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CATEGORY 15 10 5

Introduction Entire essay is focused on Most of the essay is Most of the essay is not
the assigned topic and focused on the assigned focused on the assigned
does not stray to unrelated topic but some areas of the topic.
topics essay depart from the
assigned topic.

Organization The essay is clear and Some aspects of the essay No essay was turned in.
easily read. At no time is are not clear, and the
the reader wondering what reader is left wondering
the writer is trying to say. what the writer is trying to

Development of Main Main ideas are clear, Main ideas are identifiable, Main ideas are overly
Ideas specific, and well- but may be somewhat broad or simplistic.
developed. general.

Significance Writer fully explains the Writer explains how Writer does not connect
importance of evidence & evidence and effects evidence to the point or
effect to the point or thesis, connect to & prove the theme, leaving reader
leaving reader thoroughly point or thesis, leaving puzzled or unpersuaded.
persuaded. reader persuaded

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