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1 of plan documents, plan terms and conditions,
2 claims payment policies and practices, periodic fi-
3 nancial disclosure, data on enrollment, data on
4 disenrollment, data on the number of claims denials,
5 data on rating practices, information on cost-sharing
6 and payments with respect to any out-of-network
7 coverage, and other information as determined ap-
8 propriate by the Commissioner. The Commissioner
9 shall require that such disclosure be provided in
10 plain language.
11 (2) PLAIN LANGUAGE.—In this subsection, the
12 term ‘‘plain language’’ means language that the in-
13 tended audience, including individuals with limited
14 English proficiency, can readily understand and use
15 because that language is clean, concise, well-orga-
16 nized, and follows other best practices of plain lan-
17 guage writing.
18 (3) GUIDANCE.—The Commissioner shall de-
19 velop and issue guidance on best practices of plain
20 language writing.
22 health benefits plan shall comply with standards estab-
23 lished by the Commissioner to ensure transparency to each
24 health care provider relating to reimbursement arrange-
25 ments between such plan and such provider.

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