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Chapter 1 – Atomic structure Answers

Test yourself (page 3)

1 The plum pudding model has a positive sphere with electrons dotted through it, while today’s
model has a nucleus containing protons and neutrons with electrons orbiting in shells.
2 (James) Chadwick
3 It has no charge and so was difficult to detect.
4 An electron has relative mass of 1/1840, a proton has relative mass of 1.
An electron has relative charge of −1, a proton has relative charge of +1.
Electrons are found in shells, protons are found in the nucleus.
5 Both have relative mass of 1 and both are found in the nucleus.
6 7
7 a) Beryllium
b) Silicon
8 They have an equal number of protons and electrons.
9 30 protons, 30 electrons, 35 neutrons

Show you can (page 3)

Element Atomic Mass Number of Number of Number of
number number protons electrons neutrons
3 Li 3 7 3 3 4
5B 5 11 5 5 6
12 Mg 12 24 12 12 12
19 K 19 39 19 19 20
47 Ag 47 107 47 47 60
53 I 53 127 53 53 74

Test yourself (page 5)

10 2, 6
2, 7
2, 8, 3
2, 8, 6

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 1 – Atomic structure Answers

11 chlorine


12 The first shell holds a maximum of 2 electrons.

13 a)


Show you can (page 6)

1 Boron
2 2, 5
3 11
4 Nucleus

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 1 – Atomic structure Answers

Test yourself (page 8)

Protons Neutrons Electrons
H (protium) 1 0 1
H (deuterium) 1 1 1
H (tritium) 1 2 1

15 Both have the same number of protons (82), the same number of electrons (82) and atomic
number (82), and react in the same way.
They have different mass numbers (207 and 208) and different numbers of neutrons (125 and
16 79.9 (to 1 decimal place)
(79 × 53) + (81 × 47) 4187 + 3897 7994
= = = = 79.94
100 1000 100
17 28.1 (to 1 decimal place)
(92.2 × 28) + (4.7 × 29) + (3.1 × 30) 2581.6 + 136.6 + 93 2811.2
=Ar = = = 28.1
100 1000 100

Test yourself (page 9)

18 a) 1.1 × 10 m
b) 1.15 × 10 m
c) 1.25 × 10 m
d) 7.0 × 10 m
19 0.025 nm
−5 −14
20 1.83 × 10 nm (0.000 0183 nm), 1.83 × 10 m
21 0.1 nm (1 × 10 m)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 1 – Atomic structure Answers

Test yourself (page 11)

22 Answers in bold and underline
Symbol Mass Atomic Number of Number of Number of Electronic
number number protons neutrons electrons structure
Calcium Ca 40 20 20 20 20 2,8,8,2
Calcium Ca 40 20 20 20 18 2,8,8
Oxygen O 16 8 8 8 8 2,6
Oxide O 16 8 8 8 10 2,8
Nitride N 14 7 7 7 10 2,8
Sodium Na 23 11 11 12 11 2,8,1
Sodium Na 23 11 11 12 10 2,8

23 1
24 3
25 18, 1

26 3
27 9 protons, 10 neutrons, 10 electrons

Show you can (page 11)

1 Answers in bold and underline
Particle Atomic Mass Number of Number of Number of Electronic
number number protons neutrons electrons structure
A 18 40 18 22 18 2,8,8
B 13 27 13 14 10 2,8
C 20 40 20 20 20 2,8,8,2
D 17 35 17 18 17 2,8,7
E 16 32 16 16 18 2,8,8
F 17 37 17 20 17 2,8,7
2 It has an equal number of protons and electrons.

3 2
4 D and F

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 1 – Atomic structure Answers

Practice questions (page 12)

1 a) Answers in bold and underline (4 marks)
Particle Relative charge Relative mass
Proton +1 1
Electron −1 1/1840
Neutron 0 1

b) i) Nucleus (1 mark)
ii) Atomic number (1 mark)
iii) Mass number (1 mark)
iv) 13 (1 mark)
12 14
c) i) C and C (1 mark)
19 −
ii) F (1 mark)
16 2− 19 − 20
iii) O , F , Ne (1 mark)
19 − 20
iv) F , Ne (1 mark)
v) None (1 mark)
2 a) Plum pudding model: a positive sphere (1 mark) with electrons embedded in it. (1 mark)
Today’s model: a nucleus (1 mark) containing protons and neutrons (1 mark), with electrons
in shells (1 mark). (5 marks)
b) i) 11 (1 mark)
ii) 23 (1 mark)
iii) Nucleus (1 mark)
iv) 2,8,1, shown on diagram (1 mark)
v) 1.0 × 10 m (1 mark)
vi) (James) Chadwick (1 mark)
c) Answers in bold and underline (6 marks)
Atom/ion Number of protons Electronic configuration
N 7 2,5
S 16 2,8,8
Ca 20 2,8,8
Mg 12 2,8

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 1 – Atomic structure Answers

3 a) The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom (1 mark)

b) The number of protons in an atom (1 mark)
c) Electronic configuration 2,8,8,1 (1 mark), 19 protons (1 mark), 20 neutrons (1 mark),
protons and neutrons in the nucleus (1 mark) (4 marks)

d) 0.1 nm (1 mark)
e) i) 17 protons, 18 electrons (1 mark)
ii) Charge 1−, electronic configuration 2,8,8 (1 mark)
iii) Two or more elements chemically combined (1 mark)
4 a) 108.1 to one decimal place (2 marks)
(109 × 53) + (107 × 47) (109 × 53) + (107 × 47)
= 108.06 = 108.06
100 100
b) Isotopes are atoms of an element with the same atomic number but a different mass
number, and thus a different number of neutrons. (1 mark)
109 107
Ag has 62 neutrons and Ag has 60 neutrons. (1 mark)
109 107
Both Ag and Ag have the atomic number 47. (1 mark)
−5 -14
c) 1.6/10 000 nm = 1.6 × 10 nm (1 mark), 1.6 × 10 m (1 mark) (2 marks)
d) 47 protons, 62 neutrons, 46 electrons (2 marks)
e) O (1 mark)
5 Answers in bold and underline (5 marks)
2+ + 2−
Atom/ion Al Sn Ba H Se Cl
Atomic number 13 50 56 1 34 17
Mass number 27 119 137 1 79 37
Number of protons 13 50 56 1 34 17
Number of neutrons 14 69 81 0 45 20
Number of electrons 13 48 56 0 36 17

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

Test yourself (page 17)

1 They already have a full outer shell and are stable.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

Show you can (page 17)

Oxygen has electronic configuration 2,6 and needs to gain two electrons to become stable. Two
lithium atoms, each with electronic configuration 2,1, each transfer one electron to the oxygen.
This forms an oxide ion with a charge 2− and an electronic configuration 2,8 and two lithium ions
with a charge 1+ and an electronic configuration 2. The attraction between the oppositely
charged ions is the ionic bond.

Test yourself (page 19)

6 a)



© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers





7 a)


c) 10

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

Show you can (page 19)


2 PCl 3

4 Any (x) is a covalent bond and any () or (xx) is a lone pair.

Test yourself (page 19)

8 The attraction between the positive ions in a regular lattice and the delocalised electrons
9 Delocalised electrons are electrons that are free to move throughout the whole structure.
10 a) Ionic
b) Metallic
c) Covalent
d) Covalent
e) Ionic
f) Covalent
g) Metallic
h) Ionic
i) Covalent
j) Metallic
k) Covalent
l) Ionic

Test yourself (page 22)

11 a) Metallic
b) Metallic
c) Delocalised electrons can move and carry charge.
d) The layers can slide but the metallic bonding is not disrupted.
e) The substance can be hammered into shape without breaking.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

12 An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, and the resulting
mixture has metallic properties.
13 The different-sized zinc and copper ions distort the lattice and so the layers do not slide over
each other as easily.
14 % gold = × 100 = 83.3%
15 × 24 = 19.2 carat
16 Gold is too soft and would not keep its shape.

Test yourself (page 23)

17 It takes a substantial amount of energy to break the strong ionic bonds.
18 The ions can move and carry charge.
19 The ions cannot move and so there are no charge carriers.
20 A giant ionic lattice is a three-dimensional structure of oppositely charged ions held by ionic
21 MgBr 2 , NaF and K 2 S

Practical activity (page 25)

1 Place the sample to be tested in the beaker, ensure the electrodes do not touch. Use the same
volume of sample for each test.
Switch on the power pack. Using the same current for each test, and record whether or not the
bulb lights up.
Wash out the beaker thoroughly and repeat with the next solution.
Test solution Does the bulb Does the substance Does the substance
light? conduct electricity? contain ionic or
covalent bonding?
copper(II) sulfate yes yes ionic
ethanol (C 2 H 5 OH) no no covalent
magnesium sulfate yes yes ionic
potassium iodide yes yes ionic
glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) no no covalent
sodium chloride yes yes ionic

3 Ionic solutions conduct electricity because the ions can move and carry charge.
Covalent substances do not conduct electricity as there are no free charged particles.
4 Solid copper(II) sulfate would not conduct electricity and the bulb would not light up as the ions
are held tightly by ionic bonds and cannot move.
5 Calcium nitrate solution conducts electricity and the bulb lights up as the ions can move.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

6 Bromine solution cannot conduct electricity and the bulb does not light up as there are no charge

Test yourself (page 25)

22 a) A molecule is two or more atoms covalent bonded.
b) Atoms: F, O
Molecules of elements: H 2 , Cl 2 , O 2
Molecules of compounds: HF, H 2 O, CH 4 , SiCl 4
23 It takes little energy to break the weak van der Waals forces between the molecules.
24 a) Do not break
b) Break
25 It is a neutral molecule and there are no charged particles to move and carry the charge.
26 H 2 S, CO, N 2 H 4

Show you can (page 25)

The weak van der Waals forces between the molecules of sulfur dioxide, which need to be
broken for sulfur dioxide to melt, do not take much energy to break. In calcium oxide, the strong
ionic bonds between ions of opposite charge require a substantial amount of energy to break
and it is these bonds that need to be broken for calcium oxide to melt.

Test yourself (page 28)

27 They have many strong covalent bonds and substantial energy is needed to break them.
28 In diamond there are strong covalent bonds between the atoms, which are arranged in a three-
dimensional tetrahedral structure, but in graphite there are weak forces between the layers,
which are easily broken, allowing the layers to slide.
29 Each carbon atom bonds covalently to three others in graphite, leaving one electron per carbon
atom unbonded and delocalised so that it can move and carry charge. In diamond all four outer
shell electrons of carbon are used in bonding and none are free to move.
30 A single-atom thick layer of graphite
31 Similarities: made of carbon atoms, covalently bonded and transparent
Differences: tetrahedral structure in diamond, hexagonal layer in grapheme; diamond does not
conduct electricity, graphene does; graphene is much lighter than diamond; grapheme is two-
dimensional but diamond is three-dimensional

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

32 graphene


Graphene is a single layer; graphite has many layers.

33 Allotropes are different forms of the same element, in the same state.
Diamond, graphite and graphene

Show you can (page 28)

Answers in bold and underline
Graphite Diamond Graphene
Description of Layers of carbon atoms Each carbon atom is A single-atom thick
structure covalently bonded in covalently bonded layer of graphite with
hexagons, with weak forces to four others in a strong covalent bonds
between the layers. One tetrahedral between each carbon
electron per carbon atom is structure. atom, arranged in
unbonded and free to move hexagons.
between the layers.
Uses Pencils, lubricants. Cutting tools. Solar cells, batteries.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

Test yourself (page 30)

34 Answers in bold and underline
Substance Type of bonding Type of structure
Copper oxide (CuO) Ionic Giant ionic lattice
Diamond (C) Covalent Giant covalent
Lead carbonate (PbCO 3 ) Ionic Giant ionic lattice
Phosphorus oxide (P 4 O 10 ) Covalent Covalent molecular
Copper (Cu) Metallic Metallic
Graphene (C) Covalent Giant covalent
Ammonia (NH 3 ) Covalent Covalent molecular

35 a) Covalent, covalent, covalent, (given covalent), ionic, metallic

b) Cu
c) CS 2
d) NH 3
e) Br 2
f) NH 3

Show you can (page 30)

1 E: high melting point and boiling point, conducts electricity when molten but not when solid
2 B: low melting point and boiling point, does not conduct electricity
3 It conducts electricity, and diamond does not conduct electricity.
4 C

Test yourself (page 32)

36 A nanoparticle is a structure that is 1–100 nm in size and contains a few hundred atoms.
37 a) Surface area = 6 × 20 × 20 =2400 nm
Surface area = 6 × 2 × 2 = 24 nm
b) Volume = 20 × 20 × 20 = 8000 nm
Volume = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 nm
c) 2400 : 8000 = 0.3 : 1
24 : 8 = 3 : 1
d) The surface area to volume ratio increases by a factor of 10.
38 They have a larger surface area to volume ratio.
−9 −8
39 a) 21 nm = 21 × 10 = 2.1 × 10 m = diameter of the nanoparticle.
b) In Chapter 1 you learnt that most atoms have a radius of 0.1 nm. The diameter is twice the
−9 −10
radius, so the diameter of a gold atom is 0.2 nm = 0.2 × 10 = 2.0 × 10 m.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

40 They could cause potential cell damage in the body – the nanoparticles are so small they may be
able to penetrate cell membranes, or be breathed in. In the body they may be more reactive or
more toxic than the bulk material.
They could cause harm to the environment.

Show you can (page 32)

Not all the effects of nanoparticles are fully understood.
Nanoparticles may be harmful.

Practice questions (page 33)

1 a) Ammonia (1 mark)
NH 3 (1 mark)
b) A lone pair is any x x; (1 mark)
a covalent bond is any x ●. (1 mark)
(1 mark)

d) Shared (1 mark)
pair of electrons (1 mark)
2 a) A, diamond (1 mark)
B, graphite (1 mark)
C, graphene (1 mark)
D, carbon dioxide (1 mark)
b) Covalent (1 mark)
c) A, giant covalent (1 mark)
B, giant covalent (1 mark)
C, giant covalent (1 mark)
D, molecular covalent (1 mark)
d) Weak van der Waals forces (1 mark)
between the molecules (1 mark)
do not take much energy to break. (1 mark)
e) B and C (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

3 a) Carbon atoms are in layers. (1 mark)

They are held by weak intermolecular forces. (1 mark)
Layers can slip off. (1 mark)
b) One electron per carbon atom (1 mark)
is free to move and carry charge. (1 mark)

Electronic configuration of sodium atom (1 mark)

Electronic configuration of chlorine atom (1 mark)
Electronic configuration of sodium ion (1 mark)
Electronic configuration of chloride (one electron pair in chloride must be x ●) (1 mark)
Na (1 mark)

Cl (1 mark)
d) The ions can move and carry charge in solution (1 mark). In the solid they are
held tightly by attraction between opposite ions and cannot move (1 mark). (2 marks)
e) Type of bonding Type of structure
Graphite Covalent Giant covalent
Sodium chloride Ionic Giant ionic lattice

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

4 Response Mark
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms to fully describe similarities and 5–6
differences [5–6 indicative content points]. Relevant material is organised with a (Band A)
high degree of clarity and coherence. They must use excellent spelling,
punctuation and grammar and the form and style are of a very high standard.
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms to describe the some similarities 3–4
and differences [3–4 indicative content points]. Relevant material is organised (Band B)
with some clarity and coherence. They use good spelling, punctuation and
grammar and the form and style are of a satisfactory standard.
Candidates describe the bonding and structure [at least 2 indicative content 1–2
points]. The organisation of material may lack clarity and coherence. They use (Band C)
limited spelling, punctuation and grammar and they have limited use of specialist
terms. The form and style are of limited standard.
Indicative content:
Both have high melting points (1 mark)
due to strong bonds between the ions in magnesium chloride (1 mark)
and between the metal atoms and delocalised electrons in magnesium. (1 mark)
Magnesium is always a good conductor due to the delocalised electrons, which can
move and carry charge (1 mark)
Magnesium chloride can only conduct when molten (1 mark)
because only when it is molten can the ions move and carry charge. (1 mark)
Magnesium conducts due to the movement of electrons, magnesium chloride conducts
due to the movement of ions. (1 mark)
5 a) i) Two atoms covalently bonded in a molecule (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

b) i)

Electronic configuration of calcium atom (1 mark)

Electronic configuration of chlorine atom (1 mark)
Two chlorine atoms and one calcium atom (1 mark)
Electronic configuration of calcium ion (1 mark)
Electronic configuration of chloride (one electron pair in chloride must be x ●) (1 mark)
Ca2+ (1 mark)

Cl (1 mark)
ii) Ionic (1 mark)
iii) Giant ionic lattice (1 mark)
iv) The ions (1 mark)
are free to move (1 mark)
and carry the charge. (1 mark)

(3 marks)
vi) Covalent (1 mark)
vii) Simple covalent molecular (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

Compound Solubility in water Relative melting point

Calcium chloride Soluble High
Tetrachloromethane Insoluble Low


(2 marks)
d) i) Metallic (1 mark)
strong attraction (1 mark)
between the metal ions and delocalised electrons (1 mark)

(3 marks: 1 for mark each label with correctly drawn diagram)

iii) Each carbon atom covalently bonds to three other carbon atoms (1 mark); layer
of hexagons (1 mark); weak forces between layers (1 mark). (1 mark)
e) i) Delocalised electrons (1 mark) move and carry charge (1 mark)
ii) Malleable (1 mark), ductile (1 mark)
6 a) 1 mark for each answer in bold
Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen
Formula CO 2 N2 O2
Dot and cross

(7 marks)
b) An unbonded pair of electrons (1 mark)
c) There are no ions or delocalised electrons to move and carry charge. (1 mark)
7 a) A (1 mark)
b) C (1 mark)
c) A (1 mark)
d) D (1 mark)
8 a) Strong (1 mark)
metallic bond/attraction between positive ions and delocalised electrons (1 mark)
takes substantial energy to break the bond/attraction. (1 mark)
b) Delocalised electrons (1 mark)
move and carry charge. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 2 – Bonding, structure and
nanoparticles Answers

c) A mixture (1 mark)
of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal. (1 mark)
Alloys have metallic properties. (1 mark)
d) The different-sized carbon atoms (1 mark)
disrupt the structure so the layers do not slide so easily. (1 mark)
9 a) Metallic (1 mark)
b) Covalent molecular (1 mark)
c) Giant covalent (1 mark)
d) Giant ionic lattice (1 mark)
e) Covalent molecular (1 mark)
f) Giant ionic lattice (1 mark)
10 A is giant ionic lattice. (1 mark)
B is covalent molecular. (1 mark)
C is metallic. (1 mark)
D is giant ionic lattice. (1 mark)
11 a) 1–100 nm (1 mark)
b) Accept any two points of: (2 marks)
• they give better skin coverage to the sun cream
• they give more effective protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays
• they are clear and colourless, which makes the sun cream invisible on the skin
• they do not degrade on exposure to the sun.
c) 1.9 × 10 m = 0.000 000 001 9 m (1 mark)
d) They have a larger surface area to volume ratio. (1 mark)
e) i) 6 × (30 × 30) = 5400 nm (1 mark)
30 × 30 × 30 = 27 000 nm (1 mark)
5400 : 27 000 = 1 : 5 (1 mark)
ii) Increases by a factor of 10 (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Test yourself (page 37)

1 Order of increasing atomic weight
2 To ensure that elements were in groups with other elements with similar properties
3 He predicted that some elements had yet to be discovered.
4 Accept any three of:
• Elements arranged in order of atomic number instead of atomic weight
• Noble gases present – none in Mendeleev’s table
• No gaps and more elements in today’s periodic table
• A transition metal block is present but was not in Mendeleev’s table
• Actinides and lanthanides are present – but were not in Mendeleev’s table.

Test yourself (page 38)

5 a) Metal
b) Metal
c) Non-metal
d) Non-metal
e) Non-metal
f) Metal
g) Non-metal
h) Non-metal
i) Metal
j) Metal
6 a) Metal
b) Non-metal
c) Non-metal
d) Metal
7 No – graphite and graphene are non-metals which are good conductors of electricity.

Show you can (page 38)

Carbon as graphite conducts electricity as there is one free electron per carbon atom that can
move and carry charge. Aluminium conducts electricity as the delocalised electrons can move
and carry charge. In carbon as diamond there are no free electrons or ions to move and carry
charge, so it does not conduct electricity.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Show you can (page 39)

1 It has one electron in the outer shell. If it had five electrons in the outer shell it would be in
Group 5.
2 2 + 8 + 1 = 11

Test yourself (page 40)

8 a) Group 4
b) Group 1
c) Group 0
9 a) Beryllium
b) Bromine
c) Aluminium
d) Potassium
10 a) Mercury
b) Fluorine and chlorine
c) Any two Group 0 elements
d) Sodium
e) Bromine
f) Helium
g) Carbon
11 Element Group Number of Element Group Number of
electrons in outer electrons in outer
shell of atom shell of atom
Sodium 1 1 Bromine 7 7
Krypton 0 8 Barium 2 2
Magnesium 2 2 Germanium 4 4

Test yourself (page 43)

12 The outer shell of their atoms contains one electron which is easy to lose when they react.
13 potassium + water ⟶ potassium hydroxide + hydrogen
2K + 2H 2 O ⟶ 2KOH + H 2
14 Potassium atoms lose one electron to get a full outer shell and chlorine atoms gain one electron
to get a full outer shell.
15 Potassium atoms are bigger, so the outer shell electron is further from the nucleus. Thus the
attraction between the nucleus and the outer electron is weaker, and the outer electron is lost
more easily.
16 Soft grey metal, low melting point, low density, shiny when freshly cut.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Show you can (page 43)

• Group 1 products are metal hydroxide and hydrogen.
• Group 2 products are metal hydroxide and hydrogen.
• Group 1 elements are more reactive than Group 2 elements – all Group 1 elements
react with cold water.
• Group 1 and Group 2 elements – reactivity increases down the group for both groups.

Test yourself (page 46)

17 a) Melting point increases down the group.
b) Solubility decreases down the group.
18 Green-yellow/yellow-green
19 a) 7

c) When a solid changes directly to a gas on heating.

d) Grey-black solid changes to purple vapour.
20 In fluorine the outer shell is closer to the positive nucleus than in bromine, so an electron is
attracted more strongly.
– –
21 a) I + e ⟶ I
– –
b) Br 2 + 2e ⟶ 2Br
– –
c) F + e ⟶ F

Test yourself (page 48)

22 a) 2NaBr + Cl 2 ⟶ 2NaCl + Br 2 (colourless to orange)
b) Chlorine is more reactive than bromine and pushes it out of solution. The bromine is orange
in aqueous solution.
23 a) No reaction
b) 2KI + Br 2 ⟶ 2KBr + I 2 (colourless to brown)
c) No reaction
d) Cl 2 + CaBr 2 ⟶ Br 2 + CaCl 2 (colourless to orange)
e) Br 2 + MgI 2 ⟶ I 2 + MgBr 2 (colourless to brown)
f) No reaction

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Practical activity (pages 48–49)

1 a) Fume cupboard – chlorine is toxic.
b) Chlorine is more reactive than iodine, so chlorine displaces iodine.
c) Potassium chloride and iodine
d) Colourless to brown
e) Cl 2 + 2KI ⟶ 2KCl + I 2
f) Colourless to brown, so observations would be the same.
2 a) Liquid in which a substance dissolves.
b) Hydrocarbon turns purple.

Show you can (page 49)

Group 1 Group 7

Number of electrons in outer shell of atom 1 7

Reactive or non-reactive element Reactive Reactive
Trend in reactivity down the group Increases Decreases
Metal or non-metal? Metal Non-metal
In reactions, do atoms of the element gain electrons or Lose electrons Gain elections
lose electrons?

Test yourself (page 50)

24 They have a full outer shell and are stable so do not need to gain or lose electrons.
25 Although most elements have 8 electrons in their outer shell, helium has only 2.
26 Colourless gas, unreactive

Show you can (page 50)

Element Reactive or Metal or Solid, liquid or gas at Electronic
unreactive? non-metal? room temperature? structure
He Unreactive Non-metal Gas 2
Ar Unreactive Non-metal Gas 2,8,8

Test yourself (page 51)

27 An alkali metal, as it is very reactive and is less dense than water.
28 Copper
29 Copper does not react with water. Potassium reacts vigorously with water.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Test yourself (page 52)

30 Hazard Risk Control measure
Hydrated copper(II) Irritating to eyes (Hazcard 27c) Wear safety glasses
Heating in a test tube Solid may spit out of test tube Wear safety glasses; point test
and may cause a burn or hurt tube away from face and others;
eyes do not cool test tube in water
Cracked glass May cause cuts Check test tube carefully before
heating; do not touch broken
Long hair May catch fire Keep long hair tied back

31 Hazard Risk Control measure

Concentrated sulfuric Corrosive (Hazcard 22) Wear safety glasses; wear
acid Hazcard numbers are gloves; use the lowest
not required concentration possible
Ethanol Flammable (Hazcard 60) Heat in a water bath; keep
Hazcard numbers are ethanol away from naked flames
not required
Vinegar (ethanoic Corrosive (Hazcard 38A) Wear safety glasses; wear
acid) Hazcard numbers are gloves; use the lowest
not required concentration possible
Cracked glass May cause cuts Check test tube carefully before
heating; do not touch broken
Long hair May catch fire Keep long hair tied back
Bags and stools Could be a tripping hazard Tuck stools under benches; leave
bags in bag store

32 Place water in a trough.

Remove oil from sodium.
Using forceps, add a small piece of sodium (about 2 mm each side) to the water.
Wear safety glasses.
Use a safety screen.
33 Keep power pack away from water supply; ensure that there are no bare leads and that the
power pack has been checked for electrical safety.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Practice questions (page 53)

Note for all balanced symbol equations worth 3 marks:
• for left-hand side correct formula (1 mark)
• for right-hand side correct formula (1 mark)
• balancing. (1 mark)
Note for 2 mark equations:
• for left hand side correct formula (1 mark)
• for right hand side correct formula (1 mark)
• balancing either side of the equation loses the formula mark.
1 a) A and L, or G and R, or N and M (1 mark)
b) Period (1 mark)
c) i) Q (1 mark)
ii) T (1 mark)
iii) A or L (1 mark)
d) L (1 mark)
e) G (1 mark)
f) T (1 mark)
g) i) AG (1 mark)
ii) NR 2 (1 mark)
iii) JG 3 (1 mark)
h) N or M (also Q) (1 mark)
2 a) F (1 mark)
b) Li (1 mark)
c) F (1 mark)
d) Li (1 mark)
e) Cu (1 mark)
f) Br (1 mark)
3 a) Halogens (1 mark)
b) 7 (1 mark)
c) 1 (1 mark)
d) 7 (1 mark)
4 a) i) Potassium atom: 2,8,8,1 (1 mark)
Potassium ion: 2,8,8 (1 mark)
The ion is more stable as it has a full outer shell/noble gas electronic structure. (1 mark)
ii) To stop it reacting with water and air (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

b) Any two of the following:

• safety screen: use a large volume of water in a trough
• use a small piece of the metal
• use forceps or tweezers to lift the metal. (2 marks)
c) i) Increases (1 mark)
ii) Green, due to neutral water (1 mark)
purple, due to hydroxide/alkali formed (1 mark) (2 marks)
iii) Fizzing/bubbles (1 mark)
iv) sodium + water ⟶ sodium hydroxide + hydrogen (1 mark)
v) 2Na + 2H 2 O ⟶ 2NaOH + H 2 (3 marks)
5 a) Number (1 mark); weight/mass (1 mark) (2 marks)
b) Accept any two of the following:
• no gaps
• more elements
• noble gases present
• lanthanides and actinides present
• transition metal block. (2 marks)
c) Group number Name of group Number of electrons in Reactive or
the outer shell of an atom unreactive?
1 Alkali metals 1 Reactive
7 Halogens 7 Reactive

(6 marks)
d) i) It decreases. (1 mark)
ii) Lithium (1 mark)
iii) Black solid (1 mark)
– –
iv) Br + e ⟶ Br (2 marks)
6 a) A substance that consists of only one type of atom. (1 mark)
Response Mark
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms to fully describe key 5–6
features [5–6 indicative content points]. Relevant material is organised with a (Band A)
high degree of clarity and coherence. They must use excellent spelling,
punctuation and grammar and the form and style are of a very high standard.
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms
to describe some key 3–4
features [3–4 indicative content points]. Relevant material is organised with (Band B)
some clarity and coherence. They use good spelling, punctuation and
grammar and the form and style are of a satisfactory standard.
Candidates describe a few key features [at least 2 indicative content 1–2
The organisation of material may lack clarity and coherence. They (Band C)
use limited spelling, punctuation and grammar and they have limited use of
specialist terms. The form and style are of limited standard.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

Indicative content:
• Elements in order of atomic weight/mass.
• Was prepared to go out of order if properties fitted better.
• Properties repeated at (regular) intervals.
• Elements in the same group with similar (chemical) properties.
• Left gaps for undiscovered elements.
• Predicted the properties of undiscovered elements.
• New elements were discovered that matched his predictions.
7 a) Li, Be, B, C (1 mark)
b) Carbon (1 mark)
c) Li (1 mark)
d) Ne (1 mark)
e) B (1 mark)
f) N 2 , O 2 , F 2 (1 mark)
g) Li (1 mark)
h) C (as diamond) (1 mark)
8 a) i) B (1 mark)
ii) A (1 mark)
iii) D (1 mark)
b) i) Cr (1 mark)
ii) Cr (1 mark)
iii) K (1 mark)
iv) K (1 mark)
v) K (1 mark)
vi) Cr (1 mark)
vii) K (1 mark)
9 a) Accept any three of the following:
• melts into a tiny ball
• bubbles
• heat
• K disappears
• colourless solution forms
• crackles at end. (3 marks)
+ –
b) K ⟶ K + e (2 marks)
c) 2K + 2H 2 O ⟶ 2KOH + H 2 (3 marks)
d) Less vigorously (1 mark); the electron in the outer shell is closer to the nucleus and thus held
tighter than the potassium electron. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 3 – The Periodic Table Answers

e) 2K + Cl 2 ⟶ 2KCl (3 marks)
– –
f) 2Cl ⟶ Cl 2 + 2e (3 marks)
10 Response Mark
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms to fully compare the alkali 5–6
metals and transition metals [5–6 indicative content points]. Relevant material (Band A)
is organised with a high degree of clarity and coherence. They must use
excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar and the form and style are of a
very high standard.
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms
to compare the alkali metals 3–4
and transition metals [3–4 indicative content points]. Relevant material is (Band B)
organised with some clarity and coherence. They use good spelling,
punctuation and grammar and the form and style are of a satisfactory standard.
Candidates partially compare the alkali metals and transition metals [at least 2 1–2
indicative content points].
The organisation of material may lack clarity and (Band C)
coherence. They use limited spelling, punctuation and grammar and they have
limited use of specialist terms. The form and style are of limited standard.
Indicative content:
Physical properties
• Transition metals have high melting points.
• Alkali metals have low melting points.
• Transition metals have high densities.
• Alkali metals have low densities/less dense than water.
Chemical properties
• Transition metals have low reactivity/react slowly (with water).
• Alkali metals very reactive/react quickly (with water).
• Transition metal ions with different charges are formed, e.g. iron(II) and iron(III).
• Alkali metals form 1+ ions.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Test yourself (page 57)

1 Carbon-12
2 a) 23
b) 24
c) 19
d) 32
e) 27
3 a) 44
b) 58.5
c) 17
d) 28
e) 213
f) 331
g) 342
h) 74
i) 164
j) 400
k) 98
l) 234
m) 106
(2  16)
4  100  55.2%
(2  56)
5  100  28.0%
(2  19)
6  100  48.7%
(3  16)
7  100  61.5%
(3  12)
8 %C   100  60.0%
(8  1)
%H   100  13.3%
(1  16)
%O   100  26.7%

Show you can (page 57)

439 − (4 × 80) = 119. M is tin (Sn)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Test yourself (pages 59–60)

9 a) 58.5 g
b) 40 g
c) 98 g
d) 148 g
e) 132 g
10 a)  0.12
b)  0.28
c)  0.50
d)  0.16
e)  0.13
f)  0.076
11 a) 0.5 × 152 = 76 g
b) 0.1 × 40 = 4 g
c) 0.125 × 80 = 10 g
d) 2 × 74 = 148 g
e) 4 × 106 = 424 g
12 a) 20 000 g
b) 5 000 000 g
c) 300 000 g
d) 20 g
e) 4 000 000 g
13 a)  1000
2 100 000
b)  13 125
c)  16.35
d)  32
73 000 000
e)  2 000 000

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Show you can (page 60)

 60

Test yourself (page 61)

14 a) 2
b) 1.2
15 a) 0.99
b) 1.1
16 a) 0.5
b) 0.2
c) 0.8
d) 5
17 a) 0.44
b) 1.1
c) 0.11
18 a) 10
b) 6
c) 0.5

Show you can (page 62)

1 In the equation C + O2 ⟶ CO2 one mole of C atoms reacts with one mole of O2 molecules to form
one mole of CO2 molecules.
2 a) In the equation C2H4 + 2O2 ⟶ CO2 + 2H2O one mole of C2H4 molecules reacts with two moles
of O2 molecules to form one mole of CO2 molecules and two moles of H2O molecules.
b) In the equation H2 + Cl2 ⟶ 2HCl one mole of H2 molecules reacts with one mole of Cl2
molecules to form two moles of HCl molecules.
c) In the equation CxHy + 3O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 2H2O one mole of CxHy molecules reacts with three
moles of O2 molecules to form two moles of CO2 molecules and two moles of H2O molecules.
d) x = 2, y = 4

Test yourself (page 63)

19 Moles H2   5 mol
Ratio: 2H2 : 1O2
5 : 2.5
Mass =2.5 × 32 = 80 g

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

20 Moles CaCO3   0.25 mol
Ratio: 1 : 1
0.25 : 0.25
Mass = 0.25 × 56 = 14 g
21 Moles   0.125 mol
Ratio: 2 : 2
0.125 : 0.125
Mass = 0.125 × 40 = 5 g
22 Moles Li   0.2 mol
Ratio: 2Li : 1H2
0.2 : 0.1
Mass = 0.1 × 2 = 0.2 g
23 Moles CuO   0.125 mol
Ratio: 3CuO : 1Al2O3
0.125 : 0.042
Mass= 0.042 × 102 = 4.28 g
24 Moles HCl   0.1 mol
Ratio: 2HCl : 1CaCO3
0.1 : 0.05
Mass = 0.05 × 100 = 5 g
25 Moles Pb(NO3 )2   0.1 mol
Ratio: 2 : 4
0.1: 0.2
Mass = 0.2 × 46= 9.2 g

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

26 Moles H2 SO4   5 mol
Ratio: 2NaOH : 1H2SO4
2 × 5 = 10 moles NaOH
Mass = 10 × 40 = 400 g
27 Moles Al2O3   10 mol
Ratio: 2Al2O3 : 4Al
2 × 10 : 4 × 10
20 : 40
Mass = 20 × 27 = 540 g

Show you can (page 63)

1 84
2  0.05 mol
3 2NaHCO3 : 1Na2CO3
0.05 : 0.025
4 Mass = 0.025 × 106 = 2.65 g

Practical activity (pages 63–64)


2 Moles NaHCO3   0.0954 mol
3 a) Moles NaOH = 0.0954 mol
b) Moles Na2CO3 = 0.0477 mol
c) Moles Na2O = 0.0477 mol

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

4 a) 0.0954 × 40 = 3.82 g
b) 0.0477 × 106 = 5.05 g
c) 0.0477 × 62 = 2.96 g
5 Equation 2
6 Carbon dioxide and water vapour have been lost.

Show you can (page 66)

Moles of CaO   0.5 mol
Moles of C   4 mol
The reagent in excess is coke.
Moles of CaC2 formed = 0.5 mol
Mass of CaC2 = 0.5 × 64 = 32 g

Test yourself (page 66)

28 a) 10 mol
b) 3 mol
c) 0.3 mol
29 a) 4 mol
b) 3 mol
c) 6 mol
30 a) 2 mol
b) 0.2 mol
c) 0.25 mol
6 8
31 Moles Ca   0.15, moles S =  0.25
40 32
S is in excess, Ca is the limiting reactant.
Mass = 0.15 × 72 = 10.8 g
1.9 6
32 Moles TiCl4   0.01, moles Mg =  0.25
190 24
TiCl4 is the limiting reactant.
Mass of Ti produced = 0.01 × 48 = 0.48 g
23.2 20
33 Moles WO3   0.1, moles H2 =  10
232 2
WO3 is the limiting reactant.
Moles of W produced = 0.1 mol
Mass of W produced = 0.1 × 184 = 18.4 g

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

20 50
34 Moles NH4 Cl   0.374, moles CaO =  0.893
53.5 56
NH4Cl is the limiting reactant.
Moles of CaCl2 produced   0.187
Mass of CaCl2 produced = 0.187 × 111 = 20.76g

Test yourself (pages 68–69)

35 a)  100  75%
b) The reaction may be incomplete; some of the product may be lost on separation; other
reactions may take place.
36  100  23.5%
37  100  40%
38  100  89.5%
39 a) Moles   0.2 mol
0.2 : 0.2
0.2 × 53.5 = 10.7 g
b) % NH4 Cl   100  77.6%
40 a)  0.25 mol
0.25 : 0.25
0.25 × 40 = 10 g
b) % MgO   100  40%
41 a)  0.5
0.5 : 0.5
0.5 × 197.5 = 98.75 g
b) % TCP   100  91.7%

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Show you can (page 69)

1 actual yield
percentage yield   100
theoretical yield

2 40   100
theoretical yield

5.48  100
theoretical yield   13.7

Moles C4H9Br   0.1 mol
Mass C4H9OH = 0.1 × 74 = 7.4 g

Test yourself (page 70)

42 a) CH3
b) C2H5OH
c) C3H8
d) CH2
e) CH4
f) P2O5
g) HO
h) C4H5N2O
i) NaS2O3
j) Na2S2O3
43 C3H6O3
44 P4O10
45 C6H3N3O6

Practical activity (page 71)

1 a) 17.36 − 16.34 = 1.02 g
b) 18.06 − 16.34 = 1.72 g
c) 1.72 – 1.02 = 0.70 g
1.02 0.70
d) Moles Ti   0.021, moles O =  0.044 , so the empirical formula is TiO2.
48 16
2 To allow oxygen in to react with the titanium
3 A glowing splint is relit.
4 The mass of the container and of the container + titanium
5 The mass would increase due to the formation of titanium oxide/oxygen combining with
the titanium.
6 Allow the container to cool before weighing and so prevent burns; wear eye protection.
7 Repeat the experiment and results should be same.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Test yourself (page 72)

46 Moles Mg   0.04 mol
Moles Cl   0.08 mol
Ratio: 1Mg : 2Cl
47 Moles Na   0.1 mol
Moles O   0.05 mol
Ratio: 0.1 : 0.05
48 Moles Mg   0.03mol
Moles N   0.02 mol
Ratio: 0.03 : 0.02
49 Moles Pb   2 mol

 478  414  64
Moles O    4 mol
16 16
Ratio: 2 : 4
50 Moles C   0.12 mol
Moles H   0.36 mol
Ratio: 0.12 : 0.36

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

51 Moles Fe   0.1 mol
16.25  5.6  10.65
Moles Cl    0.3 mol
35.5 35.5
Ratio: 0.1: 0.3
1: 3
52 Moles Si   3.125 mol
Moles H   12.5 mol
3.125 12.5
Ratio: :
3.125 3.125
53 Moles C   1.17 mol
Moles F   2.34 mol
100  (14.0  44.4) 41.6
Moles Cl    1.17 mol
35.5 35.5
Ratio: 1.17 : 2.34 : 1.17

Test yourself (page 73)

54 MgSO4·7H2O
55 Na2CO3·10H2O
56 a) 177
b) 250
c) 244
d) 147
e) 236
4  18
57 a)  100  40.7 %
8  18
b)  100  57.6 %
2  18
c)  100  14.8 %
2  18
d)  100  24.5 %
4  18
e)  100  30.5 %

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Show you can (page 73)

14  16
a) % O =  100  69.6 %
20  1
b) % H =  100  6.2 %
10  18
c) % H2O =  100  55.9 %

Prescribed practical activity (page 76)

1 a) Water of crystallisation is water that is chemically bonded into the crystal structure.
b) Steam/beads of colourless liquid; crystals change to powder.
c) Weigh, heat, reweigh and repeat until the mass is constant.
2 a) Ni(NO3)2·xH2O ⟶ Ni(NO3)2 + xH2O
b) 2.91 – 1.83 = 1.08 g
c)  0.06
d)  0.01
e) 6
f) Not all of the water has been removed.
g) It may cause it to decompose.

Test yourself (page 76)

58 a) Water of crystallisation is water that is chemically bonded into the crystal structure.
b) Heat to constant mass.
c) 23.11 – 21.50 = 1.61 g
d) 161
e)  0.01
f) 24.37 – 23.11 = 1.26 g
g)  0.07
h) 7

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

Anhydrous Li2SO4 Water (H2O)
Mass in g 3.23 3.76 – 3.23 = 0.53
Moles = mass/Mr 3.23 0.53
 0.029  0.029
110 18
Ratio (divide by the smallest 0.029 0.029
number of moles (0.029)) 1 1
0.029 0.029

Formula: Li2SO4·H2O

Practice questions (page 77)

1 a) PbS = 239 (1 mark)
Fe2O3 =160 (1 mark)
CaMg(CO3)2 = 184 (1 mark)
b) 102 – (3 × 16) = 54 = 2x (1 mark)
x = 27 (1 mark)
c) i)  0.01 (1 mark)
ii)  0.375 (2 marks)
2 a) Carbon (1 mark); 12 (1 mark) (2 marks)
b) 152 (1 mark)
c) 152 g (1 mark)
d) Moles FeSO4   0.001 32 mol (2 marks)
3 a) CH2O (1 mark)
16  6
b) % O   100  53.3% (2 marks)
c) Moles H2O   60 mol (1 mark)
Ratio: 1 glucose : 6 water (1 mark)
? : 60 (1 mark)
 10 mol (1 mark)
Mass = 10 × 180 = 1800 g (1 mark)
4 a) Moles PbS   20 mol (1 mark)
Ratio 1 : 1 (1 mark)
Mass PbO = 20 × 223 = 4460 g (1 mark)
b) Moles Pb = 20 (1 mark)
Mass Pb = 20 × 207 = 4140 g (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

5 a) 4.54 kg = 4540 g (1 mark)

Moles C4H10   78.3 mol (1 mark)

b) Moles O2   62.5mol (2 marks)
6 a) Mr = 84 (1 mark)
 0.04 mol (1 mark)
b) 0.02 (1 mark)
c) Mr = 106 (1 mark)
0.02 × 106 = 2.12 g (1 mark)

d) % O  3  16  100  45.3% (2 marks)


7 a) Moles ZnCO3   0.02 mol (1 mark)
Moles ZnSO4 = 0.02 mol (1 mark)
Mass ZnSO4 = 0.02 × 161 = 3.22 g (1 mark)
b)  100  87.0% (2 marks)
c) Accept any two of the following:
 Some product may be lost in filtration, transfer between apparatus, etc.
 some of the reactants may react in different ways from the expected reaction
 the reaction may be incomplete
 the reaction may be reversible
 the zinc sulfate may be impure. (1 mark)
8 a) Mr = 138 (1 mark)
 0.0290 (1 mark)
b) Mr = 102 (1 mark)
 0.0637 (1 mark)
c) 0.0290 (1 mark)
d) Mr = 180 (1 mark)
0.0290 × 180 = 5.22 g (1 mark)
e)  100  55.6% (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 4 – Quantitative chemistry 1 Answers

9 a) Moles N2   250 mol (1 mark)
60 000
Moles H2   30 000 mol (1 mark)
Nitrogen is the limiting reactant. (1 mark)
Moles NH3 = 250 × 2 = 500 (1 mark)
Mass = 500 × 17 = 8500 = 8.5 tonnes (1 mark)
2  14
b) % N   100  35% (2 marks)

c) Moles C   1.67 mol (1 mark)
Moles H   6.66 mol (1 mark)
Moles N   3.33 mol (1 mark)
Moles O   1.67 mol (1 mark)
Empirical formula: CH4N2O (1 mark)
10 a) HO (1 mark)
b) Moles H2O2   0.15mol (1 mark)
Moles O2   0.075mol (1 mark)
Mass of O2 = 0.075 × 32 = 2.4 g (1 mark)
11 a) Contains water of crystallisation. (1 mark)
b) Moles Al2O3   0.02 mol (1 mark)
Mass of H2O = 3.12 – 2.04 = 1.08 g (1 mark)
Moles H2O   0.06 mol (1 mark)
n=3 (1 mark)
c) Marks are for recognisable apparatus with labels:
 Evaporating basin (1 mark)
 Tripod gauze (1 mark)
 Heat (1 mark)
12 a) Contains no water of crystallisation. (1 mark)
b) Moles Na2CO3   0.05mol (2 marks)
c) Mass of water = 14.3 – 5.3 = 9 g (1 mark)
d) Moles H2O   0.5mol (1 mark)
e) x = 10 (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

Test yourself (page 81)

Indicator Colour of the indicator in a solution of:
Hydrochloric Sodium Citric acid Calcium Ethanoic
acid hydroxide hydroxide acid
Red litmus paper Red Blue Red Blue Red
Blue litmus paper Red Blue Red Blue Red
Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink Colourless Pink Colourless
Methyl orange Red Yellow Red Yellow Red

2 a) An acid contains hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, an alkali contains hydroxide ions.
b) Hydrogen ions and sulfate ions
c) Calcium ions and hydroxide ions
d) HNO3
3 a) Colourless
b) Colourless
c) Pink

Test yourself (page 84)

4 a) Weak alkali
b) Weak acid
c) Weak alkali
d) Strong alkali
5 a) pH 14
b) pH 1
c) Dip in pH meter and record to 1 decimal place.
6 Substance Acid or alkali? Strong or weak? pH range Colour of pH paper
Hydrochloric acid Acid Strong 0–2 Red
Potassium Alkali Strong 12–14 Dark blue/purple
Ammonia Alkali Weak 8–11 Green-blue
Nitric acid Acid Strong 0–2 Red
Ethanoic acid Acid Weak 3–6 Orange/yellow
Citric acid Acid Weak 3–6 Orange/yellow
Sodium hydroxide Alkali Strong 12–14 Dark blue/purple

7 a) Red
b) Red
c) Orange

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

Show you can (page 84)

1 Using a pH meter; values were recorded to 1 decimal place.
2 4 minutes
3 8 minutes
4 45 minutes

Test yourself (page 86)

8 There are more alkali particles per unit volume in the concentrated alkali.
9 a) An acid which is fully ionised in water.
b) An acid which is partially ionised in water.
c) They are the same concentration.
d) Nitric acid, because it is a strong acid.
e) i) Corrosive
ii) Flammable
10 a) C
b) Dip in pH paper/add a few drops of universal indicator solution, and compare the colour
against the colour chart. Note: the pH is not recorded to a decimal place, hence a pH meter
has not been used.
c) 0.5 mol/dm3
d) Equal concentration

Show you can (page 86)

1 By comparing the colour obtained against the universal indicator colour chart.
2 A = acidic, B = acidic.
3 There would be more H+ ions in solution so the pH as recorded by the pH meter would be lower.
The colours would be much the same.
4 Neutral solutions also give a red result with litmus. Universal indicator results can be used to give
a pH value.

Test yourself (page 88)

11 Solid white magnesium carbonate disappears, heat released, colourless solution forms, bubbles.
12 Colourless solution remains, heat released.
13 Solid grey calcium disappears, heat released, colourless solution formed, bubbles.
14 Solid white magnesium oxide disappears, colourless solution produced, heat released.
15 Black copper(II) oxide disappears, blue solution formed.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

Prescribed practical activity (page 90)

1 a) Independent – volume of acid added
b) Dependent – temperature
c) Controlled – volume of sodium hydroxide solution, concentration of hydrochloric acid and
concentration of sodium hydroxide
2 To ensure the results are reliable
3 To minimise heat loss
4 To support it and prevent it toppling over and spilling contents
5 To ensure the solutions mix and react
6 Heat loss from surface – use a lid. Heat loss from polystyrene cup – insulate with cotton wool.
7 The x axis is the volume of acid added (cm3), the y axis is temperature (°C).
The best-fit line should be drawn, or the two lines could be extrapolated to find the highest
8 As the volume of acid increases, the temperature increases to a maximum and then decreases.
9 Add a few drops of indicator to the sodium hydroxide solution and repeat the experiment, noting
the temperature at which the indicator changes colour. If it is the same as the highest
temperature then neutralisation has occurred at this point.
10 a) Independent – type of acid
b) Dependent – temperature
c) Controlled – volume of sodium hydroxide solution, concentration of acid and concentration
of sodium hydroxide solution
11 Strong acids (hydrochloric and sulfuric acids) have a similar highest temperature.
Strong acids (sulfuric and hydrochloric acids) have a higher temperature (at neutralisation) than
weaker acids (ethanoic acid).
Neutralisation gives out heat/is accompanied by a temperature increase/is exothermic.

Test yourself (page 92)

16 a) zinc + nitric acid ⟶ zinc nitrate + hydrogen
b) sodium hydroxide + sulfuric acid ⟶ sodium sulfate + water
c) magnesium + sulfuric acid ⟶ magnesium sulfate + hydrogen
d) hydrochloric acid + sodium carbonate ⟶ sodium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
e) copper(II) oxide + sulfuric acid ⟶ copper(II) sulfate + water
f) potassium hydrogencarbonate + sulfuric acid ⟶ potassium sulfate + water + carbon dioxide
g) calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid ⟶ calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
h) sodium hydroxide + nitric acid ⟶ sodium nitrate + water

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

17 a) Heat released, bubbles, solid grey zinc disappears, colourless solution produced.
b) Solution remains colourless, heat released.
c) Heat released, bubbles, solid grey magnesium disappears, colourless solution produced.
d) Heat released, bubbles, solid white sodium carbonate disappears, colourless solution
e) Black solid disappears, blue solution produced.
f) Bubbles, solid white potassium hydrogencarbonate disappears, colourless solution produced.
g) Heat released, bubbles, solid white calcium carbonate disappears, colourless solution
h) Solution remains colourless, heat released.
18 a) Zn + 2HNO3 ⟶ Zn(NO3)2 + H2
b) 2NaOH + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + 2H2O
c) Mg + H2SO4 ⟶ MgSO4 + H2
d) 2HCl + Na2CO3 ⟶ 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
e) CuO + H2SO4 ⟶ CuSO4 + H2O
f) 2KHCO3 + H2SO4 ⟶ K2SO4 + 2H2O + CO2
g) CaCO3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
h) NaOH + HNO3 ⟶ NaNO3 + H2O
19 a) Base
b) Base
c) Base
d) Alkali
e) Base
f) Base
g) Alkali

Show you can (page 93)

1 sodium hydroxide + sulfuric acid ⟶ sodium sulfate + water
2NaOH + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + H2O
2 A; contains sodium carbonate.
3 Carbon dioxide
4 Bubble into limewater; limewater turns from colourless to milky.
5 Na2SiO3

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

Prescribed practical activity (pages 94–95)

1 Measuring cylinder
2 To ensure all the acid has reacted
3 Solid remaining/no more bubbles
4 Residue
5 To ensure the water of crystallisation is not removed
6 Solubility decreases on cooling.
7 Between two pieces of filter paper, in a low-temperature oven or in a desiccator
8 magnesium carbonate + sulfuric acid ⟶ magnesium sulfate + carbon dioxide + water
MgCO3 + H2SO4 ⟶ MgSO4 + H2O + CO2

Test yourself (page 96)

20 a) Hydrochloric acid, water
b) Potassium carbonate/potassium hydrogencarbonate, sulfuric acid
c) Hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide, water
d) Nitric acid, aluminium
e) Sulfuric acid, water
21 a) To make sure all the acid is used up
b) Filtering
c) iron + sulfuric acid ⟶ iron(II) sulfate + hydrogen
Fe + H2SO4 ⟶ FeSO4 + H2

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

22 a) Copper does not react with hydrochloric acid / copper has low reactivity.
b) copper(II) oxide + hydrochloric acid ⟶ copper(II) chloride + water
CuO + 2HCl ⟶ CuCl2 + H2O
copper(II) carbonate + hydrochloric acid ⟶ copper(II) chloride + water + carbon dioxide
CuCO3 + 2HCl ⟶ CuCl2 + H2O + CO2
copper(II) hydroxide + hydrochloric acid ⟶ copper(II) chloride + water
Cu(OH)2 + 2HCl ⟶ CuCl2 + 2H2O
23 a) nitric acid + calcium/calcium oxide/calcium hydroxide/calcium carbonate
b) hydrochloric acid + copper(II) oxide/copper(II) hydroxide/copper(II) carbonate
c) sulfuric acid + zinc/zinc oxide/zinc hydroxide/zinc carbonate.

Show you can (page 96)

1 A: magnesium + hydrochloric acid ⟶ magnesium chloride + hydrogen
B: magnesium oxide + hydrochloric acid ⟶ magnesium chloride + water
C: magnesium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid ⟶ magnesium chloride + water
D: magnesium carbonate + hydrochloric acid ⟶ magnesium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
2 Accept any two of the following:
 heat released
 bubbles
 white solid magnesium carbonate disappears
 colourless solution produced.

Practice questions (pages 97–99)

1 a) Substance pH Classification
Baking soda 8–10 Weak alkali
Ethanoic acid 3–6 Weak acid
Caustic soda solution 12–14 Strong alkali
Hydrochloric acid 0–2 Strong acid
Lemon juice 3–6 Weak acid
(7 marks)
b) i) Changes to blue (1 mark)
ii) Stays blue (1 mark)
c) A substance that dissolves in water to produce hydrogen ions (1 mark)
d) 0.5 mol/dm3 (1 mark) as it has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions (1 mark). (2 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

2 a) Burette (1 mark)
b) Conical flask (1 mark)
c) Pipette (1 mark)
d) Place a pH meter in the solution (1 mark); record the result to one decimal place. (1 mark)
e) To ensure the solution is mixed and X and Y have reacted together (1 mark)
f) Acidic – low pH (1 mark)
g) Alkaline – on adding to X the pH increases. (1 mark)
h) The pH starts low (1 mark) and the solution is acidic. When Y is added the pH rises and the
solution becomes neutral (1 mark). When the acid X and alkali Y have cancelled out and when
more Y (alkali) is added the pH continues to rise. (1 mark)
i) The pH is high initially as Y is an alkali, and the pH falls as acid is added; so the curve
on the graph would be the opposite way around to Figure 5.24. (1 mark)
j) 10 cm3 (1 mark)
3 a) i)
Ion present in all acids Ion present in all alkalis
Name Hydrogen (1 mark) Hydroxide (1 mark)
Formula H+ (1 mark) OH– (1 mark)
(4 marks)
ii) H+(aq) + OH–(aq) ⟶ H2O(l) (3 marks)
b) i) 2NaOH + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + 2H2O (3 marks)
ii) CuO + 2HCl ⟶ CuCl2 + H2O (2 marks)
iii) Reaction in (i): colourless solution remains (1 mark); heat released (1 mark)
Reaction in (ii): black solid disappears (1 mark); blue solution forms (1 mark)
c) i) Accept any two of the following:
 heat
 bubbles
 grey solid Mg disappears
 colourless solution forms. (2 marks)
ii) Lighted splint (1 mark); pop (1 mark) (2 marks)
d) Evaporate off some of the solution. (1 mark)
Cool and crystallise. (1 mark)
Dry between two pieces of filter paper/in a desiccator/in a low-temperature oven. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

4 a) i) 0–2 (1 mark)
ii) 3–6 (1 mark)
iii) 0–2 (1 mark)
iv) 12–14 (1 mark)
b) Corrosive (1 mark)
c) One which only partially ionises in water (1 mark)
d) One which fully ionises in water (1 mark)
e) i) Colourless (1 mark)
ii) Pink (1 mark)
f) A salt is formed when the hydrogen ion of an acid (1 mark) is replaced by metal ions or
ammonium ions. (1 mark)
g) Contains water of crystallisation. (1 mark)
h) i) pH meter (1 mark); record pH to one decimal place. (1 mark)
ii) pH 3.3 – weak acid (1 mark); pH 11.4 – strong alkali (1 mark)
i) i) White (1 mark)
ii) Blue (1 mark)
iii) Colourless (1 mark)
5 a) Reaction Balanced symbol equation Observations
Magnesium + Mg + 2HCl ⟶ MgCl2 + H2 Any three of: bubbles, heat
hydrochloric acid (3 marks) released, grey solid
magnesium disappears,
colourless solution produced
(3 marks)
Calcium carbonate + CaCO3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl2 + H2O + Any three of : bubbles, heat
hydrochloric acid CO2 released, white solid
(3 marks) calcium carbonate
disappears, colourless
solution produced
(3 marks)
Copper(II) oxide + CuO + H2SO4 ⟶ CuSO4 + H2O Black solid disappears, blue
sulfuric acid (3 marks) solution produced
(3 marks)
(18 marks)
b) i) Base (1 mark)
ii) Base (1 mark)
iii) Salt (1 mark)
iv) Salt (1 mark)
v) Salt (1 mark)
vi) Base (1 mark)
vii) Salt (1 mark)
viii) Base (1 mark)
ix) Base (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

c) Soluble base (1 mark)

d) Sodium hydroxide (1 mark); potassium hydroxide (1 mark) (2 marks)
6 Response Mark
Candidates use appropriate specialist terms to fully compare and 5–6 marks
contrast the products and observations of both reactions [5–6 (Band A)
indicative content points]. They use good spelling, punctuation and
grammar, and the form and style are of a high standard.
Candidates use appropriate specialist terms to compare a number of 3–4 marks
products and observations [3–4 indicative content points]. They (Band B)
include at least one comparison of properties. They use good spelling,
punctuation and grammar, and the form and style are of a high
Candidates describe briefly some products or observations [at least 2 1–2 marks
indicative content points]. They use limited spelling, punctuation and (Band C)
grammar, and have limited use of specialist terms. The form and style
are of limited standard.
Response not worthy of credit. (0 marks)
Indicative content:
 Same salt in both
 Products for first reaction: calcium chloride and water
 Products for second reaction: calcium chloride and hydrogen
 Observations for reaction 1: test tube gets warm/heat released. (Any extra incorrect
observation loses this mark.)
 Observations for reaction 2 – any two of: bubbles; effervescence/gas produced; test
tube gets warm/heat increased; solid disappears; colourless solution formed.
7 a) A salt is the compound formed when some or all of the hydrogen ions of an acid are
replaced by metal or ammonium ions. (1 mark)
b) Accept any three of the following:
 green solid disappears
 heat released
 blue solution produced
 bubbles. (3 marks)
c) CuCO3 + 2HCl ⟶ CuCl2 + H2O + CO2 (3 marks)
d) Bubble into colourless (1 mark) limewater (1 mark), changes to milky (1 mark) (3 marks)
e) CuCl2·2H2O (1 mark)
8 a) Pipette (burette would also work, but not usually used) (1 mark)
b) Pink to colourless (2 marks; if put colourless to pink, 1 mark)
c) To remove the indicator/colour (1 mark)
d) They are less soluble at lower temperature. (1 mark)
e) Between two pieces of filter paper/in a desiccator/in a low-temperature oven (1 mark)
f) KOH + HCl ⟶ KCl + H2O (2 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 5 – Acids, bases and salts Answers

9 a) Measuring cylinder (1 mark)

b) To ensure that all the acid is used up (1 mark)
c) No more bubbles/excess solid on bottom of beaker (1 mark)
d) Residue (1 mark)
e) Filtrate (1 mark)
f) Solubility decreases as temperature falls. (1 mark)
g) Any two of the following:
 between two pieces of filtered paper
 in a desiccator
 in a low-temperature oven (2 marks)
h) Any two of the following:
 zinc oxide
 zinc hydroxide
 zinc metal (2 marks)
10 Measure out 25.0 cm (1 mark)
of hydrochloric acid using a pipette (1 mark)
and place in a conical flask. (1 mark)
Add three drops of phenolphthalein. (1 mark)
Slowly add sodium hydroxide from a burette (1 mark)
until the phenolphthalein turns from colourless (1 mark)
to pink. (1 mark)
Record the volume of sodium hydroxide. (1 mark)
Repeat the procedure using the same volumes of reactants but no indicator. (1 mark)
Add a spatula of charcoal heat to remove the indicator. (1 mark)
Filter. (1 mark)
Heat in an evaporating basin to evaporate and make the solution more concentrated. (1 mark)
Cool and crystallise. (1 mark)
Dry the crystals: between sheets of filter paper/in a low temperature oven
/in a desiccator. (1 mark)
(12 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

Test yourself (page 102)

1 a) They might say that it is a natural substance that has had nothing added to it.
b) It is a mixture of several different substances and not a single element or compound.
c) Copper, sodium chloride, magnesium
2 a) The water is not pure. It would freeze at 0 °C if it was pure.
b) The boiling point is increased.
3 C only – it melts at a sharp specific temperature.
4 The aspirin is impure as the melting point has a range and is lower than the actual melting point.
5 It is a mixture that has been designed as a useful product and is formed by mixing together
several different substances in carefully measured quantities to ensure the product has the
required properties.

Show you can (page 103)

a) Liquid
b) Solid
c) Solid
d) An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal.
e) A = element, B = element, C = alloy. Elements are pure substances with exact boiling and
melting points; alloys are mixtures and change state over a range.

Test yourself (page 106)

6 a) Water
b) Copper carbonate
7 a) Copper(II) sulfate
b) Evaporation
c) Water
d) Anti-bumping granules

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

Show you can (page 107)

PType of mixture Filtration

Insoluble solid and
Soluble solid dissolved in
Fractional distillation
Miscible liquids
rseparated liquid liquid
aand definition passing through
Important word Filtrate – liquid Condenser – apparatus to
cool the vapour and form
Miscible – liquids that
c filter paper liquid
t Important word Residue – solid left Distillate – the product Fractionating column –
and definition in filter funnel collected at end of allows good separation
i condenser as it keeps different
c liquids apart as they
l activity (pages 107–108)
1 a) Sodium chloride is soluble (in water).
b) Heat is needed to produce hot water.
c) The land may collapse.
d) Evaporation
2 Photo A = b, photo B = e, photo C = f
3 a) The salt, clay and sand are not chemically combined.
b) To increase the surface area to speed up dissolving (see Chapter 10 on Rates of reaction)
c) To speed up dissolving
d) Salt dissolved in water
e) Clay and sand
f) Some finer sand may have passed through filter paper; paper may have ripped; refilter (use
finer filter paper)

Test yourself (page 109)

8 a) 1, 3, 4 and 6; only one spot
b) 3, 4
c) Spot 3 = 11/32 = 0.34; spot 4 = 24/32 = 0.75
d) Spot 6
e) Solvent is the liquid that a solute dissolves in. Solvent front is the furthest distance travelled
by the solvent.
f) The stationary phase is the paper.
g) Draw line in pencil, 1–2 cm from bottom of paper.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

9 a) Solvent 1 = 10/26 = 0.38; solvent 2 = 18/26 = 0.69

b) Substance had stronger attraction to solvent 2/more soluble in solvent 2 so moved faster.

Show you can (page 110)

a) Chromatography
b) Distillation
c) Crystallisation/evaporation
d) Fractional distillation
e) Distillation
f) Filtration
g) Fractional distillation

Test yourself (page 112)

10 a) Filtration removes solids from the water; the water is passed through filter beds made of
b) Aluminium sulfate, allows small particles to clump together so they are easily removed.
c) Kills microbes
11 The removal of dissolved substances from sea water
12 a) There is little fresh water in Saudi Arabia but lots of sea water. They also have cheap
energy supplies.
b) Sea water is heated so that it boils; the water molecules are turned to steam leaving behind
the dissolved substances; the water vapour is then cooled and condensed.
13 White anhydrous copper(II) sulfate turns blue in the presence of water.

Test yourself (page 113)

14 Make a loop on the end of a piece of nichrome wire. Dip the loop into concentrated hydrochloric
acid and then into A. Place the loop into a blue Bunsen burner flame and if a lilac flame is
observed, potassium ions are present in the substance.
15 a) Na
b) Cu
16 A positive ion
17 a) Brick-red flame
b) Crimson flame

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

18 Answers in bold and underline

Ion name Ion formula Cation or anion?
Sodium Na Cation

Hydrogencarbonate HCO 3 Anion
Iron(II) Fe Cation
Aluminium Al Cation
Sulfate SO 4 Anion

Chloride Cl Anion
Carbonate CO 3 Anion

Iodide I Anion
Copper(II) Cu Cation

Test yourself (pages 115–116)

19 Dissolve in water; add sodium hydroxide solution/ammonia solution; green ppt for Fe ; brown
ppt for Fe .
20 Dissolve in water; add sodium hydroxide solution and a white ppt forms; add sodium hydroxide
until in excess; white ppt dissolves to give a colourless solution.Add ammonia solution and a
white ppt forms; add ammonia solution until in excess; white ppt remains on excess.
21 a) i) Blue ppt which dissolves to give a deep blue solution
ii) White ppt
2+ –
b) Cu (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Cu(OH) 2 (s)
2+ –
Mg (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Mg(OH) 2 (s)
c) For copper(II) ions the blue ppt remains; for magnesium, same observations.
2+ –
22 a) Blue ppt: Cu (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Cu(OH) 2 (s)
Cu(NO 3 ) 2 (aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ⟶ Cu(OH) 2 (s) + 2NaNO 3 (aq)
2+ –
b) White ppt: Mg (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Mg(OH) 2 (s)
MgSO 4 (aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ⟶ Mg(OH) 2 (s) + Na 2 SO 4 (aq)
2+ –
c) Green ppt: Fe (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Fe(OH) 2 (s)
FeCl 2 (aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ⟶ Fe(OH) 2 (s) + 2NaCl(aq)
d) White ppt (which dissolves in excess to give a colourless solution):
3+ –
Al (aq) + 3OH (aq) ⟶ Al(OH) 3 (s)
Al(NO 3 ) 3 (aq) + 3NaOH(aq) ⟶ Al(OH) 3 (s) + 3NaNO 3 (aq)
23 No ppt as potassium hydroxide is soluble.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

Test yourself (page 118)

24 a) Cl
b) SO 4

c) Br
2– −
d) CO 3 (or HCO 3 )
2+ 2–
25 a) Ba (aq) + SO 4 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s)
+ –
b) Ag (aq) + Cl (aq) ⟶ AgCl(s)
+ –
c) Ag (aq) + I (aq) ⟶ AgI(s)
2+ 2–
d) Ba (aq) + SO 4 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s)
2+ 2–
e) Ba (aq) + SO 4 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s)
+ –
f) Ag (aq) + Cl (aq) ⟶ AgCl(s)
26 a) BaCl 2 (aq) + CuSO 4 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s) + CuCl 2 (aq)
b) AgNO 3 (aq) + KCl(aq) ⟶ AgCl(s) + KNO 3 (aq)
c) AgNO 3 (aq) + NaI(aq) ⟶ AgI(s) + NaNO 3 (aq)
d) Na 2 SO 4 (aq) + BaCl 2 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s) + 2NaCl(aq)
e) H 2 SO 4 (aq) + BaCl 2 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s) + 2HCl(aq)
f) HCl(aq) + AgNO 3 (aq) ⟶ AgCl(s) + HNO 3 (aq)
27 a) White
b) White
c) Yellow
d) White
e) White
f) White
28 C

Show you can (page 119)

Chloride, sulfate, carbonate

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

Prescribed practical activity (page 120)

1 Test Observation Deduction
1 Make a solution of Z by White solid dissolves and Could contain a group
dissolving a spatula of Z in a colourless solution formed. 1, 2 or ammonium
test tube half full of deionised compound; not a
water. Warm gently. transition metal
2 Add a few drops of sodium A white ppt forms which is Magnesium ions are
hydroxide to the solution insoluble in excess sodium present
prepared in Test 1, then add a hydroxide.
further 3 cm of the sodium
hydroxide solution.
3 Make a solution of Z by No effervescence Z is not a carbonate or
dissolving half a spatula of Z in hydrogencarbonate
a test tube half full of nitric
acid solution.
4 Transfer 1 cm of the solution
from Test 3 into each of two
separate test tubes.
Add a few drops of silver A white ppt forms Chloride present
nitrate solution to the first
test tube.
Add a few drops of barium A white ppt forms Sulfate present
chloride solution to the
second test tube.

2 Magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate

Test yourself (page 121)

29 a) Iron(II) ions, Fe
b) Iodide
c) Iron(II) iodide, FeI 2
2+ –
d) Fe (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Fe(OH) 2 (s)
+ –
e) Ag (aq) + I (aq) ⟶ AgI(s)
30 a) Lithium
b) Carbonate (or hydrogencarbonate)
c) Lithium carbonate, Li 2 CO 3 (or lithium hydrogencarbonate, LiHCO 3 )
2– + − +
d) CO 3 (s) + 2H (aq) ⟶ CO 2 (g) + H 2 O(l) (or HCO 3 (s) + H (aq) ⟶ CO 2 (g) + H 2 O(l))
31 a) Test 3: no carbonate (or hydrogencarbonate) ion present, chloride ion present; Test 4: no
sulfate ion present; Test 5: copper(II) ion present; Test 6: copper(II) ion present
b) Copper(II) chloride, CuCl 2
c) AgCl
d) Cu(OH) 2

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

Practice questions (pages 122–124)

1 a) i) Water that is safe to drink. (1 mark)
ii) A solution is a solute dissolved in a solvent. (1 mark)
iii) Filtration to remove insoluble solids (1 mark)
sedimentation to clump tiny particles together into large particles
which settle out (1 mark)
chlorination to kill microbes (1 mark)
b) i) It is a mixture of several substances in carefully measured quantities to ensure
the tablet has the required properties. (1 mark)
ii) Test it to see if it had a sharp melting point. (1 mark)
iii) Alloys, fertilisers (2 marks)
2 a) 1 = evaporation/crystallization (1 mark)
2 = filtration (1 mark)
3 = (simple) distillation (1 mark)
b) 3 (1 mark)
c) 2 (1 mark)
d) A = filtrate (1 mark); B = residue (1 mark) (2 marks)
e) Copper(II) sulfate is soluble and would pass through the filter paper. (1 mark)
3 a) Chromatography (1 mark)
b) There is a spot at the same height as the one for E102. (1 mark)
c) E160 (1 mark)
d) A spot drawn at the same height as E160 and directly above orange drink Y, labelled. (1 mark)
e) The ink would separate in the solvent and ruin the chromatogram. (1 mark)
4 a) Sodium chloride (1 mark)
b) Water (1 mark)
c) Anti-bumping granules (1 mark) which aid smoother boiling (1 mark) (2 marks)
d) B ‘water out’ (1 mark); C ‘water in’ (1 mark) (2 marks)
e) D is a condenser. (1 mark)
f) 100 °C (1 mark); it is pure water that is distilling over (1 mark). (2 marks)
g) It remains in the flask. (1 mark)
h) Evaporation is a change from liquid to gas on heating. (1 mark)
It occurs in the flask. (1 mark)
i) Condensation is a change from gas to liquid on cooling. (1 mark)
It occurs in D. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

j) In Diagram 1, temperature of distillate can be recorded,

condensation is more efficient,
larger quantities can be distilled.
In Diagram 2, there is the disadvantage that some salt solution may splash into the
delivery tube and some steam may escape before condensation. (1 mark)
k) To condense the steam (1 mark)
l) X = conical flask, Y = delivery tube, Z = test tube (3 marks)
m) Boiling point at 100 °C (1 mark)
n) Removal of dissolved substances from sea water (1 mark)
o) Anhydrous copper(II) sulfate (1 mark); turns from white to blue (1 mark) (2 marks)
5 a) The pencil line is insoluble and will not move with the solvent or interfere with
the results. (1 mark)
b) If the solvent is too deep, the spots will be under it and will dissolve in it. (1 mark)
c) Use a capillary tube to add a spot of the solution to the base line. (1 mark)
Allow it to dry and reapply the solution to make a concentrated spot. (1 mark)
d) Copper(II) (1 mark)
Iron(III) (1 mark)
e) Fe(OH) 3 (1 mark)
distance moved by spot 8.5
f) =
Rf = = 0.25 (2 marks)
distance moved by solvent 34
g) R f values vary depending on the solvent used. (1 mark)
6 a) Sulfate ion (1 mark)
b) When sodium hydroxide solution is added, a white ppt is formed with magnesium,
aluminium and zinc ions. (1 mark)
To make the test more valid, excess sodium hydroxide could be added: the ppt will
dissolve and form a colourless solution if aluminium and zinc ions are present; the
white ppt will remain if magnesium ions are present. This is a more valid test, but
two ions still cannot be distinguished. (1 mark)
For a valid experiment, the solutions should also be tested with ammonia solution,
followed by excess; the white ppt will dissolve if aluminium ions are present. (1 mark)
2+ 2–
c) Ba (aq) + SO 4 (aq) ⟶ BaSO 4 (s) (3 marks)
7 a) i) HCl = white precipitate (1 mark)
HBr = cream precipitate (1 mark)
HI = yellow precipitate (1 mark)
+ –
ii) Ag + Cl ⟶ AgCl (2 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 6 – Chemical analysis, assessing purity
and separating mixtures Answers

b) i) Carry out a flame test. (1 mark)

Yellow/orange flame for sodium (1 mark)
ii) Add a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution. (1 mark)
White precipitate forms. (1 mark)
Add excess sodium hydroxide solution. (1 mark)
White precipitate remains. (1 mark)
Valid test: it confirms magnesium ions as no other ion gives same result with
sodium hydroxide solution. (1 mark)
Note that if ammonia is used, it is not a valid test as aluminium ions give the
same result.
8 a) Potassium ions (1 mark)
b) Zinc ions (1 mark)
c) SO 4 (1 mark)
d) Zinc sulfate (1 mark); potassium sulfate (1 mark) (2 marks)
e) Use nichrome wire. (1 mark)
Dip in conc. hydrochloric acid and then into the salt; (1 mark)
place wire into blue Bunsen burner flame. (1 mark)
9 a) i) A negative ion (1 mark)
ii) A solid formed when two solutions are mixed (1 mark)
iii) Barium chloride (1 mark)
iv) Yellow (1 mark)
b) Metal ion Copper ion Aluminium ion
Flame test result Blue-green/green-blue
flame (1 mark)
Result on adding a few drops of Blue precipitate (1 mark) White precipitate which
sodium hydroxide solution, dissolves to form
followed by excess, to the colourless solution
metal ion solution (1 mark)
Result on adding a few drops of Blue precipitate, which White precipitate
ammonia solution, followed by dissolves to form blue (1 mark)
excess, to the metal ion solution (1 mark)
i) Green ppt
2+ –
ii) Fe (aq) + 2OH (aq) ⟶ Fe(OH) 2 (s) (4 marks)
iii) Brown ppt (1 mark)
iv) Ammonia solution (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 7 – Solubility Answers

Test yourself (page 126)

1 a) Soluble
b) Insoluble
c) Soluble
d) Insoluble
e) Insoluble
f) Soluble
g) Insoluble
h) Soluble
i) Soluble
j) Insoluble
k) Soluble
2 a) Dissolves to give a colourless solution
b) Dissolves to give a blue solution
c) Dissolves to give a colourless solution
d) Does not dissolve, cloudy green
e) Dissolves to give a colourless solution
3 a) No precipitate
b) Barium sulfate
c) Silver chloride
d) Calcium carbonate
e) Aluminium hydroxide
4 a) NaCl(aq) + KNO3(aq) ⟶ KCl(aq) + NaNO3(aq)
b) BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) ⟶ 2NaCl(aq) + BaSO4(s)
c) AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) ⟶ AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)
d) Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) ⟶ CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)
e) 3KOH(aq) + AlCl3(aq) ⟶ 3KCl(aq) + Al(OH)3(s)

Test yourself (page 128)

5 a) i) 50 g
ii) 12.5 g
b) i) 20 g
ii) 400 g
6 a) It is not saturated: 4.525 g saturates 25 g water so 1.525 g more solid is needed.
b) It is saturated: 54.3 g saturates 300 g of water, and 59 g is greater than this.
c) It is not saturated: 9.05 g saturates 50 g water so 2.05 g more solid is needed.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 7 – Solubility Answers

Show you can (page 128)

1 B
2 C

Test yourself (page 130)

7 The mass of a solid that saturates 100 g of water at a particular temperature
8 a) NaNO3
b) 28 °C
c) The solubility of sodium chloride increases very gradually with temperature; it is almost
The solubility of KNO3 increases much more with temperature.
d) 80 °C
e) 50 °C
f) No. At 80 °C 52 g of KNO3 saturates 100 g of water. This solution contains 40 g in 100 g.

Practical activity (pages 132–133)

1 Formula of potassium Colour of potassium nitrate Colour of potassium nitrate
nitrate solution crystals
KNO3 Colourless White

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 7 – Solubility Answers

3 Balance
4 a) Mass of potassium nitrate Temperature at which Solubility
dissolved in 25 g of water (g) crystals first appear (°C) (g/100 g water)
7.5 20 30
15.0 40 60
25.0 60 100
37.5 80 150
55.0 100 220


5 a) 70 g/100 g
b) 33 °C
c) 60 – 15 = 45 g/100 g
d) 100 g is needed to saturate at 60 °C, so it is not a saturated solution; 25 g more solute is
e) Original solution would have 60 g in 100 g of water. This is not saturated at 55 °C. At 20 °C,
solubility is 30 g in 100 g water, so would be 15g in 50 g of water. Solution originally had 30 g
in 50 g of water, so 30 – 15 = 5g deposited on cooling.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 7 – Solubility Answers

Test yourself (page 133)

9 a) 40 g/100 g water
b) 24°C
c) 18 g in 50 g water is equivalent to 36 g in 100 g.
At 40 °C the solubility is 26 g/100 g water, so the solution is saturated (10 g extra solid).
d) 58 – 18 = 40 g
e) 49 – 22 = 27 g in 100 g water. So in 50 g water there is 13.5 g.
10 a) 48.5 – 37 =11.5 g
b) Solubility at 20 °C is 34.0 g/100 g water. This gives 17.0 g in 50 g of water. Solution originally
had 18 g, so
18.0 – 17.0 = 1.0 g
c) 10 –  31  = 2.25 g
 
 4 

d) At 40 °C 40 g saturates 100 g water. This solution contains 25 g/100 g of water, which is less
than 40 g, so the solution is not saturated.

Practice questions (pages 133–134)

Substance Soluble Insoluble

Copper(II) oxide 

Silver nitrate 

Sodium carbonate 

Zinc hydroxide 

Lead nitrate 

Magnesium chloride 

Barium sulphate 

(1 mark for each correct column)

2 a) i) The mass of solute (1 mark) which saturates (1 mark) 100 g of water (1 mark)
at a particular temperature (1 mark)
ii) (NH4)2Cr2O7 (1 mark)
b) i) 67 °C (1 mark)
ii) 24 °C (1 mark)
iii) Water is only liquid between 0 °C and 100 °C. (1 mark)
c) i) Solubility at 60 °C = 85 g/100 g water (1 mark)
In 40 g of water, mass = 34 g (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 7 – Solubility Answers

ii) At 20 °C solubility = 36 g/100 g water (1 mark)

In 40 g of water, mass = 14.4 g (1 mark)
Mass deposited = 30 – 14.4 = 15.6 g (1 mark)
3 a) 40 g/100 g water (1 mark)
b) Increases (1 mark)
c) 50 – 36.4 = 13.6 g (1 mark)
13.6 (1 mark) = 3.4 g (1 mark) (3 marks)
4 a) Lead(II) chloride or silver chloride (1 mark)
b) 162 × 20 (1 mark) = 3240 g (1 mark) (2 marks)

c) i) 144 = 18 g (1 mark)
20 g > 18 g (1 mark)
ii) 20 – 18 = 2 g (1 mark)
5 a) i) D (1 mark)
ii) 28 °C (1 mark)
iii) 72 °C (1 mark)
b) i) A = 49 g/100 g water
B = 40 g/100 g water
C = 5 g/100 g water
D = 36 g/100 g water (2 marks if all correct)
ii) A and C (1 mark)
iii) Solubility of B at 60 °C = 46 g/100 g water (1 mark)
46 – (6 × 2) = 34 g (1 mark)
Temperature at which B has a solubility of 34 g/100 g water = 24 °C (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 8 – Metals and reactivity series Answers

Test yourself (page 140)

1 Calcium reacts vigorously, magnesium reacts very slowly; both produce hydrogen and
a hydroxide.
2 a) 2K(s) + 2H2O(l) ⟶ 2KOH(aq) + H2(g)
b) Mg(s) + H2O(g) ⟶ MgO(s) + H2(g)
c) 2Al(s) + 3H2O(g) ⟶ Al2O3(s) + 3H2(g)
3 a) Heat released, bubbles, Ca sinks (and rises), cloudy solution.
b) calcium + water ⟶ calcium hydroxide + hydrogen
c) Ca + 2H2O ⟶ Ca(OH)2 + H2
d) The calcium atoms lose electrons.
e) The copper atoms do not lose electrons.
4 a) Sodium: not as vigorous, no flame, no crackle at end.
b) Na ⟶ Na+ + e–
K ⟶ K+ + e–
c) Loses electrons more readily (the outer electron is further from the nucleus).
5 Magnesium burns with a white light. It burns completely in air producing a white solid. Copper
glows red and burns with a blue-green flame producing a black layer, only reacts on surface, not

Show you can (page 140)

1 a) Magnesium
b) Greater tendency to form ions
2 Mg + H2SO4 ⟶ MgSO4 + H2
Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e–

Test yourself (page 142)

6 a) calcium + copper(II) sulfate ⟶ calcium sulfate + copper
Ca + CuSO4 ⟶ CaSO4 + Cu
b) The calcium is more reactive than copper and so it pushes the copper out of solution.
c) Ionic equation: Ca + Cu2+ ⟶ Ca2+ + Cu
d) Blue solution fades, heat.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 8 – Metals and reactivity series Answers

7 a) Mg + Zn(NO3)2 ⟶ Zn + Mg(NO3)2
Mg + Zn2+ ⟶ Mg2+ + Zn
b) FeCl3 + Al ⟶ AlCl3 + Fe
Fe3+ + Al ⟶ Al3+ + Fe
c) No reaction
d) 3ZnSO4 + 2Al ⟶ Al2(SO4)3 + 3Zn
3Zn2+ + 2Al ⟶ 2Al3+ + 3Zn
e) No reaction
f) Cu(NO3)2 + Zn ⟶ Zn(NO3)2 + Cu
Zn + Cu2+ ⟶ Zn2+ + Cu
8 a) Aluminium is more reactive than chromium.
b) 2Al + Cr2O3 ⟶ Al2O3 + 2Cr
c) Al + Cr3+ ⟶ Al3+ + Cr
9 Metal Metal
solution Mg Al Zn Cu
Magnesium sulfate ✖ ✖ ✖
Aluminium ✔ ✖ ✖
Zinc sulfate ✔ ✔ ✖
Copper(II) sulfate ✔ ✔ ✔
Iron (II) sulfate ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖

Show you can (page 142)

1 Mg, Zn, Ni, Cu
2 NiO + Mg ⟶ MgO + Ni
3 nickel + hydrochloric acid ⟶ nickel chloride + hydrogen
Ni + 2HCl ⟶ NiCl2 + H2
[zinc + cold water ⟶ no reaction]
[nickel + cold water ⟶ no reaction]
zinc + sulfuric acid ⟶ zinc sulfate + hydrogen
Zn + H2SO4 ⟶ ZnSO4 + H2
magnesium + zinc oxide ⟶ magnesium oxide + zinc
Mg + ZnO ⟶ MgO + Zn

Prescribed practical (page 143)

1 Same volume of copper(II) sulfate, same concentration of copper(II) sulfate, same mass of metal,
same surface area of metal
2 Magnesium – there was a big difference in the results.
3 Silver is less reactive than copper, and so no reaction occurred.
4 Magnesium, biggest temperature rise

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 8 – Metals and reactivity series Answers

5 Two metals (silver and gold) gave the same result.

6 CuSO4 + Zn ⟶ ZnSO4 + Cu
7 Blue colour of solution fades, red-brown solid produced.
8 To reduce heat loss to the surroundings
9 Put a lid on the cup.

Test yourself (page 144)

10 a) Low reactivity
b) A rock that contains a metal compound from which the metal can be extracted
11 a) Heat with carbon
b) Electrolysis
c) Electrolysis
d) Heat with carbon.
12 Tin is extracted from the ore tin oxide by heating with carbon.
a) tin(II) oxide + carbon ⟶ tin + carbon dioxide
2SnO + C ⟶ 2Sn + CO2
b) Reduction is loss of oxygen. SnO loses oxygen.

Show you can (page 144)

1 Gold
2 Accept any two of the following:
 sodium
 zinc
 copper.
3 Carbon
4 Sodium

Test yourself (page 145)

13 a) An ore containing a low percentage of metal compounds.
b) Because we have run out of high-grade ores of copper.
14 a) Plants are grown in soil rich in copper compounds; the plants absorb the copper compounds;
the plants are burned and acid added to the ash; a solution is produced.
b) i) Iron is more reactive than copper.
ii) Cu2+(aq) + Fe(s) ⟶ Cu(s) + Fe2+(aq)
iii) Cu2+(aq) + 2e– ⟶ Cu(s)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 8 – Metals and reactivity series Answers

Practice questions (pages 146–147)

1 a) Cut off a small piece (1 mark), remove the oil (1 mark). (2 marks)
b) Accept any three of the following:
 potassium disappears
 moves on the surface
 crackles at the end
 heat released
 bubbles. (3 marks)
c) 2K + 2H2O ⟶ 2KOH + H2 (3 marks)
d) K ⟶ K + e
+ −
(2 marks)
e) Ca + 2H2O ⟶ Ca(OH)2 + H2 (3 marks)
f) Any three of: bubbles, heat released, calcium disappears, cloudy solution (3 marks)

(3 marks)
h) Potassium loses an electron more easily and is more reactive. (1 mark)
i) Zn(s) + H2O(g) ⟶ ZnO(s) + H2(g) (3 marks)

(5 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 8 – Metals and reactivity series Answers

2 a) Red–brown (1 mark)
b) The copper is more reactive than silver and replaces the silver from solution, forming
silver metal and copper nitrate solution, which is blue. (1 mark)
c) Zinc, iron, copper, silver (1 mark)
d) Zinc (1 mark)
e) Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) ⟶ Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s) (3 marks)
f) Cu + 2Ag+ ⟶ Cu2+ + 2Ag (3 marks)
g) Zinc is more reactive than copper. (2 marks)
3 a) Mg, Mn, Cr, Ni (1 mark)
b) Mg + Ni(NO3)2 ⟶ Mg(NO3)2 + Ni (2 marks)
c) They are soluble. (1 mark)
4 a) Q, R, P, S (1 mark)
b) i) Zn + CuSO4 ⟶ Cu + ZnSO4 (2 marks)
ii) Accept any two of the following:
 blue colour fades
 heat released
 red-brown solid formed. (2 marks)
iii) Zinc is more reactive than copper. (1 mark)
c) i) Hydrogen (1 mark)
ii) Lighted splint (1 mark), pop (1 mark)
iii) Zn ⟶ Zn2+ + 2e– (2 marks)
d) Reduction with carbon. (1 mark)
5 a) i) More traffic/noise pollution/more solid waste/dust pollution (1 mark)
ii) CuS (1 mark)
b) i) Plants absorb copper compounds through their roots. (1 mark)
The plants are then burned. (1 mark)
The ash is reacted with acid to form a metal compound solution. (1 mark)
ii) Accept any two of the following:
 energy is released when plants are burned
 not an eyesore
 no dust or noise pollution. (2 marks)
iii) Any one of: it takes a long time for plants to grow; supply is not continuous. (1 mark)
c) i) Iron is more reactive than copper and displaces it. (1 mark)
ii) CuSO4 + Fe ⟶ Cu + FeSO4 (2 marks)
d) i) 2Cu + O2 ⟶ 2CuO (3 marks)
ii) Black layer (2 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 9 – Redox, rusting and iron Answers

Test yourself (page 150)

1 a) Oxidation is the gain of oxygen. Calcium has gained oxygen, and so is oxidised.
b) Oxidation is the loss of hydrogen. HI has lost hydrogen, and so is oxidised.
c) Reduction is the gain of hydrogen. Na has gained hydrogen, and so is reduced.
d) Reduction is the gain of hydrogen. N2 has gained hydrogen, and so is reduced.
e) Oxidation is the gain of oxygen. Carbon has gained oxygen, and so is oxidised.
2 a) Reduction is the loss of oxygen. The copper(II) oxide loses oxygen and forms copper, so the
copper(II) oxide is reduced.
Oxidation is the gain of oxygen. The Mg gains oxygen and forms MgO, so the magnesium is
This reaction is a redox reaction because both oxidation and reduction occur at the same
b) Reduction is the loss of oxygen. The zinc oxide loses oxygen and forms zinc, so the zinc oxide
is reduced.
Oxidation is gain of oxygen. The hydrogen gains oxygen and forms water, so the hydrogen is
This reaction is a redox reaction because oxidation and reduction occur at the same time.
c) Oxidation is the gain of oxygen. The hydrogen gains oxygen and is oxidised.
Reduction is the gain of hydrogen. The oxygen gains hydrogen and is reduced.

Test yourself (page 152)

3 a) In this reaction, the Fe atoms become Fe2+ ions in FeSO4 while the Cu2+ ions in CuSO4 become
Cu atoms.
The Fe atoms lose electrons to form Fe2+ ions: Fe ⟶ Fe2+ + 2e–
This loss of electrons is oxidation.
The Cu2+ ions in CuSO4 gain electrons to form Cu atoms: Cu2+ + 2e– ⟶ Cu
This gain of electrons is reduction.
Both reduction and oxidation occur, so this is a redox reaction.
b) 2Al + 3Zn2+ ⟶ 2Al3+ + 3Zn
The Al atoms lose electrons to form Al3+ ions: Al ⟶ Al3+ + 3e–
This loss of electrons is oxidation.
The Zn2+ ions in ZnSO4 gain electrons to form Zn atoms: Zn2+ + 2e– ⟶ Zn
This gain of electrons is reduction.
Both reduction and oxidation occur, so this is a redox reaction.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 9 – Redox, rusting and iron Answers

c) Zn + Cu2+ ⟶ Zn2+ + Cu
The Zn atoms lose electrons to form Zn2+ ions: Zn ⟶ Zn2+ + 2e–
This is oxidation.
The Cu2+ ions in CuO gain electrons to form Cu atoms: Cu 2+ + 2e– ⟶ Cu
This is reduction.
Both reduction and oxidation occur, so this is a redox reaction.
4 a) Oxidation is gain of oxygen. Mg gains oxygen
b) Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e–
c) Oxidation is loss of electrons. Mg loses electrons.
d) Reduction is loss of oxygen. CuO loses oxygen.
e) Cu2+ + 2e– ⟶ Cu
f) Cu2+ gains electrons. Gain of electrons is reduction.
5 a) Zn + Cu2+ ⟶ Zn2+ + Cu
Cu2+ + 2e– ⟶ Cu
Zn ⟶ Zn2+ + 2e–
b) Zn + 2Ag+ ⟶ Zn2+ + 2Ag
Ag+ + e– ⟶ Ag
Zn ⟶ Zn2+ + 2e–
c) 2Al + 3Cu2+ ⟶ 2Al3+ + 3Cu
Cu2+ + 2e– ⟶ Cu
Al ⟶ Al3+ + 3e–
6 a) zinc + iron(II) sulfate ⟶ zinc sulfate + iron
b) Zn + FeSO4 ⟶ ZnSO4 + Fe
c) Zn + Fe2+ ⟶ Zn2+ + Fe
d) Fe2+ + 2e– ⟶ Fe; Zn ⟶ Zn2+ + 2e–
e) Fe2+ + 2e– ⟶ Fe
f) Zn ⟶ Zn2+ + 2e–
g) Both reduction and oxidation take place.
7 a) magnesium + silver nitrate ⟶ magnesium nitrate + silver
b) Mg + 2AgNO3 ⟶ Mg(NO3)2 + 2Ag
c) Mg + 2Ag+ ⟶ Mg2+ + 2Ag
d) Ag+ + e– ⟶ Ag; Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e–
e) Ag+ + e– ⟶ Ag
f) Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e–
g) Both reduction and oxidation take place.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 9 – Redox, rusting and iron Answers

Show you can (page 153)

1 CH4
2 CuO is reduced as it has lost oxygen.
3 H2 is oxidised as it has gained oxygen.
4 Cu2+ + Mg ⟶ Cu + Mg2+
Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e–
Magnesium is oxidised as it has lost electrons to form magnesium ions.

Test yourself (page 155)

8 a) Hydrated iron(III) oxide
b) Oxygen/air and water
9 a) iron + water + oxygen ⟶ rust
b) Set up three stoppered boiling tubes with a nail and boiled water in each tube. One tube
should contain oxygen, one argon and one nitrogen. The nail will only rust in the tube
containing oxygen.
10 a) Magnesium is more reactive than steel/iron and so reacts instead.
b) Paint forms a protective layer/barrier that prevents water/oxygen coming into contact with
c) Thin layer of chromium forms a protective layer/barrier that prevents water/oxygen coming
into contact with iron/steel.
d) Galvanising forms a protective layer/barrier that prevents water/oxygen coming into contact
with iron/steel, and would react instead of the iron/steel if the surface was broken as zinc is
more reactive than iron/steel.

Show you can (page 155)

1 The same volume of water, the same size and mass of nail, the same temperature, the same
mass and surface area of metal
2 Tube P – magnesium and zinc are more reactive than iron so they react instead of the iron; in
tube P the copper is less reactive than iron, so the iron corrodes.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 9 – Redox, rusting and iron Answers

Practice questions (page 157–158)

1 a) i) Oxidation is gain of oxygen. (1 mark)
Calcium gains oxygen, gain of oxygen is oxidation. (1 mark)
ii) 2Ca + O2 ⟶ 2CaO (4 marks)
iii) Ca ⟶ Ca2+ + 2e– (3 marks)
b) Oxidation is gain of oxygen. (1 mark)
SO2 gains oxygen and forms SO3. (1 mark)
c) Reduction is loss of oxygen. (1 mark)
The Fe2O3 loses oxygen and forms iron, so the Fe2O3 is reduced. (1 mark)
Oxidation is gain of oxygen. (1 mark)
The CO gains oxygen and forms CO2, so the CO is oxidised. (1 mark)
The reaction is a redox reaction because oxidation and reduction occur at the
same time. (1 mark)
2 a) Mg + Cu(NO3) ⟶ Mg(NO3)2 + Cu (2 marks)
b) Mg + Cu2+ ⟶ Mg2+ + Cu (2 marks)
c) Cu2+ + 2e– ⟶ Cu (3 marks)
Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e– (3 marks)
d) The copper half equation is reduction. (1 mark)
It is a gain of electrons. (1 mark)
e) Both reduction and oxidation take place. (1 mark)
3 a) Zn(s) + CuCl2(aq) ⟶ Cu(s)+ ZnCl2(aq) (3 marks)
b) Zn + Cu2+ ⟶ Cu + Zn2+ (2 marks)
c) Oxidation is loss of electrons (1 mark); zinc loses electrons (1 mark).
Reduction is gain of electrons (1 mark); copper ions gain electrons (1 mark).
Redox, as both oxidation and reduction occur (1 mark). (5 marks)
4 a) Stops oxygen/water reaching the metal (1 mark)
b) Magnesium is more reactive than iron, so it reacts in place of the iron. (2 marks)
c) i) Oiling (1 mark)
ii) Plating (1 mark)
d) Zinc is more reactive than iron. (1 mark)
It corrodes instead/sacrificial protection. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 9 – Redox, rusting and iron Answers

5 a) i) Rust (1 mark)
ii) Oxidation is gain of oxygen. (1 mark)
Iron gains oxygen and is oxidized. (1 mark)
iii) Oxidation is loss of electrons (1 mark); iron loses electrons (1 mark).
Reduction is gain of electrons (1 mark); copper ions gain electrons (1 mark).
Redox, as both oxidation and reduction occur (1 mark). (5 marks)
iv) Fe + 2HCl ⟶ FeCl2 + H2 (3 marks)
v) Fe ⟶ Fe2+ + 2e– (3 marks)
Oxidation is loss of electrons (1 mark). (4 marks)
vi) Contains water of crystallisation (1 mark)
b) i) Haematite (1 mark)
ii) Aluminium is more reactive. (1 mark)
iii) Carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide; (1 mark)
carbon reacts with carbon dioxide (1 mark)
to form carbon monoxide, which is the reducing agent. (1 mark)
iv) CaCO3 ⟶ CaO + CO2 (2 marks)
CaO + SiO2 ⟶ CaSiO3 (2 marks)
6 a) i) Iron (1 mark)
ii) Oxygen (1 mark)
iii) Water (1 mark)
iv) Oxidation is gain of oxygen; (1 mark)
iron gains oxygen and forms iron oxide. (1 mark)
v) Red-brown (1 mark); solid/flakes (1 mark). (2 marks)
b) i) Form a barrier and prevent air and water reaching the iron (1 mark)
ii) Galvanised gate is covered with a layer of zinc. (1 mark)
c) i) Iron(II) oxide (FeO) (1 mark); reduction is loss of oxygen (1 mark). (2 marks)
ii) Carbon (1 mark); oxidation is gaining oxygen (1 mark). (2 marks)
d) A more reactive metal is attached to iron; (1 mark)
it reacts instead of iron. (1 mark)
7 a) i) Sulfate (1 mark)
ii) Mg(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Cu(s) + Mg2+(aq) (3 marks)
iii) Magnesium (1 mark)
iv) Mg ⟶ Mg2+ + 2e– (3 marks)
v) Accept any two of the following:
 blue solution fades
 heat released
 red-brown solid forms. (2 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 9 – Redox, rusting and iron Answers

b) i) Mg + 2HCl ⟶ MgCl2 + H2 (3 marks)

ii) Chloride/Cl– (1 mark)
iii) 2H+ + 2e– ⟶ H2 (3 marks)
8 a) Haematite (1 mark)
b) Carbon/coke (1 mark); calcium carbonate/limestone (1 mark) (2 marks)
c) To allow coke to burn (1 mark)
d) Carbon monoxide (1 mark)
C + O2 ⟶ CO2 (2 marks)
CO2 + C ⟶ 2CO (2 marks)
e) Fe2O3 + 3CO ⟶ 2Fe + 3CO2 (3 marks)
f) The calcium oxide (1 mark)
reacts with silicon dioxide impurities (1 mark)
to form calcium silicate. (1 mark)
g) Molten/liquid, so is run off (1 mark)
h) Carbon dioxide (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 10 – Rates of reaction Answers

Test yourself (page 160)

1 0.067 s
2 0.017 s
3 a) 0.0313 s
b) Increasing the concentration increases the rate.

Show you can (page 160)

1 2 minutes
2 = 0.008
3 Zn + 2HCl ⟶ ZnCl 2 + H 2
4 Bubbles, heat, Zn disappears, colourless solution produced.

Test yourself (page 162)

4, 5 Time /s 10 20 30 40 50
Volume 1/cm 30 49 59 63 63
Volume 2/cm 32 51 59 63 65
Average volume/cm 31 50 59 63 64

Show you can (page 163)

1 The result at 4.5 minutes
2 Mass of flask and contents/g
3 Time/minutes
4 Time
5 100.3 g

Test yourself (page 164)

6 a) A, the slope is steepest at this point.
b) F, this is the first place where the slope is zero/the line starts to be horizontal.
c) B, the slope is steeper than at E.
d) Na 2 CO 3 + 2HCl ⟶ 2NaCl + H 2 O + CO 2

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 10 – Rates of reaction Answers

7 a) P
b) R
8 a)

b) 55 seconds
c) Red line on graph in a)
d) magnesium + sulfuric acid ⟶ magnesium sulfate + hydrogen
e) Mg + H 2 SO 4 ⟶ MgSO 4 + H 2

Practical activity (page 166)

1 2H 2 O 2 ⟶ 2H 2 O + O 2
2 Allows gas to escape but prevents reaction mixture spraying out.
3 Unlabelled line on graph

4 0.41 g
5 Gas syringe to collect the oxygen, measure the volume
6 The graph rises to the same height but is less steep, e.g. graph B.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 10 – Rates of reaction Answers

8 Dry the manganese(IV) oxide and find its mass at the end of the experiment. The mass should
remain the same.
9 Catalyst

Show you can (page 167)

1 Carbon dioxide gas escapes from flask.
2 To prevent loss of mass due to spray
3, 4

Prescribed practical activity (page 171)

1 Sulfur
2 0.03125
3 Accept any three of the following:
• same concentration of HCl
• same volume of HCl
• same volume of sodium thiosulfate solution
• same temperature
• same cross.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 10 – Rates of reaction Answers

4 Use a thermostatically controlled water bath as it is difficult to control the temperature of the
room and increased temperature increases the rate of reaction.
5 The rate increases as the concentration increases.
6 There are more particles per unit volume, so there are more successful collisions in a given time.

Prescribed practical activity (page 172)

1 Gas syringe
2 So no gas escapes
3 Stopwatch/measuring cylinder/balance
4 Mg + 2HCl ⟶ MgCl 2 + H 2
5 Bubbles
6 Use the same volume of acid, the same temperature, the same mass of magnesium, the same
surface area of magnesium.
7 Temperature control/loss of gas on inserting bung
8 8.2 minutes, 12.2 minutes
9 At 6 minutes for 1.0 mol dm concentration, it does not fit the trend.
10 0.5 mol dm
11 Increasing the concentration of acid increases the rate of reaction.
12 There are more particles present per unit volume/particles are closer together and so there is a
greater frequency of successful collisions/ more successful collisions per unit time.

Practice questions (pages 173–174)

1 a) D (1 mark)
b) Increasing concentration increases the rate. (1 mark)
A and B, or any combination of A, B and C (1 mark)
c) Increasing temperature increases rate. (1 mark)
B and D (1 mark)
1 –1
d) = 0.013 s (1 mark)
2 a) calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid ⟶ calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide (1 mark)
b) CaCO 3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2 (3 marks)
c) 0.2 s (1 mark)
d) Increasing surface area increases rate. (1 mark)
3 a) A substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction (1 mark)
and is not used up during the reaction. (1 mark)
b) Manganese(IV) oxide (1 mark)
c) Iron (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 10 – Rates of reaction Answers

d) It provides a pathway of lower activation energy (1 mark)

so there are more successful collisions (1 mark)
in a given time. (1 mark)
4 a) A substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction (1 mark)
and is not used up during the reaction. (1 mark) (2 marks)
b) i) A (1 mark)
ii) D (1 mark)
iii) The curve stays above the original (1 mark)
but finishes at an earlier time (1 mark)
at half the volume of oxygen produced. (1 mark)
c) C (1 mark)
5 a) There are more particles in the same volume (1 mark)
and so there are more successful collisions (with the activation energy) (1 mark)
between particles in a given time/the successful collisions are more frequent. (1 mark)
b) Accept any two of the following:
• temperature
• presence of a catalyst
• surface area of magnesium. (2 marks)
6 a) Experiment 1: volume of rhubarb = 5 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm =5 cm
Experiment 2: volume of rhubarb = 5 × (1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm) = 5 cm (3 marks)
b) Experiment 1: surface area of rhubarb = 22 cm (1 mark)
Experiment 2: surface area of rhubarb = 30 cm (1 mark)
c) Experiment 1: ratio = 22 : 5 = 4.4 : 1 (1 mark)
Experiment 2: ratio = 30 : 5 = 6 : 1 (1 mark)
d) The greater the surface area the greater the rate of reaction. (1 mark)
e) The greater the surface area the more particles available for collisions (1 mark)
and so the more successful collisions (1 mark)
in a given time. (1 mark)
f) Temperature, mass of rhubarb, volume of solution, concentration of solution (3 marks)
7 a) 70 s (1 mark)
b) 30 cm (1 mark)
c) B, faster reaction but same volume of gas produced (2 marks)
d) D, slower reaction but same volume of gas produced (2 marks)
e) E, half the mass of magnesium used, so half the volume of gas produced (2 marks)
f) More particles in the same volume, (1 mark)
more successful collisions (1 mark)
in unit time (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 11 – Equilibrium Answers

Test yourself (page 176)

1 a) A reversible reaction is one in which the products, once made, can react to reform the
b) i) Irreversible
ii) Reversible
iii) Irreversible
iv) Reversible
2 a) A + B ⟶ C + D
b) C + D ⟶ A + B
3 a) NH3+ HCl ⇌ NH4Cl
b) NH4Cl ⟶ NH3+ HCl
c) Endothermic

Show you can (page 176)

Answer is C.

Test yourself (page 179)

4 a) +43 kJ
b) Ethene, steam and ethanol
c) Equal
d) They are constant.
e) No substances enter or leave.
5 a) The rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal.
b) Closed system; the amounts of reactants and products are constant.

Show you can (page 179)

Answer is D.

Test yourself (page 186)

6 a) Reaction 2
b) Reactions 1 and 2
c) Reaction 4
7 Goes darker brown; equilibrium moves to the right, in the endothermic direction, to oppose the
increase in temperature.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 11 – Equilibrium Answers

8 a) If a change is made to the conditions of a system at equilibrium the position of the

equilibrium moves to oppose the change in conditions.
b) It goes blue; the equilibrium moves to the right to remove the added Cl – ions.
c) Endothermic; when cooled the equilibrium moves to the left, in the exothermic direction, to
oppose the decrease in temperature.

Practice questions (pages 187–188)

1 a) Reversible arrow (1 mark)
b) +42 kJ (1 mark)
c) A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction (1 mark)
but is not used up in the reaction. (1 mark)
d) CO + H2O ⇌ CO2 + H2 (2 marks)
e) CO2(g) + H2(g) ⟶ CO(g) + H2O(g) (1 mark for equation with arrow, 1 mark for state symbols)
2 a) A reversible reaction is one in which the products, once made, can react
to reform the reactants/can occur in both directions. (1 mark)
b) Heat is given out. (1 mark)
c) Closed system; (1 mark)
the amounts of reactants and products are unchanged. (1 mark)
d) When the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal (1 mark)
e) Increasing the pressure causes the equilibrium position to move to the
right as this is the side where there are fewer molecules (1 mark)
to reduce the effect of the increase in pressure. (1 mark)
f) The equilibrium position moves left, the endothermic direction (1 mark)
to reduce the effect of the increase in temperature. (1 mark)
g) A catalyst speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction (1 mark)
but is not used up during the reaction. (1 mark)
h) No effect (1 mark)
3 a) 3 molecules ⇌ 1 molecule, so the equilibrium shifts right, (1 mark)
to the side with fewest gas molecules, to oppose the increase in pressure; (1 mark)
this gives more methanol. (1 mark)
b) The use of high pressure is very expensive due to the expense of the thick
pipes/valves (1 mark) and the energy required to compress the gases (1 mark). (2 marks)
c) The reaction rate is too slow at low temperatures. (1 mark)
d) The position of the equilibrium moves right (1 mark)
to reduce the concentration of hydrogen. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 11 – Equilibrium Answers

4 a) Any two of the following:

 closed system
 rates of forward and backward reactions are equal
 amounts of reactant and product are constant. (2 marks)
b) If a change is made to the conditions of a system at equilibrium (1 mark)
the position of the equilibrium moves to oppose that change in conditions. (1 mark)
c) If the temperature is decreased, the equilibrium position moves right, (1 mark)
in the exothermic direction, to produce heat (1 mark)
and hence more NO2 is formed. (1 mark)
d) 1 molecule ⇌ 2 molecules. Decreasing the pressure causes the position of
equilibrium to move right, (1 mark)
to the side with more molecules, to increase the pressure. (1 mark)
5 a) 3 molecules ⇌ 2 molecules. The position of equilibrium moves right (1 mark)
to the side where there are fewer molecules, to reduce the pressure
and so the amount of NO2 increases. (1 mark)
b) Decreasing the temperature means the equilibrium position moves right (1 mark)
in the exothermic direction, to increase the temperature (1 mark)
and so more NO2, which is brown, is formed. (1 mark)
6 a) Goes orange; (1 mark)
equilibrium position shifts right (1 mark)
to remove added H+. (1 mark)
b) Goes yellow; (1 mark)
equilibrium position shifts left (1 mark)
+ –
to replace H ions removed by OH . (1 mark)
7 a) Low pressure (1 mark)
gives more tetrafluoroethene as there are more gas molecules on the
right-hand side, so equilibrium moves right (1 mark)
at low pressure to increase the pressure; however, the reaction rate
would be slower. (1 mark)
b) High temperature (1 mark)
gives more tetrafluoroethene as the reaction is endothermic and so
the equilibrium position moves right, (1 mark)
in the endothermic direction, to lower the temperature; the reaction
rate is increased. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 11 – Equilibrium Answers

8 a) N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 (3 marks)

b) Iron (1 mark)
c) Haber process (1 mark)
d) Increase pressure, increase yield (1 mark)
e) Increase temperature, decrease yield (1 mark)
f) 200 atm (1 mark)
450 °C (1 mark)
32% (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

Test yourself (page 191)

1 a) 2
b) 3
c) 2
d) 3
e) 2
f) 4
g) 1
h) 4
i) 3
2 a) Propane
b) Methanol
c) Ethanoic acid
d) Propene
3 a) C3H8, propane

b) C8H18

c) C4H10, butane

d) C10H22
4 A homologous series is a family of organic molecules that have the same general formula, show
similar chemical properties, show a gradation in their physical properties and differ by a ‘CH 2’

Show you can (page 191)

1 A = methanoic acid, B = butanol

Test yourself (page 192)

5 CnH2n+2
6 A molecule that contains carbon and hydrogen only
7 a) Butane, C4H10
b) Methane, CH4
8 Seven
9 a) 4
b) 1

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

10 a) That all the carbon–carbon bonds are single bonds

b) C6H14

Show you can (page 192)

1 C5H12

2 16

Test yourself (page 195)

11 a) Carbon dioxide and water
b) Carbon monoxide, water and soot
c) Carbon dioxide and water
d) Carbon monoxide, water and soot
12 a) C2H6 + 3½O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 3H2O
2C2H6 +7O2 ⟶ 4CO2 + 6H2O
b) C3H8 + 5O2 ⟶ 3CO2 + 4H2O
c) C4H10 + 4½O2 ⟶ 4CO + 5H2O
2C4H10 +9O2 ⟶ 8CO + 10H2O
d) CH4 + 1½O2 ⟶ CO + 2H2O
2CH4 + 3O2 ⟶ 2CO + 4H2O
e) C4H10 + 6½O2 ⟶ 4CO2 + 5H2O
2C4H10 + 13O2 ⟶ 8CO2 + 10H2O
13 a) C8H18 + 12½O2 ⟶ 8CO2 + 9H2O
2C8H18 + 25O2 ⟶ 16CO2 + 18H2O
b) C10H22 + 15½O2 ⟶ 10CO2 + 11H2O
2C10H22 + 31O2 ⟶ 20CO2 + 22H2O
c) C6H14 + 9½O2 ⟶ 6CO2 + 7H2O
2C6H14 + 19O2 ⟶ 12CO2 + 14H2O
14 Bubble the gas into colourless limewater, which turns milky in the presence of carbon dioxide.
15 White anhydrous copper(II) sulfate changes to blue in the presence of water.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

Show you can (page 195)

1 SO2
2 It reacts with water to give sulfurous acid.
3 Remove sulfur from coal, petrol and diesel/use alternative fuels.
4 Destroys vegetation/kills fish/destroys buildings

Practical activity (pages 195–196)

a) The hot gas is cooled in the U tube and condenses to form a liquid.
b) Water
c) Calcium hydroxide/limewater. The carbon dioxide produced reacts with the limewater.
d) Water and carbon dioxide
e) Carbon, incomplete combustion of fuel
f) i) Sulfur dioxide
ii) Reacts with liquid A (calcium hydroxide)
iii) The sulfur dioxide produced causes acid rain.

Test yourself (page 197)

16 a) C3H6, propene
b) C8H16
c) C2H4, ethene
d) C10H20
17 a) But-2-ene, C4H8
b) Propene, C3H6
18 a) 9 (the double bond = 2 covalent bonds)
b) It is a molecule containing carbon and hydrogen only.

Show you can (page 197)

1 C5H10
2 Either of:

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

Test yourself (page 201)

19 a) Carbon dioxide and water
b) Carbon monoxide and water (soot)
20 a) C2H4 + 3O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 2H2O
b) C3H6 + 4½O2 ⟶ 3CO2 + 3H2O
2C3H6 + 9O2 ⟶ 6CO2 + 6H2O
c) C4H8 + 4O2 ⟶ 4CO + 4H2O
d) C2H4 + 2O2 ⟶ 2CO + 2H2O
21 a) C8H16 + 12O2 ⟶ 8CO2 + 8H2O
b) C10H20 + 15O2 ⟶ 10CO2 + 10H2O
c) C6H12 + 9O2 ⟶ 6CO2 + 6H2O
22 a) Contains some carbon–carbon double bonds
b) A molecule containing carbon and hydrogen only.
c) They have a functional group (C=C).
d) Shake with bromine water.
If the bromine water changes from orange to colourless it is chloroethene.
If the bromine water stays orange it is chloroethane.
23 a) C6H12
b) Orange ⟶ colourless
c) Hexane
24 a) A reaction where two reactant molecules form a single product

b) i) C2H4 + H2 ⟶ C2H6

ii) C2H4 + H2O⟶ C2H5OH

iii) C2H4 + Br2 ⟶ C2H4Br2

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

c) Ethane
d) Ethanol
e) All three parts
f) b(ii)
g) Nickel

Show you can (page 201)

1 + hydrogen ⟶ C2H6
+ bromine ⟶ C2H4Br2
+ steam ⟶ C2H5OH
+ plentiful oxygen ⟶ CO2 + H2O
2 Orange solution ⟶ colourless
3 C
4 A

Test yourself (pages 205–206)

25 a) A polymer is a long-chain molecule made from joining small molecules together.
b) A monomer is a small molecule that combines with other monomers to make a polymer.
c) C=C


f) Poly(styrene)
g) Bromoethene

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers



Structure of monomer Repeating unit of Structure of polymer

Show you can (page 206)


3 No, because it contains chlorine, not just carbon and hydrogen.

Test yourself (page 208)

29 a) A reactive group in a molecule.
b) hydroxyl (–OH)
c) No, as the molecule contains oxygen and not just carbon and hydrogen.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

d) Alcohols
e) The same general formula; show similar chemical properties; show a gradation in their
physical properties; and differ by a CH2 unit.
30 a) Ethanol
b) Propan-2-ol
c) Methanol
31 a) Colourless limewater changes to milky.
b) Carbon dioxide and water
c) C2H5OH + 3O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 3H2O
d) C4H9OH + 6O2 ⟶ 4CO2 + 5H2O
e) Carbon, carbon monoxide and water

Test yourself (page 210)

32 a) Breakdown of sugar by yeast to form carbon dioxide and ethanol
b) The sugars are dissolved in solution; in the presence of yeast; at a warm temperature (not
above 37 °C); in the absence of air.
c) C2H4 + H2O(g) ⟶ C2H5OH
33 a) False
b) True
c) False
d) False
e) True
f) False
g) False

Show you can (page 210)

Ethene (+ steam)
(Sugar +) yeast (⟶ ethanol +) carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide + water

Test yourself (page 214)

34 a) CH3COONa
b) (CH3COO)2Ca
c) (HCOO)2Mg
d) (HCOO)3Al
e) (C2H5COO)2Cu
f) C2H5COONa

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

35 a) Calcium + ethanoic acid ⟶ calcium ethanoate + hydrogen

b) Magnesium carbonate + methanoic acid ⟶ magnesium methanoate + carbon dioxide +
c) Sodium hydroxide + propanoic acid ⟶ sodium propanoate + water
d) Magnesium + methanoic acid ⟶ magnesium methanoate + hydrogen
e) Copper(II) carbonate + propanoic acid ⟶ copper(II) propanoate + carbon dioxide + water
f) Sodium carbonate + propanoic acid ⟶ sodium propanoate + water + carbon dioxide
36 a) Ca + 2CH3COOH ⟶ (CH3COO)2Ca + H2
b) MgCO3 + 2CH3COOH ⟶ (CH3COO)2Mg + H2O + CO2
c) NaOH + C2H5COOH ⟶ C2H5COONa + H2O
d) Mg + 2HCOOH ⟶ (HCOO)2Mg + H2
e) CuCO3 + 2C2H5COOH ⟶ (C2H5COO)2Cu + H2O + CO2
f) Na2CO3 + 2C2H5COOH ⟶ 2C2H5COONa + CO2 + H2O
37 a) Grey solid disappears; colourless solution produced; bubbles; heat released.
b) White solid disappears; colourless solution produced; bubbles; heat released.
c) Heat released; colourless solution remains.
d) Grey solid disappears; colourless solution produced; bubbles; heat released.
e) Green solid disappears; blue solution produced; bubbles; heat released.
f) White solid disappears; colourless solution produced; bubbles; heat released.
38 Lighted splint pop

Test yourself (page 215)

39 a) Copper sulfate + magnesium ⟶ copper + magnesium sulfate
b) The observations should be that the grey magnesium turned red-brown, the blue colour of
the solution faded, and heat was released. The student simply recorded the names of the
products, not observations.
40 a) CaCO3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
b) Calcium carbonate disappears; bubbles; solution forms; heat released.
Reaction Observations
Ethanoic acid + sodium carbonate Bubbles, carbonate disappears
Potassium iodide solution and silver Yellow precipitate
nitrate solution
Bromine water + alkene Orange solution to colourless
Hydrochloric acid + magnesium Bubbles, magnesium disappears,
heat released
Acidified barium chloride solution White precipitate
and sulfuric acid

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

Prescribed practical activity (page 216)

1 a) Heat released; white solid sodium carbonate disappears; colourless solution produced.
b) Bubble it into colourless limewater; in a positive test the limewater turns milky.
2 a) Magnesium + ethanoic acid ⟶ magnesium ethanoate + hydrogen
b) Mg +2CH3COOH ⟶ (CH3COO)2Mg + H2
c) Faster/more vigorous; more heat given out
3 a) A substance that speeds up a reaction and is not used up.

c) Concentrated sulfuric acid is corrosive, so wear gloves and eye protection.

d) It is not soluble in water; it is less dense than water.

Test yourself (page 217)

42 Alcohol
43 Alkene
44 Warm with acidified potassium dichromate. The colour will change from orange to green in an
alcohol; there will be no change in an alkane.
45 Add a spatula of sodium carbonate. If it is a carboxylic acid bubbles will form; if it is an alkane
there is no change.
46 –COOH

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

Show you can (page 217)

1 Incomplete
2 C=C
Experiment Observation
1 Place 2 cm3 of ethanoic acid in a test tube Mixes completely/dissolves
and add 2 cm3 of water. Shake well.
2 Place 2 cm3 of ethanoic acid in a test tube Bubbles
and add 1 spatula of sodium carbonate.

Test yourself (page 219)

47 a) A molecule containing hydrogen and carbon only
b) Different boiling points
c) Oil is vaporised; put into tower that is hot at the bottom and cool at the top; alkanes rise, cool
and condense at different heights; smaller molecules are separated nearer the top.
48 a) Less flammable, do not burn as well
b) Cracking is the breakdown of larger saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) into smaller more
useful ones, some of which are unsaturated (alkenes).
c) Breaking down a substance using heat
49 a) C18H38 ⟶ C12H26 + 2C3H6
b) C20H42 ⟶ C12H26 + 4C2H4
c) C18H38 ⟶ C10H22 + C4H8 + 2C2H4
d) C25H52 ⟶ C11H24 + 2C4H8 + 2C3H6

Show you can (page 219)

C10H22 ⟶ C6H14 + 2C2H4

Practice questions (pages 220–222)

1 a) CnH2n+2 (1 mark)
b) Differ by a CH2 unit (1 mark)
Gradation in physical properties down the group (1 mark)
Similar chemical reactions (1 mark)

(1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

d) They are molecules which contain carbon and hydrogen only. (1 mark)

(1 mark)
f) C3H8 + 5O2 ⟶ 3CO2 + 4H2O (3 marks)
2 a) Gas (1 mark)
b) C2H4 (1 mark)
c) i)

(1 mark)


(1 mark)


(1 mark)
iv) Water (1 mark)
v) It is colourless (1 mark)
Bubble through limewater (1 mark)
Limewater turns milky (1 mark)
vi) Addition (1 mark)
3 a) It contains chlorine, not carbon and hydrogen only. (1 mark)
b) A polymer is a long-chain molecule made by joining small molecules together. (1 mark)
c) Vinyl chloride/chloroethene (1 mark)

chloroethene poly(chloroethene)
(monomer) (polymer) (4 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

4 a) Addition (1 mark)
Polymerisation (1 mark)
b) Poly(ethene)/polythene (1 mark)
c) A large number (1 mark)
Response Mark
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms to fully state each 5–6
method and the advantages and disadvantages of each [6–8 (Band A)
indicative content points]. They must use good spelling, punctuation
and grammar, and the form and style must be of a high standard.
Candidates must use appropriate specialist terms to state each 3–4
method, and some advantages and disadvantages of each [4–5 (Band B)
indicative content points]. They must use good spelling, punctuation
and grammar, and the form and style must be of a high standard.
Candidates describe briefly a method and some advantages and 1–2
disadvantages of it [at least 3 indicative content points]. They use (Band C)
limited spelling, punctuation and grammar, and they have limited use
of specialist terms. The form and style are of limited standard.
Response not worthy of credit 0
Indicative content:
Incineration, burning
 Advantage – heat energy is produced during incineration, which can be used to
generate electricity.
 Disadvantage – polluting gases are released; for example CO2, which can cause global
warming, and also toxic gases such as dioxins.
 Disadvantage – costs to buy incinerator
Dumping in landfill
 Advantage – cheap
 Disadvantage – eyesore
 Disadvantage – wastes land
5 a)
At the beginning of 5 minutes after the start
experiment of the experiment
Limewater Colourless (1 mark) Milky (1 mark)
Anhydrous White (1 mark) Blue (1 mark)
copper(II) sulfate
(4 marks)
b) i) Limited oxygen (1 mark)
ii) Toxic/prevents blood carrying oxygen (1 mark)
iii) Colourless/odourless (1 mark)
iv) Carbon (1 mark)
v) Lung damage to humans (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

6 a)

(1 mark)
b) i) Polyvinylchloride /poly(chloroethene) (1 mark)
ii) Vinyl chloride/chloroethene (1 mark)

(1 mark)

(1 mark)
7 a) C8H18 + 12½O2 ⟶ 8CO2 + 9H2O
2C8H18 + 25O2 ⟶ 16CO2 + 18H2O (3 marks)
b) Carbon (1 mark)
Carbon monoxide (1 mark)
Water (1 mark)
c) An impurity in petrol is sulfur (1 mark)
when petrol burns the sulfur burns and forms sulfur dioxide. (1 mark)
d) Kills fish (1 mark)
Destroys buildings (1 mark)
Destroys vegetation (1 mark)
8 a) i) A mixture of hydrocarbons (1 mark)
ii) Fractional distillation (1 mark)
iii) Accept any two of the following:
 petrol
 diesel
 kerosene
 bitumen. (2 marks)
b) i) Contains only single carbon–carbon bonds (1 mark)
Contains carbon and hydrogen only (1 mark)
ii) CnH2n+2 (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

c) i) Cracking (1 mark)
ii) C8H18 ⟶ C3H6 + C5H12 (2 marks)
iii) Bromine water (1 mark)
changes from orange (1 mark)
to colourless. (1 mark)
iv) C2H4 + Br2 ⟶ CH2BrCH2Br (or could use structural formulae) (2 marks)
9 a) i) Contains carbon and hydrogen only (1 mark)
ii) C=C (1 mark)
iii) Unsaturated (1 mark)
iv) Orange (1 mark)
to colourless (1 mark)
b) i) —OH and C=C (2 marks)
ii) C10H17OH + 14O2 ⟶ 10CO2 + 9H2O (2 marks)
c) i)

(1 mark)
ii) C2H4 + H2O ⟶ C2H5OH (2 marks)
Steam/hot (1 mark)
iii) Addition (1 mark)
iv) Orange to green (2 marks)
d) i)

(1 mark)

ii) Accept any two of the following:

 bubbles
 white solid disappears
 heat released
 colourless solution produced. (2 marks)
iii) Na2CO3 + 2CH3COOH ⟶ 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O (3 marks)
iv) One that is partially ionised in water (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 12 – Organic chemistry Answers

10 Name Molecular Structural formula State at room

formula temperature
and pressure
Ethene C2H4 Gas

Propene C3H6 Gas

Butane C4H10 Gas

But-1-ene / C4H8 Gas



Propan-2-ol C3H7OH Liquid

Methanoic HCOOH Liquid


Butanoic acid C3H7COOH Liquid

(21 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

Test yourself (page 224)

1 a) 45 g/dm3
b) 72 g/dm3
c) 70 g/dm3
2 360 g
3 1.5 g

Show you can (page 224)

200 cm3

Test yourself (page 225–226)

4 a) 4 mol/dm3
b) 0.8 mol/dm3
c) 1.5 mol/dm3
d) 0.8 mol/dm3
e) 0.5mol/dm3
f) 3.0 mol/dm3
g) 1.44 mol/dm3
h) 2.0 mol/dm3
5 a) 1.5 mol/dm3
b) 0.5 mol/dm3
c) 0.1 mol/dm3

Show you can (page 225)

1 1.06 g
2 42.4 g

Test yourself (page 226)

6 21.9 g/dm3
7 1.48 g/dm3
8 122.5 g/dm3
9 0.1 mol/dm3
10 0.05 mol/dm3
11 1.2 mol
12 3.0 mol
13 0.15 mol

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

14 0.0125 mol
15 0.25 mol
16 2.5 mol
17 1.125 mol

Show you can (page 226)

0.4 mol/dm3; 25.2 g/dm3

Test yourself (page 229)

18 Rinse the pipette with the sodium hydroxide solution.
Using a pipette filler, draw up the sodium hydroxide until the bottom of meniscus is on the line.
Transfer the pipette to a conical flask and release the liquid.
Touch the pipette on the surface of the sodium hydroxide to remove the last drops in
the pipette.
19 Rinse the burette with the sulfuric acid solution, and discard the rinsings.
Fill the burette with the sulfuric acid solution.
Making sure that the jet is filled and there are no air bubbles.
Record the volume at the bottom of the meniscus at eye level.
20 Pink to colourless
21 One of known concentration
22 Add the acid dropwise near the end point.
23 Add the two accurate titres and divide by 2.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

Show you can (page 230)

1 A: Use a burette to measure the volume of acid.
B: Use a pipette to measure the volume of potassium hydroxide.
D: Add the acid drop by drop at the end point.
E: Swirl the flask during titration.
2 C: It is only used to give a rough idea of the volume needed.

Test yourself (age 232)

25 Moles NaOH = 25.0 × = 0.0025 mol
Moles HCl = 0.0025 mol
Concentration = 0.0025 × = 00833 mol/dm3
26 Moles H2SO4 = 27.5 × = 0.01375 mol
Moles KOH = 0.01375 × 2 = 0.0275 mol
Concentration = 0.0275 × = 1.1 mol/dm3
27 Moles HCl = 24.0 × = 0.0096 mol
Moles Na2CO3 = = 0.0048 mol
Concentration = 0.0048 × = 0.24 mol/dm3
Concentration = 0.24 × 106 = 25.44 g/dm3
28 Moles NaOH = 33.5 × = 0.001675 mol
Moles citric acid = = 0.000558 mol
Concentration = 0.000558 × = 0.0223 mol/dm3
29 Moles = 32.0 × = 0.0032 mol
Concentration = 0.0032 × = 0.128 mol/dm3
Concentration = 0.128 × 60 = 7.68 g/dm3

Test yourself (page 234)

30 a) Moles = 17.5 × = 0.00175 mol
b) = 0.000875
c) 0.000875 × = 0.035 mol/dm3
d) Phenolphthalein, colourless to pink; or methyl orange, red to yellow

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

31 a) Moles = 18.0 × = 0.0045 mol
b) 0.009 mol
c) 0.009 × = 0.36 mol/dm3
d) Pipette
32 a) Moles = 22.8 × = 0.00114 mol
b) = 0.00057
c) 0.0057 × = 0.0228 mol/dm3

Test yourself (page 235)

33 Concentration of NaOH = = 0.15 mol/dm3
Moles NaOH = 25.0 × = 0.00375 mol
Moles H2SO4 = 0.001875 mol
0.001875 × = 0.0625 mol/dm3
Concentration = 0.0625 × 98 = 6.125 g/dm3
34 Concentration of H2SO4 = = 0.05 mol/dm3
Moles H2SO4 = 20.0 × = 0.001 mol
Moles NH3 = 2 × 0.001 = 0.002 mol
Concentration of NH3 = 0.002 × = 0.08 mol/dm3
Concentration of NH3 = 0.08 × 17 = 1.36 g/dm3
35 Concentration H2SO4 = = 0.025 mol/dm3
Moles H2SO4 = 0.025 × = 0.0005 mol
Moles KOH 0.0005 × 2 = 0.001 mol
Concentration of KOH = 0.001 × = 0.1 mol/dm3
Concentration of KOH = 0.1 × 56 = 5.6 g/dm3

Show you can (page 235)

Moles H2SO4 = 0.05 × = 2000 = 0.00131
Moles MOH = 2 × 0.00131 = 0.00262 mol
Concentration of MOH = 0.00262 × = 0.1048 mol/dm3
10.7 g/dm3
0.1048 mol/dm3
Mr = 102
Ar(M) = 102 – 17 = 85
M is Rb

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

Show you can (page 236)

1 Average titre 26.2  26.4  26.3 cm3
g/dm 8
2   0.2 mol/dm3
Mr 40
Moles = 26.3 × = 0.00526
3 = 0.00263
4 0.00263 × =0.1052 mol/dm3

Test yourself (pages 237–238)

36 a) Moles H2SO4 = 12.5 × = 0.000625 mol
b) Moles of ammonia = 2 × 0.000625 = 0.00125 mol
c) Concentration of ammonia = 0.00125 × = 0.0500 mol/dm3
d) Dilution factor = ×100
Concentration of original ammonia = 0.0500 × 100 = 5.00 mol/dm3
Concentration of original ammonia = 5.0 × 17 = 85 g/dm3
37 Moles KOH = 0.1 × = 0.0025 mol
Moles H2SO4 = = 0.00125 mol
Concentration of diluted acid = 0.00125 × = 0.125 mol/dm3
Dilution factor = ×10
Concentration of original acid = 0.125 × 10 = 1.25 mol/dm3
38 a) Moles NaOH = 30.3 × = 0.00303 mol
b) 1 : 1 ratio, so 0.00303 mol ethanoic acid in 25.0 cm3 diluted wood vinegar
c) Dilution factor = ×50
50 × 0.00303 = 0.1515 mol ethanoic acid in 25.0 cm3 undiluted wood vinegar
d) 0.1515 × 60 g = 9.09 g ethanoic acid in 25.0 cm3 undiluted wood vinegar

Test yourself (page 239)

39 a) Moles HCl = = 0.0025 mol
b) For 2 HCl : X2CO3
Moles of X2CO3 = = 0.00125 mol
c) 0.00125 mol X2CO3 in 25 cm3
Concentration of X2CO3 = 0.00125 × = 0.05 mol/dm3
© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017
Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

mass (g)
d) Moles =
Mr of X2CO3 = = 74
e) Mr of CO3 = 12 + (3 × 16) = 60
Mr of X2 = 74 – 60 = 14
Ar of X = =7
X is lithium (from the Periodic Table).
40 Moles Na2CO3 = 23.0 × = 0.00115 mol
Moles HX 2 × 0.00115 = 0.0023 mol
0.0023 mol in 25 cm3 so concentration = 0.0023 × = 0.092 mol/dm3
g/dm3 1.725  2
Mr  3
  37.5
mol/dm 0.092
Ar(X) = 37.5 − 1 = 26.5
X is chlorine (from the Periodic Table).

Show you can (page 239)

Moles of KOH = 25.0 × = 0.0125 mol
Ratio 1 KOH : 1 HX
0.0125 mol = 1.1 g/Mr
Mr = = 88

Prescribed practical activity (page 240)

1 3.92 × = 15.68 g/dm3
2 Rinse a pipette with XOH. Using a pipette filler, fill the pipette with XOH solution, until the
bottom of the meniscus is on the mark at eye level. Drain the contents of the pipette into a
conical flask.
3 To make the colour change easier to detect
4 Blue to yellow
5 Add the acid drop-wise, swirling the contents of the flask until the colour changes.
6 To mix the solution and ensure the solutions have reacted fully
7 14.0, 14.0
8 14.0; do not use reading 1
9 0.500 × = 0.007 mol HCl
10 0.007 mol XOH (1 : 1 ratio)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

11 Concentration of XOH = 0.007 × = 0.28 mol/dm3
12 = 56 for XOH; X is 39, which is K (potassium)

Test yourself (page 242)

41 a) Moles HCl = 18.0 × = 0.00315 mol
b) Moles Na2CO3 = = 0.001575 mol
c) 0.01575 mol
d) = 160
e) Mr(Na2CO3) = 106
160 – 106 = 56
Mr(H2O) = 18
x= =3
42 a) Moles HCl = 30.0 × = 0.006 mol
b) Moles Na2CO3 = = 0.003 mol
c) 0.03 mol
d) Mr(Na2CO3) = 106
0.03 × 106 = 3.18 g
e) 6.42 – 3.18 =3.24 g
f) Mr(H2O) = 18
= 0.18 mol
g) 0.03 : 0.18

Test yourself (page 244)

43 a) 72 dm3
b) 9.6 dm3
c) 6 dm3
d) 240 dm3
44 a) 0.75 mol
b) 0.005 mol

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

45 a) Moles = =3
Mass = 3 × 32 = 96 g
b) Moles = = 0.25
Mass = 0.25 × 16 = 4 g

Show you can (page 244)

O2 H2 NH3
Mass of 1 mol of gas/g 32 2 17
Volume of 1 mol of gas at 24 24 24
room temperature and
Number of moles in
12 12 12
12 cm3 at room = 0.0005 = 0.0005 = 0.0005
24000 24000 24000
temperature and pressure
Number of moles in 12 g 12
12 12
= 0.375 =6 = 0.7
32 2 17

Test yourself (page 245)

46 4 dm3
47 6 dm3
48 3.5 dm3
49 750 cm3

Show you can (page 245)

2NH3 + 2½O2 ⟶ 2NO + 3H2O
4NH3 + 5O2 ⟶ 4NO + 6H2O

Test yourself (page 247)

50 Moles HCl = 25.0 × = 0.05 mol
Moles H2 = = 0.025 mol
Volume H2 = 0.025 × 24 = 0.6 dm3
51 a) Moles chloroethane = = 0.03 mol
Ratio = 1 : 1
Moles ammonia = 0.03 mol
Mass ammonia = 0.03 × 17 = 0.51 g
b) 1.94 g = 0.03 mol
Volume = 0.03 × 24 = 0.72 dm3
© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017
Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

52 Moles Mg = = 0.33 mol
Moles hydrogen = 0.33 mol
Volume hydrogen = 0.33 × 24 000 = 8000 cm3

Show you can (page 247)

1 Mr(ZnCO3) = 125
= 0.1 mol
2 Ratio = 1: 1
0.1 mol
3 0.1 × 24 dm3 = 2.4 dm3

Test yourself (page 249)

53 Mr(CaO) = 56, Mr(CaCO3) = 100
Atom economy = 100 × = 56.0%
54 Mr(Al2O3) = 102, Ar(Al) = 27
Ratio = 2 : 4
Atom economy = 100 × (4 × 27)/(2 × 102) = 52.9%
55 Mr(CH4 + 2Cl2) = 158, Mr(CH2Cl2) = 85
Atom economy = 100 × = 53.8%
56 a) 400 g
b) 200 g
c) Less waste (to dispose of)/less resource used.

Show you can (page 249)

1 Method 1:
Mr(TiO2 + 2Mg) = 128, Ar(Ti) = 48
Atom economy = 100 × = 37.5%
Method 2:
Mr(TiO2) = 80, Ar(Ti) = 48
Atom economy = 100 × = 60%
2 The second reaction has a higher atom economy so there is less waste. However, it does use a
substantial amount of electricity. Other useful information is the toxicity or environmental
hazard of any products. You also might want to know how the magnesium is made; this could be
by electrolysis too.
3 100%

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

Practice questions (pages 250–252)

1 a) Pipette (1 mark)
b) Accept any four of the following:
 rinse with NaOH
 fill the burette with the NaOH solution
 make sure that the jet is filled
 no air bubbles
 record the volume at the bottom of the meniscus at eye level. (4 marks)
c) Colourless (1 mark)
To pink (1 mark)
2 a) 1.25 mol/dm3 (1 mark)
b) 0.40 × 56 (1 mark)
= 22.4 g/dm3 (1 mark)
3 Moles of Mg = = 0.125 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 2: 1, so 2 × 0.125 = 0.25 moles of HCl (1 mark)
0.25 × = 125 cm3 (1 mark)
4 Moles of KOH = 28.9 × = 0.000578 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 1 : 1, so moles HNO3 = 0.000578 mol (1 mark)
Concentration of HNO3 = 0.000578 × = 0.231 mol/dm3 (1 mark)
5 Moles of NaOH = 16.4 × = 0.00656 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 1 : 2, so moles of H2SO4 = = 0.00328 mol (1 mark)
Concentration of H2SO4 = 0.00328 × = 0.164 mol/dm3 (1 mark)
Concentration of H2SO4 = 0.164 × 98 = 16.072 g/dm3 (1 mark)
6 a) Moles HNO3 = 20.0 × = 0.048 mol (1 mark)
b) Ratio = 4 : 1, so moles NO = = 0.012 mol (1 mark)
c) Volume of NO = 0.012 × 24 000 = 288 cm3 (1 mark)
7 a) i) Moles Ca = = 0.010 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 1 : 1, so moles H2 = 0.010 mol (1 mark)
Volume H2 = 0.010 × 24 = 0.24 dm3 (1 mark)
ii) Moles HNO3 = 2 × 0.010 = 0.020 mol (1 mark)
Volume HNO3 = 1000 × = 10 cm3 (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

b) i) Accept any four of the following:

 rinse the pipette with the barium hydroxide solution
 use a pipette filler
 draw up the solution into the pipette until the bottom of meniscus is on the line
 transfer to a conical flask and release the liquid
 touch the pipette on the surface of the liquid to remove the last drops in the
pipette. (4 marks)
ii) Response Mark
Candidates use appropriate specialist terms to explain fully how to 5–6
accurately carry out a titration [using 5–6 points of indicative (Band A)
content]. They use good spelling, punctuation and grammar, and the
form and style are of a high standard.
Candidates use appropriate specialist terms to explain how to 3–4
accurately carry out a titration [using 3–4 points of indicative (Band B)
content]. They use satisfactory spelling, punctuation and grammar,
and the form and style are of a satisfactory standard.
Candidates partially describe how to carry out a titration [using 2–4 1–2
points of indicative content]. They use limited spelling, punctuation (Band C)
and grammar, and make little use of specialist terms. The form and
style are of a limited standard.
Response not worthy of credit 0

Indicative content:
 Add a few drops of methyl orange/phenolphthalein.
 Add the HCl from the burette, with swirling.
 Indicator changes from yellow to red/pink to colourless.
 Record the volume, reading to the bottom of the meniscus at eye level.
 Repeat the experiment and add the solution dropwise near the end point. Several
accurate titrations are carried out and the average of the accurate titrations calculated.
iii) Results 2 and 3 (1 mark)
iv) 22.4 cm (1 mark)
v) Moles HCl = 22.4 × = 0.00448 mol (1 mark)
vi) Ratio = 1 : 2 so moles barium hydroxide = = 0.00224 mol (1 mark)
vii) 0.00224 × = 0.0896 mol/dm3 (1 mark)
viii) 0.0896 × 171 = 15.3 g/dm3 (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

8 a) 12.5 cm3 (2 marks, allow 1 mark if rough is used – 12.7 cm3)

b) 12.5 × = 0.00125 mol (1 mark)
c) Ratio = 2 : 1, so moles of sodium carbonate = = 0.000625 mol (2 marks)
d) 0.000625 × = 0.025mol/dm3 (1 mark)
e) g/dm3 = 1.57  6.28 g/dm3 (1 mark)
f) Formula mass  g/dm  6.28  251.2 (1 mark)
mol/dm3 0.025
g) Mr(Na2CO3) = 106
251.2 – 106 (1 mark)
= 145.2 = 18x; x = 8 (1 mark)
9 Mr(BaCO3) = 197

Moles barium carbonate = 0.660  0.003 (1 mark)

volume (dm3 )
Moles CO2 = 0.003 = (1 mark)
Volume = 0.072 dm3 (1 mark)
10 a) Ratio is 4 NO : 1 O2, so 1.6 dm3 : ?
Volume of oxygen = = 0.4 dm3 (1 mark)
b) Mr((NH4)2CO3 = 96

Moles (NH4)2CO3 3.2  0.0333 mol (1 mark)

Moles NH3 = 0.0333 × 2 = 0.0666 (1 mark)
Volume = 0.0666 × 24 = 1.6 dm3 (1 mark)
11 a) 90 × ( ) = 60 dm3 (2 marks)
b) = 2.5 mol (2 marks)
12 a) Moles NaOH = 19.0 × = 0.0019 mol (1 mark)
b) i) Pipette (1 mark)
ii) Burette (1 mark)
c) Ratio = 1 : 2, so moles tartaric acid = = 0.00095 mol (1 mark)
d) 0.00095 × = 0.038 mol/dm3 (2 marks)
e) Mr(tartaric acid) = 150 (1 mark)
0.038 × 150 = 5.7 g/dm3 (1 mark)
13 Mr(NH4NO3) = 80
Moles NH4NO3 = = 25 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 1 : 1 , so moles N2O = 25 mol (1 mark)
Volume = 25 × 24 = 600 dm3 (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 13 – Quantitative chemistry 2 Answers

14 a) Moles NaOH = 20.0 × = 0.005 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 2 : 1, so moles H2X = = 0.0025 mol (1 mark)
Concentration of H2X = 0.0025 × = 0.1 mol/dm3 (1 mark)
b)  Mr
 90 (1 mark)
c) 90 – 2 = 88 (1 mark)
X is Sr (1 mark)
15 Moles HCl = 2.00 × = 0.05 mol (1 mark)
Ratio = 1 : 2, so moles M(OH)2 = = 0.025 mol (1 mark)
0.025 =
Mr = = 58 (1 mark)
Subtract the Mr of (OH)2 = 34
58 – 34 = 24 (1 mark)
Mg (1 mark)

16 Atom economy = 2  64 (1 mark)

 100
(2  64)  44
128 (1 mark)
=  100 = 74%

17 a) Atom economy = 4 2 (1 mark)

 100
(4  2)  44
8 (1 mark)
=  100 = 15.4%
b) Find a use for carbon dioxide. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 14 – Electrochemistry Answers

Test yourself (page 254)

1 Electrolysis is the decomposition of electrolytes using electricity.
2 An electrolyte is an ionic liquid or solution that conducts electricity and is decomposed during
the process of electrolysis.
3 Molten lead bromide, calcium chloride solution, magnesium chloride solution
4 The negative ions are attracted to the positive electrode (anode) and the positive ions are
attracted to the negative electrode (cathode).
5 It is a good conductor of electricity and is an unreactive solid with a high melting point.

Show you can (page 254)

1 Sodium ions and chloride ions

2 Cl

Test yourself (page 258)

6 a) The ions can move and carry charge.
b) The ions cannot move and so cannot carry charge.
c) When the potassium chloride melts it splits into potassium ions and chloride ions. The
potassium ions move to the negative cathode, where they gain electrons and form potassium
atoms. The negative chloride ions move to the positive anode, where they lose electrons and
form chlorine molecules.
7 a) They lose electrons and form atoms.
b) Conductors conduct electricity by electrons moving and are unchanged by the process.
Electrolytes conduct electricity by ions moving and are decomposed by the process.
8 a) Ionic Product at Product at Cathode equation Anode equation
compound the negative the positive
(molten) electrode electrode
(cathode) (anode)
+ – – –
Potassium Potassium Iodine K +e ⟶K 2I ⟶ I 2 + 2e
iodide (KI)
2+ – –
Zinc bromide Zinc Bromine Zn + 2e ⟶ Zn 2Br– ⟶ Br 2 + 2e
(ZnBr 2 )
2+ – 2– –
Magnesium Magnesium Oxygen Mg + 2e ⟶ Mg 2O ⟶ O 2 + 4e
oxide (MgO)
b) KI, purple gas; ZnBr 2 , red-brown gas; MgO, colourless gas; bubbles for all three
c) Grey liquid for all three

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 14 – Electrochemistry Answers

Show you can (page 258)

Anode Cathode
Product Iodine Lithium
Observation Purple gas, bubbles Molten grey liquid
– – + –
Half equation 2I ⟶ I 2 + 2e Li + e ⟶ Li
Oxidation or reduction Oxidation Reduction

Test yourself (page 259)

9 The metal is too reactive.
10 Accept any two of the following:
• sodium
• potassium
• magnesium
• calcium.
11 Bauxite
12 Alumina
13 Aluminium oxide/alumina dissolved in cryolite
14 900 °C
15 The positive aluminium ions gain electrons and form aluminium.
16 The hot carbon anode reacts with the oxygen produced there and changes into carbon dioxide gas.
17 The decomposition of an electrolyte using electricity

Show you can (page 260)

Anode Cathode
Product Oxygen (then forms carbon Aluminium
2– – 3+ –
Half equation 2O ⟶ O 2 + 4e Al + 3e ⟶ Al
Oxidation or reduction Oxidation Reduction

Test yourself (page 260)

18 Hydrogen, hydroxide and sulfate
– –
19 a) 4OH ⟶ O 2 + 2H 2 O+ 4e
b) Relights a glowing splint
c) Insert a lighted splint and the gas explodes with a ‘pop’.

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 14 – Electrochemistry Answers

Practice questions (pages 261–262)

1 a) The ions (1 mark)
Can move and carry charge (1 mark)
b) i)

Tripod, pipe clay triangle (1 mark)

Bunsen burner (1 mark)
Lead(II) bromide in crucible (1 mark)
ii) Anode Cathode
Name of product Bromine (1 mark) Lead (1 mark)
Observations Red-brown pungent gas, bubbles Molten grey liquid
(1 mark) (1 mark)
– – 2+ –
Half-equation 2Br ⟶ Br 2 + 2e (3 marks) Pb + 2e ⟶ Pb (3 marks)
(10 marks)
2 a) Decomposition of electrolytes using electricity (1 mark)
b) Positive electrode (1 mark)
c) Sodium (1 mark)
d) Ions are held tightly in a lattice. (1 mark)
They cannot move to carry the charge. (1 mark)
e) An electrolyte is an ionic liquid or solution. (1 mark)
It conducts electricity and is decomposed in the process. (1 mark)
f) 2Cl– ⟶ Cl 2 + 2e– (3 marks)
g) Graphite (1 mark)
3 a) A = anode (1 mark)
B = cathode (1 mark)
C = evaporating basin (1 mark)
b) Lamp / ammeter (1 mark)
c) Electrode Name of product Half equation
– –
A Bromine (1 mark) 2Br ⟶ Br 2 + 2e (3
2+ –
B Lead (1 mark) Pb + 2e ⟶ Pb (3 marks)
d) Bromine and lead are toxic. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 14 – Electrochemistry Answers

e) Copper conducts by delocalised electrons moving. (1 mark)

It is not changed during the process. (1 mark)
Molten lead bromide conducts by ions moving. (1 mark)
It is decomposed during the process. (1 mark)
f) Anode – oxygen (1 mark)
Cathode – hydrogen (1 mark)
4 a) Decomposition of an electrolyte using electricity (1 mark)
b) Bauxite (1 mark)
c) i) X = anode (1 mark)
Z = cathode (1 mark)
ii) Alumina (1 mark)
Dissolved in cryolite (1 mark)
iii) 900 °C (1 mark)
iv) Oxygen at positive electrode oxygen (1 mark)
Aluminium at negative electrode (1 mark)
2– –
v) 2O ⟶ O 2 + 4e (3 marks)
3+ –
vi) Al + 3e ⟶ Al (3 marks)
vii) Anode (1 mark)
C + O 2 ⟶ CO 2 (2 marks)
d) Aluminium gains electrons. (1 mark)
The gain of electrons is reduction. (1 mark)
5 a) i) Bromine (1 mark)
ii) Zn + 2e– ⟶ Zn (3 marks)
Reduction (1 mark)
– –
iii) 2Br ⟶ Br 2 + 2e (3 marks)
b) i) Oxygen (1 mark)
ii) 2H + 2e ⟶ H 2 (3 marks)
iii) Ions (1 mark)
c) i) Cathode – potassium (1 mark)
Anode – iodine (1 mark)
ii) Cathode – calcium (1 mark)
Anode – oxygen (1 mark)
iii) Cathode – sodium (1 mark)
Anode – bromine (1 mark)
6 a) i) Negative electrode (1 mark)
ii) Unreactive electrode (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 14 – Electrochemistry Answers

3+ –
b) i) Al + 3e ⟶ Al (3 marks)
ii) They discharge by losing electrons. (1 mark)
Oxygen atoms form. (1 mark)
They combine to form O 2. (1 mark)
iii) The hot carbon reacts (1 mark)
With the oxygen produced (1 mark)
This forms carbon dioxide. (1 mark)
iv) Accept any two of the following:
• recycling aluminium is much cheaper than producing aluminium
from bauxite because it uses only a fraction of the energy
• recycling saves waste
• recycling saves the natural resources of bauxite. (2 marks)
v) Accept any two of the following:
• it acts like a lid and keeps heat in
• it stops impurities from entering
• it prevents the aluminium formed from reacting with the air. (2 marks)
vi) Accept any one of the following:
• the high cost of electricity for the process
• the high cost of the heat energy to melt the metal compounds and
keep them molten. (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 15 – Energy changes in chemistry Answers

Test yourself (page 264)

1 a) Exothermic
b) Endothermic
c) Exothermic
2 a) Exothermic
b) Endothermic
c) Endothermic
d) Exothermic
3 a) Heat energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings.
b) Heat energy is transferred from the surroundings to the chemicals.
4 a) Exothermic
b) Endothermic
c) Endothermic
d) Exothermic

Show you can (page 264)

Combustion Decomposition Neutralisation Oxidation Respiration Exothermic Endothermic

P  
Q  

Test yourself (page 266)

5 a) Reactions 2 and 3
b) Reaction 1
6 a), b), c)

7 a) C
b) D
c) A

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 15 – Energy changes in chemistry Answers

Show you can (page 266)

1 Exothermic
2 A

Test yourself (page 268)

8 The energy taken in to break bonds in hydrogen and iodine is more than the energy given out
when bonds are made in hydrogen iodide.
9 The energy taken in to break bonds in hydrogen and oxygen is less than the energy given out
when bonds are made in water.
10 The energy taken in to break bonds in ethanol is greater than the energy given out when bonds
are made in C 2 H 4 (ethene) and water.

Test yourself (page 270)

11 a) (436 + 193) – (2 × 366) = 629 – 732 = –103 kJ
b) (944 + 3 × 436) – 2 × (388 × 3) = 2252 – 2328 = –76 kJ
c) (4 × 412 + 612 + 193) – (4 × 412 + 348 + 2 × 276) = 2453 – 2548 = –95 kJ
d) (8 × 412 + 2 × 348 + 5 × 496) − {[3 × (2 × 743)] + [4 × (2 × 463)]} = 6472 – 8162 = –1690 kJ
12 (436 + 242) − 2 × 432 = 678 – 864 = –186 kJ

Show you can (page 270)

(150 + 242) − 2 × ??? = −30 kJ
2 × ??? = 30 + (150 + 242) = 422
The bond energy of I–Cl is 211 kJ

Practice questions (pages 271–272)

1 a) A Decomposition (1 mark)
B Neutralisation (1 mark)
C Oxidation (1 mark)
D Combustion/oxidation (1 mark)
E Neutralisation (1 mark)
b) An exothermic reaction is one that gives out heat (1 mark); an endothermic reaction
is one that takes in heat. (1 mark) (2 marks)
c) A Endothermic (1 mark)
B Exothermic (1 mark)
C Exothermic (1 mark)
D Exothermic (1 mark)
E Exothermic (1 mark)
© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017
Chapter 15 – Energy changes in chemistry Answers

d) Measure a volume of hydrochloric acid (1 mark)

Into a polystyrene cup. (1 mark)
Measure the temperature. (1 mark)
Add magnesium. (1 mark)
Measure the temperature again. (1 mark)
If the temperature has increased the reaction is exothermic. (1 mark)
2 a) An endothermic reaction is one that takes in heat. (1 mark)
b) The minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to occur (1 mark)

Axes labelled correctly (1 mark)

Products above reactants (1 mark)
Activation energy and energy change labelled (1 mark)
d) The energy taken in to break bonds in carbon dioxide and water(1 mark) is
greater than (1 mark) the energy given out when bonds are made in C 6 H 12 O 6
and O 2 . (1 mark) (3 marks)
3 a) Endothermic (1 mark)

Axes labelled correctly (1 mark)

Products above reactants (1 mark)
Activation energy and energy change labelled (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 15 – Energy changes in chemistry Answers

c) Moles of N 2 = 28/28 = 1 (1 mark)

Ratio is 2 : 3, so moles NaN 3 = 0.67 (1 mark)
Mass = 0.67 × M r = 0.67 × 65= 43.6 g (1 mark)
4 a) (436 + 158) – (2 × 568) = 594 − 1136 = –542 kJ (3 marks)
b) Exothermic (1 mark)
5 a) Exothermic (1 mark)
b) No, the graph shows that the overall energy change is the same. (1 mark)

Correct labels (2 marks)

d) The presence of a catalyst provides a pathway of lower activation energy. (1 mark)
6 a) Reaction 1, endothermic (1 mark)
Reaction 2, exothermic (1 mark)
Reaction 3, exothermic (1 mark)
b) Increases, endothermic, decreases (3 marks)
c) Collide, activation (2 marks)
7 a) C (1 mark)
b) F (1 mark)
c) Exothermic (1 mark)
8 a) Bonds broken: 436 + 242 = 678 (1 mark)
Bonds formed: 2 × 431 = 862 (1 mark)
Overall: 678 – 862 = –184 kJ (1 mark)
b) Exothermic (1 mark)
c) The energy taken in to break bonds in hydrogen and chlorine (1 mark) is less
than (1 mark) the energy given out when bonds are made in HCl. (1 mark) (3 marks)
9 Bonds broken: 4 × 388 + 158 + 496 = 2206 (1 mark)
Bonds formed: 2 × (2 × 463) + 944 = 2796 (1 mark)
Overall: 2206 – 2796 = –590 kJ (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 15 – Energy changes in chemistry Answers

10 a) Bonds broken: 4 × 412 + 2 × 496 = 2640 (1 mark)

Bonds formed: 2 × 743 + 2 × (2 × 463) = 3338 (1 mark)
Overall: 2640 – 3338 = –698 kJ (1 mark)
b) CH 4 + 2O 2 ⟶ CO 2 + 2H 2 O (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

Test yourself (page 275)

1 a)
Gas Symbol/formula Element or compound %
Nitrogen N2 Element 78
Oxygen O2 Element 21
Argon Ar Element 1
Carbon dioxide CO 2 Compound 0.03–0.04
b) Water vapour
2 Gas Formula Dot and cross diagram Colour Acidic, basic
or neutral
Nitrogen N2 Colourless Neutral

Ammonia NH 3 Colourless Basic

3 a) Nitrogen
b) Ammonia
c) Nitrogen
d) Glass rod dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid, white smoke
e) NH 3 + HNO 3 ⟶ NH 4 NO 3
f) It has a strong triple covalent bond.

Test yourself (page 278)

4 a) Two atoms covalently bonded
b) Nitrogen and oxygen
5 a) Hydrogen peroxide
b) 2H 2 O 2 ⟶ O 2 + 2H 2 O
c) The hydrogen peroxide breaks up.
d) A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction and is not used up in the reaction
e) Manganese(IV) oxide; a black solid
f) Relights a glowing splint

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

6 a) i) magnesium + oxygen ⟶ magnesium oxide

2Mg(s) + O 2 (g) ⟶ 2MgO(s)
ii) copper + oxygen ⟶ copper(II) oxide
2Cu(s) + O 2 (g) ⟶ 2CuO(s)
iii) iron + oxygen⟶ iron oxide
3Fe(s) + 2O 2 ⟶ Fe 3 O 4
iv) sulfur + oxygen ⟶ sulfur dioxide
S(s) + O 2 (g) ⟶ SO 2 (g)
v) carbon + oxygen ⟶ carbon dioxide
C(s)+ O 2 (g) ⟶ CO 2 (g)
b) MgO is basic, CuO is basic, Fe 3 O 4 is basic, SO 2 is acidic, CO 2 is acidic.
c) i) Grey solid burns with bright white light, forms white powder
ii) Red-brown solid, blue–green flame glows red, gives black layer
iii) Grey solid, burns with orange sparks, gives black solid

Show you can (page 278)

Carbon burns to produce carbon monoxide: 2C + O 2 ⟶ 2CO

Test yourself (page 281)

Hydrogen Carbon dioxide
Formula H2 CO 2
Element or compound? Element Compound
Acidic, basic or neutral? Neutral Acidic
Lighter or denser than air? Lighter Denser
Test for the gas Apply a lighted splint, Colourless limewater
explodes with a ‘pop’ changes to milky

8 a) Zinc and hydrochloric acid

b) Zn + 2HCl ⟶ ZnCl 2 + H 2
9 a) It burns to produce water, which does not pollute.
b) It is flammable and difficult to store; fuel cells are expensive; the hydrogen is often made
using fossil fuels, and this also causes pollution.
c) It changes liquid oil to solid fat.
10 a) Calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid
b) CaCO 3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2
c) Carbonic acid
© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017
Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

d) Fire extinguishers, fizzy drinks

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

Show you can (page 281)

Gas Acidic, basic or neutral? Formula Solubility in water
Nitrogen Neutral N2 No
Ammonia Basic NH 3 Yes
Carbon dioxide Acidic CO 2 Yes
Oxygen Neutral O2 Slightly
Hydrogen Neutral H2 No

Prescribed practical activity (page 281)

1 Observations Name of gas produced
Zinc is added to some Bubbles, heat released, zinc Hydrogen
hydrochloric acid. disappears, colourless
solution produced
Calcium carbonate is added Bubbles, heat released, Carbon dioxide
to some hydrochloric acid. calcium carbonate
disappears, colourless
solution produced
Hydrogen peroxide is added Bubbles, black solid remains Oxygen
to some manganese(IV)
2 Symbol equation Colour of red litmus Colour of blue
paper litmus paper
A spatula of sulfur was S + O 2 ⟶ SO 2 Red Red
burnt in a gas jar of
A piece of carbon was C + O 2 ⟶ CO 2 Red Red
burnt in a gas jar of
A piece of calcium ribbon 2Ca + O 2 ⟶ 2CaO Blue Blue
was burnt in a gas jar of
3 a) Red litmus stays red, blue litmus changes to red.
Carbonic acid is produced.
b) If bubbled into colourless limewater, it changes from colourless to milky.

Practice questions (pages 282–283)

1 Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Oxygen
Formula H 2 (1 mark) CO 2 (1 mark) O 2 (1 mark)
Names of 1. Zinc 1. Calcium carbonate 1. Hydrogen peroxide
substances used 2. Hydrochloric acid 2. Hydrochloric acid 2. Manganese(IV)
to prepare the (2 marks) (2 marks) oxide
gas (2 marks)
Test for the gas Lighted splint Colourless limewater Glowing splint
Pop Turns milky Relights
(2 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks)
Equation for Zn + 2HCl ⟶ ZnCl 2 + CaCO 3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl 2 2H 2 O 2 ⟶ 2H 2 O + O 2
preparation of H2 + CO 2 + H 2 O (3 marks)
the gas (3 marks) (3 marks)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

2 a) Accept any two of the following:

• neutral
• less dense than air
• insoluble in water. (2 marks)
b) Apply a lighted splint (1 mark)
Explodes with a ‘pop’ (1 mark)
c) acid + metal ⟶ salt + hydrogen (1 mark)
d) Zinc (1 mark)
Hydrochloric acid (1 mark)
e) Accept any two of the following:
• heat released
• bubbles
• zinc disappears
• colourless solution produced. (2 marks)

(5 marks)
g) Burns to produce water, (1 mark) which is non-polluting. (1 mark) (2 marks)
h) Lighter than air (1 mark)
3 a) A is conical flask (1 mark)
B is thistle funnel (1 mark)
C is delivery tube (1 mark)
D is gas jar (1 mark)
E is trough (1 mark)
F is beehive shelf (1 mark)
b) Not very soluble, as collected over water (1 mark)
c) Carbon dioxide (1 mark)
Hydrogen (1 mark)
d) Calcium carbonate (1 mark)
Zinc (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

4 a) Nitrogen, 78% (1 mark)

Oxygen, 21% (1 mark)
Carbon dioxide, 0.03–0.04% (1 mark)
b) The triple covalent bond is strong. (1 mark)
It requires a lot of energy to break. (1 mark)
c) N 2 + 2O 2 ⟶ 2NO 2 (2 marks)
d) N 2 + 3H 2 ⟶ 2NH 3 (3 marks)
e) Dip a glass rod in concentrated hydrochloric acid. (1 mark)
White smoke is produced with ammonia. (1 mark)
f) 2NH 3 + H 2 SO 4 ⟶ (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (3 marks)
g) CO 2 + H 2 O ⟶ H 2 CO 3 (2 marks)
Carbonic acid (1 mark)
h) i) Calcium hydroxide solution (1 mark)
ii) Colourless (1 mark)
iii) Insoluble (1 mark)
Calcium carbonate is produced. (1 mark)
iv) Soluble (1 mark)
Calcium hydrogencarbonate is produced. (1 mark)
i) CaCO 3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl 2 + CO 2 + H 2 O (3 marks)
j) Fire extinguishers (1 mark)
Fizzy drinks (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

5 a) Welding (1 mark)
b) i) Colourless liquid/solution (1 mark)
ii) Manganese(IV) oxide (1 mark)
Black solid (1 mark)
iii) 2H 2 O 2 ⟶ 2H 2 O + O 2 (3 marks)
Response Marks
A well-structured answer comparing the reaction of copper and magnesium, 5–6
with very good spelling, punctuation and grammar [using 8–10 indicative (Band A)
content points]. Written with a high degree of clarity and coherence.
A reasonably structured answer comparing the reaction of copper and 3–4
magnesium, with good spelling, punctuation and grammar [using 5–7 (Band B)
indicative content points]. Written with some clarity and coherence.
An attempt has been made to compare the reactions of copper and 1–2
magnesium but the form is poor [a minimum of two indicative content (Band C)
marks] with little comparison of reactions and poor clarity and coherence.
Response not worthy of credit 0

Indicative content:

Names of products:
Cu: copper(II) oxide
Mg: magnesium oxide
Cu: Red brown solid at start
Blue–green flame
Glows red
Black layer
Mg: Grey solid at start
White light
White powder
Comparison of reactivity:
Magnesium is more reactive; copper only reacts on the surface; magnesium reacts fully.
d) i) Accept any three of the following:
• yellow solid
• burns with blue flame
• red-brown liquid
• colourless gas. (3 marks)
ii) Colourless (1 mark)
iii) C + O 2 ⟶ CO 2 (2 marks)
iv) Acidic (1 mark)
© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017
Chapter 16 – Gas chemistry Answers

6 Carbon dioxide:
• colourless (1 mark)
• limewater (1 mark)
• turns milky (1 mark)
• relights (1 mark)
• glowing splint (1 mark)
• apply a lighted splint (1 mark)
• explodes with a ‘pop’ (1 mark)
• glass rod dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid (1 mark)
• white smoke (1 mark)
• no test, so negative result with the fours test above (1 mark)

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Appendix   Answers 

Test yourself (page 287) 
  1  a)  K,  b)  P,  c)  Si,  d)  Na,  e)  S,  f)  F,  g)  Zn,  h)  Cu,  i)  Ca,  j)  C 
  2  Four of: hydrogen H2, oxygen O2, nitrogen N2, chlorine Cl2, fluorine F2 
  3  a)  1 atom sodium, 1 atom oxygen, 1 atom hydrogen 
  b)  1 atom hydrogen, 1 atom nitrogen, 3 atoms oxygen 
  c)  3 atoms carbon, 6 atoms hydrogen, 2 atoms oxygen 
  d)  1 atom magnesium, 2 atoms hydrogen, 2 atoms oxygen 
  e)  1 atom aluminium, 3 atoms chlorine 
  f)  2 atoms nitrogen, 8 atoms hydrogen, 1 atom sulfur, 4 atoms oxygen  
  g)  2 atoms nitrogen, 4 atoms hydrogen, 3 atoms oxygen 
  h)  1 atom aluminium, 3 atoms oxygen, 3 atoms hydrogen 
  i)  2 atoms aluminium, 3 atoms carbon, 9 atoms oxygen 
  4  a)  1+,  b)  1+,  c)  1−,  d)  1−,  e)  2−,  f)  3+,  g)  3−,  h)  2− 
  5  a)  2+,  b)  1−,  c)  3−,  d)  2−,  e)  1+,  f)  2+,  g)  2−,  h)  1−,  i)  2−,  j)  1−,  k)  1+ 
  6  a)  potassium chloride  b)  sodium nitrate 
  c)  calcium chloride  d)  calcium sulfate 
  e)  aluminium carbonate  f)  magnesium nitrate 
  g)  sodium sulfate  h)  calcium carbonate 
  i)  iron(III) sulfate  j)  calcium hydrogencarbonate 
  k)  potassium dichromate  l)  silver nitrate 
  m)  magnesium bromide  n)  lead sulfate 
  o)  zinc hydroxide  p)  sodium hydrogencarbonate 
  q)  iron(II) iodide 

Test yourself (page 288) 
  7  KCl 
  8  CaI2 
  9  CuO 
10  Al2S3 
11  Ca(NO3)2 
12  Cu(OH)2 
13  (NH4)2CO3 
14  Fe(NO3)2 
15  Fe(OH)2 
16  Al(HCO3)3 

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Appendix   Answers 

17  Na2SO4 
18  CaS 
19  CuSO4 
20  MgO 
21  NH4Cl 
22  NaNO3 
23  Cr(OH)3 
24  FeO 
25  Al2(Cr2O7)3 
26  NaHCO3 
27  Na2CO3 
28  K2SO4 
29  NaS 
30  Li2Cr2O7 
31  Fe2O3 
32  Mg(Cr2O7)2 
33  CuCl2 
34  Zn(NO3)2 
35  (NH4)2CO3 
36  Na2Cr2O7 
37  FeCl2 
38  Al(OH)3 
39  FeBr3 
40  Mg(OH)2 
41  AgNO3 

Test yourself (page 289) 
42  ⟶ magnesium chloride + hydrogen 
43  ⟶ calcium nitrate + carbon dioxide + water 
44  ⟶ potassium sulfate + hydrogen 
45  ⟶ sodium chloride + water 
46  ⟶ potassium nitrate + water 
47  ⟶ magnesium sulfate + water + carbon dioxide 
48  ⟶ copper(II) chloride + water 
49  ⟶ ammonium chloride 
50  ⟶ sodium hydroxide + hydrogen 
51  ⟶ magnesium oxide 

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Appendix   Answers 

52  ⟶ potassium hydroxide + hydrogen 
53   ⟶ zinc oxide  
54  ⟶ aluminium oxide 
55  ⟶ copper oxide 
56  ⟶ sodium sulfate + water 
57  ⟶ calcium nitrate + water 
58  ⟶ potassium chloride + water + carbon dioxide 
59  ⟶ zinc chloride + hydrogen 
60  ⟶ magnesium nitrate + water 
61  ⟶ aluminium chloride + hydrogen 

Test yourself (page 289) 
62  1 Ca, 2 Cl 
63  1 Ca, 2 O, 2 H 
64  4 H, 2 S, 8 O 
65  2 H, 2 N, 6 O 
66  6 H 
67  2 Ca, 2 S, 6 O 
68  3 Mg, 6 O, 6 H 
69  2 N, 8 H, 1 C, 3 O 
70  2 Al, 6 N, 18 O 
71  6 K, 3 S, 12 O 
72  4 Na, 4 O, 4 H 
73  4 Al, 6 C, 18 O 
74  4 Na, 4 Al, 16 O, 16 H 
75  4 Fe, 6 C, 18 O 

Test yourself (page 291) 
76  3Mg + N2 ⟶ Mg3N2 
77  H2 + Cl2 ⟶ 2HCl 
78  MgO + 2HCl ⟶ MgCl2 + H2O 
79  N2 + 3H2 ⟶ 2NH3 
80  2Na + O2 ⟶ Na2O 
81  2Ca + O2 ⟶ 2CaO 
82  2K + 2H2O ⟶ 2KOH + H2 
83  Ca + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl2 + H2 

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Appendix   Answers 

84  2NaOH + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + 2H2O 
85  Ca(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl ⟶ CaCl2 + 2NH3 + H2O 
86  C5H12 + 8O2 ⟶ 5CO2 + 6H2O 
87  SO2 + O2 ⟶ SO3 
88  Ca + 2HNO3 ⟶ Ca(NO3)2 + H2 
89  C2H5OH + 3O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 3H2O 
90  Ca + 2H2O ⟶ Ca(OH)2 + H2 
91  Ca(OH)2 + 2HNO3 ⟶ Ca(NO3)3 + H2O 
92  2Fe + 1½O2 ⟶ Fe2O3 (or 4Fe + 3O2 ⟶ 2Fe2O3) 
93  2Al + 6HCl ⟶ 2AlCl3 + 3H2 
94  C2H6 + 3½O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 3H2O (or 2C2H6 + 7O2 ⟶ 4CO2 + 6H2O) 
95  Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl ⟶ MgCl2 + 2H2O 
96  Na2CO3 + HCl ⟶ 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 
97  CaCO3 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 
98  Na + Cl2 ⟶ 2NaCl 
99  CH4 + 2O2 ⟶ CO2 + 2H2O 
100  Li + 2HNO3 ⟶ 2LiNO3 + H2 
101  2Al + 1½O2 ⟶ Al2O3 (or 4Al + 3O2 ⟶ 2Al2O3) 
102  3Pb + 2O2 ⟶ Pb3O4 
103  2Na + 2H2O ⟶ 2NaOH + H2 
104  C2H4 + 3O2 ⟶ 2CO2 + 2H2O 
105  2NO + O2 ⟶ 2NO2 
106  Zn + 2HCl ⟶ ZnCl2 + H2 
107  2KHCO3 + H2SO4 ⟶ K2SO4 + 2CO2 + 2H2O 

Test yourself (page 291) 
108  Na2CO3 + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2 
109  CuCO3 + 2HNO3 ⟶ Cu(NO3)2 + H2O + CO2 
110  2Al + 6HCl ⟶ 2AlCl3 + 3H2 
111  2Na + 2H2O ⟶ 2NaOH + H2 
112  Ca + 2H2O ⟶ Ca(OH)2 + H2 
113  2HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 ⟶ Ca(NO3)2 + H2O 
114  NH3 + HNO3 ⟶ NH4NO3 
115  2NH3 + H2SO4 ⟶ (NH4)2SO4 
116  CuCO3 ⟶ CuO + CO2 
117  Na2O + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + H2O 
118  Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl ⟶ CaCl2 + 2H2O 

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

Appendix   Answers 

119  K2CO3 + 2HCl ⟶ 2KCl + H2O + CO2 
120  Mg + 2HCl ⟶ MgCl2 + H2 
121  2HNO3 + Mg(OH)2 ⟶ Mg(NO3)2 + 2H2O 
122  2Al + 3H2SO4 ⟶ Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2 

Test yourself (page 294) 
123  H+(aq) + OH−(aq) ⟶ H2O(l)  neutralisation 
124  H+(aq) + OH−(aq) ⟶ H2O(l)  neutralisation 
125  Ca2+(aq) + 2OH−(aq) ⟶ Ca(OH)2(s)  precipitation 
126  Ag+(aq) + Br−(aq) ⟶ AgBr(s)  precipitation 
127  Cu2+(aq) + Mg(s) ⟶ Cu(s) + Mg2+(aq)  displacement 
128  2Ag+(aq) + Mg(s) ⟶ 2Ag(s) + Mg2+(aq)  displacement 
129  Fe3+(aq) + 3OH−(aq) ⟶ Fe(OH)3(s)  precipitation 
130  Ba2+(aq) + SO42−(aq) ⟶ BaSO4(s)  precipitation 
131  Pb2+(aq) + 2I−(aq) ⟶ PbI2(s)  precipitation 
132  H+(aq) + OH−(aq) ⟶ H2O(l)  neutralisation 
133  H+(aq) + OH−(aq) ⟶ H2O(l)  neutralisation 
134  3Zn2+(aq) + 2Al(s) ⟶ 3Zn(s) + 2Al3+(aq)  displacement 

Test yourself (page 295) 
135  a)  Mg2+ + 2e− ⟶ Mg  b)  S2− ⟶ S + 2e− 
  c)  K+ + e− ⟶ K  d)  2Br− ⟶ Br2 + 2e− 
  e)  2O2− ⟶ O2 + 4e−  f)  2H+ + 2e− ⟶ H2 
  g)  Li+ + e− ⟶ Li  h)  Fe2+ + 2e− ⟶ Fe 
  I)  Ca ⟶ Ca2+ + 2e− 
136  a)  2I− ⟶ I2 + 2e−  b)  Al3+ + 3e− ⟶ Al 
  c)  2N3− ⟶ N2 + 6e−  d)  Na+ + e− ⟶ Na 
  e)  Fe ⟶ Fe3+ + 3e−  f)  Cu2+ + 2e− ⟶ Cu  

© Nora Henry, Alyn G McFarland 2017

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