 «OS (5860 % 15" = 684 kN > Saskw Use W200% 46.1 = co eee ieee food coed oa ca 3 10.79 A column of 22.5-A effective length must carry a centric ood of 288 kips. PROBLEM 10.79 Using allowable stress design, select the wide-flange shape of I¢-in, nominal depth that should be used, Use o;~ 50 ksi and = 29 = 10° psi SOLUTION SA SESIP . sass) . . P< re Aor + Ga = 26 in Le = 245 Ft = 270 in E = 29x10% psi > 24000 ksi < PEL 1.92 Ple*_ (0.92 )(2882(2707" ~ in Ae ean ca et owt aaa tame eee) amici ac tt Try Wide 82 RYT iw i aie =a c.fPBE = [2G = 107.00 Se = Fiz = 108.87 > 107.00 = UE __ _ T Gave) Su = Tazdmme * Cae Goearye ~ '%S8 ksi Pa = CAs (258X241) = 303 kips > 288 kips Dse WIN* BR = Wer 248 in 10.80. colurn of 17- effective length must cary a cent oad of 235 ki PROBLEM 10.80 ‘ing allowable stress design sclect the wide-lnge shape of IO-in, mona depth that should be used. Use o-= 36 Kal and E'=29 = T0® pal SOLUTION pe Sh yr GQE . WAU © roan int Le 17 Ft = 204 int E> 29x10 psi = 22000 ks? 2 wet 1.92 Ple _ (1.92 \(28sY(2ou)* P qite e(@giessy OSG int Trey W a = 15.8 in Tye 103 ne 2.56 in Ce BEE. [Ges = 126.10 Be get = 79.69 < befe = = 0.63194 FS. = a t(oesmay = 1.8728 Sofia ey] + SGU tees] + 15.39 ber Pays Cul =(IS.84)(15.8) = 243 kips > 285 kips Use W loxS¥ —_ Se xu = Cee Le * oe re (a Pe Ra = Y92) Phe™ A= 30.125 108m ~ tt Bo pee 7 &) P= icc XIN af: (4Y1-92)P be® _ TE As 33.543xI0% Li 7 101 Accnjc loa P mst be apa by these bar 48, Using alowae ‘determine the smallest dimension d ofthe cross section that can be trod when (@) P= 108 KN, (@) P=I6GEN. Use o,=250 MPa and £= 200 GPa, SOLUTION pee. VT Feaesxio fare - [am (aooxo) - Pee = ene) asco be idm A = (BdAv(AY = Bat = e(adaY = Hot Ve: ae = 0.288675 of 1o8™ oF N Asowe > C. wtEL Lay Pale’ 6 pgs L42 Le* eee a4 Mua 923 594/67 mt W(Z00 = 108) v= 8.696 x1o™* m Ioo.99.> ~ = d= 30.1 mm Assume ff 7 ce 42 166m)" 4) = 1.26588«/0"% m® ? (oo x 10%) mons 9.68295"/0"* HSB > 125.66 d= 33.5 mm c {mney ona ates roe a] 1082 Two 34% 2} in. angles are bolted together as shown for use as 8 btuia tn tse ‘column of €f effective length to cary centric load of 4 kips. Krowing thatthe : ff inde avalabe ve hicks of in in and in se lewabe sss sins. ign to determine alt be used. Use oy =36 si end = lesa ret eal ene lightest angles 0, = 36 ksi and B= 29 an *t" sowwtion Steet: E= 27000 ksi Let BFE = 6 int co [EE = (EBT reo Try Lb 8hx2z>§ in A= (2a) = 422 in™ Ty? @XLoa)= 2.18 in® < Ty r +R = 0.719 in be p18 He = GS = 13852 > G WE _ , W'@q000) | Su Taagueye 7 Laz Cisse says B36 Kei Pat = Gud > (8.369422) = 35.3 kips < Wkips De not use. Toy b Ske 2am kin At @VR7S) + 5.50 in® = 0.704 in + 136.36 > Ce mE _ Et(ateoo) Tagen * (C92 KIRK. 36 * Pur= Sue = (2.02\(5.50) = 41 kips > 4! kips Use L B8$x2e*4 in. a de , ¥ * 3.704 Cua > = BORK 1083 Two 34% 24 in. angles are bolted together as shown for use as a PROBLEM 10.83 column of 6 effetive length to cary a centric load of $4 ips. Knowing thatthe angles avilable have thicknesses of} in, } in, and 4 in, use allowable stress fy igo deren te get angle that canbe td, Use 0= 36 and = 29 n_ abin x10 psi. eae SOLUTION fin, He Steed: Ex 27000 ksi Le = OF4 = 7Zin + [SE . [ait@aoce) - Qe Sr ao = \26.10 Try b hy abr in A= GX zu) = 422 in* Ty? QRS) = S12 in? y= 21.09 42110. 660%] = 4.018 in = Dun vs {5 - [B88 = o9rse 2 + 7278 < Ce ite 7874 = 0.58509 fs > $+$(0.58501)-4(0.58501)" = L.te!0 Sa = Sfi-4(£)] : rézli- 4(e-sssony] = 16.08 kee FS Pap = GaA= (1¢.03X4.22)= 627 kips > S4 hips CeMowed) Tey L Sede d in A> QUA) = 2.88 in® Iy* GYM. 80)= 3.60 in® Iy =@[0.777 +(.44%0.6M)*] = 26897 in ve fe {EE = 0.97538 in = 15.208 % im ~ PROBLEM 1 ‘A square stracural ube having the cross section shown is used as a column 3. Tength to carry a centric load of 129 KN. Knowing that the tubes available for use are made with Wall thicknesses of 3.2 mum, 48 mm, 6.4 mm, and 7.9 mm, use allowable stress design to determine the lightest tube that can be used. Use 0, = 250 MPa and E = 200 GPa 0.84 ‘762mm SOLUTION ee bys 76.2 mm by b= 22 Ae bo - bs etme| T= &(b- b) le= 31m P= 12 kv by = 76.2 mm Steed: faRE . fan Geox . i2s.66 Ty te TE.R- 9.6 = 66.6 mm (16.29 - (666 )* FI 37088 #/o*mm* + 37088215" me =6.E)*T= 1.1700S* 10% wet = ).17005 x10" mY Be 22.21xio* m spi 7 106 + $+ ¥(o.84143)- $(0.84443) = 1.9081 Cn= SELi- HLL] = 4802104) 1 g(ogansy] = 84.3% 10° Pa * 0.84443 Par = GA = (84.3x10 1.37088 %/*) = 115.6107 N = 1IS.6 KN < 124 kW De not use. Tey Te 6.4mm bz 76.2 - 12.8 = 634A mm ie R= (76.2)*- (63.4) = 1,78C8B*10% mm” = 1.73CBB 210" wm™ Te kLcre2- C34] = 1uC81G x 108 mm = 1.46816 110 m le = Fs. Sue Poe ve K = UB6IS*IS* om palin = l0as3< G 1s = ovseaie %8.G18 10 $+ 46.26212) -40 oars 1.9099 > Slee] = Hee h 2.6212) + 82.25 «10% Pa * 6A = (s2.25xl0")(1,78688 KO) = 147,02 10° N = 147.0 KN > 129 kW Use L = 6.4 mm = “1085 A rectangular tube having the cross section shown is used as 2 column of PROBLEM 10.85 doe ethairelog ‘Knowing that o; =250 MPa and = 200 GPa, use load and largest centric live load that can be applied dead load factor Y= 1.2, a live load Factor ‘slatance factor design 0 determine he tee ifthe centre dead fod is 140 EN. Use Feel te" LG and the resistance fair $= 085. SOLUTION t=6m Mmm = 11 mm Wee hy RE = I ime 2b = 162 me Az byhy - bh; = (079 129) ~ Clez)(1n) HG RY mm 7 4624 H/o = [bho beh] = Afcrre via F- (rea Qn} = 1.9212 « 10% mae* re a + PERE = 50.196 me + 50.775 16" om = tS = 88.68 Boro - fe. 2 [ou 2 7 Ye = Ae | Bento = 0.9974 < 1S P= 0.9948 Po = A (0.658) & = (yer ¥10% 10.658)" (250 x10) = 162.3 x10" N = 762.3 kN YoP. + TLR = PPL G2 4ey + BER = O.85%02.3) PR = 300 KN = Sa Cc aie eal Oo "10.86 A column with a 19.5- effective length supports a centric load, with rati PROBLEM 10.86 eae nem t effective length supports a centric load, with ratio of SOLUTION Le = 14. (a) W dead to live load equal to 1.35. The dead load factor is 7 = 1.2, the live load factor ‘y.= 1.6, and the resistance fictor = 0.85. Use loud and resistance factor design to Aciermine the allowable centric dead and live loads ifthe column is made of the following rolledsteel shape: (2) W10 x 39, (6) W 14 x 68, Use E=29 x 108 psi and = 50 ksi. S Ft = 234 in 10x39 AF US int y= 1.98 in Ly? 8.18 de® ie fe. ue a8 | go = \sezo > 1S + ASHE) e, = Wegyleskre¥S) 206.67 inn a Py 73.7 kips ~« 0.200.358 + 16 R = (0.85 1206.67) PL > 54.6 Kips —_ (6) W 4x68 = 20,.0ims tyr 246 in Le/ty = 98.12 de ie fe a = R872 < 1S de’ = 1.8806 Pt A (0.058 6, > (20.0(0.658)" hse (so= SIG kips GP t+ hh = PPR (. Pos 183.9 kips = 27.85 P+ 16 R eO.8s USiC) R= 136.2 kips ol 10.87 The structural tube having the cross section shown is used as a coltumn of 15- — ‘edo ln ery 0 co dnd ond of hie and rate ve ado 8 ip. Knorng thatthe ts evllbl for use are made with wal thicknesses in increments of ‘in. ffom 2 § in, use load and resistance factor design to determine the lightest tbe that canbe sed, Use oj = 36 ks and E~ 29 > 10% pi, Te dead itrYo™ 1 te ve od i 1," 1.6 ne rian te =o. SOLUTION ww] ee SARE HBO in YR UPR = PP Pequind Py 2 RR ZMR. . CaNSs (L6VSE) - set. 2 bps Ty te bint 0.25in bet 6.0 tm byt be bo SS in A= bi-b? + (6Y-65Y = 5.75 int T= bbb) = BONG) = 91.74 ot ve fE - fBE = esate in es w= Re/R - Mes Pee . ossae <5 d'+0.78815 Py = A (0.658)" 6; =(S.7SM0.es8y (86) = 152.0. kips <181.2 hips Thickness is to sme/P. * 76.61 Since Po is appronimtely proportional te thickness, the vequived thickness is approximatedy t Pu 18118 Ever gg. Pome - 181, i. Gas ~ “Isa 1s boy % 0.296 3 Try EF iin = 0.312 in, < F S.398 As Toad int, T= 28uvint, We 2.82S4in Ee TAAL de Tytlfaiese + 0.8eR < Ls do = 0.78361 Pe =(7.1099)(0.658)" (6) = 186.7 keys > 181.2 kee Use t= £ in -_ "10-88 A column of $.5.m effective length must carry a centric dead load of 310 kN PROBLEM 10.88 and a centric live load of 375 RN. Knowing that oy = 250 MPa and E'= 200 GPa, use Toad and resistance factor design to select the wide-flange shape of 310-mm nominal depth thet should be used. The dead load factor yj = 1.2, the live load factor y, = 116 and the resistance factor #= 0.85. soLviiox GP, + TR = PP ved Yo Por KP _ O.2¥S10)+ (6X32) _ Required P= TETET AS G2rsieye GcXs7s) - yas tal Preliminary co Jevdat ions * . Be. SKI” 2 ys7znto wm = YS72 mem Po= GA + A> & = Zeon 10% p< MEE 1 > Bus -Canigeto Gey 5 iz santc ut rasa it me! f = (200 ¥ 10") Try W $loxGo At 7590 mm = TSAO RIO wm . T= 18.3 10% mm®, WF 44. mm = A) LC? det Ee - SS___. [Fiori = 1.2606 <1. soot VE Tw * 10") ¥ 200% 10% he = 5892 “ Ea 1.5842 B= A(o.6s8Y" 6 + (7590% 10° (0.688) @s0x10*) = 975 x10} N + WS KN < 143 kN Teo Fight. De not use. 9480 «10S me 49.7 10% on =e TOM 2 | Be eeie dee gidzgey RRS s ttse hs Py = (4480%10% )(o.6s8) " (asonto') = 1238 x10" N = 1238 kv > 1143 kN Tey W8lo x74 Use W3lox74 —_ 10.89 A sawn lumber column with a 125-mm-square cross section and a 3.6-m ape effective length is made of a grade of wood that has an adjusted allowable stress for ‘compression parallel tothe grain d¢~9.2 MPa and a modulus of elasticity £= 12 ‘GPa, Using the allowable-stress method, determine the maximum load P that can be safely supported with an eccentricity of $0 ram. SOLUTION A= IRS mm = OLS mw Az dP 15.6251 6.= 7.2MPa, Ex 12000 MPa, sawn Pumber: €=0.8, kK, = 0.300 = Ker | (o.s00,12009) , : 6a = (e.seaXizoee) 434 MPa Cig/6 = 0.47177 Cis Ai Gel6) _ (Cyl Sle = 0.41397 € Sat = 6.Ce = (4. 2YO.MI847) = 3.804 MPa. = SO mm = 0,050 m Ie dt = k.125)7 = 20,245% 10% mn" Cr dd = 0.0625 m Pee Ee Tete Ge (f+ )P < ww 3.804 x lof p< He ina 0.050) (0.0625) = 7.48 slo? NV KE 7 15. C5s103 *90.34S *1O=* P< 17.48 kN ine ‘10.89 A sawn lumber column with a 125-mm-squere cross section and a 3.6-m PROBLEM 10.90 effective length is made of« grade of wood that has an adjusted allowable stress for ‘compression parallel tothe grain ge-~9.2 MPa and a modulus of clasticity E = 12 ‘GPa, Using the allowable-sress method, determine the maximum load P that ean be safely supported with an eccentricity of $0 mn 10.90. Solve Prob. 10.89 using the interaction method and an allowable stress in baandtial bending of 12.8 MPa. 3. AF 12S mm = OAS Azateisczsxiotm = &= = 28.8 6. = 4.2 MPa E= 12000 MPa san dumber: 7 0.8, Keg? 0.800 = KeE . (0.300000) 5 : Se * C/ayt eeMgece) = 4.34 MPa Ge /6. = O.4NTT c= Ls Gale) _ [Ce Bele SE = 0.41347 Cate = SC > (a.2X0.41847) = $804 MPa. €= SOmm= 0,050 m Te gate q(o.tes}'+ 20.345%10" Crdd = 0.0625 m Pp , Pec AGne TSu,e 1 p< _—.- [RENO G5.625*10\(2,804 110°) BO-BAS IO V(12.8 x 108) B4,.7x}07 No = 347 kM _« Panni ras iasi 10.91 An eccentric load is applied ata point 1 in. from the geometric axis of a 2.2- ; in-diameter rod made ofa steel for which o = 36 ksi and E'= 29 > 10* psi. Using the allowable-siress method, determine the allowable load P. wn 7 SOLUTION 4 cegde hin As teh = 3.2018 int TeBcls Lani neff © 0.5890 in 2.3, diameter 48m le = 48 in le/v 48/0-58o = 87.2724 Ll c.- {=F - {=e + 126.10 > Le/r bef 0.692) Fs. = $+ 3 (o.ea2'-$(o.caiy + sss Gas Sgt] = Sali ecnai¥] = 14.520 bi Eyes 1 ee ie ee eG (f+ 88)Pu- ee Ra = Sue] ESE] 1 Pa (4. ae + Moyet) = WA kips -_ PROBLEM 10.92, 10.91 An eccentric load is applied at a point | in. from the geometric axis of a 2.2- in-diameter rod made ofa stee! for which oj = 36 ksi and £= 29 > 10 psi. Using the allowable-stress method, determine the allowable load P. 4092 Solve Prob, 10.91, assuming ta the loa is applied t= point 1.6 in. tom the goomeitic axis and that the effective length is. SOLUTION crgde tl in A=Tict = 3.8013 in® Ts Fete Wivagn ve YE = 0.550: let asin be/r> 33 /0.880 = Go C. EE + [2PBI%) ~ iz0.10 7 tele = 0.4758 Fs. = $+ Zlosrsa)-%(o.ursey = 1.9316 e Sau = £E [1-4 4N] refa] 1 dense) = 17.480 wi Ba 5 Bate. cy (ht 8) Rue Ge Ran Cul x Pay =G7.480)) 7 10.93 A column of 5.5-m effective length is made ofthe aluminum alloy 2014-16 Peon {or which the allowable stress in bending is 220 MPa. Using the interaction method, detzrmine the allowable load P, knowing that when the eccentricity is (a) e=0, (6) € = 40mm. SOLUTION Ret ISR mm b> be RE = 122 mow A= bE-bst = 8220 mb = 8220 410% mY stm In T= (b'b:") > 26,02 *10% mam” u rye = 56.26 nm = $6.26 2107 mm ; is s i All Ft een 7 17-16 > SE a Su, 38.92 MPa fer centric LU 2 Pes 2 y | Réu. * Témy * Oo fe) €= 0 — P= AGine © (B220%10°)(38.9210°) = 320xj0°N = 320kN =e > ACisz) = 76 mm = 76>(07% m cama Pontos U7exlo7) ee ; [eit0 10 VBR AAW(O*) * (HAORMIO™V(A20 * 105) 3.6568"I5°P = | lee P= 273 xJo2N = 278 kN ~ n We) @= dono" m (cea a c 1093 A.column of 5.5-m effective length is made of the aluminum alloy 2014-6 PROBLEM 1094 fe ihe aati sees edn 290 Ma Ung th eran mc Setemin the allowable lon F, knowing that when the csr is (a) =, () ¢ 10.94 Solve Prob. 10.93, assuming thatthe effective length of column i 3.0 SOLUTION r 182 am uu T= SR mm be = bL-AE = 122 mm A= bt bit = 8220 mm* = B200¥Is Sm™ LT Cet b2) > 26.02 2105 mam” r 24 = S6.RE mn = SR 2L*IC? mw Lt — 3.1 ures? 53.32 < ss Cate = IR = 1885 CLM) = 212 ~0.585 (53.32) = 127.5 MPa eee aat en Réae * I6an 220 Pr AGy* G20 %6*)(127.Sm10#) = 1048 tN > los KN me (ed es YOmm= 4YOxlo wm = AYIS2) = 76 mur = 7621078 mm 2 Ponto"? )Cre x15") Garona rise + Tae. 0a Manon 1o%) = NBER HIOTP = 1 Pr 673 x (of N = 678 kv = PROBLEM 10.95 er > 10.95 An cocentric load P= 10.8 kis is applied ata point 0.8 in. from the geometric exis of 2-in.-diameter rod made ofthe aluminum alloy 6061-T6. Using method and an allowable stress in bending of 21 kai, determine the the interact P= 108tips Jarget allowable effective length J that can be used. 061. SOLUTION 4 ergds hoi Asmct> 8.146 in* I? Bet = o7estint pe dE cas in e+ 0.8 in Gun = 21 ks! ee Pec, ered ee: ee gece cree Mud Vo Tee 10.8 AC a Fee y= Settle) . (12.8 10.8900) = 0.1385 wi (ores4 Xa) TRE ksi Assume L/n > 66 $1000 L. gme. any ¥ {= 84.05 > Ls 84.08 n = (8405 (0.5) > 420 in - PROBLEM 10.96 | P= 108s ose. a 10.95 An eccentsic load P = 10.8 kis is applied ata point 0.8 in. fram the Joomertic axis of 2-n-diameter rod made ofthe aurinum alloy 6061-76, Using Forreraction method and an allowable stress in bending of 21 ksi, determine the 10,96 Solve Prob. 10.95, assuming thatthe aluminum alloy wed is 2014-76 and that the allowable stress in bending is 26 ksi. SOLUTION 2m. lametor Te Ect = 07984 in* r are 2 OS iw J Crd Loin Ae mes BME int Bl e+ 0.8 in Suey = 26 ksi eee ree BR .)- Lec Roqe* Fes 7! REge* |” Toms a A Pi = Bulges , — (1e:80(0.80(10)) - at te P (1- F865.) > FB ji - Seaeies | 0.1678 ksi Ce 5.46 ksi = $4900 Sone = “Ce Assome L/r > SS 5 fe = BRE = 18.190 758 L= 914K = (9519 MOS Y= 472E Ine =< 10.97 _A rectangular column is made of sawn lumber that has an adjusted allowable ‘tres for compression parallel to the grain o- = 8.3 MPa and a modulus of elasticity E111 GPa. Using the allowable-stress method, determine the largest allowable ‘effective length L that can used. SOLUTION wymn d= WBOmmt OBO Mm be 240 mm = 0.240 Ae bd = 48.2010% mt Ee 1100 MPa Tye babh= £(0.1809(0.240)* = 207.36 ¥/0* mi @= Simm = 0.025m cz #= OOM 4 Pec LOSwio® ogxlor(o.025 )o.120) _ “ Ee cee Sue BERS seen eHe = sasnenn'n = 3.9496 MPa Cp = O.47586= ¥ Let x = Gur/G, where = 0-8 fir saum Domber jase = 7 .8)(0.47585) xe y HESt = @.arsse) AEC? 0, 50237 Gee = 6, (0.56227) = (8.3(0.56227) = 4.6668 MPa Se Kee hee Ra 0.500 L BOOKNIO2) 2 4 8) im ay atees 10.97 A rectangular column is made of sawn lumber that has an adjusted allowable ae stress for compression parallel tothe gain q = 8.3 MPa and a modulus of elasticity E= 111 GPa, Using he allowablestess method, determine the largest allowable effective length L that can used. 10.98 Solve Prob, 10.97, assuming that P = 85 KN. SOLUTION A= 180 mm = 0.180 m bt 240mm = 0.240 m Az bd 3.210% me E= 11]00 MPa. Tet Ab = (0.1200. 240) = 207. 36%L0° m™* = 2S mm > 0,025 m c= B= 0.20 m 2. Bese, 5x lot, (25%10*X0.025 XO. 20). 3 gyng no Pa Sue 2 4a.2"1o> 207.36 (ore . MPa Cor Qe = SEBS = 0. sasez=y Let x= Ge /Se yo tax _[(BxF-E where ¢70.8 for sawn dumber Bey = VGN -% ORF - EDs = GATE Eee Gitte yyy 1 -(0.8 XO.38522) _ xy a =( 0, 38522) i ose 0.43350 Gog F Se (0.48350) = (8.3%0. yg3So)= 3.598 MPa Le ae = (o.rsorfe=sgexuuee) = SAB m - 2099 cx of 4 tv lag ans of ratio ofl tubing avg PROBLEM 10.99 the cross the allowable-stress method, section determine the maximum. setceeman ney bass ime O)Po3s pe tie oy nba ana B= e o SOLUTION in lh Stee®: 6,= 36 ksi #29000 bai ~ [SUE , [at ee) TT de Ot 2-8 (Aes = 126.10 bz On bye b- 2E> BASIN CFO ben} | As bi- bjs 5.437Sint T= f(b." b,") = 12.036 in* i vr JE 14878 in Lee HFS 168 im he/e = < ie = 0.89547 SF i $(0.89547)~ $(o.sasur) = 1.4127 ous SL1-3Gey] = ieq[ 1 £eaasi7)] = 275 bei Bes Bae ae BA wa eRe oa HH) @) Pur SS kips er Bes |es- Se] = 0.127 in - (b) Pup * 35 kips = 12.086 3S. e i oe © + ait LMS eas iadaie eee (aed Cea 10.99 A column of 14-8 effective length consists of a section of stcel tubing having the cross section shown. Using the allowable-stress method, determine the maximum aloes) P= 38 kip, 6) P= 35 Lips. Use y= 36 an = <10'si. . {1.100 Solve Prob. 11.99, assuming tat te effective Length ofthe column is increased to 18 ft and that (a) P = 28 kips, (b) P= 18 kips. SOLUTION PROBLEM 10.100 Mly SHee®t Gy= Se ksi E = 29000 ksi c+ fee . [*agpate2s) = 126.10 le a b= 40 in byt by 2b =S25in CF ZO m. Ax bi-bt: 5487s iw De d(b* be") = 12,086 in” 43878 Les IB FEF 21G in Lefr= 148.19 > Cy EE, i (44000), 3 TatGhy* Waayisiaye 7 70726 be PB. Pawec B eS Hee iL fa, Bate gy Hs Gu ie es Bylou- He 0.413 in. Be = Lge in. _ 10101 “The compression member AB is made ofa sce or which oy ~ 250 MPa: PROBLEM 10.101 E200 Ghai Beoat tp fad bee att tase B. st ellowable fied dozier labs tng tt) SOLUTION SteeP: G2 250 HPa — E = 200000 MPa awe Ra 20002 \ cf + [Bi fegme = as.ce Pe 1Sx10* U50xtS*) > 3750 * 10 im A Ty= & Osx *X50n10° > = 781.25 10% mm! vy rik =H MBY IO? om = Naw nt = fh (S0¥ 10 * CS io* * = 1.7578 «10% m" a j % CE 21651 10% ui Le = ZL @Y0.85)= 110 m Left, = blo/ 4.434 45 = 76.21 < Ce : | Wing = 4 td) befits - J62 . 9 goes £S,> $+ 3b.coes)-3@.coes)’ = Lace | Ge = Sef 4] - BR [r- 4 @coesy'] = 109.32 MPa i] i P Py - Pe, Be eee Ries Su RE \ aos B_ Pa) . Ge ie | ev Bf eu-R- B) = gf H-s &] "I Sy= B= Bessel 2 3125010 wt -¢ Sy te = EASTEROT = 46,878 110°6 wt Ps Moxlo* N c ac} ti 10% 1 ae @ go et 0% | SES Sarsooeti o] 4 = 176 x1o* = 1176 mm = a () e = Bx10% m e,= 31.25. x15¢] SESE = 643k Ioom c (eed 1 mt PROBLEM 10.102 10.102 The compression member 4B is made of steel for which o; = 250 MPa and 101 E=200 GPa. Bis free at its top A and fixed at its base B. Using the interaction ‘method with an allowable bending stress equal to 120 MPa and knowing that the p= 10in ‘cocentricities e, and e, are equal, determine the largest allowable common valuc. SOLUTION Steed: y= 250 MPa___E= 200000 MPa « @ fake = [ 2 QGencee) 125.66 A= (SHO (50 n1* T= BGsxio*)(Sorto*)? = 781.25 «10% m* ye PB 43410 ww Tye & (Soxto* WIS 110" = 1.7578 215% mn? ne TE = 2681 x1O mn 3750 210% n® 110m Le Maen = 110 /14-434HIS? 2 7.21 Co Co Tee 7 0.6065 2 £ + Flo.cocs)-$(0.6065)" = L-2cez a . Sauer) + &\-aGe y])- = ~4(0.coest} * 107.32 MPa Sutlbeding) = 120 MPa Pe ea eee gene ae E wit ae * Tenaedy) * Te evans 7 ' ho ey = ey aaiag(t+ e+ xk Cuttmaigy \Tx Ty ~ Recents troxio*_( SUS Hit 4 25 e1o* ) ari Vaoulo® \ 178 78x1o® 781.2510" Gis -1S* (104 32 «10% 15.556 e@ * 1- O.44e® © = 275 1% m = T.7S mm ~ er PROBLEM 10.103 10.103 A sae lumber column of restngulr cross section has 072A effective oad as shown. ‘The sizes available for use have b equal _ ‘9.5 in, The grade of wood has an adjusted allowable Sac campeon prt ein 1180 pad 12 10 ps. Use the allowable-stress mod to determine the lightest section that can be SOLUTION Sawn dumber? 6. + 1180 psi Ee 1.2x/0% pss C= 0.8 Ke = 0.300 les 7.2 FH oF 86.4 in a Ruec = . Su Be, Bysc = Ce Fat ee 1G in ee £(7.8)* 3.75 in A= 756 T= kb(ASY > 35156 b ‘ Fe ee" moat =e = 3.2895 b Pugs 3.2895 bOv Tees 7.5 in. ot b, whichever is smatfer. ; See = Ke. > KeEd* - (oscoyi.sxio") 4 = uses d* Gen) Cie/6, 7 (48. 2SAIV/ 1180 = 0.04087 A* ae ug = SiCp = 1180 Cp Pa = (3.2895) b (1180 Cp) = 3882 b Cr (4%) Colerdate Par for off four vatves oP b. See table below. Wea eevee pce aaee. Gr)_| fin.) (Me) BS | BS [O.S007] 0.4341] 590 Es |es | t2ses| 0.7898 16200 fF" a2e0 De 7.5 | 25 | 2.299 | 0.8382) 25400 Use b= SS in, ~ 4.5 | 2%S_ | 2.249 | 0.8382 | 32800 no PROBLEM 10108 sn nb esiunnof etna ns sein ha 7. A eflective food aan a 2.2 Kip load os shown. The sas availble for uss have B equal 1035 in 53a, nd ‘The grade of wood has an allowable fs cmpesin paral othe ain 01180 ps Ba12x 10g Use UC alowablestress method to determine the lightest section tha can be wed. 10.104. Solve Prob. 10.103, assuming that ¢=3.2i. SOLUTION Sawn dumber? 6, = 1180 psi B= L2xlof psi c= O.8 Ke = 0.300 her 7.2 FHF BO4 in. By, Pale 2 © ee Sat AC] € = 32 in c= 4s)= 378 in A=2S5Sb Iy= EbGsY = 3sis6 b Pacer = 2/067 b Rut 2.1067 b Oy ee ee See A= 25 in of b, whvehever is smadter Sia > aps = MERE = teeisgne at an.cas J Ge) se (6 = 4B. eee = 0,040387 d* Cpt Le Sil - -{EES- 8 Sn = 8 Cp = BOC, Py = (21067) b (l8OC,) = 2486 b Cp Ceberdate Par for al? four vedes of b. See tabse below. » | Cul6e | Ce | Paw Gnd én (ey | Bs 3 0.$007 | 0. $41 | 3780 — ss | ss | 1.2363| 0.7888] 10370 2S us RBA 0.8832 | 16560 as | 2s | 2299 | 0.8882 | 20100 Use b= SS in. ~ le— P= 9200 2b, PROBLEM 10.105 P= 32k 10,105 A.32-EN vertical load P is applied at the midpoint of onc edge ofthe square ‘ross section of the aluminum conapression member 4B that is free at its top A and fixed at ifs base B. Knowing thatthe alloy used is 6061-T6, use the allowable-stress method to determine the smallest allowable dimension d. SOLUTION AcdS oregat refE gd codd ented P Pec . P_4 Pleated) . 4P B, Peo. Fy PM. WP. Sw 8 ae Assome L/n> 6 Gur Bae Br SSI" Pe Be, edt 4. uae a a i ae 7 PEE «(SEY « r0.210 i= 2 + 24st m = Ae 117.3 > 66 Zo.agnio® * answer A= 70.7% mm = PROBLEM 10.106 ye = anh ler 2L= 24m Assume L/r > 66 Bd" 10.105 A 32-KN vertical loud P is applied atthe midpoint of one edge of the square ‘ross section of the aluminum compression member 4 that is free at its top A and fixed atts base B. Kaowing thatthe alloy used is 6061-T6, use the allowable-stress ‘method to determine the smallest allowable dimension d. 10.106 Solve Prob, 10.105, assuming thatthe vertical load P is applied st a comer of he square eross section of the compression member AB, SOLUTION Ard Ingdt edb xeyrdd eset aa qy - BE: ow : BB, - = * Su = ey B= 35/*10% Pa av #4 Pu B BLS x1o* m A= 815m 24 Bier 1020 > 60 q c Cee ee ade eed Peete mA O eae feared te: 1 10.107 A compression member made of steel has a 720-mm effective length and bac er aaa aLtcedd ‘ust support the 198-KN load P as shown. For the material used 0, = 250 MPa and 'E=200 GPa. Using the interaction method with an allowable bending stress equal {o 150 MPa, determine the smallest dimension d ofthe cross section that can be wed. SOLUTION Using dimensions im meters A= 4oxuo* a Lez TROmm + O.720 wm ee loot Yd + 5.3883%I0° A Ty> perio*)d? = 3.33s3x/07 JF axle 3 Lyle 20 rm = 0.020 m Nee) = 1B mm = 1BRLS? om SteeQ: 6-250 MPa E = 200000 MPa C.F CG. 2n7 (200000) Assome A > 4Omme 4Or/S ms Then Line Te Eee [5.3333 xioo A _ Pe et ee eye = PS - IST wIe Im = 62.35 < Ce tafe = 0.49621 Fs. = $+ $(o.476z1)-$ (0.4962) = 1.28747 Cajcwte = SE[1-R BEY) = 6x8, touting = ISO MPa or 128.66 252] |- s(o.aseziy] + 119.31 MPa Ceres ee AGuajcateie — Ty utberding 193 x1o* + (agent (ato) 44) > * (a. 8388703 AP Y150*/0%) 18x10" ___ =1 Gow ANG31 10%) YLweewion , 3.Se4exlor* . | a a a= AL MRI A - 3.5¢40HIOF =O de 44 ai daeio? + f(r Wario ONS SHOT IO 2 83.9x10% m > dorlo* m a= 83.4 mm -_ 10.107 A compression member made of stel has a 720-mm effective length and ee le ‘must support the 198-KN load P as shown. For the material used oj 250 MPa and E~200 GPa, Using the interaction method with an allowable bending stress equal tea 1 150 MPa, determine the smallest dimension of the cross section that can be e used. 10,108 Solve Prob. 10.107, assuming that the effective length is 1.62 m and thatthe magnitude P of the eocentri load is 128 KN. SOLUTION Using dimensions in meters A= Yoxjo% Le = 1.62 m T= kori? Pa = $.3933"I0% 9 Ty > Hoxie )d® = 3.3333 «10% A* 1 = dd, byl s 20 mms 2OK1F am Veal = 18 mo = 18/07 Steck: 6, = 250 MPa E> 200000 MPa c= of EE « [AE gaEED ~ as.ce Assome dt > YO mm = 4Ox/5" wm Then Tan > Ty We Tr (200000" ima(le/A\~ ~ (1-42Ki90. 240" Get Peeececsaeg teeta a ACizcntn LCase tzanto* 1, 020 xlo* V8 +105" X td) Gow lot a 152.286 *10°) ” (B.3358«1o" A5)(ISOm1O*) Cra jcocbie * = 52.236 MPa t,t, 7150 MPa d? - C1. 26ox1o*d - 2304210" = 0 d= 4f 61.260 xJ5* +-fCO1.260 x10 ¥ 4 AN2. 304 1) { PROBLEM 10.109 10.109 The eccentric load P has 2 magnitude of 85 kN and is applied at a point located ata distance e = 30 mm from the geometric axis ofa rod made of the aluminum alloy 6016-16, Use the interaction method with a 140-MPa allowable ‘ress in bending to determine the smallest diameter d that can be used. SOLUTION 4 } | Assome L/P > 66 Ou = Ey BF8SIn10" Pa oes) Me 2 Aewet+ Hat Ie Bets Fat [cas a pet oem cee at Anakin” Tmt See ero eee AB 76a nty GY PL? , 32 Ped teat * ee : (64 )(2Se10*.5)* '32)(25 x10" 30x/0") fies ona * Fiyorronyas >! het xe g Ib 1ore xt + 195, 53%Io* x*. = | SoPving x= 14.2725 mt d= sh = 70.0 10% m = 70.0 mm =e ve d= 17.50%? m bepbScn + 85.7 > ce 10.109 The cocentric loud P has a magnitude of 85 KN and is applied at a point located at distance ¢ = 30 mm from the geometric eis ofa rod made ofthe aluminum alloy 6016:T6. Use the interaction method with a 140-MPa allowable stress in bending to determine the smallest diameter d that can be used. PROBLEM 10.110 10.110 Solve Prob. 10.109, using the allowable-stress method and assuming thatthe aluminum alloy used is 2014-1. SOLUTION Assume L/r > 55 whe > 4 a, “Hh . t o eek Sead GPL? , 32 PL? : Age. TB : was ‘ase 7 | betsy Pu (t6)(6H ) PLe ys eee eaeannel CHYUS HIPS yr , UEXGHY( BS UIST (S107) W (B7Zx10") ae 2 (872x107) ey! nye 1 10.473 xfo* x + 2.5186 lO XF = 1 XP 1A ww d= -$ > 80.4x1o% d= 20.4 mm }S—,- 745 >55 > ee xo? 5 t ala 20, |x1o* a sir TOI A sel comprosin nenber ofS km clove engi to waport 0 236- PROBLEM 10.111 ‘cent Unt naion mio we ae tape pth tht sou be used Use B= 200 = 150 MPa in bending. See deme ce 725 men SOLUTION a Stee: & = 200000 MPa Co [BEE = 128.66 ° bez Sm Ge, eting = 150 MPa For 200 mn nominad depth wide Plange section = 10S 10 Wy % BB mm = Bari my sini bets ws 0.96 = 4extor® fuels 4B mm = 48107 FS.» $+ $(0.%0)- doy = Cu 2 Be [vey ne a 70 MPa. eee Pe eee ie Pe, KEgana! Teint B aoe ete | * A= pepe ogee Rare tA Cat oot Bigs , Gueee Glee Meee) | arent = 7573 mm Try W200%59 A= 7Scoxo*, ye Jostein , Ty = le Baise we Wye Shaw toBh,” belty = 11,78 < Ce bells = 0.9898 FS. = 1.9122 Sup, ewton = 79.04 Pe Pe REnabe * TE, Cuming (24610? (12515 Wes * 107) foo) (GUnto*)Ci 50 *10*) = 0.4954 + 0.4239 = 0.9193 <1 (bfowet) Trying W200 x52 ends te cues ey eeeire ot aLfoweet Y Rerauat Tae Loa? > | Cret ahloweet Use W200% SF 10.112 A steel column of 7.2-m effective length is to support an 83-KN eccentric ‘oad P at a point D located on the x axis as shown. Using the allowable-stress ‘method, selet the wide-fange shape of 250-mm nominal depth that should be used. Use £= 200 GPa, o, = 250 MPa. SOLUTION Steel: E+ 200000 MPa 6y > 250 MPa. co =] *EF +27 Geese) = 128.66 be = 22m Try W250%47.1 Az 6250~10°* bp = 202 KI m, c= Lele m, Tye IS. Ilo m* Wy = 442210 * 22. Ge 7 eet > Se = VE 11* (260000) Su = aes jemi (A0 OOS EE ~a al = Taye GA Ne aye OF ale Po, Pec _ _s3vjot , (esxto*)Qous* (tol nic?) K Sasori 4 st KIOe = 1B2BxlO% + 38.B6r(O% = S214 MPa > 48.01 MPa Cnet aAowed ) Required aren A % (S244)(6250 met) = 6788 mn® Ty W2sox 5% L ‘ 11*(200008)) te , 22 * % * eset - 143,14 Guu ae Yes = 50-18 MPa EB, Pec, _83xloF 4 (88x10 Fonto* Wiel-s*l A Ty Tnorioe * —*B.BKIO 1.19 #]0% + B37 10% = 42.56 MPa < 50.18 MPa Dse W250 %58 = (ood de food) 10.113 A ste column of 2-f effective length must cary load of 82 kips with an PROBLEM 10.113 sabi bia shown, Using tne ineaston bod sl he wide-age ‘Shape of 12-in. nominal depth that should be used. Use £=29 x 10* psi, = 36 ksi. and d= 22 lin bending. ryan SOLUTION Steep: E2000 Ki C= [AEE [ER « 126.10 le = 21H > 252 in Try W 12x35 ty? Ldn ee 103.64 > Cy me T(24000) : Curent * EGO” Ca A + 5.57 tsi a P , Pee Et 82, (g2(2.1 (4-12.50) Rajntee” WyGauty — T0.3)5579 C285 V(22) = 1H24 + 0.472 = 1-601 (net Mowe ) Apprwimete vegeives A = (1.590 1010.3) * 16.4 int Try Wi2w 50 ye 196 in Hes 1ST > Ce + WE. , TW GQiove) ‘ uty contee * aa (leay* OMA MIR.ST = 9.02 Ks! P eae cuctaar gat ¢ Go2)2.11G- 12.19) A Sa, Ty Bsthintng — OND YGOF) © GAWICAAY = 0.618 + O.1R1 = 0,734 (xbfoval ) Try WIRD tL Bin igs 2% = 130.87 > C ~ ME , Ti@qo0e) . Say emtee > Calg) © ae. * eae 4 Pec (92 (2.104 89) Gui endre Ta Sansnting Gio AAD = 0,795 + 0.151 = 0.996 Cabfowed) + Use W12x4o ~ EEE PROBLEM 10.114 ‘the x axis at a distance e = 2.5 in. from the geometric axis of the column. Using the q eee sateen a ‘should be used, Use £ = 29 « 10° psi. and a, = 36 ksi. SOLUTION Steed: Ex 24000 ksi Gy = 86 Ke C+ JRE - [EM - rct0 I Le BF 96 in ler 2b 192 in i Tey WBKSET YF 2OR in, Br wos < | bel = 0,754 BS. © $+ §(0.784)- #0754)" = HB9e Ga = Shige eer) -4£.254)] = 13,54 kei 2, Pec. BE , Waves rch pare) AT 4 SB = 16.29 bei A z . > 13,54 kei Gnot atlewed ) I 904.13) = 10.4 int a Tae Approrimte required area (/ 354 7 be a LM aa Try WExSS Ty > 2,08 5< C et + 0.750 Ol! FS = 1895 Gu = 1865 bei | Big Bee BB y NGS M EtOH) 214.29 boi > 15.65 bat Coat eel) | iy : : In. 7 Ty waxdo noo BHR Wie o.76 j FS. = Sas 13.71 | Le Bee WE, UG 28:07) 2 42.5) boi < ISTE eLlowel | uU : Use W2x4O = PROBLEM 10.115 80-mm outer ameter 10.118 A steel tube of 80-mm outer diameter is to cary a 93-KN Jond P with an ‘ecentricty of 20 mm. The tubes available for use are made with wall thicknesses in increments of 3 mam ffom 6 mm to 15 min. Using the allowable-stress method, ‘determine the lightest tbe that can be used. Assume E=200 GPa, y= 250 MPa, SOLUTION Yor bd = 10mm Art Dee Ace. r vem wm van [Ot mn vm bet 2.2m 3 37 726 0.889 22.24 6 3H 14s O4e1 za25 Peagxiot a 3) 2007 1.285 25,31 12 2B SEH 1s 2S 3063 Steel: E+ 200000 MPa G+ EE ae i 125.06 Ty team ee Bes gee. RE oan +2 (0007)-g loca) = 1.985 Su = B, Pec. Aceon Approximate vequived ares For £= 12 mm FS. = L890 By, Pecos A I well GLY) + 2% [1 a@ow] = WxIO*_, 43x10) (200107 Xyox10) Joo? *lor* B04 100.9 MPa = 104.2 MPa > 100.4 MPa 1.285 10" Chet allovedd) (1222 Yaoorates) = 207316 mt = 2073 wm ee kes aon ce = oti Se = 98,3 MPa gaxio® , (aantor ors OHS") g5o HP, < 48.3 MPR 7.528 (07% Dse £7 12mm = TO.115_ A ste ube of -nm oer ameter iso cry a 934 load P with an PROBLEM 10.116 cent of 2 may The tubes aval free re nade with wal theknescs a frermeis of} mm fon 6 nano 13mm. Using the allowadletress mend, vermin the ightest be that canbe used. Asie B= 200 GPa, 250 MP. 10,116 Solve Prob. 10.115, using the interaction method with P= 165 KN, e= 15 mmm, and an allowable stress in bending of 150 MPa. SOLUTION Le + 2.8m Ps icsatot N Cut tenty = 150 MPa Steef: = 200000 MPa > {4 - = 125.66 L Ty r = = 0.6917 Bs. = £+§(0.617)-¢ loca) = 188s Cayenne = SE LI-RGLY] = BEL £Co-en7'] = 100.9 Mee +—Pes i 16Sxto* U6S x10 (1s 410" \Uorio*) RGaete TSana, — (207910°*)(100.9810%) (1.285910 150% 108) = 0.815 + 0.814 + 1-329 71 Cnet «Moved ) Appreximede required aven A = G.329)(2007) = 2667 mn For tzitmm = B= gph = gon < Co ff = o.7i72 RS = 1.890 Sujemtece = 98.3 MPa Pec lesm1o8 4 6S x10 Miseto” (40 #10) Teach * EG key ES RIT EY FEEFIO “USB IO UD IO ‘ 0.655 + 0.432 = 1.087 > 1 Cnt abflouet ) Thy 2215 nm ee BR = 9326 < Ce (le P/Ce = 0.7422 2.5 FS 21804 Ga, ore = 95.64 MPa Pec lesxto® 7 (16Snto® His xlo"*(Hoxto"*) Kigate TExwtn Coeuoryascitey C104 x10 KISO* 10") = 0.563 + 0.387 = 0.950 <1 ( T+ A ss.2-15280 oc = 0.883 «10% + @88104.4)* = 0.686 ¥/0% mmé ab T= QXo.686«107)= 1.372 « Jo% mm" = 1.872 n/a. m* Pe, WEL | WiGaventorK 3721) «og oi? w Fs Foe (283.5 )* E +740 kN _ Serer 10118 Member AB consists ofa single C130 x 104 steal channel of length 2.5 m. : Koowing ha the pins at 4 and B passthrough the centroid ofthe cross section ofthe funnel, determine te factor of safety forthe loed shown with respec to buckling in the plane of the Sgure when 6 = 30. Use Euler's formula with £=200 GPa. SOLUTION Since AB > 25m, triangle ABC is ‘sosedes. IF,= oO ih 7 ce MIRO ao = Fig cos IS7 4 Fag cos 80" = me faskw Fae = fa. Fig tin30"~ Fug Sin IS" 6.8 20 Fig (sin 30" = S0/SES5") = 0.26795 Fag = 6-8 Fig = 25.378 kN C 180%10.4 Taig = 0-229 10% mm = O.22F%10% mm * Per * ete : BE Qoortot Yo.224+10"") = 72.824 10? N> 72.324 kW Fs. + 7 + BBY. 2es = 10.119 Supports 4 and B ofthe pin-ended column shown areata fixed distance PROBLEM 10.119 fiom eachother. Knowing that ata temperature Ty the force in the column is 2220 and that buckling oocurs when the temperature is f= T,+ A, express AT in terms ‘fb. £. andthe coefficient of thermal expansion a 4 SOLUTION Let P be the compressive fovee in the cofomn, 1 retary - FE = 0 Ps EAL CAr) : p> TEE = P= EAGT Heo ee Pete tate *p* AT? TTgAa 7 “ite be 2 Lk a eee el co a] co 4 Ai ea 10.120 Knowing that a factor of safety of 2.6 is required, determine the largest load PROBLEM 10.120 P that can be applied tothe structure shown. Use £ =200 GPa and consider only ‘buckling in the plane of the structure. SOLUTION Ber bet fi2+OS* = L1kO wm Te Baal = Eto)" 7.854 210% me? = 72.854 IO" mM” Z , [Goo notX7.asu xo") (etrgo)* = 12,403 x/o7 N= 12.403 kw 12403. ie 4.770 kV AB. dag 710.587 OS® * 0.07/11 w Te Bats Elis)! = 2.435410 mm = 2485x107 mm" p= EEE. T2Goor1o ¥2 485910")? - gy grocuw?N = 9.8106 kN PF {o.70180 )* = Re, 4.8106 Few ete BROS 2778 kv Joint B P ae i Os. Lo. : ZE,70 Sct01 Fae ~ Tigo 2 fi “ Fog = 0.19087 Fra +1ZR=0 Fon + oem 0.70711 Fyys (0.947212. 79057Fxg) - P > 0 P= 1.06066 Fis Fee s P = (noose \aSte ee = 13416 Fae AfPowahbe vase For P. P< 106066 Faw > (10606¢\(3.7731 = 4.00 kN P< 1.341e Fee = (13416 4770) = 6.40 KN P.y 2 4.00 KN -_ 10.121 The steel rod BC is attached tothe rigid bor 4B and to the fixed support at are C. Knowing that G= 11.2 10® pai, determine the diameter of rod BC foc which the tical load P, of te system is 80 1b. SOLUTION hook at torsion spring Bc eae 1s Ge-Ke Ge W.2xl0% psi : go bets BG) OF @ ° T= Palsing = 0 Kg - P£sing = Oo BW pT pe ne Re x P K = 5a97@ at = PQ = (BOVIS) = 1200 a + flR22- = 0.384 in, - saa73 c 4 - “Ye PROBLEM 10.122 10.122 Ananial load P of magnitude 560 KN is applied wt a point on the x axis at a distance e = 8am ftom the geometric axis ofthe W 200 « 46.1 rolled-steel column ‘BC, Using £= 200 -GPa, determine (a) the horizontal deflection of end C, (6) the ‘maximum stress in the column, SOLUTION be = AL QURSI+ Gm OF Baloo W 200% 46.1 A= 5860 man® = 5860410 m* Ly = 15:3 lot mm" = 15.3 x10% m* e TEL 1*(200 x10* (iS. 10%) fen? Te Teeyeres area = 1.42727 "108 BR, Stent? . B.* Laavzraiae 0 39236 yet @ [sec JE - 1] = Canto) [sec(EJoaezse )- 1] = @x iw"? )[see (0.48848) - 1} = (8x0) t2ose - 17 = G.WY7 110% om = 64S ym - Mae =P Cyt ©) = (S60xl0*)( 8 niche 6.447415") = 8.090 «10> Nom Sy = 1ST x10% mim? = 1S1H1O™ ww? s ~to* Sun Fe B+ Sone Eten” 1u9. 4.110% Pa = HHA IMPa, a 410.123 A column with te cross section shown has a 13.5 effective length. PROBLEM 10.123 Knowing tht o;~ 36 ksi. and B= 29 10% ps, use the AISC allowable stress design rls to determine th rst eno tha an be spl othe SOLUTION A= 2A, + Ay = RUG VED 4 HOY) = 8.5 in® cies oo fe PEE = sr let 13.54 + 162 in He Za < SteePt E+ 29000 ksi, 6 = 36 ksi = f2EE fans(atee) — 126,10 fe F 0.8826 Fs.2 $+ $G.se2c)-$ (ogazcy’ = 1.92 &f1- gly} » SSL $o.as2cy] = 49 si Pap = Sua = (L49)CBS)= 927 hips = QT, 4 T= QMBYE IO + HOG? = 18.013 in! PROBLEM 10.125 (be) eS 10.125 Bar AB is free at its end A and fixed at its base centric load P ifthe aluminum alloy is (a) 6061-T6, (6) 2014-T6. SOLUTION A = @orllo) = 300 mm" = 300% LOS n® Ten = BCSeKI0)* = 2.50 4107 mn Voce = PE > f= 2.887 wm Le = 2L + @¥es)= [70mm = 58.88 (2) 6061-TE Lip < 66 Gu = 184 - 0.868 (L/r) = 139 ~©. 868 X58.68) = 87.4 MPa Pup = GixA = (829x10°X(300>/0%) = 26.4% 107M = 20.4 kN Lin > ss “s7artoh + Serie. Para 107.3 MPa n. Sin A= (107. 3x10# (00x16) = 32.2x10"N = 32.2 kW B. Determine the allowable _ = 1 C4 3 10.126 A sawn lumber column of 5.0 x 7.5-in, cross section has an effective length ‘Of 8.5 2, The grade of wood used has an adjusted allowable stress for compression. ‘paralle! to the gain a ~ 1180 psi and a modulus of elasticity E= 1.2 10 psi. {ising the allowable-stress method, determine the largest eccentric load P that can be applied when (a) ¢=0.5 in. (6) €= 1.0 in. PROBLEM 10.126 SOLUTION Savn domben? 6. = 80 pw E= 1.2 ¥10% psi c: 0.8 Keg > 0.300 Lle= B.S = 102 in b=25Sin, de S.Oin, cx $e 3.75 in Axbd= (.5MS0)+ 325i Ty (S075) = 175.78 int ~ Kak , KeEd*, (0.200\.gn10¢(s.0r* : Sas (ape 7 ED + CRORE NESY = 865 pei Cee/ 6 = 865/18 = 0.738) cq: Sep l6e - [Sey SelB = 0.5763 6 Ge Cp = (1180KX0.5763) = 680 psi Pues . fre ME = Ra = oat Ree @ €=05Sin 680 Put eyes) © (18210 fh = 18.21 kips = a SGP (eb) @F LO in > ~ 680 Pu ayes = (Ivo fh = 1417 kips ES t TET Two 3 in tel ges welded tert he cot 48 Lsseaumatieueserdd An axial load P of magnitude 14 kips is applied at point D. Using the allowablo- sae et fe clap olonblckngh Aste B= 90 and = 364s. SOLUTION te Ove angle L 4x3*¥ Az 2.48 in a Ty 23.46 iw’, Sp=L dC ind WEL ACin yr h2B iv, Ty= 1.92 in, YF O.871in, x= 0.782 in Teo angtes A= QRH) = 4.96 in = (RX3-96) = 2.4% ink, Sez @KIMC) = 292i, TEL 2E, ys n2B in, Ty [Tyne Ax] = [ia s@eve.rs2y"] © 6.078 in? = Toon Yn? [ SLT in ery Hs 12e- s 0wsin I4)(1.0925X1.28) Pe Wy kips 62 Bs BEY = hg + Moret A 5 gay ks : {2 Ee E+ 29000 ni +f SEE - fBrleto0s) Assume > C, Sut zr, tae Cay = fe . fWGroood - 167.35 > Won" Viaa Ge * 7 (.92006.244) Le 167.8 WK. = (1628)01.177) © 197.5 in, = 16.46 Ft = ei oO eee eee) 10.128 A compression PROBLEM 10.128 member of rectangular cross section has an effective length (36 in, and is made ofthe aluminum alloy 2014-T6 for which the allowable stress the smallest dimension Inbending is 24 ks. Using the interaction method, determine dof the eros section that can be used when e = 0.4 in. SOLUTION A22268 etd e20.4in ler Sin Cans ks Pr 32 kipe see 3 Ike Gand e Assume 7 Vom, te Ae eeS Lefton = VR Eeay oma + $4oee . Stove A”, Syoso. ys - . Assome W/V > SS Gi, "ee > ir A”, Saeee. 3.47222 a # aasaiennaay) bet x= x= 0.52808, Seduing for x, L/t, = (fa(3e)/ 1.899 = 65.8 4 Garrod) 2, (228a*) (24) i 4.096 x9 + LAR2AR* = I dek> W894 in Rae > 66 d= 1894 ine PROBLEM 10.C1 10.C4_A solid stecl rod having an effective length of 500 mm is to be used as a compression strut to carry a centric load P. For the grade of steel used E = 200 GPa and oy = 245 MPa. Knowing that a factor of safety of 28 is required and using Euler's formula, write a computer program and use it to calculate the allowable centric load Psy for values ofthe radius ofthe rod from. 6 mm to 24 mm, using 2-mm increments SOLUTION ENTER RADIUS RAL, EFFECTIVE LENGTH Le AND FACTOR OF sareTY FS COMPUTE RAvIUS OF @YRATION As 1 RADY i + ae 7 RAD VE DETERMIN ALLOWABLE CENTRIC LOAD CRITICAL STRESS : me (lee LET G EQUAL SMALLER OF ©, ANDO, cA Pon = Ee PROGRAM OVTPUT Radius Critical Allowable of rod stress oad = Mea ke +006 ma 2.87 +008 126.3 9107 1010 19704 22.15 -012, 284.2 39.58 lout 386.3 53:88 lois 505.3 70.37 1018 639.6 39.06 1020 783.6 109.96 022 955.4 133.05 024 113710 158.34 Below the dashed line we have: critical stress > yield strength faa ea) a ea PROBLEM 10.C2 BUCHLING itl gz PLANE pS Te= 07k, BUCKLING IN %2 PLANE: 10.2 An aluminum bar is fixed at end A and supported at end B so that itis free to rotate about a horizontal axis through the pin. Rotation about a ver- tical axis at end B is prevented by the brackets. Knowing that E = 10.1 10° psi use Euler's formula with a factor of safety of 2.5 to determine the allowable centric load P for values of 6 from 0.75 in, to 1.5 in.» using 0.125- in, increments. SOLUTION ENTER E, LEN@TH L AND FACTOR OF SAFETY FS FOR b= 47S TO LS WH ales INCREMERTS COMPYTE RADIOS SYRATION Gd, LET ea EQUAL SMALLER STRESS COMPUTE ALLOWABLE CENTRIC LOAD eaaaaadeaaae ‘ol Fs RAM OUTPUT >’ critical Critical Allowable stress stress load x axis y axis in. ksi kei kips 750 7.358 3.6 1.62 1875, 7.358 as 2.58 11000 71358 64 3.85, alas 7.358 elt 47 11250 7,358 10.0 $.52 11375 7.358 azia 6.07 11500 71358 144 6.62 PROBLEM 10.C3 i lancet eri JQINT_D: hy AA 3 3 10.03. The pin-ended members AB and BC consist of sections of alu ‘minum pipe of 120-mm outer diameter and 10-mim wall thickness. Knowing that a factor of safety of 3.5 is required, determine the mass m of the largest block that can be supported by the cable arrangement shown for values of / from 4 m to 8 m, using 0.25-mn increments. Use E = 70 GPa and consider only Duckling in the plane of the structure, SOLUTION CompuTE MOMENT OF INERTIA I at a0¢"- 0.05) For h = 4 TO 8 USING O25 INCREMENTS COMPUTE ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR 8° MEr RS wel ner 2 TE: UF.) = ( ‘a6 er as (4)*? { Be ly 3.5 (6)* hie (Way) = 2 (Fader Wan be? 2 Facke Wai EQUALS SMALLER VALUE ComPuT MAss om PROGRAM OUTPUT h foignt weight mass critical critical stress stress AB BC m iat ia kg 455.12 269.7 7954.88, 455.11 206.6 8345.80 455.11 303.4 3836.74 455.11 320.3 9327.66 455.13 33722 9818.59 455.11 354.0 1030952 455.11 370.8 19800.45 455.15 11291.38 455.11 21782.31 455.11 1227324 455.11 12768.17 455.21 13255.10 455.11 472.0 13255.10 455.11 498.8 13255.10 455.11 505.7 13258110 455-11 522.5 13285.10 458041 539.4 13288.20 (eee PROBLEM 10.04 40.04 An axial load P is aplied ata point located on the x axis at distance ¢ = 03 in. fom the geometric axis ofthe WS % 40 rolled-stecl col umn AB. Using E = 29 X 10° psi writ computer program and use itto cal calate for values ofP from 25 1 75 kip, using 5-kip increment, (a the ho. jamal deflection a the midpoint C () the maximum stress inthe column. SOLUTION ENTER LENGTH Ly ECceMTRicitY @ ENTER OPERTIES 1, ry bp COMPYTE CRITICAL LOAD Geaaeaeaeaeaea ees ainieily er Le FoR P= 25 TO 75 IM INCREMENTS OF S COMEITE HORIBANTAL DETLECTION AT C| Je= else (EPR )- ha) COMPUTE MAYIMUM STRESS (is ge EE) PROGRAM OUTPUT Load maximum maximum deflection stress kip in. kips 25.0 +059 3.29 30.0 t072 3199 35:0 S086 4169 40:0 h100 sia 45.0 1115 6.14 50.0 f130 6.88 5510 ‘as 7165 60.0, 1163 8.43 55.0 fis 9.22 70-0 hiss 10-04 78.0 laa 10:88 PROBLEM 10.C5 10.C5 A column of effective length L is made from a rolled-steel shape and curries a centric axial load P. The yield strength forthe grade of steel used is denoted by oy the modulus of elasticity by E. the cross-sectional area of the ‘elected shape by A, and its smallest radius of gyration by r. Using the AISC ‘design formulas for allowable stress design. write a computer program that can, bbe used with either SI or U.S. customary units to determine the allowable load P. Use this program to solve (a) Prob. 10:57, (4) Prob. 10.58. fc) Prob. 10.60 SOLUTION Enter Lb, 6, Ty ENTER PROPERTIES Ay Ty DETERMINE ALLOWABLE STRESS We an Rae ceiry)* 1 Lig oo, je eeas eee ps2 $42 (H8)- FS ) % bay" m- &i- SA) CACULATE ALLOWABLE LOAD: pi=aA an Tan CONTINUED c Ee (asiss CU ee eee eee ee eee eee ee a O (| rl c PROBLEM 10.C5 CONTINUED PROGRAM OUTPUT Problem 10.57 (a) Effective Length = 6.50 m A= 6250.0 mmt+2 ry = 49.2 mm Yield strength = 250.0 Mea B= 200 Gea Allowable centroid lead: P = 368.139 KN Problem 10.57 (b) Effective Length = 6.50 m A= 10200.0 mat*2 ry = 65.0 mm Yield strength = 250.0 mPa B= 200 cra Allowable centroid load: P= 916.148 KN Problem 10.56 (a) Effective Length = 21.00 ft A= 9,130 int#2 ry = 2.020 in. Yield strength = 36.0 kei B= 29000 kei Allowable centroid load: P= 87.566 kips Problem 10.58 (b) Effective Length = 21.00 tt A= 9.130 int#2 ry = 2.020 in. Yield strength = 80.0 ksi = 29000 kei Allowable centroid load: P= 87.452 kips Problem 10.60 (a) Effective Length = 4.00 m 13800.0 mm**2 ry = 43.4 mm Yield strength = 345.0 mPa E = 200 apa Allowable centroid load: P= 1567.79 kN Problem 10.60 (b) Effective Length = 6.50 m A= 13800.0 mm**2 ry = 43.4 om Yield strength = 345.0 Mpa E = 200 Gra Allowable centroid load: P= 632.667 KN PROBLEM 10.06 10.C8 A column of effective length L is made from a rolled-seel shape and js loaded eecentrcally as shown, The yield strength of the grade of steel ‘sed is denoted by or, the allowable stress in bending by 7 the modulus of Ty DETERMINE ALLOWABLE STRESS 207 £ cs PE IF ly 2 = me San * (eee IF Ly < i be Ea 3 "y Lt rsx S43 (S4)- 5 (HA) Gy py, (yy ane Gul zee) FOR ALLOWASLE-STRESS METHOD coer a> Goer FOR INTERACTION METHOD 1 (ey/sy)+ (ey /sy) corre + A Gout (01 ering eo. Pa “ CoEF coxrinveD PROBLEM 10.C6 CONTINUED PROGRAM QUTPUT Problem 10.111 Effective Length = 5.80 m A= 7560.0 mm++2 zy = $1,900 om ‘Sx = 582000.0 mm**3 Yield strength = 250.0 MPa B= 200 Gea Using Interaction Method Allowable load: P = 322.022 kN Problem 10,112 Effective Length = 7.20 m ‘A= 7420.0 mmee2 ry = 50.300 mm Sy = 185000.0 mm+*3 Yield strength = 250.0 Mea E = 200 cpa Using Allowable-Stress Method Allowable load: P = 97.781 kN Problem 10.113, Effective Length = 21.00 ft A = 11.800 ine#2 Yield strength e Using Interaction Method Allowable load: P = 86.722 kips

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