EXERCISE 5 Rohmayati

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Nama : Nurcahyati

Kelas.: 5D keperawatan
Nim. :181030100140

1. Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we

                                    A                                               B               C

must wait until the next meeting to vote.


2.  Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.

                              A                       B                          C                      D

3. The fir trees were grown for the holiday season were harvested in November.

                           A        B                                          C        


4.  Often the best farmland is next to a river that floods periodical.

                   A                             B                  C                    D

5.  George is not enough intelligent to pass this economics class without trip.

                                   A               B        C         D

6.  When children experience too much frustration, its behavior ceases to be

integrated.                  A               B                         C                     D

7.   Several people have apparent tried to change the man’s mind, but he refuses

                                 A          B                                          C  

 to listen.


8.     Each water molecules have two hydrogen atoms and oxygen atom.

                               A            B                            C                            D

9.     Many people with spinal cord injuries can, with the help of computer


                                                           A                              B         

recovering some of their mobility.

     C                          D

10.     They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.

                                     A                    B                          C                D

11.   A patient suffering from amnesia may had partial or total loss.

                            A                                B      C                           D      

12.   The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience.

                                  A            B               C                          D

13.   By the 1920, many radio transmitters had been build.

                               A                     B         C              D

14.   I waited peaceful at the window, certain that neither of them was able to see me in

                          A                                            B                              C       

the darkly lit room.


15.     In today’s competitive markets, even small business had better to advertise on TV

              A                                                                                                     B           C

and radio in order to gain a share of the market


1. Malnutrition is a major cause of death in those countries where the cultivation of

                              A                                              B

rich have been impeded by recurrent drought.

             C                                     D

2.  The athlete, together with his couch and several relatives, are travelling to the

                A                       B        C                                             D

Olympic Games.

3.  Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial

cities today.                      A                   B                  C                            D

4. Although a large amount of people think the man to be guilty, I believe him to

                            A                                                       B                      C

innocent of the crime


5. Absolute zero, the temperature at whom all substances have zero thermal energy is

                                                           A                                   B                              C

unattainable in practice.


6.      Cotton fiber, like other vegetable fibers, are composed mostly of cellulose.

                                A    B                                 C                        D        

7.   The chain of rider stations along the way were crucial to the success of the Pony

                A                                                       B        C                D


8.   When Julie Andrews made her film debut in 1964, her appeared in the Musical

          A                                      B             C                   D  

Marry Poppin.

9.   Many of the food consumed by penguins consists of fish obtained from the ocean.

         A                             B                                 C                          D        

10.   Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before are admitted to the organization.

                  A                              B                C                        D

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