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1 any act or omission the employee reasonably believes
2 to be a violation of any provision of this Act or any
3 order, rule, or regulation promulgated under this
4 Act;
5 (2) testified or is about to testify in a pro-
6 ceeding concerning such violation;
7 (3) assisted or participated or is about to assist
8 or participate in such a proceeding; or
9 (4) objected to, or refused to participate in, any
10 activity, policy, practice, or assigned task that the
11 employee (or other such person) reasonably believed
12 to be in violation of any provision of this Act or any
13 order, rule, or regulation promulgated under this
14 Act.
15 (b) ENFORCEMENT ACTION.—An employee covered
16 by this section who alleges discrimination by an employer
17 in violation of subsection (a) may bring an action governed
18 by the rules, procedures, legal burdens of proof, and rem-
19 edies set forth in section 40(b) of the Consumer Product
20 Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2087(b)).
21 (c) EMPLOYER DEFINED.—As used in this section,
22 the term ‘‘employer’’ means any person (including one or
23 more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations,
24 trusts, professional membership organization including a
25 certification, disciplinary, or other professional body, unin-

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