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Journal of The Pacific Society / October 1999 / No. 84 - 85 (Vo1. 22, No.

3 4) (13)




Norman Quinnl
Patrick Daudau
Biology Department
School of Pure and Applied Sciences
University of the South Pacific
Suva, Fiji

gratilla - white morph) represent 957c of the shellfish

ABSTRACT catch. The CPUE per trip increased as expected with
The marine resources near Ferafalu village, Malaita the number of fishermen from 3.3 kg per trip for solo
Island, Solomon lslands, support a subsistence fishery fishermen to 12.3 kg per trip for groups with more than
fbr approximately 220 inhabitants. About 30-40 men and [i ve.

l0-20 women fish regularly. Their fishing practices The marine resources of isolated communities have
commonly include the use of handlines (aoao la), diving become increasingly important as a food source for the
with iron rod (.susu'u la), spring loaded spear guns (stsaa developing urban population in Honiara as well as tbr
ana kwanga), spears with wrapped coconut bundle export. This has resulted in pressure to increase har-
(kwesu la), rope fishing (oko), baitfish fishing (ala'a), vests liom these resources. However, traditional marine

and ilsh poisoning (afta). Less frequently used tradi- management groups, comprising local resource owners,

tional fishing practices such as sago palm kite fishing strongly believe that they should be consulted before
(drugo), fish poisoning (uka), and the use of wrapped any decision is made to develop their resourcd:s.
coconut meat (kwesu /a) are likely to cease within this
generation. The recent use of small mesh gill nets, INTRODUCTION
explosives, nontraditional fish poisons, underwater Fishing is the most important protein source for
torches and "lockline" fishing have resulted in the coastal villagers on Malaita and most of the Solomon
extirpation or severe depletion of several fish stocks. Islands (Miller, 1978; Skewes, 1990). The IVlalaita
Villagers are concemed about the threats posed by these Province is known fbr its high population densiry,4,214/
technologies and have begun to limit their use. The km2 in 1986 (lnstitute of Pacific Studies, 1989). This
recent introduction of new religious beliefs has also high population density is probably related to the
altered the villager's utilization of marine resources. abundance of food from the sea and the local people's
Kurumusi (Siganus spinus), szrz (Lethrinidae), bubu skill and knowledge about its sustainable exploitation.
sidai (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), and bubu fahato Fishing practices are an integral part of Malaitp soci-
(Rhinecanthus verucosus) represent 90Vo of the finfish eties social and cultural values as well as being essen-
caught. Ragotcti (Lambis truncata), binu kero tial for the survival of the community. For example,
(Tripneustes gratilla - red morph), binu laungi (7. marine products are an important element in the barter

rPresent Address: Biology Department, University of Papua New Guinea, PO. Box 320

University, Papua New Cuinea. Email:

(r4) a+i++a;il f- / B'E (H22&ffi3 / 4E)
-79 - leee 10 E ffi84

cxchange relationship between coastal and "bush people" not the case of the fishermen of Feralalu Village where
who live in the interior without access to marine re- the common good of the community is more important
sources. than the success of a single individual and information
Recognition of sea tenure and the value of local is generally shared among the fishing fraternity.
fishing knowledge in ensuring sustainable flsheries has To maintain a harmonious fishing ecosystem, fish-
only slowly gained acceptance. The early reports of ing activities and the fishing grounds themselves must
traditional fishing practices (e.9. Malinowski, 1918; be managed prudently. Consequently, island people de-
Landtman, 1927; Bell, 1947; Allen, 1957) were regarded veloped a system of knowledge about the marine en-
as curiosities (Cordell, 1988). Recently, descriptions vironment and fishing practices. Many conceptualized
about the ways that Solomon lslands fishermen perceive, local terms about marine environments (e.9. depth, tidal
define, delimit, utilize, and def-end their rights to in- current speed, tidal conditions, seasonal wind,) have
shore fishing grounds have emerged (Akimichi, 1978; traditionally been used.
Ruddle and Akimichi, 1984; Hviding, l99l; 1992) and Detailed local marine knowledge studies are uncom-
the value of local marine knowledge and management mon in the Solomon lslands. However, work has been
practices has gained more acceptance (Johannes, 1980; done on customary resource management practices of
Baines, 1985). Marovo Lagoon people (Hviding, l99l ; 1992), the por-
It is important to consider how the territorial con- poise fishery of Malaita (Takekawa, 1996a, b), the
cepts of fishermen develop from culturally idiosyncratic lagoon lif'e ol the Langalanga (Goto, 1992, 1996), the
ways of appropriating, regulating and transmitting southern villages of the Lau lagoon marine usage
marine property (Cordell, 1984). And it is necessary to (Akimichi, 1978), and fishing practices of the resettled
know who fishes, how to fish, and what customs and Tikopian people in the Russell lslands (Quinn and
ideas the ftishermen have. ln many societies the mul- Mataki, 1999).
titude of customary restrictions surrounding traditional This study details aspects of the subsistence fishery,
fishing were primarily directed toward maintaining the its resources, fishing methods, equipment, knowledge
authority of the elders and the stability of the social of marine resources, management, and conservation
order rather than toward maintaining a stable balance practices, and the cultural fiamework of the fishery in
with nature. Ferafalu Village, Maana'oba lsland in Malaita Province
Sea territories are not just vague areas, but areas of Solomon lslands. Baines (1985) stated that inshore
named, known, used, claimed and on occasion def'ended. fisheries development couldn't proceed effectively in the
Places used are places named. A social group's famil- absence of a more detailed knowledge and understand-
iarity with an area creates a territory. A territory is a ing of traditional uses ol' marine resources.
social and cultural space as much as it is a resource
or subsistence space (Nietschmann, 1988). While the METHODS
harvesters cannot control the common property resources This paper is based on a field survey by both authors
themselves, they occasionally can control certain pro- on the island during January 1997. The second author
duction-related infbrmation that governs access to these grew up in Ferafalu Village and his local knowledge
resources. Thus production-related knowledge, such as and associations with the village community have greatly
the specific location of fish and the most ef-fective tactics contributed to this study.
for catching them, becomes a scarce capital good. The The village was subdivided into fbur main groups
harvester cannot control the resource. but can control of 8 - t of people who fish frequently. Upon
knowledge about it. Given the intensive competition the return from a fishing trip the lishermen were
among boats and the efTorts to guard one's own infor- questioned about their fishing techniques, fishing loca-
mation while trying to discover the information of tion, vemacular names of fish, and the catch was counted
others, a social climate of secretiveness, lying, avoid- and weights estimated. lt is customary fbr a fisherman
ance and general suspicion is generated among many to count the number of individuals of the diff'erent
western European tlshermen (Johnson, 1979). This is species of fish that were caught. This made quantifi-
Journal of The Pacific Society / October 1999 / N0.84 85 (Vol.22, No.3 4) (15)
cation of the catch relatively easy. The catch weight villages around the Lau Lagoon along the
was estimated to the nearest kilogram. At other times, of Malaita and on artificial islands built in the s

more detailed discussions were held with fishermen lagoon by piling up coral stones (suka).The r were
regarding their specific knowledge of marine resources, constructed to escape the malaria of the m and
fishing methods and equipment used, strategies fbr (Parsonson, 1966). Linguistically, Lau speakers I-
resource management, and the implications of commer- tute a dialect of Cristobal-Malaitan. which with
cial lishing. Guadalcanal - Nggelic, fbrms a Southeast So lc
Women were not included in aspects of the study subgroup among Eastern Oceanic languages (Paw and
because of cultural considerations. It was not consid- Green, 1973).
ered proper for males to be seen talking with unrelated The people of Ferafalu are primarily aquatic
women. Ferafalu women are engaged mainly in glean- and call themselves wane i asi. "salt water ", and
ing for shellfish and other small animals on the inter- difTerentiate themselves from wane i tolo. or "bush
tidal flats. They venture out less frequently on boats people", who reside in the interior of Malaita y are
than men and usually remain close to shore. Their Melanesians with curly brown hair. Reddish and
marine knowledge and fishing patterns require a sepa- hair commonly occur naturally and are not the result
rate study. of a dietary deficiency as occasionally thought ( man,
Ruddle (1994) observed without explanation that pers. comm.).
there were conceptual and semantic problems associ-
Marine Organism Identification
ated with the use of the terms "local knowledge,"
Fish names were obtained by asking village
"indigenous knowledge," "traditional (ecological) knowl-
men for the vernacular names of recentlv fish.
edge," "indigenous skill," and "ethnoscience." We will
Fishermen were shown photos in marine anima iden-
use local knowledge throughout this paper, as it is broad
tification books and asked for the vemacular na , how
enough to include both traditional practices and their
they were caught and where. The books used re for
technological evolutionary forms.
fish identification were Munro (1967) and and
Myers (1994), while Colin and Ameson (1995) used
to identify invertebrates. This process would occ
Ferafalu Village
ally result in lengthy conversations where the sher-
Feraf'alu village is located on the eastern, windward
men either tried to recall a seldom-used name re-
side of Maana'oba Island, about three km off Malaita
solve conflicts in the usage of the vernacular
Island in Solomon Islands (Lat. 8"10' S., Long. l6l" The Lau language divides objects into movi
02' E.) in the Lau Lagoon. There are two other major
ganisms (doe gelo) like fish, birds and pigs, a
lagoons around Malaita, the Are'are Lagoon (southwest-
jects that are immobile (doe to'ongado) like trees,
ern coast) and the Langalanga Lagoon (westem central
algae, and sand. Within the Lau language fish ( hold
coast). The village has a population of approximately
an important place and are divided into several
220 people(ll2 women; 86 men; 22 children >12 years
The term 1a does not conform to scientific no a-
old) and is about one third of the population of
ture as it can also refer to varieties of marine ls
Maana'oba lsland.
including porpoise (kirio), whale (gwahasu), a dug-
The climate is equatorial with heavy rainfalls and
ong (iatekwa) (Akimichi, 1978). The Lau caf-
high humidity. Two seasons are recognized according
egorize porpoises as a kind of fish, so the la
to prevailing wind direction. From April to October (ara)
sometimes means dolphin. For example, nfo la ts
the winds blow fiom thc southeast. During tabzra, No-
Iiterally "the teeth of fish", but to Lau speakers it
vember to March, the winds are unsettled, but north-
dolphin teeth (Fox, 1974).
west winds are common in January and February.
Another set of terms relates to large groups, fi ex-
There are twelve languages spoken on Malaita, in-
ample, rays fall), sharks (baekwa), and butterfl fish
cluding Lau (Keesing, 1982). People in Ferafalu speak
(bebe).These groups are the Lau taxonomic equi alent
the Lau language. Lau speakers live primarily in coastal
-77 - t+-t++e# leee tr 10 E ffi84/BsE @22&ffi3/ 4tr)

of the scientific unit of family. ln the next vernacular Soloman Islands also had different names for various
language taxonomic group an additional word is added life stages of certain fish, but that Goto (1996) either
to apply to a specific species of fish. For example, bebe did not know the names or did not recognize juvenile
fakatekwa refers to the long-snouted butterflyfish, flsh. For example, Coto (1996) lists ala'alauoa (similar
Forcipiger flavissimus Jordan & McGregor, bebe to the Lauan aalauo) for Monotaxis spp., but does not
goumatanga to the hunchbacked butterflyfish, Heniochus indicate if the Langalanga people consider that a name
varius (Cuvier), and so on. fbr the juveniles. There are differences in the marine
Present language usage does not necessarily recog- terms between speakers in the Lau Lagoon and
nize scientific species distinctions in morphologically Langalanga Lagoon. In some cases the words are very
similar groups. For example, akwasimai refers to four similar, e.g. bobola, for Lethrinus nebulosus
species of snapper: Lutjanus russelli (Bleeker), L. (Langalanga) and fotobala (Lau). In other cases they
fiilviflamma (Forskil), L. monostigma (Cuvier), and L. are very different e.g. Lethrinus harak is asiasi-ole in
rufolineatus (Valenciennes). This lack of linguistic the Langalanga Lagoon while it is hate mela in the Lau
diff'erentiation between species may be indicative of the Lagoon. And in other cases the word is exactly the same
loss of traditional knowledge or perhaps there was e.g. ume for the popular eating fish Naso unicornis.
insufficient behavioral and morphological dif'ferences, While in some cases the same word has different
or dift'erences in usage, between the species to separate meanings e.g. moro is a Leiognathidae in Lau while
them by name (Akimichi, 1978). it is a Mugiloididae in the Langalanga Lagoon.
As previously stated, vernacular names do not nec- In addition to the hierarchical classification there are
essarily relate to scientific classification. The shovel nose terms which relate the behaviour of the fish. Deep-sea
ray, Rht,nchobatus djiddensis (Forskil) (taifasoro) is a fish that are rarely caught are known as ia na matakwa
bottom-f'eeding rayin its own Family Rhinobatidae liu. Pelagic fish such as tuna (gela), skipjack (hau
which is distinct from the sting rays in Family ittitoo), barracudas (ntamalito), and marlin (diadia,
Dasyatidae and from typical sharks in Family filufilu) are called ia i matakwa. Ia i narno are gen-
Carcharhinidae. However, in the Lau language it is erally lagoonal tish, but includes dugong (iatekwa) and
classified as a baekwa (shark). sharks (baekwa), and rays (/a/i). Estuarine frsh such as
Where scientific taxonomy does not recognize the ponyfish (moro) (F. Leiognathidae), trumpeter perch
diff'erent morphological features and behaviour of ju- (uulumuu) fPelates quadrilineatus (Bloch)1, and the
veniles, the Lau taxonomic systems occasionally does archerfi sh ( re) fTbxotes jac ula,or (Pallas)l are
ng is uniko

(Table l). The large eyed bream Monotaxis grandoculis known as ia la kafo. These distinctions represent the
(Forskfll) is known as maasulua as an adult and as major ecological classifications around the Lau lagoon:
aalauo as a juvenile. Similarly, the emperor, Lethrinus river, lagoon, and open sea.

xanthochilus Kulunzinger, is known as lnre ia and gufu There are other classification systems that we did
as an adult and juvenile, respectively. The prized bump not explore but have been brief'ly reported by Miller
head parrotfish, Bolbometopon muricatus (Cuvier & (1978). For example, there are five categories of feed-
Valenciennes), is known as rarasi fou and gwaila in ing behaviour such as fish feeding otT sea algae in grassy
its respective juvenile and adult stages. Similarly, the habitats. They are divided into daytime feeders as
prized emperor snapper, Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier), has opposed to night time feeders and whether they shelter
three names pertaining to progressive stages of devel- in deep or shallow water (Miller, 1978). And then there
opment, kokohale, malifu, and raualite. The color of is classification based on their rest areas, escape re-
the fish is distinctively different in these stages. Juve- sponses, spawning behaviour, and depths which they
niles are commonly pale pink with three dusky reddish swim in the sea (Miller, I978).
brown bands. Adults are a unitbrm salmon pink. The Invertebrates are also classitjed hierarchically. Bi-
classiflcarion system is phenetic and does not consider valve and gastropod shells are known collectively as

reproductive possibilities. karongo. The term kiki'i is a collective term for Tridacna
We suspect that the Langalanga people of the clams. Dolo ref'ers to Tridacna glgas is the largest clam
Journal of The Pacific Society /October 1999/N0.84-85 (Yo1.22, No.3-4) (17)
- 6

and Abisifuu refers to the small clam shell T. maxima is partially exposed during low tide and does notirequire
which is firmly attached to coral outcrops. Kwalangi the use of a canoe. Other fish such as Ulaema lefroyi
baekwa (literally means swears at sharks) is the general (raemae), and M ulloidicht ht,s flavol i neat us ( ra laraga)
term fer lobster, whlle urafou refers to Panulirus ver- are common at high tide. Both men and wom[n fish
sicolor. in this habitat.
Habitat 2: Oleasi - This is the deepest part of the
Fishing Grounds
lagoon and has coral boulders scattered on | ,undy
The area around Ferafalu village is divided into
bottom. Several species of sponge sp.,
several categories. The simplest distinction is asi 'sea'
Diacarnus spp. (collectively known as kuikuil, $ea cu-
versus tolo'land' that distinctively brings out the habi-
cumbers (ramela), and sea grass (sara au) are
tat segregation between 'salt water people' and the 'bush
The many crevices in the rocks provide hid places
people' such as the Baegu, Baelela, and Fataleka (Ross,
for Siganus argenteus and S. sutor (Mu'u nt , Mu'u
1973). The lagoon is known as asi namo or sa'a i hrtra
(literally'sea land'). In fact, the lagoon is so shallow sio), Naso unicornis (ume), Rhinecanthus ve
(bubuu fahato), and R. rectangulus (bubuu sidai (Table
that people can walk out very far on the intertidal flats
at low tide. The micro topographical features of the la-
Habitat 3: Fafobusu - This habitat is the ge of
goon are distinguished by depth, nature of the substrate,
the lagoon juxtaposed to the reef and is sed
and presence of organisms. The shallow water is called
nni by bare sand. Lethrinus kal.Lopterus (.sur ), L.
fafomai, intermediate depths,, and deep
harak (hatemela), L. variegatus lgoufuu) and L.
waters, lobo. The deeper part of the lagoon is termed
(surugou) are commonly fbund searching for fotd here
mae matakwa. The barrier reef is called fafo ile and
(Table 2). Fishermen frequently catch them wh{n they
beyond the reef is the open ocean, asl matakwa. Beyond
try to hide in the sand. Also found infafobusu @re the
asi matakwa is the matakwa liu or deep sea. Grooves
in the reei are known mullet species Valamugil suheli (kalua) and Mugil
as fakali and the passes to the
cep halus (iliiliwalo).
open ocean are dari. Within the lagoon, canoes travel
Habitat 4: Fakana nata - This habitat begins at point
through a channel termed tafa'a. Shallow passes in the
where sand and corals meet and is exposed at low tides.
lagoon are referred to as fakana aba, while deeper passes
A large number of fish search fbr food and take shelter
between the ocean and lagoon are called rarabala.
here in the most stagnant seawater during low tide (Table
The fishing area owned by the Feratalu villagers is
2). This is the most dangerous habitat because of the
approximately 2 x 5 km and includes sand, sea grass
presence of the stingray, Dasyatis kuhlii (fali), and the
meadows, and coral reef habitats. This is an area that
scorpion fish, Scorpaena plumieri (qwiaqwi.a). Siganus
can be paddled in a canoe in approximately 2 hrs. The
virglatus (nanara kwao), Scarus ghobban (rnarq), and
fishing areas are divided into seven habitats named:
Chaetodon ephippiunt (bebee) are the main target
kusuu, oleasi, fafobusu, fakana nata, nata barafou, and
fafoile based on their different physical features and
Habitat 5: Nata - This habitat has the highest
marine communities.
biodiversity and is dominated by coral with occ4sional
Habitat l: Kusuu - This habitat starts from the
open areas of sand. The fishermen consider thig to be
exposed sandy beach and is characterized by a muddy
the most productive habitat as it contains a lot of edible
/ silty substrate where the seagrass Thalassia sp. (.afuu)
species of fish (Table 2). Occasionally the crdwn of
grows. Afuu is a food source for many fish and a shel-
thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci (site), and tfre sea
ter and refuge for fish known as ntu'u ni furai (Siganus
urchin, Diadema savignyi (tala), are seen in thip area.
argenteus and S. sutor [collectively known as muu sio])
The villagers have reported that they haue nefer ob-
and S. spinus (kurumusi). Fish such as Rhinecanthus
served large numbers of A. planci on the rebf nor
verrucosus (bubuu fahato) and R. rectangulus (bubuu
observed the eff'ects on corals of large populatior{s. Nor
sidai), and Gerres cinereus (tereua) are always seen,
have they heard stories about large populations of the
even during low tides in this habitat (Table 2). Kusuu
starfish occurring within the Lau lagoon. Edible inver-
(18) 7\+t+'?Aefi leee E 10 E ffi84/854 (ffi22&ffi3/4+)
- 75
tebrates are commonly gleaned in this habitat and ermen to 1.4 kg fish per trip fbr large groups. None
include the spider conch Lambis scorpius (tafisikoko), of the trips returned without some catch. We were told
L. lantbis (trunkoko), and L. truncata (Ragotai), cush- that if a fisherman went to a distant site and caught
ion sea urchins, Tripneustes gratilla (binu kero) anrJ T. nothing, while returning home he would stop at sites
gratilla (binu laungi). where he was assured of catching something, albeit
Habitat 6: Barafou- This is the surl habitat on the smaller individuals. The mean time spent day fishing
ocean side of the main reef and the fish fiom here are was 5.2 hr (S,D. = 2.35: n = 27) and'1 .2 hrs spent
known as ala'a {Table 2). These fish always swim in night fishing (S.D. = 4.23; n =18). Nighttime catches
mixed-species schools in search of tbod. The habitat were higher,7.4 kg fish per trip versus 3.8 kg fish per
is only fished at low tide during the day when the coral trip during the day.
reef is exposed using either nets or spears.
Habitat 7: Fafoile- This habitat constitutes the outer OCEANOGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE
reef slope. Due to commonly rough seas, fishermen are The Lau language contains numerous terms lor dif-
very reluctant to fish here. However, the trochus shell, ferent f'eatures of the sea. Terms for the substrate include
Trochus niloticus (sifalo / karongo) is collected here one'sand', fou'rock', and afu'algae'. There are three
during daytime low tides by divers using goggles. The divisions tbr sand: one kwao'white sand' found on the
trochus meat is eaten and the shell is sold. Brave and reef, one bulu'grayish sand' (found near river mouths),
clever fishermen fish the habitat during night at low and one ,namago'blackish sand'fbund in the mangroves.
tides using spear guns and "lock line" fishing techniques. The surf habitat of the barrier reef is known as aen.t
They intentionally try to catch the most expensive, and walo while ile refers to sea just before the breakers in
valuable fish. such as the hump headed wrasse, CheiLinus the open sea. Inde refers to living coral and ladelade
undulatus (gwaila) and others (Table 2) for sale in to dead corals. Acroltora digitifera coral is known as
Honiara, fou ni hata which is used to scrape a lruit call haia.
The scraped product is used to plug holes in canoes.
CATCH STATISTICS Several species of coral and bivalve shells are used by
Fishermen observed in this study caught forty-three women to make lime for betel nut mastication. There
species of fish (Table 2). Members of Family Ludanidae was no evidence that the coral was over harvested in
were the most numerous and comprised about 367o of this effort.
the catch weight. Members of Family Siganidae com- Freshwater from rivers is known as kafo and salt
prised about lTVa of the catch weight, Family water known as asi. The brackish water in estuaries is
Acanthuridae l5o/o and Family Epinephelidae 107o. either known as kafo asila (literally freshwater mixed
Single individuals (Table 3) did most of the fishing. with seawater) or as asl kafola (literally sea water mixed
Occasionally two persons, usually related, fished to- with freshwater).
gether. Women were never seen fishing alone liom There are terms for diff'erent states of the tide and
canoes. The women always went out with a male. currents (afe). An incoming tide is called lua and oul
usually their husband or husband and another relative. going tide mai. The lowest tide is nni langa and a rising
The largest group observed was l5 people fishing in tide lua kariabulo. As the exposed reef is covered it
Fakana nata for Lethrinus kallopterus (suruakwaro), L. is called lua totonge and when it is completely covered
lnrak (hatemekt), L. variegatus (goufuu) and L. mahsena it is known as lua e dalafa. High tide is lua e hata
(surugou). and receding tide gouna asi e mo'oi. As the rocks emerge
The trip CPUE increased as expected with the it is termed mai tarafafua and when they are completely
number of fishermen trom 3.3 kg fish per trip tbr solo emerged it is called nni tetee'a.
llshermen to 12.3 kg fish per trip fbr groups with more
than five fishermen (Table 3). While the number of FISHING GROUND MANAGEMENT
tlshers increases the catch per trip the CPUE per person Kinship-related groups manage iishing grounds
per trip declines fiom 3.3 kg fish per trip fbr solo fish- throughout the Lau Lagoon. The fishing ground is
Journal of The Pacific Society / October 199g / No.B4 85 (Vol.22, No.3- 4) (19)
broken down into two categories: public and managed to a monofilament fishing line. No. t hooks baifs with
fishing grounds (Table 4). This division restricts fishing large insects or small fish scraps are used to catch
eftbrt. Some areas are reserved only for the chief and Caesio spp. while No. 5 hooks baited with hermi[ crabs
certain privileged villagers. Other areas are reserved for fDardanus megistos or D. guttatus (both termed
small groups from the chiefs clan or other clans. The and fish scraps are used for Holocentridae fbl nighr
public fishing area may be used by anyone at any time fishing. No. I hooks are baited ltermed mamu'11 with
fiom the village. There is no restriction to group size. larger pieces of frsh (mariko ia) to catch Sph spp.,
Unpermitted use of managed fishing grounds is forbid- Lutjanus spp. and Pentapodus spp. No weights ar$ used
den. They are reserved for fishing prior to major social Another handline method is called fale This
events such as feasts, during a mourning period, and technique is used for deep-sea fishing and uses larger
during other major social gatherings. The traditional hooks and thicker lines and sinkers. The size bf the
kinship management group must grant permission befbre hooks and thickness of the line varies according to the
any fishing expedition in a managed lishing ground size of the target fish and the fishing depthf Iron
begins. reinforcing rods are most commonly used for
The general consensus of the fishermen was that the but lead weights are also used when they are avaflable.
introduction of commercial exploitation of their sea Trolling,falita, is done both in the lagoon and lutside
resources should only be initiated with the permission the reef. Traditionally hooks made from bones and shells
of the traditional kinship management group. They felt and lines made fiom plant fiber were used. Bird f-eath-
that a management system involving local stakeholders ers were also used as lures. Today diff'erent
who have in the common interest is preferred over are used. For example. lures constructed using drinking
regulation imposed through external government agen- straws or unused blood bags, obtained from ho]pitals
cies. This is similar to the opinions expressed by fish- or clinics, and metal hooks tied to monofilamenl tish-
ermen in the Russell Islands (Quinn and Maraki, 1999). ing lines are towed behind a paddled canoe o, 4loto.-
ized boat.
FISHING METHODS AND EQUIPMENT There are two spearfishing techniques. One tectfnique
The common individual and collective fishing prac- uses a plain spear and the other uses wooden stqck to
tices used by Ferafalu villagers are described below. hold the spear and rubber to propel it. When a spear
These include hand lining (aoao), trolling (falita), gun (kwanga) is used the technique is called susu'yt anct
spearing (susuu and kwesu), neI \fitrai) and trap fishing kwanqa. At night the fishermen use a bundle of burn-
(a'ala'a and oko), sago palm leaf-kite fishing (kwaferao), ing coconut branches rkwesu) to light their way during
and fish poisoning (z,ta). Fishing is primarily men's low tide. Using a sharpened iron rod (susuu), a diver
work, but mollusks, sea urchins, and small flsh are wearing goggles searches fbr fish among the coral {uring
fiequently gathered by women and children (Thble 5). the dav-
Most of the fishing equipment involves simple tech- Diving masks that allow lbr equalization qf the
nology such as spears, lines, hand nets, bush vines and middle ear are too expensive and inf-requently uspd. A
wrapped dried coconut branches. Accessories for fish- pair of goggles may be purchased in local shops on
ing include goggles, iron rods, hooks, plastic bags, Malaita for $52.50 ($S1.00 = $US0.45, January 1997).
knives, monofilament nets, and spear guns. The type While divers boasred that rhey could dive ro an esri-
of fishing gear used by each sex difl'ers, reflecting rhe mated depth of 20 m or more. they acknowledged tnat
type of l-ishing technique used. Most men are engaged there were plenty of fish in shallower waters. Only
in fishing methods which require more sophisticated gear occasionally did they endure the pain to fish fgr the
and manual power, although equipment can be used by "large ones" at deeper depths. It appeared that spgaring
either gender. at deeper depths was done by young men to qrove
Hand lining is the most common fishing method and themselves rather then out of necessity. The easiesi way
is generally used by individual fishermen in the shal- to increase subsistence fishing productivity and inc[ease
low lagoon. lt involves hooks of various sizes attached the comfbrt and saf'ety of divers would be to prQvide
Q0) -73 - t+t++a# leee + 10 E ffi84/85+ (ffi22&ffi3/4F=)

several masks to remote fishing villages. Being able on the rising tide and that catch rates increase. It is
to equalize pressure would extend the depth the fish- also believed that turtles (fonu), stingrays (fali) and
ermen could dive in comtbrt and safety and spear the dugong (iatekwa) are the last to enter and the flrst to
larger fish presently seeking refuge in deeper waters. leave the lagoon.
As it is, the lack of masks functions to conserve fish Ferafaluan society imposes laws that regulate the ac-
stocks and prevent overfishing of the reef\. tivities of fishermen and women. For example, in the
The term "lockline" is used to describe a wooden past women were forbidden fiom having physical
gun stock which supports an elastic rubber on one end contact with their husbands prior to a fishing trip. Failure
that is used to propel a spear. Many villagers refrain to heed such customs would bring bad luck to the fishing
fiom using "locklines" due to the belief that the con- expedition. Just prior to fishing, the fishermen would
stant loading of the gun against the chest causes blood assemble at the village tambu place (manabeu), an area
clots in the chest. where females were prohibited from entry, for consult-
Net (furai) and trap (o&o) fishing are done by groups ing and cont-ession with the animist priest (.araifua).
of five or more people. When fish have been observed While the men were out fishing, mothers were obli-
f'eeding, a gill net (furai) is placed around the area from gated to make sure that the children did not cry or talk
a canoe. People in the canoe slap the water with long about the father. Failure to comply was believed to cause
poles (airada) to scare the fish towards the net. Then a poor catch or a change in weather, signifying dis-
divers with spears and goggles enter the enclosed area content of the spirits. There was also an administrative
and capture the fish. Similarly, in ala'a fishing (a chart ranking villagers and their areas of responsibility.
collective name for Cetoscarus bicolor (amera), This identified which villagers were responsible for tasks
Lethrinus varieg4atus (goufuu), and Hipposcarus before, during and after the fishing trip. A highly
longiceps (ntoua'a)) a gill net is placed around a fish respected villager organizes the trip to avoid disagree-
aggregation and large numbers of flsh are caught in the ments with the spirits. The trip leader's duty also
net. ln oko fishing a net using bush rope or vines, known included the supervision of the fair distribution of the
as dilo. is used. The dilo is obtained by just cutting catch. This is consider important to ensure good catches
the correct size vine in the jungle. Fishermen hold the in future trips and tunctions to insure social harmony
end of the vine and pull it through the water. This scares and a cooperative spirit so important when at sea.
the fish and tlshermen behind the rope spear the fish. of fish behavior to
Fishermen use their knowledge
Fish poisoninE fuka) involves fish poisoning with increase catch rates. Certain species such as
derris (Derrls sp.) roots and vines (Henderson and Rhinecanthus verrucost4s (bubu fahato) and R.
Hancock, 1988). Derris (kwalo uka) is widely used on rectangulus (bubuu sidai) hide in coral rubble. To
the reef. The plant is so common that there is no need capture these tish, the coral rubble is broken up. To
to cultivate it. The vines and leaves are pounded to catch other species e.g. Gen'es cinereus (tereua), Siganus
release its toxic component, mixed with sand and applied spinus {kurumzsi), and Lethrinus ntahsena (surugou),
under in hollows or in small pools in the reef during dead coral rocks are piled together and then removed
low tide. Fish caught are non-toxic to people who con- when it is suspected that fish are hiding inside. The
sume them. sand around the stones must be tiee so that the fish
may be dug out easily.
CULTURAL AND LOCAL MARINE KNOWL. Ferafalu flshermen have traditionally associated fish-
EDGE ing activities with the gathering, cultivation or flow-
Specialized knowledge and skills are pre-requisites ering of fbod crops or other plants. Salt-tolerant littoral
lbr a successful fishing expedition. Observations made plants are commonly used as indicators of seasons when

over many centuries about the relationship between the certain fish may be caught. For example, when
abundance of fish and abiotic factors, such as weather Terminalia catappa (alite) leaves change colors fiom
and tidal currents (a/e), increase the catches. For ex- green to red (alite mena) it indicates that L. gibbus has
ample, fishermen know that many fish enter the lagoon reached maturity as reflected by the presence of red-
Journal of The Pacific Society / October 1999 / No.B4 - 85 (Vol.22, No.3 4) Qt) 7

dish color on it scales. This is the mating period, which Within Ferafalu society there is a strong de$ire to
usually takes place especially near the reef passage at properly manage and conserve the resources of their
night during high tide between November and Decem- reefs and it is passed orally through the gener{tions.
ber. The flowering of alite indicates the return of other Ferafalu villagers are well known throughout L1u La-
edible flsh. goon fbr their traditions. One of the traditions strictly
enforced is the prohibition on eating sharks (barikwa).
MARINE TENURE, CUSTOMS, AND CON. Sharks are believed to be the fbrefathers of thb clan
SERVATION and due respect must be given to them. Additiqnally,
Reef access and management is determined by the it is forbidden to eat dugongs liatekwa), oJ,opu.
leading kinship group, who were usually the first settlers (kokola), and crocodiles lmatakorol. It is believ{d that
to the area. The ownership and governing authority is anyone failing to observe these customs will sodn die.
patriarchal. Ownership may be transf'erred to others Consumption of turtles (fonu\ is restricted duri{g the
within and outside the village as a reward. In one case yam season (uni falisi) from November to April. This
some fishing grounds were given to a villager as a coincides with the main turtle nesting ..uron. l, *u,
reward for taking the skulls of villagers' forefathers at reported that violators of this custom tbund dea$ yam
Orukalia to Funaful lsland in the Lau Lagoon. Land- vines in their garden (falisi) and have had poor har-
marks, usually coconut plantations or human structures vests of undersized yams (kai). These customs apply
identify the boundaries. As the villagers have seen the even to women who marry into the village.
monetary value of their marine resources increase there Additionally there are finfish that are fbrbid$en to
has been an increase in the disputes about the own- eat, e.g. K-vphosus cinerascens {leleko) and Rastrqlliger
ership of specific fishing grounds. kanagurta (rooma). It is believed that members pf the
Christianity has replaced traditional ancestor worship Kwalo ai and Adagege villages on the man made iplands
or animism as the main religion today. Consequently in Lau Lagoon who eat these flsh will be killed by the
the Sabbath is considered a day of rest and fishing is spirit of a villager who had previously died fiom pating
not allowed. This had the net eft-ect of reducing the total these fish. The flshes are not known to be toxic so the
fishing effbrt by one seventh. If the catch during the belief functions to reduce the fishing pressure dn the
week was not enough to provide fish fbr Sabbath the fish stocks leaving more fish fbr the other villages who
people would either receive fish from other villagers are not subject to this taboo.
who were of a ditferent religion and observed the The restricted entry custom known as otofafa,alata
Sabbath on a different day or get other foods. Many is practiced at the Anaau Point and Lade fishing grounds.
villagers belong to the Seventh Day Adventist Church This taboo prohibits fishing within the fishing gpound
and are prohibited from consuming marine flsh without when any member of the clan dies or when a large social
scales. This has the efl'ect of reducing shelliish con- occasion such as a marriage or feast is to be held soon.
sumption by about l/3 of the community. The taboo period usually lasts about 2 - 3 month$. The
The villagers consider that it is vital to conserve the area is marked by a upright pole with plaited cqconut
marine communities by proper management of the lronds attached to it. Fishing and the use of outpoard
resources. On occasion when the low tide occurs in the motors are banned within these areas.
middle of the day, the villagers actively modify the Another local conservation measure is rejection of
environment assisting in its conservation. The villagers live undersized, dangerous, and poisonous fish. Fish-
plant sea grass (ttfuu) during low tides. The sea grass ermen believe that by returning a fish to thp sea
is planted in habitat one \kusuu) to protect juvenile demonstrates respect to spirits who will in turn plovide
Tridacna gigas (doLo) fiom predation. Additionally, the a large catch. Other successful conservation strafegies
sea grassis recognized for it value in providing pro- include authority exerted through elders, effectivg pen-
tection and food for fish such as Siganus spinus alties lbr violators, and fiequent monitoring overl fish-
(kurumusi), S. argenteus (muu ni furai), and S. sutor lng grounds.
(muu sio). The villagers have recognized that the recent lrse of
-71. - leee + 10 E ffi84 /85tr (ffi22 ffi3 / 4+)
destructive fishing methods such as small mesh gill nets, tainable economic development. Some of these resources
explosives, fish poisoning (a,ta), underwater torches and may contain natural chemicals that may be the poten-
"lockline" fishing have resulted in the extirpation or tial cure for cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. We
severe depletion of several fish stocks. Villagers are con- believe it is necessary to stimulate more of the bright
cerned about the threats posed by these technologies young minds of the Solomon Islands' youth to study
and have begun to limit their use. The following spe- not only western sciences, but to also study their own
cies are considered by the tishermen to be particularly local ecological knowledge so that they can devise and
vulnerable: Lethrinus ntahsena (surugou), Kyphosus implement a strategy for sustainable development and
cinerascens (leko), Lutjanus gibhus (hale), and Naso benefit from the new discoveries to be made from their
unicornis (ume). It was reported that the catch volume reef systems.
and average size of these fish have recently decreased. Few Solomon lslands students privileged to attend
In spite of the traditional conservation practices, the university seek to continue their science education. In
species listed in Table 6 are now rare or possibly 1996, of rhe 142 Solomon Island (Sl) students attend-
extirpated, possibly due to selective overfishing or ing the University of the South Pacific, only 42 stu-
natural modification of habitat. dents were studying Science. There were 30 SI students
Traditional fishing societies have a system of divi- studying Law. While there are scores of secondary
sion of labor between men and women (Whewell, 1994). schools needing trained Science teachers there are only
Consequently there is a gender specific system of a few positions vacant fbr lawyers in Solomon Islands
managing the marine resources, although women do not (Daudau and Quinn, 1997).
control areas of the sea. Generally, the men do the The traditional source of income fbr the 220 people
finfishing while the women glean the lagoons and reef in the Ferafalu village has been from copra earning
flats fbr mollusks, crustaceans and seaweed species. people about $5600 per year ($S1.00 = $US0.45 Janu-
None of the marine resources utilized by Ferafalu ary 1997). ln a new nation's developing economy it is
women were reported as threatened. necessary to develop natural resources to pay for
improved infrastructure and better public services.
PRESERVATION OF LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Consequently, the natural resources of an isolated is-
AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT land community have become increasingly important as
Consequently, much of the traditional knowledge of a source of reef fish and other marine products to a

the construction of equipment, fishing methods and developing nation's economy. However, it is important
skills, names and classification of animals and manage- in the development of the resources of a nation that
ment customs is not being passed on to the present gen- village managers of the resources are included in any
eration of Feratalu youth. This knowledge is being lost development plans and that some of the benetits from
because of the implementation of a non-tradtional the development go directly to the village. To do this
education model that does not include local mare efl'ectively and in an ecologically and culturally sen-
knowledge in its curriculum (Daudau and Quinn, 1997). sitive manner, there is a critical need to train Solomon
Understandably, the education system cann not teach Island scientists to understand both modern Science and
what is not documented in books and thus it hastens their own countries' local knowledge systems. One of
the demise of this largely undocumented body of aquatic the most effective ways of doing this is to involve
knowledge. students in enthnobiological studies and increase the
With local Science teachers using foreign examples amount of local knowledge in print that can be used
and material, interest wanes for both the students and in primary and secondary classrooms.
ln a country where there are many species un-
known to science it is crucial that a local knowledge ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in the natural history of the islands be nurtured and We are gratetul to the Feratalu villagers tbr their
expanded upon so that the Solomon Islanders can take hospitality and for sharing so freely their knowledge
full advantage of their own natural resources fbr sus- about the sea. Appreciation is also extended to the
Journal of The Pacific Society / October 1999 / No.B4 - 85 (yo1.22, No.3 - 4 ) (23) _
Premier of Malaita, Honorable D. Oeta, fbr his hos- Cordell, J. 1988. Introduction: Sea Tenure
pitality and cooperation. Funding came fiom the Uni- J. (ed.) A Sea of Small Boats,
versity ol the South Paciilc URC grant #6291-1311, Cultural Survival Inc. pp. l-32.
70766-15 and from Tropical Discoveries Fund. This Daudau, P. and Quinn, N.J. 1997. The need to
work was undertaken while N.J.Q. was a J. W. Fulbright porate traditional marine resource k
Fellow at the University of rhe Sourh Pacific. The into the formal education curriculum n the
encouragement and support ol P. Newell is greatly Solomon lslands. pp. 81. Pacific Scie Inter-
appreciated. P Newell, R. Thaman, B.L. Kojis and an Congress - Islands in the Pacific Cen v. l3
anonymous reviewer are gratefully acknowledged fbr
reviewing the manuscript and for their constructive i stics
comments. C. Fidali from Lau Lagoon, checked the Lau Series C. No. 25. Canberra, The A lan
spelling. We are grateful to S. Appana who typed the National University. pp. 245.
manuscript into the computer and helped with proof- Coto, A. 1992. Marine resource managem nt in
reading. Langalanga, Malaita Island, Solomon ands.
Christianity and Culture. 25: l-46.
Goto, A. 1996. Lagoon life among the Langa ga,
Malaita lsland, Solomon lslands. .ln: Ak
LITERATURE CITED T. (ed.) Coastal Foragers in Transition. N tional
Allen, C.H. 1957. Customary land tenure in the British Museum of Ethnology. Osaka. pp. ll-5
Solomon Island Protectorate. Report of British Henderson, C.P. and Hancock, I.R. 1988. A eulde to
Solomon Island Protectorate Special Land the useful plants ol the Solomon lslands. Min-
Commission, Western Pacific High Commission, istry of Agriculture and Lands, Honiara. p\. 252.
Honiara. Hviding, E. 1991. Traditional institutions and thefr role
Akimichi, T. 1978. The ecological aspect of Lau in the contemporary coastal resource mqnage-
(Solomon Islands) Ethnoichthyology. Journal of ment in the Pacific Islands. Naga. IC4ARM
the Polynesian Society. 87(4):301-326. Quarterly. 14:3-6.
Baines, C.B.K. 1985. A traditional base fbr inshore Hviding, E. 1992. Guardians of Marovo Lagoon,
tlsheries development in the Solomon Islands. Thesis, University of Bergen. Bergen.
In: Ruddle, K. and Johannes, R.E. (eds.) The Institute of Paciflc Studies, 1989. Ples Belong Yuni:
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Coastal Systems in Asia and the pa- Suva and Honiara: University of the South Pa-
cific.UNESCO, Jakarra. pp. 39-52. cific. pp. 64.
Bell, F.L.S. 1947. Problems and perspectives of tropi- Institute of Paciflc Studies, 1994. Science of Pacific
cal fisheries. In: Winslow, J.H. (ed.) The Island Profiles. Bluebird Printery. Suva. pp. 53.
Melanesian Environment. Canberra: Aust. Na- Johannas. R.E. 1980. lmplications ol tradirional marine
tional Uni. Press. pp. 222-235. resource use for coastal fisheries development
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Invertebrates: A field guide to marine Inverte- J. and Heaney, W. (eds.) Traditional Consprva-
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sea grass beds and mangroves. Coral Reef press. Today. IASER. Boroko. pp.239-250.
Los Angeles. pp. 297. Johnson, T. 1979. Work togerher, ear together: Coirflict
Cordell, J. 1984. Defending Customary Inshore Sea and Conflict Management in a Portugu... !ish-
Rights. 1n: Ruddle, K. and Akimichi. T. (eds.) ing Village. lz: Andersen, R. (ed.) Nortn ,elttan-
Maritime lnstitutions in the Western Pacific. tic Maritime Cultures. The Hague. tutourol. pp.
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Keesing, R.M. 1982. Kwaio Religion: The Living and Ruddle, K. and T. Akimichi. 1984. Introduction. 1r?:

the Dead in a Solomon lsland Society. New Ruddle, K, and Akimichi, T. (eds.) Maritime ln-
York. Colombia University Press. pp. ll-13. stitutions in the Westem Pacific. Osaka, National
Landtman, G. 1927. The Kiwai Papuans of British New Museum of Ethnology. pp. l-9.
Guinea. London. MacMillan and Co. Skewes, T. 1990. Marine Resource Profiles: Solomon
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University of Colorado Press, Boulder. pp. 347. lowing pages.
Journal of The Pacific Society / October 1999 / No. 84 - Bb (yo1..22, No.3 - 4) (2b)

Table l: Changes in vernacular names of .iuvenile and adult fish.

Juvenile fish Adult fish Scientific name
Rarasi fou gwaila Bolbometopon muricatus
Arodo suru arodo Gnathodentex spp.
Unuunu tatnara Hemirhamphus spp.
Kwatoa uSwago Lethrinus spp.
Kokohale, malifu raualite Lutjanus sebae
Mumu mumu galau Plectorhvnchus spp.
Fafawai leto i matakwa Plectorlrynchus spp.
Kakarai muu sio Siganus spp.
Ono mamalito Sphyraena spp.

Table 2: List of fish caught in the habitats off Ferafalu Village.

Scientific name Vernacular name l2 3 4 -5 6 7
Acanthurus leucocheilus herreca Maeto
Acanthurus triostegus Bereqwasu
Caranx ignobilis Borabora
Caranx melampygus Edaeda
Cetoscarus bicolor Amera
Chaetodon ephippium Bebee
Cheilinus undulatus Cwaila
Choerodon anchorago Lifutange
C te noc haetus hawaiie ns is Bolo *
Epinephel us magniscuttis Ul"fu
Epinephelus merra Eeno
Epittephelus microdon Ulafu bero
EpinepheLus morrhua Ulafu haga
Gerres cinereus Tbreua
Hipposcarus longiceps Mouaa
Kyphosus cinerascens Leleko
Lethrinus harak Hatemela
Lethrinus elongatus Ugwango
Lethrinus kallopterus Suru akwaro
Lethrinus mahsema Suntgou
Lethrinus nebulosus Fotobala
Lethrinus ramak Suru gwagwaro
Lethrinus variegatus Goufuu
Lutjanus bohar Ulumaeo
Lutjanus fitlvus Hango
Lutjanus gibbus Hale
(26) t+r++A;fi leee + 10 E ffi84/85E (ffi22&H / 4E)

M ulloidic hthys flavoline atus Ragaraga

Mugil cephalus Iliiliwalo
Naso unicornis Ume
Plectorhinchus lineatus lzto
P s e udobal is te s flav imarginat us Babalu
Rhinecanthus rectangulus Bubuu sidai **
Rhinecanthus verrucosus Bubuu fahato **
Sargoce nt ron spinife rum. Alasaa
Scarus ghobban Mara
Siganus argenteus Mu'u ni furai
Siganus guttatus Falata ,t*
Siganus lineatus Falata **
Siganus spinus Kurwnusi *
Siganus sutor Mu'u sio *
Siganus virgatus Nanara kwao *
Ulaema lefroyi Raemae
Valamugil seheli Kalua

Table 3. Number of people fishing on each trip by gender and CPUE in January

No. of people No. of trios Male Female Mean CPUE / boat

(kg fish trip-r) (kg person-r
I 168 t68 0 J.J 3.3
243 60 26 5.2 2.6
3 l0 21 7 6.1 2.0
44 160 6.5 1.6
52 100 8.0 1.6
>53 400 12.3 1.4

Table 4: Names and uses of public and managed tishing grounds

Name of fishine grounds Individual Small group Communitv Manased

Alata baita * * Yes
Alata hafalia * * yes
Baro * x yes
Fou i rada * * Yes
Goufu * * Yes
Kwasi * * Yes
ladre * yes
Onetoli * * *No
Sulibusu * Yes
Journal of The Pacific Society /October 1999/No.B4 85 (Vo1.22, No.3- 4) (27)

Table 5: Users of fishing techniques

Technique / Vernacular Name Children Women Old Men Small Grp.

Fish Poison - aka *{<

Hand lining - aoao Ia

Palm leaf kite fishing - kwaferao
Net - furai
Spearing - susuu
- kuesu
Spear gun fishing - kwanga
Trap - a'ala'a
- oko
Trolling - falila

Table 6: Locally rare or extirpated fish species in order of extirpation

Ye0aeular-&&9 Scientific name English name

Menamena Acanthurus dussumieri Eyestripe surgeonfish
Hakwa Chanos chanos Milkfish
Isiofu Fistularia tabacaria Bluespotted cornetfish
Fotobala Lethrinus nebulosus Spangled emperor
Hale Lutjanus gibbus Paddletail snapper
Takwalao Naso lituratus Orangespine unicornfish
Unte Naso unicornis Bluespine unicornfish
Babalu P s e udobali s te s flav imarg inat us Yellowmargin triggerfish
Foloabe Platax teira Longfin spadefish
Foloabe Platax orbicularis Circular spadefish
Foloabe Platax pinnatus Pinnate spadefish
Falata Siganus gattatus Golden rabbitfish
Falata Siganus lineatus Lined rabbitfish
Ooa Symp ho rus nematopho rus Chinamanfish
(28) A+7++A# ffi84/85E (ffi22&ffi3 /4E)
- 65
- leee 410 E


Appendix l: Vernaculan scientific and English names of fish species caught.

Vernacular name Scientific name English name

Menamena Acant hurus duss ume i ri (Valenciennes) Eyestrip surgeonfish
Beregwasu Acanthurus trioste gus (Linnaeus) Convict surgeonfish
Bubu bulu Balistapus undulatus (Mungo Park) Orangestripped triggerfish
Gwaila Bolbometopon muricatum (Bloch) Bumbhead parrotfish
Amera & Makedea Cetoscarus bicolor (Linneaus) Bicolor parrotlish
Bebee Chaetodon ephippium (Cuvier) Shaddled butterflyfish
Hakwa Chanos chanos (Linneaus) Milkfish
Unudolo CheiLinus undulatus (Ruppell) Bumphead wrasse fish
Lifolange Choerodon anchorago (Bloch) Yellow-cheek tuskfish
Ulafu Epinephelus magniscuttis Bleeker Giant grouper
Eeno Epinephelus merra (Bloch) Honeycomb rockrod
Ulafu bero Epinephelus microdon (Bleeker) Bluetail grouper
Ulafu haga Epinephe lus morrhua (ForskAl) Brownstrip grouper
Isiofu F istularia tabacaria (ForskAl) Bluespotted cornetfish
Tereua Gerres cinereus (Bleeker) Yellowfin mojarra
Moua Hipposcarus longiceps (Valenciennes) Pacific longnose parrotfish
Ugn,ango Lethrinus elongatus (ForskAl) Longface emperor
Hate ntela Le thrinus harak (Bleeker) Thumbprint emperor
Suru akwaro Lethrinus kallopterus (Bleeker) Yellow-spot emperor
Surugou Lethrinus mahsena (Forskil) Yellowtail emperor
Fotobala Lethrinus nebulosus (ForskAl) Spangled emperor
Surugwagwaro Le thrinus ramak (Linnaeus) Stripped emperor
Gouf, Lethrinus variegatus (Valenciennes) Variegated emperor
Rido Lutjanus argentimaculalus (Forsk6l) River snapper
Ulumaeo Lutjanus har (Forskii)
bo Two-spot red snapper
Haango Lutjanus /zlvas (Forskil) Redtail snapper
Hale Lutjanus gibbas (Forskil) Paddletail snapper
Maasulua Monota.ris granoculis (Forskil) Large eye bream
Iliili w'alo Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus) Sea mullet
Takwaloo Naso lituratus (Schneider) Orangespine unicornfish
Ume Naso unicornis (ForskAl) Bluespine unicornfish
Foloabe Platax orbicularis (Forskil) Circular spadefish
Platax pinnatrzs (Forskil) Pinnate spadefish
Platax teira (Forskil) Longfin spadefish
Leto Pl ectorhync hus lineatus (Cuvier) Lined sweetlips
Bilau Plec trctpomus leopardus (ForskAl) Coral trout
Babalu Pse ud oba li s te s flav imarginatus (Ruppell) Yellow margin triggerfish
Rooma Ras t re I li ge r kanagurta (Cuvier) Indian mackerel
Bubu sidai Rhinecanthus eclnrpe (Anon.) Wedge-tailed picassofish
Journal of The Pacific Society /October 1999/No.B4-Bb (yo1.22, No.3-4) (2D _

Bubu fahato R hinecanthus ve rrucos us (Linnaeus) Blackbelly picassofish

Alasa Sargocentron spinift rum (Forsk6l) Long-sawed squirrelfi sh
Mara Scarus ghobban (Forskil) Bluebarred parrotfish
Muu ni furai Siganus argenteus (Quoy & Gaimard) Forktail rabbitfish
Falata Siganus guttatus (Bloch) Golden rabbitfish
Siganus lineatus (Bloch) Lined rabbirfish
Narabulu Siganus punctatissimus Flower & Beam Peppered rabbitfish
Kurumusu Siganus splnas (Linnaeus) Spinefoot rabbitfish
Muu sio Siganus slrror (Bleeker) Afiican whitespottedfi sh
Narakwao Siganus virgatus (Linneaus) Virgate rabbitfish
Ooa S -vmpho rus nematophorus (Bleeker) Chinamanfish
Raemae U laema lefroyi (Forskti) Mottled mo.jarra
Kaltn ValamugiL selzell (Forskil) Bluetail mullet
Faero Variola Louti (Forskil) Lunar-tail rockrod

Appendix 2. vernacular, scientific and English names of edible invertebrates.

Ycrnacu.lar-la!09 name
Scientific English name
Gwarasuka Atrina pectinika Shell
Ilo Atrina vexillum Shell
Kome Conus imperialis Cone shell
Abubuli Hippopus hippopus Clam shell
Tafisikoko Lambis scorpius Spider shell
Ragotai lnmbis truncata Spider shell
Kwalangi baekaw Parribacus antacticus lobster
Urafou Palinurela weinecki lobster
Umari Pinctada maxima File shell
Aususu'u Pleuroploca rapezium Trumpet shell
Weree Strombus sp. Stromb shell
Abisifou Tridacna crocea Tridacna shell
Takelade Tridacna deresa Tridacna shell
DoLo Tridacna gigas Tridacna shell
Unu Tridacna maxima Tridacna shell
Siftila Trochus niloticus Trochus shell
Binu laungi Tripneustes gratilla (red and white color morph) sea urchin
Binu kero Tripneustes gratilla (red color morph) sea urchin

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