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Name:_____________________________________________ Class Code: ________________

FIT OA: Outdoor and Adventure

Module 3 Worksheet 5

Activity 5: Application
Using the given SLU map as your guide (Attach to Module 3 Materials). Identify the following;
A. You are in the middle of the fountain. Identify the farthest building in your north, east, west, and
south. Two points each (8 pts)
North _______________________ South _______________________
West _______________________ East ________________________

B. Find the bearings of the following landmarks. The numbers indicated in the map are the SLU
gate numbers. Two points each (10 pts)
Middle of the fountain- Gate 1 ___________
Gate 1- Gate 4 ___________
Gate 4- Gate 5 ___________
Gate 5- Gate 6 ___________
Gate 6- Middle of the fountain ___________

C. Use the blue colored points and letters as your guide. A person is standing 295 WNW to point A,
120 ESE to point B, and 160 SE to point C. Where is he standing based from the map? Put a red
dot and name the landmark beside the dot. (12 pts) Print the assigned SLU Map Worksheet for this

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