Grammar Quiz - Present Simple Vs Continuous

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Grammar quiz

Part 1. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous)!
Next week, my friends and I 1) _________ (go) camping in the
woods. I 2) ____________ (organize) the food, because I 3) _____________ (like)
cooking. Dave ________________4) (have) a big car with a
trailer, so he 5)_____________ (plan) the transportation. Sam 6)
______________ (bring) the tent — he 7)___________ (go) camping every year,
so he 8) _________ (have) a great tent and lots of other equipment.
My wife 9) _______ (think) we're crazy. She 10)_______________ (like) (like)
holidays in comfortable hotels, so she 11) ______________ (take) a
trip to Paris instead.

Part 2. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of a
verb from the box. You can use a verb more than once.

be do take earn work practice have do play chill

A What does Mike do?
B He (1) plays in a band. He (2) ______ the lead guitarist.
A What kind of music (3) ______ the band ______ ?
B Electro and dance music.
A What’s Mike (4) ______ at the moment?
B He (5) ______ out. He (6) ______ his guitar.

A What (7) ______ Frauke’s job?
B She’s a photographer. She (8) ______ her own company.
A Where (9) ______ she ______ ?
B She usually (10) ______ from home.
A What’s she (11) ______ today?
B She (12) ______ photographs at a wedding.
A How much money (13) ______ she ______ ?
B I don’t know!

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