Thirty Available Crude Drugs of Bangladesh

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Thirty available crude

drugs of Bangladesh
Submitted to: Md. Mofazzal Hossain
B.Pharm , M. Pharm
University of Information Technology & sciences
submitted by
Nabila Ishrat
ID: 1941261012
Tentul Gachh
 Common names : Tentul gachh, tamarind tree.
 Botanical source : Tamarindus indica linn.
 Chemical constituents : Fruits pulp contains
large quentities of tartaric, citric, malic and acetic
acids. It contains only traces of oxalic acid. Seed
testa contains a fixed oil. Seeds contain
albuminoids, fat and carbohydrates. Leaves
contain glycosides.
Uses: 1. It improves digestion, relives gas soothes sore throat, and acts as
mild laxative .
2. Tender leaves and flowers are cooling and antibilious.
3. Fruit pulp is refrigerant, carminative, digestive and laxative.
4. Leaves and seeds are astringent.
5. Decoction of bark is tonic and astringent and prescribed in
asthma, fevers and amenorrhoea.
6. Drink of pulp lowers blood cholesterol.
Pani Phal
 Common names : Paniphal , Water
chestnut .
 Botanical source : Trapa bispinosa
 Chemical constituents : Fruits contain
protiens , fats , starch , sugars and
manganese . Leaves contain tannins.
Stems and roots have high concentration of
Mn , Fe , Cu and Cr . The plant also
contains nitrogenous substances .
 Uses: 1 . Starchy fruits are nutritive ,
tonic and cooling .
2 . Fruits also used in the
treatment of diarrhoea and bilious
affections .
3 . Mixed with milk , the plant is
given in general debility , seminal
weakness and leucorrhoea .
 Common names : Puishak , Indian
spinach .
 Botanical source : Basella alba linn.
 Chemical constituents: Various parts of
the plant contains mucilage (a water soluble
polysaccharide) ,vitamins A and B ,ascorbic
acid , protins , fats , sterols and minerals
.The betacyanins , gomphrenins 1 and 2 ,
isogomphrenins 1 and 2, gomphrenins 3
and their derivatives are present in the juice
of the plant .Spinacosides C and D have
been isolated from the aerial parts.

Uses: Leaves juice are used as a poultice for sores, to hasten suppuration of
boils and in urtiearia ,catarrh ,syphilitic ulcer in nose . Plant is a demulecnt and
diuretic . A decoction of the root is given to stop bilious vomiting and in intestinal
complaints .
 Common names : Akasbel .
 Botanical source : Cassytha filiformis
 Chemical constituents : The plant
contains alkaloids , cassythine , cassyfiline ,
nantenine , laurotetamine , cassythidine and
its oxymethyl derivative , dulcitol .
 Uses: 1. The plant is used in dropsy ,
anasarea , bilious affections , urethritis ,
chronic dysentery , rheumatism and skin
diseases and as aphrodisiac .
2 . It is also used as an insecticide .
3 . S team powder , mixed with
sesame oil , is used as a hair tonic .
 Common name : Boro Hikand ,
 Botanical source : Tacca integrifolia ker-
 Chemical constituents : Tuber contains
saponin steroids , diosgenin ,
costanogenin , quercetin-3-arabinoside ,
taccalin , betulinic acid , n-triacontanol ,
protins and amino acids , glycine , valine ,
leucine and gamma-aminobutyric acid .
 Uses: 1. Tuber is digestive and tonic
2 . Useful in haemorrhagic
diathesis .
3 . Also useful in skin diseases
and leprosy .
 Common names : Orbori, Horbori, Star
 Botanical source : Phyllanthus acidus
 Chemical constituents :Fruits contain
ascorbic and tartaric acids and tannin.
Root bark contains tannin , gallic acid,
saponin, lopeol and a crystaline
substance. Stem bark contains a
phytosterol , different from lupeol.
Uses: 1 . Fruits is edible , astringent, and tonic to liver , and used in
bronchitis, biliousness, piles and urinary concretions.
2 . It purifies and enriches the blood and is useful in thirst,
vomiting and constipation .
3 . Seeds and roots are used as cathartic.
 Common names : Kash , khag , kaich ,
thatch grass .
 Botanical source : Saccharum spontaneum
 Chemical constituents : Leaves and stalks
contain lignin,carbohydrades, proteins and
amino acids.An oxidizing enzyme,tyrosinase
was isolated from the freeze-dried tissuesof
the plant. Roots and rootstocks contain
starch and polyphenolic compounds.

Uses : 1 . Aerial parts possess laxative and aphrodisiac properties and are
useful in burning sensations, strangury, phthisis, vesical calcili, blood
diseases, biliousness and haemorrhagic diathesis .
2 . Roots are used as galactgogue and diuretic .
 Common name : Aakh, kuishar,
gendari, ikkhu, sugercane.
 Botanical source : Saccharum
officinarum linn.
 Chemical constituents : Juice of
stem is very rich in saccharine
substances, particularly sucrose. It also
contains mucilage, resin, fat, albumen,
calciumoxalate and a white crystalline

 Uses:1.Juice is tonic, diuretic, demulcent, laxative, aphrodisiac, cooling and

2.It is commonly used as acooling drink in thirst, intestinal troubles, fatigue.

3. It is good for lungs, purifies blood and is used in disorders of bile and ulcers
of the skin and root is used as demulcent, stimulant and diuretic .
Jangli badam
 Common names : Jangli badam, poon tree,
wild almond tree.
 Botanical source : sterculia foetida linn.
 Chemical constituents : It contains starch, a
non-drying fatty oil, consisting of triacylglycerols,
oleic acid, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanidin
rhamnoside, quercetin and phosphatidyl
 Uses: 1. Leaves and bark are aperient,
diaphoretic and diuretic.
2. Decoction of fruits is mucilaginous and
astringent and used internally in itch and skin
3. Paste is applied externally for the same
4. oil is used as a carminative and
Photka Begun
 Common names : Phutki begun, phutka
begun, poison berry, indian nightshade.
 Botanical source : Solanum violaceum
 Chemical constituents : Fruits contain
1.8% steroidal alkaloids, enzymes and are
a source material for cortisone and sex
hormone preparations. Leaves and roots
also contain the steroidal alkaloids,
solanidine and solasodine.

Uses: 1 . Leaf juice mixed with ginger juice is used to stop vomiting .
2 . Roots are astringent, carminative, cardiac tonic and aphrodisic .
3 . It also used in asthema, dry coughs, catarrh, colic, flatulence, worms,
toothache, dysuria and fever and fruits are digestive and laxative, root paste
is used in ulcers .
 Common name : Kalabati , sarbojoya , indian
 Botanical source : Canna indica linn.
 Chemical constituents : Rootstock contains
enzymes , triacontanol and mixtures of
stigmasterol , beta-sitosterol andcampesterol,
beta-lectin , traces of alkaloids.

Uses: 1. Ethanolic extract of aerial parts is hypotensive and antiinflammatory

2. Rootstock is diaphoretic, diuretic and demulcent, its decoction is
used in fever, dropsy and dyspepsia .
3. Seed extract relieves earache .
4. Tubers exhibited enterokinase activity .
 Common names : Golapjam, rose apple.
 Botanical source :Syzygum jambos(linn)alston
 Chemical constituents : It contai alkaloid ,
jambosie , tannins , glutamine , alanine ,
threonine , folic acid and its conjugates ,
carutene , thismine , niacin , ascorbic and
reducing sugars .
 Uses: 1. Leaves and bark are astringent.

2. Decoction of leaves is used for sore-

3. Fruits possess antibacterial properties
and are used in liver complaints.
 Common name : Nan-bhantur , Sabarjala .
 Botanical source : Croton caudatus geisel.
 Chemical constituents :Stem bark contains
dotriacotanol , beta- amyrin and beta-
sitosterol; diterpenes, teucvidin, crotocaudin
and isocrotocaudin and a number of

Uses: 1. Ethanolic extract of aerialparts is hypotensive .

2. Extract of fruits is also hypotensive, CNS depressant and diuretic .
3. Decoction of root is used against malaria .
4. Leaf buds are used in liver diseases and leavs as poultice to sprains.
 Common names : Urusa , Asheta .
 Botanical source : Solanum erianthum d.don
 Chemical constituents : Arial part contain
alkaloids and steroidal alkaloid glycosides,
solanine and solaverines 1, 2, & 3, saponins
and sapogenols, solaverols A and B.
 Uses: 1. Decoction of aerial parts is used in
coughs and as wash for skin sores.
2. Paste made with warm water is
applied topically in inflammations, burning
sensationand pain.
 Common names : Piralu , pedalu , gray emetic
nut .
 Botanical source : Xeromphis uliginosa (rtz.)
 Chemical constituents : Fruits contain tannins
and a number of triterpenoid saponins . Seeds
contain a fatty oil composed of palmitic , oleic
and linoleic acids .
 Uses: 1 . Green fruits are astringent .
2 . Roasted seeda are used in diarrhoea
and dysentery, especially during pregnancy .
3 . Roots are cooling toic and diuretic and
used in diarrhoea, dysentery and biliousness.
 Common names : Ora, choila, orali, archaka.
 Botanical source : Sonneratia caseolaris
 Chemical constituents : Bark and wood
contains phenolic substances, archin, archinin
and arechichin and colouring matters. The wood
also contains three crystalline products. Leaves
are rich in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
 Uses: 1. Bark is astringent antiseptic.
2. Juice of unripe fruit is given in coughs.
3. Paste of fruit is used as poultice in
sprains and swellings.
4. Fermet juice of the fruit is useful in
arresting haemorrhage.
 Common names : Meradu, mararu, indian
 Botanical source : Polygala chinensis
 Chemical constituents : Roots contains
haemolytic terpenoid saponins, senegon
and senegin. The plant also contains
monoarylidene butyrolactone and
arylnaphthalide lignans, suchilactone and
 Uses: 1. Roots are acrid, emetic and
antiseptic, and used in fever and dizziness.
2. Infusion of leaves is useful in
catarrh, asthma and chronic bronchitis.
 Common names : Bishkatali .
 Botanical source : Polygonum viscosum
 Chemical constituents : The whole plant
has been found to contain a flavone and
flavonoid glycosides, such as quercetin
galactosides, and a sesquiterpene acid
viscosumic acid.
 Uses: 1. The plant possesses
pharmacological properties similar to those of
various species of persicaria.
2. Ethanolic extract of the young
shoots possesses antibacterial activity.
 Common names : Bil-jhunjhun, atasi,
rattlewort .
 Botanical source : Crotalaria retusa linn.
 Chemical constituents : Seeds contain as
high as 10% pyrrolizidine alkaloids including
monocrotaline, retusine and spectabiline,
and also flavonoids . Leaves also contain
crotaline alkaliods . Polyamines and
pyrrolizidine alkaloids have also been found
in the roots .

 Uses: 1 . Ethanolic extract of aerial parts is spasmolytic and CNS

2. The plant is used as an effective remedy for scabies .
3. Monocrotaline is an antitumour agent .
4. It is used in the preparation of pharmacodynamic compounds .
Bon Jui
 Common names :Bon jui , bhant , garden
quinine .
 Botanical source : Clerodendrum inerme
 Chemical constituents : The leaves contain
clerodane and neoclerodane diterpenes,
clerodendrins B, C and clerodermic acid. The
plants also contains friedelin, salvigenin,
acacetin, apigenin, and other flavonoids and
an essential oil. Seeds contain neolignan.

 Uses : 1. Galls are astringent; their decoction is taken internally in

dysentery and diarrhoea and applied externally on foul ulcers.
2. Infusion of the galls is used as a gargle for sore throat and
mixed with oil or vaseline, powdered galls are used in ulcerating piles
and anal fissures and decoction of the galls is also a mild purgative,
suitable for children.
4. Bark, galls and twings are used as astringent and the manna
as aperient.Twigs and leaves are vulnerery, the ash is carminative,
hepatoprotective, resolvent of hepatic and inflammations and diuretic.
 Common names : Notey, noteyshak,
marissag, green amaranth.
 Botanical source :Amaranthus viridis linn.
 Chemical constituents : Principal
constituents of this plant are saponins. It ia
rich in minerals and also contains sterols and
fatty acids is the seeds. The stems and leaves
contain oxalic acid.
Uses: 1. Plant shows vitamin B-like activity. It possesses digestive ,
stomachic , laxative, diuretic , antipyretic and alexiteric properties
2. Petroleum ether extract of the plant possesses juvenomimetic activity .
3. Leaves are used as appetiser and emollient .
4. Plant is used in the treatment of hallucination, blood diseases,
leprosy,bronchitis, piles, leucorrhoea, scorpion-stings, snake and rat-bites.
5. Roots act as expeectorant, reduce menstrual flow and are useful in
leucorrhoea and leprosy .
 Common names : Medda , pitali , meragota ,
false , white teak .
 Botanical source : Trewia polycarpa benth.
 Chemical constituents : Roots and bark contain
an alkaloid. Bark also contains a pentacyclic
ketone, tetraxerone. The bark also contain beta-

Uses: 1. Decoction of leaves is used for the removal of bile and phleg .The
leaves and its decoction are applied to swelling and in the healing of wound
injuries .
2. Dection of shoots relives flatulence and swellings on different
organs or parts of the body.
3. Decoction of roots is stomachic and alterative and is use in the
treatment of flatulence, gout and rheumatism.
Ol Kachu
 Common names : Ol khachu, telugu potato,
elephant’ foot.
 Botanical source : Amorphophallus
campanulatus (Roxb.) Decne.
 Chemical constituents :Tuber contain
enzymes, triacontane, lupeol, betulinic acid,
sterols, stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol and its
palmitate and glucose, galactose, rhamnose,
xylose and starch.
Uses: 1. Tuber or root-stock of the plant acts as appetiser, stomachic and
tonic, and is used in the treatment of abdominal pains, tumours, asthema,
bronchitis, vomiting, elephantiasis, piles, acute rheumatism, diseases of
blood and enlargement of spleen .
2. Aerial parts of the plant are used in treatment of earache, swelling of
throat, pimples, cholera, diarrhoea, pain, puerperal fever, kala-azar,
neuralgia and bites of poisonous insects .
3. Roots are emmenagogue and they are also used in boils and ophthalmia.
Swet Punarnava
 Common names : Swet punarnava , horse
 Botanical source :Trianthema
portulacastrum linn.
 Chemical constituents : The plant contains
water-soluble bases and potassium salts.
Punarnavine and a new alkaloid, trianthemine
and ecdysterone are present in the aerial
parts. They also contains oxalic acid. 5,2’-
dihydroxy-7-methoxy-6, 8-dimethylflavone
and 5,7-dihydroxy-6, 8-dimethyl-chromone
have also been isolated from the plant. Root
contains glycosides.
Uses: 1. Decoction of the herb is used as a vermifuge and in the treatment
of rheumatism.
2. Leaves are diuretic and used in oedema, dropsy and ascites.
3. Roots are bitter and nauseous and used as cathartic and
abortifacient and in liver troubles, asthema and amenorrhoea.
 Common names : Dadmardan, Ringworm.
 Botanical source : Cassia alata linn.
 Chemical constituents : Leaves and fruits
contain anthraquinone glycosides, chrysophanol,
emodin, rhein, aloe-emodin and chrysophanic
acid. Leaves also contain essential oil composed
of sesquiterpene and phenolic compounds, a
xanthone, cassiollin and kaempferol. Roots
contain quinone pigments.

Uses: 1. Leaves are used as purgative and antiparasitic. Paste of leaves is

specific for ringworm, decoction of leaves is useful as a cure for herpes in
venereal diseases, as an expectorant in bronchitis, astringent, wash for
eczema and a mouth-wash in stomatitis.
2. Extract of the aerial parts is CNS depressant, diuretic, anti-
inflammatory and anti-tumour agent and is used as a general tonic
 Common names : Aparajita, nila, butterfly.
 Botanical source :Clitoria ternatea linn.
 Chemical constituents :Leaves contain
glycosides of kaemferol, stimastone and gamma-
sitosterols. Seeds contain fixed oil, tannins anda
bitter resinous principle. They also contain
cinnamic acid, flavanol glycosides, hexacosanol,
beta-sitosterol and anthoxanthin glucoside. Root
bark contains tannin, taraxerol and taraxerone.
Uses: 1. Roots is used as demulcent, aperient, laxative and diuretic.
2. Poultice of root is also used for swollen joints.
3. Seeds are strongly cathartic, used by tribals to cause abortion.
4. Roiasted and powdered seeds are used in the treatment of ascites,
enlargement of abdominal viscera, weakness of sight, sore throat, tumours,
dropsy and skin diseases.
5. Aerial parts of the plant are useful in colic, gonorrhoea and skin diseases.
 Common names : Moyna, pinda.
 Botanical source :Meyna spinosa
 Chemical constituents : Fruits contain
sugar, gum and tannic acid . Seeds yield a
fatty oil composed of esters of palminic,
stearic, oleic and linoleic acids.
 Uses: 1. Fruit is refrigerant and
2. Decoction is used inbiliary
complaints with hepatic congestion.
3. Powdered leaves are used for
treatment of diphtheria and bone fracture.
 Common names : Plik, podika kandir, water
celery, marsh crowfoot, indian buttercup.
 Botanical source : Ranunculus scleratus
 Chemical constituents :The plant contains
the insecticidal lactones , anemonin and
protoanemonin , anemon acid and an
essential oil.

Uses: 1. Bruised leaves are vesicant, applied externally to raise blisters in

skin diseases.
2. The shole plant is used as stimulant , diuretic , rubefacient,
vermifuge , antispasmodic , anodyne , ammenagogue and galactagogue . It
is used in treatment of sciatica , rheumatism , dysuria , asthma , pneumonia
and gripe.
3. Seeds are used as tonic and stomachic and in the treatment of
kidney troubles.
 Common names : Kamo, bhora, mangrove.
 Botanical source : Rhizophora mucronata
 Chemical constituents : Bark contains
tannins . Leaves contain cholesterol . Root
contain inorganic cations and anions and
some organic acids e.g, oxalic, fumaric,
tartaric and citric acids
 Uses: 1. Bark is a powerful astrigent
2. It is used in haemorrhages,
haematuria and angina and as a cure for
3. It relieves severe backache.
 Common names : Dhaiphul , fire-flame bush.
 Botanical source : Woodfordia fruticosa(linn.)
 Chemical constituents : Flowers are very
rich in tannins . Dimeric hydrolysable tannins ,
woodfordins A , B , C , oenothein A and
oenothein B , trimeric hydrollysable tannins ,
woodfordins D , E and tetrameric hydrolysable
tanin , woodfordin F have been isolated from

Uses: 1. Leaves and flowers are stimulant and astringent ; they are used in
diarrhoea , dysentery , menorrhagia , ulcers and wounds.
2. Leaves are used in biliousness and dried flowers in haemorrhoids
, derangement of the liver and disorders of the mucous membranes.
3. Woodfordin C and oenothein B exhibit potent antitumour activity.
Reference: Medicinal Plants Of
Bangladesh with Chemical constituents
and uses.
Second Edition .
Asiatic society of Bangladesh
The End

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