Book Extension Activity - Lesson Plan: Department

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Your Name: Daphne Rodriguez Genre of the Book: Award

Book Title: Nana in the City Author: Lauren Castillo
Publisher: Clarion Books Date: 12 / 10 / 2020

1. Activity/Lesson Standards: Choose one standard from either CCSD kindergarten pdf
or Nevada Pre-Kindergarten Standards. Locate
department Choose “Resources.” See curriculum choices at the bottom of the page. Click
curriculum links and locate one standard to use in your activity/lesson.
- 2.PK.1 Identify the front cover of the book and know how to turn the pages when

- 2.PK.3 Identify pictures to aid in comprehension

- 4.PK.5b Respond to or ask a question about an event, text, or picture

- 6.PK.4 Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to literature

2. Objectives: Write one observable objective for your activity/lesson from the standard you
selected. The objective must be observable – one must be able to see the children perform the
objective- list, write, color, tell, show, select, etc.
Written objective format: Students will be able to [SWBAT] + Bloom’s verb
describing the active learning the children will perform. [For example: SWBAT match colors
and numbers. SWBAT draw a picture of….. SWBAT tell about a story character.]
Students will be able to show an understanding of how books are organized

Students will be able to identify familiar objects in pictures

Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the details of pictures or stories.

Students will be able to show beginning control of writing, drawing, and painting (using
various writing tools)
3. Materials/Equipment: List all materials needed for your activity.

 Clothespin
 Markers, Paint, Crayon, Colored Pencils
 Paper
 String

4. Teaching: Using bullet points or numbers explain the teaching sequence; What teachers
says and does and what children do to show they have met the objective.
A. Plan for reading the book-
 Teacher will read the title, author, and illustrator
 Teacher will introduce the front, spine, and back of the book
 Teacher will use the audio to read to the students
 Teacher will ask students questions about what they thought about the book, “how would
you feel if you were in this situation?”, “Do you agree that the city is for a nana?”, “Why
or Why not?”

B. Plan for the extension activity:

 Teacher will have students draw what they think a city looks like
 Teacher will have students name their cities
 Teacher will have students draw what their neighborhood looks like
 Teacher will have students point out the similarities and differences

5. Closure: Statement of how to end the activity that is a quick review of the lesson objective.

The teacher will explain that not everyone lives in the city. Teacher will explain to students
about urban suburban, and rural communities. Teacher will have students participate by having
them guess what category their madeup cities / neighborhood fall in.

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