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Faith Pike

English Comp
Literature Review
Literature Review

My research paper is solely focused on my question, “Does Sleep Deprivation

affect you physically?” There are so many adverse effects of Sleep Deprivation, so

finding all forms of supporting claims is easy to come by. The effects aren't really

arguable, since they are all the same, just the difference of the lesser, or worst symptoms

and effects. All the sources cover and study a different aspect or symptom, as each one

has loads of different outcomes.

Sleep Deprivation not only declines your physical health, but your mental health

as well. Williams, Larry in his book, Sleep Deprivation: Global Prevalence, Dangers

and Impacts on Cognitive Performance, lists all of the lesser symptoms include weight

gain, fatigue, or nausea. Nayana Ambardekar in her article “Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

How It Works,” talks of how lack of sleep causes you to crave fatty foods, which then

results in a spike in blood sugar levels. “Your mind is too tired to steer you away from

the sweets.” This results in Diabetes. A study done by Abhinav Singh, Singh says that

lack of sleep causes insulin resistance, or slows the process of insulin production. It also

declines your heart health, immune system, and so much more.

Touching on the emotional mind side of things, several sources agree that this is

normally much worse. Dr. John Schlapobersky, in an article from Psychology Today,
talks about his personal experience with the mental effects. It drives people to insanity,

and gives you the same feel as schizophrenia. Schlapoberskys article also mentions the

fact that Sleep Deprivation is a very well used form of tortue, even in today's word. Sleep

Deprivation pushes people to their brink of sanity, and thats why it makes for a effective

form of torture.

Nyer, Maren, et al. “Relationship between Sleep Disturbance and Depression,

Anxiety, and Functioning in College Students.” Depression and Anxiety, U.S. The

National Library of Medicine talks about how Sleep Deprivation is a direct link to

depression, anxiety, and lack of social cues. This of course, affects your social life and

how you go on a day to day basis. This not only makes social life difficult, but your

personal relationships as well.

In a report done by U.S News and World Report, “You're Probably Not Getting

Enough Sleep – and You Need To, ASAP,” talks about how students are the number 1

people dealing with Sleep Deprivation. “School, work, and social life is hard to balance.”

I couldn't agree more with this source.

A few sources, and doctors argue that the neurological effects of Sleep

Deprivation are worse than the physical effects, but I feel as if they are both just as bad.

Something that physically kills you and shuts your body down, or manic effects. Overall,

Sleep Deprivation is a real problem in today's world, and the symptoms and effects are

not arguable. I am happy with my research topic as it offers for a wide span of sources.
Works Cited*

Nyer, Maren, et al. “Relationship between Sleep Disturbance and Depression, Anxiety,
and Functioning in College Students.” Depression and Anxiety, U.S. National Library of
Medicine, Sept. 2013,

Bulkeley, Kelly. “Why Sleep Deprivation Is Torture.” Psychology Today, Sussex

Publishers, 15 Dec. 2014,

Williams, Larry. Sleep Deprivation: Global Prevalence, Dangers and Impacts on

Cognitive Performance. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2017. EBSCOhost,

Ambardekar, Nayana. “Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss? How It Works.” WebMD,
WebMD, 18 July 2020,

“You're Probably Not Getting Enough Sleep – and You Need To, ASAP.” U.S. News &
World Report, U.S. News & World Report,

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