Office of Memorandum

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KOLKATA -700 054

No.G/G/Med(Policy)/2004/3778 April 3 ,2007


Rules and Regulations required to be followed for referral of cases to multi-specially

hospitals/Medical Centres was issued vide order No.G/G-Med(Policy)/2004/3608 dated 05.11.04.

The Corporation, on the basis of feed back received from different projects and after
detailed examination and deliberation, is pleased to modify the above office memorandum towards
simplification of medical attendance and treatment rules, as under;

1. Referral System : In place of the present practice, the following system will be followed
a) All referral cases for both inside and outside the state of West Bengal and
Jharkhand will be considered by a Committee consisting of the Project Head
or his representative, in-charge of medical department and senior most person
of HR Department. The cases so recommended and approved by the Project
Head, would be referred to the respective Hospital/Medical centres by the
Head of the Medical Unit of the station, with intimation to Director of Health
Services, DVC, Kolkata.
b) In case of emergency, the Head of Medical wing of the project may however,
refer the patient to any approved hospital/medical centre for treatment upon
his /her discretion with intimation to Director of Health Services, DVC,
Kolkata and the Project Head.
c) Employees posted at smaller stations where regular DVC medical officers are
not available, may contact nearest medical officer of DVC hospital/dispensary
for this purpose.
d) DHS may refer patient to any hospital both inside and outside the state of West
Bengal and Jharkhand considering merit of the case.

2. Full Reimbursement on actual for treatment of rare and serious diseases : Expenditure
incurred for Medical Attendance and Treatment including investigation at approved
Hospitals/Medical Centres/Diagnostic Centres Nursing Homes in the following cases to be
reimbursed in full on actual basis.
a) for rare and serious diseases as per list at Annexure-I.
b) in case of accident while on duty.
c) in case of falling sick on duty or on official tour .
In the cases of full reimbursement, bed/room rent will however, be limited to the entitled
category of the employee.
3. Routine test of simple nature : All routine types of investigations/tests of simple nature are
allowed to be carried out in any Laboratory/Diagnostic Centre, on the advice of AMA, provided
such facilities are not available in DVC's own medical set up. Reimbursement of expenditure on
account of routine tests of simple nature in any Laboratory/Diagnostic Centre, irrespective of
whether approved or not, will be limited to actual expenditure or DVC's approved rates
whichever is less.
4. Direct payment to selected Multi-Speciality Hospital/Medical Centre : Introduction of direct
payment system to selected Multi-Speciality Hospital/Medical Centres for indoor treatment in
the entitled category has already been effected. The rates and other modalities for the same will
be as per existing practice. Inclusion of new hospitals in this system will be intimated from time
to time.

5. The existing system of reimbursement except for the changes as detailed above will continue at
the approved rates, as revised from time to time.
6. In referral cases for treatment to CMCH, Vellore journey will be allowed as per existing rule.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Enclo: Annexure-I
Distribution: -

Copy to: As per list'C

The Director of Health Services, DVC, Kolkata.

Circular Code No:2006-2007/00000023



a) Malignancy of any organ

b) AIDS/HIV Positive Cases.
c) Malignant Malaria, Hepatitis B/C, Rabies.
d) Brain Tumor, CVA, Head Injury, Coma, Encephalitis, Maningitis, SSPE,
Multiple Sclerosis
e) Acute M.I. Cardiogenic Shock, Venticular Fibrilation Venticular Tachycordia,
Complete Heart Block, Operative Procedures of-

i) Valvular Heart Disease

ii) Congenital Heart Disease,

iii) Ischaemic Heart Disease

f) Pneumothorax
g) Thalasaemia Major, Aplastic Anaemia, Leukaemia of all variety. Diseases
requiring Bone Marrow Transplantation
h) Road Traffic Accident Supported by F.I.R., Crush Injury, More than 40% bum
i) Chronic Renal Failure requiring either peritoneal of Haemodyalisis, Renal
j) Acute phase of M.D.P.
k) Myastheria Gravis, Alzhymars Disease
l) Diseases requiring Joint Replacement

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