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Iann Carrillo

Professor Beadle

English 115

21 September 2020

Project Space Essay

People unconsciously speak in either pathos, logos, and ethos. All these rhetorical

devices are used to shift a person's point of view, whether the person tries to convince an

audience with credibility, by creating an emotional response, or with reason, using facts and

figures. Mercedes Guevara, Hailey Jones, and Ranzen Pangilinan use all three rhetorical devices

to convey their ideas to direct their message to the proper audience. Mercedes Guevara because

she employs the strongest pathos in combination with the strongest ethos. By incorporating these

two rhetorical devices into her essay has the most convincing argument

Logos is a rhetorical device that offers data, logic, and reason, which promotes a stronger

message because it gives the reader facts which they can deem as credible and reliable.

In Hailey Jones essay, “Navigating Education Bridge the Gap from High School to College”,

Jones ​posits that during the transition between high school and college there are obstacles that

one must overcome but with the right assistance they are going to be prepared.​ She makes the

connection of how school was free but now college is charging: "Unless you went to a private

school that calls for tuition, high school, for the most part, was free." (Jones 26). She informs the

transitioning student that they should expect an increased cost in school because previously they

had little to no cost in the education. She reveals the fact of diversity in college and states that

"College is a place where so many people are doing so many different things, that culturally it

can be even harder to find your community" (Jones 26). She acknowledges the issue that in
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college, it is harder to find a community but one should be encouraged to go find one. ​Ranzen

Pangilinan in the essay “Safe Space or Wasted Space?” expresses that the Pride Center is truly

important to the LGBT+ community because of the danger that anti-LGBT+ discrimination

can pose to students. ​He presents data of homophobic attitude: "74% [of the participants]

reported that anti-LGBTQ attitudes existed to some extent (Tetreault et al.)" (​Pangilinan 60).

He presents data that LGBTQ+ students needed to hide their sexual or gender identity : "A

survey reported that 34% of LGBTQ+ students felt the need to hide their identities, and 19%

were concerned for their physical safety" (​Pangilinan 61). He establishes the problem with the

homophbic behavior that is being spread and he wants to raise awareness to the hatred.​ ​Mercedes

Guevara in the essay "Online Lessons: Literal and Figurative" claims that having online classes

can give more opportunity to learn and grow. ​She cites a study that shows that technology does

not lessen our ability to write "but rather than leading to a new illiteracy, these activities seemed

to help them develop a range of abilities''(Guervara 90). She confirms that it improves one's

ability therefore it is not looked down as a disadvantage. She cites another study from the same

source stating the evolution of learning. "These changes alter the very grounds of literacy as the

definition, nature, and scope of writing are all shifting away from the discourse to its production

across a wide range of genres and media," (Guevara 91). As a result of literacy drifting away

from what it was, it is now beneficial for it to have a wider spectrum. Since humans act upon

emotions they are more likely to side with what they feel is right, so logos doesn't engage with

the majority.

Ethos is a rhetorical device that relies on the credibility of someone and their ethics. This

allows the person in authority to give advice to an impressionable audience. The audience would
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trust and would be easily influenced because of a lack of critical ability. In Jones’ essay she has

given information on what to focus on, "The transitional process must begin with assessment of

information: financial, social, and cultural" (Jones 25). One can trust her because she has bridged

the gap between high school and college. She gives more advice on what to do. Since she has

personally done these things, it will make sense to do them one’s self, "starting with counselors

or other academic advisors that students seek educational guid-ance from in high school and in

their first year of college" (Jones 25). Since she has personally done these things, it will make

sense to do them one’s self. In ​Pangilinan’s essay, ​“Safe Space or Wasted Space?”, he did not

use an ethos writing style in his essay. It is composed of pathos and logos. He used these to make

them feel safe and welcomed. In Guevara essay, "Online Lessons: Literal and Figurative", she

has self reflected on her procastraion, "Online school taught me time management, academic

writing, and thorough reading” (Guevara 89). and furthered better herself thus making her

argument valid. She is explaining the major she's in and explaining the importance of the

programs that she has to know, "As a business major, I know I will use Excel in the future, so

receiving those lessons early allows me to develop more experience" (Guevara 90). therefore

letting the audience know she is insightful in her major and making her credible. ​The audience

looks for someone worth listening and that is keen on a subject they are talking about but if they

are not personally connected they cannot fully trust the speaker.

Pathos is a rhetorical device that creates an emotional response. It creates a stronger

connection with the reader and audience that makes it better to understand the other. It helps

appeal to the audience’s sense of identity and self interest. In Jones’s essay, “Navigating

Education Bridge the Gap from High School to College”, she begins the essay with showing
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empathy towards the targeted audience which are students by telling them “the transitional

process into college is one of the most difficult and life-altering" (Jones 25). This signifies that

she is familiar with the situation that they are in. She continues to give information to guide

them, "...your main goal is working for a grade; in college, you’re working towards a career"

(Jones 26).She uses the word “you” to have a personal connection and advises you that it is not

going to be the same In ​Pangilinan’s essay ,​“Safe Space or Wasted Space?”He introduces the

CSUN Pride Center: "You look around and see a colorful lounge area with several people on

soft, brightly-colored couches" (Pangilinan 60). By using a point of view method, it gives a

comforting emotion. He delivers a metaphor that represents inner emotions. "There, students are

given asylum from discrimination outside and given a place to freely be themselves" (Pangilinan

61). He is promoting the purpose of the Pride Center which is to freely be themselves without

judgement. In Guevara’s essay, "Online Lessons: Literal and Figurative", she gives a descriptive

reality of her life, "My eyelids felt heavy and like they were going to shut at any second, but I

had to keep typing" (Guevara 89). This reality is one that most students experience therefore

relating to the reader. She recognizes the struggle of not having self control and needing an

actual classroom. "Whether I liked it or not, it had to be done" (Guevara 89). A phrase that she

has told herself is motivation for other students.

In the three essays by Mercedes Guevara, Hailey Jones, and Ranzen Pangilinan, they

used pathos and ethos to demonstrate their point. Both Hailey Jones and Ranzen Pangilinan used

pathos in a situation where not everyone would experience it the same. But Mercedes Guevara

had the strongest use of pathos because everyone has experienced the lack of motivation, and
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the struggle of online classes. By her sharing her experiences, it acted like a form of

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Work Cited

Guevara, Mercedes. “Online Lessons: Literal and Figurative.” ​WAVES: A Collection of Student

Essays​, edited by Amy renoids and Amber Norwood, 2nd ed., Macmillan Learning, 2020,

pp 89- 91.

Jones, Hailey. “Bridge the Gap from High School to College.” ​WAVES: A Collection of Student

Essays​, edited by Amy renoids and Amber Norwood, 2nd ed., Macmillan Learning, 2020,

pp 25- 27

Pangilinan, Ranzen. “Safe Space or Wasted Space?.” ​WAVES: A Collection of Student

Essays​, edited by Amy renoids and Amber Norwood, 2nd ed., Macmillan Learning, 2020,

pp 60- 62

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