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Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 1 of 42




PENNSYLVANIA, P.C., et al., Judge Joseph F. Leeson, Jr.






The Defendants UnitedHealth Group Incorporated; United HealthCare Services, Inc.,

UnitedHealthcare, Inc., UnitedHealth Networks, Inc., UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company,

UnitedHealthcare of New England, Inc., and UnitedHealthcare of Pennsylvania, Inc. (collectively,

“United”), pursuant to Rules 7, 8, and 15 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and this Court’s

Order of October 22, 2020 (Doc. 14), hereby answer Plaintiffs’ Complaint.


Unless specifically admitted, United denies all of the allegations in the numbered

paragraphs of the Complaint, and further denies that they were responsible for, or liable for, any

of the happenings or events mentioned in the Complaint. To the extent Plaintiffs have included

impertinent material or headings that are inappropriate under Rules 8 and 12(f) of the Federal

Rules of Civil Procedure, no response is necessary and any such inappropriate material should be

stricken. To the extent any headings or inappropriate material are deemed to require a response,

United denies them. United has retained any such headings only for the Court’s convenience.
Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 2 of 42

United further states that UnitedHealth Networks, Inc. is no longer an entity and that the proper

spellings of the entities that Plaintiffs reference in their Complaint are as follows: UnitedHealth

Group Incorporated; United HealthCare Services, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare

Insurance Company; UnitedHealthcare of New England, Inc.; and UnitedHealthcare of

Pennsylvania, Inc. United answers the individual allegations of the Complaint as follows:


1. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 1 and, on that basis, denies them. To the extent these allegations

require further response, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 1.

2. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 2.

3. United specifically denies the characterization of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated

or United HealthCare Services, Inc. as “insurance companies” and the characterization of

“MultiPlan” as the “data analyst” of the “United Defendants.” United admits that the other existent

“United Defendants” are “insurance companies.” The remaining allegations in Paragraph 3 state

legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent a response is required, United denies the

remaining allegations contained within Paragraph 3.

4. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 4.

5. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 5.

6. On information and belief, United admits that MultiPlan’s Data iSight tool makes

pricing recommendations for professional claims based on a number of factors, including the

Geographic Practice Cost Index issued by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

(“CMS”). United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 6.

7. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 7.

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8. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 8.

9. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 9 and, on that basis, denies them.

10. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 10.

11. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 11.


12. United admits that Emergency Care Services of Pennsylvania, P.C., is a for-profit

corporation that provides emergency room staffing services in Pennsylvania. United is without

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief about the truth of the remaining allegations

in Paragraph 12 and, on that basis, denies them.

13. United admits that Emergency Physician Associates of Pennsylvania, P.C., is a for-

profit corporation that provides emergency room staffing services in Pennsylvania. United is

without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief about the truth of the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 13 and, on that basis, denies them.

14. United admits that UnitedHealth Group Incorporated is a Delaware corporation

with its principal place of business at 9900 Bren Road East, Minnetonka, Minnesota. United

admits that UnitedHealth Group Incorporated is a publicly held corporation. United admits that

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated is the corporate parent of United HealthCare Services, Inc.

United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 14.

15. United admits that United HealthCare Services, Inc. is a Minnesota corporation

with its principal place of business at 9900 Bred Road East, Minnetonka, Minnesota. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 15.

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16. United admits that UnitedHealthcare, Inc. is a Delaware corporation with its

principal place of business at 9800 Health Care Lane, Minnetonka, Minnesota. United admits that

UnitedHealthcare, Inc. is an indirect subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated. United

admits that UnitedHealthcare, Inc., provides certain administrative services to certain health plans.

United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 16.

17. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 17.

18. United admits that UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company is a Connecticut

corporation with its principal place of business at 185 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

United admits that UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company is licensed to do business in

Pennsylvania. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 18.

19. United admits that UnitedHealthcare of New England, Inc. is a Rhode Island

corporation with its principal place of business at 475 Kilvert Street, Suite 310, Warwick, Rhode

Island. United admits that UnitedHealthcare of New England, Inc. is licensed to do business in

Pennsylvania. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 19.

20. United admits that UnitedHealthcare of Pennsylvania, Inc. is a Pennsylvania

corporation. United admits that UnitedHealthcare of Pennsylvania, Inc. is licensed to do business

in Pennsylvania. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 20.

21. United denies that UnitedHealthcare of New England, Inc., provides, operates, or

administers health insurance plans in Pennsylvania. United admits the remaining allegations in

Paragraph 21.

22. United admits that MultiPlan provides services to United. United is without

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief about the truth of the remaining allegations

in Paragraph 22 and, on that basis, denies them.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 5 of 42


23. Paragraph 23 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent a

response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 23.

24. Paragraph 24 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent a

response is required, United is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief about

the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 24 and, on that basis, denies them.

25. Paragraph 25 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent a

response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 25.


26. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 26.

27. United is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the allegations in Paragraph 27 and, on that basis, denies them.

28. Paragraph 28 sets forth a legal conclusion that requires no response. To the extent

a response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 28.

29. Paragraph 29 sets forth a legal conclusion that requires no response. To the extent

a response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 29.

30. United admits that Plaintiffs have rendered medical services to some members of

health plans insured or administered by United. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient

to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 30 and, on that basis,

denies them.

31. Paragraph 31 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

Paragraph 31 contains allegations requiring a response, United denies them.

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32. The allegations in Paragraph 32 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent a response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 32.

33. The allegations in Paragraph 33 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent a response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 33.

The Relationship Between Plaintiffs and Defendants

34. United admits that some of the United Defendants provide health insurance

coverage to their members. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 34.

35. United admits that some of the United Defendants provide health insurance

coverage to their members. United responds that the terms and conditions of member benefit plans

speak for themselves. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 35.

36. United admits that some of the United Defendants provide health insurance

coverage to their members. United responds that the terms and conditions of member benefit plans

speak for themselves. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 36.

37. The allegations in Paragraph 37 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent this paragraph contains allegations requiring a response, United states that the terms

and conditions of member benefit plans speak for themselves. United denies the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 37.

38. The allegations in Paragraph 38 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent a response is required, United states that any public marketing of available member

benefit plans is consistent with the terms of those plans. United denies the remaining allegations

in Paragraph 38.

39. United admits that a webpage available on contains the text that is quoted

in Paragraph 39.

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40. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 40 and, on that basis, denies them.

41. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 41 and, on that basis, denies them.

42. United admits that Plaintiffs are non-participating providers. The Complaint does

not identify any of the specific “reimbursement claims at issue in this lawsuit,” and United

therefore lacks information and knowledge sufficient to evaluate those particular benefit claims.

United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 42 and, on that basis, denies them.

43. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 43 and, on that basis, denies them.

44. United lacks knowledge or information to form a belief as to the truth of the

allegations in Paragraph 44 and, on that basis, denies them.

45. United lacks knowledge or information to form a belief as to the truth of the

allegations in Paragraph 45 and, on that basis, denies them. In response to footnote 1, United

answers that the allegations in footnote 1 set forth legal conclusions that require no response. To

the extent any response is required, United denies the allegations in footnote 1.

46. The allegations in Paragraph 46 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 46.

47. The allegations in Paragraph 47 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent any response is required, United responds that the terms and conditions of member

benefit plans speak for themselves and denies any remaining allegations in Paragraph 47.

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48. The allegations in Paragraph 48 set forth legal conclusions that require no response.

To the extent any response is required, United responds that the terms and conditions of member

benefit plans speak for themselves and denies any remaining allegations in Paragraph 48.

The Reasonable Rate for Non-Participating Emergency Services is Well-Established

49. United admits that there is no written agreement between United and Plaintiffs.

United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 49 and, on that basis, denies them.

50. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 50.

51. The allegations in Paragraph 51 and footnote 2 set forth legal conclusions that

require no response. To the extent a response is required, United denies the allegations in

Paragraph 51 and footnote 2.

52. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 52.

53. Paragraph 53 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent a

response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 53.

The United Providers Have Tried to Pay Non-Participating Providers Unreasonable Rates

54. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 54.

55. United admits that, in 2008, former New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo

announced an industry-wide investigation into health care reimbursement rates. United denies the

remaining allegations in Paragraph 55.

56. United admits that Ingenix is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group

Incorporated. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 56.

57. United admits that UnitedHealth Group Incorporated reached an agreement with

former Attorney General Andrew Cuomo in connection with his industry-wide investigation into

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 9 of 42

health care reimbursement rates. United responds that the terms of that agreement speak for

themselves. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 57.

58. United admits that former New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo gave a

statement containing the language that is quoted in Paragraph 58.

59. United admits that United Healthcare Corporation, n/k/a UnitedHealth Group,

United Healthcare Insurance Company, and United HealthCare Services, Inc., among other

defendants, entered into a Settlement Agreement dated January 14, 2009, in settlement of

American Medical Association et al. v. United Healthcare Corporation, et al., Case No. 00-2800

(LMM) (GWG) (S.D.N.Y.). United responds that the Settlement Agreement speaks for itself.

United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 59.

60. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 60 and, on that basis, denies them.

61. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 61 and, on that basis, denies them.

62. United admits that its website contains various references to FAIR Health, but

denies that its website “touts” the use of FAIR Health and its benchmark databases to determine

non-participating, out-of-network payment amounts. United denies the remaining allegations in

Paragraph 62.

63. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 63.

64. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 64.

65. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 65.

66. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 66 and, on that basis, denies them.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 10 of 42

67. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 67 and footnote 3 and, on that basis, denies them. United lacks

sufficient information because Plaintiffs have provided virtually no information about their

asserted claims (including any claims pertaining to “patient ZA”), and without plan, member, and

claim information, United cannot formulate a response to allegations pertaining to the claims at


68. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 68.

69. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 69 and, on that basis, denies them. United lacks sufficient information

because Plaintiffs have provided virtually no information about their asserted claims (including

any claims pertaining to “patient ZB”), and without plan, member, and claim information, United

cannot formulate a response to allegations pertaining to the claims at issue.

70. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 70.

71. Paragraph 71 contains legal conclusion that requires no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 71.

72. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 72.

73. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 73.

74. United admits that representatives of one or more United entities in 2017 and 2018

met with various individuals who purported to represent TeamHealth entities, including the

Plaintiffs, to negotiate contracts for TeamHealth affiliated entities to become participating, in-

network providers. United further admits that these negotiations occurred in person, by phone,

and by email correspondence. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 74 and, on that basis, denies them.

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75. United admits the allegations in Paragraph 75, except that United lacks knowledge

or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegation that the individuals or

entities that “met” with United are properly characterized as “Plaintiffs’ representatives,” and, on

that basis, denies that allegation.

76. United admits that United representatives discussed benchmark pricing with

TeamHealth representatives in the course of their negotiations, but denies the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 76.

77. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 77.

78. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 78.

79. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 79.

80. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 80.

81. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 81.

82. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 82.

83. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 83.

84. United admits that some United defendants contract with MultiPlan. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 84.

85. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 85.

86. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 86.

87. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 87.

88. United admits that Angie Nierman sent a written proposal to a TeamHealth

representative in July 2019. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 88.

89. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 89.

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Defendants’ Civil Conspiracy to Deprive Plaintiffs of Reasonable Reimbursement

90. United admits that some United defendants contract with MultiPlan. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 90.

91. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 91.

92. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 92.

93. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 93.

94. United admits that some United defendants contract with MultiPlan. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 94.

95. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 95.

96. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 96.

97. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 97.

98. United admits that some United defendants contract with MultiPlan. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 98.

Defendants’ Unlawful Acts


99. United admits that the website contains the text that is quoted in

Paragraph 99. United responds that the content of the website speaks for itself.

United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 99.

100. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 100.

101. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 101.

102. United denies that Data iSight determines reimbursement, or did so at any time.

United responds that the terms of its Explanation of Benefit forms speak for themselves. United

denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 102.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 13 of 42

103. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 103.

104. United responds that the terms of the Explanation of Benefit forms speak for

themselves, and denies any allegations in this paragraph inconsistent with their terms. United

denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 104.

105. United responds that the terms of the Explanation of Benefit forms speak for

themselves, and denies any allegations in Paragraph 105 inconsistent with their terms.

106. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 106 and, on that basis, denies them.

107. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 107 and, on that basis, denies them.

108. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 108 and, on that basis, denies them.

109. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 109 and, on that basis, denies them.

110. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 110 and, on that basis, denies them.

111. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 111 and, on that basis, denies them.

112. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 112 and, on that basis, denies them.

113. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 113 and, on that basis, denies them.

114. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 114.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 14 of 42

115. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 115.

116. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 116 and, on that basis, denies them.

117. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 117 and, on that basis, denies them.

118. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 118 and, on that basis, denies them.

119. United denies the allegations contained Paragraph 119.

Defensible and Market Tested

120. United denies the allegations contained Paragraph 120.

121. United admits that the website contains the text that is quoted in this

paragraph. Responding further, United states that the content of the website speaks

for itself. United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 121.

122. United denies the allegations contained Paragraph 122.

123. United denies the allegations contained Paragraph 123.

124. United responds that the content of Data iSight’s provider portal speaks for itself

and denies any allegation in Paragraph 124 inconsistent with that content. United denies the

remaining allegations in Paragraph 124.

125. United responds that the content of the website speaks for itself, and

denies any allegations in Paragraph 125 inconsistent with that content. United denies the

remaining allegations in paragraph 125.

126. United denies the allegations contained Paragraph 126.

127. United denies the allegations contained Paragraph 127.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 15 of 42

128. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 128, including Paragraphs 128(a), (b), and (c) and, on that basis, denies

them. United lacks sufficient information because Plaintiffs have provided virtually no

information about their asserted claims, and without plan, member, and claim information, United

cannot formulate a response to allegations pertaining to the claims at issue.

129. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 129, including Paragraphs 129(a), (b), and (c) and, on that basis, denies

them. United lacks sufficient information because Plaintiffs have provided virtually no

information about their asserted claims, and without plan, member, and claim information, United

cannot formulate a response to allegations pertaining to the claims at issue.

130. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 130 concerning any particular claims for payment for services and, on

that basis, denies them. United lacks sufficient information because Plaintiffs have provided

virtually no information about their asserted claims, and without plan, member, and claim

information, United cannot formulate a response to allegations pertaining to the claims at issue.

United denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 130.

131. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 131.

132. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 132.

133. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 133.

Geographic Adjustment

134. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 134.

135. United responds that the content of Data iSight’s provider portal speaks for itself,

and denies any allegations in this paragraph inconsistent with that content. United lacks

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 16 of 42

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in

Paragraph 135.

136. United responds that the content of the website speaks for itself, and

denies any allegations in Paragraph 136 inconsistent with that content. United denies the

remaining allegations in Paragraph 136.

137. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 137.

138. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 138 and, on that basis, denies them.

139. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 139 and, on that basis, denies them.

140. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 140 and, on that basis, denies them.

141. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 141 and, on that basis, denies them.

142. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 142 and, on that basis, denies them.

143. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 143 and, on that basis, denies them.

144. United admits that the specific quotes provided appear on a website that is

maintained by United. United responds that the content of its website speaks for itself. United

denies the allegations in Paragraph 144.

145. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 145 and, on that basis, denies them.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 17 of 42

146. United admits that some United Defendants contract with MultiPlan. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 146.

147. United admits that some United Defendants contract with MultiPlan. United denies

the remaining allegations in Paragraph 147.

148. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 148.

149. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 149 and, on that basis, denies them.

150. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 150 and, on that basis, denies them.

151. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 151 and, on that basis, denies them.

152. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 152.

153. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 153.

154. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 154, including Paragraphs 154(a), (b), and (c) and, on that basis, denies

them. United lacks sufficient information because Plaintiffs have provided virtually no

information about their asserted claims (including those pertaining to “BB”, “BC” or “BD”), and

without plan, member, and claim information, United cannot formulate a response to allegations

pertaining to the claims at issue.

155. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 155.

156. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 156.

157. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 157.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 18 of 42


Common Law Conversion

All Plaintiffs v. United Defendants

158. United incorporates and reasserts its responses to the allegations in the Complaint

as if fully set forth herein.

159. Paragraph 159 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent a

response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 159.

160. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 160.

161. Paragraph 161 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 161.

162. United lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of

the allegations in Paragraph 162 and, on that basis, denies them. United lacks sufficient

information because Plaintiffs have provided virtually no information about their asserted claims,

and without plan, member, and claim information, United cannot formulate a response to

allegations pertaining to the claims at issue.

163. Paragraph 163 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 163.

164. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 164.

Responding to Plaintiff’s “WHEREFORE” statement and all subparts thereto, Defendants

deny that they are liable to Plaintiffs in any fashion or in any amount.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 19 of 42


Common Law Conversion

All Plaintiffs v. MultiPlan, Inc.

165. United incorporates and reasserts its responses to the allegations in the Complaint

as if fully set forth herein.

166. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 166.

167. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 167.

168. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 168.

169. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 169.

170. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 170.

171. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 171.

172. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 172.

173. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 173.

174. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 174.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 20 of 42

175. Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does

not respond to the allegations in Paragraph 175.

Because the allegations in Count II are made solely against MultiPlan, United does not

respond to Plaintiff’s “WHEREFORE” statement and all subparts thereto.


Civil Conspiracy

All Plaintiffs v. All Defendants

176. United incorporates and reasserts its responses to the allegations in the Complaint

as if fully set forth herein.

177. Paragraph 177 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 177.

178. Paragraph 178 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 178.

179. Paragraph 179 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 179.

180. Paragraph 180 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 180.

181. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 181.

Responding to Plaintiff’s “WHEREFORE” statement and all subparts thereto, Defendants

deny that they are liable to Plaintiffs in any fashion or in any amount.

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Breach of Implied-in-Fact Contract under Pennsylvania Law

All Plaintiffs v. the United Defendants

182. United incorporates and reasserts its responses to the allegations in the Complaint

as if fully set forth herein.

183. Paragraph 183 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 183.

184. In response to Paragraph 184, United admits that there is no written agreement

between United and Plaintiffs.

185. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 185.

186. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 186.

187. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 187.

188. Defendants deny that they are liable to Plaintiffs in any fashion or in any amount.

United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 188.

Responding to Plaintiff’s “WHEREFORE” statement and all subparts thereto, Defendants

deny that they are liable to Plaintiffs in any fashion or in any amount.


Quantum Meruit under Pennsylvania Law

All Plaintiffs v. the United Defendants

189. United incorporates and reasserts its responses to the allegations in the Complaint

as if fully set forth herein.

190. Paragraph 190 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 190.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 22 of 42

191. Paragraph 191 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 191.

192. Paragraph 192 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 192.

193. Paragraph 193 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 193.

194. Paragraph 194 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 194.

195. Paragraph 195 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 195.

196. Paragraph 196 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 196.

197. Paragraph 197 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 197.

198. Paragraph 198 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 198.

199. United admits that Plaintiffs have provided medical services to some members of

health plans insured or administered by United. United denies the remaining allegations in

Paragraph 199. The remaining allegations Paragraph 199 set forth legal conclusions that require

no response.

200. United denies the allegations in Paragraph 200.

201. Paragraph 201 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 201.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 23 of 42

202. Paragraph 202 sets forth legal conclusions that require no response. To the extent

any response is required, United denies the allegations in Paragraph 202.

203. Defendants deny that they are liable to Plaintiffs in any fashion or in any amount.

United denies the remaining allegations in Paragraph 203.

Responding to Plaintiff’s “WHEREFORE” statement and all subparts thereto, Defendants

deny that they are liable to Plaintiffs in any fashion or in any amount.


United denies that a jury trial is available or appropriate with respect to Plaintiffs’ claims,

but hereby demands a jury of the maximum number of jurors allowed by law on all issues so



Defendants have not yet completed their investigation in this matter. Notably, Plaintiffs

have failed to adequately plead the specific benefit claims at issue in this case, including as to

individual members, the health care coverage those members possessed on the dates of service at

issue, the terms of their various health benefit plans, the specific medical services rendered, and

the payment and processing history to date. Without such basic information, United is unable to

adequately respond to the asserted claims. United reserves all rights to alter or amend its

responsive pleading and affirmative defenses at such time as Plaintiffs provide the information

necessary to identify the benefit claims at issue.

Without assuming the burden of proof where it otherwise rests with Plaintiffs, United

asserts the following defenses as may prove applicable after discovery or trial.

1. To the extent to be determined through review of subsequently identified benefit

claims, some or all of the claims may be preempted by the Employee Retirement Income Security

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 24 of 42

Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) to the extent the members in question obtain their health care coverage

through employer-based health plans. Such benefit claims relate to payments under plans

governed by ERISA, and all such claims are both expressly and completely preempted by ERISA.

2. The terms and conditions of the applicable health plans are incorporated by

reference as if fully set forth herein, and bar some or all of the relief requested. United reserves

all rights with respect to asserting this defense once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the

specific benefit claims that they contend were underpaid for purposes of the lawsuit, and the

specific plans at issue.

3. Some or all of Plaintiffs’ billed charges are excessive under the applicable

standards, and/or Plaintiffs have failed to identify any basis for entitlement to demand receipt of

any fixed percentage of billed charges.

4. Some or all of the Plaintiffs’ asserted causes of action are untimely with respect to

the health benefit claims at issue, and/or are subject to statute of limitations or contractual

limitations periods. United reserves all rights with respect to asserting this defense once Plaintiffs

have adequately identified the specific benefit claims that they contend were underpaid, and the

specific health benefit plans at issue.

5. Some or all of the benefit claims asserted are subject to reimbursement rates set by

Plaintiffs’ contractual agreement with Defendant MultiPlan, Inc. United reserves all rights with

respect to asserting this defense once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the specific benefit

claims that they contend were underpaid.

6. To the extent that Plaintiffs have any right to receive health plan benefits, that right

is subject to basic preconditions and prerequisites that have not been established, including that

the patients are members of health benefit plans insured or administered by United on the date of

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service, that the coordination of benefits has been applied, that the services were medically

necessary, that an emergency medical condition was present, that Plaintiffs timely submitted

correctly coded claims and supplied any requested documentation, that any necessary

authorizations were obtained prior to rendering the reported services to United’s members, and

that any requirements of administrative exhaustion were satisfied. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are

barred, in whole or in part, to the extent they seek to recover amounts for services where:

(i) Plaintiffs submitted benefit claims for services not actually performed; (ii) Plaintiffs submitted

multiple benefit claims for the same services performed or associated costs; (iii) Plaintiffs seek

reimbursement using incorrect procedural terminology or other billing codes in the submission of

their claims, including, for example, where Plaintiffs submitted a claim using a Current Procedural

Terminology (CPT) code that was not justified under the circumstances; (iv) Plaintiffs seek

reimbursement for services rendered after Plaintiffs provided an improper kickback or other

improper benefit to the patient (including where Plaintiffs improperly waived or paid the patient’s

co-payment, coinsurance, deductible, or other amount that the patient was legally obligated to

pay); (v) Plaintiffs seek reimbursement for amounts that fail to take into account co-payment, co-

insurance, deductibles that must be recovered as a matter of law and/or industry practice and/or

any other terms, conditions, exclusions, or limitations of the underlying United plans; and/or

(vi) Plaintiffs failed to exhaust mandatory administrative and/or contractual remedies. United

reserves all rights with respect to asserting any and all such defenses once Plaintiffs have

adequately identified the specific benefit claims that they contend were underpaid.

7. Plaintiffs lack standing to bring all or part of this action, including because, upon

information and belief, and to the extent to be determined through subsequent identification of the

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 26 of 42

disputed benefit claims by Plaintiffs, United Healthcare Services, Inc. did not function as an insurer

or issuer of unspecified health plan coverage alleged to be at issue.

8. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent that the

entities joined as Plaintiffs are pursuing benefit claims that they do not possess the legal right to

pursue. United reserves all rights with respect to asserting this defense once Plaintiffs have

adequately identified the specific benefit claims that they contend were underpaid, and the specific

health benefit plans at issue.

9. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent that they

seek to unjustly enrich Plaintiffs by allowing them to retain funds in excess of any amounts due

for covered services under health benefit plans insured or administered by United. United reserves

all rights with respect to asserting this defense once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the

specific benefit claims that they contend were underpaid, and the specific health benefit plans at


10. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent that Plaintiffs

have not mitigated their damages by seeking reimbursement from other sources, including, but not

limited to, other health benefit plans, programs, or entities that may have had an obligation to pay

for the emergency medical services allegedly rendered by Plaintiffs.

11. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, by the equitable doctrines

of waiver, estoppel, laches, and/or unclean hands. United reserves all rights with respect to

asserting this defense once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the specific benefit claims that

they contend where underpaid, and the specific health benefit plans at issue.

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 27 of 42

12. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent the monetary

relief sought under theories of restitution, disgorgement, constructive trust and/or any other theory

is not equitable, and thus not available under those theories of liability.

13. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, to the extent Plaintiffs

failed to sue the appropriate legal entity. United reserves all rights with respect to asserting this

defense once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the specific benefit claims that they contend

were underpaid, and the specific health benefit plans at issue.

14. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines of accord

and satisfaction and/or release. United reserves all rights with respect to asserting this defense

once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the specific benefit claims that they contend were

underpaid, and the specific health benefit plans at issue.

15. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines of res

judicata and/or collateral estoppel. United reserves all rights with respect to asserting this defense

once Plaintiffs have adequately identified the specific benefit claims that they contend were

underpaid, and the specific health benefit plans at issue.

16. Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are subject to setoff and/or recoupment with respect to

benefit claims for which United made payment on the basis of CPT or other billing codes included

in Plaintiffs’ submission that Plaintiffs’ clinical records of their patients’ care reveal to have been

improperly submitted, either because Plaintiffs’ clinical records do not support submission of the

codes at all, or because Plaintiffs’ clinical records establish that different codes should have been


Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 28 of 42

17. Plaintiffs are not entitled to relief because they have received all payments due, if

any, for the covered services they rendered to members of health benefit plans insured or

administered by United in accordance with the terms of the applicable health benefit plans.

18. United reserves the right to assert, and hereby gives notice that it intends to rely

upon, any other defense that may become available during discovery proceedings or otherwise in

this case and hereby reserves the right to amend its Answer to assert any such defense.


Defendants and Counter-Claimants UnitedHealth Group Incorporated; United HealthCare

Services, Inc., UnitedHealthcare, Inc., UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, UnitedHealthcare

of New England, Inc., and UnitedHealthcare of Pennsylvania, Inc. (collectively, “United”) allege

the following counterclaims on their own behalf and on behalf of the health benefit plans that they

administer for recovery of funds owed to United by Emergency Care Services of Pennsylvania,

P.C., and Emergency Physician Associates of Pennsylvania, P.C. (collectively, “TeamHealth

Pennsylvania Plaintiffs” or “Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants”). United also seeks a declaration that

any unpaid benefit claims submitted by Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants to United that arose out of

the same wrongful conduct described herein are not payable and an injunction prohibiting

Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants and its successors from submitting claims that are unsupported by

underlying medical records to United in the future.


1. This action arises from Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ submission of claims for

insurance payments to United that improperly represented the nature of the services rendered

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resulting in higher remittance payments to Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants than those to which they

were entitled.

2. Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants are health care providers that purport to provide

emergency medical services at several hospitals located in Pennsylvania. They do not have a

contractual relationship with United, but they have rendered medical care, on an out-of-network

basis, to patients who are members of health benefit plans insured or administered by United.

3. As a result of Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ incorrect reporting of the services

they rendered to United’s members, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants obtained reimbursements for

various medical services rendered to members of health benefit plans insured or administered by

United to which Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants were not entitled.

4. Improper billing by health care providers and the resulting overpayment by payors

has been a persistent problem for decades. From 2001 to 2010, the use of claims describing the

services rendered by the healthcare provider with current procedural terminology (“CPT”) codes

denoting high-level emergency department evaluation and management (“E/M”) services that

provide higher payment amounts, including a 21% increase in the use of CPT code 99285. 1 An

analysis of the use of these E/M services codes revealed that Medicare paid $6.7 billion in 2010

for E/M services that providers were not entitled to because providers submitted claims that were

incorrectly coded and/or lacking documentation. 2 Such “upcoding” remains a malignant problem

for health care payors, costing them and the employee benefit plans that they administer billions

Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General, Coding Trends of Medicare Evaluation
and Management Services at 10 (May, 2012),
Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General, Improper Payments for Evaluation and
Management Services Cost Medicare Billions in 2010 at 2 (May, 2014),

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 30 of 42

of dollars in reimbursement payments for wrongfully submitted and coded claims. 3 For example,

the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) reported losses of $28.91 billion in

improper payments in 2019 on Medicare fee-for-service claims, which include E/M claims, and

$57.36 billion in losses to improper payments on Medicaid claims, also including E/M claims. 4

5. In the same fashion, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants routinely submitted claims for

reimbursement to United that misrepresented the services rendered by including current CPT codes

that did not accurately reflect the services performed. For example, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants

submitted thousands of benefit claims listing CPT code 99285 to describe the underlying medical

services that they allegedly rendered to United’s members. However, the medical records and

other underlying documentation show that the services actually rendered did not correspond to this

CPT code in the majority of these claims.

6. Relying on these misrepresentations of the medical services allegedly provided to

United’s members, United remitted payments to Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants—in the form of

plan benefit payments—that it would not otherwise have allowed. United would not have allowed

the excessive plan benefit reimbursements but for Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’

misrepresentation of the services allegedly rendered to United’s members, thereby proximately

causing United to suffer money damages.

7. United has been further damaged by Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’

misrepresentation of the services allegedly rendered to United’s members because it has had to

Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General, Hospitals Overbilled Medicare $1 Billion
by Incorrectly Assigning Severe Malnutrition Diagnosis Codes to Inpatient Hospital Claims (July, 2020),
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2020 Estimated Improper Payment Rates for Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) Programs at 2 (Nov 16, 2020),

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 31 of 42

shoulder the substantial costs of investigating Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ abusive CPT coding

and billing practices, and because it has incurred attorneys’ fees and other costs of litigation in

seeking to recover payment for these improperly reported and billed services.


8. This action arises by federal question jurisdiction because each of the benefit claims

in Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ Complaint is completely preempted by the federal Employee

Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) for the reasons detailed in United’s Notice of Removal

(Doc. 1).

9. Because these counterclaims are part of the same case or controversy, and arise out

of the same transactions and occurrences that are the subject matter of the Complaint, this Court

has jurisdiction over these counterclaims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367 and Rule 13(a) of the

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

10. United is asserting an alternative counterclaim seeking relief under ERISA, a claim

which arises under federal question jurisdiction. As such, this Court appropriately has jurisdiction

over this claim pursuant to ERISA § 502(a)(3).

11. Unlike Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ causes of action, United’s state-law

counterclaim is not subject to conflict preemption. For United’s claim to be subject to preemption,

it would need to “relate to” the existence of a plan covered by ERISA such that it was premised

on the existence of a plan adopted by the Plaintiffs/Counter Defendants. See Nat'l Sec. Sys., Inc.

v. Iola, 700 F.3d 65, 84 (3d Cir. 2012) (holding that state law claims are preempted only to the

extent that they relate to conduct after the adoption of the plan). Here, however, Plaintiffs/Counter-

Defendants, as out-of-network providers, never adopted any United plan. Moreover, United’s

counterclaim is predicated on an independent duty that they owe to United to submit truthful and

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accurate benefit claims and the inequitable consequences of the misrepresentations on the claim

forms submitted to United. See Ass'n of New Jersey Chiropractors v. Aetna, Inc., No. 09-CV-

3761, 2012 WL 1638166, at *7 (D.N.J. May 8, 2012) (holding that a health insurer’s counterclaims

were not preempted because those claims were “based upon an independent duty ... under ... [the]

common law” to not “submit[ ] fraudulent bills to an insurer for payment”).

12. Venue is proper in this Court as the State Court Action (as defined in United’s

Notice of Removal (Doc. 1)) resulting from Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ Complaint is pending

within its jurisdictional confines. See 28 U.S.C. § 1146(a).


A. United’s Health Benefit Plans

13. United is a health insurer and third-party administrator of employee health benefit

plans, which are sponsored by employers and provide varying health benefits to their members.

The health benefit plans sponsored by employers are subject to, and governed by, ERISA. United

provides insurance and/or administrative services to employer-sponsored health benefit plans,

including the processing of benefit claims for reimbursement of medical services rendered to the

members covered by these benefit plans. For those benefit plans that are insured by United

(“insured plans”), benefit payments are made from United’s own funds. For those benefit plans

for which United acts as a claim administrator (“self-funded plans”), benefit payments are made

from plan funds provided by the employer-sponsor of the self-funded plan. United’s contractual

agreements with employer-sponsors of these self-funded plans typically grant United the express

authority to undertake legal actions to recover overpayments on behalf of the self-funded plans.

14. United reimburses members and beneficiaries who obtain services from non-

participating providers based on the terms of their United-administered plans.

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15. Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants are emergency room providers who do not

participate in United’s provider network, and they do not contract with United to set

reimbursement rates for the medical services rendered to United’s members.

16. Non-participating, out-of-network providers may seek reimbursement for covered

services directly from United if an individual member authorizes the provider to do so in writing.

In that case, the non-participating, out-of-network provider must submit a health insurance claim

form to United using the CPT alphanumeric coding regime to indicate the procedure or service

provided, the professional who performed the service, the location at which the service was

provided, and the provider’s standard charge for the service. If the service or procedure is covered

by the member’s plan, then United remits reimbursement directly to the healthcare provider less

any applicable out-of-network deductible, co-insurance, or other amounts for which the member

is responsible. United informs providers that any remaining balances are the responsibility of the

individual members, and that the providers may recover those sums directly from the members.

17. United receives more than one million benefit claims for adjudication and

processing each day. Because it receives hundreds of millions of transactions in claims for benefits

each year, United by necessity relies on the good faith and accuracy of the healthcare providers’

descriptions of the services or procedures allegedly rendered to the members that those providers

report on the claim forms submitted to United. Likewise, United relies on the providers’ statement

of the charges billed for such services or procedures. United relies in good faith on these

representations by the healthcare providers to ensure that providers are promptly and efficiently

compensated for the medical procedures or services they rendered to United’s members.

Moreover, claims administrators could not remit timely payments to healthcare providers in

compliance with prompt payment laws that exist in most states, and could not timely reimburse

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members if the claims administrator audited each and every submitted claim to determine its

truthfulness and accuracy prior to payment.

18. Therefore, consistent with industry practice, United relies upon healthcare

providers to submit benefit claims for payment that honestly and accurately report and describe

the medical services or procedures rendered on the date of service for which payment is sought.

United’s processing and reimbursement of a benefit claim is not an indication that United

investigated that claim and found the service or procedure reported to have been performed or the

claim to have been properly and truthfully reported; rather, it is by necessity an automated process

in which United reserves the right to audit the claims submission and seek legal remedies to recover

overpayments based on inaccurate and/or improper reporting of billed services and procedures.

19. A healthcare provider’s improper use of billing codes is a misrepresentation of the

services performed, the billed charges, and the facts that directly impact both whether the services

rendered are reimbursable and the reimbursable amount of the benefit claim.

B. Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ Misrepresentations Regarding CPT Codes

20. CPT codes are a set of health-care industry accepted codes published by the

American Medical Association that are used to describe medical procedures and services

performed by healthcare providers.

21. United uses the standardized CMS-1500 claims form (as well as the UB-04 claim

form used for facility claims) to receive reimbursement claims. Both forms include fields that

require the healthcare provider to input a CPT code to denote the service or procedure that the

provider rendered and, as relevant, for which the provider is seeking reimbursement.

22. Reimbursement for these procedures and services is typically tied to the CPT codes

that providers report on the claim form for which they are seeking reimbursement. Different CPT

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 35 of 42

codes denote different levels of service that can produce lower or higher rates of reimbursement

for the reported service. For example, CPT codes 99281 and 99285 both denote that the service

for which the claim is being submitted were E/M services in an emergency department. However,

CPT code 99281 denotes a lower level of E/M services while CPT code 99285 denotes a higher

level of E/M services, resulting in a substantially higher reimbursement amount for CPT code


23. By using this CPT code 99285 on a claim form, an emergency room physician is

reporting an emergency department visit for the evaluation and management of a patient that meets

the following criteria: (1) the patient has a comprehensive history; (2) the patient requires a

detailed examination; and (3) the situation necessitates medical decision making of high

complexity. All three components are required for appropriate use of CPT code 99285 on a claims

submission. If any one of these criteria is missing, use of a lower level CPT code is necessary for

the claim to be proper.

24. CPT codes 99284 and 99283 similarly denote higher-level E/M services in an

emergency department and each have their own requirements for submission.

25. When United receives a claim submission from Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants

predicated on CPT codes 99283, 99284, or 99285, United relies on the attestation of the submitting

provider that all of the information on the claim form, including, but not limited to, the CPT code,

was accurate, proper, and that the procedure or service was performed for medically necessary


26. Between 2016 and October of 2020, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants submitted

thousands of claim forms to United for services reported using CPT codes 99283, 99284, and

99285. United generally paid these claims, again relying on the attestation of the

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Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants that they actually rendered the services or procedures as stated, that

the procedure was medically necessary, and that the use of these codes complied with all CPT

reporting and coding requirements.

27. Upon review of the claim submissions that Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants

submitted to United for procedures and services that they billed using CPT codes 99283, 99284,

and 99285, United discovered that the medical records and other documentation did not support

the use of the reported codes in over 64% of these claims.

28. In particular, for CPT code 99285, United found that the CPT code was unsupported

in approximately 82% of the claims submitted to United by Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant

Emergency Care Services of PA, P.C., and in approximately 79% of the claims submitted to United

by Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant Emergency Physician Associates of PA, P.C. In other words, for

each of these claims, the use of CPT code 99285 was unsupported by the underlying medical

records and documentation maintained by the Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants. As such, the

reporting of CPT code 99285 improperly resulted in higher remittance payments than those to

which Plaintiff/Counter-Defendants were actually entitled.

29. United paid over $1 million to Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants for medical services

or procedures in which the CPT codes that they reported in the claim forms were not supported by

the underlying medical records that they maintained of the encounter with United’s members.

United would not have paid Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants for these benefit claims if United had

been aware at the time that the claims were adjudicated and processed that the medical records and

other documentation maintained by the Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants showed that they billed

United for medical services or procedures that they did not perform, were not medically necessary,

or did not report properly in compliance with CPT coding standards and guidance.

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30. Upon information and belief, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants submitted claims to

United for medical services or procedures that they did not perform, were not medically necessary

and/or did not report properly in compliance with CPT coding standards and guidance. In doing

so, United made payments to the Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants for plan benefits that United would

not have made if it knew that the submitted claims misrepresented the services or procedures

allegedly rendered to United’s members. In doing so, United suffered monetary damages that were

proximately caused by the improper claims submitted to United by Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants.


Unlike the TeamHealth Pennsylvania Plaintiffs’ claims, the United Defendants’ state-law

claims are not preempted by ERISA because they are not premised on a challenge to the United

Defendants’ administration of any health benefits plan. Regardless, should the Court find that

the United Defendants’ state-law claims are preempted for any reason, the United Defendants

bring in the alternative a claim for relief under ERISA.

COUNT 1 - Unjust Enrichment

31. United incorporates by reference every allegation set forth in Paragraphs 1 through

30 above.

32. By submitting benefit claims for medical services or procedures that improperly

described the services or procedures rendered to members of health benefit plans administered by

United, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants received a benefit in the form of remittance payments.

33. By accepting these payments, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants appreciated these


34. Through Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ actions, Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants

obtained United’s insurance payments to which they were not entitled because the claims did not

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accurately reflect the services performed on United’s members. These circumstances are such that

it would be inequitable for Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants to retain the benefit of United’s

unwarranted insurance payments.

35. As a direct and proximate result of Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants’ unlawful acts,

United has been damaged in a sum in excess of $1 million.

COUNT 2 - Unjust Enrichment under ERISA

36. United incorporates by reference every allegation set forth in Paragraphs 1 through

30 above.

37. In the alternative, United asserts a claim for unjust enrichment under ERISA §

502(a)(3) to pursue appropriate equitable relief. See, e.g., North American Coal Corp. v. Roth,

395 F.3d 916, 917 (8th Cir. 2005) (“It was thus proper for the district court to impose a constructive

trust over the overpaid benefits, permanently enjoin appellants from disposing of or transferring

any of the funds still in their possession and control, and require the return of such funds and a

tracing of any portion of the funds no longer in appellants’ possession or control.”); Pharmacia

Corp. Supplemental Pension Plan, ex rel. Pfizer Inc. v, Weldon, 126 F. Supp. 3d 1061, 1070 (E.D.

Mo. 2015) (upholding unjust enrichment clam under ERISA § 502(a)(3) against motion to

dismiss); Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Solomon, 996 F. Supp. 1473, 1475 (M.D. Fla. 1998) (stating that

the elements of an unjust enrichment claim under ERISA are “(1) a benefit conferred upon the

defendant by the plaintiff, (2) appreciation by the defendant of such benefit, and (3) acceptance

and retention of such benefit by the defendant under such circumstances that it would be

inequitable for him to retain it without paying the value thereof.”).

38. By submitting insurance claims that improperly reported the healthcare services or

procedures rendered to patients insured under United-administered health plans, United conferred

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a benefit upon Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants in the form of remuneration for improperly-

submitted benefit claims.

39. Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants appreciated these payments, which were not

properly payable under the applicable benefit plans under the actual facts concerning the services

rendered. As discussed above, United paid the misrepresented claims and thereby conferred an

unwarranted benefit upon Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants.

40. Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants knew that their actions would induce United to

confer upon it an unwarranted benefit in the form of benefit payments. Plaintiffs/Counter-

Defendants knowingly accepted and retained such payments.

41. ERISA § 502(a)(3) provides that “A civil action may be brought . . . by a participant,

beneficiary, or fiduciary (A) to enjoin any act or practice which violates any provision of this

subchapter or the terms of the plan, or (B) to obtain other appropriate equitable relief (i) to redress

such violations or (ii) to enforce any provisions of this subchapter or the terms of the plan.”

42. United acted as a functional fiduciary within the meaning of ERISA § 502(a)(3)

with respect to the benefit claims submitted by Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants where they utilized

improper and inaccurate CPT coding, to the extent that it exercised discretionary authority in

determining whether to pay each benefit claim, and in what amount. As such, United may seek

relief against Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants under ERISA § 502(a)(3) to enforce the terms of the

United-administered benefit plans implicated and to recover overpayments made to under the

terms of those plans.

43. It would be inequitable for Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants to retain the benefit of

United’s payments based on their misrepresented services and improper CPT coding.

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44. Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants have been unjustly enriched to the detriment of

United, which has suffered damages as a direct and proximate result of the Plaintiffs/Counter-

Defendants’ actions in a sum in excess of $1 million.


WHEREFORE, United prays for the following relief:

That judgment be entered in favor of United on its counterclaims against

Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants and

1. Restitution and Compensatory Damages;

2. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs for United’s ERISA claim;

3. Imposition of a constructive trust on the overpaid funds;

4. Tracing of any funds no longer in Plaintiff/Counter-Defendants’ control; A

declaration that any unpaid claims submitted by Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants to United that arose

out of the same practices described herein are not payable;

5. Such other legal and equitable relief this Court deems just and proper.

Dated: November 20, 2020 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ K. Lee Blalack, II

Karl S. Myers
2600 One Commerce Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 564-819
Amanda L. Genovese (pro hac vice)
7 Times Square
New York, New York 10036
(212) 326-2000

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 41 of 42

K. Lee Blalack, II (pro hac vice)

1625 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 383-5300

Dimitri D. Portnoi (pro hac vice)

Natasha S. Fedder (pro hac vice forthcoming)
Jason A. Orr (pro hac vice)
400 South Hope Street, 18th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071-2899
(213) 430-6000

Counsel for the United Defendants

Case 5:20-cv-05094-JFL Document 37 Filed 11/20/20 Page 42 of 42


I, K. Lee Blalack, II, hereby certify that on the date below I caused the foregoing to be filed

with the Court by the electronic filing system and to be served on all counsel of record.

/s/ K. Lee Blalack, II

K. Lee Blalack, II

Dated: November 20, 2020

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