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As a researcher, you need to study how many Kirana stores in Mumbai sell
Lizol brand and range of products (Surface cleaner, Bathroom power cleaner &
Kitchen power cleaner.) Which non-probabilistic sampling method would you
use to complete your research? Also, state the reasons behind choosing that
method. Also, explain how you will proceed ahead with choosing the
areas/localities in Mumbai to conduct your research along with timelines.


Non-probability sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which the researcher

selects samples based on the subjective judgment of the researcher rather than
random selection. It is a less stringent method. This sampling method depends
heavily on the expertise of the researchers. It is carried out by observation, and
researchers use it widely for qualitative research.

Non-probability sampling is a sampling method in which not all members of the

population have an equal chance of participating in the study, unlike probability
sampling. Each member of the population has a known chance of being selected.
Non-probability sampling is most useful for exploratory studies like a pilot survey
(deploying a survey to a smaller sample compared to pre-determined sample size).
Researchers use this method in studies where it is impossible to draw random
probability sampling due to time or cost considerations.

Convenience sampling:
Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where samples are
selected from the population only because they are conveniently available to the
researcher. Researchers choose these samples just because they are easy to
recruit, and the researcher did not consider selecting a sample that represents the
entire population.

Ideally, in research, it is good to test a sample that represents the population. But, in
some research, the population is too large to examine and consider the entire
population. It is one of the reasons why researchers rely on convenience sampling,
which is the most common non-probability sampling method, because of its speed,
cost-effectiveness, and ease of availability of the sample.

Consecutive sampling:

This non-probability sampling method is very similar to convenience sampling, with a

slight variation. Here, the researcher picks a single person or a group of a sample,
conducts research over a period, analyzes the results, and then moves on to another
subject or group if needed. Consecutive sampling technique gives the researcher a
chance to work with many topics and fine-tune his/her research by collecting results
that have vital insights.

Quota sampling:
Hypothetically consider, a researcher wants to study the career goals of male and
female employees in an organization. There are 500 employees in the organization,
also known as the population. To understand better about a population, the
researcher will need only a sample, not the entire population. Further, the researcher
is interested in particular strata within the population. Here is where quota sampling
helps in dividing the population into strata or groups.

Judgmental or Purposive sampling:

In the judgmental sampling method, researchers select the samples based purely on
the researcher’s knowledge and credibility. In other words, researchers choose only
those people who they deem fit to participate in the research study. Judgmental or
purposive sampling is not a scientific method of sampling, and the downside to this
sampling technique is that the preconceived notions of a researcher can influence
the results. Thus, this research technique involves a high amount of ambiguity.

Snowball sampling:
Snowball sampling helps researchers find a sample when they are difficult to locate.
Researchers use this technique when the sample size is small and not easily
available. This sampling system works like the referral program. Once the
researchers find suitable subjects, he asks them for assistance to seek similar
subjects to form a considerably good size sample.

As we have seen that there is n number of sampling methods done in the marketing
research. so we have decided to choose the best non probabilistic method that suits
our requirements the most.

But in the case which is given the convenience sampling should be used as we need
to study how many Kirana stores in Mumbai sell Lizol brand and range of products
(Surface cleaner, Bathroom power cleaner & Kitchen power cleaner. It is obvious
that the researcher cannot ask each and every Kirana store about the same so
he/she will choose some individuals as per his convenience and proceed further.
This is the case of convenience sampling. In all forms of research, it would be ideal
to test the entire population, but in most cases, the population is just so large that it
is impossible to include every individual. This is the reason why most researchers
rely on sampling techniques like convenience sampling, the most common of all
sampling techniques. Many researchers prefer this sampling technique because it is
fast, inexpensive, easy and the subjects are readily available.

Mumbai is a big city and there must be hundreds of Kirana stores across the city, in
this scenario, it will be difficult to take each and every store and check if they sell
Lizol brand and range of products (Surface cleaner, Bathroom power cleaner &
Kitchen power cleaner. We need to keep in mind the timelines as well so we need to
select a few Kirana stores based on the selective locality. For example, few areas
from Suburban may be chosen which are having a high population such as Andheri,
Borivali, Malad. These areas have many residential societies and nearby many
Kirana stores can be found. Apart from this, few areas from Central and harbor lines
should be chosen. As we will be choosing convenience sampling, we will select a
few Kirana stores only, so we can finish our research on time. Let’s say we have 4
days to complete the research so we can divide the daily work areas wise and
accordingly proceed further. On any one day, we should collect data on areas that
come under one jurisdiction. After this research, we can find out which parts of the
city have good demand for Lizol brand and range of products (Surface cleaner,
Bathroom power cleaner & Kitchen power cleaner and which areas have low
demand so that accordingly companies can make necessary changes in its
marketing strategy.

2. You are the Head of a Market Research Organisation. Your client has
recently introduced “iD Traditional Filter Coffee Decoction”. Your client wants
to understand how customers are reacting to their recently launched Filter
Coffee Decoction. Draft a Questionnaire containing not more than 20
questions that would succinctly address the query posed by the client.


A questionnaire is defined as a document containing questions and other types of

items designed to solicit information appropriate for analysis.The questionnaire may
be regarded as a form of an interview on paper.Procedure for the construction of a
questionnaire follows a pattern similar to that of the interview schedule.However,
because the questionnaire is impersonal it is all the more important to take care of its
construction. Since there is no interviewer to explain ambiguities or to check
misunderstandings, the questionnaire must be especially clear in its working.The
variety of possible answers to each question must be anticipated more fully than for
an interview.

I am the Head of a Market Research Organisation. My client has recently introduced

“iD Traditional Filter Coffee Decoction”. My client wants to understand how
customers are reacting to their recently launched Filter Coffee Decoction. So, I
drafted a Questionnaire. Just know about the basics of the questionnaire before
procedding .


A target market customer profile identifies the customer most likely to buy your
product or service. While some companies create products around a customer
profile, others identify the customer profile once marketing strategies are developed.
The target customer profile identifies shared characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes
the target customers have, and this knowledge is used when creating captivating
marketing materials and promotions. Having a solid and suitable target customer
profile may increase your company’s profits because people in need are buying the
products or serviceThere are roughly two types of questionnaires, structured and
unstructured. A mixture of these both is the quasi-structured questionnaire that is
used mostly in social science research.
● Structured questionnaires include pre-coded questions with well-defined
skipping patterns to follow the sequence of questions. Most of the quantitative
data collection operations use structured questionnaires. Fewer
discrepancies, easy to administer consistency in answers and easy for the
data management are advantages of such structured questionnaires.
● Unstructured questionnaires include open-ended and vague opinion-type
questions. Maybe questions are not in the format of interrogative sentences
and the moderator or the enumerator has to elaborate the sense of the
question. Focus group discussions use such a questionnaire.
● Not all questions are easily pre-coded with almost possible alternatives to
answers. Given answer alternatives of some questions in the standard
questionnaires are left as ‘others’ (please specify). A common and pragmatic
practice is that most of the questions are structured, however, it is comfortable
to have some unstructured questions whose answers are not feasible to
enumerate completely. Such a type of questionnaire is called a quasi-
structured questionnaire.
There are various features of a questionnaire. Some of them are given below:
● It collects quantitative data in a standardized way.
● In the absence of this questionnaire, the researcher can face problems while
collecting the data.
● Questionnaire data or information should be consistent and coherent in
● The questionnaire should enhance the interviewer’s speed and accuracy of
data collection and processing.
● The questionnaire should be in a format that helps the analyst to analyze the
information systematically.

Designing questionnaire

● It should be smaller in size than that of the schedule.
● The extent in length and breadth should be appropriate.
● It should not be more than two or three pages as to the nature of the
● It should be constructed on good quality paper and printing.
● It should have an attractive layout.
● The questions should be short, clear in terms, tenure, and expression.
● The question should be arranged according to the importance and preference.
● The questions of the questionnaire should be able to keep the interest of the
● The length of the questions of the questionnaire should be as short as
● The questionnaire should not be long in length.
Following are the questions which is needed to ask from the customer top get
the response :

A.Please mention your age

a) 30-45
b) 45-60
c) Above 60

B. Did you come to know about “iD Traditional Filter Coffee Decoction”?
a) Yes
b) No

C.Which other coffee products do you currently use?

a) the coffee machine of other brands
b) Low-calorie drinks
c) Sugar-free sweets
d) Other products

D.Did you like the taste of iD Traditional Filter Coffee?

a) Yes
b) No

E.How often do you buy the iD Traditional Filter Coffee Decoction?

a) Very often
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely

F.Did you experience any side effects after using this coffee?
a) Yes
b) No

G.Should the company manufacture more products like this?

● Yes
● No

H. What do you like the most about these iD Traditional Filter Coffee
● Taste
● Sugar-free
● Price
● Other factors

I. Will you recommend this coffee to others?

a) Yes
b) No

J.Do you think diabetic patients should use these types of coffee only rather
than normal coffee?
a) Yes
b) No

K.From where do you buy this coffee?

E-commerce websites
Local Shops
Other sources

L.Did you find any difficulty to find these iD Traditional Filter Coffee Decoction
shops or supermarkets near you?
● Yes
● No

M.How did you find the pricing of these iD Traditional Filter Coffee Decoction?
a) Correctly priced
b) Highly-priced
c) Slightly higher
d) Underpriced

N.Do you find this coffee helpful as you are diabetic?

a) Yes
b) No

O.Do you believe you are using safe products as there are so many products
which use dangerous ingredients?
a) Yes
b) No
P.Do you think this coffee will be hit in the market?
a) Yes
b) No

Q.Did you ever taste this coffee?

a) Yes
b) No

R.As you are diabetic, do you feel, these types of products will make your life
● Yes
● No
● Does not affect much

S.Do you have any other comments? If so, please mention here:

T.Thank You for your help and for completing the questionnaire. Please share
with us your contact details:
● Name:
● Email Id (Optional):
● Mobile Number:

3. You have been recently appointed as a “New Product Development” Head

for Kellogg’s Corn Flakes which operates across pan India. You have been
asked to develop 2 new innovative products as part of their Menu.
a. Explain the process in detail to arrive at the creation of your 2 new products
b. Is there a need to conduct Test Marketing post creation of the 2 innovative
products? If Yes or No, please state your reasons to support your answer.




I decided to make the products related to cornflakes and its mixup. I will make two
new products that are corn flakes Ginger for diabetic patients and cornflakes light up
for depressed persons.

A) The new product development process

Concept Generation and Market Structure Identification: The first stage of the
evolution of a new product begins with an idea for the product. Therefore, this step is
also called the generation of thoughts. Here the company has to create two
innovative products for the customers, so the concept is creating two products which
can be a mix of cornflakes . The next step in the new product development process
is to implement the market structure. This process describes consumers ’perception
of the market. At this stage, the potential for new product entry into the market
structure is assessed. The purpose of developing such a model is to help estimate
the magnitude of the business potential. Next, the collected ideas are examined to
eliminate those that are inconsistent with the company's product policies and
objectives. The main purpose of this step is to eliminate inappropriate ideas as
quickly as possible. Usually, by this time, you have made up your mind about your
new product and how you are moving forward to develop it. You should check the
taste and initial response to your products and how well it attracts customers when
visiting these restaurants.

Advertising Development: This stage of new product development involves

advertising development and formulation of the product. All the announcements and
technological developments of the product concept are more focused on the results
of the previous steps. This phase usually consists of two activities. Development of
advertising strategy and product formulation. The main purpose of advertising is to
create an ad copy, which reflects the product's differences to the consumer. Since
the product is related to customers that are facing problems like diabetes and
depression, these products should be promoted through social media and displayed
on restaurant boards.

Product Formulation and Testing: At this stage, In other words, the idea is
transformed into a product that can be produced and performed. This step is also
known as technological development. It is during this period that all the
consequences of production take place, from idea to final physical form. This is one
of the most important stages of the new product development process, where you
implement your strategy about product development. At this stage, your food items
must be created and you should check it through a test run so the target audience
and some customers can taste it and respond.

Commercialization and Final Experiment: At this stage, the product is submitted

to the market and its life cycle begins. Commercialization is also the most active
stage of marketing for a new product. This step is considered crucial for any new
product and should, therefore, be handled with care. For example, we need to check
if advertising and personal sales are effective and have the right outlets for
distribution. Although previous developmental stages have been planned,
unforeseen events can severely hamper commercialization. At this stage, you start
your product on the market for customers. Here, the company should start offering
these products to customers and observe customer response.


We have made our new products of the cornflakes for the different problems who are
experiencing some types of the problems like depression and diabetes , so we need
to test it before starting actually selling the product. We need to test marketing as we
need to select our target audience and for customers to respond to them as it is
necessary for the success of the product.

The test market provides measurements of customers ’responses to predetermined

factors — product, pricing, and communication planning. It also measures the
commercial acceptance of the product, strategy, and communication plan. (In most
cases, the company may rely on its experience with commerce to predict future

We have followed some types of procedures before going live or in the market and
that procedure and yes we need to do test marketing.

By measuring consumer awareness, product trial, repeat buying, market share, and
sales volume, the test plan gives some indication of the productivity of the elements
of the market plan. These actions are the basis for the “go/no-go” decision. Such a
decision can be made based on the rule-of-thumb - for example, drop the product if
the atrial rate is less than 60%. This decision is then financial, with inputs from the
data markets from the test markets as inputs.

Test markets provide good estimates of consumer response. As CliCamp

emphasizes, “The answers to all the questions you ask about everything you expect
from the test market. In other words, one must be very specific about what one
wants from the test market. For this reason, they are really only designed for go/no-
go decisions.

Concept testing is about measuring customer reactions to a product's idea or

concept. In fact, this is a kind of research in which the product idea is demonstrated
before committing to making any money, time, or labor prototype products. The idea
of a product with as much detail as possible is revealed to the consumer verbally or
through appropriate blueprints. Customers’ response is checked and if it feels
encouraging, the development of the product model is carried out. Here the company
develops new products, they are completely customer-oriented so their reactions are
more important and should go further. Concept testing shows whether a product is
successful or not.

Before the commercial launch, you should test your product and check for any
changes or changes. If you do not, then you may find possible shortcomings, as
product testing is necessary since it will take you longer to correct as you have
already started the product. This test will prove whether the product works as
expected or conforms to the promise of the concept. Such testing enables
management to select customers' likes and dislikes towards the product. This gives
buyers the opportunity to compare the product with competing products.

The final step before commercialization in the new product development process is
test marketing. At this stage of the new product development process, the product
and its proposed marketing program are tested in realistic market settings.
Therefore, test marketing gives the marketer experience in marketing the product
before it goes to the great cost of a full introduction. In fact, it allows the company to
target the product and its entire marketing program before making a full investment
and testing, including positioning, advertising, distribution, packaging, etc.

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