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The project

Mixx is a mix tape brand that sends you curated bespoke mixes directly to your door.
They have reached out to you to create 3 style frames to be used for an upcoming video.
The client has provided you with their logo, a color palette and some approved images that you can
use. Their brand typeface is E�ra (from Adobe Fonts).

You are free to use any part of any image and mix and match or cut out any part.
They want one frame to have a collage of some sort to convey the idea of a mix, then a transitional
frame, then a frame that contains a logo lockup with the tagline “Level Up your Mix”.
3- 1920 x 1080 jpgs

Color palette

FFFFFF 000000 16162F 3858D8 34A872 F3D354 DC403D EFEBE7

Check out some inspiring frames by Sarah Beth Morgan

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