Financial Confidence Project

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Financial Confidence Project

Tatumn Cole

Arizona State University

Financial Confidence Module

The following project that will be proposed focuses on a problem-based lesson that

directly correlates with the needs of the school and the students that attend it. This problem-

based project would prove to be an excellent addition to the school/class curriculum and would

serve to impact many students for the better. The topics that will be covered in this problem-

based project require innovation and creativity not only to teach it but for the students to

complete it. A lot of time and passion went into this project and it can be seen throughout the

entirety, from beginning to end. My goal with completing this project is that someday I may use

this proposal or some version of it to incorporate in my own lessons.

Applicant and School Narrative

Applicant Narrative

I decided to go into the field of teaching and specifically to teach math because I actually

had a very hard time with it when I was younger and it wasn't until I had a teacher that taught the

subject in a different way that I finally came to understand the subject and learn to love the

subject. My goal in teaching is to do the same for my students as my teacher did for me. I want

students to have fun with math and not to write it off as a subject they'll never understand. When

I first chose teaching as my career path in my last year of high school, I wasn’t quite sure it was

the right choice. But after shadowing in classrooms and going through courses that taught me

about educating adolescents, I have never been so sure that I made the right choice.

I attained my Associates degree from Estrella Mountain Community College in 2020 and

my Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education Mathematics in 2022. Shortly after I graduated, I

was able to get my first teaching position as a freshman math teacher at Chandler High School
for 4 years then went on to teach eighth-grade math at Kyrene Middle School and am currently

in my second-year teaching there. Throughout my teaching career I have heavily advocated for

the use of problem-based learning and projects to be used in the classroom. In my career as an

educator there are many things, I would like to achieve through my teaching but the most

important thing I hope my students will gain are the essential tools and skills that are necessary

for a successful life. I want to make sure that my students are able to apply the material that they

learn in class to their everyday life and apply their knowledge and become efficient problem

solvers. I have found that students will not appreciate or try to retain the content if they are not

able to see the valuable connection it has to their lives. And as my students are learning and

growing their knowledge, I always want to ensure that they are learning in a safe and accepting

environment that encourages their ideas and alternate point of views. This philosophy supports

why I heavily advocate for the use of problem-based learning and projects to be used in the


School Narrative

The population inside my classroom is very diverse. No one ethnicity is the majority. My

classes range from having 2-5 ELL students at a time. As Kyrene Middle School participates in

the IB program all of my students are participating in a handful of IB courses for middle

schoolers. As I conduct my class, I closely rely on the outline that the IB outlines for the class a

select few being: apply and transfer skills to a wide range of real-life situations, other areas of

knowledge and future developments, and to appreciate the moral, social and ethical implications

arising from the work of mathematicians and the applications of mathematics. These highlighted

goals for the classroom closely relate to the ideas behind problem-based projects and learning
and are goals that I intend to teach towards every day. I also constantly rely on the mission of the

district in that, “Kyrene School District will commit to student success for all, by providing

engaging, challenging educational environments which promote and inspire passion for learning,

leading, and achieving transformative life outcomes” (Kyrene School District).

As I have spent a couple of years of my teaching career at this school, I have been able to

observe many things about the school and its connection to the community. The school houses

almost 1,000 students of the surrounding community. The community is close to the city area of

mesa and not too far away from the city area of Tempe. The community is quite diverse which

provides the students with a range of differing ideas and beliefs to provide for engaging and

meaningful collaboration. The school is very connected to the community as they often put-on

events that include the community, such as the Kyrene Community Theatre that gives students

the opportunity to try out their interest in all aspects of theatre and then pulls it all together into

performances for the community. As I have been able to be included in the community and the

school, I have noticed that the parents and the community are concerned for their students and

want to see them succeed and be set up with all of the resources and tools that will help them

reach the most of their abilities.

Summary of Project and Impact

When observing the concerns of the community and looking at my concerns and goals

for my classroom I can find a common theme, which is that we all just want to see our students

attain success and be able to reach whatever goal they set their mind to. An aspect of student

preparation for their future that I believe would serve to have a positive impact is the idea of

financial knowledge and responsibility. Finance is a life skill that you will continue to use

throughout the course of your life and is a skill that one must consider if not mastering then at
least be very knowledgeable about. By informing my students about how they can take ahold of

their finances and create a plan to help them achieve their long term and short-term financial

goals, I hope to prepare them to be able to find the success each and every one of them is capable

of. By connecting this module to real life problems and situations of individuals in their

community student engagement will be at an all time high. With activities such as career

planning where students map their income to students researching and planning to buy a car,

students will be able to connect the material to their interests and a real life scenario in which

they might be able to use the information being taught. Because of a higher student involvement

in their learning, my goal is that students will be able to retain the information and carry it with

them throughout life.

Student Impact

Overall, the biggest impact that this project will have is on the lives of the students. With

the goal of the project being to prepare students for their own financial journeys and create a

strong foundation for their interactions with finances, my student will find the most meaning out

of the project. Taking a finance class or learning about how to start managing my finances was

one thing that I wish I would have been offered and taken advantage of when I was a student in

middle/high school. My hope for my students is that they find this module/project helpful and

insightful and that it encourages them to feel more confident in not only taking control of their

finances but really being able to maximize their success when it comes to their own personal

finances. By making sure that this project includes not only their community but also their own

personal interests I can ensure that the most amount of knowledge is taken away from the


Teacher Impact

This project will allow me to really connect with my students as I will be able to delve

into their interests and allow me to uncover what short-term and long-term goals, they might

have for themselves. Being able understand my students in a world that continues outside the

classroom will really allow me to learn who they really are as a person. This project may also

allow me to take note of the kind of activities my students enjoy and those in which they excel in

the most, so that I may implement versions of these activities in my future lessons.

Community Impact

By including the community in the project, it may allow students the ability to better

connect what they are learning to the real world. By asking parents or community members that

specialize in the different aspects of finances to come speak or act as examples for the topics

being discussed will allow students to connect real life people to the finance world and be able to

really connect the importance of the topics being taught to their own lives. Students might also

be able to take the information learned in class about finances and possibly take the information

learned about setting savings goals and following through with them and apply them to an aspect

in their community or neighborhood that needs fundraising or renewing. There are many aspects

from this finance project that students could pull the information learned and apply it to their

home and school communities.

Project Narrative

This project is designed to be carried out over a ten-day period or more, as students

discover how finance is connected to their daily lives and can be applied to their own personal

journeys. The project through the ten days goes through financial responsibility, financial goals,

career paths, taxes and income, budgeting, financing education and investing. Through

participating in activities either individual or in a group and having multiple opportunities for

discussion, there are a multitude of checks for understanding along the way to ensure

comprehension and mastery is achieved. Including individual innovative projects to complete

allow for students to connect the material to their own personal lives and interests in a unique

way to allow for individualized understanding of the topics covered throughout the module. A

more detailed day by day summary and connection of material to standards can be found in

Table 1. Also, to take a deeper dive into what one day of the project would like a inquiry-based

lesson plan has been created and provided to give insight into how the project would begin on

the first day. This lesson plan is located in the Appendix section the end of the document.

Sustaining The Project and Innovation


This project was designed to be able to be used in both an asynchronous environment as

well as a synchronous environment. There are many opportunities that are given to inspire

creativity and engagement through the use of technology. Through the uses of padlet, flipgrids,

mindmup, educational websites, youtube and so much more, student involvement in the

classroom is definitely pushed by the technology. This project also has the ability to be altered to

allow for less access to technology as well by providing resources that don’t require technology
at all. The technology used in this project is differentiated and unique enough to keep student

engagement at an all-time high and encourage students that would most of the time be too shy to

share their work an outlet that they feel more comfortable in. We would be able to do parts of the

project in a computer lab if shared school resources are the only access to technology as well. I

don’t believe that there are too many obstacles that would completely stop or detract from the


After Proposal Period

I think that this project definitely has the ability to grow into something much bigger. By

connecting with big companies such as investment brokers, banks, career mentors, and so on this

project could grow in to one that is used by many teachers through many schools. The

information covered in this project is information that is very important for students to at least be

exposed to, but mastery of the material is the outcome wanted in the end. By connecting with

more people and expanding the opportunities for students this project could really turn into

something that is required of all students to complete to show that they are at least informed of

their own financial responsibility before moving on to their next steps.


This project present innovative and creative platforms and mediums in which students

can apply their knowledge and show their mastery of material covered and practiced. By having

students create their own budget plan to having students create their own mock paystub, I believe

that their creativity is given a spotlight and the innovation that can come from students is

endless. By making it so students are focusing on the material in the mindset and point of view

of how they could apply it to their own life, I am making sure that they are able to build a

connection and really be able to understand the material in a way that makes sense to them. By
making this project so innovative, student engagement and motivation will continue to grow as

they will be interested in what aspect of their life they could plan or address financially.

Budget Narrative

For this section I will be referencing Table 2 which lists the budgeting I will need to do to

be able to carry out this project. Since this project relies heavily on technology most of the

budget has been allocated to technology such as computers and calculators. To start off as far as

computers go, I have outlined just in case the school does not already supply them the cost of

laptops being $289 a piece and needing at least 30 computers. I have included the website in

which they can be purchased from as well as a possible funding source that supplies computers

to schools if they are eligible. I have also included giftcards in my budget chart as it is a

professional courtesy to thank guest speakers and being able to offer them giftcards at $10 each

would be an excellent way to do this. I have included adoptaclassroom as possible way of

funding these giftcards. And finally, there will be some math done throughout this project that

requires a calculator. Because only the most basic calculator is needed I was able to find 30 at

$160, and have included as a possible funding source as I know there are a lot

of people out there that are able and willing to support classrooms for a good cause. I believe that

the budget chart correctly outlines the possible expenditures that may come out of this project as

well as reasonable funding sources that would help to cover those expenditures if need be.

ISTE Standards for Educators. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from

ISTE Standards for Students. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from

J. (2017). Jumpstart: National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education. Retrieved from


Kyrene School District / Best Schools in Tempe, Chandler & Phoenix AZ. (n.d.). Retrieved

December 11, 2020, from

Table 1

Day Standards & Learning Activities Assessment Technology Used

1 Content Standards Students will watchStudents will write ISTE student
Jumpstart video on how to a reflection down in standard: 3
standard: financial save money. their journal about knowledge
decision making the importance of constructor
standard 1 and 2 Students will then financial
AZ Math Standard: be asked to think responsibility and Students are
8.MP.1 about their recent informed decision watching videos
personal finance making when it and responding in
Learning decisions/choices comes to bigger both a padlet and a
Objective(s): and will share these purchases. flipgrid
Students will in a padlet.
explore their own Having students ISTE teacher
personal financial Students will be respond to standard: 5
choices that they given a graphic reflection questions designer
have made. organizer and will through padlet and
Students will watch videos and flipgrid will allow Teacher creates
discuss whether fill in their me to reflect back hyperdoc for
their financial observations and on their responses students to learn
choices were then answer and make sure they and discover
informed reflection are progressing in information about
decisions. questions. the manner I need financial
Students will them to. responsibility from.
consider what Students will share
must be taken into observations and
account to be takeaways with
responsible for classmates and will
their own finances. comment and
respond to one
Essential Question:
What does Students will
responsibility of identify a future
one’s finances look financial decision
2 Content Students be asked By having students ISTE student
Standards: to make a fill out financial standard: 6 creative
Jumpstart brainstorm map timeline, I am communicator
standard: spending (using mindup) of ensuring that they
and saving financial goals they are reflecting on Students are
standards 1 and 4 have (purchases or the material taught creating a unique
AZ Math Standard: items they want to and the discussions representation of
8.MP.3 buy). had. their ideas to share
with their
Learning Students will share I will also have classmates
Objective: their maps with students again
Students will their groups and write a reflection ISTE teacher
explore their own discuss whether on why it is standard: 6
financial goals they are tangible important to plan facilitator
both long term goals and if they for a savings goal
and short term. are more short and how they can Teacher provides
Students will term or long term combat possible the necessary
uncover the goals. obstacles they resources and
process one must might run into framing of
go through when Students will be discussion to allow
deciding their asked to pick a students the ability
financial goal and financial goal of to reflect and grow
planning for it. their own and must their knowledge
Students will fill out a financial
consider obstacles timeline, identifying
that may come up checkpoints to
in the process of make sure they are
achieving their on track with their
financial goals. goal. The timeline
will ask them to
Essential Question: calculate how much
How can I achieve savings they need
my financial goals? and need to have
saved at the

Students will share

their goal and
timeline with their
group. Group
members will
brainstorm and
identify possible
obstacles that they
might run into.

3 Content Standards Students will be Students are ISTE student

Jumpstart asked to identify creating a career standard: 5
Standard: their dream career goal board that computational
Employment and and the amount of they must share thinker
income standard income that with classmates.
1, 2. particular career This goal board Students are using
AZ Math Standard: will allow on a ensures they did websites and
8.F.B.5 padlet. their research and resources to learn
made an informed more about their
Learning Students will then decision on their careers and using a
Outcomes: be instructed to go career goals. graphing website to
Students will take a career create a graph of
explore a career interest quiz and Students will also incomes.
goal. pick 2 jobs that it be reflecting in
Students will recommends. their journals about ISTE teacher
analyze different the importance of standard: 6
careers and Students will making career goals facilitator
income options. compare and and how they can
contrast the careers plan their success Teachers are
Essential Question: and create savings well in advance. providing resources
What is the right and income graphs and websites for
career path for by plotting income students to use to
me? of each year until further their
retirement age. knowledge.

Students will use

graph along with
description of job
to create a career
goal board. They
will then share their
career goal board
with their group.
4 Content Standards Students will be Students are being ISTE student
Jumpstart presented required to fill out a standard: 3
Standard: examples of graphic organizer to knowledge
Employment and incomes, wages and make sure they constructor and 6
income standard 3 amount of hours have continued creative
AZ Math Standard: worked during a participation in the communicator
8.EE.C pay period. lesson.
Students are
Learning Students will be Students are also watching videos
Outcomes: asked to calculate creating their own and using graphic
Students will how much the take- paystub and are organizer to collect
discover what home pay would presenting their information.
income tax is. be. They will then knowledge and Students are
Students will be given the mastery of material creating their own
illustrate the amount of the learned in the version of a paystub
relationship actual take home lesson. to uniquely present
between income pay. their knowledge
and tax liability. Students will also and mastery.
Students will Students will be be reflecting in
calculate how given a graphic their journal about ISTE teacher
payroll deductions organizer of videos how taxes and standard: 3 citizen
affect take home that explain the deductions affect and 5 designer
pay. different taxes that income and the
are taken out of a importance of Teacher is inspiring
Essential Question: paycheck and must these deductions. student
How do taxes watch and reflect engagement by
affect my income? on videos. providing creative
avenues for
Students will then students to express
take their income their findings.
and wage and will
be given a template
for a paystub.
Students must
calculate the taxes
and deductions that
would be taken out
of a paycheck.

Students will share

their paystubs with
their group
members and post
them on a padlet.

5 Content Standards Students will be Students will be ISTE student

Jumpstart watch a short video posting their standards: 1
Standard: Financial of a young reflections to the Empowered
Decision Making youtuber going presentations of Learner and 2
standard 8 through their budgets to a padlet, Digital Citizen
AZ Math Standard: budgeting for the which keeps them
8.EE.B month. accountable to stay Students are
engaged and allows leveraging
Learning Students will be me to look back on technology to learn
Outcomes: split into groups their thoughts and more about
Students will and will be given a progress in learning budgeting and
understand the presentation of the topic. using technology to
components of a different scenarios share their findings.
financial budget of budgets and Students will also
plan. finances of be reflecting in ISTE teacher
Students will different their journals about standards: 3 citizen
create and community the importance of and 6 facilitator
calculate their own members. budgeting and why
personalized it is an important Teacher is providing
budget plan. Students will reflect skill to have the resources to
on the throughout life. further student
Essential Question: presentations and learning and also
How can I create a post their provides an avenue
budget? reflections and for students to
observations on a engage with other
padlet so that they people and share
can see other ideas through
classmates technology.
6 Continued from Students will take By requiring ISTE student
day 5 their income from students to create standard: 4
the career they their own budget innovative designer
Content Standards chose in a previous plan and post a
Jumpstart activity and plan a video walking Students are
Standard: Financial monthly budget through it, I can leveraging
Decision Making based on the ensure students are technology to
standard 8 income for the applying the create their own
AZ Math Standard: month. material learned to budget plans in a
8.EE.B their own product. creative innovative
Students will then way.
Learning be given a Students will also
Outcomes: document of be reflecting in ISTE teacher
Students will different websites their journals about standard: 3 citizen
understand the that help with their budgeting and 6 facilitator
components of a creating a budget. journey and
financial budget Students will be process. They will
plan. given a little bit of share how they Teacher is providing
Students will time to play around might use the the resources to
create and and find out what information learned further student
calculate their own website they like and practiced and learning and also
personalized the most. carry it into the rest provides an avenue
budget plan. of their life. for students to
Students will innovate and be
Essential Question: leverage budget creative in showing
How can I create a examples from the mastery of the
budget? day before and will topic.
be provided with
examples by the

Students will share

their budget plan
with a partner.
Partners must
brainstorm any
possible obstacles
that could come up
to strengthen the

Once the budget

plan is fully
reviewed students
will post a flipgrid
of them going
through their
budget plans.

7 Content Standards Students will watch By having students ISTE student

Jumpstart a video on tips that fill out a graphic standard: 3
standard: financial a young college organizer that is knowledge
responsibility student is giving on shared with me I constructor
standard 2 how she is paying can assess that they
Credit and debit for college. are completing Students are using
standards 1 and 3 classwork and websites and a
AZ Math Standard: Students will reflect evaluating their collection of
8.MP.5 by taking a quick choices for resources to
anonymous online financing college. identify options for
Learning quiz provided by financing college.
objectives: teacher that asks Students will also
Students will questions about be reflecting in ISTE teacher
analyze the college interest, their journal on standard: 5
possibilities for savings, parents how they can designer
funding college. involvement, etc. finance their
Students will education. Teacher is providing
identify and weigh Students will be resources and
the possible given a graphic activities that are
benefits and organizer where designed to inspire
withdraws to they will identify student
having student their college of engagement and
loans choice and the involvement.
Students will also amount of the
discuss possible tuition and all other
affects of having expenses.
and paying off
student loans on Students will then
future finances. explore the school’s
scholarship page as
Essential Question: well as state
How can I pay for scholarship
my future websites and fill in
education? graphic organizer
identifying which
scholarships they
would qualify for
and $ amount

Students will reflect

on their findings by
identifying if they
would be covered
by scholarships or if
there is still an

8 Continued from Students will reflect By requiring ISTE student

day 7 on financial students to debate standard: 2
standing from on student loans knowledge
Content Standards activities the day their knowledge constructor and 5
Jumpstart before. and thoughts on computational
standard: financial Students will be the topic are being thinker
responsibility given a document examined.
standard 2 with articles and Students are
Credit and debit videos on student Students will also evaluating
standards 1 and 3 loans. The videos be reflecting in resources to build
AZ Math Standard: and articles their journal on an argument.
8.MP.5 represent both the how student loans
good and bad sides could either be ISTE teacher
Learning to taking out loans. useful or harmful in standard: 1 learner
objectives: the long run. and 3 citizen
Students will Students will write
analyze the down their Teacher is providing
possibilities for observations and framework and
funding college. thoughts about the resources for
Students will video. students to build
identify and weigh their own opinions.
the possible Students will take Teacher is creating
benefits and either a stance that a forum to allow
withdraws to is pro or against students to
having student student loans and contribute.
loans will debate.
Students will also
discuss possible Students will watch
affects of having khan academy
and paying off video on how to
student loans on calculate paying
future finances. back a student
Essential Question:
How can I pay for Students will be
my future given practice
education? scenarios to find
out how much each
person will pay
back for student
9 Content Standards Students will be By making sure that ISTE student
Jumpstart given a graphic students are standard: 1
Standard: organizer that participating in a Empowered
Investing standard contains a padlet I am able to Learner and 2
1 collection of videos monitor their Digital Citizen
AZ Math Standard: on the different progress and effort
8.EE.C kinds of being given on the Students are
investments. They material. leveraging
Learning will record their technology to learn
Outcomes: observations and Students will also more about
Students will thoughts about be reflecting in investing and using
understand how each type of their journals about technology to share
investing can lead investment the shared their findings.
to an increased investment stories
wealth. Students will be and will begin their ISTE teacher
Students will broken up into own exploration on standard: 3 citizen
calculate simple groups for why they think and 6 facilitator
and compound presentations given investments might
interest. by community be beneficial. Teacher is providing
Students will members on their the resources to
create an experiences with further student
investment investments. learning and also
portfolio. provides an avenue
Students will record for students to
Essential Question: their observations engage with other
How can I invest in a padlet and people and share
money to better discuss what their ideas through
my future? thoughts are on technology.
investments and
how they work.

10 Content Standards Students will be By having students ISTE student

Jumpstart given scenarios on complete standard: 6 creative
Standard: different calculations on communicator
Investing standard investments (simple investment
1 and compound) scenarios I am able Students are
AZ Math Standard: and will be asked to to test their creatively
8.EE.C calculate the knowledge and presenting their
different mastery on the mastery through a
Learning investments and topic. unique outlet.
Outcomes: how their returns
Students will can differ. Students By also requiring ISTE teacher
understand how will share these students to create standard: 6
investing can lead scenarios and their their own facilitator
to an increased findings in a short investment plan I
wealth. presentation to am applying their Teachers are
Students will their groups. knowledge and providing resources
calculate simple once again testing and activities for
and compound Students will be their mastery of the students to use
interest. asked to create material. and do to further
Students will their own scenario their knowledge
create an for an investment Students will also and mastery of the
investment that aligns with be reflecting in information.
portfolio. their long term their journals on
saving goal why investments
Essential Question: identified at the are important to
How can I invest beginning of this long- and short-
money to better project. They will term goals. They
my future? create a proposal of will be reflecting on
their investment why they value
that they would investments.
present to their
financial advisor.

Students must
identify why they
chose the
investment they did
and how it relates
to their long term

Table 2

Item # and Cost Where to Purchase Funding

computers 30 @ $289 Computersfor





















Gift cards 20 @ $10 Adoptaclassro

for guest

calculators 30 @ $160 https://www.lakeshorelearning Getedfunding.







Financial Responsibility Inquiry-based Lesson Plan

Financial Responsibility
To use this HyperDoc template, make a copy, then follow the lesson design notes to add content, links,
and instructions. A completed lesson template is meant for students to use. HyperDoc templates are easy
to revise and customize to the structure of the lesson you are creating, just follow the instructions below.
Have Fun!

To engage students at the beginning of a lesson, insert video, image,
quote, or another inspirational hook in this box. 
The Goal:  Reveal Pre-existing ideas, Beliefs, Preconceptions. Pose
questions that students will begin to answer in “Explore”
Click image to watch video

Individually: Taking a look at your own prior experiences, why do you think
personal finances and being able to manage them are important? Watch this
video. After viewing the video reflect on recent personal financial
decisions/choices you have made. Reflect on these choices and think about
how much thought and cautionary research was put into this purchase. Once
you are done post your thoughts on this Padlet.


Curate a collection of resources (articles, videos, infographics, text

excerpts, etc.) for students to explore the topic. 
The Goal: Students may be gathering data, sharing ideas, looking for
patterns, making conjectures, and developing further questions and
problem solving considerations with the use of the information/activity

Individually, make a copy of the Informed Decision Making graphic

organizer. View each video provided within the graphic organizer.
Document your observations during your viewing of each scenario and
respond to the reflection questions that are provided.

Use this section to allow students to explain their thinking and move
towards demonstrating mastery of the lesson’s objective. 
The Goal: Provide opportunity for students to compare ideas, construct
explanations, justify in terms of observations and/or data collected in a
collaborative large group environment.

Share your observations through sharing your graphic organizers with

your assigned team members. 

Provide feedback on at least 2 other team members observations by

commenting on important takeaways or common observations, any
information that seemed to spark your interest. If you have any
questions about other team members' observations feel free to address
them now.

Use this section for students to apply information from the previous
sections to new circumstances or elaborate on a particular aspect at a
deeper level usually coming in the form of “What if” questions.  
The Goal: Allowing students the opportunity to discuss how their
thinking has changed or been solidified.

Practice: Demonstrate financial responsibility.

1. Using your observations in the Informed Decision Making
graphic organizer on what an informed financial decision intels,
describe a future personal financial decision that you would like
to make and discuss the research you must perform before you
decide to go through with it.
2. After you have drafted your informed financial decision, share
your plan with a group member. By presenting your plan to your
group members, you should be able to explain that your
personal finance decision is well informed and go through with
the decision.

Include an opportunity for face-to-face or digital reflection to guide
students along their learning progression, evaluating progress and
setting new goals for continued exploration.
The Goal: Refine initial answer to the “driving question” and reflect on
ideas, goals and beliefs concerning their progress.

Review what your initial thoughts were about financial choices and
decisions and what needed to be taken into account when going
through with these financial situations. What new information do you
have to improve your informed financial choices and decisions? What
particular considerations might you make when you are deciding to pull
the trigger on a big purchase in the future? What are you still not quite
sure about when it comes to informed decision making?

Reflect on the feedback presented from your peers concerning your

personal financial decision plan, how can it be changed, modified,
simplified, or revised to be more successful? 

Please post your individual comments on Flipgrid.

Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

Teacher: Tatumn Cole

Date: December 11, 2020
Subject / grade level: 8th grade math
Materials: hyperdocument, graphic organizer

Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives

Content Standards

Jumpstart standard: financial decision making standard 1 and 2

AZ Math Standard: 8.MP.1

Essential Question: What does responsibility of one’s finances look like?

Lesson objective(s):

Students will explore their own personal financial choices that they have made.
Students will discuss whether their financial choices were informed decisions.
Students will consider what must be taken into account to be responsible for their own finances.

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

Allowing students to work individually or with a group

 Students are asked to think about their own personal financial decision
 They are asked to think about how much thought went into these decisions
 Students are asked to post their responses in a padlet
 Students are asked to take a graphic organizer and watch the different financial decision scenario videos
 They must then post their observations in the graphic organizer.

 Students are asked to share their observations with their group members.
 They are asked to provide feedback on at least 2 other team members observations by commenting on important takeaways or common observations,
any information that seemed to spark their interest. If they have any questions about other team members' observations they are asked to address
them now.

Practice: Demonstrate financial responsibility.

 Using thier observations in the Informed Decision Making graphic organizer on what an informed financial decision intels, they must describe a future
personal financial decision that they would like to make and discuss the research they must perform before they decide to go through with it.
 After they have drafted their informed financial decision, they will share their plan with a group member. By presenting their plan to their group
members, they should be able to explain that their personal finance decision is well informed and go through with the decision.

 Students are asked to review what their initial thoughts about financial choices and decisions and what needed to be taken into account when going
through with these financial situations. They are asked the following questions. What new information do you have to improve your informed financial
choices and decisions? What particular considerations might you make when you are deciding to pull the trigger on a big purchase in the future? What
are you still not quite sure about when it comes to informed decision making?
 They must reflect on the feedback presented from their peers concerning their personal financial decision plan, how can it be changed, modified,
simplified, or revised to be more successful? 
 They must post their individual comments on Flipgrid.

Informed Decision-Making Graphic Organizer

Observation Worksheet

Objective: After watching each video record any observations you made about the necessary
information that must be learned and taken into account when deciding to partake in the
following finance decisions.

Video #1: Buying a Car

Video #2: Buying a House

Video #3: Paying for


Reflection of Observations:
1. Are the above financial decisions informed?

2. Is there such a thing as being too informed?

3. How could you apply the information presented in the videos to all future financial

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