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Action Plan

Student Teacher: Liam Bourassa Student ID: 260800029

Program: K/Elem :3

Date: December 12, 2020

Instructions: To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, Student Teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of
with input from their Co-operating Teacher and/or Field Supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each e al a i , li k each
he e , e abli he g al f im eme a d f m a age da f discussion between the Student Teacher, Co-operating
Teacher and Field Supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent . For Field Experience 1 only (excluding Physical Education
students), the Action Plan will be completed during the co-requisite Professional Seminar course.

I have shown Thorough to Advanced development in the following Professional Competencies developed during this :

PC 1-12

- I was confident, I maintained a good classroom presence, and I made an effort to get to know my students -both their personal interests (likes/ dislikes)
and their academic abilities. 
- I was comfortable and confident leading lessons/activities with the whole class, not just small group activities. I completed close to 100% of the daily
teaching since the beginning of my third field experience. 
- I showed initiative, and undertook tasks not typical of someone in their third field experience. I was offered a part time tutoring position at my host school
for the remainder of the school year as a result of this. 
- I showed up on time, professionally dressed, and I showed initiative and curiosity each day. I will continue to do this throughout my teaching career.

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this :
- PC 1, 3, 6, 10, 11, and 12.
- I want to improve my ability to adopt a critical approach to the subject or topic at hand. I want to be as informed as possible when teaching my students. 
- I want to continue to plan activities and lessons that provide opportunities for students to apply competencies in different contexts. 
- I want to further develop classroom management strategies and systems. Although I feel confident in the systems I used during this field placement,
each group of students has their own unique needs. 
- I want to continue to create activities that target or promote the mastery of subject specific competencies. I believe with a longer field placement, this
may have been easier to accomplish. 
- I want to continue my professional development and demonstration of ethical behaviour. 
- I want to continue to make adaptations to my lessons/activities to fit the unique needs of each individual student. 

I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:

- I will continue to consult both the QEP, and resources provided by my CT to improve my ability to plan lessons and activities that target specific
- I will continue to show initiative, ask questions, and ask for feedback concerning all aspects of the teaching profession (teaching strategies, classroom
management strategies, etc). 
- I will continue to research and consider my own personal biases as a teacher, to help adopt a more critical approach to the subject or topic that I will be
engaging with. 
- I will continue to consider differentiation and adaptations that can be made to my lessons/activities, in order to target the specific needs of my students. 
- I will continue to engage in professional discourse with my CT and supervisor. 

The Action Plan is to be discussed with your Field Supervisor and Co-operating Teacher at the start of the subsequent .

*If validation of authenticity is required, please contact the Internships & Student Affairs Office at

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