Confusing Words Upperintermediate Tests - 67940

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1. She is very practical / practicable. She buys only what she can afford.

2. Amsterdam is a city of channels / canals.

3. This dress needs to be changed / altered. It’s too large.

4. There is no room / place for any more suitcases in the boot.

5. Keep some space / place between your car and the car ahead.

6. Although there were a few witnesses of him taking money, he still refused / denied it.

7. Documentaries on environmental issues are very topical / actual nowadays.

8. The next episode / serial of “Pride and Prejudice” will be shown on BBC1 next Friday.

9. Will the school’s policy be affected / effected by the appointment of a new headmistress?

10. A sensible / sensitive person is quick to respond to slight changes.

11. We expect prices to rise / raise by five per cent next year.

12. He applied for a job / work as a waiter.

13. Bach and Beethoven wrote classic / classical music.

14. Would you be so kind as to give me a recipe / receipt for cottage pie?

15. She is very credible / credulous and believes everyone.

16. I have always known that teaching is my vacation / vocation.

17. Oh, those delicious currant / current buns are on sail again!

18. This alarm will sound without fail to alert us of the imminent / eminent danger.

29. We need a specious / spacious flat with two bathrooms.

20. The bank manager has agreed to borrow / lend me another 5000$.

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