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Cardiovascular B

1. The cardiac nurse instructs a client receiving a pacemaker how the usual cardiac conduction
cycle flow. Which structure does the nurse identify as the natural pacemaker of the heart?
a. SA node
2. The nurse provides care for a client receiving both digoxin and hydrochlorothiazide. The nurse
understands a major adverse effect of hydrochlorothiazide includes which finding?
a. Hypokalemia
3. The nurse provides care for a client receiving methyldopa. The nurse instructs the client about
common adverse effects of methyldopa. Which information does the nurse include?
a. Loss of libido
4. The nurse provides care for a client diagnosed with angina. The nurse understands nitroglycerin
is used in the treatment of angina pectoris for which reason?
a. Decreases preload
5. The nurse provides medication teaching to a client diagnosed with HF. The nurse explains that
digoxin helps the heart pump more efficiently by which action?
a. Increases the strength of the heart’s contractions
b. Slow the rate of conduction through the AV node
6. The nurse instructs a client in the outpatient clinic about a cardiac stress test. Which statement
by the nurse is best?
a. “The stress test will determine the amount of stress that your heart can tolerate.”
7. One week following a myocardial infarction, a client reports experiencing fatigue to the nurse.
The nurse notes the client is slightly SOB and the pulse rate is 110 bpm. Which action by the
nurse is best?
a. Check for any edema or weight gain
8. The nurse understands which reason is the cause of primary hypertension?
a. Unknown
9. The nurse performs blood pressure screenings at the community center. The nurse knows which
blood pressure reading indicates stage 1 hypertension?
a. 130/88
10. The client has started warfarin. The nurse instructs the client to regularly obtain blood work to
measure which laboratory value?
a. Prothrombin time
11. The nurse understands that when performing CPR, which is meaning of CAB?
a. Compressions, airway, breathing
12. The nurse understands the primary purpose of promoting rest for a client following a myocardial
infarction includes which rationale?
a. Decreases the workload on the heart
13. The nurse supervises the nursing student caring for the client who has a femoropopliteal bypass
graft in the right leg 12 hours ago. The nurse intervenes if the nursing student performs which
a. The nursing student places the client in a chair for 30 minutes
b. The nursing student obtains a Doppler evaluation of the clients right leg every 2 hour
14. The nurse in the college student health service is planning a series of brief presentations on
reducing health risks. One of the topics will be toxic shock syndrome. It is most important for the
nurse to target which group in marketing this program?
a. Females on the campus
15. The nurse provides care for a client who is prescribed propranolol. What information found in
the client’s history causes the nurse to hold the medication and contact the health care
a. The client has asthma since childhood
16. A client arrives in the emergency department reporting severe pain in the left leg that is not
relieved by rest or medication. On physical examination, the nurse is most likely to assess which
a. Cold, mottled leg
17. Which nursing assessment is most important immediately following cardiac catheterization?
a. Check the extremities for pulses
18. The nurse provides care for a client 12 hours after aortofemoral bypass. It is most important for
the nurse to place the client in which position?
a. Full supine
19. The nurse is working on a med/surg unit and enters a client’s room: the client is unresponsive,
pulseless, and apneic. The nurse calls for help and begins to administer CPR to the adult client.
Which is most important action for the nurse to take?
a. Compress the chest at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute
20. The nurse is monitoring a client receiving treatment for hypertension. Which blood pressure
reading indicates to the nurse that the treatment is successful?
a. 118/78
21. The nurse expects which lab test result to be elevated for a client following an acute MI?
a. Creatine kinase, troponin, myoglobin
22. The nurse provides discharge teaching for a client with a diagnosis of angina. It is most
important for the client to report which occurrence?
a. A change in the character of pain
23. To assess the pulse during adult CPR, which site does the nurse use?
a. The carotid artery
24. Several hours after being admitted to the unit, and intravenous lidocaine drip for a client
diagnosed with acute MI. The nurse understands which outcome is the purpose of the med?
a. Decrease the myocardial irritability
25. The nurse teaches a client receiving an antihypertensive med before discharge. The nurse
determines that further teaching is necessary when the client makes which statement?
a. “I can stop taking the medication when my BP goes down”
26. The nurse provides care for a client on complete bed rest. Which nursing intervention is most
effective for preventing thrombophlebitis?
a. Administer low molecular weight heparin as prescribed
b. Instruct the client to flex and point the toes every 2 hours.
c. Encourage the client to drink fluids while on bedrest
27. The nurse understands which factor is the most important to maintain adequate circulation?
a. Blood volume
28. A client is diagnosed with angina, and the nurse instructs the client about care at home. The
nurse determines that teaching is effective if the client makes which statement?
a. “If I have chest pain, I should stop my activity and take a nitroglycerin tablet”
29. When the nurse performs CPR on an adult, which is the correct ratio of compressions to breath?
a. 30 compressions to 2 breaths
30. The office nurse prepares a client for a rest EKG. Which statement by the client indicates
teaching is successful?
a. The more still I lie, the better the results will be

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