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IEEE Std C57.130™-2015

IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas

Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature
Rise Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral
Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors


Transformers Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 26 October 2015

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

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Abstract: Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) techniques on oil-immersed transformers
and reactors applied during factory temperature rise tests is addressed in this guide. It contains
recommended procedures for sampling, recommended actions based on interpretation of results,
and a bibliography of related literature.

Keywords: dissolved gas analysis, IEEE C57.130™, factory temperature rise tests

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2016 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 19 February 2016. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,

PDF: ISBN 978-1-5044-0686-4 STD20794

Print: ISBN 978-1-5044-0687-1 STDPD20794

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At the time this IEEE guide was completed, the Insulating Fluids-DGA During Thermal Test Working Group
had the following membership:

James A. Thompson, Chair

Tom Prevost, Vice Chair
Juan Castellanos, Secretary

Scott Digby Mark McNally Subhas Sarkar

William Darovny Sue McNelly Jin Sim
Vijayan Krishnamurphy Don Platts Ryan Thompson
Mel Wright

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have voted
for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Stephen Antosz James Graham Arthur Neubauer

Javier Arteaga William Griesacker Joe Nims
Roberto Asano Randall Groves Lorraine Padden
Peter Balma Bal Gupta Bansi Patel
Thomas Barnes John Harley Paulette Payne Powell
Christopher Roger Hayes Brian Penny
Baumgartner Joshua Herz Christopher Petrola
Barry Beaster Philip Hopkinson Alvaro Portillo
W.J. (Bill) Bergman Rowland James Bertrand Poulin
Wallace Binder John John Tom Prevost
Thomas Blackburn Laszlo Kadar Timothy Charles
Daniel Blaydon John Kay Raymond
W. Boettger Gael Kennedy Jean-Christophe Riboud
Chris Brooks Sheldon Kennedy John Roach
Paul Buchanan James Kinney Michael Roberts
Paul Cardinal Neil Kranich Oleg Roizman
Juan Castellanos Jim Kulchisky John Rossetti
Donald Cherry Saumen Kundu Bartien Sayogo
C. Clair Claiborne John Lackey Stephen Schroeder
John Crouse Chung-Yiu Lam Ewald Schweiger

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

Willaim Darovny Jeffrey LaMarca Hyeong Sim
Alan Darwin Thomas La Rose Charles Simmons
Dieter Dohnal Thomas Lundquist Jerry Smith
Gary Donner Richard Marek Steve Snyder
Donald Dunn J. Dennis Marlow Brian Sparling
Fred Elliott Lee Matthews David Stankes
Jorge Fernandez Daher James Mciver Malcolm Thaden
Joseph Foldi Mark Mcnally James Thompson
Bruce Forsyth Susan Mcnelly Robert Thompson
George Frimpong Charles Mc Shane Mel George
Doaa Galal Joseph Melanson John Vergis
Robert Ganser Daleep Mohla Loren Wagenaar
Frank Gerleve Daniel Mulkey David Wallace
Ali Ghafourian Jerry Murphy David Wallach
Edwin Goodwin R. Musil Kenneth White
Jennifer Yu

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 26 October 2015, it had the following membership:

John D. Kulick, Chair

Jon Walter Rosdahl, Vice Chair
Richard H. Hulett, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Masayuki Ariyoshi Joseph L. Koepfinger* Annette D. Reilly

Ted Burse David J. Law Stephen J. Shellhammer
Stephen Dukes Hung Ling Adrian P. Stephens
Jean-Philippe Faure Andrew Myles Yatin Trivedi
J. Travis Griffith T. W. Olsen Phillip Winston
Gary Hoffman Glenn Parsons Don Wright
Michael Janezic Ronald C. Petersen Yu Yuan
Daidi Zhong

*Member Emeritus

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.130™-2015, IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas Analysis Applied
to Factory Temperature Rise Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors.

The evaluation of gases generated in oil-immersed transformers and reactors during factory temperature rise
tests is a useful method of detecting thermal problems. These thermal problems may be due to abnormal
leakage flux heating in the windings and leads, the magnetic circuit, or in structural elements. They may
also be caused by inadequate heat dissipation or poor oil circulation within the core or windings, imperfect
connections or contacts, excessive paper insulation, or clogged or inadequate cooling ducts.

This guide was written with the understanding that, as additional experience is gained; periodic reviews
will be made to ensure that recommendations in this guide continue to be based on the most up-to- date
information. The factory temperature rise test (formerly known as the heat run test) is performed in accor-
dance with IEEE Std C57.12.90™ to determine whether the temperature rises of the windings, oil, and other
components meet design values. When testing power transformers, it is normally performed by the short
circuit method; therefore, the losses and corresponding heating produced by core flux are minimal and the
superposition of core and leakage flux during actual loading are not accurately represented by this test. On the
other hand, during much of this test, a transformer is operated at higher-than-rated current to simulate core
losses. During factory temperature rise tests, only the more serious design or manufacturing defects become
apparent and less severe conditions, which could lead to future problems in service, can escape detection.

This document is, in general, an advisory document that provides guidance on the subject of DGA as it
applies to the factory temperature rise test. The ultimate decision on the evaluation of acceptable levels of gas
generated during the temperature rise test should be made by the user and manufacturer at the time of contract
negotiation. This could include for instance reports of the factory DGA test data to be provided to the user
upon request.

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

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1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 10

2. Normative references ................................................................................................................................ 11

3. Procedures for obtaining samples of oil from the transformer or reactor for laboratory analysis .............. 11

4. Laboratory methods for analyzing the gas extracted from the oil .............................................................. 11

5. Description ................................................................................................................................................ 12

6. Temperature rise test interval and oil sampling ......................................................................................... 12

6.1 Oil sampling before temperature rise—Sample 1 ............................................................................... 12
6.2 Oil sampling at end of temperature rise test—Sample 2 ..................................................................... 13
6.3 Intermediate sampling ........................................................................................................................ 13

7. Determination of average component gas generation rates ....................................................................... 13

7.1 Determination of generated component concentration increases........................................................ 13
7.2 Determination of average generation rates ......................................................................................... 13
7.3 Evaluation of gas generation rates ...................................................................................................... 14

Annex A (informative) Bibliography.............................................................................................................. 15

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

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IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas
Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature
Rise Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral
Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors

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1. Overview

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

1.1 Scope
This document provides guidance in the application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to transformers and
reactors subjected to factory temperature rise tests. This document consists of evaluation procedures and
guidelines for acceptable levels of gases generated in conventional mineral oil-filled transformers and reactors
during factory temperature rise tests.

1.2 Purpose
The Purpose of this Guide is to provide guidance in the application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to
transformers and reactors subjected to factory temperature rise tests. This document consists of
evaluation procedures and guidelines for acceptable levels of gases generated in conventional mineral-oil-filled
transformers and reactors during factory temperature rise tests.

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IEEE Std C57.130-2015
IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature Rise
Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

ASTM D3612, Standard Test Method for Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Electrical Insulating Oil by Gas

ASTM D923, Standard Practice for Sampling Electrical Insulating Liquids.

IEEE Std C57.12.90™, IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating

3. Procedures for obtaining samples of oil from the

transformer or reactor for laboratory analysis
All samples of oil from electrical apparatus being taken for the purpose of DGA should be taken in accordance
with ASTMD923.4 Duplicate samples should be taken.

The following gases should be measured during a DGA:

— Hydrogen
— Methane
— Ethane
— Ethylene
— Acetylene
— Carbon Monoxide
— Carbon Dioxide
— Oxygen

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

— Nitrogen

The concentrations of combustible gases and oxygen contained in the oil before the temperature rise test
should be low in order to accurately measure the limited volumes of gases usually generated during the test.
The transformer should be filled with oil that has been degassed to ensure there is no more than 0.5% total
dissolved gas in the oil prior to the start of the temperature rise test. The primary gas present will be nitrogen.
The transformer should not be tested with a static oil head that is open to the atmosphere.

4. Laboratory methods for analyzing the gas extracted from the oil
For exact and generally applicable threshold or limiting values of concentrations or generation rates, it is
necessary to obtain uniform and high extraction efficiency for individual characteristic gases and to make
proper extraction efficiency corrections per ASTMD3612 Method C. Determination of the individual
dissolved gases should be made in accordance with ASTMD3612 Method C with the exception that for this
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
This publication is available from The Institute of electrical and Electronics Engineers (
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.

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IEEE Std C57.130-2015
IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature Rise
Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors

guide the minimum detection limits for dissolved gases for a factory temperature rise tests may be used as
provided in Table 1.

Parts per million (ppm) in this guide refers to volume concentration in oil per ASTMD3612. Since this ppm
concentration and μL/L are both ratios with no units then they are considered equivalent throughout this guide.

Table 1—Detection limits for factory temperature rise testa

Gas Concentration in ppm (μL/L)
H2 (hydrogen) 2
CH4 (methane) 0.1
C2H6(ethane) 0.1
C2H4(ethylene) 0.1
C2H2(acetylene) 0.1
CO(carbon monoxide) 5
CO2(carbon dioxide) 10
The ASTMD3612 Standard Test Methods detection limits differ from this table which reconciles with detection limits
found in IEC61181, Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment –Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory tests
on electrical equipment.

5. Description
When a temperature rise test used to verify the thermal design of a transformer or reactor is conducted in
accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.90 and any modifications agreed upon by the manufacturer and user then
DGA should be applied to oil samples drawn from the unit during the temperature rise test interval defined
in Clause 6. The generated gas component increases are shown in braces {}. The generated gas component
increase rates are shown in brackets []. The generation rates for hydrogen [H2], hydrocarbon gases [HC],
carbon monoxide [CO], and carbon dioxide [CO2] are compared to the gas generation guidelines in Table 2
(see 7.3). Note that HC = CH4 + C2H4 + C2H6. These values are typical for transformers tested at their name-
plate rating. Temperature rise tests performed at loads beyond nameplate rating may produce very different
DGA results.

The measurement of gas generation rates by DGA for temperature rise tests described in this guide provides
a new and more discriminating indicator of abnormalities previously undetectable by temperature rise tests
alone. The basis for this procedure is the presence of small but detectable quantities of hydrocarbon gases

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

(CH4, C 2H2, C2H4, and C 2H6) and hydrogen (H2) from decomposition of the oil, and carbon oxides (CO and
CO2) from the decomposition of cellulose. The generation rates of the hydrocarbon and carbon oxide gases
vary with temperature. Generation rates at normal design temperatures are quite small but measurable.

Because of the generally low gas concentrations generated during temperature rise tests, identification of fault
types by use of hydrogen and hydrocarbon gas concentration ratios may not be valid. However, the abnormally
high temperatures caused by localized overheating effects significantly increase the generation rates of these
gases, which are then compared to the established guidelines for acceptable rates presented in this guide.

No detectable concentration of acetylene (C2H2) is acceptable.

6. Temperature rise test interval and oil sampling

6.1 Oil sampling before temperature rise—Sample 1
Before the temperature rise test begins, and in accordance with Clause 3, an oil sample from a location as near
the direct path of the cooling oil as possible should be taken from the apparatus; however, such a tap may not
be provided. In this case, the sample should be taken from the bottom drain valve, which is the universally

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IEEE Std C57.130-2015
IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature Rise
Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors

acknowledged sampling point. This sample is identified as Sample 1. In addition it is a generally acceptable
practice to take back-up samples.

6.2 Oil sampling at end of temperature rise test—Sample 2

The temperature rise test should continue for the time specified in IEEEStd C57.12.90. Start up and stop
times should be included with the test records. Depending on the equipment design and the gas generating
mechanism, the concentrations of generated gases may not reach their maximum levels at the sampling point
at exactly the same time as the load is shut down (tf). For this reason, there can be several procedures used by
manufacturers to obtain the sample (Sample 2). Sample 2 could be taken in accordance with Clause 3 right
after the load is shut down. It can also be taken anywhere from 2 hr to 6 hr after the load is shut down. The time
when Sample 2 is taken should be agreed upon by the manufacturer and user before the temperature rise test
is started.

6.3 Intermediate sampling

To positively establish a trend and to detect faults that may initially exist and disappear during the test or faults
that may develop during the test, additional oil samples may be taken at regular intervals during and after
the test. Generally, intermediate sampling is only specified by the user; however, the manufacturer may also
perform intermediate sampling. These samples should be identified according to the time at which they were

7. Determination of average component gas generation rates

As soon as possible after the temperature rise test is discontinued (preferably within 24 hr), the gases should
be extracted for DGA analyses from Sample 1 and Sample 2 in accordance with Clause 4, and the gener-
ated components determined per 7.1. The component generation rates are determined per 7.2 using the
temperature rise test interval (tf –t0) [see Clause 6]. The component generation rates are then compared to the gas
generation rate guidelines in Table 2 (see 7.3). The generated gas component increases are shown in braces {}. The
generated gas component increase rates are shown in brackets [].

7.1 Determination of generated component concentration increases

The generated hydrogen component increase {H2} is determined by subtracting the hydrogen [in parts per

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

million (ppm)] in Sample 1 from the hydrogen (ppm) in Sample 2.

The generated hydrocarbon component increase {HC} is determined by subtracting the sum (ppm) of CH4
+ C2H4 + C2H6 in Sample 1 from the sum (ppm) of CH4 +C2H4 +C2H6 in Sample 2. A generation component
increase for acetylene (C2H2) is not included in the hydrocarbon {HC} component as the generation of any
acetylene during a temperature rise test is cause for serious concern.

The generated carbon monoxide component {CO} is determined by subtracting the CO (ppm) in Sample 1
from the CO (ppm) in Sample 2.

The generated carbon dioxide component {CO2} is determined by subtracting the CO2 (ppm) in Sample 1
from the CO 2 (ppm) in Sample 2.

7.2 Determination of average generation rates

Generation rates for each component are determined by dividing the volume (ppm) of each generated
component by the temperature rise test interval in hours (tf –t0). The temperature rise test interval is the time

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IEEE Std C57.130-2015
IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature Rise
Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors

interval between the time (t0) that the load is applied and the time (tf) the load is shut down. Multiple tempera-
ture rise test intervals would include cumulative time intervals in (tf).

The Generation Rates for each component are then:

[ H2 ] = { H2 } / (tf – t0)
[ HC ] = { HC } / (tf – t0)
[ CO ] = { CO } / (tf – t0)
[ CO2 ] = { CO2 } / (tf – t0)

7.3 Evaluation of gas generation rates

Although general guidelines for gas generation rates and recommended actions are given in this guide, specific
performance guarantees must be agreed upon by the user and manufacturer prior to the tests. Care should be
exercised in the determination of gas generation rates with very low levels of any gas. The repeatability and
reproduciblity of the gas-in-oil measurement method must be taken into account so that undue alarm will not
occur. Finally, this document applies only to 10 MVA and greater transformers with a voltage rating of 69 Kv
or higher.

Table 2 contains guidelines for the component generation rates [H2], [HC], [CO], and [CO2]. Recommended
action is given for Condition I (no problem detected), Condition II (possible problem); and for Condition III
(likely problem). Recommended action should be taken when any one or more component rates exceed the

The generation rates in Table 2 are applicable to transformers built in accordance with IEEE standards (65°C
Average Winding Rise / 65°C Top Oil Rise / 80°C Hottest Spot Rise (hot spot rise) with an average ambi-
ent temperature of 30°C). They may not be applicable for higher operating temperatures and for overload
temperature rise tests.

Table 2—Gas generation rate guidelinesa

Gas Gas generation rate (ppm/h)
Condition I: No Condition II: Possible problem. Condition III: Likely problem.
problem detected.

Thanh Nguyen Duy.

Action: None Action: The manufacturer Action: Manufacturer and
should test a duplicate oil purchaser conference. There
sample. Investigate cause by is a strong possibility that a
reviewing temperature rise thermal fault exists. Investiga-
test results. Manufacturer tion should be performed and
should confer with Own- temperature rise tests repeated
er. Extend test duration. after any corrective action.
[H2] < 1.0 = >1.0 and < 1.5 = >1.5
[HC] < 0.4 = >0.4 and < 1.0 = >1.0
[CO] < 2.0 = >2.0 and < 5.0 = >5.0
[CO2] < 18.0 = >18.0 and < 40.0 = >40.0
The generation of acetylene (C2H2) during a temperature rise test indicates a test failure (C2H2 should be less than the de-
tection limit provided in Table 1). Any change in the acetylene value exceeding that detection limit needs investigation.

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IEEE Std C57.130-2015
IEEE Guide for the Use of Dissolved Gas Analysis Applied to Factory Temperature Rise
Tests for the Evaluation of Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers and Reactors

Annex A

Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

[B1] Canadian Electrical Association, Guide for Dissolved Gases in Oil Analysis for Transformers and Reac-
tors During Factory Test, Feb.1989.

[B2] Feldbar, et al., “Evaluation of thermal conditions of large transformers,” Paper 12–05. CIGRÉ, 1984.5

[B3] Hurter and Viale, “Thermal aspects of large transformers, test procedures hot spot identification,
permissible limits, their assessment in factory tests and service, overload limitations, effects of cooling
system,” Paper 12–13, CIGRÉ, 1984.

[B4] IEC, Guide for the sampling of gases and of oil from oil-filled electrical equipment and for the analysis of
free and dissolved gases.6

[B5] IEC, Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment –Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory
tests on electrical equipment.

[B6] Musil, J. and H.Foschum, “Application of dissolved gas analysis during factory testing of power
transformers,” Doble Client Conference, 47AIC80, Section 6, pp. 801–804, 1980.

[B7] Oommen, T. V., H. R.Moore, and L. E.Luke, “Experience with gas-in-oil analysis made during factory
tests on large power transformers,” IEEE Transactions, vol. PAS-101, no. 5, pp. 1048–1052, May1982.

[B8] “Temperature-rise test on oil immersed transformers with analysis of gases dissolved in oil,” Final
Report of Working Group 06, Study Committee 12. Electra, 1982, pp. 33–43.

[B9] “Thermal Aspects of Transformers,” Report of WG 09, Working Group 12.09, Electra, No. 161,

Thanh Nguyen Duy.


CIGRÉ publications are available are available from


IEC publications are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission (

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