NATO EU UN Glossary On DCB and CP

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13 February 2015



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PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
USER GUIDE................................................................................................................................... 6
TERMS, ABBREVIATIONS & DEFINITIONS................................................................................ 10
INDEX PER ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................................... 196
NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................... 198
EUROPEAN UNION ....................................................................................................................... 214
UNITED NATIONS......................................................................................................................... 232

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This handbook includes existing terms and definitions in the NATO, the EU, the UN, while acknowledging
the autonomy of each of them.

- The scope defined below provides a good understanding of what DCB is about. It includes all the
areas that the glossary should take into consideration: Command and control
- Advice, support and assistance;
- Defence and related security sector (including security sector reform);
- Defence institution building (including national security architecture);
- Policy and defence planning development;
- Stabilization and reconstruction;
- Education and training as well as exercises;
- Promotion of democratic values and human rights (including children in armed conflicts and gender

All comments, suggestions, enquiries and proposals for amendments concerning the present glossary are
to be communicated to the Plans and Policy Branch, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate, HQ SACT,

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The makers of this glossary have put together the terminology in NATO, the EU and the UN for concepts in
the area of conflict prevention and defence and related security capacity building.

Structure of terminological entries

The structure of the terminological entries in each column reflects the differences in how terminology is
dealt with in each of the various organizations. Despite these differences, the terminology in this glossary
follows the structure found in most glossaries and dictionaries. The following elements can be distinguished
in the terminological entries in this glossary:

I. Designations

Listed first are the designations for the various concepts. Designations are terms (including spelling
variants) and their abbreviations. All designations are printed in bold. The first term is the ‘main’ or
‘preferred’ term, subsequent terms are synonyms. In the NATO column a distinction is made between
‘admitted’, ‘deprecated’ and ‘obsolete’ synonyms. The EU column only has terms and their abbreviations.
The UN only distinguishes terms and their abbreviations and synonyms and their abbreviations, as well as
variants. Where the latter were mentioned in notes, these were not listed with the other designations at the
top of the UN terminological entries.

In many cases, the only data available were designations. Without a definition or adequate metadata, the
makers of the glossary cannot guarantee that the terms and/or abbreviations found covered the same
concept as the terminology for the other two organizations.

II. Definition

Following the designations is the definition, if there was one. If the statement describing the concept in the
UN column was not a formal definition, but e.g. a ‘description’, the word ‘Description’ precedes the

III. Notes

The final part of the entries is for the notes. In some cases, there was no definition or description and the
note(s) followed immediately after the designations. Notes are always introduced with the word ‘Note’ or

Example of a terminological entry:


tasking authority

In NATO standardization, a NATO senior committee that

has the authority to validate standardization Definition:
requirements, approve standardization objectives and Essential
characteristics of
produce and approve standards.

Note: A tasking authority may delegate the production

Note: Useful
but non- and approval of standards to subordinate groups.
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ACO directive

acquisition, pointing and tracking


In military administration, to make
active by official order a previously
established military organization so
that it can function in its assigned

activation warning EU Activation Warning


active public information policy

A policy which dictates that attempts
will be made to stimulate
media/public interest about an issue
or activity for the purpose of
informing the public.
Interest may be stimulated by press
advisories, news releases, personal
contacts, press conferences or
other forms of public presentation.

The provision and implementation of
regulations and procedures related
to the management of an
organization in support of the
accomplishment of its mission.

administrative control
Direction or exercise of authority
over subordinate or other
organizations in respect to
administrative matters such as
personnel management, supply,
services, and other matters not
included in the operational missions
of the subordinate or other

administrative order
An order covering traffic, supplies,
maintenance, evacuation, personnel
and other administrative details.

advance planning funds

advanced planning funds

African Peace and Security African Peace and Security

Architecture Architecture

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African Standby Force African Standby Force

African Stand-by Forces ASF

after action report


after action review After Action Review


In intelligence usage, an
organization or individual engaged
in collecting and/or processing

air supply
The delivery of cargo by airdrop or
air landing.

air support air support

All forms of support given by air All forms of support, operational or
forces on land or sea. administrative, given by air forces to
forces on land or sea.
Note: It can take the form of close
air support or air strikes.

Aircraft Carrier Battle Group carrier battle group


Aircraft Carrier Strike


airport of debarkation airport of debarkation airport of disembarkation

APOD APOD airport of debarkation (synonym)

airport of embarkation airport of embarkation air point of embarkation

APOE APOE airport of embarkation (synonym)

Allied Command Operations


Allied Command Transformation


Allied Command Transformation

Staff Element

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Allied disposition list EU Disposition List

ADL The Disposition List is an
expression of the time-phased
requirements for deploying the
contributed forces. The Disposition
List specifies the OpCdr of EU-led
CMO operational requirements by
listing the Commander’s Required
Date (CRD), priority, Port of
Debarkation (POD), Desired Order
of Arrival (DOA) and Final
Destination (FD) for each unit. Its
development should take into
account, to the extent possible; time
phasing based on available force
strength, civil market assessment
and throughput capacities.

Allied exercise publication


Allied Joint Force Command

JFC Brunssum (admitted)

Allied Joint Force Command

JFC Naples (admitted)

Allied joint operation

An operation carried out by forces of
two or more NATO nations, in which
elements of more than one service

Allied Joint Operations Doctrine


Allied Land Command


Allied land component command


Allied Maritime Command


Allied Military Security Agency


Allied military security guidelines


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Allied press information centre

A facility established by the public
information staff of an Allied military
headquarters to provide the media
with timely and accurate information
on Allied issues, events and
operations occurring within the
command and to provide other
support, advice and assistance.

Allied tactical publication Allied Tactical Procedures


The translation of the apportionment
into total numbers of sorties by
aircraft type available for each
operation or mission.

anti-tactical ballistic missile Anti- Tactical Ballistic Missile


antiterrorism anti-terrorism

The quantification and distribution
by percentage of the total expected
effort, in relation to the priorities
which are to be given to the various
air operations in geographic areas
for a given period.

area clearance battle area clearance

In land operations, the detection BAC
and if found, the identification, area clearance
marking and neutralization, Clearance of all unexploded
destruction or removal of mines or ordnance and battlefield debris from
other explosive ordnance, an area of land (it usually does not
improvised explosive devices and include demining).
booby traps in a defined area to
allow a military operation to
continue with reduced risk. Note:
Area clearance is normally
conducted by military units.

area limitation and terrain


area of action

area of immediate interest


area of interest area of interest


area of joint interest


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area of operational interest


area of operations tactical area of operations area of operations

AOO An area of land, sea and/or AO
AO (deprecated) airspace, defined by geographic AOO
An area defined by the joint force boundaries or co-ordinates, in which United Nations area of operation
commander within a joint operations EU-led operations are conducted. operational zone (synonym)
area for the conduct of specific OZ
military activities. Geographical areas assigned to
military or peacekeeping
commanders and for which they
have responsibility.

area of responsibility1 area of responsibility

The geographical area assigned to In the context of peacekeeping
the Supreme Allied Commander operations and related matters, a
Europe. defined area of land in which
responsibility is specifically
assigned to the commander of the
area for the development and
maintenance of installations, control
of movement and the conduct of
tactical operations.
Note: In the specific context of the
conflict between the Russian
Federation and Georgia of August
2008, it referred to the zone
between South Ossetia and
Abkhazia on the one hand, and
Georgia proper on the other.

area of responsibility2
In naval operations, a predefined
area of enemy terrain for which
supporting ships are responsible for
covering by fire on known targets or
targets of opportunity and by

armed forces
The entire military forces of a

Army Tactical Command and

Control Information System

The part of a nation's armed forces
that is trained and equipped for
fighting on land.

A formation larger than an army
corps but smaller than an army
group and usually consisting of two
or more army corps.

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assessment assessment
The process of estimating the The act of evaluating; appraisal.
capabilities and performance of Note: Word may also be used to
organizations, individuals, materiel refer to an amount assessed, e.g.,
or systems. for taxation or as regards an
Note: In the context of military assessed contribution for a budget.
forces, the hierarchical relationship
in logical sequence is: assessment,
analysis, evaluation, validation and

assessment report Assessment Report


assign1 assign
To place units or personnel in an Verb. To place units or personnel in
organization where such placement an organization where such
is relatively permanent, and/or placement is relatively permanent.
where such organization controls
and administers the units or
personnel for the primary function,
or greater portion of the functions, of
the unit or personnel.

To detail individuals to specific
duties or functions where such
duties or functions are primary
and/or relatively permanent.

assistant secretary general Assistant Secretary-General


In planning, a supposition made
about the current situation and/or
the future course of events to
complete an estimate of the
situation and decide on the course
of action.

asylum seeker asylum seeker

A person who invokes the protection asylum-seeker (synonym)
of the 1951 United Nations Note: person whose application for
Convention relating to the Status of refugee status is pending in the
Refugees before the national asylum procedure or who is
authorities of a State and claims otherwise registered as an asylum
persecution to gain official refugee seeker.
status in that country.

asymmetric threat
A threat emanating from the
potential use of dissimilar means or
methods to circumvent or negate an
opponent's strengths while
exploiting his weaknesses to obtain
a disproportionate result.

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To place units or personnel in an
organization where such placement
is relatively temporary. Subject to
limitations imposed in the
attachment order, the commander
of the formation, unit, or
organization receiving the
attachment will exercise the same
degree of command and control
thereover as he does over the units
and persons organic to his
command. However, the
responsibility for transfer and
promotion of personnel will normally
be retained by the parent formation,
unit, or organization.

augmentation force augmentation forces

Any force designated by a nation to NATO. Any force designated by a
strengthen its national forces. nation to strengthen its national

Autonomous Vessel Protection


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The use of reserves, individually or
collectively, to undertake the duties
of regulars deployed forward to a
theatre of operations.

Bare Base Kit


An area or locality containing
installations which provide logistic or
other support.

A locality from which operations are
projected or supported.

base development
The improvement or expansion of
the resources and facilities of an
area or a location to support military

basic intelligence
Intelligence, on any subject, which
may be used as reference material
for planning and as a basis for
processing subsequent information
or intelligence.

basic ordering agreement


battle casualty Battle Casualty


battle damage assessment Battle Damage Assessment battle damage assessment


battle management command, Battle Management C3I

control, communications and BMC3I

battlefield area evaluation


battlefield information collection Battlefield Intelligence Collection

and exploitation system Exploitation Systems

battlefield management system


belligerent belligerent
In time of crisis or war, an individual, Originally refers to a Power or

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entity, military force or state person engaged in legitimate

engaged in conflict. warfare: i.e., constituted armies, or
other fighting groups, such as
volunteers and guerrillas, if they are
regularly organized with responsible
leadership, wear distinctive signs or
markings, openly bear arms and
observe the rules of warfare.
Note: The term has come often to
refer more loosely to any group
involved in hostilities.

be-prepared mission be-prepared mission

A mission assigned to a unit and B/P
that may be executed depending on Note: Army term for a mission that
the result of its previous action. might be executed.
In planning priorities, such missions
are planned after any on-order

best management practice best management practice


of the two Strategic Commands Bi-Strategic Commands


Bilateral Agreement Conference


Bi-Sc Geospatial Executive Board


Bi-Strategic Command Medical

Advisory Group

border crosser
An individual, living close to a
frontier, who normally has to cross
the frontier frequently for legitimate

border crossing authority


In land warfare, a line by which
areas of responsibility between
adjacent units/formations are

boundary disclaimer boundary disclaimer

A statement on a map or chart that A statement on a map or chart that
the status and/or alignment of the status or alignment of
international or administrative international or administrative
boundaries is not necessarily boundaries is not necessarily
recognized by the government of recognized by the Government of
the publishing nation. the publishing nation, or by the UN.

briefing briefing
The act of giving in advance specific A meeting or document in which
instructions or information. people receive information or

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building integrity Building Integrity


build-up military build-up

The process of attaining prescribed Accumulation of military equipment
strength of units and prescribed and/or forces.
levels of vehicles, equipment, stores Note: Variants or phrases: build-up
and supplies. Also may be applied of military strength; build-up of
to the means of accomplishing this military forces; buildup of forces
process. Variant spelling [non-UN, as of
October 2012]: military buildup

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A set of military operations planned
and conducted to achieve a
strategic objective within a given
time and geographical area, which
normally involve maritime, land and
air forces.

Capability-Based planning

Capability Development Plan


Capability Development Plan


Capability Lines of Development


capability package

capability requirement Requirements Catalogue

The RC identifies the agreed
military capabilities required to
pursue the European Union’s
military level of ambition set in the
HLG. The Requirement Catalogue
is one of the main products of the
Capability Development Mechanism

casualty evacuation Casualty Evacuation


casualty staging unit Casualty Staging Unit


caveat caveat
In NATO operations, any limitation, Note: warning to one to exercise
restriction or constraint by a nation caution or to refrain from certain
on its military forces or civilian acts or practices.
elements under NATO command
and control or otherwise available to
NATO, that does not permit NATO
commanders to deploy and employ
these assets fully in line with the
approved operation plan. Note: A
caveat may apply inter alia to
freedom of movement within the
joint operations area and/or to
compliance with the approved rules
of engagement.

Central Mediterranean Area

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Central Prison Department


centralized control
The retention of authority by a
commander to direct actions to
achieve his objectives.

centre of excellence centre of excellence


centre of gravity Centre of Gravity

Characteristics, capabilities or
localities from which a nation, an
alliance, a military force or other
grouping derives its freedom of
action, physical strength or will to

The process of officially recognizing
that organizations, individuals,
materiel or systems meet defined
standards or criteria. Note: In the
context of military forces, the
hierarchical relationship in logical
sequence is: assessment, analysis,
evaluation, validation and

chain of command EU Military Chain of Command chain of command

command channel (admitted) The succession of commanding Chain of Command (synonym)
The succession of commanding officers from a superior to a command channel (synonym)
officers from a superior to a subordinate through which In the military sense, the succession
subordinate through which command is exercised. of commanding officers from a
command is exercised. superior to a subordinate through
which orders are transmitted.
1. An administrative chain of
command is permanent and applies
to all administrative matters.
2. An operational chain of command
may be established solely for a
specific operation of a series of
continuing operations.

change of operational control

The date and time (Greenwich
Mean Time/Greenwich Civil Time)
at which the responsibility for
operational control of a force or unit
passes from one operational control
authority to another.

chemical warfare Chemical Warfare chemical warfare


chemical warfare agent Chemical Warfare Agents chemical warfare agent

chemical agent

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Chemical Weapons Convention Chemical Weapons Convention Convention on the Prohibition of

CWC CWC the Development, Production,
Stockpiling and Use of Chemical
Weapons and on Their
Chemical Weapons Convention

chemical, biological, radiological chemical, biological, radiological chemical, biological, radiological

and nuclear and nuclear and nuclear
NBC (obsolete)

chief of defence

chief of defence staff chief of the defence staff

Note: GBR.

Chief of Mission

Children Affected by Armed children and armed conflict

Combat CAAC

CIMIC coordination centre


CIMIC support unit


CIS Users Group


civil affairs civil affairs


Civil Communications Planning


civil contingency plan


civil defence
The mobilization, organization and
direction of the civil population
designed to minimize by passive
measures the effects of hostile
action against all aspects of civil life.

civil disturbance
Group acts of violence and disorder
prejudicial to public law and order.

Civil Disturbance Situations


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Civil Emergency Crisis Cell


civil emergency planning Civil Emergency Planning


Civil Emergency Planning


Civil Military Co-ordination


civil protection
Activities undertaken by emergency
services to protect populations,
properties, infrastructure and the
environment from the
consequences of natural and
technological disasters and other

Civil Protection Committee


civil situation report


Civil Society Organisation civil society organization

Multitude of associations around
which society voluntarily organizes
itself and which represent a wide
range of interests and ties, from
ethnicity and religion, through
shared professional, developmental
and leisure pursuits, to issues such
as environmental protection and
human rights.

Civilian – Military Cell

Civ/Mil Cell

Civilian Capability Management


Civilian Headline Goal


Civilian Planning and Conduct


civilian police International Civilian Police


civilian preparedness for war

All measures and means taken in
peacetime, by national and Allied
agencies, to enable a nation to
survive an enemy attack and to
contribute more effectively to the
common war effort.

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Civilian Strategic Option


The transfer of responsibilities,
functions or posts from military
personnel to civilian staff.

In the context of small arms
destruction and conversion,
concrete process by which a
particular weapon or firearm is
made fit for civilian use.
1. This process goes further than
demilitarization and involves
changing the calibre and the
2. In the more general context of
disarmament and peace dividends,
conversion of a military post into a
civilian post.

civil-military cooperation Civil-Military Co-operation civil-military cooperation

The coordination and cooperation, Civil-Military Cooperation (variant
in support of the mission, between capitalization)
the NATO Commander and civil UN CMCoord (variant acronym)
actors, including the national North Atlantic Treaty Organization
population and local authorities, as (NATO) terminology.
well as international, national and Note: Reflects the Alliance's broad
nongovernmental organizations and approach to security coupled with
agencies. the recognition that there are civil
ramifications to a military operation.

Civil-Military Liaison

civil-military operation Crisis Management Operation civil-military cooperation

CMO CMO operations
civil-military operations

civil-military operation cell


civil-military operations centre Civil-Military Operations Centre


civil-military task force


clandestine operation clandestine operation

An operation planned or conducted Intelligence-gathering activities
in such a way as to assure its sponsored or conducted so as to
secrecy or concealment. assure secrecy or concealment.
Note: It differs from covert
operations in that emphasis is

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placed on concealment of the

operation rather than on
concealment of the identity of the

Class I Security Area

An area where information
"CONFIDENTIEL UE" or above is
handled and stored in such a way
that entry into the area constitutes,
for all practical purposes, access to
classified information.

Class II Security Area

An area where information
"CONFIDENTIEL UE" or above is
handled and stored in such a way
that it can be protected from access
by unauthorized persons by means
of internally established controls.

close support
That action of the supporting force
against targets or objectives which
are sufficiently near the supported
force as to require detailed
integration or coordination of the
supporting action with the fire,
movement, or other actions of the
supported force.

closed area restricted area

A designated area in or over which RA
passage of any kind is prohibited. closed area (synonym)
Area under military jurisdiction to
which access is regulated, restricted
to certain authorized personnel,
subject to special permits.
1. (E.g., closed to the taking of
bears, closed to motor vehicles.)
May be defined (or "closed off") by
physical barriers. Term often used
in the context of military security
(buffer zones, checkpoints and so
forth). Nuclear energy or nuclear
weapons sites and active or former
bombing sites are also likely to be
"closed areas".
2. Special security measures may
be employed to prevent
unauthorized entry to such areas.
3. The terms restricted area (closed
area); closed military area (closed
military zone) and no-go area are all
roughly synonymous, but may be
used in different specific contexts.
"No-go area" is, for example, more
colloquial and is used in a demining
context; "restricted area" is widely
applicable. The term "caution area"
also has been used.

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coalition joint civil-military

operations task force

Coalition Police Advisory

Training Team

coherent change detection Coherent Change Detection


Collaboration Application for

Management of EU-Led

collateral damage collateral damage

Inadvertent casualties and In a general and military sense, the
destruction in civilian areas caused term means the killing of civilians in
by military operations. a military attack or any damage
incidental to a military attack.
1. It is often used as a euphemism,
to try to take the sting out of the fact
that one's military operations are
killing defenceless civilians.
2. More technically, the term has
been defined as applying to
unintended human casualties or
destruction of either military or non-
military resources -- beyond the
destruction of enemy forces or
installations specifically targeted. In
addition, in this sense "collateral
damage" relates only to damage
caused by the imprecision of
weapons (the "spillover of weapons
effect"), and not to damage caused
by errors, such as faulty aim.
3. Note that in 2001 the term was
also being used metaphorically:
"Collateral damage in the brokerage
sector"; "Raytheon faces collateral

collection coordination and Collection, Co-ordination and

intelligence requirements Intelligence Requirements
management Management (UK)

collection plan
A plan for collecting information
from all available sources to meet
intelligence requirements and for
transforming those requirements
into orders and requests to
appropriate agencies.

Collection Points

The physical placement of two or
more detachments, units,

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organizations, or facilities at a
specifically defined location.

combat enhancement training


Combat Psychological

combat psychological operations

Planned PSYOPS conducted
against approved Target Audiences
as an integral part of combat
operations in support of the
objectives of the commanders at all
levels. They are assigned to defeat
the opposing force by reducing or
eliminating its will to continue
aggression in the AOO, as well as
to support the operational freedom
of the commander.

combat recovery Combat Recovery


combat service support Combat Service Support


combat support Combat Support combat support


combat-capable trainer

combat-ready1 ready
As applied to organizations or on the ready (synonym)
equipment: available for combat combat ready (synonym)

combat-ready2 ready
As applied to personnel: qualified to on the ready (synonym)
carry out combat operations in the combat ready (synonym)
unit to which they are assigned.

combined exercise

Combined Joint Capability

Planning Panel

Combined Joint Cell in an HQ


combined joint civil-military task


combined joint communications


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Combined Joint Force Special

Operations Component

Combined Joint Logistic Cell in

an HQ

Combined Joint Medical Cell


Combined Joint Special

Operations Air Command

Combined Joint Special

Operations Task Force

Combined Joint Statement of Statement of Force Requirements

Requirements SFR
The agreed level of forces needed Description: States the military
to deliver the capabilities required. capabilities and the composition of a
peacekeeping force.

Combined Joint Statement of


combined joint task force combined joint task force (NATO)

A combined joint task force is a A multinational (combined) and joint
multinational (combined) and joint task force, task-organised and
task force, task-organised and formed for the full range of
formed for the full range of Alliance's military missions, which
Alliance’s military missions, which Commander Combined Joint Task
commander combined joint task Force commands from a
force commands from a multinational and joint headquarters.
multinational and joint headquarters. The joint task force may include
The joint task force may include elements from non-NATO troop
elements from non-NATO troop contributing nations.
contributing nations.
A combined joint task force is a
combined and joint deployable task
force, tailored to the mission, and
formed for the full range of the
Alliance’s military missions.

Combined Joint Task Force


Combined Operations Area


Combined Task Force Combined Task Force


Combined Task Group


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command and control command and control command and control

C2 The authority, responsibilities and C2
The authority, responsibilities and activities of military commander in In a military organization refers to
activities of military commanders in the direction and co-ordination of the exercise of authority and
the direction and co-ordination of military forces and in the direction by a properly designated
military forces and in the implementation of orders related to commanding officer over assigned
implementation of orders related to the execution of operations. and attached forces in the
the execution of operations. accomplishment of the mission.
1. The term may also refer to
command and control systems
within a military system.
2. The 1988 NATO definition:
Command and control is the
exercise of authority and direction
by a properly designated [individual]
over assigned [resources] in the
accomplishment of a [common
2. N.B.: Term also used in an
environmental context, see
command and control legislation.

command and control command and control

communication system communication system
C2CS A communication system, which
A communication system which conveys information between
conveys information between military authorities for command and
military authorities for command and control purposes.
control purposes. Note: Command and control
communication system is
complementary to Command and
control information system and
contrasts with C3 system.

command and control Command and Control

information system Information System
An information system, which
provides military authorities with
support for command and control

Note: Command and control

information system is
complementary to command and
control communication system.

Command and Control

Information System

command and control interface


command and control resource


command and control system


command and control warfare command and control warfare command and control warfare
C2W The integrated use of all military command-and-control warfare
CCW (deprecated) capabilities including operations C2W

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The integrated use of all military security, deception, psychological The integrated use of operations
capabilities including operations operations, electronic warfare, and security, military deception,
security, deception, psychological physical destruction, supported by psychological operations, electronic
operations, electronic warfare and all-source intelligence and warfare, and physical destruction,
physical destruction, supported by communication and information mutually supported by intelligence,
allsource intelligence and systems, to deny information to, to deny information to, influence,
communication and information influence, degrade, or destroy an degrade or destroy adversary
systems, to deny information to, adversary's command and control command-and-control capabilities,
influence, degrade or destroy an capabilities while protecting friendly while protecting friendly command
adversary's command and control command and control capabilities and control capabilities against such
capabilities while protecting friendly against similar actions. actions.
command and control capabilities Note: Command systems, rather
against similar actions. than commanders, are the chief
target, as in Persian Gulf War.

command and control,

intelligence, surveillance and

command arrangement

command field exercise


command live exercise


command net command net

A communication network which Radio net used by military
connects an echelon of command commanders, usually with electronic
with some or all of its subordinate counter-measures (ECCM), such as
echelons for the purpose of anti-jamming, encryption,
command control. frequency-hopping and spread-
spectrum features.

command post command post

In operations or exercises, a A unit's or subunit's headquarters
location from which command is where the commander and his staff
exercised. operate.

command post exercise Command Post Exercise command post exercise

An exercise in which the forces are A training simulation involving
simulated, involving the commanders and their staffs but not
commander, his staff, and troops, often designed to test
communications within and between communication channels between
headquarters. headquarters and its command
Note: It was to be used to improve
interoperability training for
peacekeeping operations (PKOs).

command, control, Command, Control,

communications and computers Communications and Computers
C4 C4

Command, Control, command, control,

Communications, Computers and communications, computers and
Intelligence intelligence

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command1 command command

The authority vested in an individual The authority vested in an individual COMD
of the armed forces for the direction, of the armed forces for the direction, CMD
coordination, and control of military co-ordination, and control of military In a military context, this term is
forces. forces understood to refer to one of the
1. The authority vested in an
individual of the armed forces for
the direction, coordination and
control of military forces.
2. An order given by a commander,
that is, the will of the commander
expressed for the purpose of
bringing about a particular action.
3. A unit or organization or area
under the command of one
individual (e.g., military airlift
command, special operations

command2 command command

An order given by a commander; An order given by a commander; COMD
that is, the will of the commander that is, the will of the commander CMD
expressed for the purpose of expressed for the purpose of In a military context, this term is
bringing about a particular action. bringing about a particular action understood to refer to one of the
1. The authority vested in an
individual of the armed forces for
the direction, coordination and
control of military forces.
2. An order given by a commander,
that is, the will of the commander
expressed for the purpose of
bringing about a particular action.
3. A unit or organization or area
under the command of one
individual (e.g., military airlift
command, special operations

command3 command command

A unit, group of units, organization A unit, or units, an organization, or COMD
or area under the authority of a an area under the command of one CMD
single individual. individual In a military context, this term is
understood to refer to one of the
1. The authority vested in an
individual of the armed forces for
the direction, coordination and
control of military forces.
2. An order given by a commander,
that is, the will of the commander
expressed for the purpose of
bringing about a particular action.
3. A unit or organization or area
under the command of one
individual (e.g., military airlift
command, special operations

35 / 240

To dominate an area or situation.

To exercise command.

Command and Control

Information Systems in Support
of Maritime Operations

commander EU Operation Commander

COM Commander
A Commander nominated by the
Council to conduct a defined military
operation and authorised to
exercise operational command or
operational control over assigned

Commander Allied Joint Force

Command Brunssum

Commander Allied Joint Force

Command Naples

Commander Allied Land


Commander Allied Maritime


Commander Joint Analysis and

Lessons Learned Centre

Commander Joint Force Air

Component Command

Commander Joint Force Training


Commander Joint Warfare Centre


Commander Landing Force


Commander of Combined Joint

Force Special Operations
Component Command

Commander Task Group


36 / 240

Commanders Critical Information



commence exercise

Committee Against Torture


Committee for Civilian Aspects of

Crisis Management

Common European Security and Common European Security and European Security and Defence
Defence Policy Defence Policy Policy
Common European Security and
Defence Policy

Common Foreign and Security Common Foreign and Security Common Foreign and Security
Policy Policy Policy

Common Information Exchange


common infrastructure
Infrastructure essential to the
training of NATO forces or to the
implementation of NATO
operational plans which, owing to its
degree of common use or interest
and its compliance with criteria laid
down from time to time by the North
Atlantic Council, is commonly
financed by NATO members.

Common Operational Picture


common resources
Logistic resources, suitable for
multinational logistic support such
as fuel, water, food, and services
such as engineering, transportation,
catering, recovery, medical
services, hospitalisation, laundry
and bath and material handling

Common Security and Defence Common Security and Defence

Policy Policy

common security and defence

policy tasks
CSDP tasks
The CSDP tasks, in the course of

37 / 240

with the Union may use civilian and

military means are the following:

 joint disarmament
 humanitarian and rescue
 military advice and
assistance tasks,
 conflict prevention and
peace-keeping tasks,
 tasks of combat forces in
crisis management,
including peace-making
and post-conflict

All these tasks may contribute to the

fight against terrorism, including by
supporting third countries in
combating terrorism in their

common user item

An item of an interchangeable
nature which is in common use by
two or more nations or services of a

commonality commonality
The state achieved when the same Character of training, doctrine,
doctrine, procedures or equipment procedures, or equipment and
are used. software, etc., in order to facilitate
communication and joint operations.
1. International Mine Action
Standards (IMAS) definition: in the
context of mine action equipment
procurement, the term refers to a
state achieved when groups of
individuals or organizations use
common procedures and/or
2. There is a spectrum of
standardization which ranges from
low-level compatilbility (equipment
or procedures do not clash), to
interoperability (some degree of
workable harmony is possible), to
interchangeability (substitution is
feasible), to commonality (same
equipment or procedure is used).

communication and information communication and information

systems systems
Collective term for communication Assembly of equipment, methods
systems and information systems. and procedures, and if necessary
personnel, organised so as to
accomplish specific information
conveyance and processing

Communication and Information

38 / 240

Systems Executive Steering


Communication and Information

Systems Coordinating Committee

communications intelligence Communication Intelligence


communication system command and control system

An assembly of equipment, An assembly of equipment,
methods and procedures and, if methods and procedures and, if
necessary, personnel, organized to necessary, personnel, that enables
accomplish information transfer commanders and their staff to
functions. conduct command and control.
Notes: Note: command and control
1. A communication system systems encompass command and
provides communication between its control communications systems,
users and may embrace command and control information
transmission systems, switching systems, sensors systems and
systems and user systems. communication facilities.
2. A communication system may
also include storage or processing
functions in support of information

Communication Systems

communications and electronics communications and electronics

operating instructions operating instructions

Communications Centre communications centre


communications equipment

communications exercise

compatibility compatibility compatibility

The suitability of products, Capability of two or more items or Most generally: capable of existing
processes or services for use components of equipment or together or working together
together under specific conditions to material to exist or function in the harmoniously.
fulfil relevant requirements without same system or environment Notes:
causing unacceptable interactions. without mutual interference. 1. More specifically, designed to
[ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996] work with another device or system
without modification. In the context
of information technology, term
used to refer to a computer or other
hardware or software designed to
operate in the same manner and
using the same software or other
peripherals as another
computer/other hardware/software.
2. NATO definition: The suitability of
products, processes or services for
use together under specific

39 / 240

conditions to fulfil relevant

requirements without causing
unacceptable interactions.
3. In the context of mine action
equipment procurement: Term
refers to the capability of two or
more components or sub-
components of equipment or
material to exist or function in the
same environment without mutual

Component Command

Component Command of Special

Operations Forces

component command1
In the NATO military command
structure, a third-level command
organization with specific air,
maritime or land capabilities that is
responsible for operational planning
and conduct of subordinate
operations as directed by the NATO

component command2
A functional component command
or service component command
responsible for the planning and
conduct of a maritime, land, air,
special or other operation as part of
a joint force.

component commander1 Component Commander

A single-service or functional
component commander at the third
level of the NATO military command

component commander2 component Commanders

A designated commander Air Component Commander (ACC)
responsible for the planning and A commander, designated by the
conduct of a maritime, land, air, FCdr or higher authority, who would
special or other operation as part of be responsible for making
a joint force. recommendations to the FCdr on
the employment of air forces and
assets, planning and co-ordinating
air operations and accomplishing
such operational missions as may
be assigned to him. The air
component commander is given the
authority necessary to accomplish
missions and tasks assigned by the
designating commander.
Land Component Commander

40 / 240

A commander, designated by the

FCdr or higher authority, who would
be responsible for making
recommendations to the FCdr on
the employment of land forces and
assets, planning and co-ordinating
land operations and accomplishing
such operational missions as may
be assigned to him. The land
component commander is given the
authority necessary to accomplish
missions and tasks assigned by the
designating commander.
Maritime Component Commander
A commander, designated by the
FCdr or higher authority, who would
be responsible for making
recommendations to the FCdr on
the employment of maritime forces
and assets, planning and co-
ordinating maritime operations and
accomplishing such operational
missions as may be assigned to
him. The maritime component
commander is given the authority
necessary to accomplish missions
and tasks assigned by the
designating commander.
Special Operations Component
Commander (SOCC)
A commander, designated by the
FCdr or higher authority, who would
be responsible for making
recommendations to the FCdr on
the employment of special
operations forces and assets,
planning and co-ordinating special
operations and accomplishing such
operational missions as may be
assigned to him. The special
operations component commander
is given the authority necessary to
accomplish missions and tasks
assigned by the designating

Other Component Commanders

could be designated for specific
functions, such as Psychological
Operations Component Commander
(POCC) and Rear Area Component
Commander (RACC).

Comprehensive Annual Report

on ESDP and ESDP-related

comprehensive approach comprehensive approach

In a context of TOCA-TOI EUMS
Document, CA implies the pursuit of
a methodology aimed at commonly
understood principles and

41 / 240

collaborative processes that

enhance the likelihood of favourable
and enduring outcomes in the
political, diplomatic, security,
economic, development, rule of law,
and human rights dimensions of
international engagements in pursuit
of a common goal both within and
beyond the EU

Comprehensive Capability
Development Process

Comprehensive Crisis and

Operations Management Centre

Comprehensive Logistic Centre


Comprehensive Strategic
Political-Military Plan

computer network attack computer network attack1

Action taken to disrupt, deny, CNA includes action via computer
degrade or destroy information networks to disrupt, deny, degrade
resident in a computer and/or or destroy information within
computer network, or the computer computers and computer networks
and/or computer network itself. and/or the computers /networks
Note: A computer network attack is themselves. CNA can also achieve
a type of cyber attack. effects outside the adversary’s IT

computer network attack2

Actions taken via computer
networks to disrupt, deny, degrade,
or destroy the information within
computers and computer networks
and/ or the computers/ networks

computer network defence computer network defence1

CND includes actions taken via
computer networks to protect,
monitor, analyse, detect, recover
and respond to network attacks,
intrusions, disruptions or other
unauthorised actions that would
compromise or cripple information
systems and networks.

computer network defence computer network defence2

Actions taken via computer
networks to protect, monitor,
analyse, detect, recover and
respond to network attacks,
intrusions, disruptions or other

42 / 240

unauthorised actions that would

compromise or cripple information
systems and networks.

computer network exploitation computer network exploitation1

Action taken to make use of a CNE includes enabling actions and
computer or computer network, as intelligence collection via computer
well as the information hosted networks that exploit data gathered
therein, in order to gain advantage. from target information systems or

computer network exploitation2

Enabling actions and intelligence
collection via computer networks
that exploit data gathered from
target or enemy information
systems or networks.

computer network operation

Capability and action taken to
protect, control and optimise
computer networks, associated
hardware and software and to
contribute towards information
superiority and thereby deny an
adversary this capability.

computer network operations

Capability and action taken to
protect, control and optimise
computer networks, associated
hardware and software and to
contribute towards information
superiority and thereby deny an
adversary this capability.

computer-assisted exercise Computer Assisted Exercise computer-aided exercise


computer-based training computer based training


A notion or statement of an idea,
expressing how something might be
done or accomplished, that may
lead to an accepted procedure.

concept development and


Concept Development
Implementation Programme

43 / 240

concept of operations concept of operations general concept of operations

CONOPS CONOPS concept of operations (synonym)
A clear and concise statement of A clear and concise statement of CONOPS
the line of action chosen by a the line of action chosen by a A clear and concise (verbal or
commander in order to accomplish commander in order to accomplish graphic) statement of the line of
his given mission. his mission. action chosen by a commander in
order to accomplish his/her mission,
and detailing his/her assumptions
and intent.
Note: Term also used in non-military

concept of requirement
An Annex/Appendix to an HNS
Technical Arrangement which
allows an overview of the
requirements in type and scope by
EU, MS and non-EU TCN.

Concurrency is used to express the
EU’s ability to conduct and sustain
several operations simultaneously
at different levels of engagement.

conduct of operations conduct of an operation

The art of directing, coordinating, It is the art of directing, coordinating,
controlling and adjusting the actions controlling and adjusting the actions
of forces to achieve specific of forces to achieve specific
objectives. objectives.

confidence- and security-building confidence- and security-building

measures measure

confidence-building measures confidence-building measure


The prevention of the unauthorised
disclosure of information.

conflict prevention conflict prevention

A peace support operation CP
employing complementary CP is one of the Illustrative
diplomatic, civil, and – when Scenarios used in Requirements
necessary - military means, to Catalogue (RC).
monitor and identify the causes of
conflict, and take timely action to
prevent the occurrence, escalation,
or resumption of hostilities.

Conflict Prevention Centre Conflict Prevention Centre


Conflict Prevention, Management Mechanism for Conflict

and Resolution Prevention, Management and
CPMR Resolution

Connected Forces Initiative


44 / 240

consequence management
Actions taken to maintain or restore
essential services and to lessen the
effects of natural or man-made

consultation consultation
The exchange of views and the The responsibilities and activities of
conduct of deliberations amongst the political, civil and military
the highest authorities of the authorities in political consultation,
Alliance and member nations aiming including crisis management and
at harmonizing positions and civil emergency planning.
formulating recommendations on
issues of common concern. Note:
Consultation may involve
international organizations, Partner
nations and, as required, other non-
NATO nations.

consultation, command and consultation, command and command, control and

control control communications
C3 C3 C3
The responsibilities and activities of
political, military and civil authorities
in political consultation, including
crisis management, civil emergency
planning and the authority,
responsibilities and activities of
military commanders in the direction
and co-ordination of military forces
and in the implementation of orders
related to the execution of

consultation, command and

control system

Contact Group on Piracy off the

Coast of Somalia

contingency plan contingency planning contingency plan

COP The production of detailed planning CONPLAN
A plan which is developed for documents for potential operations In general, involves preparing likely
possible operations where the where the planning factors have courses of action dealing with a
planning factors have been been identified or have been range of potential scenarios, taking
identified or can be assumed. This assumed. They include an into account major events which can
plan is produced in as much detail indication of resources needed and reasonably be anticipated.
as possible, including the resources the deployment options. They may Notes:
needed and deployment options, as form the basis for subsequent 1. In the peacekeeping field, such
a basis for subsequent planning. planning. planning extends into preparatory
activities (preparation of maps,
identification of sources of
equipment and supplies,
prepositioning of communications
and identification of possible troop-
contributing States). Similarly, in the
context of peacekeeping or military
operations, a contingency operation
plan (COP) is a formal directive in
the same format as operation orders
designed to meet a contingency,
which is expected but not yet

45 / 240

2. In non-military contexts,
emergency plan would also be
used, with a similar meaning.
3. Gerund: contingency planning
(emergency planning)

The commercial acquisition of
materials and civil services by EU
Member States and/ or EU for their
forces in support of an EU- led
CMO. It is one of the elements
logistic planning should take into

contributing nation troop contributing nations

CN Those MS and, after a Council
A nation that takes part in a NATO decision, third States providing
operation, programme or other military assets or capabilities for a
activity, for which an agreed particular operation.
contribution is payable in money or
in kind.

contributing state
Term for states having confirmed
their participation to solve a crisis;
here: take part in a specific EU
crisis management.

control and reporting centre Control and Reporting Centre


control1 control
The authority exercised by a That authority exercised by a
commander over part of the commander over part of the
activities of subordinate activities of subordinate
organizations, or other organisations, or other
organizations not normally under his organisations not normally under his
command, that encompasses the command, which encompasses the
responsibility for implementing responsibility for implementing
orders or directives. orders or directives. All or part of
this authority may be transferred or

In mapping, charting and
photogrammetry, a collective term
for a system of marks or objects on
the earth or on a map or a
photograph, whose positions or
elevations, or both, have been or
will be determined.

controlled exercise
An exercise characterized by the
imposition of constraints on some or
all of the participating units by
planning authorities with the
principal intention of provoking
types of interaction.

Convention Against Torture


46 / 240

Convention on the Rights of the Convention on the Rights of the

Child Child

Convoy Support Centre


Cooperation Partner

cooperative engagement

co-operative use
Utilisation of resources identified
and made available by Nations for
utilisation by other Nations.
Compensation and/or
reimbursement will be subject to
agreements between the parties
involved, if such compensation
and/or reimbursement are required.

coordinating authority co-ordinating authority

CA The authority granted to a
The authority granted to a commander for co-ordinating
commander or individual assigned specific functions or activities
responsibility for coordinating involving resources of two or more
specific functions or activities nations. He/she has the authority to
involving forces of two or more require consultation between the
countries or commands, or two or MS involved or their
more services or two or more forces representatives, but does not have
of the same service. He has the the authority to compel agreement.
authority to require consultation In case of disagreement between
between the agencies involved or the MS involved, he/she should
their representatives, but does not attempt to obtain essential
have the authority to compel agreement by discussion. In the
agreement. In case of disagreement event he/she is unable to obtain
between the agencies involved, he agreement he/she shall refer the
should attempt to obtain essential matter to the appropriate authority.
agreement by discussion. In the
event he is unable to obtain
essential agreement he shall refer
the matter to the appropriate

Co-ordinating Core Planning


Coordinator for Sensitive CIS


core planning team Core Planning Team core planning team

A team responsible for the detailed Description: Re: transfer of authority
planning, coordination and between EUFOR and the United
preparation of an exercise. Nations Mission in the Central
African Republic and Chad
(MINURCAT) in Chad.
Note: The CPT, which initially
comprised 13 military officers,
commenced the planning and

47 / 240

preparations for the transfer of

authority and deployment of the
United Nations force in New York on
5 January 2009, in conjunction with
staff from EUFOR and the
Department of Peacekeeping
Operations. The CPT then deployed
to Chad on 25 January 2009 to
continue planning in theatre.

Council Operations and Exercise


counter-piracy Counter Piracy


counter psyops
Counter PSYOPS are actions
designed to detect and mitigate
adverse psychological activities.

counter-guerrilla warfare
Operations and activities conducted
by armed forces, paramilitary
forces, or non-military agencies
against guerrillas.

countering hybrid threats


countering improvised explosive countering improvised explosive

devices devices
The collective efforts to defeat an The collective efforts at all levels to
improvised explosive device system defeat the IED system by attacking
by attacking networks, defeating the networks, defeating the device
devices and preparing a force. and preparing the force.

counter-insurgency counterinsurgency
Civilian and military efforts made to
defeat an insurgency and to
address any core grievances.

counter-intelligence Counter intelligence counter-espionage

CI CI counter-intelligence (synonym)
Those activities which are Variant [non-UN, as of April 2009]:
concerned with identifying and counterintelligence.
counteracting the threat to security
posed by hostile intelligence
services or organizations or by
individuals engaged in espionage,
sabotage, subversion or terrorism.


countermine operations countermine operation

In land mine warfare, an operation Military countermine operations are
to reduce or eliminate the effects of concerned primarily with the
mines or minefields. breaching of mine barriers, rather
than mine clearing, and therefore

48 / 240

traditional military countermine

equipment (ploughs, rollers, flails
etc.) is poorly suited to area
clearance in humanitarian demining

counterterrorism counter terrorism counter-terrorism

All offensive measures taken to
neutralize terrorism before and after
hostile acts are carried out. Note:
Such measures include those
counterforce activities justified for
the defence of individuals as well as
containment measures implemented
by military forces or civilian

course of action course of action

In the estimate process, an option
that will accomplish or contribute to
the accomplishment of a mission or
task, and from which a detailed plan
is developed.

Crew Resource Management


Crisis Coordination

Crisis Coordination Committee crisis coordination centre


crisis establishment crisis establishment

A table setting out the authorized EU crisis establishment
redistribution of manpower and EUCE
augmentation of personnel for a The manning requirement for the
unit, formation or headquarters HQ and is tailored for the specific
under crisis conditions. operation. It is based on the ORBAT
which serves as a toolbox for the
capabilities needed for the
respective operation, however
further posts may be created by the

crisis management crisis management crisis management

CM CM The process by which an
The coordinated actions taken to The co-ordinated actions taken to organization deals with a major
defuse crises, prevent their defuse crises prevent their event that threatens to harm the
escalation into an armed conflict escalation into an armed conflict organization, its stakeholders, or the
and contain hostilities if they should and contain hostilities if they should general public.
result. result.

Crisis Management
Psychological Operations

Crisis Management and Planning


49 / 240

crisis management centre Crisis Management Concept

The CMC is the conceptual
framework describing the overall
approach of the EU to the
management of a particular crisis.

crisis management exercise Crisis Management Exercise

Crisis Management Exercise
Crisis Management Exercise

crisis management group


Crisis Management Initiative Crisis Management Initiative


Crisis Management Manual Crisis Management Manual


crisis management measures


crisis management operations

Operations taken to defuse crises
prevent their escalation into an
armed conflict and contain hostilities
if they should result, contributing to
the stabilisation and reconstruction.

crisis management organization


Crisis Management Procedures


crisis management team

In a peacekeeping mission, the
critical decision-making body and
advisory committee to the Special
Representative of the Secretary-
General/Head of Mission during an

Crisis Management/Current
Operations Branch

Crisis Planning Team


crisis response cell


Crisis Response Co-ordinating

A vehicle for inter-service
coordination in response to a given

50 / 240

crisis. It will consist of officials from

the relevant services in the Council
Secretariat and the Commission. It
will not be a standing structure but
will be pulled together when a
particular crisis occurs. As far as the
Council Secretariat is concerned,
the SG/HR will instruct the relevant
services to participate in the team.

Crisis Response Military

Strategic Planning Process

crisis response operation Crisis Response Operation


crisis response planning

Planning conducted to enable the
EU to deal with real crises. It builds
on Advance Planning products,
whenever available.

crisis response shipping

All shipping employed in support of
allied military operations, including
ships taken up from trade, chartered
shipping and, when appropriate,
national prepositioned ships.

Cultural Adviser

cultural awareness
A sustained sensitivity towards local
customs, mores, cultures and ways
of life is of fundamental importance
to EU-led CMO and is an important
function of CIMIC.

cultural property protection

For the purposes of the fight against
illicit trafficking, the definition of
“cultural property” has been unified
among the States parties to the
1970 UNESCO Convention of the
Means of Prohibiting and Preventing
the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer
of Ownership of Cultural Property
and the 1995 UNIDROIT
Convention on Stolen or Illegally
Exported Cultural Objects.
1. Both international Conventions
define cultural property or objects
property which, on religious or
secular grounds, is of importance
for archaeology, prehistory, history,
literature, art or science and which
belongs to one of the categories
specifically listed in the

51 / 240

2. Article 1 of the 1970 UNESCO

Convention and the Annex to the
1995 UNIDROIT Convention
provide the following list of items
that qualify as cultural property:
(a) rare collections and specimens
of fauna, flora, minerals and
anatomy, and objects of
palaeontological interest;
(b) property relating to history,
including the history of science and
technology and military and social
to the life of national leaders,
thinkers, scientists and artist and to
events of national importance;
(c) products of archaeological
excavations (including regular and
clandestine) or of archaeological
(d) elements of artistic or historical
monuments or archaeological sites
which have been dismembered;
(e) antiquities more than one
hundred years old, such as
inscriptions, coins and engraved
(f) objects of ethnological interest;
(g) property of artistic interest, such
(i) pictures, paintings and drawings
produced entirely by hand on any
support and in any material
(excluding industrial designs and
manufactured articles decorated by
(ii) original works of statuary art and
(iii) original engravings, prints and
(iv) original artistic assemblages
and montages in any material;
(h) rare manuscripts and
incunabula, old books, documents
and publications of special interest
(historical, artistic, scientific, literary,
etc.) singly or in collections;
(i) postage, revenue and similar
stamps, singly or in collections;
(j) archives, including sound,
photographic and cinematographic
(k) articles of furniture more than
one hundred years old and old
musical instruments.
3. More generally speaking, the
terms "cultural “property, “cultural
heritage”, “cultural goods” and
“cultural objects” are often used
interchangeably. There is no single,
universal definition for any of these
terms. Although in common
parlance they generally refer to the
same things, their exact definition
and legal regime (alienability,
exportability and so forth) are to be

52 / 240

sought in national legislation, or in

international conventions. Therefore
such definitions and legal regimes
vary from State legislation to State
legislation, or from treaty
(international convention) to treaty.
Generally, the word “property” has a
legal background (linked to
ownership), while “heritage”
stresses conservation and transfer
from generation to generation.

cultural property protection

Means the protection and
safeguarding of, and respect for,
cultural property as defined by the
International Law.

Cyber Defence Coordination and

Support Centre

53 / 240

Darfur Integrated Task Force Darfur Integrated Task Force


de facto boundary
An international or administrative
boundary whose existence and
legality is not recognized but which
is a practical division between
separate national and provincial
administrating authorities.

de jure boundary
An international or administrative
boundary whose existence and
legality is recognized.

deadly force deadly force

Force intended or likely to cause Force intended or likely to cause
death, or serious injury resulting in death, or serious injury resulting in
death. death.

The unloading of troops with their
supplies and equipment from a ship.

decentralized control
In air defence, the normal mode
whereby a higher echelon monitors
unit actions, making direct target
assignments to units only when
necessary to insure proper fire
distribution or to prevent
engagement of friendly aircraft.

Decision Making Process


decisive point decision point

A point from which a hostile or
friendly centre of gravity can be
threatened. This point may exist in
time, space or the information

One authorized to downgrade or
declassify documents or material in
specified areas.

To cancel the security classification
of an item of classified matter.

Defence Capabilities Initiative Defence Capabilities Initiative


54 / 240

defence long-term planning


Defence Technological and

Industrial Base

Defense Intelligence

Defense Sector Training Team


defensive information operations

Actions taken to maintain access to
and effective use of information,
Information based processes, C2
Systems, and CIS during peace,
crisis or conflict, and to protect
Alliance information critical to
achieving specific objectives.

delegation of authority delegation of authority

An action by which a commander The action of a superior officer in
assigns to a subordinate entrusting authority, for one or more
commander a clearly stated part of specific purposes, to a subordinate.
his authority.
Note: Context: At the sixty-second
session of the General Assembly,
the Secretary-General introduced
the possibility of delegating, to
heads of offices away from
Headquarters and heads of
missions, the authority to impose
disciplinary measures.

Note: It has been suggested that at

times the phrase "delegation of
authority" may be used (incorrectly)
to refer to the authority being
transferred, rather than to the act of

demilitarized zone Demilitarised Zone demilitarized zone

A defined area in which the
stationing, or concentrating of
military forces, or the retention or
establishment of military
installations of any description, is

55 / 240

demining demining
The removal of all unexploded Note:
mines, explosive ordnance, [Term invented by Australians to
improvised explosive devices and distinguish clearance for
booby traps from a defined area to humanitarian purposes, where the
make the area safe for civilians. aim is total area clearance, from
Note: Demining is not normally military breaching. This is the term
conducted by military units. used today, although it has been
broadened beyond clearance
operations to encompass marking
and mapping of minefields, survey
and community liaison [Mine Action
After Diana. Progress in the
Struggle Against Landmines; Stuart
Maslen, Landmine Action, 2004]]

demobilisation demobilization
The formal and controlled discharge In the context of peace operations
of active combatants from armed and disarmament, demobilization,
forces or other armed groups. The reintegration and resettlement or
first stage of demobilisation may repatriation programmes in a post-
extend from the processing of conflict situation, it is the formal and
individual combatants in temporary controlled discharge of active
centres to the massing of troops in combatants from armed forces or
camps designated for this purpose other armed groups.
(cantonment sites, encampments, Note: The first stage of
assembly areas or barracks). The demobilization may extend from the
second stage of demobilisation processing of individual combatants
encompasses the support package in temporary centres to the massing
to the demobilised, which is called of troops in camps designated for
reinsertion. this purpose (cantonment sites,
encampments, assembly areas or
barracks). The second stage of
demobilization encompasses the
support package provided to the
demobilized, which is called
reinsertion. The process usually
involves assembly, quartering,
disarming, demobilization proper
(disbanding), reinsertion and

Department of Peacekeeping Department of Peacekeeping Department of Peacekeeping

Operations Operations Operations

deployable forces

Deployed Force Headquarter


deployed operating base EU Force Deployment Operating

DOB Base

In naval usage, the change from a
cruising approach or contact
disposition to a disposition for battle.

56 / 240

deployment² disposition
The movement of forces within layout (synonym)
areas of operations. deployment (synonym)
The distribution of the elements of a
command within an area, including
usually the exact location of each
unit headquarters and the
deployment of the forces
subordinate to it.

The positioning of forces into a
formation for battle.

deployment exercise

deployment operating base

A base, other than the peacetime
base, having minimum essential
operational and support facilities, to
which a unit or part of a unit will
deploy to operate from in time of
tension or war.

A part of a unit separated from its
main organization for duty

Detailed List of Required


Detailed Task List

The DTL expresses the tasks
required to achieve the military end-
state for each illustrative scenario
and is linked via the subordinate
tasks with the required Forces.

Detection, Identification and


detention detention detention

The act of holding in custody for The act of holding in custody for Note: Body of Principles for the
lawful purposes such as lawful purposes such as Protection of All persons under Any
prosecution, maintenance of public prosecution, maintenance of public Form of Detention of Imprisonment
safety, or pursuant to legal order. safety, or pursuant to legal order. (1988): "Use of Terms ? (d)
'Detention' means the condition of
detained persons as defined
above;"/above = (b) "'Detained
person' means any person deprived
of personal liberty except as a result
of conviction for an offence;"/

57 / 240

deterrence deterrence by punishment

The convincing of a potential Persuading the enemy not to attack
aggressor that the consequences of by convincing him that he will be
coercion or armed conflict would punished for his attack.
outweigh the potential gains. This Note: Variant: deterrence by the
requires the maintenance of a threat of punishment.
credible military capability and
strategy with the clear political will to

Digital Elevation Model digital elevation model


diplomatic authorization
Authority for overflight or landing
obtained at government-to
government level through diplomatic

direct action direct action

A short-duration strike or other A short-duration strike or other small
small-scale offensive action by scale offensive action by special
special operations forces or special operations forces to seize, destroy,
operations-capable units to seize, capture, recover or inflict damage to
destroy, capture, recover or inflict achieve specific, well-defined and
damage to achieve specific, well- often time-sensitive results.
defined and often time-sensitive

direct support direct support

The support provided by a unit not In UN logistics, it refers to
attached to or under the command 1) support given by a member State
of the supported unit or formation, from its own integral logistic unit
but required to give priority to the directly to its contingent deployed
support required by that unit or on a UN operation, or to
formation. 2) stocks held or obtained within the
mission area, to replenish first-line
holdings as they are consumed.
Note: In combat operations (NATO)
it refers to 3) the support provided
by a unit not under the command of
the supported unit.

Direction & Guidance


A military communication in which
policy is established or a specific
action is ordered.

A plan issued with a view to putting
it into effect when so directed, or in
the event that a stated contingency

58 / 240

directive3 directive
Broadly speaking, any An authoritative instrument issued
communication which initiates or by a high-level body or official.
governs action, conduct, or Note:
procedure. Broadly speaking, any
communication that initiates or
governs action, conduct or
procedure, especially a military
communication in which policy is
established or a specific action
ordered. Typically issued and
signed by the highest relevant
military authority. (Variant: military

At the United Nations used above

all in two contexts:
(1) Directives of the Secretary-
(2) Force directives of
peacekeeping operations

The collection, documentation,
control and disposal of small arms,
ammunition, explosives and light
and heavy weapons of combatants
and often also of the civilian
population. Disarmament also
includes the development of
responsible arms management

disarmament and arms control


disarmament, demobilisation and disarmament, demobilisation and disarmament, demobilisation and

reintegration reintegration reintegration

Disaster Management

disease and non-battle injury Disease and Non-Battle Injury


disease and non-battle injury

DNBI casualty

displaced persons and refugees displaced persons and refugees


Disruption of Pirate Logistic


59 / 240

doctrine doctrine
Fundamental principles by which Note: [a certain rule or principle of
the military forces guide their law. A doctrine is to a specific rule,
actions in support of objectives. It is often one that was developed over
authoritative but requires judgement years or centuries by the courts,
in application. such as the act of state doctrine or
the doctrine of consideration. It is
not equivalent to the French word
doctrine, which refers to the
published statements of legal
authors in commentaries] [Rossini]

Doctrine and Concepts Branch


draft plan
A plan for which a draft plan has
been coordinated and agreed with
the other military headquarters and
is ready for coordination with the
nations involved, that is those
nations who would be required to
take national action to support the
plan. It may be used for future
planning and exercises and may
form the basis for an operation
order to be implemented in time of

60 / 240
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61 / 240

early warning advance warning

Early notification of the launch or early warning (synonym)
approach of unknown weapons or Note: Warning given in advance by
weapons carriers. users of weapons (Explosive
Remnants of War: Warnings and
Risk Education, GICHD 2003, Paul

early warning and response Early Warning and Response

system System
Note: EU public health

Early Warning Distant Detection


early warning intelligence

Early Warning Intelligence refers to
all types of intelligence which may
indicate possible future trends or
developments which could affect
vital EU or national interests in
short, medium or long term period.
The product is distributed with a
complete in-depth analysis and
assessment. Early Warning
timeframes are as follows:
-Short term early warning (up to one
- Medium term early warning (one to
five years)
- Long term early warning
(more than five years)

earmarked for assignment

The status of forces which nations
have agreed to assign to the
operational command or operational
control of a NATO commander at
some future date.
In designating such forces, nations
should specify when these forces
will be available in terms currently
agreed by the Military Committee.

Eastern Mediterranean Area


ECOWAS Stand-by Forces


electronic intelligence Electronic Intelligence electronic intelligence

Intelligence derived from Note: The abbreviation ELINT may
electromagnetic, non- be used in lieu of the full term.
communications transmissions.

62 / 240


embarkation embarkation
The process of putting personnel The loading of troops and their
and/or vehicles and their associated supplies and equipment into ships
stores and equipment into ships or or aircraft.

embedded training team


emergency action plan emergency action plan


emergency in war
An operational contingency in a
limited area caused by a critical
aggravation of combat operations
and requiring special and immediate
action by National and Allied
Commanders. The existence of
such an emergency shall be
determined by the Allied
Commander responsible for the
limited area involved, in consultation
with the National Commander

employment planning guide


end of exercise End of the Exercise


end of mission
In artillery and naval fire support, an
order given to terminate firing on a

end state operational end state

The political and/or military situation Variant: operational endstate.
to be attained at the end of an
operation, which indicates that the
objective has been achieved.

engagement1 engagement1
In the context of rules of Action taken against a hostile force
engagement, action taken against a with intent to deter, damage or
hostile force with intent to deter, neutralise it.
damage or neutralize it.

engagement2 engagement2
In the context of rules of Action taken against an aircraft with
engagement, action taken against intent to destroy it.
an aircraft with intent to destroy it.

63 / 240

In CA, an engagement is the
collective commitment and action to
a crisis or event. It is
comprehensive in nature and
incorporates all CSDP actions. It
may extend from initiation to final
conclusion, possibly over an
extended period of time, and draws
all capabilities and expenditure into
a continuous commitment.

Enhanced and More Operational


The surroundings in which an
organization operates, including air,
water, land, natural resources, flora,
fauna, humans, and their

environmental protection environmental protection environmental control

EP EP environmental conservation
The prevention or mitigation of The protection of the “environment” (synonym)
adverse environmental impacts. taken in the sense of the human Note: Action aimed at preventing
and natural environment, including environmental degradation; implies
the ecosystems that encompass rational use and management of
water, air, ground, flora and fauna. resources.
The natural environment includes environmental protection
natural and cultural resources as Note: Act of protecting the
well as infrastructure dedicated to environment by regulating the
the protection of environment. discharge of waste, the emission of
pollutants, and other human

All non-expendable items needed to
outfit/equip an individual or

Person instructed to accompany

In land operations, (a) unit(s) or
element(s) assigned to accompany
and protect one or several other
units or elements.

Aircraft assigned to protect other
aircraft during a mission.

64 / 240

escort3 minder
An armed guard that accompanies a escort
convoy, a train, prisoners, etc. Agent of the security apparatus of a
host State who accompanies foreign
visitors, arms inspectors, human
rights investigators, journalists and
sometimes even tourists (often
acting as their guide and interpreter)
while controlling their movements
and reporting on their local contacts
to his or her superiors.

An armed guard accompanying
persons as a mark of honour.

ESDP Foundation Training


ESDP information strategy

The Information Strategy aims to
define the basic objectives of the
EU response to a crisis, the main
themes or messages to be
developed and the audiences to
which such themes or message
should be directed.

essential operational capability


establishment1 establishment
An installation, together with its Polysemic word; in the context of
personnel and equipment, business registers, can be an
organized as an operating entity. enterprise or part of an enterprise
that is situated in a single location
and in which only a single
productive activity is carried out or
in which the principal productive
activity accounts for most of the
value added.

table of organization and
equipment (admitted)
The table setting out the authorized
numbers of men and major
equipment in a unit/formation.

estimate of the situation

A logical process of reasoning by
which a commander considers all
the circumstances affecting the
military situation and arrives at a
decision as to the course of action
to be taken in order to accomplish
his mission.

EU Action Request

EU Activation of Pre-deployment

65 / 240

EU capability development
The EU Capability Development
Process consists of a military and a
civilian capability development
A comprehensive approach to
international security also requires
comprehensiveness in capability
development. Notwithstanding the
need to respect the specificities of
civilian and military capability
development, this should lead to
greater coherence, and in the longer
term, to streamlining both processes
wherever feasible and necessary.

EU CIMIC Conference

EU Crisis Establishment

EU Force Preparation

EU Led Military Operations

Operations decided upon by the
Council of the EU, which also
exercises the overall responsibility
for their conduct.

EU Logistic Co-ordination Group


EU Military Capability
Development Process
The EU Military Capability
Development Process is a
systematic and overarching
common process conducted by MS
and EU bodies consisting of
capability planning, addressing
capability shortfalls and developing
future capabilities according to the
endorsed Level of Ambition.

EU Military Capability Planning

Military Capability Planning is a part
of the EU Military Capability
Development Process. It aims at
deriving the EU capability needs for
the short to longer term.

EU Strategic Intelligence
Intelligence that supports EU's role
as a global player. It comprises
Intelligence required for developing
plans, policies and strategies and
for the decision making of Member
States in the field of CFSP/ CSDP
at EU level.

66 / 240

EUMS Lessons Management

Lessons application that supports
ELPRO and allows users to treat
data in an electronic manner.

EUMS Lessons Management


EUMS Lessons Process

EUMS process to manage lessons.

Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response

Coordination Centre Coordination Centre

Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response

Unit Unit

Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council


Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

in Council Operations and
Exercise Committee Session

European and Mediterranean European and Mediterranean

Plant Protection Organisation Plant Protection Organisation

European Capabilities Action European Capabilities Action

Plan Plan

European Centre for Disease

Prevention and Control

European Commission European Commission Commission of the European

EC EC Communities
European Commission (synonym)

European Community Directorate General for

Humanitarian Aid Office Humanitarian Aid and Civil
ECHO Protection

European Defence Agency


European Defence Improvement


European Defence Technological

and Industrial Base

67 / 240

European Development Fund European Development Fund


European First Aid Support Team

European system that would enable
the EU to combine predetermined
civilian and military assets in order
to engage emergency assistance of
a civil protection nature within 24
hours in case of a natural or man-
made disaster, including CBRN
events, occurring both inside and
outside the Community.

European Judicial Network European Judicial Network


European Maritime Safety European Maritime Safety

Agency Agency

European Parliament European Parliament


European Peacebuilding Liaison European Peacebuilding Liaison

Office Office

European political cooperation European Political Cooperation


European Response Procedures


European Security and Defence European Security and Defence European Common and Defence
Policy Policy Policy
Common European Common and
Defence Policy

68 / 240

European security and defence

policy crisis response
information activities
ESDP crisis response information
Crisis Response Information
Activities are those related to a
specific crisis situation and to the
response which the EU is
considering or indeed conducting. In
other words the scope of these
guidelines covers a CMO, whether it
is implemented or not, and its
preparatory phases. Crisis
Response Information Activities go
beyond General Public Information
Activities. Crisis Response
Information Activities are those
related to a specific crisis situation
and to the response which the EU is
considering or indeed conducting. In
other words the scope of these
guidelines covers a CMO, whether it
is implemented or not, and its
preparatory phases. Crisis
Response Information Activities go
beyond General Public Information

European Security Strategy


European Union European Union European Union


European Union Command


European Union Coordination


European Union Force European Union Force European Union-led

EUFOR EUFOR peacekeeping force
EU-led force (synonym)

European Union Military European Union Military European Union Military

Committee Committee Committee

European Union Monitoring European Union Monitoring

Mission Mission

European Union Naval Force


European Union Operations


69 / 240

European Union Police Mission European Union Police Mission


Evacuation Assembly Area


Evacuation Operations

Evacuation Point

evacuee evacuees
A person who has been ordered or As part of the establishment of
authorized to move from a place of evacuation procedures for the UN
danger by competent authorities, Headquarters complex evacuees
and whose movements and are defined as all staff, affiliates,
accommodation are planned, delegates, visitors and any other
organized and controlled by such person present on the premises
authorities. when an evacuation is ordered --
with the exception of Security staff
and facility managers who are to
supervise the execution of the
evacuation procedures.

The structured process of
examining activities, capabilities and
performance against defined
standards or criteria. Note: In the
context of military forces, the
hierarchical relationship in logical
sequence is: assessment, analysis,
evaluation, validation and

evolutionary capability criteria


exercise military exercise

EX Exercise concentrating on the
A military manoeuvre or simulated military aspects of crisis
wartime operation involving management. It focuses on relevant
planning, preparation, and Council instances, the Presidency,
execution. It is carried out for the the Secretary General/High
purpose of training and evaluation. Representative, the Council General
It may be a combined, joint, or Secretariat as well as on potential
single service exercise, depending OHQ and FHQ. It can be either
on participating organizations. based on a scenario for an EU-led
operation without recourse to NATO
assets and capabilities or on a
scenario for an EU-led operation
with recourse to NATO assets and

exercise area
A geographical area specifically
delineated in time and space for the
conduct of training activities. Note:
An exercise area is delineated in
coordination with the host nations.

exercise brief

70 / 240

exercise commander official scheduling the exercise

A commander taking part in the The official under whose operational
exercise who will issue appropriate authority the Council decision to
operation orders to forces placed schedule an exercise is carried out.
under his control. He may be The Secretary General/High
allocated responsibilities regarding Representative will be the official
controlling, conducting, and/or scheduling an EU exercise, in
directing the exercise in addition to association with the Commission as
that of command. appropriate. The OSE will
recommend the OCE, who will be
appointed with the approval of the

exercise concept of operations


exercise control

exercise directing staff official conducting the exercise

A group of officers who by virtue of Acting under the authority of the
experience, qualifications, and a OSE and without prejudice to the
thorough knowledge of the exercise responsibilities of the PSC, the OCE
instructions, are selected to direct or is the official responsible for
control an exercise. preparing the implementation of the
exercise in association with the
Commission, as appropriate.

exercise instruction Exercise Instructions


exercise operational plan


exercise planning directive

The exercise specification as
developed by the officer scheduling
the exercise, designed to provide
further guidance to the planners of a
particular exercise.

exercise planning guide Exercise Planning Guide


exercise planning process


exercise planning staff


exercise programme

exercise specifications
The fundamental requirements for
an exercise, providing in advance
an outline of the concept, form,
scope, setting, aim, objectives, force
requirements, political implications,
analysis arrangements and costs.

Exercise Specifications

71 / 240

exercise study
An activity which may take the form
of a map exercise, a war game, a
series of lectures, a discussion
group, or an operational analysis.

expeditionary operation
The projection of military power over
extended lines of communications
into a distant operational area to
accomplish a specific objective.

Taking full advantage of any
information that has come to hand
for tactical or strategic purposes.

explosive ordnance explosive ordnance explosive ordnance

All munitions containing explosives, Term known, no definition International Mine Action Standards
nuclear fission or fusion materials (IMAS)/North Atlantic Treaty
and biological and chemical agents. Organization (NATO) definition: All
This includes bombs and warheads; munitions containing explosives,
guided and ballistic missiles; nuclear fission or fusion materials
artillery, mortar, rocket and and biological and chemical agents.
small arms ammunition; all Note:
mines, torpedoes and depth This includes bombs and warheads;
charges, demolition charges; guided missiles and ballistic
pyrotechnics; clusters and missiles; artillery, mortar, rocket and
dispensers; cartridge and small arms ammunition; all mines,
propellant actuated devices; torpedoes and depth charges;
electro-explosive devices; pyrotechnics; clusters and
clandestine and improvised dispensers; cartridge and propellant
explosive devices; and all actuated devices; electro-explosive
similar or related items or devices; clandestine and improvised
components explosive in nature. explosive devices; and all similar or
related items or components
explosive in nature.

explosive ordnance disposal Explosive Ordnance Disposal explosive ordnance disposal

The detection, identification, on-site
evaluation, rendering safe, recovery
and final disposal of unexploded
explosive ordnance.

Explosive Ordnance explosive ordnance

Reconnaissance reconnaissance

Explosives Ordnance Disposal

Co-ordination Cell

extent of a military exercise

The scope of an exercise in relation
to the involvement of NATO and/or
national commands.

72 / 240

The removal of forces from a hostile
or potentially hostile area.

73 / 240

Fact Finding Mission fact finding mission

A Fact Finding Mission means an Examples:
ad-hoc team, consisting of elements (1) United Nations fact-finding
with relevant expertise and headed mission on the Djibouti-Eritrea
by a designated Chief of the FFM, crisis;
which is tasked to collect and (2) The Human Rights Council
assess all required information resolution S-9/1 mandated the
and/or execute other specified tasks establishment of an international,
(according to a given mandate) in a independent Fact Finding Mission in
defined crisis area to which is order to “investigate all violations of
deployed and where a possible international human rights law and
European Union involvement in the international humanitarian law that
management of the crisis is might have been committed at any
envisaged. time in the context of the military
operations that were conducted in
Gaza during the period from 27
December 2008 to 18 January
2009, whether before, during or
after.” See: United Nations Fact
Finding Mission on the Gaza

Fact Finding Mission Coordinator

The person within the Council
Secretariat who is responsible-
under the authority of the SG/HR-
for the overall organisation and
deployment of the mission.

Fact Finding Mission Report


field exercise field exercise

An exercise conducted in the field field training exercise (synonym)
under simulated war conditions in
which troops and armament of one
side are actually present, while
those of the other side may be
imaginary or in outline.
01 Mar 1973

field training exercise field training exercise

field exercise (synonym)

final exercise report Final Exercise Report


final plan
A plan for which drafts have been
coordinated and approved and
which has been signed by or on
behalf of a competent authority.

74 / 240

Financial Management and

Resource Board

financial rules and procedures


financial tracking system Financial Tracking Service


fleet exercise

Force and Capability

Development Branch

force catalogue
The FC presents Member States
contributed forces and capabilities
against the required capabilities as
defined in the Requirement
The FC is one of the main products
of the Capability Development
Mechanism CDM.
The Supplement to the Force
Catalogue contains the
contributions from the European
non-EU members of NATO and
other countries, which are
candidates for accession to the EU.

force commander (EU) Force Commander

FC The commander of an EU-led
Note: NATO forces. military force acting under the
authority of the OpCdr to execute a
military operation and authorised to
command assigned forces within a
designated AOO.

force contribution

force generation force generation

FG The process of organizing, training
The process where the military and equipping forces for force
assets and capabilities required for employment.
an EU-led military operation are
designated by TCN and/or
International Organisations and
made available to the OpCdr to
meet the requirements of the
operation. It comprises the
identification and the activation of
the required assets and/or
capabilities and ends with their TOA
by TCN to the OpCdr.

Force Generation Conference


75 / 240

(EU) Force Headquarters force headquarters

HQ of an EU-led military force FHQ
deployed to the AOO. It supports Headquarters of the military
the FCdr in planning, conducting component of a peacekeeping
and exercising C2 over the forces mission.
deployed within the AOO. Note: Variant capitalization: Force

force interoperability
The ability of the forces of two or
more nations to train, exercise
and operate effectively together in
the execution of assigned
missions and tasks.

force planning

force planning cycle


force planning process


force protection force protection

All measures and means to
minimize the vulnerability of
personnel, facilities, equipment and
operations to any threat and in all
situations, to preserve freedom of
action and the operational
effectiveness of the force.

force ratio
The qualitative and quantitative
ratio between friendly and hostile
forces at a specific time and

force sensing
Informal talks with MS to assess
their intentions on possible
capability contribution. They are
conducted by the EUMS during the
development of military inputs to the
CMC, subject to DG / DDG EUMS
guidance and conducted by the
MAP Branch Chief. It aims at
facilitating Member States' early
consideration of the estimated
capability requirements (inter alia
Operation / Mission Commander,
Framework / Lead Nation, size,
nature and timeliness of estimated
capabilities required) and may
shape the planning.

76 / 240

forces allocated to NATO

Those forces made available to
NATO by a nation under the
categories of:
a. NATO command forces;
b. NATO assigned forces;
c. NATO earmarked forces;
d. other forces for NATO.

forces in being forces in being

Forces classified as being in state of Forces classified as being in state of
readiness "A" or "B" as readiness.
prescribed in the appropriate
Military Committee document.

foreign nation support


formed police unit formed police unit


forward mounting base forward mounting base

FMB A base, which might be ashore or
afloat, that is established prior to
inserting the force. If established,
the Forward Mounting Base is an
initial Joint Operations Area
assembly facility, where deploying
forces disembark from strategic lift,
reassemble and prepare for
assigned missions. The base may
serve as an operating base for initial
entry operations or as an initial
staging base for the whole force.
The base can be either within or
outside the Joint Operations Area.

fragmentary order fragmentary order fragmentary order

An abbreviated form of an operation FRAGORD
order, issued as required, that frag O (synonym)
eliminates the need for restating
information contained in a basic
operation order. It may be issued in

77 / 240

framework nation framework nation framework nation

FN In NATO/WEU parlance, refers to
A Member State or a group(*) of the nation which, in a multinational
Member States that has volunteered force, has volunteered and has the
to, and that the Council has agreed, authority to take hard operational
should have specific responsibilities decisions and which the remainder
in an operation over which EU (other nations) are committed to
exercises political control. A follow.
Framework Nation provides the
OpCdr/OHQ and the core of the
military chain of command, together
with its Staff support, the CIS and
logistic framework, and contributes
with a significant amount of assets
and capabilities to the operation.
Although EU concepts and
procedures remain applicable,
procedures may also reflect those of
the Framework Nation.
(*). In the context of multinational

military structures.

free play exercise

An exercise to test the capabilities
of forces under simulated
contingency and/or wartime
conditions, limited only by those
artificialities or restrictions required
by peacetime safety regulations.

Freedom, Security and Justice


full command full command

The military authority and The military authority and
responsibility of a commander to responsibility of a commander to
issue orders to subordinates. It issue orders to subordinates. It
covers every aspect of military covers every aspect of military
operations and administration and operations and administration and
exists only within national services. exists only within national services.
Note: The term"command"as used
internationally, implies a lesser
degree of authority than when it is
used in a purely national sense. No
NATO or coalition commander has
full command over the forces
assigned to him since, in assigning
forces to NATO, nations will
delegate only operational command
or operational control.

78 / 240

full operational capability full operational capability full operating capability

The attainment of full capability to Upon achieving initial operating
employ effectively a force element capability (IOC), a mission should
or force elements of approved gradually shift its focus to mandate
specific characteristics that is implementation while still moving
manned and/or operated by an towards full operating capability.
adequately trained, equipped, Notes:
supported and integrated military 1. Full operating capability is
unit or force. achieved when the following steps
have been completed:
2. Sufficient resources to implement
all mandated tasks are in place, i.e.,
all key positions are filled and the
majority of personnel, equipment
and infrastructure are in place.
3. The mission and United Nations-
wide plans being continuously
reassessed and revised, as
4. All supporting plans, budgets,
structures and procedures are in

functional command
A command organization based on
military functions rather than
geographic areas.

future regional engagement


79 / 240

general support general support

Support given to the supported
force as a whole rather than to any
particular subdivision of it.

Generic Military Task List

The GMTL provides a structure by
which the CDP is reported. This
structure contains a number of tasks
under each capability area, and
subtasks under each task.

While the way that a military task is

performed may change over time,
the generic tasks themselves are
likely to stay the same over
extended periods of time. This
makes a task orientation a relevant
structure in which to present
capability trends in the CDP at
several different time frames.

generic plan
A basic plan which is developed for
possible operations where some
planning factors have not yet been
fully identified or cannot be
assumed. It identifies at this stage
the general capabilities required.

Generic Planning
The production of basic planning
documents for potential operations
where some planning factors have
not yet been fully identified or have
not been assumed. It identifies the
general capabilities required.

Generic Planning Unit

Description: Mission Planning
Service, Department of
Peacekeeping Operations
Note: Responsible for devising
several "templates" of peace
operations, for defining guidelines,
SOPs, for coordination with other
departments, for general planning.

80 / 240

global maritime domain

Comprises oceans, seas, bays,
estuaries, waterways, coastal
regions and ports, including all
maritime-related activities,
infrastructure, people, cargo and
vessels, subject to the EU Common
Foreign and Security Policy and
Common Security and Defence

guerrilla warfare
Military and paramilitary operations
conducted in enemy held or hostile
territory by irregular, predominantly
indigenous forces.

Guidance for Defence Planning


81 / 240

(EU) Headline Goal Process

EU Headline Goal Process is a
systemic approach to develop the
necessary military capabilities for
CSDP based on the EU Level of
It aims at identifying the capabilities
to be developed by Member States
and at creating synergies between
their forces in order to enhance the
ability of the EU to respond more
rapidly and effectively to crises.

(EU) Headline Goal

HLG expresses the political goal of
the EU with regard to crisis
management tasks including the
military level of ambition.
The latest HLG was formulated for
the target year 2010 and re-affirmed
beyond 2010 in Dec 2010.

head of delegation Head of Delegation


head of mission Head of Mission head of mission


Headline Goal Task Force Plus

HTF Plus
HTF supported by NATO. It is
designated to ensure transparency
and to draw on NATO's military
expertise on the requirements of the
Headline Goal.

Headline Task Force Headline Goal Task Force

EUMC Working Group, reinforced
by experts designated by the
Member States, dedicated to
capability development.

Headquarters Allied Land


Headquarters Allied Maritime


Headquarters European Rapid

Reaction Corps
HQ Eurocorps

82 / 240

Headquarters Multinational Corps


Headquarters NATO Rapid

Deployable Corps Greece

Headquarters NATO Rapid

Deployable Corps Germany-

Headquarters NATO Rapid

Deployable Corps Italy

Headquarters NATO Rapid

Deployable Corps Spain

Headquarters NATO Rapid

Deployable Corps Turkey

Headquarters Rapid Reaction

Corps – France

Headquarters Supreme Allied

Commander Transformation

health and medical support medical support medical and health support
A set of actions which contribute to The full range of medical planning
the preparation and preservation of and provision of medical health
the human potential by full and services to maintain the force
coherent care. strength through disease
prevention, evacuation, rapid
treatment of the diseases, injured
and wounded.

health and medical support

Term recorded, not defined

Health and Medical


health service support Health and Medical (H&M) service

All services provided directly or support
indirectly to contribute to the health Term is not defined. Not recognized
and well-being of patients or a as a logistic function but as a
population. logistic related area.

Helsinki Final Act


Helsinki Force Catalogue


Helsinki Headline Goal Catalogue


83 / 240

Helsinki Headline Goal Helsinki Headline Goal Helsinki Headline Goals

Headline Goal HHG HHG
HG Overall objective which the EU Description: Adopted in December
Note: NATO-EU common goals. member States have set at Helsinki 1999 by the European Union, as a
European Council: "To develop way of putting teeth into the
European capabilities, Member European Security and Defence
States have set themselves the Policy (ESDP).
Headline Goal (HLG): by the year Note: The concept was to increase
2003, co-operating together the capability of the European Union
voluntarily, they will be able to to carry out the Petersberg tasks of
deploy rapidly and then sustain humanitarian and rescue missions,
forces capable of the full range of peacekeeping and tasks of combat
Petersberg tasks as set out in the forces in crisis management,
Amsterdam Treaty, including the including peacemaking. Under the
most demanding, in operations up Headline Goals, the European
to corps level (up to 15 brigades or aimed to be able, by 2003, to rapidly
50.000-60.000 persons). These deploy and sustain forces capable
forces should be militarily self- of the full range of the Petersberg
sustaining with the necessary tasks, in operations up to a corps
command, control and intelligence level of 50,000-60,000
capabilities, logistics, other combat persons. The aim was to make
support services and additionally, as those forces self-reliant (without
appropriate, air and naval elements. dependence on US support),
member States should be deploy in deployable within 60 days and
full at this level within 60 days, and sustainable in the field for a year.
within this to provide smaller rapid This means the force would actually
response elements available at very have to number around 180,000
high readiness. They must be able troops so as to provide rotating
to sustain such a deployment for at replacements for the initial forces.
least one year. This will require an Variant (as if only one goal):
additional pool of deployable units Headline Goal
(and supporting elements) at lower Variant capitalization: Helsinki
readiness to provide replacements headline goals
for the initial forces."

Helsinki Progress Catalogue


High Altitude Long Endurance


high-readiness force High Readiness Forces


host nation Host Nation host nation

A nation which, by agreement: a. Preferable variant: host country
receives forces and materiel of
NATO or other nations operating
on/from or transiting through its
territory; b. allows materiel and/or
NATO organizations to be located
on its territory; and/or c. provides
support for these purposes.

host nation post

A post which has been agreed by
the local national authorities and
should be permanently filled by
them in view of its
administrative/national nature.

84 / 240

host nation support technical

It is a written bilateral or multilateral
document for a specific operation. It
provides the concept,
responsibilities, procedures and the
detailed financial and legal aspects
for the provision of HNS by the HN
to the MS and non-EU TCN. The TA
supplements the MOU, as
The term "Nation" is used with the
only purpose of maintaining a widely
recognised military terminology.

Host Organisation

hostile hostile
In identification, the designation The abbreviation HOS may be used
given to a track, object or entity in lieu of the whole term.
whose characteristics, behaviour or
origin indicate that it is a threat to
friendly forces. Designation as
hostile does not necessarily imply
clearance to engage.

hostile environment
An environment in which an
adversary has the capability and
intent to oppose or disrupt
operations of friendly forces.

Hostile Intent
"Hostile intent" is a likely and
identifiable threat recognisable on
the basis of both the following
a. Capability and preparedness of
individuals, groups of personnel or
units which pose a threat to inflict

b. Evidence, including intelligence,

which indicates an intention to
attack or otherwise inflict damage.

85 / 240

host-nation support host nation support host-nation support

Civil and military assistance The civil and military assistance Civilian and military assistance
rendered in peace, crisis or war by a rendered by a HN to another state rendered by the host country to UN
host nation to NATO and/or other and/or organisation which has forces deployed within or staging
forces and NATO organizations that forces located on or in transit through that country.
are located on, operating on/from, through the HN's territory. The basis Note: It often includes logistical and
or in transit through the host of such assistance is arising from bi- medical support: resources and
nation's territory. and/or multilateral agreements. infrastructure of the host country
that is available and acccessible to
The term "Nation" is used with the peacekeeping forces
only purpose of maintaining a widely
recognised military terminology.
Territory: the extent of land,
airspace and interior of the earth
abowve and below of this extent of
land, and waters adjacent to a
costal state.

host-nation support arrangement Host Nation Support

HNSA Arrangements
Those documents which detail the
support, political, legal and/or
financial arrangements agreed upon
by national authorities and/or
military Commanders of EU-led
CMO and which are necessary to
provide HNS to EU-led CMO. These
documents may include, but are not
limited to, MOUs and their
subordinate technical and
implementing arrangements.
The term "Nation" is used with the
only purpose of maintaining a widely
recognised military terminology.

human (resources) intelligence

Category of Intelligence derived
from the Intelligence collection
discipline that uses human beings
as both sources and collectors, and
where the human being is the
primary collection instrument.

human intelligence Human Intelligence human intelligence

A category of intelligence derived Any intelligence derived from
from information collected and information collected and provided
provided by human sources. by specifically trained experts.

humanitarian aid humanitarian aid humanitarian aid

The resources needed to directly Material or logistical assistance HUMAID
alleviate human suffering. provided for humanitarian purposes, Mine action non-governmental
typically in response to organization (NGO) active in
humanitarian crises. Guinea-Bissau.
Note: It began operations in early

86 / 240

humanitarian assistance support to the civil environment humanitarian assistance

HA Support to the civil environment HA
As part of an operation, the use of covers military arrangements, Material or logistical assistance
available military resources to assist resources or activities to sustain the provided for humanitarian purposes,
or complement the efforts of basic humanitarian needs of a civil typically in response to
responsible civil actors in the population or to support, in the humanitarian crises.
operational area or specialized civil context of the overall EU support, a Note:
humanitarian organizations in civil authority or organisation in the 1. The primary objective of
fulfilling their primary responsibility execution of its task. In certain humanitarian assistance is to save
to alleviate human suffering. circumstances, this support may fall lives, alleviate suffering and
under the overall responsibility of maintain human dignity.
mandated civil authorities. 2. Forms of humanitarian assistance
Decisions on the depth, duration are: direct assistance, indirect
and extent of SCE should be made assistance, and infrastructure
at the political and strategic level, support.
taking into account political, civil and 3. Variant: humanitarian aid
military factors. 4. Seen in phrase: emergency
humanitarian assistance

humanitarian assistance Assistance to Humanitarian humanitarian assistance

HA Operation HA

humanitarian assistance

humanitarian affairs officer

humanitarian assistance officer

humanitarian operation assistance to humanitarian

An operation specifically mounted to operations (MIL perspective)
alleviate human suffering in an area
where the civil actors normally
responsible for so doing are unable
or unwilling adequately to support a

Humanitarian Organization

87 / 240

identification1 identification1 identification

The indication by any act or means The indication by any act or means ID
of one's own friendly character or of one's own friendly character or Variant abbreviation: ident.
individuality. individuality.

identification² identification²
The process of attaining an The process of attaining an
accurate characterization of a accurate characterisation of a
detected entity by any act or means detected entity by any act or means
so that high confidence real-time so high that high confidence real-
decisions, including weapons time decisions, including weapon
engagement, can be made. engagements, can be made.

illustrative scenarios
Five generic Military Illustrative
Scenarios, translating the European
Security Strategy and the Headline
Goal 2010 into possible situations
for EU operations, were developed
for the Requirements Catalogue 05.
These scenarios outline possible
military tasks for the EU and formed
the basis for the military capability
development process.
In the RC 05 they are as follows:
1. Separation of Parties by Force
2. Stabilisation, Reconstruction and
Military advice to third countries
3. Conflict Prevention (CP)
4. Evacuation Operation (EO) and
5. Assistance to Humanitarian
Operations (HA).

illustrative scenarios
Illustrative Scenarios reflect the
generic situations for EU operations
in the Requirements Catalogue.

immediate reaction
Immediate reaction is identified as a
subdivision enabling the reaction to
a rapid-onset emergency or disaster
in a very short timeframe - less than
5 days.

immediate reaction force immediate reaction force


immediate response team Immediate Response Team Immediate Response Team


A condition that is manifest, instant

88 / 240

and overwhelming; usually refers to

a threat against which action is

implementation implementation
In NATO standardization, the
performance of an obligation laid
down in a NATO standardization

implementation status report


improvised explosive device improvised explosive device improvised explosive device

A device placed or fabricated in an A device placed or fabricated in an Locally made weapon rigged up on
improvised manner incorporating improvised manner incorporating an ad hoc basis.
destructive, lethal, noxious, destructive, lethal, noxious, Notes:
pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals 1. Used to destroy, incapacitate,
and designed to destroy, and designed to destroy, distract or harass enemy forces or
incapacitate, harass or distract. incapacitate, harass or distract. It civilian supporters. It can refer to a
Note: It may incorporate military may incorporate military stores, but booby trap, to an improvised anti-lift
stores, but is normally devised from is normally devised from non- device made from plastic explosives
non-military components. military components and placed on mines to prevent
mine clearance or to a roadside

2. The North Atlantic Treaty

Organization (NATO) defines as: A
device placed or fabricated in an
improvised manner incorporating
destructive, lethal, noxious,
pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals
and designed to destroy,
incapacitate, harass or distract. It
may incorporate military stores, but
is normally devised from non-
military components.
3. In the Iraq war which began in
2003 such devices were often made
out of spent casings from tank,
mortar or artillery rounds which are
packed with C-4 explosives and
chunks of metal for shrapnel, then
detonated with an electrical charge.
Occasionally the bomb would be
detonated by remote control with a
transmitter held by an attacker and
a receiver attached to the IED, but
usually the C-4 was linked by pieces
of copper wire to the positive and
negative charges on a battery. One
wire remained slightly separated
from the charge and was connected
to a piece of string that ran about 50
metres back and out of harm's way
where the assailants could lie in
wait. For example, when an enemy
military convoy approached, a swift
tug on the string could complete the
electrical circuit and detonate the
4. Several IEDs may also be wired
in a "daisy chain" to cause several
explosions, for example, along a

89 / 240

5. Colloquial term used by American
soldiers for small, quickly planted
IEDs used in Iraq: drop and pop
5. Note: "Improvised explosive
device" has been called a military
term for a booby trap, but the terms
are not entirely synonymous. For
example, the term "booby trap" can
be used metaphorically and
informally, including by children, to
refer to all sorts of deceptive snares,
including devices of war that do not
include explosive devices. The
Concise Oxford, tenth edition,
places particular accent on the idea
that a booby trap detonates "when
someone touches it".

improvised explosive device Improvised Explosive Device

disposal Disposal

improvised explosive device IED event

event An event that involves one or more
IED event (admitted) of the following types of actions or
An event that involves actions or activities in relation to IEDs: an
activities in relation to improvised explosion, an attack, an attempted
explosive devices. attack, a find, a hoax or a turn in.
Example: explosion; attack;
attempted attack; find; hoax; false;

improvised explosive device IED System

system A system that comprises personnel,
IED system (admitted) resources and activities and the
The personnel, resources and linkages between them that are
activities necessary to resource, necessary to resource, plan,
plan, execute and exploit an execute and exploit an IED event.
improvised explosive device event.

indications and warning


In intelligence usage, an item of
information which reflects the
intention or capability of a potential
enemy to adopt or reject a course of

individual Partnership

(EU mil) info ops

A military function[1] that provides
advice and co-ordination of military
activities affecting information[2] and
information systems[3] in order to
create desired effects in support of
the mission specific Crisis
Information Strategy and of the
political and military objectives of

90 / 240

the EU.
[1] Functions are generally
performed by staff activities for the
purpose of orchestrating available
capabilities to achieve objectives.
[2] In this context, information is the

assembly of data capable of

communication and use through
known conventions, signs, symbols,
[3] In this context, information
systems are socio-technical
systems for the collection,
processing and dissemination of
information. They comprise
personnel, technical components,
organizational structures and
processes that collect, perceive,
analyse, assess, create,
manipulate, store, retrieve, provide,
display, share, transmit and
disseminate information

(offensive) info ops

Actions taken to influence a
potential adversary's available
information, Information based
processes, C2 Systems, and CIS
during peace, crisis or conflict, in
pursuit of specific objectives or in
reaction to a specific threat.

information information
Unprocessed data of every Unprocessed data of every
description which may be used in description which may be used in
the production of intelligence. the production of intelligence

information activities
Actions designed to affect
information and/or systems,
performed by any actor.

information campaign
Set of information activities planned
and conducted within a given time
and a geographical area in support
of the basic objectives of the Crisis
Information Strategy approved for
EU-led operations and / or missions.
The different EU actors, at their
level, conduct their information
campaign in accordance with the
respective audiences and practices,
in line with the guidance of the PSC.

information campaign

information environment
The virtual and physical space, in
which information is received,
processed and conveyed. It consists
of the information itself and the
information systems.

91 / 240

Information Exchange Gateway


Information Gathering

information gathering tool

IGT is a software database specially
designed for collecting EU Member
States contributions for the EU
Military Capability Development

information objectives
Derived from the Strategic
Objectives they describe the
aspects of the desired state related
to the information environment.

Information Operation Working


information operation Information Operations

Info Op InfoOps
information operations
Info Ops
INFO OPS (deprecated)

Information Operations Co-

ordination Group

information requirement
In intelligence usage, information
regarding an adversary or
potentially hostile actors and other
relevant aspects of the operational
environment that needs to be
collected and processed to meet the
intelligence requirements of a

Information Requirements

information security information security information security

INFOSEC INFOSEC The protection of information
Note: In electronics. The protection of information systems against unauthorized
against unauthorised disclosure, access to or modification of
transfer, modification or destruction, information, whether in storage,
whether accidental or intentional. processing or transit, and against
(see also “Security”) the denial of service to authorized
users or the provision of service to
unauthorized users, including those
measures necessary to detect,
document, and counter such

information superiority
The ability to collect, process and
disseminate an uninterrupted flow of
information while exploiting or

92 / 240

denying an adversary's ability to do

the same.

information system Information Systems

An assembly of equipment, IS
methods and procedures and, if
necessary, personnel, organized to
accomplish information processing

infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure

In NATO, the static buildings, A term generally applicable for all
facilities and other permanent fixed and permanent installations,
installations required to support fabrications, or facilities for the
military capabilities. support and control of military

infrastructure engineer support

It covers the construction,
restoration, acquisition, repair,
maintenance and disposal of those
infrastructure facilities required to
mount, deploy, accommodate,
sustain and redeploy the Force. It
includes the construction,
restoration and maintenance of
camps and bases, air and sea
platforms, land LOCs, CIS
platforms, medical roles and
evacuation facilities, power and
water plants. In addition to military
engineer capabilities, CSO
complements significantly the panel
of solutions for implementing the

infrastructure engineering
support to logistics
When Infrastructure Engineering
Support (IES) is embedded within a
comprehensive framework for
Logistics and Sustainment, it should
be considered as a joint logistic
function - Infrastructure Engineering
Support to Logistics (IESL).

infrastructure engineering
support to logistics
An essential enabler for logisticians
to accomplish their mission and
support the overall operation. It
covers "the construction,
restoration, acquisition, repair,
maintenance and disposal of those
infrastructure facilities required to
mount, deploy, accommodate,
sustain and redeploy military forces,
including the construction,
restoration and maintenance of land
LOCs and facilitation of
Environmental Protection (EP)

initial deployment force

93 / 240

The IDFR is the set of capabilities
needed by the EU to meet its Level
of Ambition required to implement a
CSDP operation.
Implementation of an operation
might require different forces in
quality and quantity than finally
needed to conduct and sustain the

Initial Deployment of Forces


initial draft plan

A plan which has been drafted and
coordinated by the originating
headquarters, and is ready for
external coordination with other
military headquarters. It cannot be
directly implemented by the issuing
commander, but it may form the
basis for an operation order issued
by the commander in the event of
an emergency.

Initial Entry Forces


Initial Entry Operations


Initial Logistic Planning


Initial Monitoring Presence


initial operational capability Initial Operational Capability


initial operational planning


initial Partnership goal


initial planning conference Initial Planning Meeting


Initial Planning Guidance


Institute for Security Studies Institute for Security Studies


Instructions to Parties

Instruments of the Common

foreign security policy

94 / 240

The instruments of the CFSP are:

common strategies, international
agreements, common positions,
joint actions, declarations, and
contacts with third countries.

insurgency insurgency
Actions of an organized, often A condition of revolt against a
ideologically motivated, group or government that is less than an
movement that seeks to effect or organized revolution.
prevent political change or to
overthrow a governing authority
within a country or a region, focused
on persuading or coercing the
population through the use of
violence and subversion.

integrated command and control Integrated Command and Control

ICC (aircraft C2)

Integrated Disarmament, Integrated Disarmament,

Demobilisation and Reintegration Demobilisation and Reintegration
Standards Standards

Integrated Mission Planning


Integrated Mission Planning integrated mission planning

Process process

integrated resource management


integration integration
The process of bringing together the
various national units into a joint
multi-national force under the
command of the Force Commander.

Integration and Coordination


integrity integrity
The prevention of unauthorised
modification of information

intelligence intelligence intelligence

INTEL (admitted) Intelligence as a product contains
Int. (deprecated) facts and assessments about
The product resulting from the potential adversary's abilities,
directed collection and processing resources, conditions of living,
of information regarding the motivations, intentions and the
environment and the capabilities surrounding environment. It is
and intentions of actors, in order to based on the knowledge of
identify threats and offer specialists and thus transforms
opportunities for exploitation by multiple information into intelligence.
decision-makers. Intelligence is achieved through the
process that converts information

95 / 240

from a wide range of sources into a

predictive assessment of conflict
parties and/or any adversary’s
capabilities and intentions. The
whole process follows a cyclic
course of action, which is known as
the “Intelligence Cycle” consisting of
direction, collection, processing and
dissemination of tailored products
meeting the commanders and
decision makers requirements.
Intelligence is a distinct functional
area, which depends on specialised
personnel, equipment and

intelligence cycle intelligence cycle intelligence cycle

The sequence of activities whereby The process by which information in
information is obtained, assembled, general is collated, evaluated,
converted into intelligence and analysed, interpreted and converted
made available to users. This into intelligence for external
sequence comprises the following dissemination to applicable
four phases: recipients.
a. Direction - Determination of
intelligence requirements, planning
the collection effort, issuance of
orders and requests to collection
agencies and maintenance of a
continuous check on the productivity
of such agencies.
b. Collection - The exploitation of
sources by collection agencies and
the delivery of the information
obtained to the appropriate
processing unit for use in the
production of intelligence.
c. Processing - The conversion of
information into intelligence through
collation, evaluation, analysis,
integration and interpretation.
d. Dissemination - The timely
conveyance of intelligence, in an
appropriate form and by any
suitable means, to those who need

intelligence estimate
The appraisal, expressed in writing
or orally, of available intelligence
relating to a specific situation or
condition with a view to determining
the courses of action open to the
enemy or potential enemy and the
order of probability of their adoption.

Intelligence Preparation of the intelligence preparation of the

Battlespace battlefield

intelligence report Intelligence Report


intelligence summary Intelligence Summary


96 / 240

intelligence, surveillance and Intelligence, Surveillance and

reconnaissance Reconnaissance

intelligence, surveillance target Intelligence, Surveillance Target

acquisition and reconnaissance Acquisition and Reconnaissance

interchangeability interchangeability
The ability of one product, process Note: There is a spectrum of
or service to be used in place of standardization which ranges from
another to fulfil the same low-level compatibility (equipment or
requirements. procedures do not clash), to
[ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996] interoperability (some degree of
workable harmony is possible), to
interchangeability (substitution is
feasible), to commonality (same
equipment or procedure is used).

inter-command exercise
An exercise involving the two NATO
strategic commands and/or their
subordinate commands.

Intergovernmental Authority on Intergovernmental Authority on

Drought and Development Development

intergovernmental organization intergovernmental organization


internally displaced person Internally Displaced Person internally displaced person


International Committee of the International Committee of the

Red Cross Red Cross

International Convention for the International Convention for the

Safety of Life At Sea Safety of Life At Sea, 1974

International Convention on the International Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms of Racial Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination Discrimination

international cooperative
Cooperation and mutual support in
the field of logistics through the
coordination of policies, plans,
procedures, development activities
and the common supply and
exchange of goods and services
arranged on the basis of bilateral
and multilateral agreements with
appropriate cost reimbursement

International Covenant on Civil International Covenant on Civil

and Political Rights and Political Rights

97 / 240

International Covenant on International Covenant on

Economic, Social and Cultural Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights Rights

International Criminal Court International Criminal Court


International Development Law International Development Law

Organisation Organisation

International Federation of Red International Federation of Red

Cross and Red Crescent Cross and Red Crescent
IFRC Societies

International Humanitarian Fact- International Humanitarian Fact-

Finding Commission Finding Commission

International Humanitarian Law international humanitarian law


International Legal Foundation International Legal Foundation


International Maritime International Maritime

Organisation Organization

International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund


international organization international organization

An intergovernmental, regional or An entity established by a treaty or
global organization governed by other instrument governed by
international law and established by international law and possessing its
a group of states, with international own international legal personality.
juridical personality given by Note: International organizations
international agreement, however may include as members, in
characterized, creating enforceable addition to States, other entities.
rights and obligations for the
purpose of fulfilling a given function
and pursuing common aims.
Note: Exceptionally, the
International Committee of the Red
Cross, although a non-
governmental organization formed
under the Swiss Civil Code, is
mandated by the international
community of states and is founded
on international law, specifically the
Geneva Conventions, has an
international legal personality or
status on its own, and enjoys some
immunities and privileges for the
fulfilment of its humanitarian

international organization International Organisation


International Organization for International Organization for International Organization for

98 / 240

Migration Migration Migration


international planning group


International Red Cross


internationally recommended internationally recommended

transit corridor transit corridor
Internationally Recommended Security coordinator in the Gulf of
Transit Corridor, this is the route Aden, to protect ships from pirates.
through the Gulf of Aden that is Notes:
patrolled by Naval Counter piracy 1. Coordinates: The IRTC east
forces bound lane begins at 045 east
between 11 48 north and 11 53
north. The lane is oriented along a
straight line course of 072 degrees
and terminates at 053 degrees east
between 14 18 north and 14 23
north. The IRTC west bound lane
begins at 053 degrees east between
14 25 north and 14 30 north. The
lane is oriented along a straight line
course of 252 and terminates at 045
degrees east between 11 55 north
and 12 00 north.
2. In its Anti-Piracy Guidance the
Maritime Liaison Office (MARLO)
strongly urges all ships navigating
within the Gulf of Aden to use this
3. The IRTC is not marked or
defined by visual navigational
means, nor is it intended to be a
dedicated traffic separation scheme,
but in order for warship patrols to be
effective, vessels transiting the Gulf
of Aden are strongly recommended
to adhere to these guidelines.
4. Colloquial variant: Gulf of Aden
Pirate Corridor

interoperability interoperability interoperability

The ability to act together The ability of Member State HQs Generically, the term refers to the
coherently, effectively and efficiently and forces and, when appropriate, ability of diverse systems and
to achieve Allied tactical, HQs and forces of other States to organizations to work together
operational and strategic objectives. train, exercise and operate (inter-operate).
effectively together in the execution Notes:
of assigned missions and tasks. 1. The term is often used in a
technical systems engineering
sense, or alternatively in a broad
sense, taking into account social,
political and organizational factors
that impact system to system
2. Specifically it may be used in:
(i) a military context, where it refers
to the ability of military systems,
units or forces to provide services to
and accept services from other
systems, units or forces and to
operate effectively together, an

99 / 240

ability which is especially crucial for

communications equipment; or in
(ii) an information technology
context, where the term is used to
describe the capability of different
programs to exchange data via a
common set of exchange formats,
to read and write the same file
formats, and to use the same
Note: There is a spectrum of
standardization which ranges from
low-level compatibility (equipment or
procedures do not clash), to
interoperability (some degree of
workable harmony is possible), to
interchangeability (substitution is
feasible), to commonality(same
equipment or procedure is used).

interoperability and integration


interoperability objective

In intelligence usage, the final step
in the processing phase of the
intelligence cycle in which the
significance of information and/or
intelligence is judged in relation to
the current body of knowledge.

inter-theatre airlift
It provides the air bridge between
the home bases and the JOA or
links different JOA
The airlift movements within a
designated JOA

intervention intervention intervention

Action taken to exert influence over, Action taken to exert influence over, Note: In classical international law
modify or control a specific activity. modify, or control a specific activity. Intervention is dictatorial
interference by a State in the affairs
of another State for the purpose of
maintaining or altering the actual
condition of things. (...). It always
concerns the external independence
or the territorial or personal
supremacy of the State concerned
Parry and Grant. International law
generally forbids such intervention.
Cf Art. 3 of the Draft Declaration on
the Rights and Duties of States
drafted by the ILC in 1949, and the
Declaration on Principles of
International Law concerning
Friendly Relations and Co-operation
among States in accordance with
the Charter of the United Nations
(Resolution 2625 (XXV) of the
General Assembly of the United
Nations), which enunciate the
principle that every State has the

100 / 240

duty to refrain from intervention in

the affairs of any other State.
Writers distinguish three kinds of
active, material intervention:
'internal' intervention - an example
is State A interfering between the
disputing sections of State B in
favour either of the legitimate
Government or of the insurgents; (2)
'external' intervention - an example
is State A interfering in the relations
- generally the hostile relations of
other States, as when Italy entered
the Second World War on the side
of Germany, and against Great
Britain; (3) 'punitive' intervention -
this is the case of a reprisal, short of
war, for an injury suffered at the
hands of another State; for
example, a pacific blockade
instituted against this State in
retaliation for a gross breach of
treaty Parry and Grant Writers who
retain the term intervention maintain
the existence of a right of
intervention under international law
in certain cases and notably (a) on a
collective basis pursuant to the
Charter of the United Nations in the
shape of preventive or enforcement
action under Chapter VII; (b) for the
protection of nationals abroad; (c) in
self-defence; (d) for the repression
of a gross breach of international
law (such as intervention of an
improper sort by the State
intervened against). Art. 2(7) of the
United Nations Charter lays it down
that Nothing contained in the
present Charter shall authorize the
United Nations to intervene in
matters which are essentially within
the domestic jurisdiction of any
State (...); but this principle shall not
prejudice the application of
enforcement measures under
Chapter VII. This provision is
regarded as not operating to
exclude action, short of dictatorial
interference, undertaken with a view
to implementing the purposes of the
Charter. Thus with regard to the
protection of human rights and
freedoms (...) the prohibition of
intervention does not preclude
study, discussion, investigation and
recommendation on the part of the
various organs of the United
Nations [Parry and Grant]

in-theatre training

intra-command exercise
An exercise which involves part of a

101 / 240

NATO strategic command or

subordinate command.

inventory control inventory control

inventory management (admitted) inventory management (synonym)
That phase of military logistics
which includes managing,
cataloguing, requirements
determination, procurement,
distribution, overhaul, and disposal
of materiel.

irregular activity
The use or threat of force by
irregular forces, groups or
individuals, frequently ideologically
or criminally motivated, to effect or
prevent change as a challenge to
governance and authority.

irregular armed civilian groups

Note: Mexico.

isolated personnel reports Isolated Personnel Reports isolated personnel reports


Istanbul Cooperation Initiative


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joint joint joint

Adjective used to describe activities, Adjective used to describe activities, inter-service (synonym)
operations and organizations in operations and organisations, in Operations and organizations in
which elements of at least two which elements of at least two which more than one service of the
services participate. services participate. same nation participate.

Joint Action

Joint Africa-EU Strategy Joint Africa-EU Strategy


Joint Analysis and Lessons

Learned Centre

Joint Area of Operation


joint capability group


joint civil commission


Joint Common Operational


Joint Component Command


joint consultative group


Joint Coordination and Joint Coordination and

Monitoring Board Monitoring Board

joint education and training


joint exercise

Joint Expert Panel


joint force command Joint Force Command


joint force commander Joint Force Commander joint force commander


Joint Force Training Centre


104 / 240

Joint Headquarter

Joint Investment Programme


joint logistic operations centre Joint Logistics Operation Centre


Joint Military Affairs


Joint Mission Analysis Cell


joint operations area joint operations area joint operations area

A temporary area defined by the An area in which a designated Joint
Supreme Allied Commander Commander plans and executes a
Europe, in which a designated joint specific mission.
commander plans and executes a
specific mission at the operational
level of war. A joint operations area
and its defining parameters, such as
time, scope of the mission and
geographical area, are contingency
or mission-specific and are normally
associated with combined joint task
force operations.

joint operations centre Joint Operations Centre Joint Operations Centre


Joint Operations Planning Group Joint Operational Planning Group


Joint Research Centre Joint Research Centre

The Joint Research Centre is a
Directorate General of the European
Commission and provides scientific
and technical support to EU

joint subregional command

A subregional command
organization at the third level of the
NATO military command structure
with no permanently allocated area
of responsibilities. This command is
characterized as follows:
a. it contains a combination of
appropriate specific tri-service
b. it assumes subregional
responsibilities for training and
c. it provides a permanent planning
and command and control capability
for the conduct of joint operations,
allowing it to undertake or contribute
to all Alliance missions as directed
by the NATO regional commander.

105 / 240

joint task force Joint Task Force


joint theatre-level simulation


Joint Warfare Centre


Justice and Home Affairs


Justice Sector Support


Justice, freedom and security


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Key Leadership Event


key military task Key Military Task


Key Nucleus

Key Supporting Task


Knowledge Development

Knowledge Management Knowledge Management


108 / 240

land component command


land component commander Land Component Commander


Law Enforcement Network


law of armed conflict Law of Armed Conflict law of armed conflict

law of war (synonym)
Law concerning acceptable
practices relating to war.

law of armed conflict report


lead nation Lead Nation


legal advisor Legal Adviser


lesson identified
A statement (based on verified
Lesson Observation) defining the
detailed nature of the problem for
which remedial action has to be
developed - it is the outcome of the
analysis phase.

lesson improvement action(s)

Specified actions within a lesson,
which require to be completed, to
allow a Lesson Identified (LI) to
become a Lesson Learned (LL).

lesson observation
Any occurrences(s) or finding(s) that
could have an impact on EU
operational output and has the
potential to become a Lesson
Learned. It might require an
improvement or it can constitute a
Best Practice.

lessons cell
Lessons Cell - Specific AOs in
EUMS responsible for administering
the ELMA application and the
lessons process within the EUMS.

Lessons Identified

109 / 240

lessons learned lesson learnt lessons learned

LL Lessons Learned Variant: identified lessons.
LL Variant spelling: lessons learnt.
A lesson that has been fully staffed
and the associated improvement
and implemental action(s) identified
and taken. A lesson can only be
declared "learned" once the full
remedial action has been
successfully implemented

Lessons Management Group

Lessons Management Group -
EUMS body tasked to manage the
overall EUMS Lessons Process

Lessons Team

letter of agreement letter of agreement


letter of assistance letter of assist

assist letter

letter of instruction Letter of Instruction


letter of intent

level of interoperability

level of operational capability


liaison liaison liaison element

That contact or intercommunication Contact or intercommunication
maintained between elements of maintained between elements of
military forces to ensure mutual military forces to ensure mutual
understanding and unity of purpose understanding and unity of purpose
and action. and action.

life support life-support services

LS In logistics, refers to heating,
All functions required to maintain electrical and water supply, food,
adequate living conditions for fuel, etc.
deployed personnel in the JOA. As
a minimum, it is focused at ensuring
their survival. LS standards may rise
if the situation permits and over the
duration of the operation. LS covers
a wide variety of activities in support
of EU-led military operations, such
as: laundry, canteen, bathing
services, catering, accommodation,
courier, etc.

limited operational capability


110 / 240

line of operation

lines of communications lines of communication line of communication

All the land, water, and air routes All the land, water and air routes LOC
that connect an operating military that connect an operating military All the physical routes (land, water
force with one or more bases of force with one or more bases of and air) that connect an operating
operations, and along which operations, and along which force military force with one or more
supplies and reinforcements move. elements and materiel move. bases of operations and along
which supplies and military forces
1. Not all roads, rails, etc., are lines
of communication; some are
unsuited, others may be suitable but
not used.
2. "Internal lines of communication"
are those routes within the theatre
of operations.

Lines To Take

live exercise live exercise

An exercise using real forces and

local maritime capacity building

Assistance provided by advice/
mentoring and/or training to support
the setting up of locally owned
operational maritime capabilities.
These are provided in situ, where
the trainees are based. (i.e.
Somaliland coastguard would
receive the training locally, in
Somaliland itself).

logistic assessment
Support required to conduct a
military operation, compared to the
actual and/or potential logistic
support available for that operation.

Logistic Assessment Report


logistic assets
Logistic assets are subsumed into
logistic resources and are viewed as
materiel, spares, stocks and
consumable items.

logistic assistance logistic assistance

A generic term used to denote types A generic term used to denote types
of assistance between and within of assistance between and within
military commands both in peace military commands both in peace
and war. and war.

logistic exercise

111 / 240

logistic functional area services Logistic Functional Area Services


Logistic Information System


Logistic Management Cell


Logistic Planning Review


logistic requirement

logistic resources
Capabilities that could be made up
of equipment, personnel, supplies
and services. In this context
personnel are limited to those in
formed logistic organisations.

logistic role specialist nation Logistic Role Specialised Nation

A nation that assumes the
responsibility for providing or
procuring a specific logistic
capability and / or service for all or
part of the multinational force, within
a defined geographical area for a
defined period.

logistic situation report


logistic situation report, land


Logistic Support Command


Logistic Support Commander


logistic support element logistic support element


logistic sustainment integrated logistic support logistic support concept

The process and mechanism by The pooling of specified resources
which sustainability is achieved and by MS for use by the same MS as
which consists of supplying a force decided by co-ordinating agency or
with consumables and replacing authority to which the subscribing
combat losses and noncombat MS have agreed.
attrition of equipment in order to
maintain the force's combat power
for the duration required to meet its

112 / 240

logistics logistics logistics

Log. Log
The science of planning and The science of planning and
carrying out the movement and carrying out the movement and
maintenance of forces. In its most maintenance of forces. In its most
comprehensive sense, the aspects comprehensive sense, it is the
of military operations which deal aspects of military operations which
with: deal with:
a. design and development, Design and development,
acquisition, storage, movement, acquisition, storage, movement,
distribution, maintenance, distribution, maintenance,
evacuation, and disposal of modification, evacuation and
materiel; disposition of materiel;
b. transport of personnel; Transport of personnel;
c. acquisition or construction, Acquisition or construction,
maintenance, operation, and maintenance, operation, and
disposition of facilities; disposition of facilities;
d. acquisition or furnishing of Acquisition or furnishing of services
services; and;
e. medical and health service Health and Medical (H&M) service
support. support.

DE does not recognise H&M

support as a logistic function but as
a logistic related area.

logistics Logistics
Log. Log
The science of planning and
carrying out the movement and
maintenance of forces. In its most
comprehensive sense, those
aspects of military operations which
deal with: a. design and
development, acquisition, storage,
movement, distribution,
maintenance, evacuation, and
disposal of materiel; b. transport of
personnel; c. acquisition or
construction, maintenance,
operation, and disposition of
facilities; d. acquisition or furnishing
of services; and e. medical and
health service support.

Logistics and Resources Division


Logistics Branch of LOG

Directorate (EUMS)

113 / 240

logistics control logistic control

That authority granted to a NATO Authority granted to an EU
Commander over assigned logistics Commander over assigned logistics
units and organizations in the joint units and organisations in the JOA,
operations area, including national including National Support Elements
support elements, that empowers (NSE), that empowers him to
him to synchronize, prioritize, and synchronise, prioritise, and integrate
integrate their logistics functions their logistics functions and activities
and activities to accomplish the joint to accomplish the joint theatre
theatre mission. mission. It does not confer authority
Note: It does not confer authority over the nationally-owned resources
over nationally-owned resources held by an NSE, except as agreed
held by a national support element, in the Transfer of Authority.
except as agreed in the transfer of
authority or in accordance with
NATO principles and policies for

logistics coordination centre EU Logistics Co-ordination

LCC Centre

logistics lead nation Logistic Lead Nation

A nation that assumes overall
responsibility for organizing and
coordinating an agreed broad
spectrum of logistic support for all or
part of a multinational force,
including headquarters, within a
defined geographical area for a
defined period.

Logistics Planning Advisory


Logistics Report

Long Range Transport long-range transport


long-term capability requirement


Long-Term Defence Programme


long-term financial forecast


long-term force planning


long-term force proposals


Long-Term Infrastructure

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long-term planning guideline


long-term study

Long-Term Vision

low-intensity conflict

low-level local level


115 / 240

main effort
A concentration of forces or means
in a particular area and at a
particular time to enable a
commander to bring about a

Main Logistic Planning


main operational planning


main planning conference


Main Planning Meeting


main supply route Main Supply Route main supply route



map exercise

Maritime Air Operations Centre


maritime component command


maritime component commander Maritime Component Commander


Maritime Dimension Study


maritime exercise

maritime interdiction operation maritime interdiction operation

An operation conducted to enforce MIO
prohibition on the maritime An operation conducted to enforce
movement of specified persons or prohibition on the maritime
material within a defined geographic movement of specified persons or
area. material within a defined geographic
Note: Not to be confused with
Maritime Interception Operation,
which refers to a specific operation.

maritime operation

116 / 240

An action performed by forces on,

under, or over the sea to gain or
exploit control of the sea or to deny
its use to the enemy.

Maritime Rapid Response


Maritime Rapid Response


Maritime Rapid Response

Information Conference

Maritime Rapid Response


maritime security maritime security

Is a state of affairs of the maritime In the wake of the events of 11
domain in which international (in September 2001, the International
particular UNCLOS) and national Maritime Organization added
law is enforced, freedom of maritime security to its main
navigation is guaranteed, citizens, objectives of maritime safety and
infrastructure and resources are marine environment protection.
protected, and legitimate national
and international interests

Maritime Security Regional Maritime Security

MASE Programme
Maritime Security Programme

Maritime Security Centre Horn of Maritime Security Centre - Horn

Africa of Africa
Maritime Security Centre Horn of MSCHOA
Africa; this is a website set up to Established by the European Union
give up to date advice to industry (EU) as part of a European Security
and to manage the IRTC Group and Defence Policy (ESDP)
Convoy system. initiative to combat piracy in the
Horn of Africa, and in 2008 in
support of the United Nations
Security Council resolutions 1814
(2008), 1816 (2008) and 1838
Note: A coordination centre
dedicated to promoting freedom of
navigation in the light of increasing
risks of pirate attack against
merchant shipping in the in the Gulf
of Aden, the Somali Basin and off
the Horn of Africa.

Maritime Security Operation

Are those operations performed by
EU Maritime Forces, in the CSDP
framework, in coordination with
other EU specialised actors/
instruments, or alone as directed, to
counter threats and mitigate the risk

117 / 240

of illegal or threatening activities in

the maritime domain. Aimed at
consolidating maritime security
these operations focus on the
unlawful use of the global maritime

maritime situational awareness maritime situational awareness

Is the management of information NATO. Defined as "the
related to the maritime domain that understanding of military and non-
can have an impact on maritime military events, activities and
security. circumstances within and
It requires the timely exchange and associated with the maritime
analysis of different pieces of environment that are relevant for
information, coming from different current and future NATO operations
sources, in order to obtain and exercises where the maritime
actionable conclusions that might environment (ME) is the oceans,
otherwise remain unnoticed. seas, bays, estuaries, waterways,
Consequently, MSA should include coastal regions and ports".
as many international and Formerly: maritime domain
interagency information sources as awareness (MDA)

Maritime Support Operations


Maritime Surveillance
Is the systematic and continuous
observation in the global maritime
domain, in order to achieve effective
maritime situational awareness
(MSA) over activities at sea
impacting on maritime security, so
as to facilitate sound decision

Marshalling Area marshalling area

An area designated to organise Unit preparation area, close to
force elements and materiel for departure airfields.
onward movement or storage Note: Also spelt "marshaling”.
(i.e. Force elements formed into

mass casualties Mass Casualty

Any number of casualties produced
in a relatively short period of time
which overwhelms the available
medical and logistic support

measure of effectiveness Measures of Effectiveness measure of effectiveness

MOE MOE design criterion

Measurement of Effectiveness

medical advisor Medical Advisor

MEDAD The senior medical staff officer in a
formation headquarters responsible

118 / 240

for ensuring that the commander

and his staff are properly aware of
the health and medical implications
of their actions and any issues
connected to the operation. As
such, the Medical Adviser has direct
access to the OpCdr, for issues in
the health and medical domain. The
Medical Adviser may also be the
Force or Theatre Medical Director.

medical coordination centre Medical Coordination Centre


Medical Director
The functional head of medical
services in a formation or theatre of
operations. The Medical Director
may also have the additional
responsibilities of being the Medical
Adviser to a senior commander.

medical intelligence medical intelligence

Intelligence derived from medical, Intelligence on medical, bio-
bio-scientific, epidemiological, scientific, epidemiological,
environmental and other information environmental and other information
related to human or animal health. related to the human or animal
Note: This intelligence, being of a health. This intelligence, being of
specific technical nature, requires specific technical nature, requires
medical expertise throughout its informed medical expertise
direction and processing within the throughout its direction and
intelligence cycle. processing within the intelligence

medical support medical support

The full range of medical planning The provision of health services in
and provision of medical health support of an army in the field or to
services to maintain the force peacekeeping contingent.
strength through disease Within the United Nations
prevention, evacuation, rapid peacekeeping operations (PKOs),
treatment of the diseases, injured the medical resources are usually
and wounded. distributed into three levels, on an
incremental basis, to conduct
treatment, evacuation, and other
functions essential to the
maintenance of the health of
peacekeepers. The United Nations
Medical Support Facilities are also
categorized into three levels, (Level
1, 2 and 3) according to their
capabilities to conduct medical
treatment and are described in the
COE Manual.

medical task forces

The equivalent of a battalion,
comprising staff and support
elements, several medical treatment
facilities and multiple medical
evacuation assets in a modular and
capability based approach.

medical treatment facility Medical Treatment Facility


119 / 240

hospital (admitted)
A facility established for the purpose
of furnishing medical and/or dental

Mediterranean Dialogue

Mediterranean Dialogue Military


Medium Altitude Long Endurance medium altitude endurance

unmanned aerial vehicle unmanned aerial vehicle
A MALE UAV is defined as a vehicle
that, within its mission parameters,
is designed to optimally operate
between 10 000 and 50 000 ft, with
endurance in excess of eight hours.

Medium Altitude Long Range


Membership Action Plan membership action plan


memorandum of agreement memorandum of agreement


memorandum of understanding memorandum of understanding memorandum of understanding

A written bilateral or multilateral Term often used to denote a less
agreed document, which implies an formal international instrument than
intent or responsibility to support a typical treaty or international
EU-led forces and organisations. It agreement.
provides the approved politico- Note: It is an agreement between
military basis for subordinate States, international organizations
implementing documents. or other parties which often sets out
operational arrangements under a
framework international agreement.
It is also used for the regulation of
technical or detailed matters. It is
typically in the form of a single
instrument signed by the
governments concerned, recording
their understandings as to matters
of fact or their future conduct, but in
such a way as to reflect an intention
on their part not to enter into a
legally binding agreement upon the
matters covered or otherwise to
create legal rights and obligations
for themselves. It does not require

They are entered into either by

States or international
organizations. The United Nations
usually concludes memorandums of
understanding with Member States
in order to organize its
peacekeeping operations or to

120 / 240

arrange UN Conferences. The

United Nations also concludes
memorandums of understanding on
cooperation with other international
organizations. The United Nations
considers MOUs to be binding and
registers them if submitted by a
party or if the United Nations is a

Under the United Nations Standby

Arrangements System (UNSAS), a
memorandum of understanding is
signed by the troop-contributor and
the United Nations prior to
deployment, stipulating the
obligations of each party, related to
personnel, major equipment and
self-sustainment. In that context,
also called a "contribution

Plural per UN editorial style (as of

June 2011): memorandums of

Variant plural: memoranda of


Mentoring And Training Element


merchant shipping merchant shipping

In naval cooperation and guidance
for shipping, the complete
commercial maritime industry,
including the fishing industry.

Merchant Vessel merchant vessel


message message
Any thought or idea expressed Message identified, named and
briefly in a plain, coded, or secret structured set of functionally related
language, prepared in a form segments, covering the
suitable for transmission by any requirements for a specific type of
means of communication. transaction (e.g. invoice), as
described in a message
specification, a message starts with
a message header and ends with a
message trailer.

Middle-East, North Africa Middle East and North Africa

MENA Region
Middle East and North Africa

Military and Civil Defence Assets military and civil defence assets

military assistance military assistance

MA An item listed in the Instrument for

121 / 240

A broad spectrum of measures in standardized international reporting

support of friendly or allied forces in of military expenditures.
peace, crisis, and conflict. MA can
be conducted by, with, or through
indigenous or surrogate forces that
are trained, equipped, supported, or
employed in varying degrees by

military budget

Military Budget Priority Review


Military Capabilities Commitment


military capability
A combination of means and ways
to perform a set of tasks or achieve
an effect to a standard under
specified conditions. Military
capability usually includes four
major components: Force Structure
– personnel, numbers, size and
composition of the forces; -
Configuration – technical
sophistication of forces and
equipment; - Readiness – ability to
provide capabilities required by the
combatant commanders to execute
their assigned missions; -
Sustainability – ability to maintain
the necessary level and duration of
operational activity to achieve
military objectives.

military control centre Military Control Centre


military cooperation programme


military decision-making process


military exercise directive and


military governor
The military commander or other
designated person who, in an
occupied territory, exercises
supreme authority over the civil
population subject to the laws and
usages of war and to any directive
received from his government or his

Military Implication of a

122 / 240

Comprehensive Approach

military independent
A merchant ship or auxiliary sailed
singly but controlled and reported as
a military unit.

military information operations

Military function that provides advice
and coordination of military activities
affecting information and
information systems in order to
create desired effect in support of
the mission specific Crisis
Information Strategy and of the
political and military objectives to
the EU

Military Information Operations

Mil Info Ops

Military Intelligence

Military Intelligence

military interoperability
The ability of military forces to train,
exercise and operate effectively
together in the execution of
assigned missions and tasks.

military involvement in civil


military necessity military necessity

The principle whereby a belligerent The principle whereby a
has the right to apply any measures belligerent has the right to apply
which are required to bring about any measures which are required
the successful conclusion of a to bring about the successful
military operation and which are not conclusion of a military operation
forbidden by the laws of war. and which are not forbidden by the
laws of war.
Note: It can be invoked in the
settlement of claims as an
exemption from liability (for combat-
related activities) [NATO definition]

military planning
An iterative process which needs to
analyse all relevant factors to
determine the military mission. At
the Political and Strategic level this
will include analysis of the
implication of political objectives,
desired end state, restraints and
constraints as well as an analysis of
the capabilities needed, in order to
develop potential military options
balanced against those capabilities

123 / 240

offered or potentially available.

Note: Military Planning is conducted
at four levels.
1. the Political and Strategic Level
(EU institutional level);
2. the Military Strategic Level
(Operation Headquarters
(OHQ) level);
3. the Operational Level (Force
Headquarters (FHQ) level), and
4. the Tactical Level (Component
Headquarters level and below).
Further explanation of these levels
is described in the EU Concept for
Military Command and Control.

military planning architecture

The architecture of the military
planning process within the EU
encompasses military strategic
planning and military operational
a. Military strategic planning
includes advance military strategic
planning (generic, contingency) and
crisis response military strategic
planning. This is an activity at the
political/military level.
b. Military operational planning is
conducted at the three following
levels :
- the military strategic level in order
to produce the CONOPS and the
OPLAN (OHQ level);
- the operational level (FHQ level);
- the tactical level (Component HQ
level and below).

Military Planning Service

Created within the Military and
Civilian Police Division, Department
of Peacekeeping Operations
(DPKO). Established in 1999 to
provide advice on tasks and
configuration of military components
of new peacekeeping operations
and develop detailed concepts of
operations for those components.

As of 2000, part of the Military


After the 2007 restructuring of the

Department of Peacekeeping
Operations, the Service remained
within the Department as part of the
Office of Military Affairs along with
the Current Military Operations
Service and the Force Generation

As of February 2010, the Service

headed by a Chief, who was

124 / 240

accountable to the Military Adviser.

The Service comprised three
geographically based planning
teams, a long-term planning team
and specialist aviation and maritime
operational planners.

military police Military Police military police

MP MP military policeman
MILPOL (deprecated) MP

Military Public Relations / Public

military PR/PI
Mil PR/PI ensures complete,
accurate and timely information on
an EU-led military mission
conducted in the framework of the
EU's overall response to a crisis, i.e.
its military forces, its Commanders,
staffs, its activities and operations
for reporting by external and internal
news media.

military rapid response

The acceleration of the military
approach to crisis which
encompasses all interrelated
measures and actions in the field of
Intelligence collections, decision-
making, planning, force generation
and deployment, together with the
availability of assets and
capabilities, and potential Command
and Control (C2) options, in order to
enable a swift and decisive military
response to a crisis.

Military Rapid Response Concept


military rapid response time

The time measured from when the
CMC is approved to when
operations commence in the JOA.
The timing points for a Military
Rapid Response are different from
those for a standard military
Response. A Military Rapid
Response is a period from 5 to 30

Military Staff of the European European Union Military Staff

Union EUMS
EU MS (deprecated)

military strategic option

A MSO describes a military action
designed to achieve the EU
objectives as defined in the CMC. A
MSO will outline the military course

125 / 240

of action and the required resources

and the constraints. It should also
include an assessment of feasibility
and risk, an outline of the Command
and Control structure and an
indicative force capability. It should
contain the objective, the desired
End State, the Exit Strategy, the
general objective of any military
engagement and the degree to
which military force will be
employed which are derived from
the CMC.

military strategy military strategy

That component of national or That component of national or multi-
multinational strategy, presenting national strategy, presenting the
the manner in which military power manner in which military power
should be developed and applied to should be developed and applied to
achieve national objectives or those achieve national objectives or those
of a group of nations. of a group of nations.

military-civil relations

minimum force
Force, up to and including deadly
force, limited to the degree, intensity
and duration necessary to achieve
the objective.

minimum military requirement Minimum Military Requirement


Mission Assessment Report


mission commander
In air operations, the onboard
person designated by a competent
authority, who has overall
responsibility for the successful
completion of the mission, using
assigned assets.
Note: The mission commander is
not necessarily the aircraft

mission-essential forces mission essential forces

MEF Forces and/or assets, the lack of
Forces and/or assets, the lack of which would likely preclude the
which would likely preclude the successful accomplishment of the
successful accomplishment of the commander's mission.
commander's mission.

mission implementation plan Mission Implementation Plan


Mission Management and Control


mission1 task

126 / 240

A clear, concise statement of the Assigned to a military unit or an

task of the command and its individual.

One or more aircraft ordered to
accomplish one particular task.

mission-essential equipment

Mobile Advisory and Training


Mobile Decommissioning Teams


mobile education and training


mobility exercise

The act of preparing for war or other
emergencies through assembling
and organizing national resources.

modelling and simulation


monitoring monitoring
The act of listening, carrying out
surveillance on, and/or recording
the emissions of one's own or Allied
forces for the purpose of
maintaining and improving
procedural standards and security,
or for reference, as applicable.

monitoring and assessment


Monitoring and Information

Centre of Civil Protection

monitoring, assessment and


movement control centre


movement exercise

movements & transport Movement & Transportation


Multi National Maritime Task

127 / 240


Multi Role Transport Tanker


multinational Multi-National
Adjective used to describe activities,
operations and organizations, in
which elements of more than one
nation participate.

Multinational Advisory Police Multinational Advisory Police

Element Element

multinational detailed Multinational Detailed

deployment plan Deployment Plan

Multi-National Explosives
Ordnance Disposal Co-ordination

multinational force multinational forces multinational force

combined force (admitted) MF are forces consisting of more
A force composed of elements of than one nation (EU or non-EU
two or more nations. Member State, one of which could
act as a Framework Nation) which
are established in accordance with
a Memorandum of Understanding or
other form of international
agreement and that can be used in
CSDP operations.

combined force
A force composed of elements of
two or more nations.

Multinational Formation

multinational headquarters
MF HQ are command and control
structures at different levels based
on a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) or other form
of international agreement,
consisting of more than one nation
(EU or non-EU MS, one of which
could act as a Framework Nation),
which should be capable inter alia of
developing operational plans,
providing CIS in order to connect to
all subordinated units as well as
other actors as required.

multinational integrated logistic


128 / 240

Military units formed by two or more

TCNs to provide logistic support to a
multinational force under a single
* The main difference between a
MILU and a MLU is that a MLU
normally remains under national
command and control as opposed
to a MILU which is OPCON to the

multinational integrated medical Multinational Integrated Medical

unit Unit

multinational joint logistic centre Multinational Joint Logistic

MJLC Centre

Multinational Joint Movement and

Transportation Coordination

multinational joint operation

An operation carried out by forces of
two or more nations, in which
elements of at least two services

Multinational Joint Operations


multinational logistics
The overarching term for the
different modes to logistically
support operations other than purely
national, such as Multinational
Integrated Logistic Support, RSN
Support and LN Support.

Multinational Medical Unit


Multinational Movement &

Transportation Co-ordination

multinational movement Multinational Movement Co-

coordination centre ordination Centre

Multi-National Nuclear Biological

and Chemical Co-ordination Cell

multinational operation combined operation

combined operation (admitted) An operation conducted by forces of
An operation conducted by forces of two or more EU Member States
two or more nations acting together. acting together for the
accomplishment of a single mission

129 / 240

Multinational Support Unit


mutual aid
Arrangements made at government
level between one nation and one or
more other nations to assist each

mutual support
That support which units render
each other against an enemy,
because of their assigned tasks,
their position relative to each other
and to the enemy, and their inherent

mutual support agreement


130 / 240

named area of interest


national armament goals


national command national command

A command that is organized by, In the context of peacekeeping
and functions under the authority of, operations, a command that is
a specific nation. It may or may not organized by, and functions under
be placed under a NATO the authority of, a specific nation
commander. and may or may not be placed
under a UN commander.

national commander national commander

A national commander, territorial or As regards peace operations, a
functional, who is normally not in the territorial or functional commander
Allied chain of command. who is normally not in the chain of

national component national component

Any national forces of one or more Any national forces of one or more
services under the command of a services under the command of a
single national commander, single national commander,
assigned to any NATO commander. assigned to any EU commander

national force commander

Commander of national forces
assigned as separate elements of
subordinate Allied commands.

national infrastructure
Infrastructure provided and financed
by a NATO member in its own
territory solely for its own forces
(including those forces assigned to
or designated for NATO).

National Intelligence Liaison


National Liaison Team


national military authority

The government agency
empowered to make decisions on
military matters on behalf of its
Note: This authority may be
delegated to a military or civilian
group or individual at any level
appropriate for dealing with NATO
commanders or their subordinates.
Examples: ministry of defence;
service ministry.

131 / 240

national movement coordination National Movement Co-ordination

centre Centre

National Operations Centre


National Security Authority National Security Agency


National Solidarity Programme National Solidarity Programme


national support element national support element national support element

Any national organization or activity Any national organisation that Element of each national contingent
that primarily supports national supports national forces which are which is incorporated into the force
forces that are part of a NATO part of EU-led Forces. NSEs remain logistic support group to look after
force. under their own national authorities, the demands from that contingent.
Note: A national support element is and are normally not part of EU-led Note: It provides interface with UN
under the operational control of its Forces. Their mission is nation- procurement, receives and stores
national authorities and not normally specific support to units and supplies consigned from the home
part of a NATO force. common support that is retained by base.
the nation. NSEs should co-ordinate
and co-operate with the FCdr and
the HN(s). Co-operation and
centralisation of services among
NSEs can produce significant
savings. The agreed SOFA
regulations are applicable to NSEs.

national territorial commander

A national commander who is
responsible for the execution of
purely national functions in a
specific geographical area. He
remains a national territorial
commander regardless of any Allied
status which may be assigned to

NATO armaments planning


NATO C3 integration centre


NATO civil emergency planning


NATO Command and Control


NATO Command Structure


NATO common interoperability


NATO Communication and

Information Systems Services

132 / 240


NATO Communications and

Information Systems School

NATO Co-operation and Co-

ordination Centre

NATO crisis management


NATO Crisis Response System


NATO Crisis Response System


NATO defence planning process Defence Planning Process


NATO defence planning review


NATO design and development


NATO Headquarters C3 Staff


NATO Lessons Learned Database


NATO Maintenance and Supply NATO Maintenance and Supply NATO Maintenance and Supply
Agency Agency Agency

NATO military authority

The Military Committee, the
Supreme Allied Commander Europe
or the Supreme Allied Commander

NATO military requirement


NATO operational interoperability


NATO procedural interoperability


NATO Response Force NATO Response Force NATO Response Force


133 / 240

NATO School Oberammergau


NATO Staff Requirement NATO Staff Requirement


NATO standardization
The development and
implementation of concepts,
doctrines, procedures and designs
in order to achieve and maintain the
compatibility, interchangeability or
commonality which are necessary
to attain the required level of
interoperability, or to optimize the
use of resources, in the fields of
operations, materiel and

NATO standardization agreement NATO Standardisation Standardisation Agreement

A NATO standardization document STANAG NATO agreements for procedures
that specifies the agreement of NATO Standardisation Agreements and systems and equipment
member nations to implement a (STANAG) are individual standards components; set up processes,
standard, in whole or in part, with or which participating nations agree to procedures, terms and conditions
without reservation, in order to meet use for specific functions to satisfy for common military or technical
an interoperability requirement. overall Alliance standardisation procedures or equipment between
Note: a NATO standardization goals and co-ordination between the member countries of the
agreement is distinct from the operational and material activities. alliance; are developed and
standard(s) it covers. promulgated by the NATO
Standardization Agency (NSA) in
conjunction with the Conference of
National Armaments Directors and
other authorities concerned.
1. Each NATO State ratifies a
STANAG and implements it within
its own military. The purpose is to
provide common operational and
administrative procedures and
logistics, so one member nation's
military may use the stores and
support of another member's
military. STANAGs also form the
basis for technical interoperability
between a wide variety of
communication and information
systems (CIS) essential for NATO
and Allied operations.
2. STANAGs are published in
English and French, the two official
languages of NATO, by the NSA in
3. Among the hundreds of
standardization agreements (as of
2010, the total was about 1,300) are
those for calibres of small arms
ammunition, map markings,
communications procedures and
classification of bridges.
4. Variant: North Atlantic Treaty
Organization Standardization

134 / 240

NATO technical interoperability


NATO Training Group EU Group on Training


NATO/Partnership for Peace

Geospatial Conference

NATO-plus Exercise Directive

and Programme

NATO-Ukraine Military Committee


NATO-wide exercise
An exercise involving the NATO
strategic commands and the
majority of subordinate commands
and national defence staffs.

naval exercise

Network Centric Operations


Network Centric Warfare network-centric warfare


Network Enabled Capability

The ability to shape a cohesive
environment for a comprehensive
approach and for a unified effort of
civilian and military entities and
actors at all levels in EU-led Crisis
Management Operations and
Missions, through informed and
timely decision-making and
coherent execution, based on the
seamless and efficient sharing and
exploitation of information by
competent personnel, properly
tailored process, and developed

In identification, the designation
given to a track, object or entity
whose characteristics, behaviour,
origin or nationality indicate that it is
neither supporting nor opposing
friendly forces.

Non deadly Force Non-deadly force

Force not intended or likely to cause That force which is neither intended
death, or serious injury resulting in nor likely to cause death or grave
death. injury which may result in death.

non-battle casualty non-battle injury casualty

135 / 240

A person who is not a battle NBI casualty

casualty, but who is lost to his Term used in the context of
organization by reason of disease or peacekeeping operations' medical
injury, including persons dying from support and patient reporting.
disease or injury, or by reason of Note: More generally, a non-battle
being missing where the absence casualty is one who is sick, injured
does not appear to be voluntary or (other than through combat action)
due to enemy action or to being or missing in a non-combat
interned. situation.

Non-Combat Operations

non-combatant evacuation evacuation operation non-combatant evacuation

operation EO operation
NEO EO is one of the Illustrative NEO
An operation conducted to relocate Scenarios used in Requirements Originally a US term referring to the
designated non-combatants evacuation of overseas US
Catalogue (RC).
threatened in a foreign country to a Government civilians (e.g.
place of safety. Note: embassy employees), family
members, American tourists and
business people in case of
emergency, such as natural
disasters, civil unrest or war.

Non-Conventional Assisted
The recovery of isolated personnel
by special operations forces and/or
other government agencies and/or
surrogate/local forces trained for
this purpose and using pre-
established indigenous networks.

non-governmental organization Non-Governmental Organisation non-governmental organization

A private, not for profit, voluntary Any non-profit organization group or
organization with no governmental institution motivated by
or intergovernmental affiliation, humanitarian or religious values,
established for the purpose of usually independent of government,
fulfilling a range of activities, in the United Nations, and commercial
particular development-related sectors.
projects or the promotion of a Note: In the United Nations context,
specific cause, and organized at NGOs have a formal platform within
local, national, regional or the Economic and Social Council
international level. (ECOSOC). Article 71 of the Charter
Notes: of the United Nations provides for
1. A non-governmental organization suitable arrangements for
does not necessarily have an official consultation with NGOs. The
status or mandate for its existence consultative relationship with
or activities. ECOSOC is governed by ECOSOC
2. NATO may or may not support or resolution 1996/31, which outlines
cooperate with a given the eligibility requirements for
nongovernmental organization. consultative status, rights and
obligations of NGOs in consultative
status, procedures for the
withdrawal or suspension of
consultative status, the role and
functions of the ECOSOC
Committee on NGOs, and the
responsibilities of the Secretariat in
supporting the consultative
relationship. Consultative status is
granted by ECOSOC upon

136 / 240

recommendation of the ECOSOC

Committee on Non-Governmental

non-lethal weapon non-lethal weapon

A weapon that is explicitly designed Weapons designed to minimize
and primarily employed to casualties to the adversary and
incapacitate or repel persons or to collateral damage and which have
disable equipment, while minimizing applications for close combat or
fatalities, permanent injury and crowd control, notably during
damage to property and the peacekeeping and humanitarian
environment. operations: they temporarily disrupt
or disable personnel or matériel,
thereby causing loss of military
function, but their effets are usually
1. They include: chemical agents
that degrade materials such as
rubber or metals, carbon filaments
to disrupt communication lines,
superlubricants and superadhesives
("slickums and stickums"),
entanglement weapons (nets),
sticky foams that impair movement
of personnel, high-power
microwaves to disable electronic
systems, light sources (strobe
lights) and lasers to temporarily
flash-blind troops or damage optical
devices, high-power acoustic sound
waves that cause severe pain and
nausea, chemicals irritating to skin
and nostrils and sedatives that
would put enemy troops to sleep,
"bean bag" rounds of ammunitions,
rotating air-foil grenades, stingballs
and rubber projectiles. Also includes
graphite bombs used against
electrical power grids.
2. Some of these weapons are
sometimes used by law
enforcement officers.
3. This concept is also referred to as
"less lethal", "low lethal", "less than
lethal", "soft kill".

non-NATO contributing nation


non-NATO troop contributing


non-permissive environment
An environment in which friendly
forces anticipate obstructions to, or
interference with, operations.

Norwegian Refugee Council


137 / 240

objective objective
A clearly defined and attainable goal Obj.
for a military operation, for example
seizing a terrain feature, neutralizing
an adversary's force or capability or
achieving some other desired
outcome that is essential to a
commander's plan and towards
which the operation is directed.

Office for the Coordination of Office for the Coordination of

Humanitarian Affairs Humanitarian Affairs

Office of the High Commissioner Office of the United Nations High

of Human Rights Commissioner for Human Rights

officer conducting the exercise Official Conducting the Exercise

The officer responsible for the
conduct of an allocated part of the
exercise from the Blue, Orange and
Purple aspects. He will issue
necessary supplementary
instructions. In addition, he may be
an exercise commander.

officer scheduling the exercise

The officer who originates the
exercise and the orders it to take
place. He will issue basic
instructions which will include the
designation of exercise areas, the
allocation of forces, and the
necessary coordinating instructions.
He will also designate the officers
conducting the exercise.

Official Development Assistance official development assistance


Official Scheduling the Exercise


open source intelligence open source intelligence

OSINT is intelligence based on Information generally available to
information collected from sources the public from sources such as
open to the public, such as radio, scientific literature, official
television, newspapers, state (governmental) information,
propaganda, learned journals, information issued by public
technical documents and manuals, organizations, commercial
books and others. The exploitation companies and the news media and
of internet is significant for OSINT. commercial satellite images.

138 / 240

Operating Implications of a
Comprehensive Approach

operation operation
A sequence of coordinated actions A military action or the carrying out
with a defined purpose. Notes: of a strategic, tactical, service,
1. NATO operations are military. training, or administrative military
2. NATO operations contribute to a mission; the process of carrying on
wider approach including non- combat, including movement,
military actions. supply, attack, defence and
manoeuvres needed to gain the
objectives of any military action.

Operation Commander Operation Commander

OpCdr OpCdr

Operation Headquarters Operation Headquarter

Note: European Union. EU Operation Headquarters
The static headquarters which
supports the OpCdr, located outside
the Area of Operations (AOO).

operation order operation order operational order

A directive, usually formal, issued A directive, usually formal, issued OPO
by a commander to subordinate by a commander to subordinate In a military context, orders laid
commanders for the purpose of commanders for the purpose of down in a formal manner, issued by
effecting the coordinated execution effecting the co-ordinated execution commanders to subordinate
of an operation. of an operation. commanders for the purpose of
effecting the coordinated execution
of an operation.
Note: Variant: operation order

operation plan operation plan operational plan

OPLAN OPLAN operation plan (synonym)
A plan for a single or series of A plan for a single or series of OPLAN
connected operations to be carried connected operations to be carried Formal directives (in the same
out simultaneously or in succession. out simultaneously or in succession. format as operation orders)
It is usually based upon stated It is usually based upon stated designed to meet a contingency
assumptions and is the form of assumptions and is the form of which is expected but not yet
directive employed by higher directive employed by higher imminent.
authority to permit subordinate authority to permit subordinate Notes:
commanders to prepare supporting commanders to prepare supporting 1. The abbreviation OPLAN may be
plans and orders. The designation plans and orders. The designation used in lieu of the full term.
"plan" is usually used instead of "plan" is usually used instead of 2. Variant: operations plan
"order" in preparing for operations "order" in preparing for operations
well in advance. An operation plan well in advance. An operation plan
may be put into effect at a may be put into effect at a
prescribed time, or on signal, and prescribed time, or on signal, and
then becomes the operation order. then becomes the operation order.

operational analysis Operational Analysis


Operational Base

Operational Capabilities Concept


139 / 240

operational chain of command

The chain of command established
for a particular operation or series of

operational command operational command operational command

The authority granted to a The authority granted to a Authority granted to a commander
commander to assign missions or commander to assign missions or to assign missions or tasks to
tasks to subordinate commanders, tasks to subordinate commanders, subordinate commanders, to deploy
to deploy units, to reassign forces, to deploy units, to reassign forces, units, to reassign forces, and to
and to retain or delegate operational and to retain or delegate operational retain or delegate operational and/or
and/or tactical control as the and/or tactical control as the tactical control.
commander deems necessary. commander deems necessary. Note: It is the highest level of
Note: It does not include operational authority which can be
responsibility for administration. given to an appointed commander
who is acting outside of his own
national chain of command, and is
seldom authorized by Member

operational control Operational Control operational control

The authority delegated to a The authority granted to a
commander to direct forces commander to direct forces
assigned so that the commander assigned so that the commander
may accomplish specific missions or may accomplish specific missions or
tasks which are usually limited by tasks which are usually limited by
function, time, or location; to deploy function, time or location by troop-
units concerned, and to retain or contributing countries in the Security
assign tactical control of those units. Council mandate resolution, to
It does not include authority to deploy units and retain or assign
assign separate employment of tactical control of those units.
components of the units concerned. Note: The authority granted to a
Neither does it, of itself, include commander to direct forces
administrative or logistic control. assigned so that the commander
may accomplish specific missions or
tasks which are usually limited by
function, time or location by troop-
contributing countries in the Security
Council mandate resolution, to
deploy units and retain or assign
tactical control of those units.

operational directive

operational effectiveness

operational environment operational environment

OE A composite of the conditions,
A composite of the conditions, circumstances and influences that
circumstances and influences that affect the employment of
affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the
capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander.
decisions of the commander.

operational intelligence
Intelligence required for the
planning and conduct of campaigns
at the operational level.

140 / 240

operational level operational level

The level at which campaigns and The level at which operations are
major operations are planned, planned, conducted and sustained
conducted and sustained to to accomplish strategic objectives
accomplish strategic objectives within theatres or areas of
within theatres or areas of operations.

operational mentoring and liaison


Operational Planning Course


operational planning team


Operational Planning Working


operational readiness state of readiness

The capability of a unit/formation, combat readiness (synonym)
ship, weapon system or equipment operational readiness (synonym)
to perform the missions or functions As applied to personnel, it means
for which it is organized or trained and qualified to carry out the
designed. May be used in a general operations to which they are
sense or to express a level or assigned.
degree of readiness. Note: The term is sometimes used
as a synonym state of alert.

operational readiness evaluation


operational readiness inspection


operational requirement
An established need justifying the
timely allocation of resources to
achieve a capability to accomplish
approved military or civil objectives,
operations, missions or actions.

operational requirements

operational test and evaluation


operational training
Training that develops, maintains or
improves the operational readiness
of individuals or units.

141 / 240

operational-level planning military operational planning

operational planning Under the military direction of the
Note: The preferred English term to EUMC, the Op Cdr, assisted by the
designate the planning of military EUMS, will be responsible for
operations at the operational level is Military Operational Planning,
“operational level planning”. The including the coherence of plans
term “operational planning” is not to developed at subordinate levels. It
be used so as to prevent confusion includes the production of a
with “operations planning”. Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
and the production of a full
Operation Plan (OPLAN).
Furthermore, the OpCdr is
responsible for elaborating a set of
Rules of Engagement (ROE) and
the Force Activation Process
including the elaboration of the
Statement of Forces Requirement

Operations Centre

operations planning operational planning

operational planning (deprecated) Planning for the preparation and
The planning of military operations conduct of military operations at
at the strategic, operational or strategic, operational and tactical
tactical levels. level.
Note: The preferred English term to
designate the planning of military
operations at all levels is
“operations planning”. The term
“operational planning” is not to be
used so as to prevent confusion
with operational-level planning.

operations planning process Operational Planning Process


operations security
The process which gives a military
operation or exercise appropriate
security, using passive or active
means, to deny the enemy
knowledge of the dispositions,
capabilities and intentions of friendly

opposing forces Opposing Force opposing forces

Those forces used in an enemy role In training exercises, the units
during NATO exercises. assigned to play the role of
opponent to the troops in training.

A communication, written, oral, or
by signal, which conveys
instructions from a superior to a

142 / 240

order of battle Order of Battle

The identification, strength,
command structure, and disposition
of the personnel, units, and
equipment of any military force.

order of battle
Intelligence pertaining to
identification, strength, command
structure, and disposition of
personnel, units, and equipment of
any military force.
1. The order of battle factors form
the framework for analyzing military
forces and their capabilities, building
threat models, and hence,
developing course of action models.
2. It is is defined in table of
organization and equipment.
3. Variant: order-of-battle.

Organisation for the Prohibition Organisation for the Prohibition

of Chemical Weapons of Chemical Weapons

Organization for Security and Organisation for Security and Co- Organization for Security and Co-
Cooperation in Europe operation in Europe operation in Europe

other forces for NATO

Forces not assigned or earmarked
for a NATO command, but which
might co-operate with NATO forces
or be placed under the operational
command or operational control of a
NATO commander in certain
circumstances which should be

Overall EU Response Time

The Overall EU Response Time to a
crisis encompasses political
reaction time and response time
(the latter could be civilian, military
or both).

overt operation
An operation conducted openly,
without concealment.

143 / 240

participating Member States


participating nation participating State

A nation that takes part in a NATO participating nation (synonym)
operation, programme or other participating country (synonym)
activity, for which it is not required to (1) In general, a State contributing
contribute in money or in kind. military and/or civilian personnel to
a specific UN PKO
(2) in particular, participating to the
Brigade Pool from which units will
be selected in order to tailor the
Standby High-Readiness Brigade
for a specific mission.

Note: "State" and "country" are used

in UN documents, "nation" in the

Parties to the Crisis

Any official or unofficial body,
individual or group of individuals
(governmental and non-
governmental organisations and
actors, armed forces, de facto
forces, political parties, trade
unions, civilian associations, etc) in
the area of interest which directly or
indirectly play an active role in the
root causes of the crisis.

partner nation

Partnership Annual Conference


Partnership Coordination Cell Prague Commitment Conference


Partnership for Peace Partnership for Peace Partnership for Peace


Partnership goal

passive defence passive defence

Passive measures taken for the Measures taken to reduce the
physical defence and protection of probability of and to minimize the
personnel, essential installations effects of damage caused by hostile
and equipment in order to minimize action without the intention of taking
the effectiveness of hostile action. the initiative.

144 / 240

passive public information

A policy which dictates that no
attempts will be made to generate
media/public interest in an issue or
activity. However, when the passive
policy is in effect, authorities must
be prepared to respond to media
queries about the issue or activity,
or to make brief statements to avoid
confusion, speculation,
misunderstanding or false
information that may prevail if media
queries go unanswered.

patient regulating
A process of control and coordination
to ensure patients are evacuated to
medical treatment facilities which are
best capable of providing the required
treatment, and having the required
number and types of beds available

patient tracking
The precise and continuous
monitoring of the location and the
intended destination of the patient in
the medical treatment and evacuation

peace enforcement peace enforcement

A peace support operation Consists of action undertaken under
conducted to maintain a ceasefire or Chapter VII of the Charter of the
peace agreement where the level of United Nations (such as sanctions,
consent and compliance is under article 40, or the use of armed
uncertain and the threat of force under article 42), to maintain
disruption is high. The peace or restore international peace and
support force must be capable of security in situations where the
applying credible coercive force and Security Council has determined the
must apply the provisions of the existence of a threat to the peace,
ceasefire or peace agreement breach of the peace or act of
impartially. aggression.
Note: It may involve the threat or
application of armed force to restore
or maintain peace. Such action is
designed to protect humanitarian
aid, restore order and stabilitity,
guarantee movement, enforce
sanctions, establish protected zones
and forcibly separate belligerents.
Because the concept does not
exclude the use of force, this term is
deemed oxymoronic by many.

Peace Enforcement Force

PE Force

peace enforcement operation


peace support force

A military force assigned to a peace
support operation.

145 / 240

peace support operation Peace Support Operations peace operation

PSO PSO peace support operation
An operation that impartially makes (synonym)
use of diplomatic, civil and military PSO
means, normally in pursuit of United Field operation deployed to prevent,
Nations Charter purposes and manage, and/or resolve violent
principles, to restore or maintain conflicts or reduce the risk of their
peace. Such operations may include recurrence.
conflict prevention, peacemaking, Note: The term is often used to refer
peace enforcement, peacekeeping, to: preventive deployments,
peacebuilding and/or humanitarian peacekeeping operations,
operations. diplomatic activities such as
preventive diplomacy,
peacemaking, peacebuilding,
humanitarian assistance,
good offices, fact-finding missions,
electoral assistance, peace-
enforcement operations.

peacebuilding peace buidling

A peace support effort designed to A critical phase of peace which
reduce the risk of relapsing into consolidates the progress made in
conflict by addressing the peace process and fulfills the
underlying causes of the conflict commitments in peace agreement.
and the longer-term needs of the It takes place after violent conflict
people. has slowed down or come to a halt.
Note: Peacebuilding requires a It consists of a wide range of
long-term commitment and may run activities including capacity-building,
concurrently with other types of reconciliation and societal
peace support efforts. transformation.

Peacebuilding Commission (UN) Peacebuilding Commission


peace enforcement
A peace support effort designed to
end hostilities through the
application of a range of coercive
measures, including the use of
military force.
Note: Peace enforcement is likely to
be conducted without the strategic
consent of some, if not all, of the
major conflicting parties.

peacekeeping peace-keeping
PK "the deployment of a United Nations
A peace support effort designed to presence in the field, hitherto with
assist the implementation of a the consent of all the parties
ceasefire or peace settlement and concerned, normally involving
to help lay the foundations for United Nations military and/or police
sustainable peace. personnel and frequently civilians as
Note: Peacekeeping is conducted well" An Agenda for Peace
with the strategic consent of all
major conflicting parties.

peace-making peace making

A peace support effort conducted
after the initiation of a conflict to
secure a ceasefire or peaceful
settlement, involfing primarily
diplomatic action supported, when
necessary, by direct or indirect use
of military assets.

146 / 240

peacetime establishment Personnel Establishment

peacetime complement (obsolete)
A table setting out the authorized
peacetime manpower
requirement for a unit, formation
or headquarters.

peacetime establishment

Periodical Mission Review


Permanent Representation

Permanent Structured

permissive environment permissive environment

An environment in which friendly The term of art "permissive
forces anticipate no obstructions to, environment" is normally used in
or interference with, operations. case the force is called upon to
Note: A permissive environment operate in an area where there is no
does not necessarily imply absence opposition to the EU-led force, be it
of threat. when there is an explicit
authorisation by the Host State or
where there is de facto consent of
all the parties.

person of concern to UNHCR

person of concern (synonym)

Personnel Contributing States


personnel functional area


Personnel Officer Local Staff


personnel recovery personnel recovery

PR The sum of diplomatic, military and
civilian efforts to effect the recovery
and reintegration of isolated

Personnel Report

Persons Indicted for War Crimes person indicted for war crimes

persons with designated special

Individuals, groups, or organisations
as designated by appropriate EU

147 / 240

Persons with Designated Special


Petersberg tasks
Task as defined in Art 17.2 TEU:
Tasks to be conducted under the
authority of the EU.
Humanitarian and rescue tasks,
peacekeeping tasks, tasks of
combat forces in crisis
management, including

PfP information management


PfP planning and review process Planning and Review Process Planning and Review Process

PfP staff element


PfP Training and Education

Enhancement Programme

pirate action group pirate action group

A composite body either deployed,
or preparing to deploy, and
consisting of the necessary
logistics, weapons, navigation
equipment, personnel, and vessels
to conduct attacks against
merchant, fishing and leisure
shipping on the high seas. A PAG
can be based from the shore
(common in the Gulf of Aden) or
from larger ocean going vessels
including whalers or previously
pirated dhows and merchant

pirated ship
A ship or aircraft is considered to be
a pirate ship or aircraft if it is
intended by the persons in dominant
control to be used for the purpose of
committing one of the acts referred
to the definition of “Act of Piracy”.
The same applies if the ship or
aircraft has been used to commit
any such act, so long as it remains
under the control of the persons
guilty of that act.

pirated vessel
A vessel successfully boarded by
pirates who subsequently take full
control of propulsion and steerage.

148 / 240

planning factor strategic planning assumptions planning factors

A multiplier used in planning to The SPA are the principal indicative In military logistics, a listing of
estimate the amount and type of planning parameters used for relationships between two or more
effort involved in a contemplated planning purposes in the variables, e.g., kgs/man/day, which
operation. Planning factors are often development of the Requirement can be used to plan resource needs
expressed as rates, ratios, or Catalogue. SPA are Distance, in detail.
lengths of time. Reaction time, Duration, Rotation Note: Supply planning factors for
and Concurrency. some items such as rations, can be
expressed in kilograms and litres
required per day based on troop
strength. Other items, such as
repair parts, require a history of
demand or usage to determine the
desired stockage range.

planning for an operation

Planning enablers commanders to
translate EU strategy and objectives
into unified plans for military action
by specifying how operations will be
conducted to achieve success
within a given time and space.

Planning Unit


point of entry/exit Point Of Entry


Police head of Mission


Police Head of Mission


Police Strategic Option


Policy and Plans Division (EUMS)


policy directive
In the parlance of the Department of
Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) a
policy directive that provide an
authoritative statement of
institutional and management
expectations, parameters and broad
methods for handling important
issues or activities in United Nations
Note: It states DPKO's position,
objectives, and key responsibilities
on operational issues or activities.
Compliance is expected.
Variant: United Nations
peacekeeping directive

Policy Planning and Early

Warning Unit

149 / 240

Policy Unit

political advisor Political Adviser


Political Affairs Officer


Political and Partnerships


Political and Security Committee Political and Security Committee


political control
The setting of political and strategic
objectives and parameters, and the
balancing of aims and means to
achieve these objectives. It provides
the framework within which military
operations can take place and
defines their nature and scope.
Political Control aims at ensuring
that the parameters of an operation
set by the Council are implemented

political exercise
The POLEX is an exercise including
engagement at the level of ministers
(MFA and or MoD).
The aims are to exercise high level
strategic planning with regard to
national caveats/issues to reach a
common understanding.
The exercise is governed under
"Chatham House Rules".
The POLEX should also be seen as
a door opener for future meetings/
coordination at all subordinate

Political Exercise (within EU BG

Framework ministers level)

150 / 240

political framework for crisis

The PFCA could / should be based
on country or regional strategies, is
the conceptual framework
describing the comprehensive
approach of the EU to the
management of a particular crisis.
Its inclusive development aims at
developing a common appreciation
of the crisis to all EU stakeholders
and at assessing the impact of the
crisis on EU interests, values and
objectives. It envisages possible
lines of engagement, objectives and
effects for EU engagement to
address the crisis in the short,
medium and long terms and seeks
synergies across potential
instruments. Based on the PFCA,
the PSC will evaluate the
appropriateness of further planning
of a CSDP civilian and / or military
mission / operation. The PSC
retains the option to move directly to
a request for development of a
Crisis Management Concept (CMC)
without the creation of a PFCA, in
cases where speed of deployment
is critical.

Political Framework for Crisis


Political Policy Indicator


Political Policy Statement


political reaction time

The period between a crisis being
identified and when the Council
makes the decision to launch an
operation. To support a political
decision, civil and military advance
planning will have started prior to
EU action being considered

Political Response Cell


151 / 240

political strategy
The co-ordinated and systematic
development and use of economic,
diplomatic, psychological, military
and other political means of power
of a state, alliance or coalition to
safeguard its interests. It concerns
the relationship between nations
and within alliances and the
determination of security policy.
Political Strategy defines security
objectives, determines the means of
achieving these objectives and
indicates limitations in the use of
such means.

Political-Military Steering
Committee on Partnership for

Politico-Military Group Politico-Military Group


port of debarkation Port of Disembarkation point of disembarkation

POD POD port of disembarkation (synonym)

port of embarkation Port of Embarkation point of embarkation

POE POE port of embarkation (synonym)

Positioning Navigation Timing Positioning, navigation and

PNT timing

Post-conflict Reconstruction and Post-conflict Reconstruction and

Development Development

post-exercise discussion Post Exercise Discussion


post-project review

pre-initial planning conference


pre-operational evaluation of

pre-readiness exercise

prevention of mutual interference Prevention of Mutual Interference

Procedures designed to prevent PMI
interference between friendly forces
and units.

152 / 240

A principle is a general law which
guides action; a fundamental truth
as the basis of reasoning.

priority intelligence requirement Priority Intelligence Requirement priority information requirement


Priority Reform and


prisoner of war Prisoner of War prisoner of war


private armed security team


Private Mobile Radio


privately contracted armed privately contracted armed

security personnel security personnel
An armed employee of Private
Maritime Security Companies
(PMSC), who provides security
personnel, both armed and
unarmed, on board commercial
vessels under private commercial
arrangements for protection against
piracy. A related acronym is PAST
(Private Armed Security Team),
however PCASP is more widely
recognised by the IMO and the
maritime security industry.

Production Branch

A list of ROE selected for a force in
a particular role or operation within
defined time and space boundaries.

programme progress review Programme Performance Report


Progress Catalogue

Information, especially of a biased
or misleading nature, used to
promote a political cause or point of

153 / 240

property with designated special property with designated special

status status
Property designated by appropriate
EU authority. By way of illustration
(but not to limited to):
Property or information, including
classified material under the control
of friendly forces or persons with
designated special status (PDSS),
the loss of which would increase the
risk of grave injury or death to
friendly forces or PDSS, or would
increase the risk of substantial
damage to or loss of critical property
identified below.
Essential public utilities, medical
facilities, and other mission
essential structures, facilities,
property, or areas specifically
Other property as designated by
appropriate EU authority.

Protection of Civilians

protective security
The organized system of defensive
measures instituted and maintained
at all levels of command with the
aim of achieving and maintaining

Protocol and Public Information


Provincial Reconstruction Team provincial reconstruction team


Provisional Statement of

psychological operation psychological operations  psychological operation

Planned activities using methods of Planned, culturally sensitive, truthful
 Operation directed, in peace and
communication and other means and attributable activities using
war, at enemy, friendly or neutral
directed at approved audiences in methods of communication directed
audiences to influence attitudes and
order to influence perceptions, at politically approved Target
behaviour affecting the achievement
attitudes and behaviour, affecting Audiences, in order to influence
of political and/or military objectives.
the achievement of political and perceptions, attitudes, and
military objectives. behaviour in support of achieving  Note: variant of abbreviation
political and military objectives of [plural]: PSYOPS
the EU.

Psychological Operations
Component Command

Psychological Operations Task


154 / 240

PsyOps Support Element


Public Administration Reform


public affairs officer


public information public information

Information which is released or The task of disseminating
published for the primary purpose of information about an organization to
keeping the public fully informed, a broader audience.
thereby gaining their understanding Notes:
and support. 1. At the United Nations, for
instance, the mission of the
Department of Public Information is
- produce, promote and deliver UN
news and media products and
- create and implement UN
communications strategies and
campaigns; engage local audiences
worldwide; and
- initiate and expand partnerships,
outreach and knowledge sharing.
2. Also has a more specific meaning
in a military context.

public information office Public Information Office


public information officer Public Information Officer public information officer

PIO PIO press information officer

155 / 240

quadrilateral interoperability

quick impact project


quick reaction force Quick Reaction Force ready reaction group

QRF QRF quick reaction force (synonym)

156 / 240

Rapid Alert Systems


rapid environmental assessment Rapid (Maritime) Environmental

REA Assessment

Rapid Reaction Capability


rapid response rapid response mechanism

A process that delivers the required RRM
effects, in a particular crisis, quicker The term is used both in generic
than a standard response. contexts and with reference to
specific programmes in countries
such as the Democratic Republic of
the Congo and Côte d’Ivoire.

rapid response elements

Packages of forces and capabilities,
possibly combined and joint, tailored
for a specific task, at very high
readiness (available and deployable
on short notice), either as part of an
overall force (for example force
enablers) or to conduct an urgent
operation of a smaller scale, self-

rapid response planning process



A military state that allows for
adequate military planning and
preparation in order to achieve the
required response time for forces
and units. It is the period of time
measured from an initiation order to
the moment when an HQ or a unit a
unit is ready to be deployed. It does
not include the time to move to and
within the JOA (transit time), nor the
time to be ready to perform the
mission once deployed.

readiness time reaction time

The time within which a unit can be The period of time taken for the
made ready to perform the tasks for military to complete preparation for
which it has been organized, deployment, to deploy to the theatre
equipped and trained. This time is of operations and achieve an initial
amplified or measured by indicators operational capability, once a
of the unit's current personnel, political decision to launch the

157 / 240

materiel and training state. It does mission has been taken.

not include transit time.
01 Oct 2003

reallocation authority reallocation authority

The authority given to NATO The authority, given to a
commanders and normally commander and normally
negotiated in peacetime, to negotiated in peacetime, to
reallocate in an "emergency in war" reallocate in an "emergency in war"
national logistic resources controlled national logistic resources controlled
by the combat forces under their by the combat forces under their
command, and made available by command, and made available by
nations, in order to influence the MS, in order to influence the battle
battle logistically. logistically.
01 Mar 1984

reallocation of resources reallocation of resources

The provision of logistic resources The provision of logistic resources
by the military forces of one nation by the military forces of one MS
from those deemed "made from those deemed "made
available" under the terms available" under the terms
incorporated in appropriate NATO incorporated in appropriate
documents, to the military forces of documents, to the military forces of
another nation or nations as other MS or non-EU TCN as
directed by the appropriate military directed by the appropriate military
authority. authority.

Rear Area Component


reception, staging and onward Reception, Staging and Onward

movement Movement
The intra-theatre deployment phase
in which units, personnel,
equipment and materiel arriving in a
secured joint operations area are
transferred from a port of
debarkation to their final destination
on the commander’s required date.

reception, staging, onward Reception, Staging, Onward

movement and integration Movement & Integration
RSOI (admitted)

The vulnerability of a target
audience to particular psychological
operations media.

recognised air and surface Recognised Air and Surface

picture Picture

Recognised Land Picture


recognized maritime picture Recognised Maritime Picture


recognized environmental picture


158 / 240

reconnaissance reconnaissance reconnaissance

RECCE A mission undertaken in a pre- RECCE
RECON (deprecated) defined time frame to obtain, by Originally referred to:
A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection (1) the collection of visual,
visual observation or other detection methods, information about the photographic, infrared or electronic
methods, information about the activities and resources of potential information about enemy forces or
activities and resources of an adversaries, or to secure data terrain;
enemy or potential enemy, or to concerning the meteorological, (2) the employment of probing
secure data concerning the hydro-graphic, environmental or forces (involving combat) to induce
meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of the enemy to reveal his dispositions
geographic characteristics of a a particular area. or weapon locations.
particular area. Note: The term has been later on
been used more generically to refer
to a preliminary surveying or

Reconnaissance, surveillance Reconnaissance Surveillance

and target acquisition Target Acquisition

Redistribution is a logistic measure,
offering the EU military Cdrs the
possibility to transfer logistic
resources within forces under their
command, for a specific objective,
within a limited time, in response to
a critical operational need.

refugee refugee
Any person who, owing to a Defined under the 1951 Convention
wellfounded fear of being relating to the Status of Refugees
persecuted for reasons of race, (article 1) as "any person who owing
religion, nationality, membership of to a well-founded fear of being
a particular social group or political persecuted for reasons of race,
opinion, is outside the country of his religion, nationality, membership of
nationality and is unable, or owing a particular social group or political
to such fear, is unwilling to avail opinion, is outside the country of his
himself of the protection of that nationality and is unable, or owing
country; or who, not having a to such fear, is unwilling to avail
nationality and being outside the himself of the protection of that
country of his former habitual country".
residence as a result of such Note: In the media, the term is also
events, is unable or, owing to such very loosely applied to any person
fear, is unwilling to return to it. having fled his country because of
war, civil disturbances, economic
collapse ("economic refugees") and
even natural disasters and
environmental degradation
(environmental refugees). Such
usage is discouraged at the United

The timely activation, in full or in
part, of existing force structures and
infrastructure, including the
restoration of manning, equipment
and stocks to designated levels.

Regional Disaster Response


regional maritime capacity

159 / 240

Assistance provided by advice/
mentoring and/or training to support
the setting up of locally owned
operational maritime capabilities.
These can be provided by regional
courses involving trainees from
different areas and/or countries,
such as Djibouti, Somaliland in the
case of the HoA.

Regional Support Office Regional support office


reinforcing force
A reinforcing force made available
to a strategic commander which is
further allocated by him or her to a
specific regional commander.

reinforcing nation
A NATO nation which will send
reinforcing forces to a NATO

reinsertion reinsertion
The assistance offered to ex- In the context of disarmament,
combatants during demobilisation demobilization, reintegration and
but prior to the longer-term process resettlement or repatriation
of the reintegration. Reinsertion is a programmes, reinsertion is the
form of transitional assistance to assistance offered to ex-combatants
help cover the basic needs of ex- during demobilization but prior to
combatants and their families and the longer-term process of
can include transitional safety reintegration.
allowances, food, clothes, shelter, Notes:
medical services, short-term 1. Reinsertion is a form of
education, training, employment and transitional assistance to help cover
tools. While reintegration is a long- the basic needs of ex-combatants
term, continuous social and and their families and can include
economic process of development transitional safety allowances, food,
increasingly focusing on the needs clothes, shelter, medical services,
of communities rather than on short-term education, training,
individual combatants, reinsertion is employment and tools. While
a short-term material and/or reintegration is a long-term,
financial assistance to meet continuous social and economic
immediate needs, and can last up to process of development, reinsertion
one year. is a short-term material and/or
financial assistance to meet
immediate needs, and can last up to
one year.
2. Operative paragraph 2 of
A/RES/59/296, VI, "Notes that
reinsertion activities are part of the
disarmament and demobilization
process, as outlined in the note by
the Secretary-General." Thus,
among other things, "DDR" (e.g.,
DDR programme) refers to
disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration -- "reinsertion" efforts
taking place as part of the D & D
aspects of such programmes. Or, to
put this another way: the R in DDR
stands for reintegration, and even in
DDRRR "reinsertion" does not get

160 / 240

its own R.

reintegration reintegration
A process whereby former The operational process of
combatants or belligerents receive providing medical and psychological
amnesty and they, together with care to personnel recovered from
refugees and internally-displaced isolation and debriefing them for
persons, re-enter civil society. intelligence and lessons learned

reintegration programs
Assistance measures provided to
former combatants that would
increase the potential for their and
their families’ economic and social
reintegration into civil society.
Reintegration programs could
include cash assistance or
compensation in kind, as well as
vocational training and income-
generation activities.

Release other than Attack


remote-controlled improvised Remote Controlled Improvised remote-controlled improvised

explosive device Explosive Device explosive device
RCIED RCIED radio-controlled improvised
explosive device (synonym)

Remotely Piloted Aircraft


Report of the Panel of the Experts

on Space and Security

Reporting and Analysis Cell


request for information Request for Information request for Information


required military force

The armed forces necessary to
carry out a military mission over a
specified period of time.

Requirement Catalogue

Requirements Branch

research and development Research And Developments research and development


research, development, testing

and evaluation

161 / 240

reserve reserve
A force held to counter unforeseen
situations or to impact on future


Resources Support Branch EUMS


restricted area military restricted area restricted area

An airspace of defined dimensions, A secure area in a designated RA
above the land areas or territorial location, used by EU/EU-led forces, closed area
waters of a state, within which the in which the movement of non- Area under military jurisdiction to
flight of aircraft is restricted in EU/EU-led personnel is restricted. which access is regulated, restricted
accordance with certain specified to certain authorized personnel,
conditions. subject to special permits.
1. (E.g., closed to the taking of
bears, closed to motor vehicles.)
May be defined (or "closed off") by
physical barriers. Term often used
in the context of military security
(buffer zones, checkpoints and so
forth). Nuclear energy or nuclear
weapons sites and active or former
bombing sites are also likely to be
"closed areas".
2. Special security measures may
be employed to prevent
unauthorized entry to such areas.
3. N.B. The terms restricted area
(closed area); closed military area
(closed military zone) and no-go
area are all roughly synonymous,
but may be used in different specific
contexts. "No-go area" is, for
example, more colloquial and is
used in a demining context;
"restricted area" is widely
applicable. The term "caution area"
also has been used.

riot control agent riot control agents riot control agent

A chemical not listed in a schedule Any chemical not listed in a Refers to any chemical not listed in
of the 1993 Chemical Weapons schedule (of the CWC), which can a Schedule, which can produce
Convention, which can rapidly produce rapidly in humans sensory rapidly in humans sensory irritation
produce irritant or disabling physical irritation or disabling physical effects or disabling physical effects which
effects that disappear shortly after which disappear within a short time disappear within a short time
termination of exposure. following termination of exposure. following termination of exposure
(CWC, art. II, para. [)]

riot control means

Non-lethal means used to deter,
prevent, contain or suppress riots
and other violent civil disorders.

risk risk
Risk is the association of a threat Combination of the probability of
and its correspondent vulnerabilities occurrence of harm and the severity
and the likelihood of its realisation of that harm [ISO Guide 51:1999(E)]
For engineering purposes, for

162 / 240

example, defined as the expected

losses (lives lost, persons injured,
damage to property and disruption
of economic activity) due to a
particular phenomenon -a function
of the probability of particular
occurrences and the losses each
would cause; other analysts use the
term to mean the probability of a
disaster occurring and resulting in a
particular level of losses.

risk management risk management

The process of identifying, The process of identifying,
assessing, and controlling risk controlling and eliminating or
arising from operational factors, and minimizing uncertain events that
making informed decisions that may affect a project or process.
balance risk cost with mission

role specialist nation Role Specialist Nation


role specialist nation support

One state assumes the
responsibility for procuring a
particular class of supply or service
for all or a part of the multinational
force. Compensation and/or
reimbursement will then be subject
to agreements between the parties
involved. The term "Nation" is used
with the only purpose of maintaining
a widely recognised military

Rolling Interoperability

Roll-on Roll-off roll-on roll-off ferry

RoRo RoRo

Rule of Law

rules of engagement rules of engagement rules of engagement

Directives issued by competent Directives to military commanders
military authority which specify the and forces (including individuals)
circumstances and limitations under that define the circumstances,
which forces will initiate and/or conditions, degree, and manner in
continue combat engagement with which force, or other actions which
other forces encountered. might be construed as provocative,
may, or may not, be applied. ROE
are not used to assign tasks or give
tactical instructions. ROE do not
affect the right to self-defence under
national law.(1)
(1).Definition used here differs from
the one in Guidelines for Military
Command and Control Aspects of
EU-led Crisis Management

163 / 240

Operations (EUMC Meeting

document No 11/01, 10 May 2001),
Annex A, originating from NATO
AAP-6. Moreover, even the NATO
MC 362/1 (FINAL) document has a
different approach, which may be
adopted in this document.
(Confirmatory) ROE
A specific category of ROE which in
some Member States fall within the
scope of self-defence and in other
Member States need specific
authorisation. Such ROE may
include the right to:
a. use force in protection of units
participating in, or assisting in the
theatre of the EU-led military
b. use force to protect human life;
c. use force to protect mission
essential property.

Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

rules of engagement profile

A list of rules of engagement
selected for a force assigned to a
particular role or operation within
defined time and space boundaries.

Rules of Engagement Request


164 / 240

SACEUR exercise

Safe and Secure Environment


safe area safe area safe haven

In peace support operations, a In crisis management operations, a safe area (synonym)
secure area in which NATO or secure area in which EU/EU-led Re: Bosnia and Herzegovina
NATO-led forces protect designated forces protect designated persons Not to be confused with use of term
persons and/or property. and/or property. "safe haven" in the context of
missile defence systems.

safety zone safety zone

An area (land, sea or air) reserved Zone established by the coastal
for non-combat operations of State around artificial islands,
friendly aircraft, surface ships, installations and structures in which
submarines or ground forces. appropriate measures to ensure the
safety both of navigation and of the
artificial islands, installations and

sampling and identification of Sampling and Identification of

biological, chemical and Biological, Chemical and
radiological agents Radiological Agents

Satellite Centre

Satellite Communications

scale of an exercise
The size of an exercise in terms of
resources required or allocated. It
may be categorized as large,
medium or small, viewed in the
context of NATO as a whole.

Scrutinising, Assessing
Evaluating, Prioritizing process


sea lines of communication Sea Lines of Communication safe lines of communication


165 / 240

sea surveillance maritime surveillance

The systematic observation of Is the systematic and continuous
surface and sub-surface sea areas observation in the global maritime
by all available and practicable domain, in order to achieve effective
means primarily for the purpose of maritime situational awareness
locating, identifying and determining (MSA) over activities at sea
the movements of ships, impacting on maritime security, so
submarines, and other vehicles, as to facilitate sound decision
friendly and enemy, proceeding on making.
or under the surface of the world's
seas and oceans.

sea surveillance system

A system for collecting, reporting,
correlating and presenting
information supporting and derived
from the task of sea surveillance.

SEAD Anti-Radiation Missiles


Sealift Coordination Centre


seaport of debarkation Seaport of Disembarkation seaport of debarkation

seaport of disembarkation SPOD SPOD

seaport of embarkation Sea Port of Embarkation seaport of embarkation


secondary training activities


secure area secure area

A designated location or area within A designated location or area within
which NATO or NATO-led forces which EU/EU-led forces accept a
accept a specified degree of specified degree of responsibility for
responsibility for persons or persons or property and may
property and may impose impose restrictions on movement.
restrictions on movement. Note: The use of force may be
Note: the use of force may be authorised to establish and protect a
authorized to establish and protect a secure area. Related term: safe are
secure area.

Secure European System for

Automatic Messages

Security Accreditation Authority


Security Administration Team


166 / 240

security classification
A category or grade assigned to
defence information or material to
indicate the degree of danger to
NATO/national security that
would result from its unauthorized
disclosure and the standard of
protection required to guard against
unauthorized disclosure.

Security Council Report


Security Sector Development


Security Sector Reform


Security Support Element


security1 security
The condition achieved when Security is achieved, when
designated information, materiel, designated information, materiel,
personnel, activities and personnel, activities and
installations are protected against installations are protected against
espionage, sabotage, subversion espionage, sabotage, subversion
and terrorism, as well as against and terrorism, as well as against
loss or unauthorized disclosure. loss or unauthorised disclosure.

The measures necessary to achieve
protection against espionage,
sabotage, subversion and terrorism,
as well as against loss or
unauthorized disclosure.

The organizations responsible for
protecting against espionage,
sabotage, subversion and terrorism,
as well as against loss or
unauthorized disclosure.

self defence self defence self defence

A universally recognised inherent Of States.
right of individuals to defend Note: In international law, the right
themselves using necessary and of a State to defend itself against a
proportional force against attack or real or threatened attack. As applied
imminent attack. to peacekeeping troops, the right to
use force in self-defence has
(1) a narrow definition: to protect the
lives of UN troops and the positions
they hold under a UN mandate
when under attack; and
(2) a wider one: to resist attempts to
prevent them from discharging their
duties (such as the distribution of
humanitarian aid) [Article 51 of the
UN Charter].

Senior Medical Officer Senior Medical Officer


167 / 240

Sensitive Site Exploration Sensitive Site Reconnaissance


Separation of Parties by Force

SOPF is one of the Illustrative
Scenarios used in Requirements
Catalogue (RC).

separation zone
An area between two adjacent
horizontal or vertical areas into
which units are not to proceed
unless certain safety measures can
be fulfilled.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse


SHAPE operations centre


shared awareness and Shared Awareness and Shared Awareness and

deconfliction Deconfliction Deconfliction

shared use shared use

In logistics, utilization of resources Utilisation of resources identified
identified and made available by and made available to a co-
nations to NATO, free of charge or ordinating body (such as the
under reimbursement arrangements EUMCC) free of charge or under
predetermined by the provider and reimbursement arrangements
NATO. predetermined by the provider and

Simple Network Management Simple Network Management

Protocol Protocol

Single Intelligence Analysis


single point of contact


Single Progress Report


Situation Centre Situation Centre Situation Centre


168 / 240

situational awareness situation awareness situation awareness

battlespace awareness (obsolete) situational awareness (synonym)
The knowledge of the elements in In a military context, the perception
the battlespace necessary to make of the elements in the environment
well-informed decisions. within a volume of time and space,
the comprehension of their
meaning, and the projection of their
status in the near future.
1. This term is broadly used to
denote the state of awareness that
a subject (operator; aircraft pilot)
has in the course of a task at a
given time point. It is also used to
connote such a state of awareness
or orientation with respect to
multiple actors and/or organizational
units around the subject.
2. By extension it can include in
logistics "total asset visibility (TAV)"
through computerized equipment
tracking and managing tools, giving
users timely and accurate
information of the location,
movement, status and identity of
units, personnel, equipment and

small arms and light weapons Small Arms and Light Weapons small arms and light weapons

Somali and Eritrean Monitoring


South-East European South-East European

Cooperation Process Cooperation Process

South-Eastern Europe Initiative South-Eastern Europe Initiative


Southeastern Mediterranean Area


Space-based Earth Observation


special coordinator

Special Court for Sierra Leone Special Court for Sierra Leone

special forces Special Forces special forces


169 / 240

special operations Special Operations special operations

Military activities conducted by SPEC OPS SO
specially designated, organized, The concept formerly covered only
selected, trained and equipped military commando-like actions
forces using unconventional against strategic or tactical targets.
techniques and modes of Note: Nowadays it includes any
employment. form of action with a military
purpose, yet not necessarily
involving the use of force or
violence: restoring light, water
supply, cleaning the streets,
providing school equipment, re-
establishing legitimate local
authorities, in order to improve the
morale of the civilian population and
avert public discontent,
disturbances and therefore political
instability and violence, are part of
the civil affairs aspect of a special
operations mission within a
peacekeeping context.

special operations command and Special Operations Command

control element and Control Element
An element established by the
special operations component
commander to synchronize,
deconflict and coordinate special
operations with those conducted by
conventional forces.

Special Operations Component special operations component


special operations component Special Operations Component

command Command

special operations force Special Operations Forces


special operations liaison Special Operations Liaison

element Element

Special Operations Planning and

Liaison Element

170 / 240

special reconnaissance and Special Reconnaissance and

surveillance Surveillance
Reconnaissance and surveillance
activities conducted by special
operations forces, which
complement theatre intelligence
assets and systems by obtaining
strategic and/or operational
information. These are human
intelligence operations, conducted
independently or in support of
conventional operations, which may
use special techniques, equipment,
methods or indigenous assets.

Special Reports

Special Representative

Special Representative of the Special Representative of the

Secretary General Secretary-General

stabilisation, reconstruction and

military advice to third countries
SR is one of the Illustrative
Scenarios used in Requirements
Catalogue (RC).

stabilization and reconstruction Stabilisation, Reconstruction


staff exercise

staging area1 staging area staging area

An area located between the In military operations, a locality
mounting area and the objective between a mounting area and the
area through which all or part of the object of an expedition, through
forces pass after mounting, for the which the expedition passes for
purpose of refuelling, regrouping, refuelling, regrouping, inspection,
training, inspection and distribution and redistribution of troops,
of troops and matériel. between movements over the lines
of communication.
Note: In emergency search and
rescue operations, there are also:
(1) equipment staging areas, i.e.
areas at a rescue work site where
assigned tools and equipment can
be safely stored, maintained and
issued as needed to support the
(2) personnel staging areas, i.e.
areas where unassigned, available
SAR team personnel are assembled
and organized for assignment into
an operation.

171 / 240

staging area2
A general locality established for the
concentration of troop units and
transient personnel between
movements over lines of

stand-off jamming Stand Off Jamming/Escort

SOJ Jamming

standardization and

standing operating procedure Standing Operating Procedure standing operating procedure

standard operating procedure Standard Operating Procedure standard operating procedure
(admitted) SOP SOP
A set of instructions covering those
features of operations which lend
themselves to a definite or
standardized procedure without loss
of effectiveness. The procedure is
applicable unless ordered

standing order standing orders

A promulgated order which remains
in force until amended or cancelled.

start of exercise Start of the Exercise


Start of Mission Date


state of readiness state of readiness

SOR combat readiness (synonym)
The readiness posture of a unit for operational readiness (synonym)
operations or exercises. As applied to organization or
equipment, it means available for
combat operations.
1. As applied to personnel, it means
trained and qualified to carry out the
operations to which they are
2. The term is sometimes used as a
synonym state of alert.

statement of requirements Statement of Requirements statement of requirements


statements of requirements
A subordinate document to an HNS
Technical Arrangement and the
most detailed document on HNS. It
includes information on the support
required and offered and on its
financial implications.

172 / 240

status of forces

status of forces agreement status of forces agreement status of forces agreement

An agreement whereby the States Agreement signed between the
parties to the agreement define in United Nations and a host country
advance the rights and obligations, prior to the deployment of a
privileges, immunities and facilities peacekeeping force.
which the forces and their members Notes:
will enjoy when present on the 1. The SOFA is intended to clarify
territory(ies) of another State(s), the terms under which the foreign
party(ies) to the Agreement. military is allowed to operate.
Typically, purely military issues,
such as the locations of bases and
access to facilities, are covered by
separate agreements. The SOFA is
more concerned with the legal
issues associated with military
individuals and property. This may
include issues like entry and exit
into the country, tax liabilities, postal
services, or employment terms for
host-country nationals, but the most
contentious issues are civil and
criminal jurisdiction over the bases.
2. As of December 2008, also used
in the specific context of American
forces in Iraq.
3. Variant: status of the
peacekeeping forces agreement
4. Variant capitalization and
hyphenation: Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA)

status of forces report


Status Of Mission Agreement status of mission agreement


stay behind force stay behind force

A force which is left in position to SBF
conduct a specified mission when A force which is left in position to
the remainder of the force conduct a specified mission when
withdraws or retires from the area. the remainder of the force
withdraws or retires from the area.

Steady State

Stockholm Initiative on
Disarmament, Demobilisation and

Strategic Airlift Co-ordination Cell


173 / 240

strategic concept Strategic concept Strategic Concept

The course of action accepted as a The course of action accepted as a Description: NATO. Adopted in
result of the estimate of the strategic result of the estimate of the strategic 1999.
situation. It is a statement of what is situation. It is a statement of what is Note: Key elements of this Concept
to be done in broad terms to be done in broad terms were:
sufficiently flexible to permit its use sufficiently flexible to permit its use (1) Collective defence: The
in framing the military, diplomatic, in framing the military, diplomatic, Strategic Concept underscores the
economic, psychological and other economic, psychological and other enduring core mission of NATO as
measures which stem from it. measures which stem from it. the collective defence of its
members under article 5 of the
North Atlantic Treaty
(2) Military capabilities: The
Concept reaffirms Allies
determination to strengthen alliance
defence capabilities by ensuring
forces that are more mobile,
sustainable, survivable and able to
engage effectively on the full
spectrum of NATO missions
(3) New missions: The Concept
calls for improvements in NATO
capability to undertake new
missions to respond to a broad
spectrum of possible threats to
Alliance common interests,
including: regional conflicts, such as
in Kosovo and Bosnia, the
proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and their means of
delivery, and transnational threats
such as terrorism
(4) New members: The Concept
underscores NATO's continued
openness to new members and
Allies' commitment to enlargement
as part of a broader effort to
enhance peace and stability
throughout the Euro-Atlantic
(5) Strengthened partnerships: The
Concept reinforces Alliance efforts
to build wide-ranging partnerships
with the aim of increasing
transparency and mutual confidence
in security matters and enhancing
the capacity of allies and partners to
act together
(6) European capabilities: The
Concept highlights development of
a European security and defence
identity within NATO as an essential
elements of NATO's ongoing
adaptation, enabling European
allies to make a more effective
contribution to Euro-Atlantic

174 / 240

Strategic Direction
The translation of political and
strategic objectives into guidance,
enabling the military operation to be
planned and conducted. The PSC
exercises Strategic Direction by
providing guidance for the
development of planning documents
for an operation as well as by giving
strategic direction during the
conduct of the operation.

strategic level
The level at which a nation or group
of nations determines national or
multinational security objectives and
deploys national, including military,
resources to achieve them.

strategic level of operations

The level of war at which a nation or
group of nations determines
national or multinational security
objectives and deploys national,
including military, resources to
achieve them.

Strategic Planning Assumption


Strategic Planning Office


Strategic Priority on Adaptation

Strategic Priority for Adaptation

Strategic Psychological

Strategic Sea Lift


strategic warning
A notification that hostilities may be
imminent. This notification may
occur at any time prior to the
initiation of hostilities.

suitability and risk assessment

Note: The full concept is “force plan
suitability and associated risk


175 / 240

support support support

The action of a force, or portion SPT sp
thereof, which aids, protects, The action of a force, or portion
complements, or sustains any other thereof, which aids, protects,
force. complements, or sustains any other

Support Advisory Team


Support to the Chairman of the


Support to the Civil Environment


Support to the Military Force

Military Commanders for EU-led
CMO might require civilian support
within their area of responsibilities. It
covers the arrangements and
activities needed to ensure the
maximum co-operation of the civil
authorities, organisations and
populations in supporting the
mission of the military force and
sustaining its presence in a crisis

supported commander supported commander

A commander having primary
responsibility for all aspects of a
task assigned by a higher NATO
military authority and who receives
forces or other support from one or
more supporting commanders.

supporting commander supporting commander

A commander who provides a
supported commander with forces
or other support and/or who
develops a supporting plan.

Supporting Plan

suppression of enemy air Suppression of Enemy Air suppression of enemy air

defences Defences defences

surface action group Surface Action Group


surface-to-air missile surface-to-air missile


Surface-To-Air Missile Operation


176 / 240

surveillance surveillance surveillance

The systematic observation of The systematic observation of In the context of military operations,
aerospace, surface or subsurface aerospace, surface or sub-surface the systematic observation of a
areas, places, persons, or things, by forces, areas, places, lines of given area for patterns of activity of
visual, aural, electronic, communication, persons or things any kind, by visual.
photographic, or other means. by visual, aural, electronic, Note: aural, photographic or other
photographic or other means in means. As opposed to more
order to detect, identify and to follow focused scouting or
activities or situations of interest. reconnaissance.
Operating for a longer period of
time, Surveillance is able to reveal
changes in a given situation. It
contributes significantly to early
warning, monitoring missions and
force protection.

surveillance and target Surveillance and Target

acquisition Acquisition

survival, escape/evasion, Survival, Evasion, Resistance

resistance and extraction and Extraction

sustainability sustainability sustainability

The ability of a force to maintain the The ability of a force to maintain the In military operations, it is the ability
necessary level of combat power for necessary level of combat power for to keep fighting or otherwise
the duration required to achieve its the duration required achieving its functioning despite disruptions, etc.
objectives. objectives. Note:
1. "Medical sustainability", e.g., is
the ability to maintain quality and
quantity of treatment and
evacuation, and to resupply and
replace personnel.
2. Not to be confused with
sustainability used in social and
environmental contexts.

synergies between EU civilian

and military capability
Civil-military synergy aim at
reaching a more comprehensive EU
operational capability in conflict
prevention and crisis management
and should ensure an efficient use
of resources in a constrained
economic environment.

synthetic exercise Synthetic Exercise

An exercise in which enemy and/or
friendly forces are generated,
displayed and moved by electronic
or other means on simulators, radar
scopes or other training devices.

Systems Approach to Training


177 / 240
178 / 240

table top exercise table top exercise

TTX A general term to a simulation
An exercise within a staff or exercise such as a command post
between staffs where you use a exercise or war game to study
scenario as a base to test scenarios, actions and responses,
realization and role play ifrn communications and decision-
selected "snap shots"/events e.g. making, and so forth, without any
activation, deployment, mass actual "troops or movements on the
casualties etc. This exercise is NOT ground".
a CPX (Command Post Exercise) Note: Variant hyphenation: tabletop
but can be CAX (Computer Assisted exercise

tactical air support for maritime Tactical Air Support for Maritime
operations Operations

tactical ballistic missile Tactical Ballistic Missile tactical ballistic missile

TBM TBM theatre ballistic missile (synonym)

tactical command Tactical Command

The authority delegated to a
commander to assign tasks to
forces under his command for the
accomplishment of the mission
assigned by higher authority.

tactical control Tactical Control tactical control

The detailed and, usually, local
direction and control of movements
or manoeuvres necessary to
accomplish missions or tasks

target1 target
Tgt tgt
The object of a particular action, for
example a geographic area, a
complex, an installation, a force,
equipment, an individual, a group or
a system, planned for capture,
exploitation, neutralization or
destruction by military forces.

In intelligence usage, a country,
area, installation, agency or person
against which intelligence activities
are directed.

In artillery, an area designated and
numbered for future firing.

179 / 240

target acquisition Target Acquisition

The detection, identification, and
location of a target in sufficient
detail to permit the effective
employment of weapons.

target assessment

target audience target audience

An individual or group selected for Individuals or groups of people
influence or attack by means of whom a particular output was
psychological operations. designed to reach (e.g., for a DPI
communication: the public, a more
narrowly defined audience of
government officials or
parliamentarians, or elementary or
high-school students).

Target Audience Analyses


task force
This military term has a different
meaning from that of task force,
which refers to working or planning
groups in administration parlance.

task force1
A temporary grouping of units,
under one commander, formed for
the purpose of carrying out a
specific operation or mission.

task force2
A semi-permanent organization of
units, under one commander,
formed for the purpose of carrying
out a continuing specific task.

task force3
A component of a fleet organized by
the commander of a task fleet or
higher authority for the
accomplishment of a specific task or

task group Task Group


180 / 240

tasking tasking
The process of translating the The process of translating the
allocation into orders, and passing allocation (personel, supplies and
these orders to the units involved. equipment) into orders, and passing
Each order normally contains these orders to the units involved.
sufficient detailed instructions to Note: Each order normally contains
enable the executing agency to sufficient detailed instructions to
accomplish the mission enable the executing agency to
successfully. accomplish the mission

tasking authority tasking authority

In NATO operations, the authority of In the document entitled "Authority,
an organization or individual to task Command and Control in United
assets, resources or personnel. Nations Peacekeeping Operations",
issued by the Departments of
Peacekeeping Operations and Field
Support in February 2008, the
concept refers to: "the authority
vested in specified senior
1. of United Nations peacekeeping
operations to assign tasks to
enabling units, . . . Tasking authority
includes the authority to deploy,
redeploy and employ all or part of
an enabling unit to achieve the
mission's mandate. Enabling units
comprise aviation, engineering,
logistics, medical, signals, transport
and explosive ordinance disposal
units. Tasking authority over military
or police personnel/ units, when
exercised by civilians is applicable
for their routine, day-to-day
employment and does not include
tactical control of military/police
resources exercised purely in
pursuance of military or police
2. In the management of military
utility helicopters in peacekeeping
operations, the concept of the
United Nations tasking authority
was designed to ensure that aircraft
were tasked in accordance with
applicable aviation regulations and
in accordance with the stipulations
of the letter of assist. Also ensured
that air assets were dispatched in
accordance with the mission’s
standard operating procedures,
including, for example, procedures
relating to flight planning and pre-
flight briefing and in-flight radio

technical arrangement Technical Arrangement


Technical Assistance Information

Exchange Programme

181 / 240

terms of reference Terms of Reference terms of reference


The unlawful use or threatened use
of force or violence against
individuals or property in an attempt
to coerce or intimidate governments
or societies to achieve political,
religious or ideological objectives.

test and evaluation


TEU Article 17 Tasks

Treaty of the European Union
Revision 4 (Nice) identifies
humanitarian and rescue tasks,
peacekeeping tasks and tasks of
combat forces in crisis
management, including

An area designated by political or
military authorities in which an
operation will take place.
Note: A theatre may be inside or
outside NATO territory and may
encompass politically or
diplomatically demarcated areas, as
well as areas deemed to be of
military importance.

theatre area of operations Tactical Area of Operations theatre area of operations


theatre ballistic missile


Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence


theatre of operations Theatre of Operations


third party logistic support

The use of pre-planned contracts to
provide logistic supplies, logistic
services and even logistic functions
through civilian companies.

Third Party Logistic Support


182 / 240

threat threat
A potential accident or deliberate In general, in a military or
compromise of security, both peacekeeping context:
resulting in possible losses in (1) The sum of the potential
confidentiality, integrity or strength, capabilities, and intentions
availability. of any enemy which can limit or
negate mission accomplishment or
reduce force, system or equipment
Note: 2) A menacing indication of
danger to a nation's military forces,
industrial base, territory,
possessions or population. (Such a
threat generally arises from an
adversary nation's military power as
manifested by technological
capability, military budget, military
industrial production capacity,
military alliances and the
maintenance of conventional and
strategic forces at levels beyond
that required for legitimate defence.)
(3) A menacing indication of
imminent danger to friendly forces.
(Such a threat generally arises from
the employment of an adversary's
offensive or defensive forces in an
area of military operations.)
Specifically, as part of the
establishment of evacuation
procedures for the UN
Headquarters complex a threat is a
defined as a "credible warning
received by the [UN] Security and
Safety Service indicating that the
Headquarters may come under

tools for operational planning, Tools for Operational Planning,

force activation and simulation Force Activation and Simulation

total force requirement

The TFR is the single set of
capabilities needed by the EU to
meet its Level of Ambition required
to implement and sustain a CSDP

toxic industrial chemical Toxic Industrial Chemical


toxic industrial hazard Toxic Industrial Hazards


Toxic Industrial Radiological


training and education for peace

support operations

183 / 240

Training and Mentoring Teams


training camp

training equipment

training in ESDP
A training regime, conducted in
common, which contributes to a
better understanding and sense of
purpose of ESDP and provides
knowledge and, if required, skills for
its implementation.

Training Needs Analysis


training performance standards


transfer of authority transfer of authority transfer of authority

Within NATO, an action by which a The act by which national
member nation or NATO Command authorities officially transfer the
gives operational command or command and/or control of their
control of designated forces to a national forces to the OpCdr.
NATO Command. The TOA may be subject to national

A continuous and proactive process
of developing and integrating
innovative concepts, doctrine and
capabilities to improve the
effectiveness and interoperability of
military forces.

Translation and Adaptation


troop contributing nation troop contributing nations

Those MS and, after a Council
decision, third States providing
military assets or capabilities for a
particular operation.

Troops In Contact

184 / 240

Uganda's People Defence Forces Uganda People’s Defence Forces


UN Assistance Mission to UN Assistance Mission to

Afghanistan Afghanistan

UN High Commissioner for

Human Rights

unconventional military forces


unexploded explosive ordnance unexploded ordnance unexploded munition

unexploded ordnance unexploded explosive ordnance
(deprecated) (synonym) (Note: NATO)
Explosive ordnance which has been unexploded ordnance (synonym)
primed, fused, armed or otherwise blind
prepared for action, and which has Explosive ordnance that has been
been fired, dropped, launched, primed, fused, armed or otherwise
projected or placed in such a prepared for use and used in armed
manner as to constitute a hazard to conflict. It may have been fired,
operations, installations, personnel dropped, launched or projected yet
or material and remains unexploded remains unexploded either through
either by malfunction or design or malfunction or design or for any
for any other cause. other reason
(CCW/CONF.II/PC.1/WP.1); mines
are not included - Explosive
Remnants of War. A global survey,
Landmine Action 2003, John Borrie;
for the purposes of IMAS the term
applies to all munitions other than
landmines which form part of a mine
action programme, and which
present a significant risk to human
life - Explosive Remnants of War. A
global survey, Landmine Action
2003, John Borrie.

185 / 240

unit unit
A military element whose structure Term used with different meanings
is prescribed by a competent in various contexts:
authority. (1)Under the standby forces
arrangements (and in that context
only), is called "unit" any unit,
whatever its size, which is self-
sufficient as regards logistics,
equipment, food and
(2) It may otherwise refer to a
battalion-size (army) or a squadron-
size (air force) unit (800 persons).
(3) At the UN, the smallest
administrative component.

United Nation Assistance Mission United Nation Assistance Mission

in Somalia in Somalia

United Nations African Union African Union -United Nations

Mission in Darfur Hybrid Operation in Darfur

United Nations Children’s Fund United Nations Children’s Fund


United Nations Convention on the United Nations Convention on the

Law of the Sea Law of the Sea

United Nations Department of Department of Peacekeeping

Peacekeeping Operations Operations

United Nations Development United Nations Development

Programme Programme

United Nations Disaster and United Nations Disaster

Assessment Coordination Team Assessment and Coordination

United Nations High United Nations High Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner's Office for Commissioner for Refugees Commissioner for Refugees

United Nations Military and Civil Military and Civil Defence Unit
Defence Unit MCDU

United Nations military observer United Nations Military Observer


United Nations Mission in Liberia


United Nations Mission in Sudan United Nations Mission in the


186 / 240

United Nations Office for the Co- United Nations Office for the
ordination of Humanitarian Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs Assistance to Afghanistan

United Nations Operation in United Nations Operation in

Burundi Burundi

United Nations Operation in Cote United Nations Operation in Cote

d'Ivoire d'Ivoire

United Nations Secretary General


United Nations Security Council


United Nations Security Council United Nations Security Council

Resolution Resolution
UNSCR (deprecated)

United Nations Support office for United Nations Support Office for
AMISOM the African Union Mission in
UNSOA Somalia
United Nations Support Office for
AMISOM (alternate)

unmanned air vehicle Unmanned Air Vehicle unmanned air vehicle

UAV UAV drone (synonym)

187 / 240

unmanned aircraft system unmanned aerial vehicle unmanned aircraft system

UAS A powered, aerial vehicle that does UAS
A system whose components not carry an human operator, uses The entire infrastructure involved in
include the unmanned aircraft, the aerodynamic forces to provide lift, the operation of unmanned aerial
supporting network and all can fly autonomously or be piloted vehicle (drones); includes other
equipment and personnel necessary remotely, can be expandable or elements besides the actual aircraft
to control the unmanned aircraft. recoverable, and can carry a lethal (the drone) -- e.g.
or non-lethal payload. Ballistic or Notes:
semi-ballistic vehicles, cruise 1. sensors and payloads, command
missiles, and artillery projectiles are and control datalinks and the
not considered unmanned aerial operator station (on the ground), as
vehicles. UAVs will normally be well as the ground support
recoverable due to the value of the equipment required for launch and
UAV systems. recovery, operations and
maintenance. The drone operator
might also be thought of as a part of
the system.
2. Background
The term was first officially used in
the United States in 2005, as these
designations were in provisional use
at one time or another. The
inclusion of the term "aircraft"
emphasizes that regardless of the
location of the pilot and flight crew,
the operations must comply with the
same regulations and procedures
as do those aircraft with the pilot
and flight crew on board.
3. The official acronym UAS is also
used by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) and
other government aviation
regulatory organizations.
4. Incorrect variants: unmanned
aerial system, unmanned air vehicle
Variant capitalization: Unmanned
Aircraft System

unmanned combat aerial vehicle Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle unmanned combat aerial vehicle

US-Central Command United States Central Command

Central Command (alternate)

use of force use of force

An act or the threat of an act meant Related term: unprovoked use of
to deprive someone of the force
possibility of exercising one's own
will. It is not restricted to physical
force, but may include threat of
force or coercion, such as threat
caused by fear of violence, duress,
detention, psychological oppression
or abuse of power against such
person or persons, or by talking
advance of a coercive environment.

188 / 240

validation validation
The confirmation of the capabilities The act of giving validity; a
and performance of organizations, strengthening, enforcement or
individuals, materiel or systems to confirming; an establishing or
meet defined standards or criteria, ratifying.
through the provision of objective Notes:
evidence. 1. In a general scientific context,
Note: In the context of military involves confirmation through
forces, the hierarchical relationship provision of empirical evidence.
in logical sequence is: assessment, 2. In the context of demining and
analysis, evaluation, validation and the International Mine Action
certification. Standards (IMAS) it is defined as
the act of ratification that takes
place after a process of verification.
3. The 2006 IPCC Guidelines for
National Greenhouse Gas
Inventories uses the word, in the
context of emission inventories, to
refer to checking to ensure that the
inventory has been compiled
correctly in line with reporting
instructions and guidelines. It
checks the internal consistency of
the inventory.
4. The legal use of validation is to
give an official confirmation or
approval of an act or product.
5. Term also used to refer to a
certificate or similar that attests to
the validity of something.

vehicle-borne improvised Vehicle-born Improvised vehicle borne improvised

explosive device Explosive Device explosive device

verification team

Vessel Protection Detachment


Vienna Document

voluntary national contribution


vulnerability vulnerability
A weakness or lack of controls that In the context of disaster, measure
would facilitate or allow a threat to of the extent to which a community,
act against a specific system. structure, service or geographic
area is likely to be
damaged/disrupted by the impact of
a particular disaster hazard, on
account of their nature/construction
and location (close to hazardous
terrain or disaster-prone area).

189 / 240
Note: NB: There are many aspects
of vulnerability, arising from various
physical, social, economic, and
environmental factors. Examples
may include poor design and
construction of buildings,
inadequate protection of assets,
lack of public information and
awareness, limited official
recognition of risks and
preparedness measures, and
disregard for wise environmental
management. Vulnerability varies
significantly within a community and
over time. This definition identifies
vulnerability as a characteristic of
the element of interest (community,
system or asset) which is
independent of its exposure. In
common use, however, the word is
often used more broadly to include
the element’s exposure.
Variants: disaster vulnerability;
vulnerability to disaster

vulnerability assessment

190 / 240

war game wargame

A simulation of a military operation, Verb. The simulation of a military
by whatever means, using specific operation.
rules, data, methods and

warning and reporting


warning order warning order

A preliminary notice of an order or Wng O
action which is to follow. WARNO

Watch keeping Capability


weapon of mass destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction weapon of mass destruction


Western Mediterranean Area


white forces
In NATO exercises, forces used as

World Food Program World Food Programme

United Nations/Food and
Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations World Food
Programme (variant)
United Nations/FAO World Food
Programme (variant)

World Health Organisation World Health Organization


World Trade Organisation World Trade Organisation


191 / 240

192 / 240

193 / 240

194 / 240
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195 / 240
Index per organization

196 / 240
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197 / 240
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
A Allied Command acquisition, pointing and tracking,
army, 15 Transformation Staff 8
AA Element, 10 area clearance, 13
area of action, 13 Allied disposition list, 11 area limitation and terrain
AAR Allied exercise publication, 11 analysis, 13
after action report, 9 Allied Joint Force Command area of action, 13
after action review, 9 Brunssum, 11 area of immediate interest, 13
ACO Allied Joint Force Command area of interest, 13
Allied Command Operations, 10 Naples, 11 area of joint interest, 13
ACO directive, 8 Allied joint operation, 11 area of operational interest, 13
acquisition, pointing and Allied Joint Operations area of operations, 14
tracking, 8 Doctrine, 11 area of responsibility, 14
ACT Allied Land Command, 11 armed forces, 14
Allied Command Transformation, Allied land component army, 15
command, 12 Army Tactical Command and
Allied Maritime Command, 12 Control Information System,
Allied Military Security Agency, 15
Allied Command Transformation
12 ASG
Staff Element, 10
Allied military security assistant secretary general, 15
activate, 8
guidelines, 12 assessment, 15
activation warning, 8
Allied press information centre, assessment report, 15
active public information policy,
Allied tactical publication, 12 assessment report, 15
allocation, 12 assign, 15
activation warning, 8
ALTA assistant secretary general, 15
area limitation and terrain assumption, 16
ACO directive, 8
analysis, 13 asylum seeker, 16
AMSA asymmetric threat, 16
Allied disposition list, 11
Allied Military Security Agency, 12 AT
administration, 8
AMSG antiterrorism, 12
administrative control, 8
Allied military security guidelines, ATBM
administrative order, 9
12 anti-tactical ballistic missile, 12
advance planning funds, 9
anti-tactical ballistic missile, 12 ATCCIS
after action report, 9
antiterrorism, 12 Army Tactical Command and
after action review, 9
AO Control Information System, 15
agency, 9
area of operations, 14 ATP
AOI Allied tactical publication, 12
area of immediate interest, 13
area of interest, 13 attach, 16
air supply, 9
air support, 9 AOO augmentation force, 16
airport of debarkation, 10 area of operations, 14 AXP
airport of embarkation, 10 AOOI Allied exercise publication, 11
AJI area of operational interest, 13 BAC
area of joint interest, 13 AOR Bilateral Agreement Conference,
AJOD area of responsibility, 14 20
Allied Joint Operations Doctrine, APF backfilling, 18
11 advance planning funds, 9 BAE
ALCC advanced planning funds, 9 battlefield area evaluation, 19
Allied land component command, APIC base, 18
12 Allied press information centre, 12 base development, 18
Allied Command Operations, 10 APOD basic intelligence, 18
Allied Command airport of debarkation, 10 basic ordering agreement, 18
Transformation, 10 APOE battle casualty, 18
airport of embarkation, 10 battle damage assessment, 18
apportionment, 13
198 / 240
battle management command, command and control resource CCPC
control, communications and management, 38 Civil Communications Planning
intelligence, 18 C2S Committee, 27
battlefield area evaluation, 19 command and control system, 38 CCT
battlefield information collection C2W combat-capable trainer, 34
and exploitation system, 19 command and control warfare, 38 CCW
battlefield management system, C3 command and control warfare, 38
19 consultation, command and CD
battlespace awareness, 244 control, 55 civil defence, 27
battle casualty, 18 consultation, command and Cyber Defence Coordination and
BCA Support Centre, 66
control system, 55
border crossing authority, 20 CDE
BDA concept development and
command, control,
battle damage assessment, 18 experimentation, 53
communications and
belligerent, 19 Cdo
computers, 40
be-prepared mission, 19
CA commando, 43
civil affairs, 27 CDS
building integrity, 20
comprehensive approach, 50 chief of defence staff, 26
coordinating authority, 58 Civil Disturbance Situations, 27
battlefield information collection
CAA, 39 CE
and exploitation system, 19
campaign, 23 crisis establishment, 61
Bilateral Agreement
capability package, 23 CEC
Conference, 20
capability requirement, 23 cooperative engagement
CASEVAC capability, 58
of the two Strategic Commands,
casualty evacuation, 23 CECC
casualty evacuation, 23 Civil Emergency Crisis Cell, 27
casualty staging unit, 23 Central Mediterranean Area, 24
Bi-Strategic Command Medical
caveat, 24 centralized control, 24
Advisory Group, 20 CAX centre of excellence, 24
Bi-Strategic Command Medical computer-assisted exercise, 53 centre of gravity, 24
Advisory Group, 20 CBM CEOI
confidence-building measures, 54 communications and electronics
battle management command,
CBRN operating instructions, 47
control, communications and chemical, biological, radiological CEP
intelligence, 18 and nuclear, 26 civil emergency planning, 27
BMS CBT communications equipment
battlefield management system, computer-based training, 53 programme, 47
BOA component command, 48 Civil Emergency Planning
basic ordering agreement, 18 component commander, 49 Directorate, 27
border crosser, 20 CCC certification, 24
border crossing authority, 20
CIMIC coordination centre, 26 CESDP
boundary, 20
CCD Common European Security and
boundary disclaimer, 20
coherent change detection, 32 Defence Policy, 44
briefing, 20
building integrity, 20
command and control interface, combat enhancement training, 33
build-up, 20
38 CFI
CCIRM Connected Forces Initiative, 55
command and control, 37
collection coordination and CFSP
intelligence requirements Common Foreign and Security
command and control
management, 33 Policy, 44
communication system, 37
Comprehensive Crisis and command field exercise, 39
command and control,
Operations Management chain of command, 25
intelligence, surveillance and
Centre, 50 change of operational control,
reconnaissance, 39
CCP 25
civil contingency plan, 27 chemical warfare, 25

199 / 240
chemical warfare agent, 25 CJCCC COG
Chemical Weapons Convention, combined joint communications centre of gravity, 24
25 coordination, 35 coherent change detection, 32
chemical, biological, CJCMOTF COIN
radiological and nuclear, 26 coalition joint civil-military counter-insurgency, 60
chief of defence, 26 operations task force, 32 collateral damage, 32
chief of defence staff, 26 CJCMTF collection coordination and
CHOD combined joint civil-military task intelligence requirements
chief of defence, 26 force, 35 management, 33
CHT CJTF collection plan, 33
countering hybrid threats, 59 combined joint task force, 36 collocation, 33
CI clandestine operation, 30 COM
counter-intelligence, 60 CLF commander, 41
C-IED Commander Landing Force, 43 COM JALLC
countering improvised explosive close support, 31 Commander Joint Analysis and
devices, 59 closed area, 31 Lessons Learned Centre, 42
civil-military cooperation, 30 command live exercise, 39 Commander Allied Joint Force
CIMIC coordination centre, 26 CM, 60 Command Brunssum, 41
CIMIC support unit, 26 crisis management, 61 COM JFCNP
CIS CMC Commander Allied Joint Force
communication and information crisis management centre, 62 Command Naples, 42
systems, 46 CMG COM JFTC
CISCC crisis management group, 62 Commander Joint Force Training
Communication and Information CMM Centre, 42
Systems Coordinating Crisis Management Manual, 62 COM JWC
Committee, 46 CMMs Commander Joint Warfare Centre,
CIS-ESG crisis management measures, 63 42
Communication and Information CMO COM LANDCOM
Systems Executive Steering civil-military operation, 30 Commander Allied Land
Group, 46 crisis management organization, Command, 42
civil affairs, 27 63 COM MARCOM
Civil Communications Planning CMOC Commander Allied Maritime
Committee, 27 civil-military operation cell, 30 Command, 42
civil contingency plan, 27 civil-military operations centre, 30 combat enhancement training,
civil defence, 27 CMTF 33
civil disturbance, 27 civil-military task force, 30 combat recovery, 34
Civil Disturbance Situations, 27 CMX combat service support, 34
Civil Emergency Crisis Cell, 27 combat support, 34
crisis management exercise, 62
civil emergency planning, 27 combat-capable trainer, 34
Civil Emergency Planning combat-ready, 34
contributing nation, 56
Directorate, 27 COMBEX
civil protection, 28 combined exercise, 34
computer network attack, 51
Civil Protection Committee, 28 combined exercise, 34
civil situation report, 28 combined force, 176
computer network defence, 51
civilian police, 29 combined joint civil-military
civilian preparedness for war, task force, 35
29 computer network exploitation, 52
combined joint communications
civilianization, 29 COA
coordination, 35
civil-military cooperation, 30 course of action, 60
combined joint task force, 36
civil-military operation, 30 coalition joint civil-military
combined operation, 178
civil-military operation cell, 30 operations task force, 32
civil-military operations centre, Coalition Police Advisory
commence exercise, 43
30 Training Team, 32
communications exercise, 47
civil-military task force, 30 COE
CIVPOL centre of excellence, 24
communications intelligence, 46
civilian police, 29 COEC
command, 40, 41
CIVSITREP Council Operations and Exercise
command and control, 37
civil situation report, 28 Committee, 59

200 / 240
command and control communications equipment countermine operations, 60
communication system, 37 programme, 47 counter-piracy, 59
command and control interface, communications exercise, 47 counterterrorism, 60
38 communications intelligence, 46 course of action, 60
command and control resource compatibility, 47 CP
management, 38 component command, 48 capability package, 23
command and control system, component commander, 49 command post, 39
38 comprehensive approach, 50 Cooperation Partner, 58
command and control warfare, Comprehensive Crisis and counter-piracy, 59
38 Operations Management CPATT
command and control, Centre, 50 Coalition Police Advisory Training
intelligence, surveillance and Comprehensive Strategic Team, 32
reconnaissance, 39 Political-Military Plan, 51 CPC
command arrangement computer network attack, 51
Civil Protection Committee, 28
agreement, 39 computer network defence, 51
Conflict Prevention Centre, 54
command channel, 25 computer network exploitation,
command field exercise, 39 52
core planning team, 59
command live exercise, 39 computer-assisted exercise, 53
command net, 39 computer-based training, 53
command post exercise, 39
command post, 39 concept, 53
command post exercise, 39 concept development and
command, control, experimentation, 53 combat recovery, 34
communications and concept of operations, 53 CRC
computers, 40 conduct of operations, 54 control and reporting centre, 57
commander, 41 confidence- and security- crisis response cell, 63
Commander Allied Joint Force building measures, 54 crisis establishment, 61
Command Brunssum, 41 confidence-building measures, crisis management, 61
Commander Allied Joint Force 54 crisis management centre, 62
Command Naples, 42 conflict prevention, 54 crisis management exercise, 62
Commander Allied Land Conflict Prevention Centre, 54 crisis management group, 62
Command, 42 Connected Forces Initiative, 55 Crisis Management Manual, 62
Commander Allied Maritime CONOPS crisis management measures,
Command, 42 concept of operations, 53 63
Commander Joint Analysis and consequence management, 55 crisis management
Lessons Learned Centre, 42 consultation, 55 organization, 63
Commander Joint Force consultation, command and crisis response cell, 63
Training Centre, 42 control, 55 crisis response operation, 64
Commander Joint Warfare consultation, command and crisis response shipping, 64
Centre, 42 control system, 55 CRO
commando, 43 contingency plan, 56 crisis response operation, 64
commence exercise, 43 contributing nation, 56 CRS
Common European Security control, 57 crisis response shipping, 64
and Defence Policy, 44 control and reporting centre, 57 CS
Common Foreign and Security controlled exercise, 57 combat support, 34
Policy, 44 Cooperation Partner, 58 CSBM
common infrastructure, 44 cooperative engagement confidence- and security-building
common user item, 45 capability, 58 measures, 54
commonality, 45 coordinating authority, 58 CSPMP
communication and information COP Comprehensive Strategic Political-
systems, 46 contingency plan, 56 Military Plan, 51
Communication and Information core planning team, 59 CSS
Systems Coordinating Council Operations and combat service support, 34
Committee, 46 Exercise Committee, 59 CSU
Communication and Information counter-guerrilla warfare, 59 casualty staging unit, 23
Systems Executive Steering countering hybrid threats, 59 CIMIC support unit, 26
Group, 46 countering improvised CT
communication system, 46 explosive devices, 59 counterterrorism, 60
communications and counter-insurgency, 60 CW
electronics operating counter-intelligence, 60
chemical warfare, 25
instructions, 47 countermeasure, 60
201 / 240
CWA DLTP employment planning guide, 80
chemical warfare agent, 25 defence long-term planning, 69 end of exercise, 80
CWC DMZ end of mission, 80
Chemical Weapons Convention, 25 demilitarized zone, 70 end state, 80
Cyber Defence Coordination DOB ENDEX
and Support Centre, 66 deployed operating base, 71 end of exercise, 80
DA deployment operating base, 72 engagement, 80
direct action, 73 doctrine, 76 Enhanced and More Operational
DAC DP Partnership, 80
disarmament and arms control, 75 decisive point, 69 environment, 81
Darfur Integrated Task Force, 68 DPKO environmental protection, 81
DBNI Department of Peacekeeping EO
disease and non-battle injury, 75 Operations, 71 explosive ordnance, 93
Defence Capabilities Initiative, 69 displaced persons and refugees, 75 essential operational capability, 82
DDR draft plan, 76 EOD
disarmament, demobilisation and DS explosive ordnance disposal, 94
reintegration, 75 direct support, 74 EP
de facto boundary, 68 EADRCC environmental protection, 81
de jure boundary, 68 Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response EPC
deadly force, 68 Coordination Centre, 85 European political cooperation, 87
debarkation, 68 EADRU EPG
decentralized control, 68 Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response employment planning guide, 80
decisive point, 69 Unit, 85 exercise planning guide, 92
declassify, 69 EAP EPP
Defence Capabilities Initiative, emergency action plan, 79 exercise planning process, 92
defence long-term planning, 69 exercise planning staff, 92
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council,
delegation of authority, 70 equipment, 81
demilitarized zone, 70 escort, 81
demining, 70 ESDP
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Department of Peacekeeping European Security and Defence
in Council Operations and
Operations, 71 Policy, 88
DEPEX Exercise Committee Session, 85
essential operational capability,
deployment exercise, 72 early warning, 78
early warning and response
deployable forces, 71 establishment, 82
system, 78
deployed operating base, 71 estimate of the situation, 82
earmarked for assignment, 78
deployment, 71, 72 ETT
Eastern Mediterranean Area, 79
deployment exercise, 72 embedded training team, 79
deployment operating base, 72 EU
detachment, 72 European Commission, 86
European Union, 88
detention, 73 ECAP
deterrence, 73 European Capabilities Action Plan,
Military Staff of the European
DF 85
Union, 171
deployable forces, 71 ECC
diplomatic authorization, 73 evolutionary capability criteria, 90
European Union Command
direct action, 73 EDIP
European Defence Improvement Element, 89
direct support, 74
directive, 74 Programme, 86
European Union Force, 89
disarmament and arms control, electronic intelligence, 79
electronic intelligence, 79 European Union Military
disarmament, demobilisation
and reintegration, 75 embarkation, 79 Committee, 89
disease and non-battle injury, embedded training team, 79 EUMS
75 emergency action plan, 79 Military Staff of the European
displaced persons and emergency in war, 79 Union, 171
refugees, 75 EMOP EUPM
DITF Enhanced and More Operational European Union Police Mission, 90
Darfur Integrated Task Force, 68 Partnership, 80

202 / 240
Euro-Atlantic Disaster EXINST framework nation, 101
Response Coordination exercise instruction, 92 FRE
Centre, 85 EXOPLAN future regional engagement, 103
Euro-Atlantic Disaster exercise operational plan, 92 free play exercise, 102
Response Unit, 85 expeditionary operation, 93 FRP
Euro-Atlantic Partnership exploitation, 93 financial rules and procedures, 97
Council, 85 explosive ordnance, 93 FTS
Euro-Atlantic Partnership explosive ordnance disposal, 94 financial tracking system, 97
Council in Council EXPROG FTX
Operations and Exercise exercise programme, 92 field training exercise, 97
Committee Session, 85 extent of a military exercise, 94 full command, 102
European Capabilities Action extraction, 94 full operational capability, 102
Plan, 85 FC functional command, 103
European Commission, 86 force commander, 98 future regional engagement, 103
European Defence Improvement FER GDP
Programme, 86 final exercise report, 97 Guidance for Defence Planning,
European political cooperation, field exercise, 96 106
87 field training exercise, 97 general support, 105
European Security and Defence final exercise report, 97 generic plan, 105
Policy, 88 final plan, 97 GS
European Union, 88 Financial Management and general support, 105
European Union Command Resource Board, 97 guerrilla warfare, 106
Element, 89 financial rules and procedures, Guidance for Defence Planning,
European Union Force, 89 97 106
European Union Military financial tracking system, 97 HA
Committee, 89 fleet exercise, 97 humanitarian assistance, 115
European Union Police Mission, FLEX HAO
90 fleet exercise, 97 humanitarian assistance
evacuee, 90 FMB operation, 116
evaluation, 90
forward mounting base, 101 head of delegation, 108
evolutionary capability criteria,
FMRB head of mission, 108
Financial Management and Headline Goal, 112
Resource Board, 97 Headline Task Force, 109
early warning and response
FNS Headquarters Allied Land
system, 78
foreign nation support, 100 Command, 109
FOC Headquarters Allied Maritime
exercise, 91
full operational capability, 102 Command, 109
force commander, 98 Headquarters European Rapid
exercise brief, 91
force interoperability, 99 Reaction Corps, 109
EXCON Headquarters Multinational
force planning, 99
exercise control, 91 Corps North-East, 109
force planning cycle, 99
EXCONOPS force planning process, 99 Headquarters NATO Rapid
exercise concept of operations, 91 force protection, 99 Deployable Corps Germany-
exercise, 91 force ratio, 99 Netherlands, 109
exercise area, 91 force sensing, 100 Headquarters NATO Rapid
exercise brief, 91 forces allocated to NATO, 100 Deployable Corps Italy, 110
exercise commander, 91 forces in being, 100 Headquarters NATO Rapid
exercise concept of operations, foreign nation support, 100 Deployable Corps Spain, 110
91 forward mounting base, 101 Headquarters NATO Rapid
exercise control, 91 FP Deployable Corps Turkey,
exercise directing staff, 92 force planning, 99 110
exercise instruction, 92 Headquarters Rapid Reaction
force protection, 99
exercise operational plan, 92 Corps – France, 110
exercise planning directive, 92 Headquarters Supreme Allied
force planning cycle, 99
exercise planning guide, 92 Commander Transformation,
exercise planning process, 92 110
force planning process, 99
exercise planning staff, 92 health and medical support, 111
fragmentary order, 101
exercise programme, 92 health service support, 111
exercise specifications, 93 Helsinki Final Act, 111
fragmentary order, 101
exercise study, 93
203 / 240
Helsinki Headline Goal, 112 Headquarters Rapid Reaction improvised explosive device,
HFA Corps – France, 110 119
Helsinki Final Act, 111 HQ SACT improvised explosive device
HG Headquarters Supreme Allied disposal, 120
Headline Goal, 112 Commander Transformation, improvised explosive device
HHG 110 event, 120
Helsinki Headline Goal, 112 HRF improvised explosive device
high-readiness force, 112 high-readiness force, 112 system, 120
HN HTF indications and warning, 121
host nation, 113 indicator, 121
Headline Task Force, 109
HNS individual Partnership
human intelligence, 115
host-nation support, 114 programme, 121
humanitarian aid, 115
HNSA Info Op
humanitarian assistance, 115
host-nation support arrangement, information operation, 123
humanitarian assistance
114 operation, 116 Info Ops
HOD humanitarian operation, 116 information operations, 123
head of delegation, 108 HUMINT INFO OPS
HoM human intelligence, 115 information operations, 123
head of mission, 108 I&I information, 122
HOM interoperability and integration, information campaign, 122
information operation, 123
head of mission, 108 135
information operations, 123
hospital, 163 I&W
information requirement, 123
host nation, 113 indications and warning, 121
information security, 124
host nation post, 113 IC
information system, 124
hostile, 113 information campaign, 122
hostile environment, 113 ICC
information security, 124
host-nation support, 114 integrated command and control,
host-nation support infrastructure, 124
arrangement, 114 initial draft plan, 125
HQ Eurocorps initial operational capability, 126
Integration and Coordination initial operational planning
Headquarters European Rapid Group, 128 conference, 126
Reaction Corps, 109 ICI initial Partnership goal, 126
HQ LANDCOM Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, initial planning conference, 126
Headquarters Allied Land 137 Initial Planning Guidance, 126
Command, 109 ICRC insurgency, 127
HQ MARCOM International Committee of the INT
Headquarters Allied Maritime Red Cross, 130 intelligence, 128
Command, 109 identification, 118 Int.
HQ MNC NE IDP intelligence, 128
Headquarters Multinational Corps internally displaced person, 130 integrated command and
North-East, 109 IED control, 127
HQ NRDC –GR improvised explosive device, 119 integrated resource
Headquarters NATO Rapid IED event, 120 management, 127
Deployable Corps Greece, 83 IED system, 120 Integration and Coordination
HQ NRDC – GNL IEDD Group, 128
Headquarters NATO Rapid improvised explosive device INTEL
Deployable Corps Germany- disposal, 120 intelligence, 128
Netherlands, 109 IGO intelligence, 128
HQ NRDC – IT intergovernmental organization, intelligence cycle, 128
Headquarters NATO Rapid 130 intelligence estimate, 129
Deployable Corps Italy, 110 IMF intelligence report, 129
HQ NRDC – SP International Monetary Fund, 132 intelligence summary, 129
Headquarters NATO Rapid immediate reaction force, 118 intelligence, surveillance and
Deployable Corps Spain, 110 immediate response team, 119 reconnaissance, 129
HQ NRDC – TU implementation, 119 intelligence, surveillance target
Headquarters NATO Rapid implementation status report, acquisition and
Deployable Corps Turkey, 110 119 reconnaissance, 129
HQ RRC – FR interchangeability, 130
inter-command exercise, 130
204 / 240
intergovernmental organization, implementation status report, 119 joint task force, 142
130 intelligence, surveillance and joint theatre-level simulation,
internally displaced person, 130 reconnaissance, 129 142
International Committee of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, Joint Warfare Centre, 142
Red Cross, 130 137 JOINTEX
international cooperative ISTAR joint exercise, 140
logistics, 131 intelligence, surveillance target JOPG
International Monetary Fund, acquisition and reconnaissance, Joint Operations Planning Group,
132 129 141
international organization, 132, ITT JTF
133 joint task force, 142
in-theatre training, 136
International Organization for JTLS
Migration, 133 joint theatre-level simulation, 142
Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned
international planning group, JWC
Centre, 139
133 Joint Warfare Centre, 142
interoperability, 134 key military task, 145
joint civil commission, 139
interoperability and integration, KMT
joint capability group, 139 key military task, 145
interoperability objective, 135
joint consultative group, 140 land component command, 147
interpretation, 135
JET land component commander,
intervention, 135
joint education and training, 140 147
in-theatre training, 136
intra-command exercise, 136
joint force command, 140 Allied Land Command, 11
law of armed conflict, 147
intelligence report, 129 joint force commander, 140
law of armed conflict report, 147
INTSUM JFC Brunssum, 11
intelligence summary, 129 JFC Naples, 11
land component command, 147
Allied Joint Force Command land component commander, 147
international organization, 133
Brunssum, 11 logistics coordination centre, 155
interoperability objective, 135
JFCNP lead nation, 147
initial operational capability, 126 Allied Joint Force Command
legal advisor, 147
IOM Naples, 11
legal advisor, 147
International Organization for JFTC
lessons learned, 148
Migration, 133 Joint Force Training Centre, 140
letter of agreement, 149
letter of assistance, 149
initial operational planning joint logistic operations centre,
letter of instruction, 149
conference, 126 141
letter of intent, 149
level of interoperability, 149
initial planning conference, 126 joint operations area, 141 level of operational capability,
initial Partnership goal, 126 joint operations centre, 141 liaison, 149
Initial Planning Guidance, 126 joint, 139 LIC
international planning group, 133 Joint Analysis and Lessons low-intensity conflict, 156
IPP Learned Centre, 139 limited operational capability,
individual Partnership programme, joint capability group, 139 150
joint civil commission, 139 line of operation, 150
joint consultative group, 140 lines of communications, 150
joint education and training, 140 live exercise, 150
immediate reaction force, 118
joint exercise, 140 LIVEX
joint force command, 140 live exercise, 150
integrated resource management,
joint force commander, 140
127 LL
Joint Force Training Centre, 140
irregular activity, 137 lessons learned, 148
joint logistic operations centre,
IRT low-level, 156
immediate response team, 119 LLN
joint operations area, 141
isolated personnel reports, 137 logistics lead nation, 155
joint operations centre, 141
Joint Operations Planning
isolated personnel reports, 137 lead nation, 147
Group, 141
ISR joint subregional command, 142 LOA

205 / 240
letter of agreement, 149 Long-Term Infrastructure maritime component command,
letter of assistance, 149 Programme, 156 159
LOAC long-term planning guideline, maritime component
law of armed conflict, 147 156 commander, 159
LOACREP long-term study, 156 maritime exercise, 159
law of armed conflict report, 147 LoO maritime interdiction operation,
LOC line of operation, 150 159
level of operational capability, 149 low-intensity conflict, 156 maritime operation, 159
limited operational capability, 150 low-level, 156 MASCAL
lines of communications, 150 LPAC mass casualties, 162
Log. Logistics Planning Advisory mass casualties, 162
Committee, 155 MB
logistics, 153, 154
LRSN military budget, 166
logistic role specialist nation, 152 MBPRB
logistics control, 154
LSE Military Budget Priority Review
logistic exercise, 151 logistic support element, 153 Board, 167
logistic functional area services, long-term capability requirement, mission commander, 172
155 MCC
LTDP maritime component command,
logistic assessment, 151
logistic assistance, 151 Long-Term Defence Programme, 159
logistic exercise, 151 155 maritime component commander,
logistic functional area services, LTFF 159
151 long-term financial forecast, 155 military control centre, 167
logistic requirement, 152 LTFP MCP
logistic role specialist nation, long-term force planning, 156 military cooperation programme,
152 long-term force proposals, 156 167
logistic situation report, 152 LTIP MCR
logistic situation report, land Long-Term Infrastructure military-civil relations, 172
forces, 152 Programme, 156 MD
logistic support element, 153 LTPG Mediterranean Dialogue, 164
logistic sustainment, 153 long-term planning guideline, 156 MDMP
logistics, 153, 154 LTS Mediterranean Dialogue Military
logistics control, 154 long-term study, 156 Programme, 164
logistics coordination centre, M&A military decision-making process,
155 monitoring and assessment, 174 167
logistics lead nation, 155 M&S measure of effectiveness, 162
Logistics Planning Advisory modelling and simulation, 174 MEDAD
Committee, 155 M&T medical advisor, 162
movements & transport, 175 MEDCC
logistic requirement, 152
main effort, 158 medical coordination centre, 162
LOGSITLAND main operational planning MEDCENT
logistic situation report, land conference, 158 Central Mediterranean Area, 24
forces, 152 main planning conference, 158 MEDEAST
LOGSITREP main supply route, 158 Eastern Mediterranean Area, 79
logistic situation report, 152 MAP medical advisor, 162
LoI Membership Action Plan, 164 medical coordination centre,
level of interoperability, 149 map exercise, 158 162
LOI MAPE medical intelligence, 163
letter of instruction, 149 Multinational Advisory Police medical treatment facility, 163
letter of intent, 149 Element, 175 MEDINT
long-term capability MAPEX medical intelligence, 163
requirement, 155 map exercise, 158 Mediterranean Dialogue, 164
Long-Term Defence MARCOM Mediterranean Dialogue Military
Programme, 155 Allied Maritime Command, 12 Programme, 164
long-term financial forecast, 155 MAREX MEDOC
long-term force planning, 156 maritime exercise, 159 Western Mediterranean Area, 280
long-term force proposals, 156 MEDP

206 / 240
military exercise directive and MJLC multinational joint operation,
programme, 167 multinational joint logistic centre, 177
MEDSOUTHEAST 177 multinational movement
Southeastern Mediterranean Area, MMCC coordination centre, 178
245 multinational movement multinational operation, 178
MEE coordination centre, 178 mutual aid, 178
mission-essential equipment, 173 MMR mutual support, 178
MEF minimum military requirement, mutual support agreement, 179
mission-essential forces, 173 172 NADDO
Membership Action Plan, 164 MN NATO design and development
memorandum of agreement, 164 multinational, 175 objective, 184
memorandum of understanding, MN DDP NAG
164 multinational detailed deployment national armament goals, 180
MENA plan, 175 NAI
Middle-East, North Africa, 166 MNF named area of interest, 180
merchant shipping, 166 multinational force, 176 named area of interest, 180
message, 166 MOA NAMSA
METT memorandum of agreement, 164 NATO Maintenance and Supply
mobile education and training MOBEX Agency, 184
team, 173 mobility exercise, 174 NAPR
MFT mobile education and training NATO armaments planning review,
medical treatment facility, 163 team, 173 182
Middle-East, North Africa, 166 mobility exercise, 174 national armament goals, 180
military budget, 166 mobilization, 174 national command, 180
Military Budget Priority Review modelling and simulation, 174 national commander, 180
Board, 167 MOE national component, 180
military control centre, 167 measure of effectiveness, 162 national force commander, 180
military cooperation monitoring, 174 national infrastructure, 180
programme, 167 monitoring and assessment, national military authority, 181
military decision-making 174 national movement coordination
process, 167 MOPC centre, 181
military exercise directive and main operational planning national support element, 182
programme, 167 national territorial commander,
conference, 158
military governor, 168 182
military independent, 168 NATO armaments planning
memorandum of understanding,
military interoperability, 168 review, 182
military necessity, 169 NATO C3 integration centre, 182
movement exercise, 175
military police, 170 NATO civil emergency planning,
movements & transport, 175
Military Staff of the European 182
Union, 171 NATO Command and Control
movement exercise, 175
military strategy, 172 System, 182
military-civil relations, 172 NATO Command Structure, 183
military police, 170 NATO common interoperability
MPC standard, 183
military police, 170
main planning conference, 158 NATO Communication and
MSA Information Systems
multinational integrated medical
mutual support agreement, 179 Services Agency, 183
unit, 177
MSR NATO Communications and
minimum force, 172
main supply route, 158 Information Systems School,
minimum military requirement,
multinational, 175 183
Multinational Advisory Police NATO crisis management
Element, 175 process, 183
mission implementation plan, 173
multinational detailed NATO Crisis Response System,
mission, 173
deployment plan, 175 183
mission commander, 172
multinational force, 176 NATO Crisis Response System
mission implementation plan,
multinational integrated medical Manual, 184
unit, 177 NATO defence planning
mission-essential equipment,
multinational joint logistic process, 184
centre, 177 NATO defence planning review,
mission-essential forces, 173
207 / 240
NATO design and development NCS NATO/Partnership for Peace
objective, 184 NATO Command Structure, 183 Geospatial Conference, 187
NATO Headquarters C3 Staff, NCSA NPIS
184 NATO Communication and NATO procedural interoperability
NATO Lessons Learned Information Systems Services standard, 185
Database, 184 Agency, 183 NRF
NATO Maintenance and Supply NDPP NATO Response Force, 185
Agency, 184 NATO defence planning process, NSE
NATO military authority, 184 184 national support element, 182
NATO military requirement, 185 NDPR NSO
NATO operational
NATO defence planning review, NATO School Oberammergau, 185
interoperability standard, 185
184 NSR
NATO procedural
NEO NATO Staff Requirement, 185
interoperability standard, 185
non-combatant evacuation NTG
NATO Response Force, 185
operation, 189 NATO Training Group, 186
NATO School Oberammergau,
neutral, 188 NTIS
NGO NATO technical interoperability
NATO Staff Requirement, 185
NATO standardization, 185 non-governmental organization, standard, 186
NATO standardization 190 NUMC
agreement, 186 NHQC3S NATO-Ukraine Military
NATO technical interoperability NATO Headquarters C3 Staff, 184 Committee, 187
standard, 186 NLLDB OA
NATO Training Group, 186 NATO Lessons Learned Database, operational analysis, 196
NATO/Partnership for Peace 184 objective, 194
Geospatial Conference, 187 NLW OCE
NATO-plus Exercise Directive non-lethal weapon, 191 officer conducting the exercise,
and Programme, 187 NMCC 194
NATO-Ukraine Military national movement coordination OCHA
Committee, 187 centre, 181 Office for the Coordination of
NATO-wide exercise, 187 NMR Humanitarian Affairs, 194
naval exercise, 187 NATO military requirement, 185 OE
NAVEX NNCN operational effectiveness, 198
naval exercise, 187 non-NATO contributing nation, operational environment, 198
NBC 191 of the two Strategic Commands,
nuclear, biolocial and chemical, 26 NNTCN 19
NC3-IC non-NATO troop contributing Office for the Coordination of
NATO C3 integration centre, 182 nation, 191 Humanitarian Affairs, 194
NCCS NOIS officer conducting the exercise,
NATO Command and Control NATO operational interoperability 194
System, 182 standard, 185 officer scheduling the exercise,
NCEP Non deadly Force, 188 194
NATO civil emergency planning, non-battle casualty, 188 OFN
182 non-combatant evacuation other forces for NATO, 202
NCIS operation, 189 OHG
NATO common interoperability non-governmental organization, Operation Headquarters, 196
standard, 183 190 OMLT
NCISS non-lethal weapon, 191 operational mentoring and liaison
NATO Communications and non-NATO contributing nation, team, 198
Information Systems School, 191 OpCdr
183 non-NATO troop contributing Operation Commander, 195
NCMP nation, 191 OPCOM
NATO crisis management process, non-permissive environment, operational command, 197
183 192 OPCON
NCRS NPEDP operational control, 197
NATO Crisis Response System, 183 NATO-plus Exercise Directive and OPDIR
NCRSM Programme, 187 operational directive, 197
NATO Crisis Response System NPfPGC operation, 195
Manual, 184 Operation Commander, 195

208 / 240
Operation Headquarters, 196 order of battle, 201 PERFAS
operation order, 196 ORE personnel functional area services,
operation plan, 196 operational readiness evaluation, 209
operational analysis, 196 199 permissive environment, 209
Operational Capabilities Organization for Security and personnel functional area
Concept, 196 Cooperation in Europe, 202 services, 209
operational chain of command, ORI personnel recovery, 209
197 operational readiness inspection, PfP
operational command, 197 199 Partnership for Peace, 205
operational control, 197 OSCE PfP information management
operational directive, 197 Organization for Security and system, 210
operational effectiveness, 198 Cooperation in Europe, 202 PfP planning and review
operational environment, 198 OT&E process, 210
operational intelligence, 198 PfP staff element, 210
operational test and evaluation,
operational level, 198 PfP Training and Education
operational mentoring and Enhancement Programme,
other forces for NATO, 202
liaison team, 198 211
overt operation, 202
operational planning, 200 PfP/SC
operational planning team, 198 Political-Military Steering
Partnership Annual Conference,
Operational Planning Working Committee on Partnership for
Group, 199 Peace, 216
operational readiness, 199 PfPTEEP
operational readiness pirate action group, 211
PAO PfP Training and Education
evaluation, 199
public affairs officer, 221 Enhancement Programme, 211
operational readiness
inspection, 199
PfP planning and review process, Partnership goal, 205
operational requirement, 199
210 PI
operational requirements
participating nation, 204 public information, 221
document, 199
partner nation, 204 PIMS
operational test and evaluation,
199 Partnership Annual Conference, PfP information management
operational training, 200 204 system, 210
operational-level planning, 200 Partnership Coordination Cell, PIO
operations planning, 200 205 public information office, 221
operations planning process, Partnership for Peace, 205 public information officer, 221
200 Partnership goal, 205 PIR
operations security, 200 passive defence, 205 priority intelligence requirement,
OPFOR passive public information, 205 218
opposing forces, 201 PCC pirate action group, 211
OPINTEL Partnership Coordination Cell, 205 PK
operational intelligence, 198 PE peacekeeping, 208
OPLAN peace enforcement, 206, 207 planning factor, 212
operation plan, 196 peacetime establishment, 208 PMG
OPORD PEA Politico-Military Group, 216
operation order, 196 peacetime establishment PN
OPP authority, 208 partner nation, 204
operations planning process, 200 peace enforcement, 206, 207 POD
opposing forces, 201 peace enforcement operation, port of debarkation, 216
operational planning team, 198 peace support force, 206 point of entry/exit, 212
OPWG peace support operation, 207 port of embarkation, 216
Operational Planning Working peacebuilding, 207 POET
Group, 199 peacekeeping, 208 pre-operational evaluation of
ORBAT peace-making, 208 training, 217
order of battle, 201 peacetime complement, 208 point of entry/exit, 212
peacetime establishment, 208 POLAD
peacetime establishment political advisor, 213
operational requirements
authority, 208 political advisor, 213
document, 199
order, 201
peace enforcement operation, 206
209 / 240
Political and Partnerships post-exercise discussion, 217 remote-controlled improvised
Committee, 213 QIP explosive device, 231
Political and Security quadrilateral interoperability REP
Committee, 213 programme, 223 recognized environmental picture,
Political-Military Steering QRF 227
Committee on Partnership for quick reaction force, 223 request for information, 231
Peace, 216 quadrilateral interoperability required military force, 231
Politico-Military Group, 216 programme, 223 research and development, 232
port of debarkation, 216 quick reaction force, 223 research, development, testing
port of embarkation, 216 R&D and evaluation, 232
post-exercise discussion, 217 research and development, 232 reserve, 232
POW R2P2 restricted area
prisoner of war, 218 rapid response planning process, restricted area, 233
Political and Partnerships rapid environmental request for information, 231
Committee, 213 assessment, 225 riot control agent, 233
PPR rapid response planning riot control means, 233
programme progress review, 219 process, 225 RIP
PR RASP Rolling Interoperability
personnel recovery, 209 recognised air-surface picture, 227 Programme, 234
PRDSS RB risk management, 234
property with designated special reachback, 225 RM
status, 219 RCIED risk management, 234
pre-initial planning conference, remote-controlled improvised RMP
217 explosive device, 231 recognized maritime picture, 227
pre-initial planning conference, research, development, testing rules of engagement, 235
217 and evaluation, 232 role specialist nation, 234
pre-operational evaluation of REA Rolling Interoperability
training, 217 rapid environmental assessment, Programme, 234
pre-readiness exercise, 217 reachback, 225 role specialist nation, 234
pre-readiness exercise, 217 readiness time, 226 RSOI
prevention of mutual reallocation authority, 226 reception, staging, onward
interference, 217 reallocation of resources, 226 movement and integration, 227
priority intelligence RECCE RSOM
requirement, 218 reconnaissance, 228 reception, staging and onward
prisoner of war, 218 reception, staging and onward movement, 227
programme progress review, movement, 227 RSOMI
219 reception, staging, onward reception, staging, onward
propaganda, 219 movement and integration, movement and integration, 227
property with designated 227 RSTA
special status, 219 receptivity, 227 Reconnaissance, surveillance and
protective security, 219 recognised air and surface target acquisition, 228
PSC picture, 227 rules of engagement, 235
Political and Security Committee, recognised maritime picture, rules of engagement profile, 235
213 227 S&R
PSE recognized environmental stabilization and reconstruction,
PfP staff element, 210 picture, 227 247
peace support operation, 207 reconnaissance, 228 situational awareness, 244
psychological operation, 220 reconnaissance, 228 staging area, 248
PsyOp Reconnaissance, surveillance SACEUR exercise, 238
psychological operation, 220 and target acquisition, 228 SACEUREX
public affairs officer, 221 refugee, 228 SACEUR exercise, 238
public information, 221 regeneration, 229 safe area, 238
public information office, 221 reinforcing force, 229 safety zone, 238
public information officer, 221 reinforcing nation, 229 SAG
PXD reintegration, 230
surface action group, 255
210 / 240
SALW Situation Centre, 243 SRA
small arms and light weapons, 244 Situation Centre, 243 suitability and risk assessment,
SAM situational awareness, 244 254
surface-to-air missile, 255 SLOC SRSG
sampling and identification of sea lines of communication, 239 Special Representative of the
biological, chemical and small arms and light weapons, Secretary General, 247
radiological agents, 238 244 SSE
SC SOC Sensitive Site Exploration, 242
special coordinator, 245 SHAPE operations centre, 243 SSL
scale of an exercise, 239 SOCC Strategic Sea Lift, 254
SCR special operations component STA
United Nations Security Council command, 246 secondary training activities, 240
Resolution, 273 SOCCE surveillance and target acquisition,
sea lines of communication, 239 special operations command and 256
sea surveillance, 239 control element, 246 stabilization and reconstruction,
sea surveillance system, 239 SOF 247
SEAD special operations force, 246 staff exercise, 248
suppression of enemy air status of forces, 250 STAFFEX
defences, 255 SOFA staff exercise, 248
seaport of debarkation, 240 status of forces agreement, 250 staging area, 248
seaport of disembarkation, 240 SOJ STANAG
seaport of embarkation, 240 stand-off jamming, 248 NATO standardization agreement,
secondary training activities, SOLE 186
240 special operations liaison element, standard operating procedure,
secure area, 240 246 249
security, 241, 242 SOP standardization and
security classification, 241 interoperability, 248
standing operating procedure, 249
SEECP standing operating procedure,
South-East European Cooperation 249
state of readiness, 249
Process, 244 standing order, 249
statement of requirements, 249
SEEI stand-off jamming, 248
South-East European
South-Eastern Europe Initiative, start of exercise, 249
Cooperation Process, 244
244 South-Eastern Europe Initiative, STARTEX
self defence, 242 244 start of exercise, 249
Sensitive Site Exploration, 242 Southeastern Mediterranean state of readiness, 249
separation zone, 242 Area, 245 statement of requirements, 249
SERE special coordinator, 245 status of forces, 250
survival, escape/evasion, special forces, 245 status of forces agreement, 250
resistance and extraction, 256 special operations, 245 status of forces report, 250
SF special operations command stay behind force, 251
special forces, 245 and control element, 246 strategic concept, 252
SFR special operations component strategic level, 253
status of forces report, 250 command, 246 Strategic Sea Lift, 254
SHADE special operations force, 246 strategic warning, 254
shared awareness and special operations liaison suitability and risk assessment,
deconfliction, 243 element, 246 254
SHAPE operations centre, 243 special reconnaissance and support, 254
shared awareness and surveillance, 247 supported commander, 255
deconfliction, 243 Special Representative of the supporting commander, 255
shared use, 243 Secretary General, 247 suppression of enemy air
SI SPOC defences, 255
standardization and single point of contact, 243 surface action group, 255
interoperability, 248 SPOD surface-to-air missile, 255
SIBCRA seaport of debarkation, 240 surveillance, 256
SPOE surveillance and target
sampling and identification of
seaport of embarkation, 240 acquisition, 256
biological, chemical and
SR survival, escape/evasion,
radiological agents, 238
resistance and extraction,
single point of contact, 243 special reconnaissance and
SITCEN surveillance, 247
211 / 240
sustainability, 256 Tgt United Nations High
SYNEX target, 260 Commissioner's Office for
synthetic exercise, 257 theatre, 263 Refugees, 272
synthetic exercise, 257 theatre area of operations, 263 United Nations Military and Civil
T&E theatre ballistic missile, 263 Defence Unit, 272
test and evaluation, 263 theatre of operations, 264 United Nations military
TA TIC observer, 272
target acquisition, 260 toxic industrial chemical, 265 United Nations Security Council
target assessment, 260 TIH Resolution, 273
tasking authority, 262 toxic industrial hazard, 265 unmanned air vehicle, 273
technical arrangement, 262 TOA unmanned aircraft system, 274
table of organization and transfer of authority, 266 unmanned combat aerial
equipment, 82 TOO vehicle, 274
TACOM theatre of operations, 264 UNMCDU
tactical command, 259 tools for operational planning, United Nations Military and Civil
TACON force activation and Defence Unit, 272
tactical control, 259 simulation, 265 UNMO
tactical air support for maritime TOPFAS United Nations military observer,
operations, 259 tools for operational planning, 272
tactical ballistic missile, 259 force activation and simulation, UNSCR
tactical command, 259 265 United Nations Security Council
tactical control, 259 TOR Resolution, 273
TAOO terms of reference, 263 UXO, 270
theatre area of operations, 263 toxic industrial chemical, 265 VA
target, 260 toxic industrial hazard, 265 vulnerability assessment, 278
target acquisition, 260 TPS validation, 277
target assessment, 260 training performance standards, VBIED
target audience, 260 266 vehicle-borne improvised
task force, 261 training and education for peace explosive device, 277
task group, 261 support operations, 265 VD
tasking, 261 training camp, 265 Vienna Document, 277
tasking authority, 262 training equipment, 266 vehicle-borne improvised
TASMO training performance standards, explosive device, 277
tactical air support for maritime 266 verification team, 277
operations, 259 transfer of authority, 266 Vienna Document, 277
TBM transformation, 266 VNC
tactical ballistic missile, 259 troop contributing nation, 266 voluntary national contribution,
theatre ballistic missile, 263 UAS 278
TC unmanned aircraft system, 274 voluntary national contribution,
training camp, 265 UAV 278
TCN unmanned air vehicle, 273 VT
troop contributing nation, 266 UCAV verification team, 277
TE unmanned combat aerial vehicle, vulnerability assessment, 278
training equipment, 266 274 W&R
technical arrangement, 262 UMF warning and reporting, 280
TEPSO unconventional military forces, war game, 280
training and education for peace 269 wargame, 280
support operations, 265 unconventional military forces, warning and reporting, 280
terms of reference, 263 269 warning order, 280
terrorism, 263 unexploded explosive weapon of mass destruction,
test and evaluation, 263 ordnance, 270 280
TF unexploded ordnance, 270 Western Mediterranean Area,
task force, 261 UNHCR, 272 280
TG unit, 270 white forces, 280
task group, 261 WMD
weapon of mass destruction, 280

212 / 240
Page intentionally left blank

213 / 240
European Union
African Peace and Security Battlefield Intelligence CC
Architecture, 9 Collection Exploitation Component Commander, 49
African Standby Force, 9 Systems, 19 CCA
African Stand-by Forces, 9 Bi-SC Crisis Coordination
Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, 10 Bi-Strategic Commands, 19 Arrangements, 61
Aircraft Carrier Strike, 10 Bi-Sc Geospatial Executive CCC
airport of debarkation, 10 Board, 20 Crisis Coordination Committee,
airport of embarkation, 10 Bi-Strategic Commands, 19 61
Allied Tactical Procedures, 12 BMP CCD
Anti- Tactical Ballistic Missile, best management practice, 19 Coherent Change Detection, 32
APOD Command and Control Comprehensive Capability
airport of debarkation, 10 Information System, 37 Development Process, 50
airport of embarkation, 10 consultation, command and Component Command
APSA control, 55 Headquarters, 48
African Peace and Security C4 CCIR
Architecture, 9 Command, Control, Commanders Critical
ASF Communications and Information Request, 43
African Standby Force, 9 Computers, 40 CCIRM
African Stand-by Forces, 9 C4I Collection, Co-ordination and
Assessment Report, 15 Command, Control, Intelligence Requirements
ASSESSREP Communications, Computers Management, 33
Assessment Report, 15 and Intelligence, 40 CCIS
Assistance to Humanitarian CA Command and Control
Operation, 115 comprehensive approach, 50 Information System, 38
assistance to humanitarian CAAC CCMT
operations, 116 Children Affected by Armed Civilian Capability Management
ATBM Combat, 26 Tool, 28
Anti- Tactical Ballistic Missile, CAMEO CCPT
12 Collaboration Application for Co-ordinating Core Planning
ATP Management of EU-Led Team, 58
Allied Tactical Procedures, 12 Operations, 32 CC-SOF
Autonomous Vessel Protection Capability -Based planning, 23 Component Command of
Detachment, 16 Capability Development Plan, 23 Special Operations Forces,
AVPD Capability Development Plan 48
Autonomous Vessel Protection Team, 23 CDIP
Detachment, 16 Capability Lines of Concept Development
Bare Base Kit, 18 Development, 23 Implementation Programme,
Battle Casualty, 18 CART 53
Battle Damage Assessment, 18 Comprehensive Annual Report CDP
Battlefield Intelligence on ESDP and ESDP-related Capability Development Plan,
Collection Exploitation Training, 50 23
Systems, 19 CASEVAC CDP-T
BBK Casualty Evacuation, 23 Capability Development Plan
Bare Base Kit, 18 Casualty Evacuation, 23 Team, 23
BC Casualty Staging Unit, 23 CDR
Battle Casualty, 18 CAT Commander, 41
BDA Convention Against Torture, 57 CE
Battle Damage Assessment, 18 CAX crisis establishment, 61
best management practice, 19 Computer Assisted Exercise, 53 Central Prison Department, 24
BGEB CBP Centre of Gravity, 24
Bi-Sc Geospatial Executive Capability -Based planning, 23 CEP
Board, 20 CBRN Civil Emergency Planning, 27
BICES chemical, biological, CESDP
radiological and nuclear, 26
214 / 240
Common European Security Combined Joint Force Special CNA
and Defence Policy, 44 Operations Component computer network attack, 51
CFSP Command, 35 CND
Common Foreign and Security CJFT computer network defence, 51
Policy, 44 combined joint task force CNE
CGPCS (NATO), 36 computer network exploitation,
Contact Group on Piracy off the CJFT HQ 52
Coast of Somalia, 56 Combined Joint Task Force CNO
Chemical Warfare, 25 Headquarters, 36 computer network operation, 52
Chemical Warfare Agents, 25 CJ-MED computer network operations,
Chemical Weapons Convention, Combined Joint Medical Cell, 52
25 35 COA
chemical, biological, CJSOAC Combined Operations Area, 36
radiological and nuclear, 26 Combined Joint Special course of action, 60
CHG Operations Air Command, 35 COG
Civilian Headline Goal, 28 CJSOR Centre of Gravity, 24
Chief of Mission, 26 Combined Joint Statement of Coherent Change Detection, 32
Children Affected by Armed Requirements, 36 Collaboration Application for
Combat, 26 CJSOTF Management of EU-Led
CI Combined Joint Special Operations, 32
Counter intelligence, 60 Operations Task Force, 35 Collection Points, 33
C-IED Class I Security Area, 31 Collection, Co-ordination and
countering improvised explosive Class II Security Area, 31 Intelligence Requirements
devices, 59 CLC Management, 33
CIMIC Comprehensive Logistic Centre, CoM
Civil-Military Co-operation, 30 51 Chief of Mission, 26
CIS CM Combat Psychological
communication and information crisis management, 61 Operations, 33
systems, 46 CMC Combat Recovery, 34
CIS Users Group, 26 Crisis Management Concept, Combat Service Support, 34
CISE 62 Combat Support, 34
Common Information Exchange CMC SPT combined force, 176
Environment, 44 Support to the Chairman of the Combined Joint Capability
Civ/Mil Cell EUMC, 254 Planning Panel, 34
Civilian – Military Cell, 28 CMCo Combined Joint Cell in an HQ,
CIVCOM Civil Military Co-ordination, 28 35
Committee for Civilian Aspects CME Combined Joint Force Special
of Crisis Management, 43 Crisis Management Exercise, Operations Component
Civil Emergency Planning, 27 62 Command, 35
Civil Military Co-ordination, 28 CMI Combined Joint Logistic Cell in
Civil Society Organisation, 28 Crisis Management Initiative, 62 an HQ, 35
Civilian – Military Cell, 28 CML Combined Joint Medical Cell, 35
Civilian Capability Management Civil-Military Liaison, 30 Combined Joint Special
Tool, 28 CMM Operations Air Command, 35
Civilian Headline Goal, 28 Crisis Management Manual, 62 Combined Joint Special
Civilian Planning and Conduct CMO Operations Task Force, 35
Capability, 29 Crisis Management Operation, Combined Joint Statement of
Civilian Strategic Option, 29 30 Requirements, 36
Civil-Military Co-operation, 30 CMP combined joint task force, 36
Civil-Military Liaison, 30 Crisis Management Combined Joint Task Force
CJ-(1-9) Procedures, 63 Headquarters, 36
Combined Joint Cell in an HQ, CMPD combined operation, 178
35 Crisis Management and Combined Operations Area, 36
CJ-4 Planning Directorate, 62 Combined Task Force, 37
Combined Joint Logistic Cell in CMPO Combined Task Group, 37
an HQ, 35 Crisis Management COMCEN
CJCPP Psychological Operations, 61 Communications Centre, 47
Combined Joint Capability CMX COMCJFSOCC
Planning Panel, 34 Crisis Management Exercise,

215 / 240
Commander of Combined Joint compatibility, 47 Common Operational Picture,
Force Special Operations Component Command 44
Component Command, 43 Headquarters, 48 COR
COMINT Component Command of concept of requirement, 53
Communication Intelligence, 46 Special Operations Forces, Core Planning Team, 59
COMJFACC 48 Counter intelligence, 60
Commander Joint Force Air Component Commander, 49 Counter Piracy, 59
Component Command, 42 component Commanders, 49 counter terrorism, 60
command, 40, 41 Comprehensive Annual Report countering improvised
command and control, 37 on ESDP and ESDP-related explosive devices, 59
command and control Training, 50 course of action, 60
communication system, 37 comprehensive approach, 50 CP
Command and Control Comprehensive Capability conflict prevention, 54
Information System, 37, 38 Development Process, 50 Counter Piracy, 59
Command and Control Comprehensive Logistic Centre, CPCC
Information Systems in 51 Civilian Planning and Conduct
Support of Maritime Computer Assisted Exercise, 53 Capability, 29
Operations, 41 computer network attack, 51 CPD
command and control system, computer network defence, 51 Central Prison Department, 24
46 computer network exploitation, CPMR
command and control warfare, 52 Conflict Prevention,
38 computer network operation, 52 Management and
Command Post Exercise, 39 computer network operations, Resolution, 55
Command, Control, 52 CPO
Communications and Concept Development Combat Psychological
Computers, 40 Implementation Programme, Operations, 33
Command, Control, 53 CPs
Communications, Computers concept of operations, 53 Collection Points, 33
and Intelligence, 40 concept of requirement, 53 CPT
Commander, 41 concurrency, 54 Core Planning Team, 59
Commander Joint Force Air conduct of an operation, 54 Crisis Planning Team, 63
Component Command, 42 Confidentiality, 54 CPX
Commander Landing Force, 43 conflict prevention, 54 Command Post Exercise, 39
Commander of Combined Joint Conflict Prevention, CR
Force Special Operations Management and Resolution, Combat Recovery, 34
Component Command, 43 55 CRC
Commander Task Group, 43 CONOPS Control and Reporting Centre,
Commanders Critical concept of operations, 53 57
Information Request, 43 consultation, 55 Convention on the Rights of the
Committee Against Torture, 43 consultation, command and Child, 57
Committee for Civilian Aspects control, 55 CRCT
of Crisis Management, 43 Contact Group on Piracy off the Crisis Response Co-ordinating
Common European Security Coast of Somalia, 56 Team, 64
and Defence Policy, 44 contingency planning, 56 Crew Resource Management, 61
Common Foreign and Security contracting, 56 CRISEX
Policy, 44 contributing state, 57 Crisis Management Exercise,
Common Information Exchange control, 57 62
Environment, 44 Control and Reporting Centre, Crisis Coordination
Common Operational Picture, 57 Arrangements, 61
44 Convention Against Torture, 57 Crisis Coordination Committee,
common resources, 44 Convention on the Rights of the 61
Common Security and Defence Child, 57 crisis establishment, 61
Policy, 45 Convoy Support Centre, 57 crisis management, 61
common security and defence co-operative use, 58 Crisis Management
policy tasks, 45 co-ordinating authority, 58 Psychological Operations, 61
communication and information Co-ordinating Core Planning Crisis Management and
systems, 46 Team, 58 Planning Directorate, 62
Communication Intelligence, 46 Coordinator for Sensitive CIS, Crisis Management Concept, 62
Communication Systems, 47 58 Crisis Management Exercise, 62
Communications Centre, 47 COP Crisis Management Initiative, 62

216 / 240
Crisis Management Manual, 62 cultural awareness, 64 Disease and Non-Battle Injury,
Crisis Management Operation, cultural property protection, 66 75
30 CVBG displaced persons and
crisis management operations, Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, 10 refugees, 75
63 CVS Disruption of Pirate Logistic
Crisis Management Procedures, Aircraft Carrier Strike, 10 Dumps, 76
Crisis Management/Current Chemical Warfare, 25 Detailed List of Required
Operations Branch, 63 CWA Capabilities, 72
Crisis Planning Team, 63 Chemical Warfare Agents, 25 DMP
Crisis Response Co-ordinating CWC Decision Making Process, 68
Team, 64 Chemical Weapons DMZ
Crisis Response Military Convention, 25 Demilitarised Zone, 70
Strategic Planning Process, D&G DNBI
64 Direction & Guidance, 74 Disease and Non-Battle Injury,
Crisis Response Operation, 64 DA 75
crisis response planning, 64 direct action, 73 DOC/CON
CRM Darfur Integrated Task Force, 68 Doctrine and Concepts Branch,
Crew Resource Management, DDR 76
61 disarmament, demobilisation Doctrine and Concepts Branch,
CRM/COP and reintegration, 75 76
Crisis Management/Current deadly force, 68 DPKO
Operations Branch, 63 Decision Making Process, 68 Department of Peacekeeping
CRNSPP Defence Planning Process, 184 Operations, 71
Crisis Response Military Defence Technological and DPLD
Strategic Planning Process, Industrial Base, 69 Disruption of Pirate Logistic
64 Defense Intelligence Dumps, 76
CRO Organisations, 69 DPP
Crisis Response Operation, 64 Defense Sector Training Team, Defence Planning Process, 184
Combat Support, 34 defensive information displaced persons and
Communication Systems, 47 operations, 70 refugees, 75
Convoy Support Centre, 57 Digital Elevation Model, 73 Defense Sector Training Team,
CSCIS Demilitarised Zone, 70 69
Coordinator for Sensitive CIS, demobilisation, 71 DTIB
58 Department of Peacekeeping Defence Technological and
CSDP Operations, 71 Industrial Base, 69
Common Security and Defence Deployed Force Headquarter, 71 DTL
Policy, 45 Detailed List of Required Detailed Task List, 72
CSDP tasks, 45 Capabilities, 72 EAA
CSO Detailed Task List, 72 Evacuation Assembly Area, 90
Civil Society Organisation, 28 Detection, Identification and EADRCC
Civilian Strategic Option, 29 Monitoring, 73 Euro-Atlantic Disaster
CSS detention, 73 Response Coordination
Combat Service Support, 34 DFHQ Centre, 85
CSU Deployed Force Headquarter, EADRU
Casualty Staging Unit, 23 71 Euro-Atlantic Disaster
CT Digital Elevation Model, 73 Response Unit, 85
counter terrorism, 60 DIM EAPC
CTF Detection, Identification and Euro-Atlantic Partnership
Combined Task Force, 37 Monitoring, 73 Council, 85
CTG DIO Early Warning and Response
Combined Task Group, 37 Defense Intelligence System, 78
Commander Task Group, 43 Organisations, 69 Early Warning Distant
CUG direct action, 73 Detection, 78
CIS Users Group, 26 Direction & Guidance, 74 early warning intelligence, 78
CULAD disarmament, 75 EC
Cultural Adviser, 64 disarmament, demobilisation European Commission, 86
Cultural Adviser, 64 and reintegration, 75 ECAP

217 / 240
European Capabilities Action European Parliament, 87 EU Logistics Co-ordination
Plan, 85 Evacuation Point, 90 Centre, 155
ECDC EPG EU Military Capability
European Centre for Disease Exercise Planning Guide, 92 Development Process, 84
Prevention and Control, 86 EPLO EU Military Capability Planning,
ECHO European Peacebuilding 84
European Community Liaison Office, 87 EU Military Chain of Command,
Humanitarian Aid Office, 86 EPPO 25
ECOWAS Stand-by Forces, 79 European and Mediterranean EU Operation Headquarters, 196
EDA Plant Protection EU OPSCEN
European Defence Agency, 86 Organisation, 85 European Union Operations
EDF ERP Center, 89
European Development Fund, European Response EU Strategic Intelligence, 84
86 Procedures, 87 EUCC
EDTIB ESDP EU CIMIC Conference, 83
European Defence European Security and Defence European Union Coordination
Technological and Industrial Policy, 88 Centre, 89
Base, 86 ESDP crisis response EUCE
EFT information activities, 88 EU crisis establishment, 61
ESDP Foundation Training, 82 ESDP Foundation Training, 82 EU Crisis Establishment, 83
EGT ESDP information strategy, 82 EUFOR
EU Group on Training, 186 ESF European Union Force, 89
EJN ECOWAS Stand-by Forces, 79 EUFOR DOB
European Judicial Network, 87 ESS EU Force Deployment
Electronic Intelligence, 79 European Security Strategy, 88 Operating Base, 71
Electro-optical-infrared EU EUMC
Intelligence, 79 European Union, 88 European Union Military
ELINT EU Action Request, 82 Committee, 89
Electronic Intelligence, 79 EU Activation of Pre- EUMM
ELMA deployment, 83 European Union Monitoring
EUMS Lessons Management EU Activation Warning, 8 Mission, 89
Application, 84 EU ACTPRED EUMS
ELPRO EU Activation of Pre- European Union Military Staff,
EUMS Lessons Process, 84 deployment, 83 171
EMSA EU ACTREQ EUMS Lessons Management
European Maritime Safety EU Action Request, 82 Application, 84
Agency, 87 EU ACTWARN EUMS Lessons Process, 84
End of the Exercise, 80 EU Activation Warning, 8 EUNAVFOR
ENDEX EU capability development European Union Naval Force,
End of the Exercise, 80 process, 83 89
engagement, 80 EU CIMIC Conference, 83 Euro-Atlantic Disaster
environmental protection, 81 EU crisis establishment, 61 Response Coordination
EO EU Crisis Establishment, 83 Centre, 85
evacuation operation, 189 EU Disposition List, 11 Euro-Atlantic Disaster
Evacuation Operations, 90 EU Force Deployment Operating Response Unit, 85
explosive ordnance, 93 Base, 71 Euro-Atlantic Partnership
EOD EU Force Preparation, 83 Council, 85
Explosive Ordnance Disposal, EU FORCEPREP European and Mediterranean
94 EU Force Preparation, 83 Plant Protection
EODCC EU Group on Training, 186 Organisation, 85
Explosives Ordnance Disposal EU Led Military Operations, 83 European Capabilities Action
Co-ordination Cell, 94 EU LogCoC Plan, 85
EO-IRINT EU Logistics Co-ordination European Centre for Disease
Electro-optical-infrared Centre, 155 Prevention and Control, 86
Intelligence, 79 EU LogCoG European Commission, 86
EOR EU Logistic Co-ordination European Community
Explosive Ordnance Group, 83 Humanitarian Aid Office, 86
Reconnaissance, 94 EU Logistic Co-ordination European Defence Agency, 86
EP Group, 83
environmental protection, 81

218 / 240
European Defence Fact Finding Mission health and medical support, 111
Technological and Industrial Coordinator, 96 HA
Base, 86 Fact Finding Mission Report, 96 Assistance to Humanitarian
European Development Fund, FC Operation, 115
86 force catalogue, 98 HALE
European First Aid Support force contribution, 98 High Altitude Long Endurance,
Team, 87 FER 112
European Judicial Network, 87 Final Exercise Report, 97 Head of Delegation, 108
European Maritime Safety FFM Head of Mission, 108
Agency, 87 Fact Finding Mission, 96 Headline Goal, 108
European Parliament, 87 FFMR Headline Goal Process, 108
European Peacebuilding Liaison Fact Finding Mission Report, 96 Headline Goal Task Force, 109
Office, 87 FG Headline Goal Task Force Plus,
European Response force generation, 98 108
Procedures, 87 FGC Health and Medical, 111
European Security and Defence Force Generation Conference, Health and Medical (H&M)
Policy, 88 98 service support, 111
European security and defence Final Exercise Report, 97 health and medical support, 111
policy crisis response FN Helsinki Force Catalogue, 111
information activities, 88 framework nation, 101 Helsinki Headline Goal, 112
European Security Strategy, 88 FOC Helsinki Headline Goal
European Union, 88 full operational capability, 102 Catalogue, 111
European Union Coordination FOR/CAP Helsinki Progress Catalogue,
Centre, 89 Force and Capability 112
European Union Force, 89 Development Branch, 97 HFC
European Union Military Force and Capability Helsinki Force Catalogue, 111
Committee, 89 Development Branch, 97 HG
European Union Military Staff, force catalogue, 98 Helsinki Headline Goal, 112
171 Force Commander, 98 HGL
European Union Monitoring force contribution, 98 (EU) Headline Goal, 108
Mission, 89 force generation, 98 HHC
European Union Naval Force, 89 Force Generation Conference, Helsinki Headline Goal
European Union Operations 98 Catalogue, 111
Center, 89 Force Headquarters, 99 HHG
Evacuation Assembly Area, 90 force protection, 99 Helsinki Headline Goal, 112
evacuation operation, 189 formed police unit, 100 High Altitude Long Endurance,
Evacuation Operations, 90 forward mounting base, 101 112
Evacuation Point, 90 FP HN
EWDD force protection, 99 Host Nation, 113
Early Warning Distant FPU HNS
Detection, 78 formed police unit, 100 host nation support, 114
EWRS fragmentary order, 101 HNSA
Early Warning and Response FRAGO Host Nation Support
System, 78 fragmentary order, 101 Arrangements, 114
Exercise Instructions, 92 framework nation, 101 HO
Exercise Planning Guide, 92 Freedom, Security and Justice, Host Organisation, 113
Exercise Specifications, 93 102 Humanitarian Organization, 116
Exercise Instructions, 92 Freedom, Security and Justice, Head of Delegation, 108
Exercise Specifications, 93 full command, 102 Head of Mission, 108
explosive ordnance, 93 full operational capability, 102 HOM
Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Generic Military Task List, 105 Head of Mission, 108
94 Generic Planning, 105 Host Nation, 113
Explosive Ordnance global maritime domain, 106 host nation support, 114
Reconnaissance, 94 GMTL Host Nation Support
Explosives Ordnance Disposal Generic Military Task List, 105 Arrangements, 114
Co-ordination Cell, 94 H&M host nation support technical
Fact Finding Mission, 96 Health and Medical, 111 arrangement, 113
H&MS Host Organisation, 113

219 / 240
Hostile Intent, 114 IEG information gathering tool, 122
HPC Information Exchange Gateway, information objectives, 123
Helsinki Progress Catalogue, 122 Information Operation Working
112 IEO Group, 123
HTF Initial Entry Operations, 126 Information Operations, 123
Headline Goal Task Force, 109 IFRC Information Operations Co-
HTF Plus International Federation of Red ordination Group, 123
Headline Goal Task Force Plus, Cross and Red Crescent, Information Requirements, 123
108 132 information security, 124
human (resources) intelligence, IG information superiority, 124
115 Information Gathering, 122 Information Systems, 124
Human Intelligence, 115 IGAD INFOSEC
humanitarian aid, 115 Intergovernmental Authority on information security, 124
Humanitarian Organization, 116 Drought and Development, infrastructure, 124
HUMINT 130 infrastructure engineer support,
Human Intelligence, 115 IHFFC 124
ICC International Humanitarian infrastructure engineering
Integrated Command and Fact-Finding Commission, support to logistics, 124, 125
Control, 127 132 initial deployment force
International Criminal Court, IHL requirements, 125
131 International Humanitarian Law, Initial Deployment of Forces,
ICCPR 132 125
International Covenant on Civil ILF Initial Entry Forces, 125
and Political Rights, 131 International Legal Foundation, Initial Entry Operations, 126
ICERD 132 Initial Logistic Planning
International Convention on the illustrative scenarios, 118 Conference, 126
Elimination of All Forms of ILPC Initial Monitoring Presence, 126
Racial Discrimination, 131 Initial Logistic Planning Initial Operational Capability,
ICESCR Conference, 126 126
International Covenant on IMF Initial Planning Meeting, 126
Economic, Social and International Monetary Fund, Institute for Security Studies,
Cultural Rights, 131 132 126
ICOG immediate reaction, 118 Instructions to Parties, 127
Information Operations Co- Immediate Response Team, 119 Instruments of the Common
ordination Group, 123 imminent, 119 foreign security policy, 127
ICRC IMO Integrated Command and
International Committee of the International Maritime Control, 127
Red Cross, 130 Organisation, 132 Integrated Disarmament,
IDDRS IMP Demobilisation and
Integrated Disarmament, Initial Monitoring Presence, 126 Reintegration Standards, 127
Demobilisation and IMPP integrated logistic support, 153
Reintegration Standards, Integrated Mission Planning Integrated Mission Planning
127 Procedures, 127 Procedures, 127
identification, 118 Integrated Mission Planning Integrated Mission Planning
IDLO Process, 127 Process, 127
International Development Law improvised explosive device, integration, 128
Organisation, 132 119 integrity, 128
IDP Improvised Explosive Device INTEL
Internally Displaced Person, Disposal, 120 intelligence, 128
130 info ops (EU mil), 121 intelligence, 128
IED info ops (offensive), 121 intelligence cycle, 128
improvised explosive device, InfoOps Intelligence Preparation of the
119 Information Operations, 123 Battlespace, 129
IED event, 120 information, 122 Intelligence Report, 129
IED System, 120 information activities, 122 Intelligence Summary, 129
IEDD information campaign, 122 Intelligence, Surveillance and
Improvised Explosive Device information environment, 122 Reconnaissance, 129
Disposal, 120 Information Exchange Gateway, Intelligence, Surveillance Target
IEF 122 Acquisition and
Initial Entry Forces, 125 Information Gathering, 122 Reconnaissance, 129

220 / 240
Intergovernmental Authority on Initial Deployment of Forces, Joint Investment Programme,
Drought and Development, 125 141
Internally Displaced Person, 130 Initial Planning Meeting, 126 Joint Logistics Operation
International Committee of the IR Centre, 141
Red Cross, 130 Information Requirements, 123 JLS
International Convention for the IRC Justice, freedom and security,
Safety of Life At Sea, 131 International Red Cross, 133 143
International Convention on the irregular armed civilian groups, JMA
Elimination of All Forms of 137 Joint Military Affairs, 141
Racial Discrimination, 131 IRT JMAC
International Covenant on Civil Immediate Response Team, Joint Mission Analysis Cell, 141
and Political Rights, 131 119 JOA
International Covenant on IRTC joint operations area, 141
Economic, Social and internationally recommended JOC
Cultural Rights, 131 transit corridor, 133 Joint Operations Centre, 141
International Criminal Court, 131 IS joint, 139
International Development Law illustrative scenarios, 118 Joint Action, 139
Organisation, 132 Information Systems, 124 Joint Africa-EU Strategy, 139
International Federation of Red Isolated Personnel Reports, 137 Joint Area of Operation, 139
Cross and Red Crescent, 132 ISOPREP Joint Common Operational
International Humanitarian Fact- Isolated Personnel Reports, Picture, 139
Finding Commission, 132 137 Joint Component Command,
International Humanitarian Law, ISR 139
132 Intelligence, Surveillance and Joint Coordination and
International Legal Foundation, Reconnaissance, 129 Monitoring Board, 140
132 ISS Joint Expert Panel, 140
International Maritime Institute for Security Studies, Joint Force Command, 140
Organisation, 132 126 Joint Force Commander, 140
International Monetary Fund, ISTAR Joint Headquarter, 140
132 Intelligence, Surveillance Target Joint Investment Programme,
International Organisation, 133 Acquisition and 141
International Organization for Reconnaissance, 129 Joint Logistics Operation
Migration, 133 ITP Centre, 141
International Red Cross, 133 Instructions to Parties, 127 Joint Military Affairs, 141
internationally recommended JA Joint Mission Analysis Cell, 141
transit corridor, 133 Joint Action, 139 Joint Operational Planning
interoperability, 134 JAES Group, 141
inter-theatre airlift, 135 Joint Africa-EU Strategy, 139 joint operations area, 141
intervention, 135 JAO Joint Operations Centre, 141
INTREP Joint Area of Operation, 139 Joint Research Centre, 142
Intelligence Report, 129 JCC Joint Task Force, 142
INTSUM Joint Component Command, JOPG
Intelligence Summary, 129 139 Joint Operational Planning
IO JCMB Group, 141
International Organisation, 133 Joint Coordination and JRC
IOC Monitoring Board, 140 Joint Research Centre, 142
Initial Operational Capability, JCOP JSSP
126 Joint Common Operational Justice Sector Support
IOM Picture, 139 Programme, 142
International Organization for JEP JTF
Migration, 133 Joint Expert Panel, 140 Joint Task Force, 142
IOWG JFC Justice and Home Affairs, 142
Information Operation Working Joint Force Command, 140 Justice Sector Support
Group, 123 Joint Force Commander, 140 Programme, 142
IPB JHA Justice, freedom and security,
Intelligence Preparation of the Justice and Home Affairs, 142 143
Battlespace, 129 JHQ KD
IPFR Joint Headquarter, 140 Knowledge Development, 145
JIP Key Leadership Event, 145

221 / 240
Key Military Task, 145 LN Logistic Support Command,
Key Nucleus, 145 Lead Nation, 147 152
Key Supporting Task, 145 LOAC LogSptCdr
KLE Law of Armed Conflict, 147 Logistic Support Commander,
Key Leadership Event, 145 LOC 153
KM lines of communication, 150 Long Range Transport, 155
Knowledge Management, 145 local maritime capacity building, Long-Term Vision, 156
Key Military Task, 145 LOD Logistic Planning Review
KN Capability Lines of Conference, 152
Key Nucleus, 145 Development, 23 LRSN
Knowledge Development, 145 Log Logistic Role Specialised
Knowledge Management, 145 logistics, 153 Nation, 152
KST Logistics, 154 LRT
Key Supporting Task, 145 LOG Long Range Transport, 155
Land Component Commander, Logistics Branch of LOG LS
147 Directorate (EUMS), 154 life support, 150
Law Enforcement Network, 147 LOG/RES LT
Law of Armed Conflict, 147 Logistics and Resources Lessons Team, 149
LC Division (EUMS), 154 LTT
lessons cell, 148 LOGASSESSREP Lines To Take, 150
LCC Logistic Assessment Report, LTV
Land Component Commander, 151 Long-Term Vision, 156
Lead Nation, 147 logistic control, 154 Movement & Transportation,
Legal Adviser, 147 Logistic Functional Area MA
Legal Adviser, 147 Services, 151 Marshalling Area, 161
LEN LOGIS military assistance, 166
Law Enforcement Network, 147 Logistic Information System, Main Logistic Planning
lesson identified, 148 151 Conference, 158
lesson improvement action(s), Logistic Assessment Report, Main Planning Meeting, 158
148 151 Main Supply Route, 158
lesson learnt, 148 logistic assets, 151 Maint
lesson observation, 148 logistic assistance, 151 Maintenance, 158
lessons cell, 148 logistic control, 154 Maintenance, 158
Lessons Identified, 148 Logistic Functional Area MALE
Lessons Learned, 148 Services, 151 Medium Altitude Long Range
Lessons Management Group, Logistic Information System, Endurance, 164
149 151 MALE UAV
Lessons Team, 149 Logistic Lead Nation, 155 Medium Altitude Long
LI Logistic Management Cell, 152 Endurance unmanned aerial
Lessons Identified, 148 Logistic Planning Review vehicle, 164
liaison, 149 Conference, 152 MAOC
life support, 150 logistic resources, 152 Maritime Air Operations Centre,
lines of communication, 150 Logistic Role Specialised 158
Lines To Take, 150 Nation, 152 MAR
live exercise, 150 Logistic Support Command, 152 Mission Assessment Report,
LIVEX Logistic Support Commander, 172
live exercise, 150 153 Maritime Air Operations Centre,
LL logistics, 153 158
lesson learnt, 148 Logistics, 154 Maritime Component
Lessons Learned, 148 Logistics and Resources Commander, 159
LLN Division (EUMS), 154 Maritime Dimension Study, 159
logistics lead nation, 155 Logistics Branch of LOG Maritime Rapid Response, 159
LMC Directorate (EUMS), 154 Maritime Rapid Response
Logistic Management Cell, 152 Logistics Report, 155 Concept, 159
LMG LOGREP Maritime Rapid Response
Lessons Management Group, Logistics Report, 155 Information Conference, 160
149 LogSptCd

222 / 240
Maritime Rapid Response Measurement of Effectiveness, military information operations,
Mechanism, 160 162 168
maritime security, 160 Measures of Effectiveness, 162 Military Information Operations,
Maritime Security, 160 MEDCC 168
Maritime Security Centre Horn Medical Coordination Centre, Military Intelligence, 168
of Africa, 160 162 Military Intelligence
Maritime Security Operation, Medical Advisor, 162 Organisations, 168
161 Medical Coordination Centre, military operational planning,
maritime situational awareness, 162 200
161 Medical Director, 162 military planning, 169
Maritime Support Operations, medical intelligence, 163 military planning architecture,
161 medical support, 111, 163 169
maritime surveillance, 239 medical task forces, 163 Military Police, 170
Maritime Surveillance, 161 Medical Treatment Facility, 163 military PR/PI
MarRR MEDINT Military Public Relations / Public
Maritime Rapid Response, 159 medical intelligence, 163 Information, 170
MarRRC Medium Altitude Long Military Public Relations / Public
Maritime Rapid Response Endurance unmanned aerial Information, 170
Concept, 159 vehicle, 164 military rapid response, 171
MarRRIC Medium Altitude Long Range Military Rapid Response
Maritime Rapid Response Endurance, 164 Concept, 171
Information Conference, 160 memorandum of understanding, military rapid response time,
MarRRM 164 171
Maritime Rapid Response Mentoring And Training military restricted area, 233
Mechanism, 160 Element, 165 military strategic option, 171
Marshalling Area, 161 Merchant Vessel, 166 military strategy, 172
Maritime Surveillance, 161 multinational forces, 176 multinational integrated logistic
MASCAL MFHQ unit, 176
Mass Casualty, 162 multinational headquarters, 176 MIMU
MASE MFT Multinational Integrated Medical
Maritime Security, 160 Medical Treatment Facility, 163 Unit, 177
Mass Casualty, 162 MI Minimum Military Requirement,
MATE Military Intelligence, 168 172
Mentoring And Training MIC MIO
Element, 165 Monitoring and Information Military Intelligence
MATT Centre of Civil Protection, Organisations, 168
Mobile Advisory and Training 174 Mission Assessment Report,
Teams, 173 MICA 172
MC2IS Military Implication of a mission essential forces, 173
Command and Control Comprehensive Approach, MJLC
Information Systems in 168 Multinational Joint Logistic
Support of Maritime Mil Info Ops Centre, 177
Operations, 41 Military Information Operations, MJMTCC
MCC 168 Multinational Joint Movement
Maritime Component Mil PR/PI and Transportation
Commander, 159 Military Public Relations / Public Coordination Centre, 177
Military Control Centre, 167 Information, 170 MLPC
MCCC Military and Civil Defence Main Logistic Planning
Military Capabilities Assets, 166 Conference, 158
Commitment Conference, military assistance, 166 MMCC
167 Military Capabilities Multinational Movement Co-
MCDA Commitment Conference, 167 ordination Centre, 178
Military and Civil Defence military capability, 167 MMR
Assets, 166 Military Control Centre, 167 Minimum Military Requirement,
MDS military exercise, 91 172
Maritime Dimension Study, 159 Military Implication of a MMU
MDT Comprehensive Approach, Multinational Medical Unit, 177
Mobile Decommissioning 168 MN
Teams, 173 Multi-National, 175

223 / 240
MNDDP Multi National Maritime Task NATO Standardisation
Multinational Detailed Force, 175 Agreement, 186
Deployment Plan, 175 Multi Role Transport Tanker, NCCC
MNEODCC 175 NATO Co-operation and Co-
Multi-National Explosives Multi-National, 175 ordination Centre, 183
Ordnance Disposal Co- Multinational Detailed NCO
ordination Cell, 175 Deployment Plan, 175 Network Centric Operations,
MNF Multi-National Explosives 187
Multinational Formation, 176 Ordnance Disposal Co- Non-Combat Operations, 188
MNJOC ordination Cell, 175 NCW
Multinational Joint Operations multinational forces, 176 Network Centric Warfare, 187
Centre, 177 Multinational Formation, 176 NEC
MNMTCC multinational headquarters, 176 Network Enabled Capability,
Multinational Movement & multinational integrated logistic 188
Transportation Co-ordination unit, 176 Network Centric Operations, 187
Centre, 178 Multinational Integrated Medical Network Centric Warfare, 187
MNMTF Unit, 177 Network Enabled Capability, 188
Multi National Maritime Task Multinational Joint Logistic NGO
Force, 175 Centre, 177 Non-Governmental
MNNBCCC Multinational Joint Movement Organisation, 190
Multi-National Nuclear and Transportation NILO
Biological and Chemical Co- Coordination Centre, 177 National Intelligence Liaison
ordination Cell, 178 Multinational Joint Operations Officer, 181
Mobile Advisory and Training Centre, 177 NLT
Teams, 173 multinational logistics, 177 National Liaison Team, 181
Mobile Decommissioning Multinational Medical Unit, 177 NMCC
Teams, 173 Multinational Movement & National Movement Co-
MOE Transportation Co-ordination ordination Centre, 181
Measurement of Effectiveness, Centre, 178 NOC
162 Multinational Movement Co- National Operations Centre,
Measures of Effectiveness, 162 ordination Centre, 178 181
Monitoring and Information Multi-National Nuclear Non-Combat Operations, 188
Centre of Civil Protection, 174 Biological and Chemical Co- Non-Conventional Assisted
MOU ordination Cell, 178 Recovery, 189
memorandum of understanding, Multinational Support Unit, 178 Non-deadly force, 188
164 MV Non-Governmental
Movement & Transportation, Merchant Vessel, 166 Organisation, 190
175 NAMSA Norwegian Refugee Council,
MP NATO Maintenance and Supply 192
Military Police, 170 Agency, 184 NRC
MPM NAR Norwegian Refugee Council,
Main Planning Meeting, 158 Non-Conventional Assisted 192
MRRC Recovery, 189 NRF
Military Rapid Response national component, 180 NATO Response Force, 185
Concept, 171 National Intelligence Liaison NSA
MRTT Officer, 181 National Security Authority, 181
Multi Role Transport Tanker, National Liaison Team, 181 NSE
175 National Movement Co- national support element, 182
MSA ordination Centre, 181 NSP
maritime situational awareness, National Operations Centre, 181 National Solidarity Programme,
161 National Security Authority, 181 181
MSO National Solidarity Programme, NSR
Maritime Support Operations, 181 NATO Staff Requirement, 185
161 national support element, 182 OB
military strategic option, 171 NATO Co-operation and Co- Operational Base, 196
MSR ordination Centre, 183 OCE
Main Supply Route, 158 NATO Maintenance and Supply Official Conducting the
MSU Agency, 184 Exercise, 194
Multinational Support Unit, 178 NATO Response Force, 185 ODA
NATO Staff Requirement, 185

224 / 240
Official Development OPFOR Persons with Designated
Assistance, 195 Opposing Force, 201 Special Status, 210
Office of the High OPLAN PE, 208
Commissioner of Human operation plan, 196 PE Force
Rights, 194 OPORDER Peace Enforcement Force, 206
official conducting the exercise, operation order, 196 Peace Enforcement Force, 206
92 OPP Peace Support Operations, 207
Official Conducting the Operational Planning Process, Peacebuilding Commission, 207
Exercise, 194 200 Periodical Mission Review, 208
Official Development Opposing Force, 201 Permanent Representation, 208
Assistance, 195 OPSCEN, 200 Permanent Structured
official scheduling the exercise, ORBAT Cooperation, 209
91 Order of Battle, 201 permissive environment, 209
Official Scheduling the Order of Battle, 201 PermRep
Exercise, 195 Organisation for Security and Permanent Representation, 208
OHCHR Co-operation in Europe, 202 Personnel Contributing States,
Office of the High Organisation for the Prohibition 209
Commissioner of Human of Chemical Weapons, 201 Personnel Establishment, 208
Rights, 194 OSCE Personnel Officer Local Staff,
OHQ Organisation for Security and 209
Operation Headquarter, 196 Co-operation in Europe, 202 personnel recovery, 209
OICA OSE Personnel Report, 210
Operating Implications of a Official Development Persons Indicted for War
Comprehensive Approach, Assistance, 195 Crimes, 210
195 OSINT persons with designated special
ONUB open source intelligence, 195 status, 210
United Nations Operation in Overall EU Response Time, 202 Persons with Designated
Burundi, 272 PAG Special Status, 210
OPC pirate action group, 211 PERSREP
Operational Planning Course, PAR Personnel Report, 210
198 Public Administration Reform, PESCO
OpCdr 221 Permanent Structured
Operation Commander, 195 PARP Cooperation, 209
OPCOM Planning and Review Process, Petersberg tasks, 210
operational command, 197 210 PFCA
OPCON participating Member States, Political Framework for Crisis
Operational Control, 197 204 Approach, 215
OPCW Parties to the Crisis, 204 PfP
Organisation for the Prohibition Partnership for Peace, 205 Partnership for Peace, 205
of Chemical Weapons, 201 patient regulating, 205 PHM
open source intelligence, 195 patient tracking, 205 Police head of Mission, 212
Operating Implications of a PBC PIFWC
Comprehensive Approach, Peacebuilding Commission, Persons Indicted for War
195 207 Crimes, 210
operation, 195 PC PIO
Operation Commander, 195 Progress Catalogue, 219 Public Information Office, 221
Operation Headquarter, 196 PCASP Public Information Officer, 221
operation order, 196 privately contracted armed PIR
operation plan, 196 security personnel, 218 Priority Intelligence
Operational Analysis, 196 PCC Requirement, 218
Operational Base, 196 Prague Commitment pirate action group, 211
operational command, 197 Conference, 205 pirated ship, 211
Operational Control, 197 PCRD pirated vessel, 211
operational level, 198 Post-conflict Reconstruction Planning and Review Process,
operational planning, 200 and Development, 217 210
Operational Planning Course, PCS planning for an operation, 212
198 Personnel Contributing States, Plans, 212
Operational Planning Process, 209 PLS
200 PDSS Plans, 212
Operations Centre, 200 PMG

225 / 240
Politico-Military Group, 216 Port of Disembarkation, 216 Political and Security
PMI Port of Embarkation, 216 Committee, 213
Prevention of Mutual Positioning Navigation Timing, PSE
Interference, 217 216 PsyOps Support Element, 220
PMR Post Exercise Discussion, 217 PSO
Periodical Mission Review, 208 Post-conflict Reconstruction Peace Support Operations, 207
Private Mobile Radio, 218 and Development, 217 Police Strategic Option, 212
participating Member States, Prisoner of War, 218 Provisional Statement of
204 PPEWU Requirements, 220
PNT Policy Planning and Early psychological operations, 220
Positioning Navigation Timing, Warning Unit, 213 Psychological Operations
216 PPI Component Command, 220
PoC Political Policy Indicator, 215 Psychological Operations Task
Protection of Civilians, 219 PPOC Force, 220
POCC Protocol and Public Information PSYOP
Psychological Operations Officer, 220 psychological operations, 220
Component Command, 220 PPS PsyOps Support Element, 220
POD Political Policy Statement, 215 PU
Port of Disembarkation, 216 Prague Commitment Policy Unit, 213
POE Conference, 205 Public Administration Reform,
Point Of Entry, 212 PRC 221
Port of Embarkation, 216 Political Response Cell, 216 Public Information Office, 221
Point Of Entry, 212 PRD Public Information Officer, 221
POL/PLS Production Branch, 218 PXD
Policy and Plans Division PRDSS Post Exercise Discussion, 217
(EUMS), 212 property with designated QRF
POLAD special status, 219 Quick Reaction Force, 223
Political Adviser, 213 Prevention of Mutual Quick Reaction Force, 223
POLEX Interference, 217 R&D
Political Exercise, 214 principle, 217 Research And Developments,
PolHoM Priority Intelligence 232
Police Head of Mission, 212 Requirement, 218 R(M)EA
Police head of Mission, 212 Priority Reform and Rapid (Maritime) Environmental
Police Head of Mission, 212 Restructuring, 218 Assessment, 225
Police Strategic Option, 212 Prisoner of War, 218 RAC
Policy and Plans Division private armed security team, Reporting and Analysis Cell,
(EUMS), 212 218 231
Policy Planning and Early Private Mobile Radio, 218 RACC
Warning Unit, 213 privately contracted armed Rear Area Component
Policy Unit, 213 security personnel, 218 Commander, 226
Political Adviser, 213 Production Branch, 218 Rapid (Maritime) Environmental
Political and Security profile, 218 Assessment, 225
Committee, 213 Progress Catalogue, 219 Rapid Alert Systems, 225
political control, 214 property with designated Rapid Reaction Capability, 225
political exercise, 214 special status, 219 rapid response, 225
Political Exercise, 214 Protection of Civilians, 219 rapid response elements, 225
political framework for crisis Protocol and Public Information RAS
approach, 215 Officer, 220 Rapid Alert Systems, 225
Political Framework for Crisis Provincial Reconstruction RASP
Approach, 215 Team, 220 Recognised Air and Surface
Political Policy Indicator, 215 Provisional Statement of Picture, 227
Political Policy Statement, 215 Requirements, 220 RC
political reaction time, 215 PRR Requirement Catalogue, 231
Political Response Cell, 216 Priority Reform and RCIED
political strategy, 216 Restructuring, 218 Remote Controlled Improvised
Politico-Military Group, 216 PRT Explosive Device, 231
POLS Provincial Reconstruction RDRA
Personnel Officer Local Staff, Team, 220 Regional Disaster Response
209 PSC Advisor, 229

226 / 240
reaction time, 226 Recognised Maritime Picture, Safe and Secure Environment,
readiness, 226 227 238
reallocation authority, 226 ROE SAE
reallocation of resources, 226 rules of engagement, 235 Scrutinising, Assessing
Rear Area Component ROE (confirmatory), 235 Evaluating, Prioritizing
Commander, 226 ROEAUTH process, 239
Reception, Staging and Onward Rules of Engagement Scrutinising-Assessing-
Movement, 227 Authorisation, 235 Evaluating, 239
Reception, Staging, Onward ROEIMPL Safe and Secure Environment,
Movement & Integration, 227 Rules of Engagement 238
Recognised Air and Surface Implementation, 235 safe area, 238
Picture, 227 ROEREQ SAG
Recognised Land Picture, 227 Rules of Engagement Request, Surface Action Group, 255
Recognised Maritime Picture, 236 SALCC
227 RoL Strategic Airlift Co-ordination
reconnaissance, 228 Rule of Law, 234 Cell, 251
Reconnaissance Surveillance Role Specialist Nation, 234 SALW
Target Acquisition, 228 role specialist nation support, Small Arms and Light
Redistribution, 228 234 Weapons, 244
Regional Disaster Response Roll-on Roll-off, 234 SAMOC
Advisor, 229 RoRo Surface-To-Air Missile
regional maritime capacity Roll-on Roll-off, 234 Operation Centre, 256
building, 229 ROTA Sampling and Identification of
Regional Support Office, 229 Release other than Attack, 231 Biological, Chemical and
reinsertion, 230 RPAS Radiological Agents, 238
reintegration, 230 Remotely Piloted Aircraft SAT
reintegration programs, 230 Systems, 231 Security Administration Team,
Release other than Attack, 231 RRC 241
Remote Controlled Improvised Rapid Reaction Capability, 225 Systems Approach to Training,
Explosive Device, 231 RRE 257
Remotely Piloted Aircraft rapid response elements, 225 SATCEN
Systems, 231 RSN Satellite Centre, 238
Report of the Panel of the Role Specialist Nation, 234 SATCOM
Experts on Space and RSO Satellite Communications, 239
Security, 231 Regional Support Office, 229 Satellite Centre, 238
Reporting and Analysis Cell, RSOM Satellite Communications, 239
231 Reception, Staging and Onward SBEOS
REQ Movement, 227 Space-based Earth Observation
Requirements Branch, 232 RSOM&I System, 245
Request for Information, 231 Reception, Staging, Onward SCC
Requirement Catalogue, 231 Movement & Integration, 227 Sealift Coordination Centre, 240
Requirements Branch, 232 RSTA SCE
Requirements Catalogue, 23 Reconnaissance Surveillance Support to the Civil
RES Target Acquisition, 228 Environment, 254
Resources, 232 Rule of Law, 234 Scrutinising, Assessing
RES/SPT rules of engagement, 235 Evaluating, Prioritizing
Resources Support Branch Rules of Engagement process, 239
EUMS, 232 Authorisation, 235 Scrutinising-Assessing-
Research And Developments, Rules of Engagement Evaluating, 239
232 Implementation, 235 SCSL
Resources, 232 Rules of Engagement Request, Special Court for Sierra Leone,
Resources Support Branch 236 245
RFI situation awareness, 244 Sexual Exploitation and Abuse,
Request for Information, 231 staging area, 248 243
riot control agents, 233 SAA Sea Lines of Communication,
risk, 234 Security Accreditation Authority, 239
RLP 241 Sea Port of Embarkation, 240
Recognised Land Picture, 227 SACE SEAD

227 / 240
Suppression of Enemy Air SITCEN SPASEC Report, 231
Defences, 255 Situation Centre, 243 SPAT
SEAD Anti-Radiation Missiles, situation awareness, 244 Support Advisory Team, 254
240 Situation Centre, 243 SPEC OPS
SEAD ARM SJ/ESJ Special Operations, 245
SEAD Anti-Radiation Missiles, Stand Off Jamming/Escort Special Court for Sierra Leone,
240 Jamming, 248 245
Sealift Coordination Centre, 240 SLOC Special Forces, 245
Seaport of Disembarkation, 240 Sea Lines of Communication, Special Operations, 245
SEASME 239 Special Operations Command
Secure European System for Small Arms and Light Weapons, and Control Element, 246
Automatic Messages, 240 244 Special Operations Component,
secure area, 240 SMO 246
Secure European System for Senior Medical Officer, 242 Special Operations Component
Automatic Messages, 240 SNMP Command, 246
security, 241 Simple Network Management Special Operations Forces, 246
Security Accreditation Protocol, 243 Special Operations Liaison
Authority, 241 SOC Element, 246
Security Administration Team, Special Operations Component, Special Operations Planning
241 246 and Liaison Element, 246
Security Sector Development, SOCC Special Reconnaissance and
241 Special Operations Component Surveillance, 247
Security Sector Reform, 241 Command, 246 Special Reports, 247
Security Support Element, 241 SOCCE Special Representative, 247
self defence, 242 Special Operations Command SPECREP
SEMG and Control Element, 246 Special Reports, 247
Somali and Eritrean Monitoring SOF SPO
Group, 244 Special Operations Forces, 246 Strategic Psychological
Senior Medical Officer, 242 SOFA Operations, 253
Sensitive Site Reconnaissance, status of forces agreement, 250 SPOD
242 SOFE Seaport of Disembarkation, 240
Separation of Parties by Force, Special Operations Liaison SPOE
242 Element, 246 Sea Port of Embarkation, 240
Survival, Evasion, Resistance International Convention for the Single Progress Report, 243
and Extraction, 256 Safety of Life At Sea, 131 SPT
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, SOM support, 254
243 Start of Mission Date, 249 SR
SF SOMA Special Reconnaissance and
Special Forces, 245 Status Of Mission Agreement, Surveillance, 247
SHADE 250 Special Representative, 247
Shared Awareness and Somali and Eritrean Monitoring Stabilisation, Reconstruction,
Deconfliction, 243 Group, 244 247
Shared Awareness and SOP SS
Deconfliction, 243 Standing Operating Procedure, Steady State, 251
shared use, 243 249 SSD
SIAC SOPF Security Sector Development,
Single Intelligence Analysis Separation of Parties by Force, 241
Capacity, 243 242 SSE
SIBCRA, 238 SOPLE Security Support Element, 241
SIDDR Special Operations Planning SSR
Stockholm Initiative on and Liaison Element, 246 Security Sector Reform, 241
Disarmament, SOR Sensitive Site Reconnaissance,
Demobilisation and Statement of Requirements, 242
Reintegration, 251 249 STA
Simple Network Management SPA Surveillance and Target
Protocol, 243 Strategic Planning Assumption, Acquisition, 256
Single Intelligence Analysis 253 Stabilisation, Reconstruction,
Capacity, 243 Space-based Earth Observation 247
Single Progress Report, 243 System, 245

228 / 240
stabilisation, reconstruction and Surface Action Group, 255 Technical Assistance
military advice to third Surface-To-Air Missile Information Exchange
countries, 247 Operation Centre, 256 Programme, 262
staging area, 248 surveillance, 256 Terms of Reference, 263
STANAG Surveillance and Target TEU Article 17 Tasks, 263
NATO Standardisation Acquisition, 256 TFR
Agreement, 186 Survival, Evasion, Resistance total force requirement, 265
Stand Off Jamming/Escort and Extraction, 256 TG
Jamming, 248 sustainability, 256 Task Group, 261
Standard Operating Procedure, synergies between EU civilian Theatre Ballistic Missile
249 and military capability Defence, 263
Standing Operating Procedure, development, 257 Theatre of Operations, 264
249 SYNEX third party logistic support, 264
Start of Mission Date, 249 Synthetic Exercise, 257 Third Party Logistic Support,
Start of the Exercise, 249 Synthetic Exercise, 257 264
STARTEX Systems Approach to Training, threat, 264
Start of the Exercise, 249 257 TIC
Statement of Requirements, 249 TA Toxic Industrial Chemical, 265
statements of requirements Target Acquisition, 260 Troops In Contact, 267
(HNS), 250 Technical Arrangement, 262 TIH
status of forces agreement, 250 TAA Toxic Industrial Hazards, 265
Status Of Mission Agreement, Target Audience Analyses, 260 TIR
250 table top exercise, 259 Toxic Industrial Radiological,
Steady State, 251 TACOM 265
STF Tactical Command, 259 TMT
Support to the Military Force, TACON Training and Mentoring Teams,
255 Tactical Control, 259 265
Stockholm Initiative on Tactical Air Support for TNA
Disarmament, Demobilisation Maritime Operations, 259 Training Needs Analysis, 266
and Reintegration, 251 tactical area of operations, 14 TO
Strategic Airlift Co-ordination Tactical Area of Operations, 263 Theatre of Operations, 264
Cell, 251 Tactical Ballistic Missile, 259 TOA
Strategic concept, 252 Tactical Command, 259 transfer of authority, 266
Strategic Direction, 253 Tactical Control, 259 Tools for Operational Planning,
strategic level of operations, TAIEX Force Activation and
253 Technical Assistance Simulation, 265
Strategic Planning Assumption, Information Exchange TOPFAS
253 Programme, 262 Tools for Operational Planning,
strategic planning assumptions, TAOO Force Activation and
212 Tactical Area of Operations, Simulation, 265
Strategic Psychological 263 TOR
Operations, 253 TAP Terms of Reference, 263
Sup Translation and Adaptation total force requirement, 265
Supply, 254 Process, 266 Toxic Industrial Chemical, 265
SUPLAN Target Acquisition, 260 Toxic Industrial Hazards, 265
Supporting Plan, 255 Target Audience Analyses, 260 Toxic Industrial Radiological,
Supply, 254 Task Group, 261 265
support, 254 TASMO TPLS
Support Advisory Team, 254 Tactical Air Support for Third Party Logistic Support,
Support to the Chairman of the Maritime Operations, 259 264
EUMC, 254 TBM Training and Mentoring Teams,
support to the civil Tactical Ballistic Missile, 259 265
environment, 115 TBMD training in ESDP, 266
Support to the Civil Theatre Ballistic Missile Training Needs Analysis, 266
Environment, 254 Defence, 263 transfer of authority, 266
Support to the Military Force, TCN Translation and Adaptation
255 troop contributing nations, 266 Process, 266
Supporting Plan, 255 Technical Arrangement, 262 troop contributing nations, 56,
Suppression of Enemy Air 266
Defences, 255 Troops In Contact, 267

229 / 240
TTX United Nations Children’s Fund, UNSCR
table top exercise, 259 271 United Nations Security Council
UAV United Nations Convention on Resolution, 273
Unmanned Air Vehicle, 273 the Law of the Sea, 271 UNSG
UCAV United Nations Department of United Nations Secretary
Unmanned Combat Aerial Peacekeeping Operations, General, 273
Vehicle, 274 271 UNSOA
Uganda's People Defence United Nations Development United Nations Support office
Forces, 269 Programme, 271 for AMISOM, 273
UN Assistance Mission to United Nations Disaster and UNSOM
Afghanistan, 269 Assessment Coordination United Nation Assistance
UN High Commissioner for Team, 271 Mission in Somalia, 270
Human Rights, 269 United Nations High UPDF
UNAMA Commissioner for Refugees, Uganda's People Defence
UN Assistance Mission to 272 Forces, 269
Afghanistan, 269 United Nations Mission in USCENTCOM
UNAMID Liberia, 272 US-Central Command, 274
United Nations African Union United Nations Mission in US-Central Command, 274
Mission in Darfur, 271 Sudan, 272 use of force, 275
UNCLOS United Nations Office for the UXO
United Nations Convention on Co-ordination of unexploded ordnance, 270
the Law of the Sea, 271 Humanitarian Affairs, 272 VBIED
UNDAC United Nations Operation in Vehicle-born Improvised
United Nations Disaster and Burundi, 272 Explosive Device, 277
Assessment Coordination United Nations Operation in Vehicle-born Improvised
Team, 271 Cote d'Ivoire, 273 Explosive Device, 277
UNDP United Nations Secretary Vessel Protection Detachment,
United Nations Development General, 273 277
Programme, 271 United Nations Security VPD
UNDPKO Council, 273 Vessel Protection Detachment,
United Nations Department of United Nations Security Council 277
Peacekeeping Operations, Resolution, 273 vulnerability, 278
271 United Nations Support office Watch keeping Capability, 280
unexploded ordnance, 270 for AMISOM, 273 Weapons of Mass Destruction,
UNHCHR unmanned aerial vehicle, 274 280
UN High Commissioner for Unmanned Air Vehicle, 273 WFP
Human Rights, 269 Unmanned Combat Aerial World Food Program, 280
UNHCR Vehicle, 274 WHO
United Nations High UNMIS World Health Organisation, 281
Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Mission in WKC
272 Sudan, 272 Watch keeping Capability, 280
United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations Office for the Weapons of Mass Destruction,
271 Co-ordination of 280
UNIMIL Humanitarian Affairs, 272 World Food Program, 280
United Nations Mission in UNOCI World Health Organisation, 281
Liberia, 272 United Nations Operation in World Trade Organisation, 281
United Nation Assistance Cote d'Ivoire, 273 WTO
Mission in Somalia, 270 UNSC World Trade Organisation, 281
United Nations African Union United Nations Security
Mission in Darfur, 271 Council, 273

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231 / 240
United Nations
AAR battle damage assessment, 18 Common European Security and
After Action Review, 9 belligerent, 19 Defence Policy, 44
advance warning, 78 be-prepared mission, 19 CFSP
African Peace and Security best management practice, 19 Common Foreign and Security
Architecture, 9 BI Policy, 44
African Standby Force, 9 Building Integrity, 20 chain of command, 25
African Union -United Nations blind, 270 Chain of Command, 25
Hybrid Operation in Darfur, BMP chemical agent, 25
271 best management practice, 19 chemical warfare, 25
After Action Review, 9 boundary disclaimer, 20 chemical warfare agent, 25
air point of embarkation, 10 briefing, 20 Chemical Weapons Convention,
air support, 9 Building Integrity, 20 25
airport of debarkation, 10 C2 chemical, biological,
airport of disembarkation, 10 command and control, 37 radiological and nuclear, 26
airport of embarkation, 10 C2W chief of the defence staff, 26
anti-terrorism, 12 command and control warfare, 38 children and armed conflict, 26
area of operations, 14 command, control and civil-military cooperation, 30
AOI communications, 55 CIMOC
area of interest, 13 C4I Civil-Military Operations Centre,
AOO command, control, 30
area of operations, 14 communications, computers civil affairs, 27
AOR and intelligence, 40 civil society organisation, 28
area of responsibility, 14 CA civilianization, 29
APOD civil affairs, 27 civil-military cooperation, 30
airport of disembarkation, 10 CAAC Civil-Military Cooperation, 30
APOE children and armed conflict, 26 civil-military cooperation
air point of embarkation, 10 carrier battle group, 10 operations, 30
APSA caveat, 24 civil-military operations, 30
African Peace and Security CAX Civil-Military Operations Centre,
Architecture, 9 computer-aided exercise, 53 30
area clearance, 13 CBM CIVPOL
area of interest, 13 confidence-building measure, 54 International Civilian Police, 29
area of operations, 14 CBRN clandestine operation, 30
area of responsibility, 14 closed area, 31, 233
chemical, biological, radiological
and nuclear, 26
African Standby Force, 9 command, 40, 41
computer based training, 53
Assistant Secretary-General, 15 Crisis Management Initiative, 62
assessment, 15 CMO
crisis coordination centre, 61
assign, 15 civil-military operations, 30
assist letter, 149 CMOC
chief of the defence staff, 26
Assistant Secretary-General, 15 Civil-Military Operations Centre,
asylum seeker, 16 30
United States Central Command,
asylum-seeker, 16 CoE
AT 274
centre of excellence, 24
anti-terrorism, 12 Central Command, 274
centre of excellence, 24
augmentation forces, 16 counterinsurgency, 60
B/P combat psychological
communications and electronics
be-prepared mission, 19 operations, 33
BAC operating instructions, 47
combat readiness, 199, 249
battle area clearance, 13 CESDP
combat ready, 34
battle area clearance, 13 Common European Common and
combat support, 34
battle damage assessment, 18 Defence Policy, 88
Combined Task Force, 37

232 / 240
communications centre, 47 counter-terrorism, 60 detention, 73
COMD CPC deterrence by punishment, 73
command, 40, 41 Conflict Prevention Centre, 54 digital elevation model, 73
command, 40, 41 CPMR direct support, 74
command and control, 37 Mechanism for Conflict directive, 74
command and control warfare, Prevention, Management and Directorate General for
38 Resolution, 55 Humanitarian Aid and Civil
command channel, 25 CPT Protection, 86
command net, 39 core planning team, 59 disarmament, demobilisation
command post, 39 CPX and reintegration, 75
command post exercise, 39 command post exercise, 39 Disaster Management
command, control and CRC Programme, 75
communications, 55 disease and non-battle injury
Convention on the Rights of the
command, control, casualty, 75
Child, 57
communications, computers disposition, 72
crisis coordination centre, 61
and intelligence, 40 DMP, 75
crisis management, 61
command-and-control warfare, DMZ
Crisis Management Initiative, 62
38 demilitarized zone, 70
crisis management team, 63
COMMC DNBI casualty
communications centre, 47 disease and non-battle injury
combat support, 34
Commission of the European casualty, 75
Communities, 86 doctrine, 76
confidence- and security-building
Common European Common DP
measure, 54
and Defence Policy, 88 decision point, 69
Common European Security DPKO
Common Security and Defence
and Defence Policy, 44 Department of Peacekeeping
Policy, 45
Common Foreign and Security Operations, 71, 271
Policy, 44 drone, 273
Common Security and Defence civil society organization, 28
Policy, 45 CT
direct support, 74
commonality, 45 counter-terrorism, 60
communications and CTF
emergency action plan, 79
electronics operating Combined Task Force, 37
instructions, 47 cultural property protection, 65
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council,
communications centre, 47 CVBG
compatibility, 47 carrier battle group, 10
early warning, 78
computer based training, 53 CW
computer-aided exercise, 53 chemical warfare, 25
European Commission, 86
concept of operations, 53 CWA
confidence- and security- chemical warfare agent, 25
Directorate General for
building measure, 54 CWC
Humanitarian Aid and Civil
confidence-building measure, Chemical Weapons Convention, 25
54 Protection, 86
Conflict Prevention Centre, 54 electronic intelligence, 79
Defence Capabilities Initiative, 69
concept of operations, 53 electronic intelligence, 79
disarmament, demobilisation and
CONPLAN embarkation, 79
reintegration, 75
contingency plan, 56 emergency action plan, 79
decision point, 69
contingency plan, 56 declassifier, 69
Convention on the Prohibition European Maritime Safety Agency,
Defence Capabilities Initiative,
of the Development, 87
Production, Stockpiling and delegation of authority, 70 environmental conservation, 81
Use of Chemical Weapons DEM environmental control, 81
and on Their Destruction, 25 environmental protection, 81
digital elevation model, 73
Convention on the Rights of the EO
demilitarized zone, 70
Child, 57 explosive ordnance, 93
demining, 70
core planning team, 59 demobilization, 71 EOD
counter psyops, 59 Department of Peacekeeping explosive ordnance disposal, 94
counterinsurgency, 60 Operations, 71, 271 EOR
countermine operation, 60 deployment, 72
233 / 240
explosive ordnance European Union-led HoM
reconnaissance, 94 peacekeeping force, 89 head of mission, 108
EP evacuees, 90 HOM
European Parliament, 87 explosive ordnance, 93 head of mission, 108
EPC explosive ordnance disposal, 94 host nation, 113
European Political Cooperation, 87 explosive ordnance hostile, 113
EPLO reconnaissance, 94 host-nation support, 114
European Peacebuilding Liaison fact finding mission, 96 HUMAID
Office, 87 FFM humanitarian aid, 115
EPPO fact finding mission, 96 human intelligence, 115
European and Mediterranean FHQ humanitarian affairs officer, 116
Plant Protection Organisation, force headquarters, 99 humanitarian aid, 115
field exercise, 96, 97 humanitarian assistance, 115
field training exercise, 96, 97 humanitarian assistance officer,
escort, 81
Financial Tracking Service, 97 116
European Common and Defence
full operating capability, 102 human intelligence, 115
Policy, 88
force generation, 98 ICC
European Security and Defence
force headquarters, 99 International Criminal Court, 131
Policy, 44
forces in being, 100 ICCPR
establishment, 82
formed police unit, 100 International Covenant on Civil
FPU and Political Rights, 131
European Union, 88
formed police unit, 100 ICERD
frag O International Convention on the
European Union-led peacekeeping
fragmentary order, 101 Elimination of All Forms of
force, 89 fragmentary order, 101 Racial Discrimination, 131
EU-led force, 89 FRAGO
fragmentary order, 101 International Covenant on
European Union Monitoring FRAGORD
Mission, 89 Economic, Social and Cultural
fragmentary order, 101 Rights, 131
EUPM framework nation, 101
European Union Police Mission, 90 ID
Euro-Atlantic Partnership identification, 118
Financial Tracking Service, 97
Council, 85 IDDRS
European and Mediterranean Integrated Disarmament,
field training exercise, 97
Plant Protection Demobilisation and
full operating capability, 102
Organisation, 85 Reintegration Standards, 127
general concept of operations,
European Commission, 86 identification, 118
European Common and Defence IDLO
general support, 105
Policy, 88 International Development Law
Generic Planning Unit, 106
European Development Fund, Organisation, 132
86 IDP
Generic Planning Unit, 106
European Judicial Network, 87 internally displaced person, 130
European Maritime Safety IED
general support, 105
Agency, 87 improvised explosive device, 119
European Parliament, 87 IFRC
humanitarian assistance, 115
European Peacebuilding Liaison International Federation of Red
Office, 87 Cross and Red Crescent
humanitarian affairs officer, 116
European Political Cooperation, Societies, 132
87 head of mission, 108
Helsinki Headline Goals, 112 IGAD
European Security and Defence Intergovernmental Authority on
Policy, 44 HG
Helsinki Headline Goals, 112 Development, 130
European Union, 88
European Union Military
Helsinki Headline Goals, 112 intergovernmental organization,
Committee, 89
High Readiness Forces, 112 130
European Union Monitoring
Mission, 89
host nation, 113 International Humanitarian Fact-
European Union Police Mission,
90 HNS Finding Commission, 132
host-nation support, 114 IHL

234 / 240
international humanitarian law, International Humanitarian Fact- KM
132 Finding Commission, 132 Knowledge Management, 145
ILF international humanitarian law, Knowledge Management, 145
International Legal Foundation, 132 L of C
132 International Legal Foundation, line of communication, 150
IMF 132 LAW, 147
International Monetary Fund, 132 International Maritime law of armed conflict, 147
immediate reaction force, 118 Organization, 132 law of war, 147
Immediate Response Team, 119 International Monetary Fund, layout, 72
IMO 132 lessons learned, 148
International Maritime international organization, 132 letter of agreement, 149
International Organization for letter of assist, 149
Organization, 132
Migration, 133 Letter of Instruction, 149
implementation, 119
internationally recommended liaison element, 149
integrated mission planning
transit corridor, 133 life-support services, 150
interoperability, 134 line of communication, 150
process, 127
inter-service, 139 LL
improvised explosive device,
intervention, 135 local level, 156
inventory control, 137 LOA
information security, 124
inventory management, 137 letter of agreement, 149
infrastructure, 124
IOM letter of assist, 149
Institute for Security Studies,
International Organization for LOAC
Migration, 133 law of armed conflict, 147
insurgency, 127
Integrated Disarmament,
intelligence preparation of the line of communication, 150
Demobilisation and
Reintegration Standards, 127 battlefield, 129 local level, 156
integrated mission planning IRF logistic support concept, 153
process, 127 immediate reaction force, 118 logistic support element, 153
integration, 128 IRT logistics, 153
integrity, 128 Immediate Response Team, 119 LOI
intelligence, 128 IRTC Letter of Instruction, 149
intelligence cycle, 128 internationally recommended long-range transport, 155
intelligence preparation of the transit corridor, 133 LRT
battlefield, 129 isolated personnel reports, 137 long-range transport, 155
interchangeability, 130 ISOPREP LSE
Intergovernmental Authority on isolated personnel reports, 137 logistic support element, 153
Development, 130 ISS MA
intergovernmental organization, Institute for Security Studies, 126 marshalling area, 161
internally displaced person, 130 Joint Africa-EU Strategy, 139 medium altitude endurance
International Civilian Police, 29 JCMB unmanned aerial vehicle, 164
International Convention for the Joint Coordination and Monitoring main supply route, 158
Safety of Life At Sea, 1974, Board, 140 MAP
131 JFC membership action plan, 164
International Convention on the joint force commander, 140 MAPE
Elimination of All Forms of JOA Multinational Advisory Police
Racial Discrimination, 131 joint operations area, 141 Element, 175
International Covenant on Civil JOC MAR
and Political Rights, 131
Joint Operations Centre, 141 monitoring, assessment and
International Covenant on
joint, 139 reporting, 174
Economic, Social and
Joint Africa-EU Strategy, 139 maritime interdiction operation,
Cultural Rights, 131
Joint Coordination and 159
International Criminal Court, 131
Monitoring Board, 140 maritime security, 160
International Development Law
joint force commander, 140 Maritime Security Centre - Horn
Organisation, 132
joint operations area, 141 of Africa, 160
International Federation of Red
Joint Operations Centre, 141 Maritime Security Programme,
Cross and Red Crescent
Joint Research Centre, 142 160
Societies, 132
JRC maritime situational awareness,
Joint Research Centre, 142 161

235 / 240
marshalling area, 161 MMCC non-combatant evacuation
MASE Mission Management and Control operation, 189
Regional Maritime Security Centre, 173 non-governmental organization,
Programme, 160 MNF 190
MCC multinational force, 176 non-lethal weapon, 191
movement control centre, 174 MOA NRF
MCDA memorandum of agreement, 164 NATO Response Force, 185
military and civil defence assets, MOE NSA
166 measure of effectiveness, 162 National Security Agency, 181
MCDU monitoring, 174 NSE
Military and Civil Defence Unit, monitoring, assessment and national support element, 182
272 reporting, 174 NSP
measure of effectiveness, 162 MOU National Solidarity Programme,
Mechanism for Conflict memorandum of understanding, 181
Prevention, Management and 164 Obj.
Resolution, 55 movement control centre, 174 objective, 194
medical and health support, 111 MP objective, 194
medical support, 163 military police, 170 OCHA
medium altitude endurance MPS Office for the Coordination of
unmanned aerial vehicle, 164 Military Planning Service, 170 Humanitarian Affairs, 194
membership action plan, 164 MSA ODA
memorandum of agreement, 164 maritime situational awareness, official development assistance,
memorandum of understanding, 161 195
164 MSCHOA Office for the Coordination of
MENA Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Humanitarian Affairs, 194
Middle East and North Africa Africa, 160 Office of the United Nations
Region, 166 MSR High Commissioner for
merchant shipping, 166 main supply route, 158 Human Rights, 194
merchant vessel, 166 Multinational Advisory Police Office of the United Nations
message, 166 Element, 175 High Commissioner for
MICA multinational force, 176 Refugees, 272
military involvement in civil MV official development assistance,
assistance, 169 merchant vessel, 166 195
Middle East and North Africa, NAMSA OHCHR
166 NATO Maintenance and Supply Office of the United Nations High
Middle East and North Africa Agency, 184 Commissioner for Human
Region, 166 national command, 180 Rights, 194
military and civil defence national commander, 180 on the ready, 34
assets, 166 National Security Agency, 181 ONUB
Military and Civil Defence Unit, National Solidarity Programme, United Nations Operation in
272 181 Burundi, 272
military assistance, 166 national support element, 182 OPCOM
military build-up, 20 NATO Maintenance and Supply operational command, 197
military involvement in civil Agency, 184 OPCON
assistance, 169 NATO Response Force, 185 operational control, 197
military necessity, 169 NBI casualty, 188 OPCW
Military Planning Service, 170 NCW Organisation for the Prohibition of
military police, 170
network-centric warfare, 187 Chemical Weapons, 201
military policeman, 170
NEO open source intelligence, 195
minder, 81
non-combatant evacuation operation plan, 196
operation, 189 operational command, 197
maritime interdiction operation,
network-centric warfare, 187 operational control, 197
NGO operational end state, 80
MIP operational environment, 198
non-governmental organization,
Mission Implementation Plan, 173 operational order, 196
Mission Implementation Plan, operational plan, 196
173 operational readiness, 199, 249
non-lethal weapon, 191
Mission Management and operational zone, 14
non-battle injury casualty, 188
Control Centre, 173 OPFOR
236 / 240
opposing forces, 201 person indicted for war crimes, public information officer, 221
operational plan, 196 PIO quick impact project, 223
OPO press information officer, 221 QRF
operational order, 196 public information officer, 221 quick reaction force, 223
OPORD PIR quick impact project, 223
operational order, 196 priority information requirement, quick reaction force, 223
opposing forces, 201 218 R&D
ORBAT Planning and Review Process, research and development, 232
order of battle, 201 210 RA
order of battle, 201 planning factors, 212 restricted area, 31, 233
Organisation for the Prohibition Planning Unit, 212 radio-controlled improvised
of Chemical Weapons, 201 PNT explosive device, 231
Organization for Security and Positioning, navigation and timing, rapid response mechanism, 225
Co-operation in Europe, 202 216 RCIED
OSCE PoC radio-controlled improvised
Organization for Security and Co- person of concern, 209 explosive device, 231
operation in Europe, 202 POD remote-controlled improvised
OSINT port of disembarkation, 216 explosive device, 231
open source intelligence, 195 POE ready, 34
OZ port of embarkation, 216 ready reaction group, 223
operational zone, 14 point of disembarkation, 216 RECCE
PAO point of embarkation, 216 reconnaissance, 228
Political Affairs Officer, 213 policy directive, 213 reconnaissance, 228
PARP Political Affairs Officer, 213 refugee, 228
Planning and Review Process, 210 port of disembarkation, 216 Regional Maritime Security
participating country, 204 port of embarkation, 216 Programme, 160
participating nation, 204 Positioning, navigation and Regional support office, 229
participating State, 204 timing, 216 reinsertion, 230
Partnership for Peace, 205 Post-conflict Reconstruction remote-controlled improvised
passive defence, 205 and Development, 217 explosive device, 231
PBC post-project review, 217 request for Information, 231
Peacebuilding Commission, 207 POW research and development, 232
PCASP prisoner of war, 218 reserve, 232
privately contracted armed PPR restricted area, 31, 233
security personnel, 218 post-project review, 217 RFI
PCRD Programme Performance Report, request for Information, 231
Post-conflict Reconstruction and 219 riot control agent, 233
Development, 217 press information officer, 221 risk, 234
PE priority information risk management, 234
requirement, 218 RM
peace enforcement, 206
prisoner of war, 218 risk management, 234
peace buidling, 207
peace enforcement, 206 privately contracted armed ROE
peace making, 208 security personnel, 218 rules of engagement, 235
peace operation, 207 Programme Performance roll-on roll-off ferry, 234
peace support operation, 207 Report, 219 RoRo
Peacebuilding Commission, 207 provincial reconstruction team, roll-on roll-off ferry, 234
peace-keeping, 208 220 RRM
person indicted for war crimes, PRT rapid response mechanism, 225
210 provincial reconstruction team, RSO
person of concern, 209 220 Regional support office, 229
person of concern to UNHCR, PSO rules of engagement, 235
209 peace support operation, 207 SA
PfP psychological operation, 220 situation awareness, 244
Partnership for Peace, 205 PSYOP staging area, 248
PI psychological operation, 220 safe area, 238
public information, 221 PU safe haven, 238
PIFWC Planning Unit, 212 safe lines of communication,
public information, 221 239

237 / 240
safety zone, 238 SOLAS supported commander, 255
SALW International Convention for the supporting commander, 255
small arms and light weapons, 244 Safety of Life At Sea, 1974, 131 suppression of enemy air
SAM SOMA defences, 255
surface-to-air missile, 255 status of mission agreement, 250 surface-to-air missile, 255
SBF SOP surveillance, 256
stay behind force, 251 standing operating procedure, 249 sustainability, 256
Security Council Report, 241 statement of requirements, 249 tasking authority, 262
SCSL South-East European table top exercise, 259
Special Court for Sierra Leone, 245 Cooperation Process, 244 TACON
SEAD South-Eastern Europe Initiative, tactical control, 259
suppression of enemy air 244 tactical ballistic missile, 259
defences, 255 sp tactical control, 259
seaport of debarkation, 240 support, 254 TAPP
seaport of embarkation, 240 SPA theatre area of operations, 263
Security Council Report, 241 Strategic Priority on Adaptation, target, 260
SEECP 253 target audience, 260
South-East European Cooperation Special Court for Sierra Leone, task, 173
Process, 244 245 task force, 260
SEEI special forces, 245 tasking, 261
special operations, 245 tasking authority, 262
South-Eastern Europe Initiative,
special operations component, TBM
246 tactical ballistic missile, 259
self defence, 242
Special Representative of the terms of reference, 263
Senior Medical Officer, 242
Secretary-General, 247 TF
SPO task force, 260
special forces, 245
Strategic Planning Office, 253 tgt
SPOD target, 260
Statement of Force Requirements,
seaport of debarkation, 240 theatre area of operations, 263
SPOE theatre ballistic missile, 259
seaport of embarkation, 240 threat, 264
Shared Awareness and
Deconfliction, 243
Special Representative of the transfer of authority, 266
Shared Awareness and
Secretary-General, 247 TOR
Deconfliction, 243
staging area, 248 terms of reference, 263
Simple Network Management
STANAG transfer of authority, 266
Protocol, 243
Standardisation Agreement, 186 UAS
standard operating procedure, unmanned aircraft system, 274
Situation Centre, 243
249 UAV
situation awareness, 244
Standardisation Agreement, 186 unmanned air vehicle, 273
Situation Centre, 243
standing operating procedure, UCAV
situational awareness, 244
249 unmanned combat aerial vehicle,
safe lines of communication, 239 standing orders, 249 274
small arms and light weapons, state of readiness, 199, 249 Uganda People’s Defence
244 Statement of Force Forces, 269
SMO Requirements, 36 UN Assistance Mission to
statement of requirements, 249 Afghanistan, 269
Senior Medical Officer, 242
status of forces agreement, 250 UN CMCoord, 30
status of mission agreement, UNAMA
Simple Network Management
250 UN Assistance Mission to
Protocol, 243
stay behind force, 251 Afghanistan, 269
Strategic Concept, 252 UNAMID
special operations, 245
Strategic Planning Office, 253 African Union -United Nations
Strategic Priority for Adaptation, Hybrid Operation in Darfur, 271
special operations component,
Strategic Priority on Adaptation, United Nations Convention on the
253 Law of the Sea, 271
status of forces agreement, 250 support, 254 UNDAC

238 / 240
United Nations Disaster United Nations Operation in United Nation Assistance Mission
Assessment and Coordination Burundi, 272 in Somalia, 270
Team, 271 United Nations Operation in UPDF
UNDP Cote d'Ivoire, 273 Uganda People’s Defence Forces,
United Nations Development United Nations Support Office 269
Programme, 271 for AMISOM, 273 USCENTCOM
unexploded explosive United Nations Support Office United States Central Command,
ordnance, 270 for the African Union Mission 274
unexploded munition, 270 in Somalia, 273 use of force, 275
unexploded ordnance, 270 United Nations/FAO World Food UXO
UNHCR Programme, 280
unexploded munition, 270
Office of the United Nations High United Nations/Food and
validation, 277
Agriculture Organization of
Commissioner for Refugees, VBIED
the United Nations World
272 vehicle borne improvised explosive
Food Programme, 280
UNICEF device, 277
United States Central
United Nations Children’s Fund, vehicle borne improvised
Command, 274
271 explosive device, 277
unmanned air vehicle, 273
unit, 270 vulnerability, 278
unmanned aircraft system, 274
United Nation Assistance warning order, 280
unmanned combat aerial
Mission in Somalia, 270 WARNO
vehicle, 274
United Nations area of warning order, 280
operation, 14 weapon of mass destruction,
United Nations Mission in the
United Nations Children’s Fund, 280
Sudan, 272
271 WFP
United Nations Convention on World Food Programme, 280
United Nations Military Observer,
the Law of the Sea, 271 WHO
United Nations Development World Health Organization, 281
Programme, 271 UNOCHA
United Nations Disaster United Nations Office for the
weapon of mass destruction, 280
Assessment and Coordination of Humanitarian
Wng O
Coordination Team, 271 Assistance to Afghanistan, 272
warning order, 280
United Nations Military UNOCI
World Food Programme, 280
Observer, 272 United Nations Operation in Cote
World Health Organization, 281
United Nations Mission in the d'Ivoire, 273 World Trade Organisation, 281
Sudan, 272 UNSOA WTO
United Nations Office for the United Nations Support Office for World Trade Organisation, 281
Coordination of Humanitarian the African Union Mission in
Assistance to Afghanistan, Somalia, 273

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