Instructions Proposal Letter

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Employee Wellness Programs That Work - Corporate Health Partners

Part Two – Proposal Letter (105 points)

 See Format Example – Figure 10.2 / Page 289

 See Content / Organization Guide line pp. 288-290

Context / Hypothetical Situation - watch the following video:

XYZ Digital pursues an interest of outsourcing the currently in-house Wellness Program to
Corporate Health Partners (CHP) and ensure health, happiness and quality of life for its

“The United Nations high-level meeting on non-communicable disease prevention and control in
2011 called on the private sector to “promote and create an enabling environment for healthy
behaviours among workers, including by establishing tobacco-free workplaces and safe and healthy
working environments through occupational safety and health measures, including, where
appropriate, through good corporate practices, workplace wellness programmes and health
insurance plans.” WHO considers workplace health programmes as one of the best-buy options for
prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and for mental health. Such programmes can
help achieving the WHO objective of reducing the avoidable deaths of NCDs and the burden of
mental ill health and to protect and promote health at the workplace”


Organize your letter / informal proposal as follows:

 Introduction – Reasons why outsourcing to an expert / specialist-consulting firm

accomplishes more than having HR staff manage the Wellness Program in addition
to multiple other HR administrative tasks. Hint at return-on-investment such as:
o Higher percentage of staff participating;
o Potential savings in health care costs, or bigger boosts to productivity,
and / or by reducing absences and insurance claims.

Given the fast growing domain of work in the Tech world, XYZ Digital is growing and
along with this expansion, the company is concerned with the employee health and
wellness. We aspire for a healthy and productive workforce, for which we want a
comprehensive and tested workforce wellness program for our staffs which will help
reduce medical spending, lower number of days lost in illness which results in less
absenteeism, increased productivity and improve wellbeing.
For a long time, we have been rendering our in-house wellness program through a
registered Doctor and Psychosocial counsellor, which included regular health
assessments, as well as Employee Assistance Programs for Mental Health Support.
With our growing workforce, it is now overwhelming for HR to track, monitor and
evaluate the program’s efficacy. Collaborating will not only save a hefty amount of
time that can be utilized towards the more value added objectives of the business
and stay focused on core business processes, but also will help reduce fixed staffing
costs and overhead expenses significantly. Besides, this will allow us some flexibility
on tailoring this service according to our needs and seamlessly scale our service
provision when the business thrives or slows down or exhibits sudden increased
cyclical demands. This will also allow faster and quality services or access to quality
resources/materials given your team of expertise in the specialized area.

Apart from the

 Background / Problem / Purpose – Reference content from the video and explain
why explain why CHP is the superior choice for achieving participation and return-

Following the link to your wellness program video, we are convinced that with the
analogy of an automobile and a human being. Just like a car needs to get a diagnosis
and pre-conditions screened so is the user’s behaviour (driver) which will ensure less
accidents and damages and repairing costs as well as lower insurance premium. The
CHP health coaches follows a similar approach in cultivating a healthy workforce
through behaviour change and health education classes, scrutinizing health challenges
and problem areas to prevent higher disease burden in later lives that are to cost
more if remain unaddressed. Ignoring such issues may eventually lead to a higher
frequency of accidents, absenteeism and rising insurance rates along with affecting
the overall performance of the business. We acknowledge that investing in Employee
Wellness program has a higher return on investment and we are convinced to partner
with CHP for its active assurance of employee participation through leadership
support, frequent, engaging and effective communication, and meaningful incentives.

 Proposal, Plan, Schedule – In the video, CHP explains what they do and why it
works.  Cite examples; connect the examples to your conclusion and

CHP’s manual as designed by the Wellness Council of America explains clearly the seven
benchmarks of a successful wellness programs and are evidenced to bring positive results
through the following steps:
1. Diagnostic Review
2. Prevention Steps for Employers
3. Building Wellness Program Participation
4. Reinforcing & Rewarding Participation with Seven Benchmarks:
- Capture Higher Management Support
- Construct a cohesive wellness team
- Collect data to drive health efforts
- Craft an operating plan
- Choose appropriate intervention programs
- Create a supportive ecosystem, and
- Consistently Evaluate Outcomes

Nonetheless, your comprehensive approach to wellness through an improvement cycle that

is continuous and is designed to meet individual needs and goals through encouragement
and support from trained and registered professionals. The year-round personal coaching
based on risk will facilitate individuals meet their fitness milestone. Besides, the corporate
wellness assessment to ensure service accountability and effectiveness is impressive.

We would like to propose an year-long plan for our staffs at XYZ Digital:

Month Week 1 Week 3

January Introduction, Sign up for Worksite Health Screening
program and Take Health Day
Risk Assessment
February Diagnostic Review and One on one Coaching
individualised Plan with
Health Coach
March Walk and Talks One on one Coaching
April Need based Workshop- as One on one Coaching
assigned by health coach
May One on one Coaching Need based Workshop- as
assigned by health coach
June Follow – up Biometrics and Workshop on healthy and
Walk and Talks organic food choices
July Healthy Recipe Luncheon One on one Coaching
August One on one Coaching Workshop on Tobacco
Drugs and Alcohol
September Workshop on Behaviour One on one Coaching
Change and Motivation
October Workshop to maintain One on one Coaching -
Work-life Balance, Manage Counsellor
Anger, Anxiety and Stress
November One on one Coaching - One on one Coaching -
Counsellor Counsellor
December One on one Coaching - One on one Coaching -
Counsellor Counsellor

We would like to take a mixed approach of physical and mental health lifestyle modification
package for our employees which will require CHP to engage with the employees on first
and third week of every month as described in the schedule above.

 Budget – Assume XYZ Digital has 200 employees and program cost per employee is
$1000 / year. (“Staffing” heading/ section not applicable / not needed / don’t
 Conclusion / Ask for Authorization – Summarize advantages of CHP as a
consulting expert, cite their proven results with other clients, and connect to the
potential for XYZ Digital to boost Wellness Program participation and return-on-
investment (as measured by lower health care costs, higher productivity, fewer sick

Employee Wellness Programs That Work, by Corporate Health Partners  Video


 CHP Claim: Over 75% of the causes of rising health care costs are preventable, and
are the result of individual lifestyle choices resulting in increasing staff’s health
 Connecting Employee Lifestyle Choices to Health Care Costs – Just as drivers who
drive fast or carelessly get more tickets, or get into accidents, then pay higher car
insurance costs.  Organizations can minimize the number of “at risk” employees
who drive health care costs higher.
 CHP Wellness Process – 1. Diagnostic Review; 2. Prevention Steps for Employers; 3.
Building Wellness Program Participation; 4. Reinforcing & Rewarding Participation
with Seven Benchmarks.

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