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Taking into account the issues raised, it can be concluded that there have been

varieties of changes on the planet due to the virus that currently fears the majority
of citizens, as a first measure I was able to analyze that there have been varieties
of pandemics that have put to countries on their knees, past and present times,
pandemics have occurred such as: smallpox, measles, Spanish flu, Black Death,
Justinian's plague, the third pandemic, typhus, cholera, Hong Kong flu, the
pandemic of the H1N1 virus and the one that currently plagues us and makes us
afraid and that has claimed thousands of deaths, this pandemic is better known as
covid-19, taking into account these data on the variety of pandemics that have
been Presented throughout the world, it can be analyzed that the strongest and
most deadly pandemic in the twentieth century, approximately in the year 1918-
1919, was the H1N virus, this virus was detected for the first time in the United
States. claiming thousands of deaths approximately 50 million people worldwide
and the United States 675,000 people, this H1N1 virus is better known as the
influenza virus, on the other hand with respect to that if plagues and wars take
people by surprise people, it could be said that if since we are not prepared for any
calamity presented in previous times such as the pandemics you were talking
about or the wars presented for the obtaining of territories and as the pandemic
that today plagues the entire planet, no matter how much the scientists,
astrologers, geologists, etc. say that we can prepare ourselves for the problems
that may arise later, the truth is that we will never be prepared when it comes to the
power of mother nature, thinking a bit about all this, it can be said that this type of
pandemic affects people too much and to the countries especially in the economic
and agricultural part, since with this pandemic what is attacking is unemployment
since it is not possible to work and the agricultural part since it damages the fields
and the fruits of export to the other sectors, the different Treated pandemics have
occurred in Europe, Asia and Africa, these are the sectors where this type of
pandemic usually begins and that very quickly spread to other sectors, analyzing
the above if one thinks about this type of pandemic more that all because of the
great environmental pollution since people only think about destroying the nature
that surrounds us and they do not think about how it can be restored, they also
present themselves It is due to the poor cleaning of people since they do not have
a toilet constantly and this causes viruses and when one relates to that type of
people, what causes the virus to spread, dealing with this issue on how the
pandemics, it can be said that one of the populations most affected by these
viruses is Africa since it is not a developed population and you do not have high
quality medical services, as well as high unemployment in people, what causes this
is that There are many hungry people who bring viruses from the streets and cause
great damage to society because they are the main people who transmit the virus,
in Africa there is also a lot of malnutrition since they do not present much of an

economic part, continuing with the issues previous reports on pandemics and
because of the pandemic that currently plagues the entire planet covid-19, this
pandemic has made us be locked up and study and work from home and seek
more edited solutions on studies and jobs such as computer management, taking
into account that this pandemic has put me in a situation in which I have to be
locked up to prevent it, this confinement has taken approximately 6 months and
currently I continue to adopt this measure until present a solution about this
pandemic that we are currently experiencing, on the other hand I was able to
analyze myself that this pandemic has made me improve or change many things in
which I did not use to do, one of the changes presented is knowing how to value
people who They surround me constantly and support me at all times, also one of
the changes presented is to know how to value what people offer me and not to
waste the little or a lot of money that I usually have and to spend it on things that
are really important, although I could also analyze different people, some with
positive things and others with negative things, the people who analyze their
changes with positive sitting down were like knowing how to comply with what the
government requires of us to overcome this presented pandemic and that the
people around them are cared for, and on the other hand, analyze people with
negative things such as not using the necessary implements to take care of
themselves or not using the implements in a proper way because if they are not
used properly they cause harm to the people around them, and to conclude All
these topics related to the different pandemics presented, it can be said that to
prevent this type of pandemic is to put our hands on our hearts and be aware that
we must take care of the environment so that we are in a healthier place, and
maintain a good clean of ourselves and currently with this pandemic that we are
going through, it can be prevented by maintaining a specific distance on each
person, using preventive measures such as face masks, alcohol or antibacterial gel
and gloves, and trying to go out less, just go out for what Necessary in this way we
not only prevent this pandemic but also what may happen in the future.

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