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English 10 New Media/Composition

Magazine Rubric
Expectation 1 2 3 4 Feedback
Articles:​ Clear beginning, middle and end.
Grammar and spelling are correct, articles show
clear indication of editing. Articles were
consistent in theme and topic. Articles have an
accompanying picture and caption.

Use the conventions of Canadian spelling,
grammar, and punctuation proficiently and as
appropriate to the context.
Use writing and design processes to plan,
develop, and create engaging and meaningful
texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Product chosen fits the theme or topic of the
magazine. Catchphrase is related to the topic of
the product. Writing is clear and uses correct
grammar and spelling. Advertisement has a
related and appropriate image that matches the

Use the conventions of Canadian spelling,
grammar, and punctuation proficiently and as
appropriate to the context.

Magazine cover is neat and easy to read and
understand. Magazine cover has no spelling or
grammar mistakes. Magazine cover is relevant to
the magazine's topic/theme. Magazine cover has
a title, storylines, price and a background photo.

Use writing and design processes to plan,
English 10 New Media/Composition

develop, and create engaging and meaningful

texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Recognize and appreciate how different forms,
formats, structures, and features of texts
enhance and shape meaning and impact.
Use the conventions of Canadian spelling,
grammar, and punctuation proficiently and as
appropriate to the context.

Overall Magazine Layout:

Magazine has a theme that is clear throughout
the whole magazine. Magazine has a table of
contents, advertisement and the 2 articles.

Apply appropriate strategies to comprehend
written, oral, visual, and multimodal texts.

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