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Assessment Task 6

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the change management process and recommendations

Answer to the Question No:1

Existing staffs are satisfied with the information related to management change process as well as they are
also satisfied with the training session arranged by the company to cope with the company besides the
jobless personnel also satisfied with the company and they provide us assurance that they will help the
company when the company needs.

Recommendations: In every month company needs to arrange a meeting program to inform them the
progress of change as well as tell the employees to give some advice about the change so as to increase
their motivation to the change

1. Develop a short brief for the CEO

Answer to the Question No:2

A summary of the staff survey

From the survey we may know that some Existing staffs are dissatisfied with the information related to
management change process but maximum satisfied with the information related to the change
management process as well as training session arranged by the company. Besides the maximum jobless
personnel also satisfied with the company and they provide us assurance that they will help the company
when the company needs.

Now the company needs to arrange a meeting program to inform them the progress of change as well as tell
the employees to give some advice about the change so as to increase their motivation to the change

2. Send the brief to the CEO as an email attachment.

Answer to the Question No:3

Date:16 September, 20 9
From: Syed Martuza
Subject: Brief repot of the survey

Dear Sir,
Hope you are well. As per as your instructions, I have been conducted a survey on the
employees how much they are welcomed to the change process. On the basis of their answers. I have
been made a brief report as well as includes some ideas what can make the
communication very effective than before. I have sent this as an attachment. I will remain
grateful to you if you look into it.

With best wishes.

Thank you
Syed Martuza Mukhtar
Attachment: Brief report on survey

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