Learning Objective Outline of Materials Supporting References

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Learning Objective Outline of Materials Supporting References

The primary objective of this intended My research topic to improve the delivery Adefala, L. (2019). Healthcare

research to measure and explore whether services to veteran. This topic is much Experiences Twice the Number of Cyber

blockchain technology can be helpful in related to my public health issues because Attacks As Other Industries. Fortinet

improving and securing the electronic there was always an issue with data Blog. March 2018.

protected information such as names, protection of potential clients, blockchain

credit card information. can be key determinant to measure and

improve the health care services for

With increase of rapid technology in Adefala, L. (2019). Healthcare

every sector increase the risk to Experiences Twice the Number of Cyber

cybersecurity issues . Health care Attacks As Other Industries. Fortinet

organization are still in early stage of it Blog. March 2018.

infrastructure Many other industries, such

as the financial sector, have been targets

of cyber attackers for years. In the

healthcare industry, this is something new

that organizations are facing. Securing

information of clients is becoming an

issue .

we will use long term health Long term health care services are the Jannetti, M. (2014). Safeguarding patient

organization to collect or data most complex for a veteran. There are information in electronic health

number of past studies which mentioned records. Aorn Journal, 100(3).

that the security breach is happening in Kruse, C. S., Smith, B., Vanderlinden, H.,

long term health care organizations. & Nealand, A. (2017). Security techniques

for the electronic health records. Journal

of medical systems, 41(8), 127.

Kissi, J., Dai, B., Owusu-Marfo, J., Asare,

I., Opuni, M., & AA, B. C. (2018). A

Review of Information Security Policies

and Procedures for Healthcare

Services. management, 1, 2.
We will collect data from long term health

care organization who has implemented

the blockchain technology to improve the

health care security for veteran. We will

collect the post and pre implementation

data through questioner

Health care compliance and ethical There are enough evidences which stating Linn, L. A., & Koo, M. B. (2016).

considerations that blockchain will help to improve the Blockchain for health data and its

compliance cost , and delivery with stated potential use in health it and health care

government roles and regulations related research. In ONC/NIST Use of

Blockchain for Healthcare and Research

Workshop. Gaithersburg, Maryland,

United States: ONC/NIST (pp. 1-10).

Outline Matrix - Health Care Management Research Capstone Project

Directions to Students: Using the template below identify the following:

 Column 1: Research Capstone Project/Learning Objective

 Column 2: An outline of how you plan to cover the materials in your final resource paper.

 Column 3: Identify the supporting references you will use for each program/learning objective.

Once complete save the file as the following: lastname, firstname, week, date(mm.dd.yyyy)

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