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Personal learning paper (based of first session of 24/09/20)

Don’t take the profession recommendations given in MBTI report very seriously

Important to understand who you are and who the people around you are

The big five model (given in the book)

Major personality attributes influencing OB

Entitlement is believing that something is meant to be for me

Discussion on IT engineer case

We usually identify the ‘problem person’ and put the blame of everything on him/her. This is also
known as scapegoating

We should stick to only the case facts and not bring our on perception

This case write up raises a very interesting question : What kind of employees do business
organizations want today, Abhinav type or Vivek type?

Business organizations are hierarchal and not democratic, hence Vivek is more desirable

This is a real case that sir has dealt with (humesha ki tarah)

Abhinav is rich, Vivek is middle class but who is more blessed in terms of family cant really be said
from the case facts

In reality, Abhinav was a rank holder in NIT and his father was IAS

In first ten months, Abhinav really stands out as a performer but then things went wrong because he
started thinking that even though other people were less qualified, they were getting full credit
while he was not, he took this problem to his father but was ignored

Taking this problem to his father means that Abhinav was seeking validation and valued his father’s
opinion and has high regards for his father

Ignorance from his father led Abhinav to become a cynic

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