Art - Scribble Art Lesson Plan

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Subject/Grade: Art Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: November 19th 2020 Time: 8:30-9:30

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLEs: Students will:
Component 10:
MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES: - Students will use media and techniques, with an emphasis
on mixing media and perfecting techniques in drawing, painting, print making, sculpture,
fabric arts, photography and technographic arts.
Component 8
UNITY - Students will create unity by interrelating the parts of a composition.

SLEs: Students will:

Component 10:
 Continue to explore ways of using drawing materials.
 Use drawing tools to make a variety of lines extending beyond Level One into character
and direction—passive, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, parallel
 Use drawing tools to make a variety of shapes and structures beyond Level One into
symmetrical and asymmetrical, skeletal, spiral, and into mass drawing (blocking in the
main parts of a composition).
Component 8:
C. Every major area of a composition should be interesting in itself.
D. Limited colours and materials tighten a composition.

Learning Students will:

Objectives  Students will explore use of drawing materials
 Students will experiment with lines and directions
 Students will use problem solving to fill space
 Students will create a variety shapes freely while creating scribble art
 Students will construct art using limited colors

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Formative Assessment #1 Summative N/A
Assessment As I am demonstrating I will be asking Assessment
for students’ inputs on where to put
colors, I will be formatively assessing
if they understand the rules (you
cannot put two colors by the same
“wall”) as we are doing it. If students
are struggling I will show a couple
examples and explain as I am going.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Ensure paper and pencils are Resources N/A
Lesson: available. to Bring:
Time: Content/Description Notes/
Introduction: Introducing Students to Scribble Art
5 minutes.
Subject/Grade: Art Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: November 19th 2020 Time: 8:30-9:30
 The lesson will start by the teacher asking students if they have ever done
scribble art
 Have students explain the process if they have
 The scribble art we will be focusing on today is the kind where you create
scribbles then fill the spaces in with colors
 Tell the students we will be making scribble art pictures today. BUT these
scribble drawing will have rules…

Transition In order to demonstrate, prior to the lesson I will have a chart

paper on the board with a magnet to demonstrate.
Body: Scribble Art
Learning Activity 1:
10 minutes
Demonstrating Scribble Art
 Inform students of the 2 rules for scribble art
1.) You can only use 3 colors
2.) The same color can’t share a wall
 The teacher will then draw a scribble drawing on the chart paper
 With assistance from the students start filling in the spaces determining
where colors can go and where others MUST go
 Once students understand and seem to be able to do it on their own, they
will now create their own scribble drawing.

Formative Assessment #1
As I am demonstrating I will be asking for students’ inputs on where to put colors,
I will be formatively assessing if they understand the rules (you cannot put two
colors by the same “wall”) as we are doing it. If students are struggling, I will
show a couple examples and explain as I am going.

Transition: Have students come and grab a piece of 8x11 white paper and go to
their desk – emphasize to the students that they should be creating images that fill
the whole paper, no super tiny scribbles
** Remember no 2 colors can share a wall you must plan strategically.
Learning Activity 2:
35 minutes
Students creating their own scribble drawings.
This will be quiet work time with background music
Students will create their own only using 3 colors and following the rules.
 If students do not plan, then they will end up in a corner and have no option
but to color the same color.
 This is when you explain that you must “cheat”. Artists are allowed to
cheat, cheating in games or in life is not fair but when we are in art it is
called “creative problem solving.” .. To fix this you draw 2 lines within the
 Teach a friend if they run into the same problem as well!
 Once students finish one, they can create another but this one has
ANOTHER rule. you can only use straight lines or angles in your scribbles,
see how this is different.
 Students can also create one with a friend once they have completed their
Subject/Grade: Art Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: November 19th 2020 Time: 8:30-9:30

- Students attention will be grabbed
- To clean up students must hand all drawings in and then put all pencil
crayons away – and go back to their desks.
5/10 minutes
To conclude the lesson, we will have a short discussion asking students
 What were the challenges in this lesson?
 Did you find any tricks?
 What was the best way to go about this?
 What would you do different next time?

Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
- Went well students reponsded well. Some students did not do .
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
- Adding black marker to the drawings to outline
- Working with different students, getting to see their designs,
- Simple instruction lots of work time.
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
- Some students got frustrated
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
- Examples possibly or for differentiation possibly an already drawn in scribble art for them to color.
- Another differentiation could have been having it mapped out (where colors should go) for students
who just wanted to color.
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
- Students are always surprising me with their creativity and drive for art. I really enjoy watching them

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