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Accuracy of inductive voltage transformer in the

presence of voltage high harmonics

M. Kaczmarek, S. Jama
Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Power Engineering
Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-924 Lodz, Poland

Abstract: In the paper the issue of determining the voltage mainly defined by the voltage drop on the impedance of the
transformer’s (VT) accuracy when operating with distorted primary winding (the impedance of the secondary winding in
signals is presented. In the measuring system specially designed
high impedance differential amplifier and wide frequency voltage most conditions in negligible) and the magnetic properties of
divider were used. This enabled the possibility for utilization of its magnetic core. VT metrological properties for higher
the determined values of the composite error for evaluation of the frequencies are also dependent on equivalent capacities
accuracy of VTs in condition of transformation of sinusoidal between VT’s terminals resulting from both windings and
signals as well as distorted voltages. Comparison of determined insulation systems [8-9].
values of composite errors for transformation of sinusoidal and
distorted voltages allows to designate the additional
transformation errors of tested VTs in the presence of voltage II. THE MEASURING SYSTEM
high harmonics. Obtained results of measurements indicate that The rated voltages of both tested VTs primary windings are
for transformation of distorted voltages tested VTs are
characterized by lower transformation accuracy than for power 2000 V rms, while secondary windings are 100 V rms. Both
network frequency sinusoidal signal for which they were designed. VTs are 0,5 accuracy class [10]. Rated apparent power of the
Moreover, the results of measurements shown the increase of the VT type UDZ 24 is 100 VA and model VT is 25 VA for each
measured values of the composite error with the increase of the of two secondary windings. Only one secondary winding
transformed voltage distortion. during the tests was loaded. Magnetic cores of tested VTs are
manufactured from cold-rolled steal sheets type ET4. Used
measuring system is presented in Fig. 1.
In condition of distorted voltage transformation voltage
transformers (VTs) are characterized by lower transformation
accuracy than for power network frequency sinusoidal signals
for which they were designed [1-4]. In accordance with the
IEEE C57.13 standard the transformation accuracy of the VT
may be determined by the transformer correction factor (TCF)
[5]. In the IEC standards equivalent parameter for determining
the accuracy, the composite error, is defined but only for
current transformers [6]. In accordance with the definition
presented in this standard under steady-state conditions,
composite error is the rms value of the difference between the
instantaneous values of the primary current and the Figure 1. Measuring system: SVT - Supplying Voltage
instantaneous values of the actual secondary current multiplied Transformer; VTUT - Voltage Transformer Under Test;
by the rated CT current ratio. The composite error for PACPS - Programmable AC Power Source; HIDA – High
sinusoidal current is equal vector sum of the current error and impedance differential amplifier; WFVD - Wide Frequency
the phase displacement. The level of primary voltage distortion Voltage Divider, DPM - Digital Power Meter, P1, P2 – input
in accordance with the limits given in standard [7] should not terminals of the VT's; S1, S2 – outputs terminals of the VT's;
exceed 8%. Then used distorted signal contains only 3rd and in1, in2 – inputs of the DPM.
5th harmonics and no significant increase of the measured
composite error was detected. In order to enable further Programmable AC power supply with supplying VT was
analysis primary voltages with higher total harmonic distortion used to provide 1600 V, 2000 V and 2400 V (80%, 100% and
(THDU) levels equal 20%, 30% and 43% were used. 120% of rated primary voltage) to tested VTs. To avoid the
The main parts of the voltage transformer are its magnetic increase of the reactive component of the load for higher
core, winding system and insulation. The parameters of the frequency components of distorted primary voltage secondary
magnetic core are specified by the magnetization windings of tested VTs were loaded with resistors (power
characteristics and active power losses. The accuracy of VT is factor 1). It was verified with a comparative analysis of voltage
errors and phase displacements for transformation of sinusoidal Not without the significance is the influence of the supplying
voltage of frequency 50 Hz that both VTs were able to operate VT on the shape of the test signal. Therefore, THDU levels of
with accuracy class 0.5 for active load power equal 25% and the Programmable AC power supply are set to ensure proper
100% of rated apparent power. During the tests composite for tests THDU levels of the primary voltage. Distortion of the
error is measured as a rms value of the difference between the voltage during the tests is measured by the digital power meter
instantaneous values of the secondary voltage of tested VT and through the reference wide frequency voltage divider.
the output voltage of the reference wide frequency voltage
divider for 80%, 100% and 120% of rated primary voltage and III. THE ACCURACY OF TESTED VTS FOR TRANSFORMATION OF
25% and 100% of rated active power of the secondary winding. THE 50 HZ SINUSOIDAL VOLTAGES
The output voltage of the 1/20 wide frequency voltage divider In order to assess the correctness of measurements the
was used as a reference voltage. The change of the voltage results of calculation of the composite error on the basis of the
ratio and the increase of the output voltage phase shift of the measurements of the voltage error and phase displacement for
divider with the increase of the sinusoidal input voltage sinusoidal voltages of frequency 50 Hz were used. The
frequency are negligible in frequency range from 50 Hz to composite error of a current transformer is the rms value of the
1.25 kHz (25h). Tested transformer’s output and voltage difference between the instantaneous values of the primary
divider’s output, were compared using a precise, high current and the instantaneous values of the actual secondary
impedance, differential amplifier and milivolt meter. The current multiplied by the rated transformation ratio [6]. This
device provided 900 MΩ isolation between the inputs and was formula for VT is described by equation (1) [11].
able to ensure the measurement accuracy of the difference
between two sinusoidal signals with precision not worst than T
1% in the frequencies range from 50 Hz to 20 kHz. 100 1
Simultaneously, the entire measuring system was monitored by
c 
U1 T 0 ( Ku2  u1 )2 dt (1)
a digital power meter equipped with two probes, one connected
to the output of the voltage divider, the other to the output of
where: K- rated voltage ratio; u1,u2- instantaneous primary and
the VTUT. During the laboratory studies tested VTs are
secondary voltage; U1- primary voltage rms value, T- period
supplied with the sinusoidal and distorted primary voltages.
For sinusoidal signals on the basis of the voltage error and
The level of distortion is selected in order to required value of
phase displacement it is possible to calculate the values of the
the THDU factor: 8%, 20%, 30% or 43%. Primary voltage
composite error, when substituting following equations:
harmonics spectrum analysis for THDU levels equal a) 8% and
b) 43% are presented in Fig. 2.
u1  U1 2 sin t (2)
u2  U 2 (1  ) 2 sin(t   ) (3)

U,  - voltage error and phase displacement of the VT.
In table I VT type UDZ 24 current error and phase
displacement measured by the bridge circuit for testing the
accuracy of instrument transformers and calculated composite
error for transformation of sinusoidal primary current of
frequency 50 Hz are presented.


Load Percentage values of rated primary voltage [%]

[W] 80 100 120
∆V [%] -0.20 -0.28 -0.37
100 ∆φ [min] 0.0 1.0 2.0
ɛc [%] -0.2 -0.3 -0.4
∆V [%] 0.10 0.0 -0.05
25 ∆φ [min] 2.3 3.1 4.0
ɛc [%] -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
Figure 2. Primary voltage harmonics spectrum analysis for
THDU levels equal a) 8% and b) 43%
Table II gathers information about accuracy of model VT for The results for both secondary winding loads are also
transformation of sinusoidal primary current of frequency matching quite well with the calculated values of the
50 Hz are presented. composite error presented in table II. This proves that used
methodology and measuring system may be used to measure
COMPOSITE ERROR FOR TRANSFORMATION OF Further considerations concerned VTs performance under
the conditions of distorted voltages transformation. Tab. V
Load Percentage values of rated primary voltage [%] presents measured values of the composite error for three input
[W] 80 100 120 voltages equal 80%, 100% and 120% of rated primary voltage
∆V [%] -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 and four THDU levels determined for 25% and 100% of VT
25 ∆φ [min] 5.9 5.8 5.7 type UDZ 24 rated power.
ɛc [%] -0.20 -0.20 -0.20

ɛc [%] 0.15 0.15 0.15 Percentage THD [%]

values of Load: 100 / 25 [W]
rated primary
8 20 30 43
Increase of the voltage error with the increase of the voltage [%]
secondary winding load is caused by the increase of the VT -0.25 -0.35 -0.40 -0.49
-0.10 -0.15 -0.19 -0.21
primary winding current and increase of the voltage drop on its -0.43 -0.57 -0.67 -0.75
impedance. The increase of the voltage error with primary 100
-0.20 -0.26 -0.33 -0.45
voltage rms value is caused by the movement of the VT’s 120
-0.49 -0.62 -0.76 -0.88
-0.13 -0.15 -0.27 -0.48
operating point on the magnetization curve. When it moves in
the direction of higher values of magnetic flux density in the
magnetic core the magnetic permeability drops and both The increase of the primary voltage distortion to 43% cause
voltage error and phase displacement increases. The change of increase of the tested VT composite error from -0.33%
the magnetizing current cause the change of the VT’s phase (Tab. III) for rated primary voltage and load of the secondary
displacement. Determined voltage error of tested model VT in winding to -0.75%. The increase of the primary voltage rms
tested conditions is smaller than the voltage error of the VT value causes increase of the influence of the voltage distortion
type UDZ 24 due to the fact that its second secondary winding on VT accuracy and the increase of determined composite
during the tests was not loaded. error. This is caused by the increased magnetic flux density in
the magnetic core from distorted primary voltage. When
IV. THE RESULTS OF THE MEASUREMENTS distorted signal contains successive odd harmonics with the
increase of the THD level it becomes more like square wave.
First series of measurements concerned VT type UDZ 24 The result of integration of such a shaped waveform is a
behavior at 50 Hz sinusoidal input voltages. triangular waveform of magnetic flux density with higher
maximum value than for sinusoidal voltage [12-13]. This
VT TYPE UDZ24 COMPOSITE ERROR FOR TRANSFORMATION OF increase of the magnetic flux density in the VT magnetic core
THE SINUSOIDAL PRIMARY VOLTAGE OF FREQUENCY 50 HZ is same as for the increase of the primary voltage rms value.
Load Percentage values of rated primary voltage [%] This generally cause increase of the voltage error and phase
[W] 80 100 120 displacement of the inductive VT as a result of the decrease of
100 -0.15 -0.33 -0.40 the core magnetic permeability resulting from less steep slope
25 -0.05 -0.15 -0.10
of the magnetization curve. When primary voltage rms value is
80% of rated primary voltage the increase of the composite
error with the increase of the THDU level to 43% is equal -
By comparison with tab. I the results for both secondary
0.24%. When primary voltage rms value is 120% of rated
winding loads are matching quite well.
primary voltage the increase of the composite error with the
In table IV the results for model VT are presented.
same increase of the THDU level is equal -0.39%. Significant
TABLE IV increase of the composite error with the increase of tested VT
MODEL VT COMPOSITE ERROR FOR TRANSFORMATION OF type UDZ 24 secondary winding load was also observed. This
is caused by the increased voltage drop and phase displacement
Load Percentage values of rated primary voltage [%] by the primary winding impedance for higher frequency
[W] 80 100 120 components of the distorted primary voltage for rated load due
25 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 to the highest rms value of the primary current. The increase of
6.25 0.10 0.10 0.15 the composite error for rated primary voltage and rated load of
the secondary winding with the increase of the THDU level to [2] M. Kaczmarek, R. Nowicz, "Application of instrument transformers in
power quality assessment", Proc. of the Modern El. Power Sys. conf.,
43% is equal -0.42% and for 25% of rated load is equal -0.30%. IEEE Xplore, 2010.
In table VI the results of the measurements of the composite [3] M. Kaczmarek, R. Nowicz, "Simulation of the influence of conductive
error for model VT and same test conditions as for previously disturbances on accuracy of the voltage transformers during
measurements of the power quality", Proc. of the El. PQ and Util. conf.,
tested VT are presented. IEEE Xplore, 2009.
[4] J. Luszcz, " Voltage harmonic distortion measurement issue in smart-Grid
TABLE VI distribution system", Proc. of the Asia-Pacific Symposium on EMC,
THE DISTORTED PRIMARY VOLTAGE OF MAIN FREQUENCY 50 HZ [5] IEEE std. C57.13, Std Req. for instrument transformers, 2008.
Percentage THD [%] [6] IEC 61869-2, Instrument transformers - Part 2: Additional requirements
values of the Load: 25 / 6.25 [W] for current transformers, 2012.
rated primary [7] EN 50160, Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public
8 20 30 43 electricity networks, 2010.
voltage [%]
[8] A. Wiszniewski, Instrument Transformers in Electrical Power
-0.21 -0.26 -0.29 -0.33
80 Engineering (printed in polish), WNT, 1992.
+0.05 -0.00 -0.04 -0.05
[9] M. Kaczmarek, D. Brodecki, "Influence of the capacity between
-0.19 -0.25 -0.34 -0.42 windings of the voltage transformer on transfer of voltage surges", Proc.
+0.05 -0.03 -0.09 -0.11 of the Int. Coll. Transf. Res. and Asset Man., 2009, DIG_025760.
-0.21 -0.27 -0.35 -0.49 [10] IEC 61869-3, Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements
0.09 0.02 -0.03 -0.13 for inductive voltage transformers, 2011.
[11] A. Kasprzak, M. Orlikowski, D. Brodecki, "Operation of voltage
In the case of tested model VT the increase of the primary transformer in grids with distorted signals", Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., vol. 4,
pp. 551-554, 2011.
voltage distortion to 43% for rated primary voltage and load of [12] M. Kaczmarek, "The source of the inductive current transformers
the secondary winding caused the increase of the tested VT metrological properties deterioration for transformation of distorted
composite error for about -0.27%. Also for this VT same currents", Electr Pow Syst Res., vol. 107, pp. 45-50, 2014.
[13] M. Kaczmarek, "Wide frequency operation of the inductive current
increase of the composite error with the increase of the transformer with Ni80Fe20 toroidal core", Elect. Power Compon. Syst.,
secondary winding load was observed. The change of the load Vol. 42, No. 10, 2014.
of the secondary winding from 25% to 100% of rated active
power for rated primary voltage and THDU equal 0.43% caused
increase of the composite error equal -0.07 %. This is about
two times lower value than for previously tested VT type
UDZ24. This follows from the fact that primary winding
reactance of the model VT is two times higher than VT type
UDZ24 but at the same time its load active power/primary
current rms value are four times higher.

The usage of the high impedance differential amplifier and
wide frequency voltage divider enable measurements of the
composite error and estimation of the influence of the voltage
distortion on the accuracy of the inductive voltage transformers.
Obtained results of measurements indicate that the primary
voltage distortion caused deterioration of the accuracy of
transformation in case of both tested inductive VTs. This is
caused by the increased reactance of the primary winding for
higher frequency components of the distorted voltage and
decrease of the VT magnetic core permeability as resulting
from its magnetization characteristic for higher magnetic flux
density. Therefore, the accuracy of inductive VTs decreases
with the increase of the distortion level of the primary voltage.
Moreover, the increase of the secondary winding load and/or
primary voltage rms value causes further deterioration of the
inductive VT accuracy.

[1] M. Kaczmarek, "An attempt to determine the accuracy of transformation of
sinusoidal signals of frequencies 50 Hz and higher through voltage transformers"
(printed in polish), Prz. Elektrotech., vol. 11b, pp. 233-236, 2012.

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