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Learning Outcome: KLPA 3- Listen to identify phonemes in words “Nn”

Strand: Literacy

On the 26th of October, I taught a Literacy lesson for KG 1. The outcome was
KLPA 3- Listen to identify phonemes in words “n”. I like teaching phonics because
there are several ideas and activities that teacher could provide them in the class,
and for this lesson I made all activities as a whole group to make shorten the time.
activities for students to engage and makes the learning fun for them.

I felt glad because all students did a good job during the lesson, there were some
students not answering the question and activity but it is ok, I asked them twice to
answer but they are still quiet. I believe that there are many ways to encourage
students to answer the question and be active with the teachers and other students
by give house point for the one who answer and be on task and listen carefully to the
teacher. in general, all students were on task and did well during activities and the
end of the class. Further, during this lesson I did several of formative assessments to
document students’ work. I used to take notes in details and at the end of my lesson
I ask student to look around them to look for something start with letter Nn and talk
about what they find to express their feeling and build students confidence in the
class. In future, I am going to take a small note while asking questions to avoid
grammatical errors. 

Introduction time

     During introduction, I started to remember the students classroom rules After that,
I use a video to get them brain working I ask the students to stand up and do the
action that happened in the video, I turn the video on the students were so quiet I
ask them to turn on the camera and do the movement but no one do it. After active
brain video I ask about how they are feeling all the students say “happy” after that I
went with the students over the days song and the calendar. I told them that they are
going to learn about letter, it makes sound /n/ I turned on a a sound of the letter.
Give the students chance to practice the sound of the letter. Then, I utilized some
picture related to the theme and them I turn on the video to know what we can found
in the garden. Then I start with the students by are you ready to practice the letters
together boys and girls? We practice the letter sound together and I use video to
show the students learning to write the letter, I gave the students chance to write the
letter in white board. I show the students picture that start with letter Nn students
where able to know about the picture.

Activities (Whole class)

     In the active, I represented missing letters games students where interesting to
play this kind of games and they were able to solve it. students did a great job, next
time I will not use the picture I will display the world.
Closing time
  In the end I use activity it was matching picture with letters. And ask the students to
turn on the video to get me something start with letter Nn and no one answer then I
ask them to show me them noses students start to opern the camera and show me
them beautiful noses. I was really enjoyed and excited as well as students. They
said what is in the picture and the first sound

Learning Outcome: Count sets of things to 10. Compare two things using the words:
long/ short.

Strand: Math

- On the third of November, I taught a Math lesson for KG 1. The outcome was
Count sets of things to 10.Compare two things using the words: long/ short. Teaching
math means new challenge to the brain skills in different way to learn and several
activities that teacher could provide them in the class, and for this lesson I made all
activities as a whole group to make shorten the time.

activities for students to engage and makes the learning fun for them.

I felt glad because all students did a good job during the lesson, there were some
students making noise so I ask them to mute them self, while I was asking question I
asked them twice to give the other students chance to answer. I believe that there
are many ways to encourage students to answer the question and be active with the
teachers and other students by give house point for the one who answer and be on
task and listen carefully to the teacher. in general, all students were on task and did
well during activities and the end of the class. Further, during this lesson I did several
of formative assessments to document students’ work. I used to take notes in details.

Introduction time

     During introduction, I started the lesson by introducing a new characters to the

class which it’s linked to the theme the characters called Amanda that she is a florist
in flower shop. I use classroom rules in details. I use a video to get the students
brain active and be fresh during the classroom and ask the students about them
feeling today. Next step we watch the calendar of the day and I made a mistakes in
days and date. I told the students what we will be study. I turn on the video of flower
colors video after that I interduce the task by telling the students “ Can you help
Amanda to count the flowers she has in the shop” I start to count with the students
the flowers till 10. I show the students flowers and vases in different sizes and
identify them and show students the different between the pictures.

Activities (Whole class)

     In the active, the first activity was counting it was “ Amanda want to take KG1 a
trip to her flower farm in Holland and she wants to know how many flowers did she
have in the farm ” students was interesting to count the flower as a group of
students. The second activity was about missing numbers students where counts the
flowers and the students was a mixed up. According the second topic I use Amanda
characters “ KG 1 students I decided to cut some of the flowers because they are in
different sizes. Can you help me and tell me if the flower tall or short ” students start
to sort the label and the picture.

Closing time
  In the end of the class I use activity using online board and students count the
flowers and cercal the answer.

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