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Press Release Power

Steps To Accurately
Press Release
Secure Permission or releases: Securing

Write a
Securing the permission from the boss for
boss for using information or data in press
data in press release. Information is
is always sensitive.
Choose the media: For press release
we must choose media - newspaper,
newspaper, periodicals, radio, television
television etc.
Verify The Facts:
Always double check the facts in your press releases to make s u r e
they’re accurate. Sending out a press release with inaccurate
information can kill your credibility and hamper your future P R efforts.

S o the information must be Verified.

Steps To Write a Press Release
 STEP T W O : Writing
 Write t h e company name a n d the
word ‘Press Release’ i n the middle
o f the page.
 Write the word ‘TO’ on the l e f t
margin of t he page following b y the
name o f the media.
 Then the word ‘FOR’ followed by
d a t e the press release will be
 T hen t h e word ‘CONTACT’
followed by y o u r full address.
Press Release Format
 Below a r e some basics about the f o r m a t o f a press release.

 U s e 8 1/2-inch x 11-inch paper.

 U s e a minimum of one-inch margins o n e a c h side of t h e page.

 U s e a bold typeface for t h e h e a d l i n e s to d r a w attention.

 ALWAYS include a p o i n t o f contact.

 U s e title case. Capitalize t h e first letter o f all w o r d s in t h e h e a d l i n e (with t h e

 exception of: "a," "an," "t h e ," o r prepositions s u c h as: "of," "to," o r "f r o m ") . T h e
combination of u p p e r and lo we r c a s e makes it e a s i e r to read.

 Complete the paragraph o n o n e page instead o f carrying it over onto t h e n e x t


 U s e date o r ‘For Immediate Release’ t o alert t h e r e p o rter if t h e information c a n

Here is some sample completed
press release’s sample’s.
Leave one and one half
inch margins o n all
sides o f your press
I f press release cover
more than one page
write the word more a t
t h e bottom o f all pages
except the last one.
Type ‘END’, XXX or # # #
a t the bottom of the
last page to indicate
the end o f the press
When A Press Release published
by following inverted ‘pyramid’
style that means the press release
containing very important facts.
The most important part will
be appeared to the top.
 During receiving the press
release ask release ask yourself
following questions-
1. Have I answered the first
W’s of of journalism ?
2. Is the Language ok?
3. Have I mentioned important
4. Are Paragraph concise?
5. Is grammar & spelling is ok ? Etc.
Informational Method
 W hen t h e writing the first 6. Are the facts verified ?
draft o f your press release
Structural Method
a s k yourself following
question-  Keep the paragraph short.
1. W h a t i s special or different  Write the press release i n o n e
about t h i s person or product or t w o p a g e s . A s h o r t press
or event? release is more likely t o be
read a n d distributed.
2. W h o i s m y audience ?
 Language must be fresh and
3. Which m e d i a should receive stylist.
the press release?
4. W h a t does this product ,
person or e v e n t mean for the
readers ?
5. W h a t cost o r saving a r e
[ T h e conclusive paragraph is
k n o wn t h e “boilerplate” and can
contain n o more t h a n 3 - 4
lines. A s h o r t "about" section,
providing independent background
o n t h e issuing company,
organization, o r individual. H e r e
y o u should explain future
aspects, yo u r o r a i m i n
meeting t h e current market o r
success. In general w h a t y o u
intend t o d o achieve.]
Contact Information:
[Company Name]
Thank You

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