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Power of Voice

In today’s time, our country is struggling to fight the manacles of poverty, illiteracy and discrimination.
Aside of this, I believe that protecting the rights of the persons with special needs is also a struggle in
this country.

I am disappointed about the access to public transport facilities. It’s clear to us how persons with
disabilities must be treated, especially when they are availing of public transportation. Many times I’ve
seen people in wheelchairs motioning for taxis, jeepneys, or tricycle to pull over but are being ignored. I
find this rude and insulting. Do they have to be turned down just because they have a disability?

No matter what family, class, or order it belongs to. The same way goes with people. PWDs are still
people capable of being productive and functional in a society. They have their own rights and it must
not be taken away from them just because they have lost their sight, hearing and some of their body
parts or they have learning disabilities. Every person must be aware, support and respect their rights.

We must act together in a common purpose because there is no point in knowing the rights of
everyone, especially PWDs if we will not do anything to defend and protect them against people who
will take advantage of them.

For everyone’s information, disability is not inability!

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