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Mastertronic 1987

CONTROLS : Keyboard, Cursor, Kempston

AIM : Rasterscan, a large damaged spaceship, drifts uncontrollably
towards a nearby star. The craft can be repaired and flown away from
the star, but the only means of doing this is using a maintenance
droid, also damaged, called MSB. The droid has a broken brain and is
now only capable of repairing toasters; it has no knowledge of how to
operate a space ship. This is where you come in...

GAMEPLAY : You control MSB and can move it through a labyrinth of

coloured power cables and piping. A display at the bottom left of the
screen shows MSB's position within the ship. Once repaired, the droid
can plug into and operate the ship's machinery and instruments. Every
piece of equipment has a function, and once repaired it can be
connected to the ship's power supply and reactivated.

MSB's passage through the ship is not unobstucted. Locked doors block
certain sections of the ship. By manoeuvring MSB into the jaws of
upturned spanner heads, logic puzzles are revealed, differing from
lock to lock. Once solved, the door is opened and MSB is free to
bounce on its way.

The bridge contains a scanner, showing the ship's position as a

flashing point, the star to which it is being drawn, and several
planets. The scanner is triggered by flicking on, in the right order,
a series of three switches contained in a locked room close to the

MSB can pilot the craft from a control room near the scanner. Here
four indicators show the speed of each engine, and a central circular
display gives the Rasterscan's direction and relative speed.

COMMENTS : "An unusual concept which has been done justice in its
RATING : 75% (CRASH #40, May 1987)

NOW : A peculiar game which is alternately good and frustrating.

KEYS: Up - Q }
Down - A } Joystick
Left - O } controls
Right - P }
Fire - SYM/SHFT - Joystick fire

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