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Introduction of HRM

Human resource are the most valuable and unique asset of an

organization. The successful management of an organization’s human
resource is an exciting , dynamic and challenging task , especially at a
time when the world has become a global village and economies are in a
state of flux. The scarcity of talented resource and the growing
expectation of the modern day worker have further increased the
complexity of the human resource function.

Even though specific human resource function/activities are the

responsibility of the human resource department , the actual
management of human resource is the responsibility of all the manages
in an organization.

It is therefore necessary for all managers to understand and give due

importance to the different human resource policies and activities in the
organization. Human Resource management outlines the importance of
HRM and its different function in an organization. It examines the
various HR process that are concerned with attracting , managing ,
motivating and developing employees for the benefit of the organization.

Meaning of HRM
Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as the set of
programs, functions, and activities designed and performed in order to
maximize both employee as well as organizational effectiveness. It is a
management function that helps organization in recruiting, selecting,
training, developing and managing its members. HRM is concern with
the management of people in the organization from Recruitment to
Definitions of HRM
Definitions of “HRM” according to authors
According to Terry I..leap and michael D.Crino:
“ HRP includes the estimation of how man qualified people are
necessary to carry out assigned activities , and what , if anything, must
be done to ensure that personal supply equals personal demand at the
appropriate point in the future ”
David A Decenzo amd Stephen P. Robbins said :
“ Human is made of four activities : ”
A. Staffing
B. Training and Development
C. Motivation
D. Maintaninace
According to Dale Yoder :
“ HRM is the provision of readership and direction of people in their
working or employement relationship ”
Mathis And Jackson said that :
“ HRM is the effective use of human resources and organization through
the management of people related activities ”
According to Rickey W.Griffin :
“ Human resources managment is the set of organizational activities
directed at attracting,developing and maintaining an effective
Objectives of human resource management
The objectives of HRM can be broken down into four categories:

Societal objectives:
Measures put into place that respond to the ethical and social needs or
challenges of the company and its employees. This includes legal
issues such as equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work.
Organizational objectives:
Actions taken that help to ensure the efficiency of the organization.
This includes providing training, hiring the right amount of
employees for a given task or maintaining high employee retention
Functional objectives:
Guidelines used to keep the HR functioning properly within the
organization as a whole. This includes making sure that all of HR’s
resources are being allocated to its full potential.
Personal objectives:
Resources used to support the personal goals of each employee. This
includes offering the opportunity for education or career development
as well as maintaining employee satisfaction.
Some other Objectives of HRM
 To help the organization reach its goals.
 To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of
human resource.
 To ensure respect for human beings. To identify and satisfy the
needs of individuals.
 To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with those of the
 To achieve and maintain high moral among employees.
 To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated
 To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-
 To develop and maintain a quality of work life.
 To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.
 To develop overail personality of each employee in its
multidimensional aspect.
 To enhance employee’s capabilities to perform the present job.
 To equip the employees with precision and clarity in trans-action
of business.

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