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Assessment Task 1

1. Explain the key phases of a change management process.

Answer to the Question No:1

There are three phases of a change management process:
Phase1:preparation for the change
In this phase organization needs to identify the possible points of resistance and
need to use special tactics based on readiness assessments.

Phase2:Necessery steps for managing change

In this phase management needs to develop a plan for conducting the change in
the management and take necessery steps to implement it.

Phase3:Try to Reinforce change

Company needs to collect and analyze the feedback of the employees ,identify the
gap and try to fill it and last enjoy success .

2. Explain three reasons why an organisation might initiate change.

Answer to the Question No:2
1. Changes are required to fulfil the performance gap.
2. Changes are needed to cope with the new technology so as to company can do the work more
efficiently and in an economical manner.
3. Changes are required when merger and acquisition occur because of maintaining two organisations
management activities.

3. Explain force-field analysis as a model for understanding the change process

Answer to the Question No:3

Kurt Lewin’s force field analysis explained that Company needs to maintain equilibrium between forces that
drive change and other factors that resist the change

4. Explain the key premises of the Burke &Lit winorganizational change model and its application to the
change process.
Answer to the Question No:4
The key premises of the Burke and Lit win organizational change model is that there are 12
organizational elements that result in a within an organization. This is a useful management model tool
as it enables to understand all aspects of an organization and to observe them from a perspective of
Application of this model: The main dominant factor which affects the change is external environment.
Firstly, the company needs to identify the problem after that an action plan must be created. This
includes the identification of the element among element group that results in the change. After that, the
specific element within that element group must be identified and analyzed. Once this is done,
organization can decide to what extent this has influenced other elements. This time company can take
action as per action plan.

5. Discuss the purpose of Kotter’s 8-step change model and the steps involved. Explain each of the steps
Answer to the Question No:5
Sometimes organizations provide many efforts to make a change but it does not bring desired outcomes.
Only around 30% organisation can become successful to bring changes in the organisation.
By considering this factor American change and leadership guru John Kotter has introduced the “Kotter 8
steps change model”. The main purpose of this model is to improve the ability of an organization to change
and to improve its success. By following this model company can avoid failure and become successful at
implementing change.

1. Create urgency: Company needs to communicate with employees about the need and
urgency of the change. This will help the company to get support from the employees.

2. Form a powerful coalition: Company needs to make a team by taking employees from all
the department that team will responsible to encourage their own department to cope with
the change besides this team will increase reliability of the employee.

3. Creating a vision: Company needs to create a clear visionwhat the company actually wants
to achieve through changing within a timeframe.

4. Communicate the vision: Company needs to communicate the vision with the employees
to get sufficient support besides to boost up their mentality.

5. Empower action: company needs to remove all obstacles to become successful to

implement the change for this reason company can arrange a dialogue with the employees
who create barrier in changing and invite some idea from them and try to incorporate if it is

6. Create quick wins: Employees like to observe short time benefit to see the impact of
changes so the company needs to set short term goals and needs to motivate the
employees who involved in changing process.
7. Build on change: Company needs to change the policy which does not support the change
besides company needs to hire, promote the employees who can fasten the change.

8. Make a stick: Company needs to articulate the connections between the new behaviour and
corporate success.

6. Explain three strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change during an
organisational change process.

Answer to the Question No:6

1. Engagement of employees: Company needs to engage all the employees in the change
process so as to they will feel motivated to cope with the change. It will automatically impact
on effective communication besides play an important role in embedding changing during
an organizational change process.
2. Phase implementation: If all changes are made on at a time, this may not be accepted by
all the employees so the company needs to implement the change in a phase as a result. It
will automatically impact on effective communication besides play an important role in
embedding changing during an organizational change process.
3. Overcoming the resistance: when company initiate change a lot of resistance will come
so the company needs to overcome it and when they can overcome it. It will automatically
impact on effective communication besides play an important role in embedding changing
during an organizational change process.

7. Explain how external environment can impact on change strategies.

Answer to the Question No:7

Factors that occur outside the company and that the company cannot control are known as external
environment. Company needs to always monitor the environment and adapt the environment to become
succeed in the competition. External environment has play a very vital role in the change strategies of a
company. For example, we can say that in china when government declared “One-child policy “the sale of
birth control pill had suddenly raised whereas the sale of baby products has decreased in a very big amount
so the manufacturer of baby products changes their strategies and switch to produce adult products that
means political environment forced the company to change their strategies for both the manufactures.

8. Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing organisation change.
Answer to the Question No:8
When top managers include all the employees ‘of the company in the change process, normally all the
employees feel motivated to adapt the change because they think that they are the part of the company and
if any change in the organization brings any good result, they will accept though it is very much tough for
them to adapt as they think they are part so the company can easily overcome dissatisfaction besides
resistant to overcome.
9. Explain two aspects of organisational behaviours that can impact on organisational change.
Answer to the Question No:9

Resistance to change: All the employees in the company cannot welcome the change they will create
barrier to change process so the company needs to make understand the employees the need of changes
and specially the benefit they will get from this change.

Dissatisfactions of the employees: Though many employees become opposite to change, they don’t have
the authority to resist the change. They will remain dissatisfied to the company and it will impact their
productivity which ultimately leads to high cost and less profit to the company.

10. Describe five components that may be included as part of a change management plan.

Answer to the Question No:10

1. Company needs to assess the readiness of the employees.
2. Company needs to make a plan how they will communicate to others about the change
3. If the change is any types of technology based, then the company needs to arrange training
4. If any resistant comes how the company manage it
5. How the company collect data, way of analysing it and lastly within how many days they will take
corrective measures.

11. Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organisation may resist change. Include at
least one suggestion for each of the areas you identify to how resistance can be overcome.
Answer to the Question No:11
1. Individual employee or groups of employees may think that they can be befitted from reward or their
benefit may be decreased so they can resistant to change. In this case company needs to tell them
how they can be benefitted from this and need to provide assurance that their benefit will remain
same and can also increase.

2. Fearness of adapting new strategy especially if it is technology based because they think it may be
life threating or may be risky to use. Company needs to tell the employees that we will arrange
training session so as to you people become expert.

3. Employees may think that adaptation of new technology may be time consuming for them because
it takes time to adapt new change. In this case company needs to disclose all the facts that though it
is time consuming at the first time, in later they will be highly benefited.
12. Discuss at least three barriers to organisational change.
Answer to the Question No:12
1. Resistant from the employees
2. Though they will not resistant, they will not co-operate the company to adapt the change
3. Employees can strike

13. Discuss at least three strategies to address barriers to organizational change.

Answer to the Question No:13

1. When a company wants to initiate any change, they obviously need to indulge in all the
employees to bring the change when they invite all the employees they will feel
motivated and do not create barrier in change.
2. Training is essential to overcome the barrier because employees do not welcome
change due to they do not have any knowledge about the change specially if it
technological change.
3. Company needs to motivate the employees to participate in the change process
through rewarding this time they will try to become the committee member let alone

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