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Title: Black Box Testing Techniques

Question 1:
Withdrawal of money from ATM. ‘User A’ wants to withdraw 30,000 from
ATM. Imagine he could take 10,000 per transaction and total balance available
in the account is 25,000. In the first two attempts, he could withdraw money.
Whereas in the third attempt, ATM shows a message as “Insufficient balance,
contact Bank”. Same Action but due to change in the state, he couldn’t
withdraw the money in the third transaction.

To Test the functionality of money transaction from ATM, we use Black
box testing via State Transition testing technique.
User A has total amount of 25,000 in the atm, and he make three
attempts of transaction of 10,000 to withdraw money of 30,000. So, two
transaction are made whereas third attempt for transaction is failed and shows
insufficient balance. A Finite state system is shown.
Question 2:
login page validation. Allow user to login only when both the ‘User ID’ and
‘Password’ are entered correct.
Here the Conditions to allow user to login are Enter Valid User Name and Enter
Valid Password.

To test the functionality of login page validation we use, Decision
table testing technique; This technique works same as truth table.
We test the system that whether the user login page is working correctly.
In this system, user can only login to system if it enters the correct “use ID”
and “Password “. If one of them (password or ID) is wrong it shows invalid
login details.

ID Conditions Test Case1 Test Case 2 Test Case 3

1 User ID T T F
2 User Password T F T
3 Valid login details Execute
4 Invalid Execute Execute


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