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Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol.

19(1), 1-14


Rose Mini Agoes Salim, Shahnaz Safitri

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia

UI Campus, Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia - 16424

It is known that gifted high-school students tend to have difficulty in choosing career due to their wide-range
interests and capabilities. In order to successfully making an appropriate career choice, having a high level of
career decision making self-efficacy (CDMSE) is an important precondition. CDMSE is the belief in one’s
ability to successfully complete the task necessary to make career-related decisions. Of several factors known to
be affecting CDMSE, previous study has shown that career decision-making attribution (CDMA) could affect
students CDMSE. However, the CDMA effect on CDMSE in gifted student is seemed to be related to personal
trait of students, namely emotional intelligence (EI). Therefore, this study aims to examine the moderating role
of EI on the impact of gifted high-school student CDMA on CDMSE. Subjects in this study were gifted high
school students (N = 165; 52.12% males; M-age = 16.20 years old) in Jakarta. The measurement tools used are
CDMSE Scale Short-Form, Assessment of Attribution for Career Decision Making, and Trait Emotional
Intelligence Questionnaire Short-Form (TEIQue-SF) adapted into Indonesian language. The data were analyzed
using simple regression analysis with Hayes PROCESS model. It was found that there is a direct effect of
CDMA on CDMSE with (F (1,163) = 10.6661, p = .0033 < .001), in which CDMA serves as a predictor of
CDMSE. We also found that EI can serve as a predictor of CDMSE (F (1,163) = 10.6661, p = .0007<.001.
However, EI did not moderate the CDMA-CDMSE relation. Discussion, limitations, and suggestions for further
research are listed.

Keywords: career decision-making attribution; career decision making self-efficacy; emotional intelligence

Siswa berbakat di jenjang sekolah menengah atas (SMA) cenderung mengalami kesulitan dalam memilih karier
karena beragamnya minat dan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Agar dapat berhasil membuat pilihan karier yang
tepat, adanya efikasi diri yang tinggi untuk membuat keputusan karier (CDMSE) menjadi penting. CDMSE
adalah keyakinan diri seseorang untuk berhasil menuntaskan tugas yang diperlukan terkait pembuatan
keputusan karier. Dari beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi CDMSE, penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan
bahwa atribusi atas pengambilan keputusan karier (CDMA) dapat mempengaruhi CDMSE siswa. Namun, efek
CDMA pada CDMSE, khususnya pada siswa berbakat berkelindan dengan karakteristik pribadi siswa berupa
kecerdasan emosi. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek moderasi dari kecerdasan emosi
dalam hubungan antara CDMA dan CDMSE pada siswa SMA berbakat. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa SMA
berbakat (N = 165; 52.12% laki-laki; M-usia = 16.20 tahun) di Jakarta dengan alat ukur berupa skala CDMSE
short-form, skala Assessment of Attribution for Career Decision Making, dan skala Trait Emotional Intelligence
Questionnaire Short-Form (TEIQue-SF) yang diadaptasi ke Bahasa Indonesia. Analisis data dengan teknik
sederhana regresi menggunakan model PROSES Hayes menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek langsung CDMA
terhadap CDMSE (F (1,163) = 10,6661, p = 0,0033 <0,001), di mana CDMA berfungsi sebagai prediktor dari
CDMSE. Kecerdasan emosi juga berfungsi sebagai prediktor CDMSE (F (1,163) = 10,6661, p = 0,0007,
<0,001 tetapi tidak memoderasi hubungan antara CDMA dan CDMSE. Diskusi, limitasi, dan saran penelitian

Kata kunci: career decision-making attribution; career decision making self-efficacy; emotional intelligence

INTRODUCTION It is known as one of several major

developmental tasks to be met by individual
Adolescence is an important period for before they are grown into an adult
individual to start building their future career. (Santrock, 2014). In building a career, the

2 Salim & Safitri

first mandatory step is to choose which choosing a career after graduate with a high
career individual will pursue to further start school diploma (Sersiana et al., 2013).
making plan to achieve that particular career.
In this process, there are various things to be Nevertheless, career indecision is also a
considered and decided, such as whether to common problem faced by many adolescents
enter immediately into the workforce or to around the globe. Responding to this issue,
continue education first and also what type of numerous studies had been conducted to seek
workforce or academic major to be enrolled factors related to career indecision. Study by
(Fabio & Kenny, 2011; Sersiana, Bolat and Odacı (2017), Choi et al. (2012),
Lukitaningsih, Muis, & Purwoko, 2013). also by Sawitri (2009) in addressing
Indonesian context, found that Career
It is known that the process of choosing and Decision Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE)
planning a future career often involves plays a key role in career planning and
unexpected changes along the way (Fabio & development in adolescents. CDMSE is
Kenny, 2011). This uncertainty often leads belief that individual can successfully
the adolescent to experience anxiety and complete the necessary tasks to make career-
stress, which making them explore their related decisions (Betz, Klein, & Taylor,
future career with hesitation and do not 1996). Another definition emphasizes
seriously doing so (Fabio, Palazzeschi, CDMSE in terms of perceived capability,
Asulin-Peretz, & Gati, 2013; Santrock, which defines it as individual’s confidence in
2014). Cheung, Cheung, and Wu (2014) his or her ability to perform certain tasks
stated that the anxiety felt by these related to career decision making
adolescents is a result of a lack capability on (Buyukgoze-Kavas, 2014). CDMSE is built
career selection. Not only result in career on the basis of Bandura’s concept of self-
indecision during career building period, this efficacy, combined with theory of career
anxiety also produces further problems over maturity in vocational psychology. Thus, it is
time by making the youths later regret their further stated that CMDSE are the major
own career decision (Sawitri, 2009). mediator of behavior and behavior change,
especially in the career related building
In Indonesia, career indecision is prevalent (Buyukgoze-Kavas, 2014; Miguel, Silva, &
among high school students (Sawitri, D. R., Prieto, 2013).
Creed, P. A., and Zimmer‐Gembeck, 2015;
Sawitri, 2009). According to the survey Since CDMSE involves a positive belief in
conducted by Indonesian Central Bureau of one’s capacity, it is therefore found that high
Statistics in 2018, it was found that the high CDMSE enhance the likelihood of students
school graduates, both in regular school and to engage in career exploration directly or
vocational school, are those with the highest indirectly by having intention to engage in
percentage of unemployment compared to the process (Miguel et al., 2013). In the long
the other educational background. They run, CDMSE positively effects career
amounts to 16.11% from the total of 6.8 development by making it easier to students
million unemployed youths in Indonesia in deciding their career and then committed
(Kusuma, 2018). Here, students are taught in to their choice (Bullock-Yowell, Andrews, &
an education system where they need to Buzzetta, 2011). Another study by Jiang
choose between high school or vocational (2014) supported the notion of how CDMSE
school and its corresponding majors as early impacts the ease of career choosing. In his
as 10th grade in their transition from junior to study, it is found that individuals who are
senior high school. However, the students are confident in making career choices are less
often recklessly choosing their field of study, confused in doing so. Taken from another
which further lead to another indecision in perspective, study by Fabio et al. (2013)
found that indecision about careers often

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

Career decision-making attribution and self-efficacy: 3
Tthe moderating role of emotional intelligence

occurs due to low levels of confidence in attribution. The optimistic style is the belief
ability. Therefore, a high CDMSE level that career decision outcome is caused by
indicates that an individual has a positive internal or person’s act, controllable by the
career attitude (Choi et al., 2012). person, and changeable according to the
context. In contrast, pessimistic style is the
CDMSE belief, as one form of self-efficacy, belief that career decisions outcome are
is built through many ways. One of the caused by external or environmentally
powerful sources of developing it is from explained, uncontrollable by person, and
mastery experience, where a cumulative past stable across time and space. Research has
experience of success or failure shape shown that the more optimistic the career
individual’s belief of his/her capacity in decision-making attribution style, the more
performing the corresponding task. It is said assured the students were in their career
that this belief of capacity is formed by the decision-making ability (Luzzo & Jenkins-
interpretation the individual holds when Smith, 1998).
facing his/her success or failure. When they
think their success comes from their effort, Despite CDMA being a major factor on
then their confidence in performing on CDMSE, the effect of attribution to CDMSE
related task increases, and vice versa can also occur through the experience of
(Watters, 2010). In terms of career, having a emotional state that arise along the way.
successful experience related to career Each dimension of CDMA is said to produce
activity develops an individual’s confidence different set of emotional responses. For
to achieve the desired career, thus build the example, dimension of internal causality is
person’s CDMSE. related to the person's sense of pride, which
then correlates to CDMSE (Choi et al.,
The process of interpreting the cause of one’s 2012). In addition, dimension of stability
performance outcome is known as raises a sense of hopefulness or helplessness
attribution. In the context of career outcome, within individual in facing environmental
the term used are career decision-making situation (Schunk et al., 2010). Furthermore,
attribution (CDMA), defined as one’s belief it is known that in general the process of
about the cause of success or failure career choosing and planning is composed of
experiences in career development (Luzzo & any possible unexpected events, which turns
Jenkins-Smith, 1998). According to CDMA, out induce various emotions in individual
people can produce various beliefs regarding (Fabio & Kenny, 2011; Murtagh, Lopes, &
the reason behind their experience in career, Lyons, 2011). Since individual will not
which is evaluated around three dimensions. always experience only positive outcome in
The dimension of causality explains whether their life, this fact implies that the ability to
the perceived reason is internal (person- modulate emotion to regulate action in terms
attribute) or external (environmental- of career orientation and development are
attribute). The control dimension refers to necessary. This ability is known as emotional
how much control an individual has on the intelligence (Fabio & Kenny, 2011; Joseph &
attained outcome and his or her sense of Newman, 2010; Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey,
responsibility for it. The stability dimension 2016).
refers to whether the perceived reason is
stable in nature or unstable which can change Emotional intelligence is a cognitive-
depending on the background context affective characteristic which support
(Schunk, Pintrich, & Meece, 2010). individual development across academic,
social, and career domains. This is due to the
Taken from all CDMA dimensions, there are emotional intelligence's role in enabling
two attribution styles namely optimistic individual to effectively process and integrate
versus pessimistic career decision-making emotion with reason. In the case of career

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

4 Salim & Safitri

choosing, this characteristic protects us from time, emotional intelligence also has a
becoming emotionally overwhelmed thus positive role on supporting the level of
facilitate decision making (Fabio & Kenny, CDMSE. Taken together, it might seems that
2011). Individuals with high emotional emotional intelligence can serve as a
intelligence have such an awareness of their moderator in the relationship between
current emotional states, which make them CDMA and CDMSE by strengthening this
better at integrating emotional experiences established relationship.
with their thoughts and actions to attain a
goal (Afzal, Atta, & Shujja, 2013). This Among many adolescents, there are some of
capacity then supports the individual to stay them who possess the trait of giftedness.
confident in the process and succession of Based on the theory of Three Ring
executing career choosing and planning- Conception by (Renzulli, 1978), gifted
related tasks. Moreover, it was found that adolescents are those who have a
intervention aimed at enforcing emotional combination of above-average intelligence
intelligence in adolescent is beneficial to and creativity, and a high level of task
support their career progress (Fabio & commitment. In the career building process,
Kenny, 2011). A followed-up research by gifted students are reported to be full of
Fabio, Palazzeschi, Asulin-Peretz, & Gati excitement on their future attainment,
(2013) later found that emotional intelligence involve deeply on their chosen field of
as the ability to correctly perceive emotional works, all of which bolster them to achieve a
states explained the 10% of the total variation state of career maturity earlier than their
on the individual confidence level for making peers (Watters, 2010). In addition, gifted
career decisions. Furthermore, emotional adolescents are believed to be able on
intelligence facilitates career decision- achieving a high-quality performance in
making self-efficacy, where emotion that is various fields of life (Davis, Rimm, & Siegle,
in control and stable allows individual in 2011), especially since they are also known
doing self-appraisal, obtaining information to have a wide range of interests and talents
on career, prioritizing goals and planning for (Watters, 2010). In contrast, another research
career, and solving problems in deciding highlights that gifted students can also
career (Mayer et al., 2016); all of the aspects experience anxiety in choosing career
of career decision making self-efficacy itself. because they have so many possibilities and
options which lead to confusion (Jung,
Especially for adolescent, high emotional 2018). It is stated that their higher capacity
intelligence makes them more likely to feel on cognitive functioning has a drawback of a
satisfied with their social support systems in higher sensitivity to process emotional input,
order to advance their surroundings which makes gifted students easily feel hurt,
according to their targeted goal. In respect to guilty, depression, inadequate, and fear
career, they are also found to be motivated to (Davis et al., 2011). Taken together, it is
determine and actualize the plans and known that gifted adolescents are challenged
programs they have chosen and created by their emotional states while on another
(Schutte & Loi, 2014). Therefore, it is case they are also likely to be capable of
concluded that emotional intelligence can combining emotions and intellect to adapt in
play as a promising predictor for career their environment (Woitaszewski & Aalsma,
decision-making self-efficacy too. In respect 2004).
to the role CDMA plays directly on CDMSE
while also inducing certain positive and Along with the dual characteristics of
negative emotions within individual, it makes emotionality on gifted adolescents, Watters
the trait of emotional intelligence is (2010) in his research advised for taking into
beneficial to have in supporting the account the emotional factors of gifted
attainment of personal goal. At the same students in respect to their career building to

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

Career decision-making attribution and self-efficacy: 5
Tthe moderating role of emotional intelligence

avoid indecision, anxiety, and fear of failure. making attribution (CDMA), and emotional
It is said that the unique ability of gifted intelligence.
students flourishes if emotions, intellect, and
creativity are integrated together to achieve Participants and Sampling Procedure
their goals (Mayer et al., 2016; Mayer, Data collection consisted of a cross-sectional
Perkins, Caruso, & Salovey, 2001). approach based on purposive sampling. The
Therefore, this study aims to seek if study was carried out in a face to face
emotional intelligence serves as a moderator interaction between the researchers and the
in the relationship between CDMA and participants. We first contacted several
CDMSE in gifted adolescents, especially leading public high schools' principal to get
gifted high school students. This is done due an official approval to conduct the study.
to the fact that in Indonesia, students are After the study is permitted with a school's
mandated to make a concrete career decision reference date for data collection, we then
as they enroll to senior high school. To date, came to each classes and delivered
little is known on gifted students’ CDMSE psychological assessments first in a classical
levels (Watters, 2010) compared to other group testing. In doing so, we hired 16
type of self-efficacy. The same also applies school psychologists to deliver the
to their perceived attribution on their attained assessments. These
outcome in the context of career decision- assessments are given as a way to further
making process. filtering and identifying gifted students. After
that, the assessments were followed by the
Thus, our study aims to investigate whether: administration of research questionnaires.
1) CDMA serves as a significant predictor of
CDMSE in gifted high school students. We then filtered out the all the students who
Based on the background explained above, are willing to participate in the study to seek
we hypothesized that CDMA will only the gifted students. Following the
significantly predicts CDMSE in gifted high guidance on the Three Ring Conception of
school students; 2) Emotional intelligence Giftedness by Renzulli (1978), we identify
serves as a significant predictor of CDMSE the gifted students by measuring their
in gifted high school students. The past intelligence, creativity, and task commitment.
researches on this topic suggest that Based on this theory, gifted students are
emotional intelligence will significantly those scored (a) above average on
predicts CDMSE in gifted high school intelligence (scored ≥ 120 as obtained from
students; 3) Emotional intelligence the Intelligence Structure Test/IST), above
moderates the relationship between CDMA average on creativity (scored ≥ 110 on Tes
and CDMSE in gifted high school students. Kreativitas Figural Indonesia), and high on
The past researches done on this topics lead task commitment (scored ≥ 132 on Task
us to hypothesize that emotional intelligence Commitment Scale); or those with (b) a
will strengthens the relationship between superior intelligence (scored ≥ 130 on IST).
CDMA and CDMSE in gifted high school After the assessment was analyzed, there
students. were 165 gifted high school students found.
Their age are ranging from 15 to 17 years (M
METHOD = 16.20; SD = .652), which consist of N = 77
(48.13%) male students and N = 88 (51.87%)
Research Design female students.
This study used a non-experimental
quantitative approach to examine the Measurements
relationship between career decision making Before collecting the data, we started by
self-efficacy (CDMSE), career decision- adapting the scale used into Indonesian
language and matching the scale items in

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

6 Salim & Safitri

terms of context, with the help of one school AACDM has 23 items across 3 dimensions,
psychologist and one clinical psychologist. which are controllability, stability, and
We also tried out the scale by administering causality. The available responds are 6-point
it to several high school students to test its Likert scale ranging from 1 (“strongly
readability and to ensure the participants disagree”) to 6 (“strongly agree”) for 18
understanding of the items included. favorable items, and vice versa to another 5
unfavorable items. The rationale behind
Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short AACDM is the higher individual scored on
Form (CDMSE-SF) the scale, the more optimistic attribution style
To measure participants’ level of career the individual possess. In contrast, lower
decision making self-efficacy, we use Career scores indicating a pessimistic attribution
Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale style. The sample items are as follow: “My
(CDMSE-SF) in the short version as revised career choice depends on others choices” and
by Betz et al. (1996). It is known that “My parents give a freedom in choosing my
CDMSE-SF is the most widely used measure career”.
of career decision making self-efficacy
globally, with no issue on its validity After adaptation process, construct validity
(Gaudron, 2011; Török, Tóth-Király, Beáta, testing is also conducted using CFA and crIT
& Orosz, 2016). The scale has 25 items, with in a sample of N = 1045, in which 11 items
5 items allocated to each of the 5 subscales, were found to be valid in measuring
namely self-appraisal, occupational AACDM dimensions. For controllability
information, goal selection, planning, and dimension, factor loadings are ranging from
problem solving. The available responses are .54–.86, t value > 1.96, with crIT value of
on a five-point Likert scale ranging from “no .509–.567. The stability dimension yielded
confidence at all” (1) to “very confident” (6).factor loading from .58 to .88, t value > 1.96,
The sample items are as follow: “I choose with crIT value of .371–.720. The causality
my own ideal career to be pursued in my dimension has factor loading around .55–
future” and “I choose one of several career 1.14, t value > 1.96, and crIT score of .509–
options that I have considered”. .623. In addition, the reliability of the scale is
acceptable with 11 items has α value of .709
To ensure the construct validity of the scale, for controllability dimension, .805 for
we use Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) stability dimension, and .721 for causality
and corrected item-total correlation (crIT) dimension.
procedure as validity testing. From the
validity testing on a sample of N = 1045, we Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
found that 4 items are not valid which leave Short Form (TEIQue-SF)
21 items in further use. The 21 items We used Trait Emotional Intelligence
CDMSE Scale have factor loadings ranging Questionnaire, Short Form (TEIQue-SF) by
from .42 to .75 (t value > 1.96) with crIT Petrides and Furnham (in Cooper & Petrides,
value ranging from .407 to .630. In addition, 2010) to measure participants’ perceptions of
the 21 items CDMSE Scale also yields a their emotional intelligence. The TEIQue-SF
satisfying Cronbach’s alpha (α) value of consist of 6 subscales measuring the
.901, thus it has an excellent reliability in component of trait positivity, self-control,
terms of internal consistency. emotionality, sociability, adaptability, and
self-motivation. It includes 30 statements
Assessment of Attribution for Career Decision with 6-point Likert scale, ranging from 1
Making (AACDM)
‘totally disagree’ to 6 'totally agree'. The
To measure career decision-making
sample items are as follow: “I often change
attribution style, Luzzo & Jenkins-Smith
my mind”, “I draw myself as a good
(1998) created Assessment of Attribution for
Career Decision Making (AACDM). The

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

Career decision-making attribution and self-efficacy: 7
Tthe moderating role of emotional intelligence

negotiator”, and “In general, I can handle the with Hayes’s Model (Hayes, 2013). A
stress well”. preliminary analysis in terms of descriptive
statistics and correlation analysis were
After adaptation, construct validity testing to performed before testing the hypothesis to
a sample of N = 1045 using CFA found that reveal the distinctive statistical feature of the
13 items as not valid in which they were variables.
eliminated. The remaining 17 items have
factor loadings ranging from .410 to .720, t RESULT AND DISCUSSION
value > 1.96, with crIT value ranging from
.338 to .596. In addition, its reliability Result
coefficient in terms of internal consistency is
α = .852. Preliminary Analysis
Before hypothesis testing, some initial tests
Data Analysis were conducted. Table 1 shows the
To test the hypothesis, we use linear descriptive statistics of the three research
regression and multiple regression analyses variables.

Table 1.
Descriptive Analysis of the Variables
Possible Possible Attained Attained
Mean SD
Min. Score Max. Score Min. Score Max. Score
CDMSE-SF 21 126 55 124 96.74 10.56
AACDM 11 66 32 64 47.23 6.65
TEIQue-SF 17 102 43 87 63.83 9.05
Note. CDMSE = Career decision-making self-efficacy; AACDM = Assessment of attribution for
career decision making; TEIQue-SF = Trait emotional intelligence questionnaire short form.

Based on the table above, we can see that the Table 2 shows the correlation matrix for the
participants are more likely to score in the research variables.
higher end of the possible scale score, as
indicated by the highest total score got by the Table 2.
participants in contrast to the highest possible Correlation Analysis of the Variables
total score. In addition, the mean score of 1 2 3
participants from all the three scales tend to CDMSE-SF 1
be also centered on the high end. The follow AACDM .216** 1
up analysis showed that these scales' data
TEIQue-SF .263** .022 1
distributions are all negatively skewed except
Age .076 .031 .069
for AACDM in which it has a bimodal
distribution. However, the normality test Gender -.092 .034 .113
using One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Note. 1 = CDMSE = Career decision-making
self-efficacy; 2= AACDM = Assessment of
Test indicated that the data from those three
attribution for career decision making; 3 =
scales are still normally distributed. TEIQue-SF = Trait emotional intelligence
questionnaire short form. **p < .01, *p < .05
As a preliminary analysis, we correlated the
variables examined in the study and also The correlation test between the variables
some demographic attributes of participants showed that CDMSE was significantly
to see if there is a relationship between them correlated with CDMA (r = 0.216, p =
before we move to test the study hypothesis. 0.010). CDMSE was also positively and

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

8 Salim & Safitri

significantly correlated with emotional the study is accepted. The result showed that
intelligence (r = .263, p = .001). However, CDMA significantly and positively predict
CDMA was not correlated with emotional the CDMSE in gifted high school students.
intelligence (r = .022, p = .795). In addition,
none of the three research variables was To test the Hypothesis 2, we conducted
found to correlate with participants’ age or another simple linear regression test on
gender. emotional intelligence and CDMSE. We
found that there is also a significant effect of
Hypothesis Testing emotional intelligence on CDMSE in the
Simple Regression Test gifted students (F(1, 163) = 10.666, p =
After calculating the means, standard 0.0007, < 0.001). The value of the
deviations and correlations among all determinant coefficient (R2) was 0.10. This
variables, the researchers performed a simple means that 10% of the variance of CDMSE
regression analysis of the CDMSE. The can be explained through emotional
results of the regression analysis showed a intelligence. Based on the results of this test,
significant influence of CDMA on CDMSE Hypothesis 2 is accepted. This result also in
(F(1, 163) = 10.666, p = 0.0033, < 0.005). line with the findings from Di Fabio et al.
The determinant coefficient (R2) was 0.1164. (2013) in which emotional intelligence
This means that 11.64% of the variance in accounts for the exact 10% variance person
CDMSE can be explained by CDMA. confidence level for making career decisions.
Therefore, we conclude that Hypothesis 1 of
Table 3.
Output of the Moderation Effect Test
Coeff. SE t P
Constant 4.61 .036 125.20 .000**
CDMA b1 .18 .063 2.93 .003**
Emotional intelligence b2 .23 .071 3.25 .001**
Int_1 b3 −.19 .111 −1.70 .897
Note. Dependent variable: career decision making self-efficacy
R2= .1321, MSE = .2236, **p< .001

Moderation Effect Test as a significant predictor of CDMSE in gifted

Table 3 shows the summary of moderation high school students. Moreover, we also seek
effect test. Using macro PROCESS (Hayes, to investigate whether emotional intelligence
2013), we found that there is no moderation moderates by strengthening the relationship
(interaction effects) between CDMA and between CDMA and CDMSE in gifted high
emotional intelligence on CDMSE (b3 = school students. From the result, we found
−.19, t = −1.70, p = .897). This indicates that that both CDMA and emotional intelligence
there is no significant influence of emotional significantly predict the gifted high school
intelligence on the relationship between students CDMSE. However, we found that
CDMA and CDMSE in gifted high school the emotional intelligence does not moderate
students. Therefore, Hypothesis 3 is rejected the relationship between CDMA and
in which emotional intelligence does not CDMSE in these students.
moderate the relationship between CDMA
and CDMSE in gifted high school students. Taking from the perspective of social
cognitive career theory, it is said that the
Discussion personality trait is the main factors in shaping
the CDMSE (Hsieh & Huang, 2014).
This study aims to investigate whether (a) Previous research had tried to depict the role
CDMA and (b) emotional intelligence serves of personality trait on CDMSE by measuring

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

Career decision-making attribution and self-efficacy: 9
Tthe moderating role of emotional intelligence

its relation with personality construct, such as facilitating the thought could be found in
Five Factor Model Trait. This research many ways, be it in appraising the situation,
actually follows that stream of research, but analyzing the problem found in respect to the
instead of portraying personality trait in a person’s goal, judging the best achievable
continuum, we choose the special population solutions, and remembering the relevant
of gifted adolescent to shed lights on the things related to one’s goal. All these refer to
dynamic of CDMSE as they perceived. In the emotion as a supporting agent for the
case of gifted high school students, there cognitive process to excellently do its
might be a different case that going on. Due function.
to their higher level of personal capacity in
terms of intelligence, creativity, and task In this study, the finding that emotional
commitment which exceeding their average intelligence predicts the CDMSE is in line
peers, gifted high school students often with the previous research. All previous
already possess an optimistic belief of their studies show that emotional intelligence
capacity to build their own future. They plays a role in terms of integrating the
generally found to believe that the success perceived emotion and desired goal, which
they experienced in school is caused by their further motivating the person to feel capable
internal attribute or capacity (Valdés-Cuervo, of CDMSE (Fabio & Kenny, 2011; Fabio et
Sánchez Escobedo, & Valadez-Sierra, 2015), al., 2013; Joseph & Newman, 2010).
thus the same attribute they have could later Nevertheless, as we consider the experience
help them in achieving their desired career. It of gifted students, thus their salient
is not surprising that in this study, all the characteristic needs to be considered. Gifted
participants scored moderate to high on students are famous for their high level of
AACDM which measure how optimistic they motivation for accomplishing a given tasks,
are on their capacity to achieve desired career which are known as task commitment. In this
(M = 47.23, high level of CDMA). study, we use the measurement of emotional
Therefore, it is acceptable that CDMA could intelligence of TEIQue-SF which includes
positively predict the level of CDMSE the the self-motivation as one components of the
gifted students have. emotional intelligence measured (Cooper &
Petrides, 2010). Thus, it is not surprising that
In respect to the role of emotional gifted students in this study got a high score
intelligence has on CDMSE, previous study on emotional intelligence measurement, since
on CDMSE by Fabio et al. (2013) indicated they are definitely the groups of people
that high school adolescents typically use characterized by high in motivation, which
their emotional states as guidance for their further also predicts their CDMSE level.
thinking process when exploring new
experience related to the career aspiration. Taken together, a bigger picture emerges on
Furthermore, emotion was also highlighted the relationship among these variables. It is
for its function in facilitating the process of noted that an internal motivation, portrayed
making an accurate self-appraisal for one’s as self-motivation in TEIQue-SF, foster the
current capacity related to career, gathering gifted students to persist on their tasks and
any relevant information, and also show effort during the task completion. This
formulating a goal in career building. All is the very reason on gifted student likelihood
these processes are known to be fruitful as to adapt and hold an optimistic attribution
they turned out to become a concrete action style. Gifted students internal motivation
of career planning, and also concrete solution makes them to show effort in doing task and
when solving the possible problem faced shape them not to holding a static view of
along the way. Another research by Mayer et ability, in other word they tend to have an
al. (2016) summarized that emotions indeed optimistic belief that they can do whatever
involve in facilitating thoughts. The way it is they put their mind into (Watters, 2010).

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

10 Salim & Safitri

However, it could also emerge that a giftedness in terms of motivation. Thus, apart
pessimistic belief of ability becomes the from the attribution style they might possess,
main booster for them to show efforts during the emotional intelligence already plays role
the task completion related to career. While to make gifted students stick to their career
internal motivation has already become their decision making process. Hence, we found
defining characteristic of giftedness, a that the emotional intelligence could not
pessimistic view of their ability will also moderate the relationship between the
elicit a strong willingness to work hard on CDMA and CDMSE and need to be
achieving their desired goals instead of considered by viewing it as a main predictor
becoming avoidant and indecisive. It is of the CDMSE. In addition, we are
known that career planning are generally acknowledging that there are the gifted
determined by the interaction of internal students who lack of self-motivation and
psychological factors and external often mentioned as underachiever. However,
sociocultural within the environment in this study this is not the case since our
(Watters, 2010). In the case of gifted participants are all gathered from a leading
students, they are prone to be sensitive by senior high school in Indonesia capital city,
easily feeling hurt, guilty, and inadequate, and then further filtered through a
especially if they are placed on the high- psychological assessment conducted by
ability grouping together with the other high school psychologist.
achievers to be their relative for social
comparison. This sensitivity links to the Our findings will have some implications on
pessimistic belief of ability, yet it can the way school delivers a career coaching
function as a main driver behind the gifted and counseling to its students. Watters (2010)
students' eagerness to work hard in attaining have warned that the considerable attention
their goals of career. Due to the objectively should be given to the gifted students as the
high ability as they posses, the feeling of future generation capable to innovate and
lacking can be compensated with more effort become creative and productive thinkers.
in achieving goals (Davis et al., 2011; Along with this advice, this study brings
Watters, 2010). This possibility is indicated attention to the need of school board in
by the distribution of attribution style as identifying its students’ characteristics
measured by AACMD, in which there is a related to the career planning process, where
bimodal distribution with one below and one in this study we only brought up the
above the mean score, while the overall mean characteristic of giftedness to be taken into
score is still on the high end of the scale. account. The second implication refers to the
Thus, even though both CDMA and emphasis on building the students' CDMSE
emotional intelligence predicts CDMSE, we first before move forward to make students
found that there is no correlation between have a clear and visionary career plan. In
CDMA and emotional intelligence (r = .022, order to do so, this study gives some
p = .795). highlight that school can start by shaping its
students to have an optimistic belief of their
In respect to the dual attribution style might capability, and also try to shape their
be possess by gifted high school students, emotional intelligence to successfully deal
there are some consequences. Unlike the with negative emotions and sticking
typical high school students whom the themselves to their desired goals. Both of
emotional intelligence serves mainly as a these traits mentioned are not an instant to be
supporting aspect of CDMA to influence built within the students' personality, but
CDMSE, the gifted high school students more of a gradual improvement as students
seem to be influenced by it only as a main learning in school from day to day. In
factor of CDMSE. This is due to the general, school preparation for assisting its
emotional intelligence as a defining trait of students' career choosing and planning

Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 (March), Vol. 19(1), 1-14

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