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Logistic Report

Prepared by Logistic Officer (Yap Zhi Ling & Mark Lim Chen Yang)

We first started at the beginning of April, with the initial plan of having a physical career fair but
to no avail, had to be converted to virtual one due to the pandemic. After several in-depth
discussions with the other committees, we had come up with a mutual suggestion, which was to
create a platform, a website for the students currently undergoing studies and graduates.

At first, we started our research on which website and platform to host our virtual event. We
were given several choices on-hand. To provide the students with the best experience of our
event, we have decided upon using Wix and Microsoft Teams. As Wix is a zero cost website
creator which has more features with better graphics plus easier to explore and navigate
compared to other free cost websites like Mail chimp. Furthermore, we liaise with our event
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson regarding our event details and information for the website.

The attached link above is the website created for MASA Actuarialogy.

The whole creating and editing of the website took approximately as long as the planning of the
event. Three main features were decided to be the main bullets of the website, which were
submission of cvs’, information of the event and registration of the events respectively. These
three main aims were dubbed to be the core of the website, and extended to several other sub-
functions which basically built up the aspects of the website. 

For instance, ‘about us’ page, which illustrates the aims of organizing this annual event and the
list of committees. It gives an overview of what the event is all about and based on the analysis
done on Wix, approximately 40% of visitors had come across this page, thus most of the people
do have a wonder about the aim and the process of an event.

‘Contact Us’ provided details of high-com of the event and MASA, to ease any communication
wish to be done by students, sponsors or employers with us. Details such as phone number and
respective position are displayed.

The most important key in editing would be the regular updates from the corporate relation side.
Corporate Relation officer and Chairperson at most of the times, provided the most recent
updates about the speakers, whether they agreed to the times and topics we provided, as well as
their requirements on their info, posters, official pictures etc. Updates were done by daily basis,
thus it’s not a strange thing to see changes of the website across the periods.

As a beginner to access and create a website, it was indeed a challenge in the beginning. It was
almost a daily routine to do check-ups and explore new functions every day, trying to come up
with the most optimum and efficient way to display and convey our message and info to the
visitors. To access Wix, things might get complicated whenever you try to edit. Columns may
not run according to your desire and pictures may go out of frame from time to time. In my
opinion, whenever we try to edit, do attempt it multiple times, and check again after doing it. It’s
to ensure all the editing’s are saved accordingly and are displayed what we desire. 

Wix has another built-in function, which is the mobile version view of the desktop version of our
editing, was neglected. It was found out after a week after posting to the public. Since most of
our marketing was done through Instagram, visitors most likely viewed our website through their
either phone or IPad. Thus more concern in this aspect should be placed to avoid it from

Other than that, an earlier timeline could be set in finalization of the website, so that we could
promote our event earlier thus giving our users a better experience. Give a gap of one or two
weeks before posting, to ensure the website is almost free from errors. As we could focus on the
technical and operation part of our website where we could provide our users with a better
impression and they can navigate our website without experiencing changes from time to time.

Apart from it, we suggest regular check-ups on the website, especially after posting to the public.
We enabled chat functions in our website, which allowed visitors to communicate with us
whenever they were on the website. On some days some visitors were trying to chat with us by
telling us the issues they have found on our website - wrong directed link. However, no one
stood by at that time and the reply was made after almost 1 hour. Thus I suggest in the future if
similar circumstances are faced, someone could stand by to entertain the visitors and students, to
provide them with the best impression.

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