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use. | Corre-iton: STATE | Comreaniy Sig $ ANDREW M, CUOMO ANTHONY J. ANNUGCI Governor Acting Commissioner MEMORANDUM To: Distribution Below From: James Donahue, First Deputy Superintendent Subject: Minutes — ILC Meeting 6/23/2020 — 1% Floor Conf. Rm. - 9:00 AM Date: 6/23/2020 Attendees: FDS Donahue, DSS Corey, DSA Napoli, DSP Schenk, DSH Cicconi-Crozier, Capt. Harte, G. Decker RPL3, D. Zambito RPL1, D. Vanni Stwd Committee Members: Smith-1720904, White-91A0979, McMiillian-1382932 See attached agenda from ILC for exact wording: FDS Donahue: | would like to speak to you about writing up the agenda ~ Stay professional — instead of saying CO's are lingering on the block ~ say CO's look like they may have xtra time -stay professional. Lately we seem to meet with you almost weekly about Covid-19 — some things should have been made aware to us earlier — property issues — don't wait for our monthly meeting ~ let us know — bring to us what is really important immediately. Keep issues separate. 1. Supplies. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (DSS) We have authorized more cleaning solution. ‘Supplies are under the same guidelines as always — we are short on envelopes. Not sure why they wouldn't hand out toilet tissue (let us know of issues). 1a. Living Conditions. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (FDS) When we walk we see porters out ~ bird feces — what block are you talking about? — let us know ~ | know 1 block they are working on — we have a bird crew — it is not easy to control the birds — let us know what area you need them in. (DSS) Kiosk ‘Auburn Grito on. BLY 1424-9000) «315 aot | wurwdoces 17 yor Fico ILC Meeting - 6/23/2020 - Page 2 ~ the Field Lt. gave instructions to use the spray bottle for sanitizing after each use. We will check as we walk around. 2. 2a, Kiosk & Programming. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (ILC) We are removing 2 and 2a. (DSP) | do get letters (on kiosks ~ if you can’t get on the kiosk due to work assignment — | need to know so we can take care of it. (ILC) A & D Block officers said they don't have to do it. (FDS) If you can't get on let us know — and remember that eventually we will lose the extra officers and it will go back to the way it previously was done. 3. Keeplock Meals. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (DSA) | spoke to the Food Service Administrator this morning and they go by the statewide menus for scoops. The trays get replaced often as they get lost — they are washed and dried on the rack. The lids should be on and the tray handed to the inmate and we keep the lid. | don’t want it left if the inmate is not in the cell — when the bigger trays get used — it looks like smaller quantity, but it is really the same. (ILC) Keeplocks — they don't get released in the mornings — they get released the next day (it is an xtra day KL) (FDS) — let us know and we will address it. 4, Company rotation (let outs). ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (ILC) C-12 & 19 are always last. (DSS) | agree and there has been a security concer that has to be worked out and then we will do it. 5. Sick Call. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (DSH) Sick call slips are picked up by the night nurse and then triaged and the nurse them makes the list for the block (the nurse does not let the inmates out). When the inmate is called by the officer if they are not up/dressed/ready ~ they are not let out ~ it’s not the nurse — it's if they are ready or not. (FDS) If there are any certain circumstances — let us know. 6. Package Room Issues. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (FDS) We are looking into Package Room Complaints. 7. Property Delays. ILC: See altached agenda. Response: (FDS) That's an important issue ~ you have to let us know immediately — Don't wait for this meeting. 8. Roach Infestation. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (ILC) Already addressed. (ILC) Who do we write to to get Orkin in. (DSA) Write to me. (D.Vanni) Orkin comes weekly and if | get a letter —I can have them address that issue — crumbs and leaving food out attracts them — get the word out to clean up. Staly Stack Aube HY 13024-8000) (NE Autumn Covrectan ILC Meeting - 6/23/2020 — Page 3 9. Extensive Wait for emails. ILC: See attached agenda. Response: (FDS) As of right now we are at 6/19 ~ not far behind. Between 6/9 and 6/23 — there have been 14,791 incoming emails and 19,807 outgoing emails that need to be screened. Sometimes it gets backed up, but we really do try to stay on top of them. Additional Items: ILC-Honor Company asked about HBO on demand ~ can they get it back? — It has been gone about a year — (Stwd) Will check on it. ILC-need ice in Mess Hall pitchers. (FDS) no problem. DSS | have received a lot of letters saying we are removing photos after they have been approved —If an inmate deletes a photo off the kiosk — it removes it from the tablet — they have been removing the photos themselves. We don't go back in after we have approved them. FDS ~ We have received the bi-laws and | have given them to all the Deps to review and then we will get together and go over them and then will go over them with you ~ hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will get that done. 6/23/2020 - Meeting Minutes Reviewed/Approved for Distribution by ILC: _E_A oi, b/2L/20 Name & Din # Date /kmb cc: Attendees IGRC K. McCarthy, CIU. File At Cortton Ei -autnes 180 y926-B0F| Page 1 of 3 AUBURN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY I.L.C, MEETING FOR JUNE 19, 2020 AGENDA 1)Failure to hand out supplies for COVID-19 concerns:A bar of soap, a roll of tissue. paper,envelopes,and toothpaste hardly qualify as,nor is it in compliance with the N.¥.S. Governor's directions.A quarter cup of bleach is NOT enough to clean and/or maintain the galleries,cells,shower areas or the kiosk(s) ) in this facility.Green solution is not being sent to the blocks thus cell clean Y up is pretty much non-existent and the inmate population is very concern about this particular issue. The inmate population are also concern about the distri- bution of (toilet tissue) during this COVID-19 pandemic.One(1) roll per person weekly ig NOF sufficient and Correctional Officers(C.0s.)are NOT accomodating ramdon reqhests when an inmate run out of tissue in the middle of the week. 1a)Inhumane Living Conditians;Porters are not being let out of their cells to clean/maintain the galleries(bars,floors,showers,kiosks) clean.And the \\ times when they do come out they are being allowed enough time to clean these 9 areas above mentioned.There is an excesive amount of (birds excrement) throughout the living quarters.During the kiosk run(s),when they do run it, the porters are NOT being let out,and the kiosk just as with the yard phones should be wipped down with bleach.Just as with the yard phones the kiosks have a receiver and a keyboard that everybody touch and should be disinfected after every use. 2)Henial of kiosk;Thoughout the facility an (C.0.) is being HIRED on a daily basis for the sole purpose of “running” the kiosk(s).This one(1) C.0. must cunduct the kiosk(s) on several galleries,in the meantime there is other officers that are not doing anything wxcept mingling by the block(s) desk area jcking,resting,etc...and prisoners are being denied communication with their family members.Obviously it's NOT enough for one(!) officer to run the kiosk on multiple galleries.This is an on-going problem.Also S.H.U. officers are NOT taking a list, for S.H.U. inmates to utilize the kiosk. 29kiosk for Inmates Programming;Inmates that have an assigned program or mandatory work assignment or on a schedule call-out should have the opportu~ nity to access the kiosk first either in the morning before going to programs or when they come back from their programs.For some people E-mails are the one and only means of communication and these individuals are NOT being given the oppor- tunity to make use of it. 3)Keep Lock Meals;The meals served to inmates confined to their cells are below quatity standards.All inmates,especially those on keep lock/S.H.U. shall be served with sufficient quantity of wholesome and nutricious food.Yet, nates are receiving "half-portioned" meals via meal trays designed for lesser “Page 2 of 3 portions.Also the meals are received cold most of the time.Inmates should received the appropiate size meal trays with lid and served hot.Inmates are also concerned about having to eat off of dirty trays and are requesting that the trays in the messhall be replaced. 4)The:rotation2invwhich “the companies :aze béing lat “out to the yard needs to be rotated.The second floor in C-Block(12 and 19 companies) are always last for everything.Some people can't even use the phone for they must get on the phone on whatever group is left by the time they get outside and by then it might be too late for them to call their families.Every com- pany should be afford the opportunity to the yard first every couple of days or so.The (A-Man) in the hgousing blocks could make a rotation for every company to make it out to the yard first at one point or another during the week. 5)Sick Call;Inmates submit (sick-call)requests and are being woken up by the night tour officers and notified to be ready for sick-call about 5:30/6:00 a.m. However,when the nurses arrives she randomly choose whose going to be seen and who's not and she let the officers know who to let out and who NOT to let out.There is no notice being provide to the inmates so as to prevent additional complaints of being denied medical aid,nor is the nur- se providing a reason for the denial of the request submitted,to the inmate personally.An inmate should NOT be waken up at 4:30 a.m. for sick-call and then Not being seen without a proper and valid reason. 6)Package Room Issues;The package room and the staff assinged to it have been the subject of multiple complaints submitted by the inmate po- pulation.There has been NO administrative action “taken toward any staff vhose-unproffessional misconduct have been properly reported.They are impro- perly denying inmates their packages.When an inmate request a sergeant re- view,this escalates matters where the officer becomes belligerent in his/her conduct being called into question by superiors.And (package room staff) takes it out on all inmates whom arrives for their packages.Subsequently new complaints arise.This leads to,packages being improperly returned, inmates wasting money paying for these improperly returned items/packages,abuse of authority by the package room staff,family and friends of inmates complining to the prison administration about the same conduct inmates are reporting and therefore ,negligence on part of the administration for it's failure to address these on-going complaints.Some packages are also being denied and Page 3 of 3 returned without the inmate being notified.The inmate population is also requesting that “dry cereal" be allowed in either from a home package or from an approved vendor as long as is hermetically sealed. There should be NO reason of why "dry cereal" is NOT being allowed in the package room. 7) New Arrivals/Property Delays;Inmates are directed to await 72 hours to receive their property and later compelled to await sometimes a whole week before receiving their property.In many occasions falsified ans- wers are made to justify:or thwart the lack of responsability for the delay. No accountability is issued by this administration.The administration provi- des no form of housing supplies,and althogh access to the shower(s) is available,an inmate without property don't have shower shoes, soap, boxers ) brief,socks,etc...It's inhumane and very unproffessional that the adminis- At tration allowed an inmate to go without their property for so long.It will \ be most proffessional and safe,specially during this COVID-19 pandemic(and hereafter) that any and all inmatesarriving at Auburn C.F. and statewide be issued no less than (2)pair of boxers,(2)pair of socks,(2)T-shirts and (1) pair of shower shoes from the state shop.Also "FREE OF COSI" from commissary (1)bar of soap,(1)washeloth,and a bath towel inmediately upon arrival to the facility and before entering his housing unit.This practice will defi- nitely provide and maintain a sanitary and healthy conditions. BI Roach Infestation;Mostly (A-Block and D-Block) are requesting that the exterminator come and spray all the cells pee ages h traps in the back of the cells near the vents(catwalk). Already ed by 9)Extensive wait for e-mails,pictures and videos.Some inmates have waited months to receive pictures/videos sent to them by their family and/or S friends.This process should NOT take. that long.There should be no reason oo \\ ey an inmate wait weeks or months to get their pictures/videos,with the f type of technology that we have (tablets).

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