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1 GE EL 102
A. Encircle the behaviors represented by the images below observed among women. Box those that are seen in

(nailbiting) (secretive) (cursing) (overeating)

(gossiping) (smoking) (chewing gum) (alcoholism)

B. Identify the stage of fixation portrayed below.

Anal stage Anal stage

Genital stage
INSTRUCTION: Respond to the following questions about the article, "Night to His Day". Use extra paper if
the space provided below is insufficient.

a) Is it still so important to mark a child as a girl or a boy? (Why? Why not?)

Biologically speaking we can only observe two sexes and that is male and female. From birth, the genitalia of the baby
was the only predictable evident that he/she is a girl or a boy. The answer for this question is yes. It is important to
leave a trace either a child is a boy or girl. If a parent want the child to act according to its physical features then let it
be so. Because a gender is somewhat brought about raising him/her. Besides, grouping girls from boys in this society
is common and that will make the child group his/herself easily. It is not as crucial part that a baby should be labeled
as a girl letting her to wear pink clothes, earing, or ribbons or letting a baby boy wear blue clothes, a cap, a ball printed
shirts, or a sneakers. It is not that important, but for the convenience of the parents they would leave a mark that would
indicate the biological construction of the baby to avoid redundant questioning about it. Because we cannot avoid this
society’s norms. The parents could only answer if they want to mark their children a girl or boy because they are the
first to influence their child while it will grow.
b) What is your stand about the "third gender"?

There is no such third gender. Because there are a lot of genders in the society. You cannot just say that the other
gender shown by some is assigned as the third gender. That is equal discrimination to them. Let them show their true
gender according to how they act, or stand in the society, on how they play their role. Today, there are a lot indicated
gender in the society, one community could label a third gender in their local setting but they cannot eradicate the fact
that even how much they label it, the psychological trait of a person and his/her feeling is the only indicator on which
gender does he/she belong which it is not on just the third gender but it is way many to indicate.
c) What are culture bound "gendered" practices that you observe in our country?

In the Philippines differentiation between girl and boy is crucial. Girls are labeled through having long hair, wearing
skirts, or wearing make-up. Girls are expected to stay at home and being polite. While boys are indicated with short
cut hair, wearing pants and shirts, who works for the family and do vigorous tasks. Though boys are dominant, yet
brave girls receives high respect because strong and brave girls in the Philippines is common and they are admired
too. On the other hand, in the Philippines, there is one gender that is rampant and that is “bakla”. Bakla is a tagalog
word that that denotes the Filipino practice of those males who do cross dressings, it means a man that shows feminine
mannerism, dresses as “sexy” as woman or identify itself a woman. Any male who act this way or act differently than
the expected manners of a men is automatically called “bakla” The same goes with “tomboy” this term is widely used
in the Philippines that indicates a woman who acts differently in the way that she shows the mannerism of a male set
by this culture. This is an identity built on performative cultural practice more so than sexuality.


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