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Question 1 - Total 20 marks

a. Define the term “migration” and “urbanization” (4mks)

The term migration is when you move from one country to another. The term urbanization is
when you move from a rural area to an urban area.

b. Outline TWO factors which may cause rural to urban migration in your country. (4mks)

Two factors that may cause a rural to urban migration are: the lack of jobs and not being able to
get public transportation.

c. EXPLAIN THREE problems which residents may face in towns which are expanding
rapidly. (6mks)

It would be harder to get food because there would be more to provide for. The price for lands
would be more expensive because there would be more people looking for places to build houses
to live. Schools would be harder to find because it might be already filled up.

d. Suggest TWO ways in which the problem explained in (b) above may be reduced. (6mks)

Two ways the problems explained in (b) can be reduced is by opening up their own businesses
and become an entrepreneur and can also hire some people to work for them and not being able
to get public transportation can be reduced by buying a vehicle or hiring a private

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