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SA Le elt a for |AS/ PCS & other Competitive Exams TT se) AU eR LT National lssues (International lssues_ Social issues Environmental (ssues Educational lssues -* —_Zroverhs/ Quotations/ Slogans ‘Say ATT e WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN 101 Essays for IAS/ PCS & other Competitive Exams Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN . Corporate Office : 45, 2nd Floor, Maharishi Dayanand Marg, Comer Market, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 Tel. :011-49642349 / 49842350 Typeset by Disha DTP Team DISHA PUBLICATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright Publisher No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher. The author and the publisher do not take any legal responsibility for any errors or misrepresentations that ‘might have crept in. We have tried and made our best efforts to provide accurate up-to-date information in this book. For further information about the books from DISHA, Log on to www.dishapublication.com or email to info@dishapublication.com Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION-A: ESSAYS ON NATIONAL ISSUES/POLITICS s eaveserir ete nee an 7. Only the Youth can Make 21st Century as the ‘Century of Peace’ 18-19 9. Caste Politics in India has Succeeded. Do you Agree? Why or Why not? 22-23 17. Triple Tala: Justice Accoeded Eventually 43-44 38. Should Educational Qualification be Made Mandatory for Politicians? 92-94 Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN BLS) ees ee eet 95-160 1s theoyetly XWin aroma Ties Simone = eee ah Dagon dita Ranges PRL ES pe aie aha An WB Rh a Be so fbi od Stal UDG it fst Ua sma = Ra 6 ene Sora ita Sone? ee ee ey soe FA EM Oud shone cates tc omrof iogees ae te teen Seu 8. Is an Egalitarian Society Possible by Educating the Masses? 112-114 iksaie dal esccneaia taclor agaiiie tte sa: nd ig Crain aga cae ca oar 21. eaion Dea TS een 22 witout Gnverion of windand Hea, he Sod Sueur ot Pepe nai, ge Desoyed 1212 sehen dedi ican ie Seon Hera tberhy a hetenela se Seofeee Secintoc wl diggi Eval as $s a Gol Saas $7. tat 8 Hope he ssn ACTH ONE AG Ga A Te oe {bho bosentan bene 20, Corporate Social Respnihty -ion neods ~ tou? He aelighiae tas are 2. hot waren enced et sabe 25-the i Gases Vis Eels Ina sais 2A Tk Ta ARNO ni eit sexs 2 one Tate aise are unneti a SEIT) 1. Global Warmin Through Sea Level Rising and Icecaps Melting 161-163 2. Can ever Indi th China? 164-165 3. India-Pakistan focess is a Hype or Realism. What Should it be? 166-168 4. Terrorism is a Politically instigated Mental problem than Religious. Do you agree? Why or Why not? 169-171 5. Will Narendra Modi’s Leadership Make India a Global Player in World Politics? 172.173 6. Climate change : The Tragedy of Commans 174.176 7. India and China: From Rivalry to Enmity 177-178 8. Exploring The World of Communication 179-180 ‘9. How Internet Changed the way we Live 181-182 10. Cloud Computing is the Future 183-184 111. Cyber Bullying ~ More Extreme Than face-to-face Taunts 185-186 Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN 12. Cybernation: A Threat o A Convivial to Employment 187-188 13. Coral Reef: Challenges and Oppurtunities for Sustainable Management 189-190 14, The Global Right Wing Polities, Then and Now 191-193 15. Terrorism that Changed the World 194-195 16, Dipolmacy War Against Terrorism 196-198 17. Climate Change is Farce 199-200 Ea EIyerey 1. Let Children Earn Knowledge Not Money 201-203, 2. Present Education System Deprives the Children of Economically Backward Families to Compet ‘The Entrance Examination for Professional Courses and Jobs in Government Services 204-206 3. AHome without Books is Like a Tree without Birds 207-208, 4. If You Want a Good Mother, Sister and Wife, then Start Educating a Girl Child 209-210, 5, Are Standardised Tests A Good Measure Of Academic Ability Or Progress? 211.213, 6. Education Is A Weapon That Can Change The World 214.216 7. Right to Education-Challenges and Prospects 217-218, 8. Should Tablets Replace Textbooks in Schools? 219-220 9. With Value Education Build the Pillars of Character 221-222 Bese et ATT 223-246 © STATEMENT/I /ERB/QUOTATION BASED TOPICS FOR ESSAY WRITING 252-253 Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN GUIDELINES FOR ESSAY WRITING A. SELECT THE TOPIC (a) If the topic is in question form such as, “what do you think.....???2% . take an impartial and unbiased stand. (b) If the topic is just a statement like “Women in parliament a¢hievements and prospects”, you will have a space/words limit to e€ploresthe topic from many perspectives with relevant facts, and conclusion should Bébalanced and justified. B, PLANNING 1. Most topics demand a balanced approach. The céntestahts should be objective in express- ing their opinion They must give evidences and examples fiijsupport of their opinion and argument Prioritize points according to theirim#portance and value, so that they can be dealt with the most important points in first paragraphiafier introduction. 4, Interlink each point and theymusbbe felevant to the topic. Thus, p ning is the blue print of the essay. WRITING 1. Introduction ? (a) Statg(fflesputpose of essay in the introduction. A good introduction clearly tells the readers;what to expect in the rest of the essay, i.e. make the readers curious to read the essay. (b) Begin with attractive headings such as Starting Information This information must be true. It could simply be a pertinent fact that explicitly illustrates the points the contestants wish to make. If they use a piece of startling information, follow it with a few sentences. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN 2. Body of Essay The main body of essay starts after introduction according to importance of points men- tioned in the introduction in a paragraph form. Each point must be dealt based on reasoning and logic. Logic should be argued with the help of relevant evidences and examples. 3. Inter-linking of points Make judicious use of connective and transition sentences in and between paragraphs, This makes the essay presentableand curious. But use them as per demat context. 4. Conclusion x A logical or expository essay must lead to conclusion, The@éntestants should not repeat the content of the introduction in conclusion. They sh jer sum up their essay in conclusion, They should express what conclusion ha irawn from all the arguments o & — Dr. Md. Usmangani Ansari Pa PA they have written in the essay. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN wa += WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN SSC, SSC CGL, RAILWAY, BANKS, SIVIL SERVICES, OTHER COMPETITIVE EXAMS & fore Current Affairs,ebook Class Notes, Useful books' pdf at PDF Format & ag Hindi/Eng 4 Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN w: India reporting as many as 1.34 lakh fatalities in road accidents ar, a vast 70% of them being due to drunken driving, questions are now bei whether the mushrooming growth of liquor vends along the highways is ror fing precious lives in an untimely manner. ‘The number of road accidents in India is twie® a as in China. This is despite the fact that China exceeds India by 99 million in terms Ie and vehicles. About 400 people die on Indian roads every day, making the country not .e world’s highest fatalities in road accidents. When one drives under the influence of alcohol ae (whether prescription, over-the- counter medications or illegal) they pose a danger. oneself but the passengers and others on the road. They can impair necessary drivi including vision, reaction time, judgment, hearing and simultaneous task processing/: ent. Driving requires other cognitive skills, such as information processing and psy lls, which may also be impaired by the use of drugs. When drugs are mixed with results can be devastating. India had earned the dubious. in the world. Road safety is e Drinking and driving is al ofhaving more number of fatalities due to road accidents ‘major social concern around the world, especially in India. ious public health problem, which is likely to emerge as one of the most significant pi .¢ near future. The role of alcohol in traffic safety has produced more controversies ther topic. Alcohol and driving don't mix, but still, many people love to drink and drive re in numerous road mishaps. A drunken driver is a potential murderer as he cannot ren sks without risks and endangers road safety. A few well known facts about alcohol - It is a depressant drug that slows down the activity of the brain; contains absolutely no nutrients; it does not help to relieve tension, induce sleep or solve problems. It needs no digestion and is absorbed rapidly into the blood stream; about 10% to 15% of alcohol users develop alcohol dependence and become alcoholics. After drinking, the judgment power of the driver gets impaired which is a threat to road safety. Due to its effects, driver tends to take more risks, becomes more aggressive and takes a longer reaction time. In India, this problem of drug or drunk driving is not only limited to road driving. In a recent study, it was found that Indian Railways has seen a near-fourfold rise in the number of train drivers who failed an alcohol test over the past five years. Most of these loco-pilots showed up for work Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN | Drug, Drink and Drive Never go Together drunk and about 15% of them - at an annualised average - failed the alcohol test at the end of their journey, which means they probably risked the lives of hundreds of passengers. These included passenger (long distance and suburban) and goods train drivers. One commonly used method to detect alcohol predicament on road is the blood alcohol content (BAC), also known as blood alcohol concentration or blood alcohol level, is most commonly used as a metric of alcohol intoxication for legal or medical purposes. Blood alcohol concentration is usually expressed as a percentage of ethanol in the blood in units of mass of alcohol per volume of blood or mass of alcohol per mass of blood, depending on the country. In India the legal limit of blood alcohol content (BAC) or blood alcohol concentration is 0.03% o: 100ml of blood. Ifa person driving a car has a BAC level higher than that, he or she can bé Booked under Sec 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act, which consists of Challan for Rs. 10,000 andisuspension of driving license for 3 months along with the provision of jail term for 6 months. Injease of repeated offence, driving license may be completely cancelled. If a drunk driver is inylWed in an accident, a non-bailable warrant will be issued and the person may be imprisoned for up to 10 years. Strict enforcement supplemented with education is One of the most powerful tools to tackle the problem and need to be seriously considered. Currenitienforeement mechanism could be reinforced by strict laws, availability of trained police and dedicated teams, the use of breath analyzer in a scientific manner, the introduction of random eheck# increase in current penalty levels, and the strict enforcement of laws in a visible, uniform and regular manner. Keeping the above in view, in December 2015, the Supreme Court in India banned all liquor shops within $00 meters of national and stat® highways across the country. This move was aimed at reducing drunk driving and road accidents that claim thousands of lives every year. ‘The recent ban on liquor vends might help tackle the menace of tipplers on highways, but driving under influence of psychoactive drugs still remains.an unaddressed issue. ‘The drugs that are deemed to render a person. incapable of exercising proper.control over a motor vehicle as specified by the Central Government include - Central Neryous System Depressants (Cocaine & Cannabis), Hypnotic Sedatives, Narcotic Analgesics (Mofphine etc.), Psychotropic drugs (LSD), Stimulants & Tranquilisers (Diazepam etc). Drug testing policy is still at its nascent stage in India; however, it's more prevalent in other countries. Though, there are few safety sensitive industries, which have mandated the drug testing practice for employees, but still there are lot many which are not surrounded by this practice due to less awareness of its sensitivity. A recent study by the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh’s Department of Forensic Medicine and Pharmacology on patients brought to its trauma centre found substance consumption in over $0% of drivers. Alcohol was the most prevalent substance consumed followed by opiates, cannabis and benzodiazepines. ‘The United Nations declared India as southern Asia's biggest consumer of heroin, in a comprehensive drug report. Often thought of as an ideal transit point for countries like Afghanistan, Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Drug, Drink and Drive Never go Together } Pakistan or Nepal, most of the drugs in southern Asia don't make it out of our country. According to the Times of India, of the 40 tonnes of heroin produced in south Asia, nearly 17 tonnes are consumed in India, Furthermore, every year, during ‘Holi’, the Indian citizens tend to abandon all inhibitions and many of them bring their reckless, ‘bhang’ (or cannabis) addled selves out on the roads, it creates havoc as breathalyzers can't detect if a person is driving after consuming bhang. Bhang, an extract of the leaves of Cannabis sativa, contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a psychoactive molecule responsible for the high associated with the herb. Different intensities and levels of the same substance produce different levels of intoxication in variou$\eannabis products like Marijuana and Hashish. The presence of THC cannot be detected in tt and shows up only in the blood. So, anyone under the influence of ‘bhang’ needs to b 1 a blood test to ascertain the nature of his intoxication. Whaat is one of the most difficult factors to determine is w! accident was because of drinking and driving. ‘The drivers invariably abscond, only found later when the effect of alcohol would have safely worn off. The people, at the ‘ot concentrate on getting the injured to hospital rather than nabbing the driver ci and if they do find the driver, he would be badly beaten. And the police normally hay 1r equipment for testing blood alcohol levels, and often car ~ drivers have left the scen accident when the police arrive. od, there is a little public awareness of the inadequate. It is needless to say, a majority of ing and as such there is no effective mechanism to In India, the scale of problem is not w¢ problem and legislation and enforceme: accidents which occur are due to d prevent this. ing taken to reduce the road accidents due to drunken or ravity of the situation, it is important to change strategies and fective implementation. An intensive drive against the ill effects ‘Though some strict effort drugged driving, consideri mechanisms with foresi of drug or alcohol d .¢ need of the hour to promote road safety. It is important to initiate necessary steps to oo by overcoming all the challenges. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN “A drop of your blood can be the ‘Amrit’ for many so donate it and save som. ‘0 m being dead.” irreplaceable by any chemical, drug or fluid. Every three si mmeone needs blood and one unit of blood can be separated into several componentsi/Th for immediate blood may include emergencies, accidents and several blood disord ckle Cell Anaemia, ‘Thalassemia {- Usmangani Ansari lood donation is one of the noblest and greatest donations a i = Human blood is nee and Haemophilia. Out of the 12 million units of blood requited, only 9 million units of blood is available in India. Hence, there are many people w! due to unavailability of the blood. Sometimes, either the matching blood group is Uhavailable for the patient or the blood amount is inadequate. This is a serious issue which fention, as it can be anyone who might need blood in critical situations. We must be ind and more human in donating blood to save any life in danger. We must also encourage around us about the need, benefits and proper way of donating blood. One must know or be e fact that the donated blood is less than half of the extra blood that our body does it might be someone eed today, but tomorrow it could be them. ‘To recognise blood donors we lives and serve the purpose of creating awareness on the relevance of blood donation, June 14 is celebrated as World Donor Day and this year’s theme “Give blood. Give now. Give often.” ‘Types of Blood Donation Depending upon who is making the donation and why they are donating, blood donation is categorised into four types: Voluntary non-remunerated blood donation ‘The donor turns up out of his/her wish to donate blood without any material gain in return. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Today's Blood Donor Can be Tomorrow's Receiver } Commercial One donates blood for a monetary reward. Replacement Family Replacement ~ a family member donates blood to save a patient's life Another replacement is, whereby a friend or a person of goodwill donates blood. Autologous Here one donates blood to be used by him or herself. This happens when one is going to undergo surgery and the blood is stored for use after the surgery. ‘ Frequency of Donation 4 ‘A person can donate every three months but not beyond four times ayear. “Ibis is applicable when one has to donate whole blood that includes all the compon can cellS, plasma, platelets and other nutrients from the body. Benefits of Donating Blood It prevents myocardial infarction, hypertension and heart attacks. Heart attacks are common due to lot of lipids in blood circulation which block the ¢6ronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. ‘These lipids (especially, the low density lipids@ammnly called as cholesterol) are dangerous for health. veriproven to the levels of cholesterol in the blood stream. Haemoglobin is a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood and if blood is donated regularly, the haemoglobin levels are controlled. When there is excess of haemoglobin in one’s blood, it thickens the blood fluid’and that restricts its flow, which doesn’t allow the blood flow freely in the vessels and eadsto clots i in the brain or thrombus. ‘The risk of canceralso gets reduced by donating blood, according to a research done by Medical Daily. The study ; y suggests that ‘by giving blood, there is a reduction of iron stores and iron in the body which can reddice the risk of cancer. Iron is considered to increase free-radical damage in the body and is linked to arifincreased risk of cancer and aging. Blood donation on other hand, is | ‘The cardiovascular health is also preserved by blood donation. Blood viscosity is known to be a unifying factor for the risk of cardiovascular disease. To determine the amount of damage to one’s cell, lining the arteries, one need to know how thick and sticky one’s blood is and how much friction one’s blood creates through the blood vessels. ‘This blood viscosity can be reduced by donating blood on a regular basis, which eliminates the iron that may possibly oxidise in one’s blood. An increase in oxidative stress can be damaging to one’s cardiovascular system. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 6 Today's Blood Donor Can be Tomorrow's Receiver Who can Donate Blood? ‘Those who suifer from chronic ailments like Cancer or Leukemia cannot donate blood, Besides these, those who have AIDS, Hepatitis or Malaria also-cannot be donors. ‘The person who has to donate blood must weigh at least 50 kg and above and their age must be above 18 years and not beyond 60. Their haemoglobin level should be 12.5 gm/dl or above. Women in their periods can’t donate blood and they have to wait for at least seven days after the periods. Someone on certain medication like aspirin can't donate blood. A x an too can’t donate blood and can do so twelve months after the baby is born. Te door mut conser ging Sora medi check apefoedggtng MR node tense the safety of both the recipient’s and donor's health. This is also aa ensure that the donor has enough blood. The blood which might contaminate oth of donor helps determine the blood being taken will be lit en and also the screening One should remember that donating blood is com 7 and will not make you weak or won't hurt you. If you save a life today, you may be row when you are in need of blood. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Ihe Quran says, “By means of water, we give life to everything” It is no surprise t@ladmit that water is the finest of nature's endowments that we have on earth and yet we rem: to this heavenly gift. We have polluted and misused every bit of the water on our planet t “Water, water, everywhere and all the boards did shrink; water, water ent that the quote nor any drop to drink"; seems to come true. Water covers two-thirds of the surface of the earth, but fres merely 0,002 per cent on earth. For an economy where agriculture is the backbone, ne working population depends on agricultural activities for their livelihood; monsoons s a pivotal role here. Majority of India's population depends on cereal and pulse production a the agricultural production of the country by (summer) and Rabi (winter). Variations in’ also the economy of the country, which i fenance. Rainfall, therefore, significantly affects fe for two main crop growing seasons- Kharif rainfall affect the total food grain yield of India and lependent on agriculture. ‘The Asian monsoon climate is. ‘oon rainfall. Not just this, every year more than 80% of the in land grid points. significantly dominated by Indian s annual rainfall is received over o} Bat, factors like climati further gets burdened by “The value of wate st national and global levels are leading to fallin water levels and this ‘pulation, causing the depletion of our water bodies. ‘to mankind from the time of Indus Valley and Mesopotamia civilisation as the cities flouris the river water, In places where the rainfall was erratic and less, like in Deccan and desert regi jous tanks were built to store water for dry spells. World Heritage sites like Rani ki av in Gujarat is a prime example of step wells which were built in the drier regions of India. Steps are also underway to restore various tanks in Telangana region built by the Kakatiyas to make storing and managing of water efficient and also use the natural and ancient wisdom to restore the water balance in the ecosystem. Rainwater harvesting seems to be the solitary option which is practically feasible in countering the growing menace of rapid water depletion. Itis the technique used for collecting, storing and using rainwater for landscape irrigation and other uses. Trapping rainwater from roofs and directing it into underground storage tanks is a good practice for residential areas. It can satisfy $0% ofa regular family’s water needs. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 8 Harvest The Rain, Reap the Grains and Live without Pain Rainwater Harvesting has been the most important tool in utilising the rainwater for replenishing the underground water table. "This practice has become widely accepted and is followed in big industries and big buildings as well. This practice creates security against erratic monsoon and also protects the top layer of soil from getting washed away, This not only secures us from water scarcity but also takes care of food security as well. Thus, soil management and water management are interlinked and success of one will ensure the success of other. Not just this, rainwater harvesting is also equally beneficial for large manufacturing units having the requirement oflarge volumes of water. Even forlow-lying regions prone to floods d -taxed drainage systems; this process isthe perfect solution, Using rainwater harvesting syste roundwater levels to recharge. This in turn, helps in augmenting urban greenery. Besides allt oh akes a good reservoir for irrigation purpose. 5 By installing gutters and a filtration system, storage tanks c, led With rainwater and later used for non-drinking purpose; the primary being irrigating plants 1 best way to collect rainwater is through roofs as it has least amount of pollutants and als Tow cost of conversion. Elevating the gutter allows the water directing to tank without pum| ins easy to pre-filter. well. Besides this, it diminishes flood, erosion and Using rainwateras a supplemental source of w: ndscape irrigation systemisa boon for farmersin drought-prone regions. Itemploys low equip: as flow to storm water drain by reducing peak + runoff. As stored rainwater is free from pollutants aswell as salts, minerals and other va 2 made contaminants, it leads to improved plant growth. S Combining Traditional Knowl scientific Ways ‘The temples of modern India- the dams- have created many opportunities of flood control and irrigation but along the way the repi ave been devastating for people. Many villages have submerged and people had tobe ar nt flooding due to silting in dams like in River Kosi due to Farraka barrage ‘i has been highlighted in mes. Dams have a way of changing the course of rivers and this intervention has had lot of s. ynmental, financial and human cost. ‘Therefore, in ré€énttimes, there has been an attemptto use traditional knowledge for water management in small scale to make the intervention have desired impact on the lives of people who suffer due to water scarcity, ‘The story of Mangu from Rajasthan who introduced the traditional water storing technique of ‘Johad’ to the water man of India- Rajendra Singh- is a stuff of legend. Johad or check dams are small areas which effectively capture the rain water and help them to percolate into the ground. With repeated efforts the result was visible as when the rain came that year, most of the dams were filled and after few years, Arvari River which was a dry path of rocks became a perennial river. This model has been extended to many other villages and has brought water into lives of many people. Also, this place in Rajasthan has a River Parliament Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Harvest The Rain, Reap the Grains and Live without Pain where the Parliament decides what crops to grow. The crops which will not put pressure on the river water are chosen, like bajra, jowar, etc. which require very less water to grow. This kind of ownership really proves that for democracy to be real game changer for our country, requires peoples’ participation and investment. Water for Life Our ancient culture is based on peaceful coexistence of humans with the natural resources. As stated by Gandhiji that ‘world has enough for need but not for greed’, water- the elixir of life- which scientists try to find in different planets will cease to exist in our own green and blue planet. ‘This grave situation can only be tackled when the rampant use of water in an unsustainable way is stopped is revival of old structures to hold water. ‘There is a connection between out availability and with change in water quantity this will change and ya in ways of life which people are accustomed to for past many years. “Thus, we need to manage water well and any plan should successful and finally allow people to live on earth a happy Oo ve of various stakeholders to be Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Is, Communalism) a Challenge) to) Peace; oF, Propagation) of} Religion) or; ommunalism is referred in the western world as a “theory or syste nment in which virtually autonomous local communities are loosely in federatiof”. Communalism is a political philosophy, which proposes that market and money be laa \d and enterprises to be placed in the custody of community. But in the Indian sub-6ntinent context, communalism has come to be associated with tensions and clashes between dil gious communities in various regions. Development of communalism as political s roots in the ethnic and cultural diversity of Africa. It is characterised as, peop! different ethnic groups or community, who do not interact much or at all and this has acted as hindrance in the economic growth and prosperity of Africa. However, com: South Asia is used to denote the differences between the various religious groups nce among the people of different community. It is significant socio-economic and politi in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, ete. Defining communalis the one hand is the barri complex problem for historians in contemporary India. On by the communal tradition itself, which has endeavoured, with considerable succes: the ‘nation’ to the ‘community’ The partition of India and the long history of Hindu eet Nationalism) express the formidable successes of this tradition. Bipan Chandr: “Simply put, communalism is the belief that because a group of people follow a particu igion, they have, as a result, common social, political and economic interests”. Communalism in our country is more like blind loyalty to one’s own religious group. It is described as a tool to mobilise people for or against by raising an appeal on communal lines. It is associated with religious fundamentalism and dogmatism. If we turn the pages of history, we find that ancient India was united without any communal feelings. People lived peacefully together; there was acceptance for each other's culture and tradition. For example, Ashoka followed religious tolerance and focused mainly on Dharma. In Medieval period, rulers such as Akbar, was an epitome of secular practices and believed in propagating harmony. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN 1s Communalism a Challenge to Peace or Propagation of Religion or Something Else } Same acceptance for different cultures and tradition was practiced in several kingdoms throughout India, because of which there was peace and concord ‘The growth of Communalism in India is result of the emergence of modern politics, which has its roots in partition of Bengal in 1905 and feature of separate electorate under Government of India Act, 1909. Later, British government also appeased various communities through Communal award in 1932, which faced strong resistance from Gandhiji and many others. All these acts were done by the British government to appease Muslims and other communities, for their own political needs. This feeling of communalism has deepened since then, fragmenting the Indian society and being a cause of unrest. Comfiunal consciousness arose as a result of the transformation of Indian society under the impact of col d the need to struggle against it. y ‘The growth of Commmunalism increased in later part of 19" century@ith Hindu revivalist movement like Shuddhi movement of Arya Samaj and Cow protection riots of It ¥. Faraizi movement started by Haji Shariatullah in Bengal to brit jengali Muslims back on the true path of Islam, Later people like Syed Ahmed khan, who despil scientific and rational approach, projected Indian Muslims as a separate community qau fas followed by the set-up of Hindu Mahasabha, Muslim League and personalities like M, M Malviya, and Lala Lajpat Rai after 1920s. r hand movements like ‘An important feature of colonial India w: nice of communalism as a force that guided the destiny of India into a blood bath and inevit jon of the Indian subcontinent on communal lines. Is and faiths, pre-colonial India was never plagued by “epi colonial policy of divide and rule that laid the seeds of at disturbed the solidarity, of the age-old mosaic of India and newly won independence. ‘Though India was a land of multi the worm of communalism. It was communalism which grew into itis still haunting to sap the vi It was thought that the country would resolve the problem of communal violence in India, and in the postepartitienpperiod, the people would be able to live without facing the ill-effects of the communal vi ~o it was a false hope and except the decade of fifty, people could not live in without com lence. And this was just the beginning; post independence India witnessed even more communal vielénce the Anti Sikh riots of 1984; the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindu Pundits in 1989; Bhagalpur riots in 1989; Babri Masjid demolition in Ayodhya in 1992; Gujarat riots in 2002, recently Muzaffar Nagar riots in 2013 and many more. Communalism or communal ideology consists of three basic elements or stages, one following the other. Firstly, there is a belief that people who follow the same religion have common political, economic, cultural and social interests. Secondly, in multi-religious society like India, the common interests of the followers of one religion are dissimilar and divergent from the interests of the followers of another religion, and thirdly, the belief that the interests of the followers of different religions or different communities are seen to be mutually incompatible, antagonistic and hostile. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN | 12 1s communatism a Challenge to Peace or Propagation of Religion or Something Else In India, throughout the past century, communal forces have tried to capture the political centre stage. By various means, they have sought to disrupt the unity and integrity ofthe country, tried to gnawat the very secular foundations of Indian culture and history. But, every time they have failed. Yet, the consequences of such thoughts have often been traumatic. ‘The spectre of growing communalism is the most threatening issue facing India today. The nation is becoming increasingly intolerant when it comes to communist issues. ‘The lynching of Muslim man in Jharkhand on the suspicion of carrying beef in his car; lynching of another Muslim man in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh over not divulging the details of a Muslim boy and a Hindu girl loping, these two stories of lynchings highlight the silence of Hindu India. From time to time, the Muslim fundamentalists have made it an issue of thi and existence. ‘The Hindu fundamentalists are also not behind inciting the gullible masses, to st the Muslims, by making them believe that Hindus in Hindustan are being treated as second)class citizens. Furthermore, it is not always Hindus or Muslims spreading the c violence, sometimes other forces operating in the name of religion are responsible. This is evi sm the fact of large-scale violence ct Ram Rahim in Panchkula. It ywers ran amok pelting stones and set \erous questions not only on the current m becoming a serious issue, even at the cost of that followed after the conviction of a self renowned God was almost a war-like situation, when the godman’s hyster vehicles, buildings afire and created havoc. The mayhe: Jaw and order situation in India, but also that aw e xe Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in ‘im R WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN SSC, SSC CGL, RAILWAY, BANKS, SIVIL SERVICES, OTHER COMPETITIVE EXAMS & fora a Current Affairs,ebook Class Notes, Useful books' pdf at PDF Format & az Hindi/Eng 4 WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Jo regulate any society, community, state or country there is a need of law, set of tradition, T culture, custom and code of legislation. ‘The law states a clear bifurcation % t and unjust. In ancient India, law was related to dharma and maintaining dharma was consider. imary duty of king ashe performed the judicial role and was also considered asa messenger 6F God, But the things have been changing from ancient to medieval and medieval to modern periods. Indiais the largest democracy in the world, where judiciary ss fr that is from legislative and executive, so that courts can perfo: ‘This is the reason why people of India have faith in Indiau justice there is provision of various layers of judiciary. It apex body of udiciary, high courts which perform as courts in judicial districts, into which states are di and criminal courts. Inspite of this, there are v courts, Gram Nyayalayas, fast track courts a system is an ardent believer and foll truth always wins. another pillarofdemocracy dently without being interfered. system. To give people easy and fair ‘of Supreme Court of India which is the urt of the states followed by district and session lower ring of the system there is a court of civil + courts like Lok Adalats, consumer courts, family s to ensure the justice to the citizens. Indian judicial ciple of ‘Satyamev Jayate’, which apparently means that Constitution of India provi rantee of justice to all. Indian Constitution Article 14 states “Equality before Law”. Itis true that in recent ;ple have lost their faith in judicial system, because judiciary is not able a to provide justice on 's the saying ‘justice delayed is justice denied’ has been rather real in the Indian scenario. ses are pending before the courts for more than twenty years and this is a very long time as itr re resources to fight the case. In such cases the victim, witness or charged person dies and many of thejevidences get lost before the completion of the case. According to the recent survey, there are many under trial poor people who are behind the bars as they do not have money to pay for their bail. Many of them are still in prison even they have already spent more time than the actual punishment of their offence. It means that wealthy people get bail easily. In 2012, a Supreme Court bench itself mentioned that people’s faith in judiciary is decreasing at an alarming rate. ‘The Indian courts faces dual problem (a) Crisis of judges- In lower courts of the country, twenty one per cent seats are vacant. This is already lower than our population ratio, Among the biggest states, in Gujarat forty per cent seats are vacant and in Bihar thirty eight per cent seats are vacant. Among union territory, in Delhi thirty eight per cent seats are vacant. In North-eastern states in almost fifty per cent, Meghalaya and in Tripura Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 14 can Poor Expect Fair Judgement From indian Judicial System? What Changes are Required ... thirty five percent posts are vacant. High Courts and Supreme Court are also facing the problem of shortage of judges. Recently, the Supreme Court and High Courts faced the problem of judges because of the fight on the matter of Collegium and National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC). (b) Burden of pending cases- In a recent statistics, only Supreme Court has more than sixty two thousand cases pending before them as on 1 January 2015. For the High courts, the number of pending cases increased to 44 lakhs at the end of year 2013. ‘The condition is worst for the lower courts, where 2.6 crore cases are pending. ‘The reasons for delay in justice are: (a) Inadequate judges in court room. \ ce (b) Granting adjournment unnecessarily. This delays the process of (c) Absence or work culture. (d) Lack of infrastructure. (c) Low level of awareness among the people regarding laws. ) (f) Endless process of amendment of laws. (g) Unnecessary interference of the judiciary in gislative and executive that is judicial activism. (h) Corruption. wy (i) Vacation of the courts. (j) Older way of maintaining the files an k. (k) Lack of co-ordination among st ‘To ensure the fair judgment, th . It results in communication gap. crisis in the judicial system should be addressed by recruiting the judges at regular interval. Te e problem of recruitment, there is need of an All India Judicial Service. India is having ele er million populations which are among the lowest in the world. ‘Thereisa need of establishi ‘ourts and to increase the number of judges according to the population ratio. Making people idiciary, laws and legal approach are some of the changes through which people's faith in judici ¢ restored. Maintaining the files and records of court so that they are easily accessible to tl ‘an also let people rely upon the judiciary. Small disputes should be resolved among the people by‘eo-operation and mutual understanding in the community. Pending cases should be solved by the help of fast track courts. ‘The delay in treating the cases by the Indian judiciary is not new to us, but it does not mean that we should start portraying it as of no use. From last six decades, Indian judiciary has worked hard for the people to ensure justice to them and on many occasions it has very well set an example for the world. Also, the ultimate goal of Indian Constitution is to ensure the social, cultural, political and economic justice to the people with the help of various institutions established by the Constitution. Among all institutions, judiciary is most trustworthy. Hence, poor can expect fair judgement from Indian judicial system. In this regard, we can say there all is fairin life, even if there are small delays in delivering justice. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN j een is an example of how technology has grown over the years. Internet h: world smaller and closer, It has resulted in creating a more technology friendly and inf jety, Society has always been accepting of the new technologies that come. Internet is one such logy. People across the globe have accepted this with open arms. ‘This is the reason for its femend@us growth over the years. Internet is a connection of networks joined together. It can be ac puters, smartphones and It has become the most useful ing sites. Th other supporting devices. It is a tool which has brought the wo: way of communication as it connects you to various so jernet and mobile technology has transformed the way people interact, learn, It is impacting our lives in every possible way. People are using this technology to st ‘ected, study about anything by searching on the ; blog their thoughts, sell online, publish their ice calls over internet: It is an important tool used search engines like Google.com, produce thei work, create a website and talk also using that they are able to reach to al to learn, search and know from. with the latest news and uy ier base. ‘Ihe internet is like an addictive drug. With so much ; people are glued to it throughout the day. They are hands on across the world. Banking sector too is totally dependent upon it to conduct transactions and ervices of e-banking. This technological advancement has become the bare necessity for peo} developing and developed nations. But does tl teach one to respect and value each other? ‘The answer certainly is NO. With the boons comes the bane too. ‘The internet might be helpful in creating an informative society but it is drifting us from our basic value system. With the large number of people involved, the growth of technology affects how it is used and sometimes misused. Internet has played a crucial role in globalisation process, Interchange of world views and ideas are very easy and quick using this service. This has to an extent have also been reflected in the Indian culture. With the emergence and spread of internet, the deep rooted traditions and customs have been shaken up. India is known for its rich cultural background and pride of its culture is famous across the globe. People from around the world visit India to geta flavour ofits culture. Internet has also helped in spreading culturalimpact Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 16 impact of the internet in Creating informative Society is Dangerous for India’s Rich Culture globally. So, if westernisation has touched India through the internet and globalisation, Indian culture too has touched the parts of the world via the same route. Any geographical region is defined by its culture and traditions which hold a great importance in respect to its uniqueness, This is also the differentiating factor fora population of one geographic boundary from another. The charm of Indian culture has somehow been disturbed to varying degrees in lieu of internet creating an informative society. Indian culture is known for its rich heritage, resources and warm hospitality. Diversity in aspects of religion, food, tradition, customs, music, art, architecture is prevalent and bundledsinto a single unit of patriotism and unity. Irrespective of being so different, Indians are same in thei f greeting and celebrating in a united way with tremendous love, affection and togetherness 7 ence of the Indian culture makes ita hotspot for tourists from around the world who oa agi oft. However, when the culture of India is analysed with the internet and globalisation p noticed with Indian culture being amalgamated with western infh 1us, internet certainly has proven ew, many loop holes can be to be dangerous for the rich tradition and culture of India. With internet becoming the new rage, the joint family c India has greatly suffered with nuclear families mushrooming throughout the country. Th ry is becoming metropolitan by day and the values of patience with grandparents and elders a 1g resulting in old age homes developing at a fast pace. Institution of marriage has also lo; ance in the Indian culture with rising number of divorces and extra-marital affairs. This is.a direebrepercussion of social media being so handy because of internet. Live-in relationships are also a this. The breakout of restrictions and adultery has spoiled the Indian mindsets, Internetis ane! access adultery which is being reflected in increasing number of rape and sexual abuse cas country because of the perverted minds which indulge in the illegal act of watching adultery interaction among p\ -oming more diplomatic on the basis of their financial status. ‘They are happy celebrat ae concept of Valentine's Day instead of Diwali or Holi which are considered auspicious in wi re. Internet has also put an effect on the language of the people in the country. Hindi, the popularfanguage of the country is taking a back seat and foreign languages like English, Spanish, French and German are coming upfront. People are learning the basics ofthese languages using the Internet. ‘Westernisation through the internet in terms of food and clothing can also be seen. Pastas and Noodles are more enjoyed by people instead of their regional and staple food. Packaged food has taken over the entire fans are also losing the social values of greeting and celebrating. ‘The Indian market. The change in clothing is also a distraction for the perverted minded people. Indians were pre-dominantly involved in agriculture. But with internet paving the way for globalisation, MNCs culture Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Impact of the Internet in Creating informative Society is Dangerous for India’s Rich Culture have set up in India offering lucrative deals and employment opportunities to large number of manpower in the country. Internet has played a major part in impacting the rich cultural heritage of our country. The impact has rather been alarming. Internet is a technology and should thus be only used when required. It should be used to spread awareness about the beauty of diversity which the country has to offer rather than getting foreign values imbibed. ‘Thus, we as responsible citizens of the country, need to be more cautious with the globalisation and westernisation which are a result of internet to preserve the pride and maintain the cultural prestige of the country. & Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN entury/ of Peace’ y The 21** century is characterised by globalisation and urbanisation. ‘The worldlteday is becoming more technologically advanced and highly integrated. ‘The world is 1g smaller and fragmented. With people lacking unity, it is a less peaceful and unsafe world current and future generations, Sustainability in terms of peace and love needs to be so that the future generations Id are fighting for their own ins, stress, violence, diminishing ts. Countries are making war and can also live in harmony and comfort. In today’s scenario, the natio: selfish good. The environment across the globe is highly heated moral values, reduced tolerance, injustices and no respect fi the gun culture is at its peak in most of the developing c receiving end ofall this chaos, is the etter quality of life. . They define the growth of any nation by al discipline and open mindedness. Youth is the are at their peak. They are ready to take on the world. expressing it. They are liberal but can also be rigid. They not sugar coated to see things around the globe becoming sidered the richest wealth of the world. ‘They can take their stand rong, ‘They are upfront and selfless enough to think about the issues ity basis. As they constitute the frontline positions of all the nations, their youth of the present and future who deserve a peace For any country, its youth is one of its ric developing an universal acceptance of inte time when passion, emotions, activities and vi ‘They have an opinion and do not s! know the language of black or worse. ‘The educated youth and know what is right an which need attention inputs in develop: utmost sc asa century of pe Youth are rational in their approach. They are practical and do not believe in putting things for the next, mmesare highly useful in achieving desired objectives. The issue which needs at the moment is ‘World Peace’ In the 21 century, only the youth can make it day. ‘They are quick in their actions and are open to change. To create a culture of peace and conflict free environment, only the youth can lead as they are susceptible to changing their beliefs, attitude towards people, traditions and cultures. The youth can achieve their goal of peace making by ‘BECOMING THE CHANGE: Youth have the advantage over their older counterparts who are rigid and inflexible. The power of youth can be multiplied manifolds, if they learn to combine their enthusiasm with patience, realising the importance ofliving together and to defend the frontiers of non-violence and peace. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Only the Youth can Make 21st Century as the ‘Century of Peace’ 19 } Efforts should be made at mass level to enhance the leadership and decision making quality of the youth. ‘They should understand their leadership capacity by educating themselves on the need for community leaderships. Youth living in rural and backward areas should also be channelised, trained and educated by conducting various leadership development programmes, These programmes will make the youth to become more vocal and aware as the lack of knowledge about basic decision making often acts as hurdle in the road to progress and thus results in conflicts. Youth have the advantage of creating connections with the young and old. ‘They can play an active role in making world a peaceful place by forming a troop of peace missionaries wi inded and eager people to join in their process. NGO networks can also be developed to work sroot level such as to educate the children of today build their values and spiritually awaken.thi NS towards the world. Sd it their responsibility In the backward countries with prevalent ethnicity and lack ofé@lucation, youth belonging to different ethnic groups can build up links between cultural minorities rise shared values, traditions and culture which have been handed over from generations to ms. They can be trained and educate to eradicate the incidents and acts of violence. To ensure ince, accountability, citizen participation and transparency in the system, the youth shou forth and engage and join political awareness building programmes. By being in the bureau an easily get their voices heard at a larger scale. More participation of youth in the political “mot country will bring in the desired change at a larger prospect. On the international front, t an join hands with peace-making organisations like United Nations and others and become \sadors of their respective countries, This can be agreat platform for promoting exchange p in education, sports and games, culture, science and technology and in tourism promotions to youth of the country and the world in pursuit and maintenance of peace. Peace-making es and seminars should be conducted across the world at various levels to justify non-viol arning about the skills to deal with matters of conflict in non-violent ways. ‘The Youth Co of today and tomorrow. In this era of globalisation, the youth can act as the vehicle to transport the socio-economic shared values of freedom, equity and solidarity, tolerance, non- violence, respect for nature and shared responsibility. The youth have the dreams and a vision, the social media and the influence to promote peace and make a positive change in the world. To reflect peace in the world, the value of unity and solidarity should also be inculcated such that the people understand that they owe respect to the world and the universe on the whole of which they are a part of. ‘The day they start to appreciate the little things and get them out of the so-called rat race to be on the top of the materialistic world, they will succeed in making the 21% century tolerant, conflict free, peaceful and united. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Growth) Necessary, Growth) of/ Masses) in General) and| articular; or Both? “GDP is not a good measure of economic performance, its not a good measuré ofwell-being” Joseph Stigfitz he economic health of any nation is indicated by few indicators. Oné8uch indicator is GDP. GDP or Gross Domestic Product is the monetary measure of all the fi der produced within a country in a specific time duration. It looks into prival iblic consumption, investment, private inventories, government outlays, paid-in constructi the foreign balance of trade in which the exports are added and imports are subtracted. It the standard of living of the citizens licators. Its through this parameter that move. Based upon GDP growth, businesses other related activities. Even the government nomy by throwing money in it or to slow down an over-heated economy, All the i GDP for undermining the many facets of economy. the big horses of the business industry determine decide whether to expand or contract the pri makes crucial decisions of regulating the s However, GDP doesn't broadly take hol Ina developing country like cannot be assumed to be the, below poverty line, many nation, there is still lackof e! all or individual economic welfare. the economy is divided between the rich and the poor, GDP rameter necessary. In India, a large chunk of the population is living asic necessities of life. With globalisation increasing the GDP of the -yment opportunities for the skilled people. Does being part of a nation whose GDP growth rat sing enough to pursue a quality life especially for the poor, SCs/STS, other backward cast minorities and women and which seeks to provide equality of opportunity to all. Apart from the nation, inclusive growth of masses in general and particularly downtrodden is the need of the hour. These excluded sections of the society needs to be brought into the mainstream to reap the benefits of faster economic growth. Inclusive growth is the economic growth which aims to create employment opportunities and in return reduce poverty. Inclusions which are envisioned in inclusive growth encompass equal opportunities for all, empowering the people of the country through education and skill development. Inclusions also strive for gender sensitive society, good governance and environment friendly growth in all aspects of life for all the citizens of the country. The best part of the inclusion is the fact that it takes into account the whole society including the poor. To ensure inclusive growth of the country, the government has made serious efforts to increase employment opportunities by coming up Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Is Gross Domestic Product Growth Necessary or Inclusive Growth of Masses in General ... } with programmes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) which provides necessary jobs for the poor, henceforth improving the standard of living of the people. It has also checked upon the skill migration such that skilled workers do not shift to another country for job opportunities. Apart from this, other programmes like Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Bharat Nirman etc, are ensuring improvement in the fields of education, health and infrastructure thereby making the growth more inclusive. India is stepping the ladder of growth quickly. There has been a remarkable growth in Indian economy over the years. But when compared to other countries in terms of human developmeftindex (HDI), India still lags behind significantly. Apart from this, India also needs to buckle up i indicators like poverty, unemployment and regional differences, It is time now that India baseBits @eonomic growth on inclusion by increasing participation of people and sharing the benefits of growth process, ‘The gap between rural and urban should be reduced, discrimination based on gender ‘ites higher level of indicators like HD1 will ensure inclusiveness within the system. ‘The fact that GDP of the country is utmost important c it comes to economic growth. Indian economy is growing country has grown manifold, thus creating employs ied. India is on an upsurge when sngth to strength. IT industry in the nities. With more than half of India’s GDP coming from the service sector, many devel ss in the country are facing shortage of unskilled labours. This shortage is a direct repercussion o} se {ing opportunities in relatively poorer states. GDP and inclusive growth are two side coin, Both are necessary and dependent upon one another. With a better inclusive growth ; the GDP growth will be overall; where GDP growth describes the financial economic growth ‘ountry, the inclusive growth describes how the population in general especially the downtr ing. Its like if the owner of any business is growing, then the workers working for that Id also grow at the same rate. With inclusive growth on the track, the GDP of the country fe skies, Today, Indian economy is market led and entrepreneurs are mushrooming at a fasterrate creating employment opportunities and attracting foreign companies to invest in their ide: cial inclusion in Indian economy is also serving as a catalyst to economic growth. ‘Today, India’s financial health is robust which is depicted in terms of purchasing power in the hands of individuals, Indian consumption story, record breaking auto sales, increasing spending in holidaying and entertainment, regular and increasing flow of foreign funds, takeover of global giants by Indian companies and so on. This is a sign that inclusive growth is slowly being imbibed in the country. If GDP and inclusive growth walks hand in hand for coming years too, India will be on the verge of becoming a developed nation where the individual will be growing along with the nation. Thus, itis important that citizens of the country also grow in all the spheres along with the country in terms of economic and inclusive growth Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Ihe Constitution of India declares the country as sovereign, socialist, secular, ticand republic. Itassures its citizens of justice, equality and liberty, and endeavours to pro: ity among them irrespective of caste, creed and religion, But caste, creed and religion are an importatt aspect of political and social system of the country. Caste politics in India has been prevalent sinée long time past. Itis a worldwide jon on the basis of caste will rts of the country. Even though te and creed is punishable under Jaw, itis still prevalent and with the passage of time it ao cdly been established that caste has not local leve fact that India is badly ridden with caste politics. It was assumed that vanish after independence, but it still makes its presence felt in di our Constitution doesn't allow for it and discrimination on ceased to play its part. Itplays a significant role in polit 1, less in state and lesser at the national level. However, its hold can be seen and felt at allt It can rightly be said that caste politics ‘succeeded. It has touched states bordering all the corners of the country. Today, there is Se ich is untouched with the influence of caste. In some states the hold of caste is more whilein ttle less, It has been noticed that caste is taking a toll on ple voting the candidate belonging to their caste irrespective ian, Even the political parties are considering caste while choosing the political system of the count of his credibility as a leader candidates for contesting certain constituencies. Caste considerations are potent in elections at the panchayat and m el. The citizens of the country cast their vote on the basis of this system. assuming that th 1c benefitted in some or the other way. In India, broadly classified as forward castes or upper caste, Other Backward Classes (OBC), Scheduled’Eastes (SC) and Scheduled tribes (ST). Muslims and Christians are also considered as different castes. Lower castes have various privileges attached to them and to avail these benefits several castes demand a lower rank. Caste has played a huge role in political arena and other government run institutions like judicial system and police in order to remove the boundaries between ‘civil society’ and ‘political society’ The position of caste in these system plays an important role in determining their worth and say in the system. Ifa lower caste were grouped in one area particularly, they could challenge the locally dominant upper castes. Thus, their bifurcation is utmost along the hierarchy throughout the system. In the power dynamics of caste in the politics, gender also plays a pivotal role. Socially liberal women from Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Caste Politics in india has Succeeded. Do you Agree? Why or Why not? 23. } forward caste are more participative and active than women of lower castes. They are found to occupy political office of significance. This hierarchy of caste and its role in politics has created a caste inflicted society which is rigid in structure. Corruption is aside effect of caste politics in India. Politicians often bribe their caste and indulge in practice of vote banking, wherein people of the same caste vote for the candidate belonging to their caste, Role of castes in Indian elections have been overplayed over the years. Caste politics is not only prevalent in the north, but has shades of deeper hues in the south, States of Rajasthan has dominance of Rajputs. In the state of Kerala, Nayar and Izhavas influence the political scenario of the state with well developed organisations and associations backing)them. In Orissa, Bhumihars, Kayastha and Rajputs play politics in bringing forth the candi ing to their caste. Higher influence of caste politics is experienced in the state of Andhra Pi ae the two dominant castes- the Kammas and the Reddy’s fight to show their dominance hh has four castes the Rajputs, the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, Yadavs, Kurmis, and the Adivasi level that their support also varies according to the election parti and Janata Dal. The Kayasthas and Brahmins are fighting 3 in the ministry making process. The Adivasis have got ich favour themselves to the puts there support Janata Party other for getting power and position 1m the state and constituted the state of Jharkhand. Important castes in the state of Maharas the Marathas, the Brahmins and the Mahars who fight for political power against the caste ¢ fact the caste politics exists in Karnataka can be understood from the truth that personal st isters belongs to the caste to which they belong to. ‘The ordeal that caste exists in politics i very deeper level cannot be subsided. However, the influence of cast «d to decline in the contemporary India, though at a very slow pace. The main reason is education to all the castes which has had a democratising effect, on the political system. Pe re awakened and have started to elect the person on the basis of their credibility, the work done and his educational background. But this is a long race which needs full conviction litical system and the citizens of the country, if they want to ward off this evil. It is to be understodd that reservations on the basis of the caste strengthens caste politics, instead of weakening the stem. No seats in government organisations should be reserved for any caste. All shall be considered equal. It is high time that the political parties in India start standing up against this weed. Only then, India will be able to succeed. Caste system in politics is like cancer which is growing by day. Ifnot stopped now, then future generations will have to bear its consequences too. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN SE DED reference) - Search) to Job Creation) manifold growth of awareness and India's recognition as a country of talente; with extra ordi- ary intellect has opened platform with plethora of opportunities for In the big Indian names doing extremely well on global platform are Google CE CEO Satya Nadella, Sanjay Kumar Jha CEO- Global Foundries, Nil and Media Inc. These leaders are idealized models for many young youth to aim for such positions in corporate sectors. On the othe ers. They are founders of startups like Rahul Bahl and Rol Bansal (Flipkart founders), Nitin Saluja and Raghav Ver (OYO rooms founder). These names belong to diffe their entrepreneurship idea and that resulted in hi entrepreneurship and driving young minds to, ‘creation over job search. Apart from inspiration factor, there are many other things “eg te the passion for entrepreneurship among young Indians. tinds. Some of t Pichai, Microsoft -O- SoftBank Internet ere is another segment of lead- ;pdeal), Sachin Bansal and Binny yyos founders), and Ritesh Aggarwal, Itogether. They once decided to work on s for them. ‘These leaders are doing wonders in \d the mentioned preference, it is important to understand ion of around 300 million with very limited job options. ‘The nn is that which industry has the potential to absorb the employees In order to explore the possible reasons that India has a gigantesque million dollar question in ofsuch humongous scale? startups play signific. ‘ational answer to this problem is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs and iriving economic growth and job creation. According to 2014 report for the G20 Young 8’ Alliance, it was estimated that digital entrepreneurs could create 10 million jobs in span ona ‘years. In 2011, IIM Ahmedabad graduates, Radhakrishna and Raghunandan G, launched Taxiforstif as an online platform through which consumers can rent taxis. BITS Pilani batch- mates, Phanindra Sama, Charan Padmaraju and Sudhakar Pasupunuri founded the pioneering venture RedBus together. In June 2013, they sold RedBus to the Ibibo Group for an estimated Rs 600-700 crore, the biggest overseas strategic acquisition of an Indian internet asset. Another example of successful ventures is that of TravelTriangle, an online travel services company launched by IITians Sankalp Agrawal and Sanchit Garg that is clocking revenues in crores. In India, problems like agriculture failure lead to draught conditions in many parts of the country. In such circumstances, employability looks like a distant dream to many. Issues like snail paced industrial growth Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Young India’s Preference - From job Search to Job Creation } and global slowdown have a knock on effect on employment opportunities. An overview of mentioned problems is further escalated by tough competition to first find admission in reputed colleges than in desir- able companies .Due to neck to neck competition, desirable jobs unlatch window for very few candidates, leaving others to work with alternate options of employability, just for the sake of t. In such cases, element of passion goes missing and halfhearted efforts result in low performance. Above all, mechanization of la- bour in industries shrinks job opportunities for labour based workforce. Apart from the reasoned factors affecting the workforce, youth suffers from dissatisfaction in jobs too. Lack of good quality environment and contributing issues like underutilization of calibre, latk of appreciation, unexplored skills, knowledge, and presence of quirky boss takes away zeal to work ina company. They feel it is more important to make efforts towards the goal associated to their passion. They are ‘motivated to bring life to their own professional ideas rather than working for others. Other cOntributing factors like insecurity in jobs, working under dull and mundane job profile, conflicting axtieudes apy work place contribute to the decision of choosing entrepreneurship as a career choice. \ Ina much different world of globalization, with option of outS@urcidig and contracting, job security looks like a thing of past to many. Many studies have concluded that pertaining to job insecurity, young Indians go through stress which is a stronger predictor of poorhealth. Many youngsters stray away from insecurity at work place and prefer to be captain of their own ship where they take their decisions. ‘They prefer to work on their ideas to materialize its benefits and heni¢e\conttibute to economic growth of their country at large. Government of India is also playing a motivating factor to encourage this preference among youth, At the launch of ‘Startup India, Prime ministét ¢R€ouraged the young minds saying, “Youth of India must turn from job-seekers to job-creators’. ‘Start up India’ is a government policy that comes with an action plan entirely focused on promoting bank fidlaftcing for start-up ventures, Ultimate aim lies in encouraging job creation through Startup. Policy comes with benefit to the young Indians with advantages like: Start up fund of Rs. 10,000 crore for fiinding of Start-ups, Start-ups to be exempted from paying income tax on their profit for the first 3 years, fastytracking of Start-up patent applications. Most of the your” B- school degree holders in corporate companies complain of structured, mundane and monotonous tasks whereas, people who start up own business have a different mental makeup who go ahead to create something of their own. Entrepreneurs identify a problem and come up with an innovative and practical way of solving it. Because of this ideology, entrepreneurs are perceived as best people to learn from. This approach motivates B ~ school degree holder to step into the world of Entrepreneurship. A small seed is tomorrow's big tree: Start ups are progressive to the interest of nation. Even big com- panies like Infosys, Oberoi Hotels, Reliance, ete. were small in the beginning. It is a well accepted fact that SME ( Small and medium enterprises) play a vital role in growth and development of country. The estimated contribution of SMEs to the country’s GDP was 37.54 per cent during 2012-13 and the share of SMEs in India’s total export was 44.70 per cent for the year 2014-15. Considering the credibility of Start Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 26 Young India’s Preference - From job Search to Job Creation ups in India, institutes like IIMs and IITs have introduced the concept of incubation where new companies are promoted in their campus. Such initiatives speak loud of the importance that start ups concept hold for every segment of Indians. Ittaps the creative utilities of their minds. Young people who possess the qualities like crystal clear vision, risk taking abilities, thrust to market their ideas and reach to masses despite obsta- cles, have the ability to make it big tomorrow. In April 2015, Olacabs, Quikr , Freshdesk and Policy Bazaar received major funding. Companies like Delhivery ($85 million), Fintellix ($15 million), and Swiggy ($18, million) received funding in May. In June 2015 , companies like Ecomm Express ($137 million), Flipkart abitie hour. Youth in India are considered to be dreamers, makers, visionaries and leaders who otential to march their own, drums to bring life to their ideas. ‘The never ending demand for jobs can only be met by pro} ;preneurial activities. This can be made possible by providing right platform to young entre tis evident that Indians have launched ventures in the past and they still possess the passion ities are in abundance and the country is plush with resources. The challenge for young aa’ pptimizing resources and overcoming the barti ers to enter the league of developed nations exy other developing nation. Entrepreneurship is past, present and promising future of India a any action that materializes dream of 0% Foung Indian holds right to stand up and add value to Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN He who has health, has hope; and he who has Wépe, has everything. — ‘arlyle, philosopher He is primary to all living beings .If you are ft, life looks prompising ane full of opportunities. On the contrary, if you do not possess good health, the clog a toll on your dreams, In \d of choices we make. goals, happiness, motivation. Nobody wants to live life ofa depen, is unavoidable in some cases where genetic factors are involved, but in few cases, itis becaus Obesity is one such epidemic which is raising alarmii s for people around the world. It is the condition which means having too much body addressed as host of illnesses including cardiovascular disease, breathing disorders and aS. . Rapid urbanisation along with rising income and inactive lifestyles are associated with risi esity in urban India, y-6n an international platform, focus was on childhood jon (WHO) is dealing with the new pandemic of obesity. d crossed to Europe and the world’s other rich nations before, reloping nations like India. malnutrition. Today, the World Health ‘The obesity pandemic originated remarkably, penetrating into th Obese India: India 2 part of league too. It is leading other developing countries that are currently experie creased obesity epidemic .According to 2013 study, US topped the list worldwide with L Se obese people, while China was second with the count of 46 million and il India stood this lion, As per repo Nutrition Foundation of India, prevalence of obesity varies with socio economic status in urban India, People from upper strata have higher prevalence rates (32.2% among males, 50% among females), whereas, middle class people have lesser prevalence (16.2% among males, 30.3% among females) and among the lower socio economic group, it is lesser (7% among males, 27.8% among females) and the poor in urban slums with the lowest (1% among males, 4% among females). This is evident that obesity reigns supreme in the upper strata of urbanised India. There are some factors involved which contribute to the rise of obesity in urban India. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 28 obesity On The Rise In Urban India. Why And How? Etiology of obesity: ‘There are many factors that influence obesity. Factors like genetic, cultural and metabolic factors. Genetic factors lead to prevalence of obesity commonly seen in families. Cultural factors pertain to availability, composition and preference of the diet .t also significantly contributes to lifestyle, choices and changes in the level of physical activity. Urban lifestyle involves socio economic status, sedentary lifestyle, fast foods and traditional diets rich in fats and carbohydrates content. It has been noticed. Because of different lifestyles and affluence, urban India is getting fatter as compared to the rural India. Growth of Corporate culture promotes a lifestyle of youth sitting glued to laptop for long hours‘jthe day, and hence reducing physical activity. Food intake is reduced to just what is easily available wunter. So, they choose fast food, packaged food, aerated drinks, etc. that contribute the maxi esity. Urban lifestyle changes: ¢ Urbanisation has imposed many changes in behavioural imi TifS¥byle of people. People in urban area are making unhealthy eating patterns. Wrong choices of food ent of micronutrient rich foods with highly processed poor foods such as high calorie snacks, wvolution and food as rewards isan unhealthy choice to make. Apart from that, TV and movie jg, video games, internet gazing are the sedentary pursuits which are disturbing the healthy w; fe. The damaging effects are transmitted through the compartments of subsidised agric .d multinational companies producing cheap, highly refined oils and carbohydrates. Labour " ‘anised devices, robotic equipment, affordable motorised transport and easy internet acces cdentary lifestyle. ‘ons behind obesity among children in urban India. schools and colleges, force children to use their play time roads, lack of footpaths, absence of cycling lanes leave urban, ces, workplace, schools, etc. by cars or bikes. This discourages from 7 of outdoor spaces for exercise and lack of sufficient resources to Obesogenic Tution classes are oni Intense academic competition for for studies. Infrastructural defec Indians with no choice but walking or cycling to sch supervise exercise an iet are all part of urban obesogenic lifestyles. Asa result ofgapi rialisation and urbanisation, India is witnessing stark rise in living standards and prevalence 's rising rapidly. This is posing a greater threat to health of urban India. Hegemony of itt food industry: ‘TV also affects the influence of fast food by heavy marketing colas and other fatty foods. Advertisement tag lines for food and drinks like ‘Dil Mange More’, * Thanda matlab’, ‘I'm lovin it’, sold at nominal rates ‘This approach is making people slaves of these unhealthy eating choices. In urban India, both parents are working. In their over worked and hectic lifestyle , they find it easy to let children order fast foods and hardly find any time to monitor balanced nutrition diet for themselves and children. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Obesity On The Rise In Urban India. Why And How? 29 } It is a known fact that cating out may lead to excessive calorie intake and thus increase risk of obesity. Fast foods are high in calories, fat, saturated and trans-fat, sugar, simple carbohydrates and salt, Fast food is linked with higher "body- mass- index” (BMI) and weight gain. It reduces the quality of diet and provides unhealthy choices, raising the risk of obesity. Nutrition Education New Parents in India have certain misconceptions. An obese child is considered healthy child. They believe that if the child is fat, the fat will shed off with time. Child is fed in excess,dm order to keep him ‘healthy’ Unfortunately, many of these children remain obese for the lifetime. Lik are enormous misconceptions in our society. We need to break such myths and encourage aS ested by doctors. hil In this alarming situation, there is a dire need to educate parents ast cl ey on right diet intake and regular exercise, Parents should guide their children on mig xd choices and planning a balanced meal. Social events such as healthy eating joints ‘nutrition food preparations can be organised to encourage diet changes, Great emphasis shi jon a healthy and active lifestyle. It should be focused on creating a nurturing environment eople recognise the worth of their health and body. There isa need to establish awareness al that obesity, eating disorders, nutrient deficiencies and size discrimination are all interlink need to be addressed in a rational way. Urban 1g weight but is essential to remain fit. The tasks main on the priority list. India needs to be aware that exercise is not meant} and eating pattern associated with fitness shoy Ironically, we practice food as rewai meted outas a punishment -‘100 sit ups; ‘run round the field! The day we discipline ourselve re exercise as a reward and unhealthy food as punishment exemplary in the domain of fitness around the world. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Ihese days, very often, we come across news like CBSE 10 class toppet exams. Another headline quotes girls out shine boys in 2015 says a git] committed suicide in Kota campus out of stress and depressiongjue to high competition. Media highlights such information and people love to read about it, discuss vlogs friends, colleagues, children, peers, students. This unknowingly is creating fiasco in th; Such instances draw our attention to analyse growth of ee unless it becomes the factor that takes away the charm of cessful. Competition is meant to give a push to goal oriented efforts. But if it is based o br: ownership, overpowering others by sacrificing values or using unfair means, then it be se. In the given context, let's frst understan, in in India. Competition is good -ompetition perceived by youth. Competition, in Fomes into existence when two or more individuals, hich is desired individually. This gives birth to conflicts, resources and exploitation of cooperation, kindness and retween living organisms and co-exists in the same environment. an become a great source of motivation, growth and progress. its literal sense, is on the flipside of coopera parties, communities, groups ete strive violation of natural laws, impropy discussion. Competition occurs Ifaccepted in right spirit, « Competition am: a global existence, Indian youth being no exception. In India, the race begins whena si when he seeks over the crowd recognition, the process looks like a never ending fight. student writes a board exam for the frst time “The race begins its momentum an institute for a degree and then fights hard to make his way to his dream job ted applicants, From good marks to good job and a never ending quest for social [As per stats, around 4 lakh school pass-outs apply for some thousand seats in a handful of renowned institutions across the country. This ensures cut throat competition, every year. Our time is rightly termed as an era of ever increasing cutoffs, shrinking the reach of human endeavour to absolute perfection. Delhi University 2015 cut-offs range is in 99%. Few years back, scoring 99% wasn’t even close to anybody's dreams, Such extremities give birth to negative competition. It encourages the prevalence of culture where only perfection is acceptable. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Is The Growing Level Of Competition Good For Youth? 31. } Competition and herd mentality are two sides of the same coin. With the mentality of having boys to bend towards engineering and girls towards medical profession, we are every inch a part of rat race. This explains best the pathway of youth. Instead of doing a rationalised analysis of young school children, they are either forced or manipulated to comply by the norms set by the society. ‘They jump into the rat race and strive to win, keeping their own aspirations and inclinations at bay. Itis saddening that children, at this tender age, do not have any time to play, enjoy and share their good or bad experiences. The programmed robotic life of school, home work, snap tests, exams leaves them emotionally weak. When, for higher studies, these boys and girls move out of the} wns, they have no support system. They get exposed to the external world. External world Fe, competition and comparison strikes them hard. QV ‘Ihe situation becomes grim, when this immense pressure due t veWinpetition gives birth to temPSome young minds succumb ‘thing at stake just to make their ‘Sncerned about what their child wants depression among students. Unfortunately, in the absence of sup, to enormous pressure and then take extreme step. Many fami child engineer or doctor and in this rat race, they become t to be. In a recent suicide in Kota, a young girl in le note has accused her mother of manipulating her as a child into liking Science. She warne t doing the same with her younger sister. It is disheartening to see bright youth of India ef a scapegoat to the aspirations and expectations of their parents and peers. When you stretch rubber b: current education system of the of marks and degrees. ‘The a limit, it is bound to have repercussions. Onus lies on the dian Education system also defines success and failure in terms Jducation is not to produce citizens with 100% marks who are unable ‘sure. Ifthe youth of the country fails to handle what life offers, then the flat. The purpose of education is to provide a platform to a child to find his ind corruption has diverted the objective. inner voice. Cot Private in ; which are held high in providing quality education to youth, charge exorbitant fee from them. Exploitation of youth through different means like high fee, poor quality of staff at lower salary, to handle social and emoti entire purpose of edu! large class sizes and lack of sufficient resources is a common sight in such institutes. In last decade, country has seen such institutes mushrooming in various regions of the country. These institutes are in constant race to attract maximum number of youngsters. Due to this money making business, they adopt false and corrupt means, In the recent an Indian state 12 class result fiasco, a college student, who topped in science and arts streams of state Board Class 12, failed to answer basic questions regarding their subjects on camera. ‘This has exposed the stark reality and corruption prevailing in the system. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 32 Is The Growing Levet Of Competition Good For Youth? ‘There is a need to look at competition from a different angle. True spirit of competition is to bring the best out of an individual. ‘This spirit helps an individual to get better out of the pressure. It also facilitates an individual to channelize his energies in right direction and motivates him to innovate. It assists the individual to develop an attitude of responsibility towards his actions. It means that healthy competition in its approach is competition with self. One of the World's most successful persons till date holds the same view. Bill Gates says, “I am not in competition with anyone but myself. My goal ig to improve myself continuously”, ‘There isa huge difference between whatis positive ora healthy competitioi ive competition. ‘There is a need to streamline the goals of youth towards their interest, instead of @bnventionally following what others are doing or what is high paying job for them. In order to do@@ the fifdamental choices of the students should be strengthened Schools must carry a SWOT (Stre ess, Opportunity, Threats) for each student, Personality development programmes should bt > WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN ‘tis a well said quote that all luxury corrupts either the morals or the state people who get into touch with such corrupt person and corrupt prac lucre and good quality of life of such persons and their family members. A sens from adverse action is felt by them because nothing tangible has happea@t expediiously to such corrupt persons even when a few of them are caught by default. Thus corr s taken an epidemic form of communicable disease which needs multimodal therapy. Communicable disease is an epidemic which is a wid frrence of an infectious disease in 4 community transmissible from person to person by jact with an affected individual or the individual's discharge or by indirect means by a veefSapfor Ckample flu, plague, cholera etc. Likewise corruption has reached the form of communicable king every individual of the society sick. Corruption can take many forms that graft, bribery, embezzlement and extortion. Its existence reduces business credibility ai fen professionals misuse their positions for personal gain. st, in rich or poor nations, though all elements of society are ines political development, democracy, economic development, ore. Corruption affects the poorest affected in some way as corrupti the environment, people’ Around the worl tion of corruption in public places is very high. But itisnt}j yments that corruption is found; it can permeate through society. ‘Ata nation. .cople'’s effective participation and representation in society can be undermined by corruption, while af local levels, corruption can make day to day lives more painful for all affected. When asking why poor countries are poor, it is quite common to hear, especially in wealthier countries that are perceived to have minimal corruption that other countries are poor because of corruption, Yet, corruption isnot something limited to third world countries. Rich countries too have been involved in corrupt practices around the world. When a child is born he/she experiences corruption through parents in hospital as even for getting admitted to a government hospital in general ward they need to grease the palm of the concerned officials. ‘They have to pay for the medicines used and diet provided though its supposed to be provided free by the Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 34 corruption in india Has Assumed The Proportion Of A Communicable Disease government. Normal childbirth through labour pain is converted to a caesarean operation which is a costly proposition for poor persons and they are directed to the private nursing homes of the attending doctors. While dealing with Hospitals and Health Care we find in Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non-availability/ duplication of medicines, getting admission, consultations with doctors and availing diagnostic services. Another health care-related government programme, i. NRHM has been subject to large scale corruption allegations. No public health program can succeed in a setting in which scarce resources are siphoned off, depriving the disadvantaged and poor of essential healthcare. Quality care cannot be provide Ithcare delivery system in which kickbacks and bribery are a part of life. The medical rity ly considered a noble one, and the bioethics community cannot evade their moral mg face of this sordid reality. When a child needs admission for study he/she ne eat parents in school. ‘The schools invent such a system of admission process where « iy It to get through. So what is left is to pay donation and capitation fee to get admitted in the yurse books, uniform, etc. are to be bought from the school itself whether you want it or achers have their own private tuition centers charging exorbitant prices so that child gets bers in his exams. When anyone needs admission in cae aa for professional courses/higher study he/she experiences corruption in the form of direct: rough management quota and agents who charge fees for getting the student admitted to these colleges, "The system of high cut off marks and 3 to 4 rounds of admission counselling is not parent process and seats are managed by private players in favour of those who pay for rem: till the last. When anyone needs birt corruption at block /tehsi 1¢/domicile, marriage and death certificates he/she experiences . There is a plethora of agents sitting outside the offices which make the process easier and faster tional fee. Otherwise, if you go directly to the department then you are made to run from pilld 7 vain. When anj pay electric/water bill, ete. he/she experiences corruption at different levels, You are dismayed jgdihd exorbitant and wrong billing done in your bill. If want to get it corrected in the department then no one listens to your reasoning and penal interest goes on increasing month by month. You are made to pay bribe for genuine correction of bill, to get a new connection or to get your bills reduced toa lower level in case of high volume consumers of electricity. When anyone goes for driving license(DL) he/she experiences corruption at different levels. The RTO is not interested in real tests of driving and knowledge of rules and regulations. It is more important that agents sitting outside get the overhead money in addition to actual fee. It naturally is done for the benefit of departmental officials. A study conducted between 2004 and 2008 found that India’s driver licensing procedure was a hugely distorted bureaucratic process and allows drivers to be licensed despite their low Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Corruption in india Has Assumed The Proportion Of A Communicable Disease } driving ability through promoting the usage of agents. Individuals with high willingness to pay make a significant payment above the official fee and most of these extra payments are made to agents, who act as an intermediary between bureaucrats and applicants When anyone deserves for promotion in Govt. services he/she experiences corruption at different levels because it is not based on merit and hard labour put in by the officer. His Annual confidential report and final selection in the panel ofthe promotion depends on portion of bribe transmitted to higher ups. In fact they are given targets for collection of illegal gratification from their jurisdiction which has to be given to the top bosses in lieu for plum postings and promotions. In the matter of Land and property the Officials are alleged to steal state pyapeF4jpln tities and villages throughout India, consisting of municipal and other government officials, el@ted politicians, judicial officers, real estate developers and law enforcement officials, acquire, dag@fop axbsell land in illegal ways. Income tax department has several cases of collusion ha ferential tax treatment and relaxed prosecutions in exchange for bribes which gives leverage Iting businessman who can avoid the tax net and penalties by not showing their real income, § study in India that more than 62% peddling influence to get a job done in a public 1s; Transparency International estimates that it regulators and police share in bribe money, each jute stoppages including those at checkpoints and entry- Corruption at the level of Bureaucracy has beei of the people had first-hand experience of paying office. Taxes and bribes are common betwee! truckers pay annually the billions in bribes. to the tune of 43% and 45% respectively. points take up to 11 hoursin a day. In the fields of Business Pul to extort undue payments notoriously corrupt, espet we very wide discretionary powers offering the opportunity nies and ordinary citizens. ‘The awarding of public contracts is ‘at the Centre and the state level, for e.g. coal block at Centre and an iron ore mining scan 1 in Karnataka. There are scandals involving high-level politicians have highlighted the paym kbacks in the healthcare, IT and military sectors. Corruptios 1 of Judiciary is attributable to factors such as “delays in the disposal of cases, shortage of judges @Me complex procedures, all of which are exacerbated by a preponderance of new laws’. Over the year there have been numerous judges who have faced allegations of corruption, however in 2011, Soumitra Sen, a former judge became the first judge in the India tobe impeached for misappropriation of funds. When we talk of Armed forces, it has witnessed corruption involving senior armed forces officers from all three wings. A number of scandals in the 2000-2010 period damaged the military's reputation; such scandals included skimming of armed forces money, re-selling of government property, and faking combat missions. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 36 Corruption in india Has Assumed The Proportion Of A Communicable Disease On the topic of corruption at political level, as of December 2009, 120 of India’s $24 members of parliament (MPs) members were accused of crimes, under India's First Information Report procedure wherein anyone can allege another of committing a crime. Many of the biggest scandals since 2010 have involved very high level government officials, including Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers. ‘The politicians, Ministers, CM and PM are allegedly involved in corruption directly for benefiting in cash or indirectly by favouring someone in assigning some projects in kinds, for examples: Fodder Scam in Bihar, Commonwealth Games and Coal mines allocation at Centre, etc. From the above discussions on the various facets of corruption in our couni®jwe may conclude that corruption has spread its roots in nearly all walks of life and has assumed, an epidemic a communicable disease as corruption starts before birth of a child and not last ey ofa person when his/her death certificate is required. & vy Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a Wademocratic spirit”. Jahatma Gandhi that differ from one’s own.” Intolerance is not a rare phenomen« *r 2 to 3 decades we have seen it cropping up in various locations or geography of the earth. ‘We have seen people are always looking for a change. This can’ ea to French revolution, Marxist f of people. We can also think some have seen people who were scared of a everything that reminded of him. violence; we stand 12" in the list of most racist ‘op. So, we see this narrative is all over the globe, ice debate after Narendra Modi Government came dia have such a history but now we have 100 plus Media re cable television and social networking days, this kind of rocity which will leads to instigation, unrest and atmosphere Ww is Intolerance ? We can define intolerance as soe beliefs or behaviour tl er times being intolerant can also be positive, like in the c: tyrant called Saddam Hussain, over threw his regim India was 4"" from the Top in the worst case of country, where Pakistan stands 11" and US. but last few months we have heard too mu into power, this is nota one of situation Channels, who runs for 24 hours, t news would get censored or not of distrust. We always talked abs muni Tehzeeb but our history and geography is filled with scars of religious riots and vio] jorakhpur, Delhi and Punjab during 1984, Gujarat 2002 or Gorakhpur or UP 2014. It means’ \ing-we Indians are always emotional and sentimental and can be driven to violent “"C ‘and quickly, But this is done primarily in few accounts and by few vested interest groups 1. After Se ition and violence accompanied by it created a bitterness and_in the heart of the people, also the wars we fought with our neighbours also helped in creating an atmosphere where we got divided into religious sects, language and community. The best possible example is we can see during reality show where people do not vote on merit but on caste, religion and language of the participant not performance on the given day. 2. With Congress who was loosing ground after assassination of Late Indira Gandhi, there was rise of or mushrooming of regional parties, which not only propagated the language or mother tongue supremacy but also ethnicity and religious fervour; we all know those parties. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 38 Is india Really intolerant? 3. Mid 90s till 2014, their was a coalition government at Centre, where no political party had the numbers to form the government thus there was rampant horse trading, power broking and corruption by those, we all are aware of scams and CAG reports which unfurled each scams, with 2014, these regional players who are marginalised, then result of UP election came as a jolt to their aspiration, thus a new term was coined called * intolerance’, 4. Few people who feel they are champion of rights and liberties of minorities in India, so they will make statements which will divide more than unite and they do it to promote their movies or their work or create a niche market for themselves. Killing in the name of religion is a murder. There can never be any way or defend the indefensible, be it killing in name of religion, caste or language. These killin real, no doubt but playing politics and giving it a colour is equally bad for the moral fabric of our c then giving it a hue of minority and trying to appease them by givingit a reason to feel threageffed ordsecure by a major itarian government, is more the play of religion and region based political ose significance has come to minuscule due to clear mandate and repetitive victory of one sin, ‘There are bad apples and sour grapes in every bowl, be i ‘These people do not form the major voice but they are vy isturbing voice for sure, thus we have to deal with them strongly and punish them for their, t never treat a crime with the glove of religion, why this is important as most of the regio! did it and see, they became insignificant in past. fey profession, life, society or family. 3 yrs, loosing elections, as new India, is of people yrs to 35 yrs, who are 65.% ofthe population and they want to rise high. ‘They have aspirations, goals and se religion of the person who is workin; more keen to grow, any political pai pattern will be more welcome t Finally, we can see Indigfi@jo level of education we hav’ le to see through the games our politicians play. Another important aspect is our media — jore responsible, they have divided themselves as opinion makers than ve evement. They are not bothered about the name and ey are more concerned on their comfort level, they are Tooking for development, who are giving facility and growth jelm of power. re intolerant towards corruption and caste based divide and with. new tellers. They to be a part of either of the block and have become their mouth piece and propaganda m: ‘Thus, we can fitgtly conclude we are not intolerant. ‘The fringe will never makes us intolerant, these people are abbreviation to our society and their effort and work is more with criminal and communal intent, so we should not fall into their trap , rather we should be smart enough to see through them and their heinous design. We as a country always taught peace, calmness and introspection for centuries; our fabric is too strong to be withered by few groups or few individuals. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Wea 8 i“ ‘Knowl key concept of the knowledge economy is that knowledge and education (oft fed to as “human ASS can be treated as one of the following two: A business product, as educational and innovative intellectual products Ae es can be exported fora high value return A productive asset can be defined as: Production and services based on knowledge-intensive acti tha®contribute to an accelerated pace of technical and scientific advance, as well as rapid obsolesc key component of a knowledge economy is a greater reliance on intellectual capabilities th inputs or natural resources. ‘The initial foundation for the knowledge economy iced in 1966 in the book, “Ihe Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker. Peter Drucker describy liféfence between the manual worker and the knowledge worker. The manual worker, according orks with his or her hands and produces goods or services. In contrast, a knowledge worker s or her head, not hands, and produces ideas, knowledge, and information. ‘The key problem in the formalisati knowledge, which is a rather relative coi as interchangeable with knowled as well, depends on individual India is a country whe: but we have far superior we have 1.5 million e but they do have basi Similarly 2 should always k a culture of worke feling of knowledge economy is a vague definition of F example, it is not proper to consider information society information is usually not equivalent to knowledge. Their use, references which are “economy-dependent’. the population is 21 yrs to 35 yrs, and we are may be less on literacy mnal and technological advancement at a common platform. Each year duating , where 80% of them are not employable due to various reasons ige and skill sets. ch and 1000 Ph.D pass out each year. When these brains are available to us , we ard to make them self sufficient and try to create a culture of entrepreneurship than ¥ prevent brain drain, ‘The most important aspect of people with knowledge and degree is getting a respectable and well paid job, but the industry has not been able to give such a job to people. Govt. of India is very focused on this intellectuals and want them to play important role in skill development and has created different platforms. Also, we have to understand that there is a difference between skill and knowledge development and BPOs which were rampant, from 2000 to 2010, where any english speaking undergraduate got a job, made money, bought expensive items, but after $ yrs found himself replaced by a younger recruit and not much career to talk about, ‘This is not a brain drain but a misuse of the potential. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 40 india Needs to invest in “Knowledge-Based” Industry, Rather Focusing only on Agriculture... ‘To give career, job, respect and valued earning, it's important that we develop and utilise our core strength to form knowledge based industry. ‘The knowledge economyis also seen as the latest stage of developmentin global economic restructuring. ‘Thus far, the developed world has transitioned from an agricultural economy (pre-Industrial Age, largely the agrarian sector) to industrial economy (with the Industrial Age, largely the manufacturing sector) to post-industrial/mass production economy (mid-1900s, largely the service sector) to knowledge economy (late 1900s ~ 2000s, largely the technology/human capital sector). This latest stage has been marked by the upheavals in technological innovations and the globally competitive need for innovation with new products and processes that develop from the research community (ie., R&D fact universities, labs, educational institutes). In the knowledge economy, the specialised labour force is characteris puter literate and well-trained in handling data, developing algorithms and simulated models, and@povating on processes and systems, Harvard Business School Professor, Michael Porter assert ’ economy is far more dynamic and that comparative advantage is less relevant than competi tage which rests on “making more productive use of inputs, which requires continual innovaty wuently, the technical, STEM careers including computer scientists, engineers, chemists, mathematicians, and scientific inventors will see continuous demand in years to come. Ad; ; Well-situated clusters, which Michael Porter argues is vital in global economies, connect locall cd industries, manufacturers, and other entities that are related by skills, technologies, and ot mon inputs. Hence, knowledge is the catalyst and connective tissue in modern economies. ‘Thus, we can see that we have the raw mat lop one of the biggest industries in abundance as. we not only have highly skilled people but C cd English literacy rate is very high in our part of the world, then why not to give it a direction, atmosphere where we can empower people. This echo system is important to develop know}e industry, as if we see some of ours tuition based institute where knowledge transfer takes pl: something which is in our face ‘The knowledge based be creating teaching and tuition , reading and learning, creating logistic supply, there can’ 1g of knowledge for farmers, better prediction of monsoon, using abandoned resources fertilisers, water recycling and water storage. fed for people with knowledge and then with the help of technology they can ions, rather than working in a profile which is stifling their knowledge, growth Segments have to develop best p and natural abil We can conclude with advent of social networking sites, technology, internet, the world has become a small market place, where people can share, exchange and benefit from each other, only when they have the financial and organisational backing and this will lead to their growth and prosperity. ‘Take example of Facebook; even a common man is aware of it, people are getting connected and people are also using itas a socio marketing tool; this Facebook was made for a set of students ofa colleage to interact with each other, hence understand the power and reach of technology, we Indians are none less as we are heading Google and many other prestigious Tech company, hence we should work towards it to build a New Prosperous India. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN “He who searches for evil, must frst look at his ow on.” —Confucius talking is not a new phenomenon but it is an old way of pursuing rer love with you. Our Hindi movies , which have widest range and reach to the audience, ‘own regularly stalking .d wrong impression to the a girl, till she gives in and lives happily ever after, but it does give people, in a country like ours , which has patriarch dominance, not treated with either equality be it social or economi is taken as act of valour and gives ‘wrong impression to male, who are growing up, less go females asan object, they get afeel of joritarian figures and females are fun, frolic and game- chasing a female. ‘There was a celebrated case in 1996, where the pursuer was a son of a high ranking police official, thus the end was tragic, where the gi gets killed. n @bgural India or uneducated but also of high, mighty and issue or a threat because, male of our society cannot take and self esteem. “The stalking is not a mere pheno: powerful, thus we see that safety of no as an answer and also feel it More than 18,000 cases, informed today. Accordin} Hansraj Ahir, stalkin ‘were registered in last three years in the country, the Lok Sabha was tistics on crime against women tabled by Minister of State for Home, a consistent rise in last three years, As per the data, 7,132 cases of stalking were re 6, 6,266 cases in 2015 and 4,699 casesin 2014, Mr Ahir said as many as 8,620 people were ari ases related to stalking and 481 convicted for the same in 2016. In 2015, a total of 6,694 people werdfrested and 473 were convicted, while in 2014, as many as 5,439 people were arrested and 262 were convicted for stalking-related crimes, the minister said. ‘Thus we can see this kind of activity, makes sure $0 % of the talented and achievers have social, physical and emotional threat, this does not mean all are subject to stalking but there are equal chances for every female to be subjected to this kind of mental trauma and agony, may be this is one of the reasons which is keeping the people away from taking career of their choice and making their presence felt. But al this is causing harm to our economic and social fabric, Government of the day as well as parents pay huge amount of money to make a child professionally qualified, when this qualified person, is not able Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN {2 Is Women Stalking a Hindrance in India’s Progress? to contribute in her capacity then it means loss of GDP for the economy, a engineer, doctor or Ph.D by taking classes or teaching kids, which is important but is under utilisation of her capacity, similarly lot of less educated people, or highly qualified can work in workshops, factory, fields and small places and contribute to family income, live a better life, fight poverty and also contribute to the GDP. So we can see how people being prevented from leading a better economic life due to a social and moral evil, is stopping India from growing, developing and also achieving. Just think about last Olympic, most of our gold medals were won by female athletgs, who also had to go through lots of innuendo, remarks and discouragement even for the male coache ed with , along with co athletes, the Indian female cricket team defeated female Pakistan cri in the World cup, which their male counterpart failed to do, thus we can see in many field: mS opulation is not only equal but much better than any men, the mother is the best manager, h Meee this kind ofimmoral, 1g Oh bigger stage. jeing spread in case we do not get a days lot of crimes are reported to un lawful, disrespectful psychopathic acts prevents people from p; Also our society is also male dominated, many a times the girl of our choice and do character assassination of th the police, lots of crime related show create awarene: dealing with it, it’ a different ball game. ‘ople but facing this kind of situation and Society and country is made up of people, and society at large, successful and bring 1 sions to its people, we have seen how females got together and formed the first cooperati@@Which became famous as milk revolution. As an individual we We have to look at t leaders may not be o1 fe as a country, Srilanka, UK have seen female PM , who were may be tougher than any male art, Hence this kind of act prevents blooming of talent and also leads to fear ale members, we not only have to condemn them but also fight it, eradicate this, evil as soon as we gagifor our own social, economic and political growth. Lets pledge to make India better, safer and land of equal opportunities, for this time has come to rise and fight this evil. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN ‘arriage is considered to be a sacred bond between a man and a woma’ “This bond when conditioned with love, compassion, security anders relationship. But sometimes, differences crop up between husband oe cd they decide to separate mutually or with interference of law. ‘This act of separation is 2¥ divorce. This is the protocol which is followed throughout the world. However, in many intries, divorce is still considered a taboo, And at the receiving end are the women who get a ‘ached to them, post separation. Muslim women in India are the worst affected as: by Muslim Personal Law, wherein the state has no right to interfere in the personal nang triage, divorce, inheritance and family relations. by God in heaven. fing makes it a life-long ‘This law gives more power to the Muslim m confined to this law and thus cannot take the help from the judiciary of the country. The at they have been going through isthe ‘triple talaq’ (Talag-e-biddat), wherein ifthe husba ‘ord ‘talaq meaning divorce, three times consecutively, the man and wife are declared divor ally leaves the women shattered. It might be easy for the man to utter these words, but it whole life of a woman. However, this pronouncement of the ‘word ‘talaq’ has been bani and Bangladesh. In these promote reconciliationgHo in Many countries like Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, tration councils and judicial interventions have been introduced to till recently India permitted this heinous act. But, after fighting over many years, Indian Muslim r finally got something in their favour. The Supreme Court has set aside the practice of, ugh triple talaq by declaring the practice as void, illegal and unconstitutional. ‘The verdict prise for many while some Muslim fanatics were in shock. Muslim women on the other hand celebrated with all their vigour. ‘Though divorce is condemned in Islam but still the practice of triple talaq has been prevalent since ages. “The triple talaq is against the basic tenets of Quran. Holy Quran in fact doesn’t describe any procedure for divorce. An excerpt from the Quran says, “Divorced women remain in waiting for three periods... and their husbands have more right to take them back in this [period] if they want reconciliation,..2:229 Divorce is twice. ‘hen, either keep [her] in an acceptable manner or release[her] with good treatment. It clearly indicates that a divorce (talaq) is followed immediately by the waiting period which is called as iddat. During this period, the husband has the right to revoke the divorce and take his wife back. But this Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN \# Triple Talaq: Justice Accoeded Eventually practice can be done twice only. The third divorce is considered permanent. After the third talag there is no opportunity for any reconciliation. ‘The holy book however holds provisions for providing alimony or maintenance for life time or till the women gets married again Abolishment of triple talaq was the need of the hour as Muslim men had started to take social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, E-mails and WhatsApp to divorce their partners. ‘The practice was challenged four decades ago by a 60 year old Muslim women, Shah Bano who approached the court for being getting divorced by her husband in an arbitrary manner and then refusing to pay her the alimony too. ‘The apex court ruled the case in her favour by directing her husband to pay her the alinf@yy for the rest of her life or till she married again. But several protests by the All India Muslim Personé rd (AIMPLB) and Muslims over the verdict put pressure on the then ruling government as constituted a huge (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986” that nullified the juds f S¥preme Court in the Shah Bano case. The Act limited the responsibility of husband for sup forced wife for a period of 90 days of iddat ie the waiting period of divorce. vote bank. The ruling Congress party succumbed to the pressure na ‘The Muslim Women ‘The practice of triple talaq has gathered much flak Pakistan and Bangladesh abolishing it either explicit comer in justifying Muslim women in the country, yuntries including Muslim dominated Ironically, India has been quite a late ‘The triple talag has finally been declared un in high esteem. And bestowing extra rights t Moreover, men usually misuse these law; ‘unconstitutional. Islam has always held women ns of marriage and divorce is wrong and unethical. heieifavour. Women are left as losers in all terms. The so called jore towards the men, In the name of religion, they are | matters but the whole crux is in the fact that these personal ‘hole. This could also lead to disharmony among the nation. stopping government to interferg.i matters eventually affect the s India may be a land of tures and religions, But a uniform civil code which defines the rights and duties of the citiz ‘be adopted. Muslim women too have full right to live with dignity in this man dominated worl e for reforms to protect the rights of Muslim women in view of the changing societal values men can now live a meaningful life without any fear of getting ditched by their husbands in hast iger, intoxication or for fun. ‘They can now raise their daughters without fearing for their marital fat . With education and change in mindset, people are accepting divorce throughout the globe. It is not considered a taboo in urban areas, Remarriage is always an option and the families too are eagerly accepting them irrespective of their past. With this change, Muslim men will think twice now before divorcing their spouses as they will now be answerable before law and group of people too. Such reformations will make India and its women stronger and powerful. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN “The right to personal privacy is precious. Without it, we are all potential victims foM@peying secret police’ is B. Smedes Ys ring lat is privacy? When one thinks about this term, there is no li shey a need of the individuals by virtue of his or her existence. li se Boece, it can be a part of bodily integrity, personal autonomy, protection from state survei confidentiality, dignity, compelled speech and freedom to mi and every phase of life. But in today’s day and age of globalisation and individual space and privacy is often invaded. In With so much data and connectivity, leak of enables websites to mine the data. Google, or the other information of a person is marketing strategy. Data is the new company, Uber owns no vehicles no content. The most valuable provider, Airbnb owns no, out about our whereabout places we are travelli ational self-determination, Privacy is the necessity in each privacy is left to be a myth only. The social media has a role to play in it certainly. jous. The sharing of information on internet “ebook, Twitter and other websites on which some fo be in knowledge of biggest companies to use it as a ce, One will be amazed to know that world’s largest taxi . The world’s most popular media owner, Facebook creates ibaba has no inventory and the world’s largest accommodation ith the hi-tech internet today, these organisations are able to figure places we visit frequently, about our friends, shopping habits and the 's some or the other way been a boon and abane too. his gives immense opportunities ranies to market themselves online on the cost of hampering individual’s privacy. Privacy > WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 46 ight to Privacy ‘The Constitution of India has till now considered the Right to Privacy extrinsic. Over the years, many people have knocked the doors of the court to justify the breach of privacy. But Supreme Court has denied the right to privacy citing it as alien to the Indian Constitution. ‘The trigger to make privacy a fundamental right of the citizens came into purview after government Aadhar scheme was questioned for breach of privacy by leakage of personal data. Aadhar was launched by the Central Government as a single identity proof and takes account of your personal details, biometrics and iris scan. Considering how government and service providers seek personal information and how this information can be exploited, the Supreme court nine-judge bench unanimously declared Right to Privacy as an integral part@E Right to Life and Personal Liberty guaranteed in Article 21 of the Constitution. Privacy has beei a fundamental right as it is intrinsic to the right to life. The government has been asked b to convince them how forcing citizens to give a sample of their fingerprints and their iris s t violate privacy. The judgment came out after an intense debate of the bench with legal wi ron lawyers. The Government argued that the founders of the Constitution reje ‘of inclusion of privacy as a fundamental right. While on the other hand, the petitioners wi about how privacy is the need of the hour in this technologically dynamic society where, Wvate players can intrude into one’s personal space and data and how recognition of privacy, ental freedom can help deter it. In fact Justice Chandrachud aptly described the overall apj jon of the public in his words- “I don’t want the state to pass on my personal information to =n vice providers who will send me WhatsApp messages offering cosmetics and air conditi is our area of concern, Personal details turn into vital commercial information for private se right to privacy also encompasses the lil oflife like what and how one will eayffhe euthanasia. This is a huge chan; person of the society irresp. With right to pri make them in accord! ders.” Apart from the data mining and leakage, the viduals to have a choice of preferences in different areas ‘of dressing, whom to marry, one’s sexual preferences and even story of the country where importance has been given to each ir socio-economic background and influence. how, several laws, rules and guidelines will have to be refurbished to fe new fundamental right. Some of these will include homosexuality and LGBT rights, phone taps, reproductive right, juvenile justice etc. NATGRID, a programme ct fome Ministry post the 26/11 Mumbai attacks which requires integration of 25 categories of Aftbase from various agencies like railways, banks, airlines, credit card companies, immigration, ete. to make it accessible to law enforcement officers, will also seek amendments in several laws which includes transferring of data related to bank and property. This privacy judgement will prove to be in interest of the general public and the state and non-state players will have to find other ways to commercialise themselves. ‘The Right to Privacy will empower the citizens of the country which sometimes get exploited knowingly and unknowingly with regard to their personal information. With society being empowered, the country will see a new rise of growth and development on the lines of equality and justice. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN romis he complexity of businesses is increasing manifolds due to separation of ship and control with the emergence of joint stock companies which allow million: ym across the globe to own the business jointly. Multiple ownerships result in chaos in the busifss. ‘The financial reports published for the companies provide information about the separatigaf@t powgpr and control of private, . These reports are easy to falsify these reports and provide ition may cause loss of investments public companies, shareholders and investors and the company’s modulate and manipulate as it's in the hands of the managers. misleading information about the liabilities, assets and risks, and breaking of trust of shareholders. ‘This is where co: nance comes into play. Corporate governance is defined by rules, rocesses by which one monitors, manages and controls the business. Corporate governance .e¥the internal factors viz. the officers, stockholders and constitution of the business and the & ‘ors viz. consumer groups, clients and government sponsible leadership, transparency in the system and reholders, managers and board of directors work hand in ‘efficiency. regulations. Both are equally important stewardship of organisational resouy ‘Transparency is the k , stability and profitability of any business. There is a dire need of good corporate govei the growing competitions amongst businesses in economic sector at national and internatic relationship amy ceholders and the management. Corporate govggftance has many facets to it. On one side, it ensures that the company is directed and controlled such as to achieve the set goals and thereby adding value to the company. And on the other hand, it takes into stride the stakeholders so as to benefit them in the long run, However, bad corporate governance can ruin the company. The high profile scams like stock market scam, Satyam seam, Ketan Parikh Scam, UTI scam have exemplified poor corporate governance. They have also set a benchmark for bringing corporate governance in India so as to avoid hampering its growth and development. But what is good corporate governance? When a management of a company works with its heart and soul in the interests of the owners and stakeholders instead of filling their own pockets, itis referred to as good Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN {@ onpocore Govemonce reales and rosters corporate governance. For Indian listed companies, governance norms are set up in the Companies Act. Shareholders are the ones who invest in the public limited companies for building and running a business. But in day to day life, they play no active role in decision making. All the governance is delegated to the management team who takes crucial financial and business decisions. In good governance, the shareholders flourish, while in bad governance they are the ones who are prone to losing big time. Bad governance affects the stakeholders directly- the banks and lenders who provide financial assistance, employees who invest their careers in the company, the suppliers and the customers who support the company with their faith and loyalty. In today’s scenario, corporate governance should be treated seriously. mein ins of the business industry - Infosys and TCS have also tasted the essence of corporate goygnanceW@tely. Both these iconic organisations have faced a time of turmoil. Some call it boardroom tt \ile Some refer to it as owners ‘versus management fight. But corporate governance of both thes; :ss Plants has been in news for all the wrong reasons. In the case of TCS, the chairman - Cyrus M ;ched against the owner of Tata Sons - Ratan Tata. Here, Mr. Mistry was removed from his p\ fter the leading shareholder, Tata Trust Jost faith in him. It was one on one battle which saw fri fn Tata Sons and Mistry also fighting it in the court. The transition, however, was smooth witNs@fiandrasekaran taking over as the Chairman of the group. On the other hand, in the case of Infosys Narayana Murthy, founder of Infosys with a folders lost faith in the whole management. N.R. stake, expressed his dissent over certain dec taken by the management. He raised i ing higher compensation to executives, appointment of independent directors and acq gies. ‘The ugly fracas between the founder and the whole managementat Infosys subsequ Il of stock prices by 15 percent and also has led to uncertainty for clients and employees. med that it continues to adhere to ‘highest international standards’ of corporate governance. ‘naming of Nandan Nilekani as Infosys non-executive chairman, the message was sent to af jes that there were no “discordant” voices at the country’s second largest IT firm. The coi en in a crisis over the last few months amid a stand-off between the founders and the manag er allegations of corporate governance lapses. Howsoever, the transition in both the cases has been smooth and substantial. Itis to the credit of good governance in these organisations. While at TCS, the leader had to be replaced because oflack of confidence whereas at Infosys, the board was quick to address issues raised by the owners. Asa matter of fact, it should be noted that the shareholders are directly deprived of profits because of overhead expens s bore by the company like creative accounting, managerial remuneration, related party deals, free goodies to friends and family and risky mergers and acquisitions. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN corpocoe Governaice bronioes ind brepare 9) For any business today, corporate governance holds well defined guidelines. When streamlined into good governance, these can be beneficial to both the shareholders and the management. In a developing and sovereign country like India, corporate governance requires companies to have independent directors constituting one-third ofthe board, disclose all their related party deals, disclose about comparative metrics on managerial pays, appoint nomination and audit committees and the CEO and CFO to sign off on the governance guidelines being met in financial statements. It also empowers minority shareholders to drag the companies to courtroom for mismanagement and oppression. One may nothave any sayin the politics with regard to the appointment of mini ad governance, but with companies, one doesn’t need to wait for five years span to be vocal governance. Good governance is ll about black and white without any grey area. It is transpaggnt and @ihpowers the owners or founders along with the management of the company. Good governa: may prospects and promises to grow a company in terms of its manpower, shareholders and st: jersMthus as a business owner, one should be weary of bad governance to avoid any hassles and & Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Act, the RTL act applies to all states and union territories of India except Jammt mir. The act under its provisions guarantees to any citizen the freedom to request informatigf frong Public authority which needs to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. It also requires lic authority to computerize their records to smoothen the wide dissemination. ‘The act rel cial Secrets Act 1923, under which the disclosure of information in India was restricted. ‘The RTI act holds two key concepts to its heart, ht of the public to request access to information and other the conformable duty of the jent fo meet the request unless specific defined exemptions apply. ‘Thus, both the government and the citi 'y bound by the RTI. For the citizens, especially rntails asking information and using it effectively in the d expression as dictated by the Supreme Court includes: when a decision concerns them primari decision- making process. The right 1. Right to receive, seek and i 2. Right to disseminate yne’s ideas and views Right to inform ed Right to knoy Right to re aw hw Right to commercial speech and commercial information Matters of public interest require authentic information, absence of which may encourage wild rumours and speculations. Thus Right to Information acting as a constitutional right becomes the aspect of the right to free speech and expression which includes the right to receive and collect information. A fully informed citizen is certainly well equipped and all set to perform his duties well. Itnot just facilitates the participation of people in matters of public affairs by leading them access to relevant information but also empowers them for making choices that are wise and practical and logical in running the democracy. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN TI Act, 2005 - Implementation and Challenges } By improving the decision-making it also enhances the government's accountability and credibility. Itis a common person's right. Any individual whether poor or illiterate has the right to know ifthe government is fulfilling its policies or responsibilities or not. This way power is being placed in people’s hands. Information acts as a tool to benefit the people's cause, even to those who are oppressed and vulnerable. Especially when in a developing economy like India, where new economic policies of liberalization, privatization and globalization are being adopted; people should be informed about such issues related to democracy. This helps in its smooth functioning. Other basic rights like freedom of speech and expression and right to educati losely allied with the Right to know. To achieve accountable, transparent and participatory govegp Fens must utilize their right to information. It helps them achieve people-centered development ywering them and enhancing their control over political processes. It also acts as a deterreaifgaing. arbitrary exercise of any official power. ‘There are some exemptions too which are stated as general esi a request for information S may lead to violation of personal f the public or an individual. Itis also fement. It may happen to constitute a threat to aten to cause substantial harm and undermine aking processes. in case of legitimate public interest. Release of information privacy and affect confidentiality. It may also endanger detrimental to the pursued of a criminal case or law. national security. Disclosure of certain informati the effectiveness and integrity of government S Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN stivals celebrated, beautiful and of such gems is ind Bangladesh, itis i* isa land of many riches. With diversified ecology, cultures, languages spoke and foods; India stands as one of the most colourful and assorted count divergent landscape and heritage, still some of the gems of the country are the undiscovered North East of the country. Bordering China, Bhutan, connected to the rest of India by a narrow 20 km corridor of land. ly @hlled as the ‘Seven Sister States’ or the ‘paradise unexplored, it covers 7 per cent of the tot the country and isa name given to the contiguous states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, M: ram, Nagaland, Meghalaya and ‘Tripura. Each state is unique in its own way. Assam is the densely populated state that igi Jands of the Brahmaputra valley. With ‘wide expanse, rich flora and fauna, turbulent water! sromatised tea gardens. Assam has more to offer apart from its stimulating festivals and fairs. Arunachal Pradesh is termed as the ‘ ‘Sun’ and allures with its captivating wood-locks, enchanting plateaus and deep dales. It 5 many adventure freaks. Sitting on the foothills of the Himalayas, it attracts tourists becau: {dhist monasteries and influences. A small and marooned state, bordering Assam is Megh: is rightly called the “The Abode of Clouds. ‘The state is the wettest region of the world ai with pine clad hills and lakes, Vibrant sunrise and sunset and a rich war history; Nagalan attract tourists. Manipur is the ‘Land of Jewels; located in between the hilly ranges and proyidingthe most bewildering and bewitching views. Mizoram and maps and fascinating with rich folklore, virgin terrains and spectacular views ofthe hills and Sikkim was ingggfated as the eighth North Eastern Council state in 2002. Sikkim is bordered by Nepal to the west, China's Tibet Autonomous Region to the north and east, and Bhutan to the east. West Bengal lies to the south. With 610,577 inhabitants as of the 2011 census, it is the least populous state in India and the second-smallest state after Goa in total area, covering approximately 7,096 km. Sikkim is ‘geograpically diverse due to its location in the Himalayas. The climate ranges from subtropical to high alpine. Kangchenjunga, the world’s third-highest peak, is located on Sikkim’s border with Nepal. Itis also a popular tourist destination because of its culture, scenery and biodiversity. Sikkim’s capital and largest city is Gangtok. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Connecting with India-the North East 53. } Being one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse regions of the country, each state boasts of its distinct culture and traditions. With bewildering diversity and the magical beauty, the North East of the country is home to more than 166 tribes; some of which have migrated centuries ago from places as far as South East Asia. This amalgamation of different tribes has only given to expand the wide array of cultures, values and languages of the area. Thus since time immemorial, India’s North East has been a meeting ground of many cultures, faiths and ethics. Apart from its prosperous culture, North-East also has awide range of geographical and ecological diversities which makes it quite different from other parts of the sub-continent. Lush landscapes that are veiled and carpeted by mists in winters, encif@nting valleys, dense jungles, powerful rivers, abundant rains, picturesque hills and green meadow: ters enormous species of flora and fauna all define the paradise that is North-East of the county 3s, there are a large number of beautiful wildlife sanctuaries and national parks that is home ye rare animals, plants and birds. ‘The region houses one-horned rhinos, elephants and a gered wildlife species. [Apart from these, the states are also quite actively involved in out jes such as trekking, angling, boating, rafting and hiking along the gorgeous river Brahmap\ ‘The North-Eastiis also seat to many small and large sca handicrafts, crude oil and natural gas. Tea estates of t one can experience the true aroma of tea in the ies o tea-based, silk, bamboo and specially Assam are world famous. Here esque locales, All these attractions are surely fascinating to any visitor, but still the tourism not much developed. Citing security reasons due to disputed borders issues with China, fensions, widespread insurgencies, there are many restrictions and checks on foreigners visit tes. This has thus hampered the tourism and hospitality industry considerably which could othe ‘e been extremely profitable. ‘This land of paradise is still ‘and needs proper exposure and promotion to bring forth the hidden glory and suave gem or Py so that we can truly prove that India is truly God's own country. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN ‘A farmer commits suicide every half-an-hour@india since 2001.” ccording to the data by the National Crime Records Bureau of India in 50 cases of farmer Asisies reported. The highest number of farmer suicides was recordgd in 20@>when 18,241 farmers @hid 1.8 per 100,000 total committed suicide. The farmers’ suicide rate in India has ranged bet population, over a 10-year period through 2005. As we are a fast developing nation with speedily growing urbt lation, itis often overlooked that 70 percent of our population is still part of rural India an igriculture and related activities are the main source of income. Demographically speakin; an agrarian economy. And it appears that while our country is on an urban Sot farmers have faced dire neglect, significantly underlined now by the shocking suicide statistics. Farmer suicides account for 11.2% of India. As of 2017, farmer suicides have occurred in large numbers in Maharashtra, Andh: felengana, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and its 2012 annual report, the National Crime Records Bureau of India reported that 135; le committed suicide in India, of which 13,755 were farmers (11.2%). Of these, 5 out of 29 inted for 10,486 farmers suicides (76%) ~ Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Mad ‘and Kerala. Moreover, one can always expect a higher real suicide- rate than reported sincgthe dafprovided by states is often skewed with some claiming zero farmer suicide. Studies and i ithin the county and abroad have tried to pin down the cause which leads to the utter hoy farmers inciting them to such a step. While our county is long past the feudal system, many farfheggOwn a very small strip of land or operate as tenant farmers to other big farmers and are bound in a vicious borrowing cycle to the modern day ‘lords, the moneylenders. Farmers are deprived of the benefits of the government subsidy in slashed interest rates, for most cannot meet the documentation demand of the banks and so prefer loans from local wealthy moneylenders even though at much higher rates, While for most farmers the loaning-sowing process is also really only a gamble since most remain at the mercy of the weather conditions. Many rely on the seasonal rains for irrigation while untimely rains can undo, in an instant, all the back-bending, rigorous toil thats a farmer's life. Nature's fickleness spells disaster for them as they are looking up to the crop to pay back loans and to scrape off a living for the family. At times, it stretches them just enough to push them off the brink into hopelessness and a death wish. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Duly Nurtered, Can Indian Railways Bounce Back? } Interesting correlations are being drawn to determine the situation of the places worst hit by the suicide menace. Some have pointed out that cash-crop - like coffee and cotton - growing farmers are the most at risk. However, the spread of cash-crop area as a predicator of suicide rate does not prove a reliable measure as many well-to-do farmers with the means to tackle weather fluctuation too have a hold on this sector, like in Gujarat. But in other areas with small cash-crop growing farmers the suicide numbers are dismal, understandably, since a failure means loss of sustenance unlike for the grain growing farmers. One line of argument tracing the cause behind the suicide trend is that the liberation policy adopted by the government in 1990s has taken down the farmers, Since liberal trade spa sand prices are ope with them. Another issue which has called for much attention, with rising protests, is of G@erieally Modified seeds ‘The GM seeds claim better product and productivity and are pest resiffince@pd thereby high-benefits require extra irrigation and been observed that insects and subject to international price fluctuations, our poor farmers do not have enoug! for the farmer. However, it has been observed that these expensi fertilization, pushing up the cost of production higher. Moreov pests have become resistant to the repelling technology in G! ich now demand intensive levels of fertilization, toxic for the environment. Also, a major draw- at these crops are sterile and the farmer is required to purchase new seeds for every season. jes which have acquired a patent on the GM seeds have quite managed to take over the ag market in this manner. lity of farming and the urban trend has seen a n of the population remains engaged with agriculture ‘The rising costs and thereby dipping e gradual shift away from farming. Yeta substan and what cannot be discounted is arise oduction and productivity. However, the country envisior is a need for a major focus shi self-sufficient in meeting its food demands and for that there wvernment onto bettering the agricultural field and helping the down-trodden farmers. E: ice the rift between our farmers and the urban country seems to be simply expanding rapidly aR@gghile roped into the currents of world economy the secluded farmers are finding it impossible with the difficult scenario and succumbing to easier death. Sinister death, sardonically m 1g the very pesticide bought to help them leaves in its wake a greater desolation for the living fa A poignant point in case is also that male suicide is much greater than female suicide since, as can be understood, the responsibility of providing for the family in our country, especially in rural areas, rests on males. Some steps like exempting farmers of loans up-to one lakh have been suggested to provide some relief to the farmers. But not just allowances of monetary relief but structural improvement are now necessary which understand and address the problem at its core. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN very country has zone which has the potential to tap its goods and services for! import from the ‘country. India was one of the firstto recognize the efficaciousness ofthe Export 1e (EPZ) model in promoting exports. Asia’ first EPZ was set up at Kandla in 196. However, there les in generating a free flow of goods. Hence, in April 2000, it was realized that there is a experienced on account of the numerous controls and clearances; [fd-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime and further to garner larger foreign i the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Policy was announced. ‘The SEZ policy intended to make SEZsa driver. scone supported by quality infrastructure complemented by a fetching fiscal package, both at th the State level, with minimal regulations. SEZs in India functioned from November 2000 2006 under the provisions of the Foreign ‘Trade Policy. During this period, fiscal incentiy smulgated through relevant statutes. ‘To instill in investors that the Governmel impart stability to the SEZ regime for me the shortcomings ;mmitted to a stable SEZ policy regime and ready to jomic activity and employment, a comprehensive draft jones Act, 2005 came into effect on 10th February, 2006. of procedures and single window clearance- that is, no need to matters relating to central as well as state governments. The main ‘The Act provided for drastic sis run from one ministry to tl objectives of the SEZ Act eneration of additional economic activity; (b) promotion of exports of goods and services jotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources; (d) creation of employment op; ; (e) development of infrastructure facilities. ‘The SEZ As rnvisages a major role for the state governments in not only promoting exports but also enlarge infrastructure related to it. The objective of the SEZs is to ensure hassle-free regime and the rules too have been framed accordingly. SEZ is a geographical region that has economic laws different from a country’s typical economic laws. This is because, in SEZ laws, the intention is to increase foreign direct investment. SEZs play a decisive role in rapid mobilization of a country’s economy. In the early 1990s, it helped China and there were hopes that the establishment in India of similar export-processing zones could offer similar benefits - provided, however, that the zones offered attractive enough concessions. Traditionally, the main deterrents to foreign investment in India have been high tariffs and taxes, red tape and strict labour Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Scil onemie Tones emses ord Pocenttl 37) Jaws, But with the foreign direct investments policy being introduced to curtail these challenges, there are still hopes that a large number of foreign players would emerge in the Indian markets. Japan and India have finalised a blueprint for developing Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in African countries, an attempt aimed at countering the expanding Chinese footprints in the continent. ‘The first SEZ, Indian companies will be taking part of, will come up around Mombasa port in Kenya, which is being developed with Japanese assistance. Mombasa port is the gateway to the East African market, where Indian firms have considerable influence and presence. ‘The SEZ model though has been adopted by several countries remains an elusi , when it comes to proper implementation of the policy. The SEZ policy was aimed to targeta si storyas carved by China. But, there are several differences between China's SEZ policy with re India, Some of the striking differences are- while China's SEZ are large in size, India’s SEZ yay in si from 10 to 100 hectares. In fact, Reliance SEZ is the largest in India with 119 hectares of lan, Moreover, there are a variety of factors that are an area of of SEZs, RBI has already cautioned the government on t{ such zones. Though SEZs help in boosting investment ith respect to the mushrooming implications that could arise from growth, they could also aggravate the uneven pattern of development by pulling out resoufégsiftom less developed areas. ‘Thus, the role of the state government is vital in development of th ut here too, different state governments differ markedly in the quality of their vision, thei build infrastructure and the political constraints under which they operate. For example, et of these zones in Gujarat and in West Bengal will be on different lines. Further, there are allegations zones. ‘This statement howevs only 0.000625% of India’s reimbursement to th ‘ge portion of agriculture land is being converted into SEZ round as total proposed area for SEZs is about 75,000 hectares, ‘under cultivation. ‘The primary concern is proper rehabilitation or sing their cultivated agricultural land for the project. ‘This is because a government estimatio of land property, is always less than the market price. ‘Many exps wressed concerns over the philosophy of sops boosting exports. By now however, government see ¢ realizing the need for formulating a new Indian model of SEZ. India has in fact, the right mix of factors such as availability of large and skilled workforce, intrinsic comparative advantage in several industries, a strong policy framework, availability of complementing and supporting ancillary industry, an already buoyant export sector and vast local markets, SEZs can combine these factors into a powerful alchemy to power investment creation. Unless remedies can be found to loosen prevalent rigid labour laws, the SEZs cannot be looked at as a panacea for all economic diseases. Opinions are divided on the benefits of SEZs. We would have to wait and watch Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN T is an agricultural country. Its dominance in agriculture dates back to the Rigvedl@jsthe fact that India stands second in the world in terms of farm output speaks volume of this field ; But with the increasing globalisation, industrialisation and modernisation, many people nfs shifting their base to the manufacturing and service sector. This has resulted in a steady deci i onomic contribution, of agriculture to the country’s GDP with India’s broad based econ ‘There is a remarkable shift from agriculture sector to languishing manufacturing secto} cotintry. New age policy makers have realised that it is high time that India should be made facturing hub to generate better employment opportunities, accelerate country’s economic 1d position in the world scenario. However, this task is not going to be a piece of ‘view to making India a base for labour- intensive manufacturing, the policy makers and th ent need to undertake some major vital reforms. ‘These include regulation of education, employ Ate. policies. With regard to this, India faces a serious competition from its to wage rates are plausibly high. So for attaining growth, India should consider displaci competitiveness, by strengthe the labour markets. With many Domestic Product (GDP) 5 ‘Manufacturing is extra fortant and necessary for employment and expansion of trade. This is a ’ global, low manufacturing hub by exploiting the wage (cture and advancing skills and by encouraging flexibility in over the years have tried to better the manufacturing to Gross as not been any significant result. ‘good enough reason f focus on manufacturing. India lags significantly in its share of manufacturing in gross domes! with only 16%, in comparison to 34% and 31% of China and South Korea respectively. le the Indian political scenario with stubborn policies and laws has distanced many investors to make fffings in India. The government apathy to poorly defined land acquisition rules, labour Jaws, environmental clearances and inappropriate administration can easily be attributed for this slump in the manufacturing sector. ‘The Parliament's Standing Committee on Commerce has questioned the country’s low manufacturing growth despite initiatives such as Make In India, Startup India and FDI reforms that are now more than two years old. ‘The committee, led by BJP MP Bhupender Yadav, expressed concerns about manufacturing growth averaging just 1.6% in the five years till 2015-16 and a 0.5% contraction in the sector in the first 9 months of FY17, in a report tabled in Parliament in March 2017. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN ‘Make in India~ Yet to Spur Manufacturing cD) To bring out the economy out of recession and a stagnant phase, manufacturing sector is the key. India faces a serious problem of improper and inappropriate wage distribution. ‘This is also a reason for the dark disparity between the rich and the poor in our country. There has been a major unrest and cataclysm with With majority of the workforce being contractual and some earning on daily wages, their living standards and income are just a fraction of what a blue-collared worker is earning. A major upheaval is the need of the hour where each and every growing aspirations of workers colliding with what the industry offe: worker earns a decent amount to buy himself a living. Now in order to generate consumer demand, these things need to change. To create a well paid and satisfied workforce is the ultimate soffign. As the founder of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford puts- “that his workers should be paid en, da house with a garage — where a Ford car would fit nicely”. Cutting comers on the wages is an option. gpcOuraged. Multinational ing them with cheap labour anufacturing should be on the ‘As many eminent industrialists foresee, foreign investment sho) companies should be encouraged to relocate their base to our cow force, availability of raw materials and land. ‘This along with di agenda such that to improve the exports and the GDP stats fo give China a run for its money. India costs, roads and transportation, telecom costs, on the global manufacturing platform, but still a combination of many factors including a q in foreign direct investment needs to be done for India to reach its ambitious goal of becoming facturing hub. India has been working hard for a few years and is is gradually overcoming all its shortcomings such as. taxes and tariffs cost etc. tis leaving no stone untu S Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN he Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax reform scheme that ‘himplemented and appreciated in many countries. In India, it will be a value added tax that will nsively replace multiple Central and State tax schemes. The GST will replace the Octroi owns Duty, the Central Sales Tax, the Value-Added-Tax, Entry Tax, Stamp Duty, etc, Some of tho@taxegavére charged by the State Governments and some by the Centre. Because of this, it gives the St: yments to fix the tax bracket according to their requirements, thereby resulting in multiple t swith different tax bundles that cd tax unification scheme that will cause the businessmen heaps of paperwork trouble. There is case the problems faced by the indigenous manufacturers, ‘The basic premise behind GST is that this ist en each point of sale or purchase. This is different from the prevalent tax scheme, under wl ‘oduct is taxed once at the manufacturers’ and once at the retailers outlet. GST is a bette int VAT system and will be introduced once there is a proper system in place: the GS epee that will enable the collection of the tax) is being put in place and the government cd a Special Purpose Vehicle for this purpose. The SPV will be a private entity with the govgfnm. Implementation In India, GST has bi out for quite a long time now. Under the Atal Behari Vajpayee government, an emp tte was set up to create a GST model for the nation and to oversee the development of rk that would enable the implementation of the scheme. Even the UPA government nut the scheme and hence announced the formation ofan empowered committee of the finance of the states. This committee then formed a JWG (Joint Working Group) which submitted a report in 2007. After due discussion with the government and considering the report, it was decided that a committee of Principal Secretaries of the states would be formed to take the process forward. Lengthy discussions have been done on GST and it is time now that this scheme be implemented. Even the business community is waiting eagerly because of the known benefits of GST as evidenced in other countries. ‘The recommendations of the empowered committee have broken GST into two parts: Central GST and State GST Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN The Goods and Services Tax will boost India’s rule in Global Trade 61 } ‘The rates for these taxes have not been decided and will be left at the discretion of the governments considering the revenue requirements of the state. The rationale behind this bifurcation is that this will encourage more harmonious tax sharing between the two governments. On the other hand, it is stated that this kind of a structure is nothing more than a new name for the old tax schemes. Truly, ifthe determination of the SGST is left at the will of the state governments, then there will be confusion and the actual intent of GST will be lost. ‘The second important recommendation is of using a two-rate scheme. In this, essential goods and services like certain food items, etc. are taxed at a lower rate, while all other products MMthservices are taxed at the same rate. ‘This move is supposed to lower the impact of the tax on the B) P the scheme works on collecting the tax from the different stages of valyi@additign in the product, but the actual brunt is borne by the end customer. UBS AG (formerly Union Bank of Switzerland), the global ine giant, claimed in a report that in the coming years, three policy implementations would be ¢ -Aadhar Card -Dedicated Freight Corridor (DE§ \d Services ‘Tax Reforms Also, GST will be levied on the imported goods and services, a as ade clear, although It was claimed that in the coming three years, ict of each of these would be of the order of 1% of the GDP. Thus it is important for India to ni e GST. GST will streamline the taxation and t luce tax evasion and tax frauds. ‘This in turn would jot more taxes than usual because of the expansion of the e. In order that this benefit be passed down to the people, lower rates than the combined rates of the previously existing mean that the government would be abl tax base, and that tax compliance waul. the governments normally pric: taxes. Overall, it will help th, e¢ as a lower rate would decrease the tax burden and increase export opportunities. GST will also de the burden of tax on services and goods alike. Currently, services are exempted from tagati state level. GST would thus help increase the tax base. Also, it will solve the problem of ing to a certain extent. The manufacturing sector would take a big sigh of relief because it currentiPifaces one of the most complex tax structures in the developing or developed world. One of the more resounding criticisms of GST is that it is a regressive tax scheme, in asense that it benefits the rich more and makes the poor pay more as a percentage of their income. GST will be a flat-tax scheme and hence common logic indicates that rich and poor will have to pay the same tax on a particular commodity. In India, and other countries sensitive to this issue, there have been different rates of taxes for different types of commodities. The zero-rating of some commodities will help keep the regression in check. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 62 The Goods and Services Tax will boost India’s rule in Global Trade ‘The all-new Cenvat Credit Rules, 2014 do little to clarify eligibility for input credits by using general terms such as “any goods which have no relationship whatsoever with the manufacture of a final product” and “ services used primarily for personal use or consumption of any employee”. Before penning the GST Act and Rules, the Empowered Committee would do well to take a hard look at all the present laws that GST subsumes and their complexities. It could tempt them to rethink on the necessity to draft even the preamble. ‘There has to be a clear communication from the Government’ side about the benefits of the GST and its likely implications on the general public and the businesses. Normally, with t that goes with the word tax, any new tax scheme puts the people on a back foo} an unwelcome environment. With GST and its likely benefits, ifthe government can communi importance of this scheme, through public messages and proper communication channelsgfften thgnegative impacts can be lowered. ‘The popularity of GST has been increasing is evident from om currently over 72 lakh excise, h service tax and VAT payers have migrated to the GST, whic as unified over a dozen indirect levies like excise duty, service tax and VAT. Besides, 20, jegistrations have happened taking the i ist 6 cror total tally of GST registrations to over 92 lakh. This xe businesses, including informal ones, in the country. or Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN ‘A farmer commits suicide every half-an-ho¥ Ry India since 2001." AS to the data by the National Crime Records Bureau of India in’ 0 cases of farmer suicides reported. The highest number of farmer suicides was record in 2008 when 18,241 farmers committed suicide. The farmers’ suicide rate in India has ranged ~ 1d 1.8 per 100,000 total population, over a 10-year period through 2005. Aswe are a fast developing nation with speedily growin, lation, itis often overlooked that 70 percent of our population is still part of rural India an ‘agriculture and related activities are the main source of income. Demographically speaki an agrarian economy. And it appears that while our country is on an urban developmen jur farmers have faced dire neglect, significantly underlined now by the shocking suicide statist Farmer suicides account for 11.2% of. in large numbers in Maharashtra, And! India, As of 2017, farmer suicides have occurred ‘Telengana, ‘Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and in its 2012 annual report, the National Crime Records Bureau of India reported that 1 le committed suicide in India, of which 13,755 were farmers (11.2%). Of these, 5 out of 2 1cebunted for 10,486 farmers suicides (76%) ~ Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Mad] rate than reported sin rovided by states is often skewed with some claiming zero farmer suicide. farmers inciting them to such a step. While our county is long past the feudal system, many farmggvown a very small strip of land or operate as tenant farmers to other big farmers and are bound in a vicious borrowing cycle to the modern day ‘lords, the moneylenders. Farmers are deprived of the benefits of the government subsidy in slashed interest rates, for most cannot meet the documentation demand of the banks and so prefer loans from local wealthy moneylenders even though at much higher rates. While for most farmers the loaning-sowing process is also really only a gamble since most remain at the mercy of the weather conditions. Many rely on the seasonal rains for irrigation while untimely rains can undo, in an instant, all the back-bending, rigorous toil that is a farmer's life. Nature’s fickleness spells disaster for them as they are looking up to the crop to pay back loans and to scrape off a living for the family. At times, it stretches them just enough to push them off the brink into hopelessness and a death wish. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 64 Farmer Suicides - Looking Beyond Indebtedness Interesting correlations are being drawn to determine the situation of the places worst hit by the suicide menace. Some have pointed out that cash-crop - like coffee and cotton - growing farmers are the most at risk. However, the spread of cash-crop area as a predicator of suicide rate does not prove a reliable measure as many well-to-do farmers with the means to tackle weather fluctuation too have a hold on this sector, like in Gujarat. But in other areas with small cash-crop growing farmers the suicide numbers are dismal, understandably, since a failure means loss of sustenance unlike for the grain growing farmers. One line of argument tracing the cause behind the suicide trend is that the liberation policy adopted by the government in 1990s has taken down the farmers. Since liberal trade spans rfétigns and prices are subject to international price fluctuations, our poor farmers do not have enough s pe with them. Another issue which has called for much attention, with rising protests, is of ly Modified seeds. for the farmer. However, it has been observed that these expensive s luire extra irrigation and fertilization, pushing up the cost of production higher. Moreov s beth observed that insects and pests have become resistant to the repelling technology in GM.g fertilization, toxic for the environment. Also, a major draw: is required to purchase new seeds for every season. Se GM seeds have quite managed to take over the agrici ‘The GM seeds claim better product and productivity and are pest x hereby high-benefits © jh now demand intensive levels of ese cropsare sterile and the farmer 1s which have acquired a patent on the arket in this manner. ‘The rising costs and thereby dipping eco ity of farming and the urban trend has seen a gradual shiftaway from farming. Yet asubstat ioi¥ofthe population remains engaged with agriculture and what cannot be discounted is a rise igovetalbproduction and productivity. However, the country envisions is a need for a major focus shift down-trodden farmers. Espe simply expanding rapidly finding it impossible t. sardonically met by d for the living fa -sufficient in meeting its food demands and for that there nment onto bettering the agricultural field and helping the e rift between our farmers and the urban country seems to be ‘oped into the currents of world economy the secluded farmers are ith the difficult scenario and succumbing to easier death. Sinister death, very pesticide bought to help them leaves in its wake a greater desolation A poignant case is also that male suicide is much greater than female suicide since, as can be understood, the responsibility of providing for the family in our country, especially in rural areas, rests on males, Some steps like exempting farmers ofloans up-to one lakh have been suggested to provide some relief to the farmers. But not just allowances of monetary relief but structural improvement are now necessary which understand and address the problem at its core. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN w are the politicians in a nation? ‘The government? The opposition? ¢ people in the parliament? Politicians are the people who form the government any Iministration at different levels. It may be at the Gram Panchayat level, Municipal Corporations, St@ty 38 well as the country. ‘Therefore, they have a vital role with regard to development of the count{y. Thefinternal policies, external policies, projects, schemes, etc., are formulated by the governing bi level. But, it does not mean that those not directly involved in the running of a country do n \der its purview. The opposition, for instance, play a major role in shaping the policies and ide; directly. Politicians who represent various political parties follow or are required to follow, Jlogies and a vision which corresponds to the needs and concerns of the state or region th 1g to. Aiding the efforts of these politicians or leaders representing the public in the government i servants or bureaucrats with their expertise and specific knowledge about the various dey 'r wings of the government. ‘The Indian political system has th model of system is known for its yni balances is a part of our Constitysi For example, the legislative making it difficult for the unconstitutional and sure it is not a law. ‘The legislati s an also remove a president or judge that is not doing his/her job properly. The imely the legislature, executive and the judiciary. This mute of checks and balances. ‘The system of checks and antees that no part of the government becomes too powerful. in charge of making laws. The executive branch can veto the law, thus ranch to pass the law. The judicial branch may also say that the law is, executive bran fs judges and the legislative branch approves the choice of the executive branch. Again, the brancht eck and balance each other so that no one branch has too much power. This works as a self evaluating and regulatory structure where politicians only have restricted area of power, expected to deliver to the public with unselfish motives. With the command majorly resting in the hands of the politicians representing the public, the most basic question arising here is that are these bunch of politicians capable of making intricate laws and highly comprehensive policies, rules and schemes? Do they have the sufficient knowledge and expertise to justifiably execute their powers in the respective wings considering there is no minimum educational requirement for them? ‘The answers by most shall be a no, Here is when the civil servants come to the Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN { 66 civil Servants and Politicians : A Complicated Partnership rescue. These are politically impartial and independent of government and work in central government departments, agencies, and non-departmental government bodies (NDPBs). ‘The Civil Service does not include government ministers. Civil Service helps the government of the day in developing and implementing its policies as effectively as possible. They provide various other services like paying benefits and pension, ruling employment services, running prisons, issuing licenses, maintaining law and order etc. Alarge number of them work on policy development and implementation, including analysts, project managers, lawyers and economists, Recruited through highly rigorous and meticulous procedures, they build the confidence of the public in the correctness and suitability of the laws ng accountable to the public they need to meet the highest possible standards in all that th jembers of civil service serve at the pleasure of the President of India and Article 311 of,the cOM@titttion protects them from politically motivated or vindictive action. ey A reliable civil servant delivers services that measure up to th@tandaets of international economic competition and diplomacy and to the expectations of the dei government in power as to the is held accountable by the majority other forms of political participation. thorough implementation of its policies. A responsible ci of the electorate through the exercise of the right t Furthermore, a responsible civil service refrains fi st the parliamentary minority and against social groups who traditionally possass€@wePResources, such as social status (racial or ethnic minorities) or political pull (women or the others. Relationships between civil serv: inisters may be marred by suspicion and mistrust. Ministers may suspect civil servant of: ied loyalty to an earlier regime, or despise the work ethic and practices developed then. ‘may think ministers motivated by short-term political interest or naive about the problei ment. Either group may think the other corrupt. If civil servants find difficulties with pro ies, their objections may be thought political rather than technical. ‘They may indeed be against new policies and new ways of working. Civil servants need to understand and political priorities and show total loyalty to the government of the day. But the minister's ee future and the good of the nation depend on civil servants offering honest and courageous advice Ministers and civil servants working together may help build a national consensus on matters about which most people agree or which offer little room for political manoeuvre. Government decisions may become the subject for political controversy even where any governing party would have to do the same. ‘The problem is exacerbated in countries having an executive president, by the need to distinguish loyalty to the president as head of state, from opposition to the president's policy. Where controversy leads to public disenchantment with politics, there is special value in seeking a national consensus on core issues such as security, drugs, terrorism, and development, education and health. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Civil Servants and Politicians : A Complicated Partnership 67 } Politicians are often blamed for exercising unjustified control over the civil servants. In pursuing their political ambitions, politicians in their various capacities want to shine not only with the media but also in parliament in comparison to their party colleagues, and with constituents who elect them. ‘They also, need to command the respect and allegiance of the civil servants. The individual motives take precedence over the general objectives of public good. There exists manipulation to control the actions of the civil servants for the benefit of politicians, However, they fail to see that the civil servants have a longer term in the system than the pol Several recommendations have been made to pass a law that fixes the tenure, il servants. This has its own pros and cons. Independent functioning of the Civil Service Boas 2 great measure to ensure that they remain effective and free from political forces hindering t! ee of justice and ‘ians with much shorter and fixed tenures. integrity in highly decisive matters. However, itis equally important t@P laws should be made to keep the powers of the politicians under check; otherwise the “ hind the formation of this Jaw shall go in vain Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by, And that has mat I the difference. Robert Frost oO ne who habitually wastes energy in regretting any choice made: ly but wistfully he sighs over the attractive alternative rejected. If the choice g6@s wrap the entire life is not sufficient to cover the lost ground, But this is ironical that despit. age in the entire thought ts simble here and there. The allenges for which the archaic ‘and new professions are coming ress to make a perfect choice. process in the sphere of choosing a right career the Indian coming of liberalisation and globalisation brought some unexy mindset of our students and scholars was not prepared. M; up. We need to be open and ready to accept the super i Proper guidance and skill developing is the ma: fe success if not today, tomorrow must. Gone are the days when it was a Holy Grail for ‘very Indian parent: that their son or daughter {go to medical college, becomes a doctor or ps reer in Engineering. On one hand, medical profession has become a pitiless, merce sion, money ripping vocation where doctors treat patients as revenue generators rather iman beings, keep patients in hospital longer than necessary to bill them more, order n is to generate profits. On the other hand, more than a million students graduating ou} “engineering colleges run the risk of being unemployed. At this junction, young populatis ountry tends to move in the pursuit of new career options. an issue in the twenty first century. There are no limitations to what that one faces when making career decisions these days is to choose ortunities that are available. ‘The very first question that arises is that, lore career options that satisfy the heart and soul as well as the wallet?” ere? Surprisingly, itis not as important to know about the market strategies out yourself. What opportuniti involved as it is| With the adveff@of career options in the field of Accountancy, Banking, Programming, Animation, Sports and Entertainment, any aspirant has access to a huge variety of career opportunities to choose from, you can even find appropriate resources and the required funding to pursue the career of your choice. It has become a prerequisite for every company to maintain a book of accounts and they depend on CAsand CFAs to keep their books handy for the audit and for financial planning. Thus a wizard at accounts and numbers has phenomenal job options at his hand. A career in coding and programming as enthralling as it sounds, As the computing business matures, any programmer can obtain high salary. A software programmer offering SAP services can easily fetch up to 12 lakhs per annum. Career opportunities one can do. In fact, the bas from the spectrum of, “How does one even ‘The animation industry across globe has shown signs of splendid growth. Blockbuster movies such as Kung Fu Panda, The Chronicles of Narnia, Wall-E, Coraline, Up, Bolt, Ice Age and Monsters vs. Aliens are Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Upcoming Careers - Turning Passions into Professions 69 } striking examples of the miracle that is animation. Indians too are opening up to exploring such lucrative career options. ‘This is the right time to make your passions, your profession. BPOs and KPOs have thrown open exciting job opportunities to youngsters in India. This is a field that has employed thousands of professionals and given them international working environment with great salary packages. An unforeseen boom in the advertising and fashion industry has created a huge and continual demand for fresh models. Every company needs glamorous models to start and endorse a variety of products or to flash the creations of fashion designers. Moreover modelling is a very alluring field with innumerable opportunities to travel and earn handsome money. Iso get to meet people from different walks of life. An established model can get a pe sry assignment they do. All these aspects have made modelling a desirable, attractive and luci er for the youth in our county, Students are showing tremendous interest in biotechnologygfhe p: reason behind this, interest emerges from the fact that the technical and procedural applic: fidtechnology touchesa vast array of disciplines. ‘This in turn opens a lot many job portals for Sy are seeking a stable career in their lives. Biotechnology, along with its many sub-fields, find us any applications that many new fields have and are being derived from within it. Public Relations is a career avenue for those who sw Ds soft skills and who wish to pursue a career that offers an opportunity to interact with lots ig people. This is a profession where you need to understand the listener's psyche and mould ifimyeur favour, Earlier, the traditional role of a company directors and managing administrative aff responsibilities of company secretary has secretaries now have to take care of c: position ofa company secretary ha so has the demand for this job hierarchy but your role is hi s limited to providing support to the board of feanisation. However, the horizon of the roles and -xponentially. Apart from their traditional tasks, company wernance and even legal matters of a company. As the ‘ecome critical to the smooth functioning of a corporate entity is role, you not only hold a high position in the management intable both within and outside your organisation. Body art as a craze af blooming fast. The ta your voice, then the c this career is th ¢ crowd and the tattoo industry is gaining much recognition and is orks up to his satisfaction and earns decent. If you love to emote through Voice over Artist is the best option for you. The most interesting aspect of 0 live a new character every day. As an interior designer, you will be trained to design exclusi ve artefacts and fittings besides learning managerial skills, With the help of a course in interior designif®, you will come out with a professional designing solution that is efficient, eye-catching and at the same time safe. In the IT sector blogging is emerging as a lucrative profession for students having flair to write with original and innovative way. Increasing popularity and tremendous financial benefit calls for image consultants to fill the huge space. Jewellery industry calls for innovative computer savy gemmologists. Equally potent a career for a jewellery designer. Opportunities have never been so ripe. ‘The opening up of new avenues has also widened the arenas that are yet to be explored. ‘This is the right time to make your passion, your profession Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN otism) on) ¥ t his farewell speech, America’s erstwhile President Ronald Reagan tringent note that, “unless Americans taught each new generation what we risk losing our memory as a nation ~ and along with it - the American spirit® evident also when the for men American President Barack Obama cathagfftally gxclaimed, ‘America is not a bunch of individuals or blue states and white states ~ it is the Uni f America.” And one can see that America, the nation topped the list amongst the most pati 48s of the world, according to a Forbes 2008 survey. In the case of India when it comes to patriotism, it pars #9 be merely circumscribed to the game of cricket. We live within constricted alleys of varyingg@@glogie® while consistently failing to identify our ‘ountrymen in a je an American, rit of patriotism is ‘own selves. It’s been now seventy years after our i ince and we still hover around the labyrinthine dogmas of Regionalism, Casteism, Secularis ‘ommunalism, et a, only leaving apart our zeal for the doctrine of patriotism. As a matter o ce, the way to recognition of being an Indian tends to lose its strand ludicrously. ‘The idea of patriotism is somethin ideological hegemony. It is co emotionally attached to the Indian cricket team canné and beyond region, caste, religion or for that matter any ferms of belonging to the nation, Everyone in a country is ess and well-being of the same. A mere frenzy at the victory of the 1ed as patriotism. Patriotism is counted when we blatantly litter our surroundings and als cast our votes to the wrong person. It is the anxiety to see the country progressing lil It is not limited to the saluting of the national flag or a $2 seconds statue Fi stature during anthem which also often overburdens us. Patriotism doegiftot demand one to be in the defence forces or in sports or to be a politician. It is the zeal ensued by the commitment to do some good work for the fellow countrymen. Short and small deeds matter most when we think about patriotism. When Indian patriotism comes under purview, it is seen that the backward classes are often ignored to be playing a better hand at ameliorating patriotic feelings. ‘They are pushed aside as the socially frigid groups. But for that matter we also have to take into account another pertinent saying here that “an empty stomach cannot blow the seditious sound of the war bugle.” It is correct that a person devoid of family upbringing and good school education cannot inculcate in himself the greatness and pride of the political, the cultural and the economic history of his own nation. Patriotism Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Wearing Patriotism on Your Sleeve 71. } requires the same zeal in the educated class and the deprived section, But even the educated class now falls short of recounting the pride bestowed to us by those martyrs who sacrificed for our glory today. History speaks that India had been invaded and attacked several times since as early as 300 BC. primarily due to the reason that there existed diasporas of disunited principalities dispersed hither and thither, that were always fighting with each other and therefore not being able to conglomerate under one common banner and essence. Now centuries have elapsed and we live in the era of absolute liberalisation and globalisation of market as well as culture, Yet it seems history has reiterated itself for we are not still capable of recognising our own culture, heritage, history and all those akin to the rof§of the nation. This portrays not of education, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, fine arts, music, @ce ABU numerous others, but the leaders holding the helm of the nation are yet not able to realise able repres@htational potentials of \g more than a lack of representation for the cause of the nation. Ind ess isa citadel such a nation. With a grim note, it must be stated that the discovery of an Was once motivated by a single utterance of “Bande Mataram” has now come to a cul-de-sa ited coterie is apathetic and only lends a cold shoulder to the problems afflicting the countr ther become preferential for them to use their brains abroad. As a matter of fact, the nation’s ‘sing ofits culture, heritage and tradition have failed further discovery, exposition and foc! ige is so governed solely by the evil aspects of the occidental system that the youths today ar “te fed by conspicuous consumption, self-centered consumerism, corruption and separatism. ¢ can easily see today in every nook and corner of the country, riots have been only supplanted Bpxjots, let apart peace and resolution. It has become quite dubious now to hope for a patriotic fer Aesopian fable that stil carries as Losing patriotism in India is of its very backbone. Fre: even difficult to maintai ng countrymen. We very easily incline to undo the plain, tht as in the ancient times, “United we stand, divided we fall” he fact that the country is very soon expecting to see the decay fs nation was not easily achieved; we must also remember that it is ‘earned freedom. To ensure inclusive prosperity and development in a fast moving economy ia, patriotism and unity is a sine qua non. At a time when we often remain entangled with lP-ceffgred businesses, we may at best internalise the words of patriotism spoken by the great Ameri jitician Adlai E. Stevenson, “Patriotism is not short, frensied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil at steady dedication of a lifetime.” These words of fervour may at least be a goading beacon for people moving astray from the rooted doctrines and let patriotism, an innate behaviour among countrymen, be restored in replete. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Riv per se is no more limited to a way oflife, a faith ora philosophy. It has ded its domains rom just a disciplined path of life to eye-snatching extravagant ceremonii + to someone's luscious business doings. Today it is very much more than a set of beliefs purs ‘means of bringing holistic piety ina person. Religion, soto say; has now become a trade, a p@fessigg hd a handsome source for some people's employment. Nevertheless the fact that we have heard about the interact nl religion and business throughout history when one influenced and affected one another, =. t ball game altogether. Notably 5 a considerable number of people have set up aashrams, ma , etal in India with a view to amassing huge lump sums of money from their gullible devotee: tin India, the religious organizations not only operate as business organizations, but their b jodel has now seen diversification of activities to retain the loyalty of their followers and to att fees. Religion verily plays a pivotal role in Indian society and culture and considerably influe inesses and the economy. It will be too parochial to confine ine of religion to the Indian subcontinent. Throughout the world, religion has been branded a ighest carriers of business and economy to the state. In the United States, the Organize idustry (O.R.L) is considered too big to send “swirling down the economy's drain.” Author ‘writes about the O.R.L. in America, “For an industry of which the major American branch (¢ ‘Uses as its mission statement the anti-materialist words of a poor carpenter, the ORI. has done al rapacious fray known as the American economy!’ Itis clear from such words that how large a co state economy is the business industry called religion, take anywhere in the globe. Be any religiou§i today’s age of late capitalism everyone is surrounded by a halo of business-making driven by the sole avaricious desire of minting pennies. It is known fact that the religion called Judaism “outlines requirements of accurate weights and measurements in commerce, as well as prohibitions on monetary deception, verbal deception and misrepresentation.” It is scarcely credible that the Islamic halal products comprise a US 2 trillion dollar business industry. Furthermore, the Jewish dietary Kashrut system has recommended food products which have sale values of 165 bilion US dollars annually. In India, religious business ceremonies are common sights. A Hindu is always seen setting off with a thing only after dedicating the beginning to the Gods, for their blessings matter the most. Some of the very Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Religion May be Bigger Business than Ever Before 73. } common business events that comprise of the most coveted religious ceremonies are opening of new offices and breaking of ground for new facilities. A muhurat or the finale of a business-related religious ceremony is one to reckon with and never to be missed on any account. Max Weber, the most renowned German sociologist and philosopher was one of the first in modern times to observe the interplay between religion and the market place. He believed that components of the Christian Protestant theology were catalytic and elemental in the emergence of entrepreneurial activities. In his book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’ (1905), Weber posits the most enigmatic question, “what explains the peculiar circumstance of a drive to the accumulation offealth conjoined to an absence of interest in the worldly pleasures which it can purchase?” Weber th: hat this kind of a novel outlook is a distinctively moral one, demanding in fact unusual sag ic indeed believed that the process of rational organization of capitalism in the West, the figpt of its8ind, was derived from religious sources. A disciplined labor force and the regularized invest of areimplicit elements of 4 rational organization of capitalism. And the religious industry h elements working together to built it up as a proper business establishment driving the st Facts astonish everyone. In the name of religion start! ties are being carried out that further help in bringing high business yields. ‘The Tirupati uth Indian temples have traditions of collecting hair from their devotees which when ty the market costs anywhere between & 5000 and & 25000 for a kg of raw remy hair. ‘Thes jeover help raking up huge returns in the US and the European markets. In the age of jtous internet service, today entrepreneurs have also started distribution of temple pras for devotees who are not able to visit the shrines. ‘The online Prasad website, which does India and charges & S01 to deliv venture known as the Vedic Hinduism, Buddhism, Jai and pilgrimages of the each is known to col ;okings daily, has a network of around 50 temples across xywhere in the country in 7 ~ 10 days. Again there's another ns a business by offering items related to all the religions like fim, ete. ‘There's also a website, ProudUmmah dealing with items fe Tirumala Tirupati temple and the most popular Vaishno Devi temple crore as donations annually, while a few hundred of mediocre temples collect an annu; of around % 20000 crores in donations. A capitalist would certainly drool out his tongue at s nts. Founders of the religions could never have imagined then what fate mankind could actually carve out of pious instrument called religion. ‘There's no more to the old definition that people actually read out in the texts, about “religion.” This again proves the extent to which capitalism can actually penetrate given its organizational tactics and investments and not the least, usage of the internet. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN hoppers rT the swiftly moving era of globalization, modern life can rip along at trem speed. With its several demands adding to our worries and stress, we adopt various ways t ¢ life running on fast track. The dawn of liberalization, privatization and globalization lead t ution of the mall culture. The emerging mall culture has revolutionized the entire scenari and transformation of cities. ‘The air-conditioned, well-sanitized, iting in rejuvenation shopping malls with their popular. Huge edifices of those d out soul of common man who imaginative designs and wide range of outlets are becoming p magnificent malls and their captivating ambience cast a sp: is left with a few options to spend his weekend after a weekl| ic work schedule. Congenial ambience, international standard of s, layered with exotic variety of cuisines leave enthusiast shoppers fascinated and transfixed. Pe: rything under one roof with easy access and multiplicity of choice. Plethora of mall attrac and rock bottom discounts. The centers of im the shoppers buzzing with their ground activities snomical activities not only serve as battleground for rebel against their own traditions and values. Increasing ‘women, hectic work schedule and stressful life contribute to "me, changing attitude and demographic pattern too favour the the international brands but also comy number of nuclear families, trend the growth of mall culture. G mushrooming of malls. Shopping malls ‘adaptation of the historical marketplace. Earlier there were small stores located in every noo! With a dramatic transformation in lifestyle those small Kirana stores had a major set igh the kirana retail sector comprises 93-94% of the total retail pie, they are still under threat of jut down by the minority of the organized retail sector ie. shopping malls. With 15 million retail outlets, India has the highest retail industry in the world. Indian retail industry is growing at an alarming high growth rate and doesn't seem to slow down even in the recession. The $350 billion Indian retail industry attracts more global retail chains like Walmart, Tesco and Carrefour. The retail sector is rapidly changing its face. “The frenetic pace ofretail development has triggered the mushrooming of malls. The future of organized retailing is largely in the hands of shopping malls where consumers get quality, quantity, recreation facilities and ambience. Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN ‘Malls Fail to Turn Shoppers Paradise 3) Mushrooming of malls has resulted in the noticeable alter in the landscape of the country and lent itan upmarket flavour, but italso has a flipside. ‘These concrete boxes have entirely taken the country by storm. We have witnessed a rapid economic development in last twenty years in terms of direct foreign investment, development of infrastructure and migration of rural population to urban places. With the advent of hectic retail activities in India, the government has permitted FD1 in retail industry which would destroy the local trading community. ‘The existing super market culture has prevented the growth of small time retailers in urban, semi urban and rural areas. It is estimated that about 50-60 lakhs of such smaller retailing units will be hit by the malls. Soon the splendid malls will take over unorganized kirana culture rior to them. Shopping malls are one stop destination for shopaholics and community ¢ fdern era, Home to luxurious and modern amenities, malls provide a wide array of shopping oy Feople find solace in the hurly-burly of mall culture. In previous time, people preferred to vidi parkg, museums and historical monuments but now-a-days they love to indulge in indoor mall acti#itie@yin elite ambience laced with cornucopia of facilities and delivery of world class shopping ple: te the adults as well as kids. In present scenario, people all over the world are spell} the magic of majestic mall culture owned business and less local control over jobs. Ap. if, malls are culprit of wasting resources like energy, fuel and water. ‘The heavy electricity cons eyebrows. Most of the malls lack appropriat plates and toxic waste. Every weekend a cha butits flipside can’t be overlooked. ‘The mushrooming & -en resulting in crippling of individually ives a reason to environmentalists to raise their and disposal systems to dump polystyrene cups, ‘on the roads leading to those giant buildings where malls are located. ‘The whole area goes i air pollution, Sometimes, despite shen long queues of traffic snarl wasting fuel and causing je maintenance cost empty malls with half shop closed, is also a common sight. Increasing 5 called modern life. or "power scarcity and parking blues show the ugly face of this so Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN joday we live in a tech-savvy world which makes our life much better. With recharge mobile, pay bills, do online shopping and much more while sit competition is the part of any business therefore companies are implementing nl ‘ques every day to beat their competitors. Online Shopping is the way by which one can buytd selg6ods and products over digital media, Almost all products from food to clothing are availabl: ine shopping. It is beneficial for both seller and consumer. With the help of internet toda y omote their products at much lower cost through their websites or other online shopping ws ‘ocial networking sites. It helps in offering access to a world-wide market resulting in increas ymer value and also builds sustainable capabilities. For customers itis very convenient way ig as while sitting at home they can take their own time to select and order their products. iso see the reviews given by other customers and give feedbacks for the same. ‘The best thingis c itis easily done on internet. Many websites of selection. For example, the online sho, does not charge a restocking fee, even fo! Internet one can in minutes. As ‘tnced to roam around to compare products as pare products price and specification for our ease 1pos.com includes labels for free return shipping, and ‘which are not the result of merchant error. English entrepreneur Mich invented online shopping in 1979. ‘The first World Wide ‘Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 which was opened for commercial ‘chnological innovations emerged in 1994 like online banking, the use in 1991.After that sul i by Pizza Hut, Netscape’s SSL v2 encryption standard for secure data opening of an online, transfer, and Intersho] 1995 and eBay, consumer type buying and selling takes place via telecommunication and computer networks including the internet. The largest of these online retailing corporations are Alibaba, Amazon.com, and eBay. In electronic market business center is not a physical building but an interworked based location where business interactions takes place ice. we say itis a site on internet where shoppers and sellers meet. Mobile commerce describes purchasing from an online retailer's mobile optimized online site or application. ;nline shopping system. Amazon.com launched its online shopping site in troduced in 1995.Online shopping also known as e-shopping is business-to- merce. Now a days electronic commerce is an emerging concept through which Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to complete a transaction mostly online shoppers use a credit card or a PayPal account in order to make payments. However, some systems enable users to create accounts and pay by alternative means, such as cash on Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Why Online Shopping Will Exceed All Predictions? 77 } delivery, debit/credit cards, postal money orders etc. This process is called payment Gateway which encrypts sensitive information such as credit card numbers to ensure that the information passes securely between the customerand the merchant. However, there are many merchants who are involved in fraudulent purchases using stolen credit cards or fraudulent repudiation of the online purchase. Therefore, consumers are at higher risk of fraud than face-to-face transactions. Merchants also risk fraudulent purchases using stolen credit cards or fraudulent repudiation of the online purchase. Secure Sockets Layer encryption has generally solved the problem of credit card numbers being intercepted in transit between the consumer and the merchant. One should be very careful while giving its personal details and pay internet and check valid identity of the site and the merchant. ent information on For developing countries and low-income households in developed count ion of e-commerce in place of or in addition to conventional methods is limited by a lack for: seen that 90% of all purchases made are influenced by social media. Eadhday, o@er two million buyers are shopping online for jewelry. In a December 2011 study, Equation veyed 1,500 online shoppers and found that 87% of tablet owners made online transactions jir tablet devices during the early Christmas shopping season. ‘The $26 billion worth of clot ine represented about 13% of the domestic market, and with 72% of women looking online fo! , thas become one of the most popular cross-shopping categories. Forrester Research estima Inited States online retail industry will be worth $279 billion in 2015. There were 242 mill shopping on-line in China in 2012. Internet access, It is ‘There is a broad categorisation of Online S| ia, divided into services like Travel and Tourism and Online Retail Business. Websites such as com IRCTC.com, Bookmyshow.com, Paytm.com and Yatra.com, provide services and tickets. S )pular retail sites in India are Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, Jabong, Myntra, Homeshop 18, Infi fues ete. It wouldn't be wrong to say hold some inhibition when significant growth in the rs. Snline market is still in a budding stage and people in India stil 0 sharing their credit card details online. There is a forecast of very ‘There is a treme! USA and China, thin the Indian Online Shopping business with India lagging behind only internet users base of about 450 million as of July 2017 accounting for 40% of the populati being the second-largest user base in world, only behind China (650 million, 48% of population)ythte penetration of e-commerce is low compared to markets like the United States (266 million, 84%), or France (54 M, 81%). However, it is growing at an unprecedented rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every month, According to Google India, there were 35 million online shoppersin India in 2014 QU and was expected to cross 100 million mark by end of year 2016. According to a study conducted by the Internet and Mobile Association of India, the e-commerce sector is estimated to reach Rs. 211,005 crore by December 2016. Online shopping is the new way to shop, youngsters and teenagers mostly use online shopping for their requirements and therefore it has become more of a style statement among them. ‘The statement stands true “happiness delivered at your door step’ Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN slowly become the most visited sites by the users, The mainstream pop@laritygof social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other similar services have s surge in the last ten years. ‘These websites allow the users to communicate, share pictut , messages, ideas and thereby facilitating social interactions. With the advantage of oO le, simple and interactive, these services promote positive social behaviour as one gets to with their friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances thereby also fostering a profou of o- community. In today’s fast paced life, social media ree everyone seeks. Computers and mobiles are the most commonly used social media trans: wvices. People now use the social media platform to share any information or express their et sy posting a picture of a newborn child will ensure everyone in your friends list on Face oo know about it. It is that quick. One doesn't need to make any calls to share their joys. ‘wing popularity, even politicians have joined the band- wagon and initiated program ited pages to reach out to millions by a single click. These websites also play a signifi ‘gathering people for a cause and mass movements. Social media nowadays is the best way: fated. Businesses-big or small are using the social media to market and advertise their pi services, build customer loyalty and understand the market at a very cheap and effective w' But everythin, nedia is not that hunky dory as it seems. Social media has several disadvan- tages, too. The portant of that being one’s privacy. Users share significant personal information on various social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype and Twitter which can be exploited by many private players of the business world to reach out to you. Data mining is one of the repercus- sions of these social media websites, Cyber bullying and online harassment are other few outcomes of social sites. Thus, one needs to be weary of what information is being shared and with whom. Apart from this, social sites are the root cause of a host of fake news. Information on these sites spreads like fire in the jungle. And many careless and unscrupulous people resort to social sites to spread fake data in the form of images, content and even voices. Recent examples of some fake news which did the rounds were presence of a GPS chip in the new currency initiated by the government. This was in con- Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Social Media: Silence Please! 79 J nection to stop people from hoarding the new currency and to allow proper circulation of money in the country. Apart from this, death hoax of famous celebrities have often seen the fake limelight. Veteran actor Dilip Kumar and yoga guru Baba Ramdev were the recent victims of such fake death hoax. In May 2017, a Whatsapp rumour led to the killing of seven people in Jharkhand. The repercussions of these fake news can be brutally extreme. Because of these, one cannot totally rely on what one see on these sites. ‘The virtual world of internet often has many fake Ids in the name of different and wrong persons. With easy accessibility of these websites, people can mask their original identity and ¢pread rumours and spam content online, The consequences can be barbaric. The information feed on social media is being infected by fake news. Becau rge amount ofin- formation available on the social media and the advent of targeted adveptising hrveyors of falsehood are directly infecting the most susceptible and valuable victims wich spread the infection, These false news usually sway during election time and during ofhgr impa®ant events. Many tech firms like Google and Facebook are working out to find a way t. “re weed or at least help the users to spot it. Critical thinking is required to judge between f © information. To spread the fake news, purveyors are working with utmost precision se inital set of believers who would comment and share the fake news and then reco it on other social websites. ‘These news items spread further and farther to reach to the poor dd persons who believe in it and have a hard time to judge its authenticity. ‘Thus, itis the users only who are unwittin; ing inherently prone to false news e ;ping a social media environment which is becom- his technology when exploited in the wrong hands can be hazardous for the society ies are working upon finding ways to change the current scenario without altering the centric business model of social media. Itis time that social media companies come u ngent guidelines to counteract fake news by preventing marketers and advertisers from tar users on the basis of personal information and political views. But advertising becomii {OBS source of income, also makes it impossible for the companies to bar them. The only be alert and aware of the content which one comes through on the social media. Revers 1uld be applied on these purveyors by using the same targeting technology to identify and educatg the most vulnerable people. This can be done by providing links to the real news which might help them to avoid getting fooled and spreading the fake news in the name of reality. Only awareness and critical thinking about fake news can work to stop this menace on social media It can be summed up that if fake news is an infectious agent, then education is the only immunization which can provide comprehensive defence. There should be no room for any fake and unwanted con- tent on the social sites and it is time that they should vanish too. This can be done if people across the globe join hands and work in the dire being a victim to online dangers. nto wisely use the social media and exercise caution to avoid Free Download Paid Book >> WWW.SARKARIPOST.IN Join >> www.facebook.com/Sarkaripost.in

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