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The Use of CAN.

The modal verb “CAN” is really important since we can use it to express a variety of ideas
and it may be used in many different scenarios.

For example, context in which we can use this modal:

1.To express Ability: 1. . To express Inability:

Tony Haws can skate well. He can’t ride a horse.
He can speak three languages. I can’t type very fast.
I can play table tennis. We can’t lift 100 kilos.
We can cook pastas. Paula cannot run fast.
They can eat with chop sticks. Sarah cannot drive a car.
Birds can fly.

2. To do request 4. Permissions

Can you help me? Can I use your cell phone?

Can you tell me the way to the museum? Can I take a day off?

Can you come here a minute please? Can I smoke here?

6. Inappropriateness
3. Possibility
You can’t wear that dress! It is indecent.
The referee can finish the match now.
You can’t smoke in this building. It is illegal.
My friend can visit me this week.
You can’t ask for information here. This is not
We can go to the stadium on Sunday.
information desk.
Note: can is not normal used to describe future
possibility in the positive form.
INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.

NOTE: Negative form of CAN is either “cannot” or “can not” and its negative
contraction is “Can’t”. Also notice that (Yes-no questions can be formed in two
ways: using the cannot before or after the subject.
1. Can you not come today? Can he read fast?
2. Can’t you come today? Can’t he read fast?
idea: Remember! Questions that do not use Wh form, it is just required a yes/no aswer. On the
other hand, wh particles always ask for extra information e.g. What can i do to learn English
faster? Now is your turn put into practice what you

learned by playing this game This other link contains a variety of useful

exercises that can help you to reinforce your knowledge and understanding about the use of the
modal Can. To talk about possibilities, strengths, weaknesses and to ask for permission and to do

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