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Emily Holland

Module 2 Project

Instructions: How to add an event to your calendar on iPhone

Scenario 1: Apple users. This scenario includes people from almost all ages and walks of life.
Some might be very technically literate while others use just the basic functions of apple
products. All genders and races are included in this group. Because the instructions are on an
iPhone, the target audience would be familiar with the layout that apple has, and although all are
not specifically iPhone users, apples layout and style is general throughout all products, so it is
likely they would be knowledgeable on the topic.

Adding an Event to Your Calendar on iPhone 11

The calendar app can be used to organize your social, work, and family life to keep
yourself organized and on top of all events you may encounter. A very simple task that takes
about a minute to set up, adding events to your calendar can be a quick and easy way to stay
1. On the home screen, select the calendar app, a white app that displays the date.
2. Select the day your event is occurring.
a. If the event is in upcoming months, press the month in the upper left corner of the
phone to access the yearly calendar.
3. In the top right corner, select the + button.
4. Enter the title of the event.
a. Directly beneath the event name is an option to add an event location.
5. On the same screen, enter the start and end time of the event.
6. Select the travel time for the event, if applicable.
a. Your phone will alert you at the approximate time to leave for the event for on
time arrival.
7. Select alert type. It is located on the same page towards the bottom.
8. At the very bottom of this screen, there is an option to add any additional notes to your
9. When all details are entered, in the upper right corner of the screen, click Add.
10. The event will now be present in your iPhones calendar.
Having the event saved in calendar will make sure that you can remember all of life’s important
events and balance your busy life.
Scenario 2: My 85-year-old grandmother and her friends. Although my grandmother owns an
iPhone, she is not literate at all of the uses of it. Many of her friends are not iPhone users or even
smartphone users. Although they have a comprehensive reading level as they all live on their
own, many are visually impaired and would need larger text and photos in their instructions.
They would also need specific instructions on what objects look like and how to access the
calendar app.

Adding an Event to Your Calendar on iPhone11

Adding events to your calendar on your iPhone can aid in remembering important dates,
appointments, family, and work matters to keep you organized with all of life’s events. Adding
events to your calendar can help in remembering important dates, doctors’ appointments, work
schedules and more!

To listen to directions, press the

1. Immediately after opening the phone, you will be taken to the home screen.

iPhone home screen

2. On the home screen, select the calendar app. It is a white app that presents today’s date.

3. The current month will open onto the phone screen.

a. If your even is in an upcoming month, access the full calendar year by selecting
the month abbreviation in the top left corner of the phone.
4. Tap on the date of the event you are looking to add, it should highlight in red
5. Once the date is selected, tap on the + in the top right corner of the phone. A screen to
enter a new event will pop up.

6. Enter the name of the event

a. If desired, enter the location of the event
7. A box for the start and end time of the event is located below the name of the event.
a. To change the time, tap on the numbers and scroll with your finger until the
correct time is aligned in the center.
b. If the event, such as a birthday, lasts all day tap on the toggle labeled “All day”
8. To receive an alert reminder for the event, scroll to the bottom and
select alert.
a. You can now choose when you want to be alerted for the

9. To add the event, finish inputting all details and select the Add
option at the top right of the screen.
10. The event will now be added to your calendar, visible when the date is selected, and you

will be alerted for the event.

Once the event is in your calendar, it will keep all of events organized in one place that can
conveniently be accessed anywhere you go.
When composing these two sets of instructions, I first wanted to make sure that each of
these instructions were accurate, concise, and were written in the most effective way for any
reader before I tailored the instructions to each audience.
One of the most interesting points that I learned during this module was to include an
introduction with instructions. It was not until I learned about this that I began to notice the
introductions in sets of directions in my daily life. I made sure to include a concise introduction
tailored to each audience. A second lesson in the module that I made sure to include in each set
of instructions was to have a parallel structure. When typing, one would think that a parallel
structure would come naturally, but I found this to be more difficult that I had imagined. Making
sure each of the separate steps aligned with the others was not difficult, but definitely took a few
With both audiences, giving a feedback statement so that the reader knows they are
heading in the right direction was important. Personally, when doing a complicated task,
feedback statements or pictures are important so that I know I am doing each step correctly and
that the end result will be what I am hoping for.
For the instructions tailored to the Apple users, I found it less necessary for pictures and
explicit details as apple has a very consistent layout on each of its devices. Whether the user was
an iPad, Mac, or iPhone user, the calendar app is the same. I did add a certain level of detail
because Apple users are all at different levels of technical knowledge and use. Some people may
use a laptop and utilize every function while others might only use for internet access and to
check their email. Apple users also come from all different backgrounds and levels of education
and socioeconomics, so it is important not to assume that although they use Apple products, they
are highly advanced in the details of the devices. I added more detail on the possible additions to
the event in the Apple user instructions as I believe they would utilize these functions of the app
more than a group of elderly people would.
I chose to tailor the instructions to my 85-year-old Grandmother and her friends because I
frequently find myself spending 20 minutes every time I visit her house teaching her how to
close her apps, turn on facetime, and how to make her life easier through using technology. I
made sure to include more photos with circles and other details to ensure the simplest. I also
made sure to include the ability to listen to the instructions because many of her friends have
vision problems and would find it difficult to read the instructions. This way, they could listen to
the audio and look at the pictures to add the event.
Overall, this project helped me to better understand how to judge and write instructions
myself and how to tailor instructions and tone to different audiences.

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